HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-07-10, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 4.8, No.
JULY 10 1913
. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
To Satisfy the Self -Interest of Man is the End of Successful Advertising.
Use The New Era to be Successful
Royal Bapk
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Authorized .. . .. .......$25,000,000
Capital Paid-up. ..- . .-
. . .. 11,500.000
Reserve' and undivided
Pretax; . 12,500,000
TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000
With World wide connectlonl
Ietereet allowed on Deposita
General (Banking .busineas trans-
may Time—
Kodak DK
Take a Kodak with pin
. Everything for kodakery at
our store, and prompt de-
veloping and printing,.
J. E. 1-14DoVEY
Dispensing Chemist.
IRev W 1. Rutledge, k
Blyth Youth Was Rescued 11,
Buried Uuder- TWO Feet Of Gravel
FOr Over an Hour
Blyth, July 8,— Considerable excite-
ment was created In Blyth today when
IL was learned that Herbert Dexter,
aged 23, was under a cave in, in the
gravel, pit on Mr. Taman's farm ad-
jacent to the town.
A large number of citizens autoed
out, and after a strenuous hour and a
halt's work he was freed from his peril-
ous position, little the worse for his
He was covered with over two feet
of earth and how he escaped instant
death was a puzzle to all who saw the
Don'ts for Hot Days
Don't walk on the sunny side of the
street more than is necessary.
Don't walk rapidly. Stop lonk
enough to cool off. -
Don't try to stop ,the free flow of
Don't drink too rapidly. Sip your
Don't drink too much water --just
enough to keep the peispiration flow
Don't overeat. Avoid meats—espe
cially salt meats. Kat plenty of cer
eels fresh fruit and vegetable,
Don't allow your digestion to get
out of order.
Don't take a bath in water that is
too cold better take sponge baths.
Fall Tenn Opens Sept. 2nd
. ELLicrrra,
Stands to -day -without a super-
ior in Canada.
Graduates highly successful,.
Catalogue Free.
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
on sums of $1 and upwards from date of deposit
Joint Accounts Allowed
C E-. DOWDING. Manager
Clinton Branch,
vell•••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I Ordered
I Ready.to-Wear
Clothing I
Clothing THE 12th
How is Your Wardrobe
for the 12th ?
Plenty of Cool Things
The New Pastor Of Wesley Church
A few introductory 'words re -
left lye bola new pastor is always in
order and of interest to the peo-
•ple, hence wegive place to the
following sketch referring to the
new incumbent of Wesley. church;
who took his initial services 1.ast
Rev. W.L. Rutledge. D. D., NV4S
orcliained into the, Methodist 'min-.
isltry in the old Toronto Confer-
ence 'in 1876 after having spent 3
years. at College. Im mediately
following his ordination he took.
charge. of Yonge street (John Mac^
eionald church) Toronto. and after
3 years' pastorate moved to Wes-
ley church in the same city. At the
.close of the term Dr. Rutledge ac-
cepted a call to Zion church, Win-
nipeg, and 3.years later went to
Poatage la Prairle, Man., and from
there back to Winnipeg to the pas -
borate of Grace church. A call was
accepted from. the College church.
Cobourg, Ontario, and on comple-
You can't get all' the fun that's coming to you On t
I the Glorious 12th unless you dress in cool raiment. :
: •
I HOW about one of our two-piece Suits •
: In Homespun `b •
It will cost you only $6,5o, $1o.00 or $12.00 to
• • get inside.
Soft Shirts, Summer Shirts une new patterns, as cool
• as a cucumber, 75c to $2.00 •
Silk Tub Ties, newest effect, they're smart at 25c
• Cool Underwear that sifts the coolness from the
breeze, all styles, from 50c to $1.50
Straw and Panama Hats, its for sun, 50c to $2.5o
All the swell shapes.
The Ntorrish Clothing
tion of term and the removal of
the Clallege to Toronto, he was
:transferred by invitation to Brant
avenue, Brantford, where 5 en -
enjoyable y,eers were spent, The
First Methodist church, Hamilton,
was emelt on tbe list for 4 years,
Central church, Woodstock, for a-
n oth eir 4, then to Park street
church Chatham. Next the Lon -
clan First Methodist church was
his appointment and he has :now
come from Wingham where 4 years
were spent, preferring to remain
in Onearia, though he had an in-
vitation to Broadway church, Win-
nipeg. Offices of trust and honor
have Gome to Rev. Dr. Rutledge
such as President of the Manitoba
and Northwest Conference in 1890;
Chairman of Portage la Prairie.
Winnipeg, trantford, Woodstock
and Wingham, Districts, 12 years in
alland three times a member of
the General Conference. The
reeterend gentlemen took his de-
gree. in Arts from McGill Univer-
sity in 1891 and was madeeD.D. by
Wesleyan College, Montreal in
1907. ,
Miss Annie Lister, daughter of
the late Jioseph Lister, eel:tar/10ton
beeame Dr, Ilutledige's beide, in 1879
and has proven herself a faithful
and successful letnower wi(th her
husband in the vineyard. Two
sons and •a daughter were born to
the home, ell of whom are now
Married and located in Montreal.
Winnipeg and Windser. • •
On a gto.colly number of charges
new churches were built or enlarg-
ed lend thte Doctor has enjoyed a
large share of blessings in. , his
long and successful min:Aerial car-
eer. He p.ossesses a good share of
sermonic abiliey, as isevidenced
by thie pulpits he hes been,:called
ueen to fill., lame is said to be
judicious:. and genial Pastor. •Th.
,New Hee wishies him and his,con-
veggie') aterm, marked by
large measnre of prosperity 'and
,leds them, useleomei to Clint -on -
+ Personal Notes +4-
4. If those having relatives or friends 4+
Ad visiting in totvn or going sirfal,
ff.: notify us of tlie font each wash. ,
'y'r would announce it in the Naw EVA
Miss Fielien Eloss is visiting at.
EN eter.
Dr. Axon Was in Detroit over
Sunday. ,. .
Mr. 13erft 'Johnsonis home for the,
Mr. James Flynn was in iWiaig-
,ham last' avet&t.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kilbride spent
(the wietak end he Detroit.. .
Miss Maude Cook is renewing old.
friendships at her hope here,
Miss Hoclgins. of Toronto, visited
with' taild friends OVer Sunday. i
Mr. HL, Brewn, of Toronto', was
Ne>dt Sunday. is known'as World'sSunday, Sehool, Day. and Suedixe,
.Scheals everywiaere .are,aanifin,g,10
greyer 'Silos reaelt • Other Intl the
everith Worrld's S,S. Conventioin
now .in bessicin lin Zurich, Switzer-
land. The special order of ser-
vice which has been prepared bye,
pInternational Cornmitt.eo, has
been printed in pver 100' lainguages
and dialectei and will be used in
many ltheusands of Schools on
.every Continent hind in man' is -
lands of th.e s,ea. Ministers of
gospel in all lends are asked' Ito
iemphlasize the value of the S. 5. as
• nalake special reference bait and
The. regular meeting of the Town
Council was held on Monday even-
ing, Cours ncilloCluff and IVIorrisb
absent. es
The rninuitbf the regular and
spe.cial meeting were read and
confirmed. .•
A communication was read from
G. Id. Chambers bf Blyth, 'enclos-
ing check for $22.11 for use of
the crushee at Blyth l•aet winter
for crushing coal.
' 'The, Fire and Water Conmettee
are Item•est Mr: 'Wm. 'Elliott to
make arrangements for use of fire
engine at the Stanley., bridge.
a visitor with his mother over
• Chairman Ford read the follow -
Sunday. . minigitterzort of the Street Com-,
eixiVliternsel. 31. fafv Ash -emlte"t hnier an a '‘
t. "..nur 'Committee beg to report
Brussels. as follows. The work passed at '
May meeting ofCouncil has been
pretty well completed; Isaac St.
has been graded from bowling
green to,the railway; Mary Street
toelectric light pliant; Princess '
Street west has been done and mein
are notw working on Princess Sit.
east. This work will be. completed
(to -morrow. As our appropriation
is running short we will have to
stop grading for the season. Mary
Street drain is about completed,
and drain on King Street in "Lit-
tle -England" has been completed.
This work has been done by our
street men end a good job has
been done. There is enough stone
on handfor repairing macadam
road opposite Mr. William Jack-
son's property, but as our appro-
priations are not enough to go
on with this work it will haveto
lay over for another year, but in
regard to Bayfield road opposite
Mr. Jackson's, I strongly, reeom-
mend that the Council devise some
means to -improve the road 2e it is
than almost impassable condition
both spring and fall.
The Finance Committee's re.port
was re.aid and adopted.
On motion of Paisley aud Masen
the account on the Thresher Co.'s
liens was ordered to be settled
tor $10.00.
Tbe accounts of W. Steep and
A, McCeitney on street workwere
ordered lo be paid.
Council adjourned to meet at the
call .of the Mayor,
' Mr. Chas.' Bart liff waS 'Calling on
oldfriends ht BrusSelts:, during the
past 'Week.
..Miss Petrite, of Toronto, ,was the..
guest tof,the Misses Matheson over
the week end..
• • .
Miss Ella McGuire pf • Toronto
spent the week -end • ' Clinton
and Pionter's Hill - •
3I5ss Winnifred Beowne of Kin-
earclin.e'is the. guest 'ether cousin
Miss Hattie Greig.
Mr. CUL Andrews, °lithe Royal
Rank staff at Elmira, is spending
his viacatito.n here.
Miss Helen Roberton is visiting
at the home -of her ,uncle, Mr. Jas.
B'a I lantyne, Brussels.
Miss Olive Floody, a member of
the Toronto teaching staff, is
visiting friends here.
Mrs. 1VIoses and MTS. Hogg, of
near 'Brussels, were visitors with
their sister, Mrs. Martin of
Miss Strachan of Now York. for-
merly of Clinton has bean the
guest of Mrs. duningharne for a
few days.
Miss Mayfricl Allin will accom-
pany Miss Mildred Reece to heir
home in Cleveland. They expect
Ito go next week.
Mr. jack Levy, of Toronto, and
son of 1V1r. James Levy, was among
the Huron Old (Boys on Saturday.
Jack le looking fine.
Miss Lucy Stevens 'left on Tues-
day via C. P. R. bio.at to 'spend a
short hol;day with ‘refatives and
friends at Fort William,
Miss Ida Walkinshaw, of Couch &
Co's., store is taking her holidays.
Miss Dell, 0"Nea took in the boat
trip to Detroit on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner are
spending ithis week tat the Ontario
St.•Plarsionage before leaving for
their Western hoixneein Regina.
A iweek lago Sunday Rev. J.
Greene preached in Tara and 40
years ago lase Sunday Me. Greene
took chargeof the Tara circuit.
Miss Elizabeth Whitely, Huron
street, and- her sister, Mrs. Charles
worth, went to Ottawa, to visit Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Lawrence and fam-
iA parity of young ladies includ-
ing Misses Hattie Holloway, Ida
Wilkin, Elsie Ross end M. Pinning I
expeet to spend the next few days
aft Bayfield.
Mr. Tony VenEemiond gottiof Mr.
.lames VanEgreend of the gravel
road, who has been !living at
Seattle and SanFranciscos has re -
(thread name.
The many friends oiler. Phillip
Crews of Winnipeg, formerly of
C)ieten, will regret to hear of the
serious illness el Mrs. Crews,
whose condition is causing grave
an agency for the extensicer . of
A Situate Dealtor Every Man the of lGed .eind Urging'd s th
4.0.044•04•••••••444,44444 •444444•444044.44444444.444,..'
Mrs Get°. Roberiton and Master
Kenneth are visiting in Brussels
When they return Miss Helen, who
has been visiting there for some
time, will be ,accompanied by Mies
Jean Foix.
Current rumor sayeethat several.
charming and handseme Clinton -
:ens ofthe gentler sex, will short-
ly .enter the state let matrimony,.
One of (the events will. be a church
Mr. and rMs. Richard Brady„ and
son, Kenneth, of Taranto, who
have tepn visiting their aunt ane
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. &eines Levy,
of (town for the past two 'weeks
returned' home on Wednesday..
'Mr. W. B. Seoet, wife and dau-
gheer, ef Toronto, were here last
wieek. Mr, Seett lean old New Era
employee, !and his sister, Miss
Scoet, who has resided here for
years, will shortly naoyte to Tor -
Miss Etta Mcl3rien was ,successful
in her ‘piarila course in connection
with the Toronto Conservatory of
Music Teasing with honors in her
Tentor or Grade III exams. The
Young. ladle is a promising pupil of
Mies Clete Flora.
Mrs. T.Kea'rns left thia week for
an extended visit, at the Sop. She
ftdok the! C, P.11: boat at Port
'IVIrs. Houlciten has -been' seriously
ilt during the past • week. 'Her'
many ioldfriende • all -Wish for a
apcedy recovery. '
, .
Steetford Herald,eddr. Lloyd C.
HodginiseM,A , of Conccaet N.11.. is
isneteling his' holielaYs with 'his'
parents, Rev. J... W. and Mrs. nod -
gum, bf St Paul's church. They go
ttio their 'summer cottage at Bay-
field, 'next week •
Auxiliary Plants
The Eleetrical News. published
in Tioronto semi-monthly. last
week gave the following editorial
on auxiliary plants, which deals
with the question whtat The New
Era brought out last week. We
have (the auxiliary plant here now.
Let us keep it,
"The inevitable has happen-
ed—the transmission line of the
Hydee-Electric Power Commis-
sion of Oneario, with its manifold
faders of safety has in its turn
been plat out of commission by
adverse aerniespheric conditions
—unfortunately for two periods
of several hours duration each,
We do not believe this has been
a matter to came any sati sfee-
tion to even the worst enemies
of municipial ownership, •bet it is
nether an.experience from which
all sho,uld profit—it seems an 00 -
answerable argument in favor of
auxiliary equipment for every
geineraltin•g plant serving a man-
ufacturing district. The finen-
eel •loss to a manufacturer dur-
ing a prolonged shult,down is
very great: and when we try to
calcultafte• the total loss, direct
and indirect, over the immense
area served by Ithe Ontario Com-
mission it is evident that the
ampunt soon becomes eompar-
able with the cost of installa-
tion of the necessary auxiliary
plants. Such auxiliary plants are
also very valuable -in keeping
down •fthe peak 'load, which forms
the basis on which payment for
energy is generally made, Added
IGO. this, there is the certain feel-
ing that in the minds of custom-
ees .ofany system that has once
laded, that the same thing will
likely happen again, and this
Makes it More diffichlt to take
on new custoMers or in crease the
lead of the old ones. Undcnibt-
edly the best -advertisement e
distributing system can ihave s
an unbroleen record for unin-
terrupted service.
i'Tho Ontario ' Camniiasion's
line has been, so well construct-
ed, it has scarcely been criti-
cised. The •simulteneloies failure
iof two circuits so splenclidlY de-
signed ias (these were, and' atthe
same time, 80 thoroughly isolated
from 'one anether cinly, meatus,
that:,eo siegle spurt - of pewee
can g•ivei.lhe guarantee demand-
ed by modern . commercial life.
This misliep alsoi indicates the
direction in which the greatest
need lies for engineering, in-
4C --
Now for the cherry harvest.
Good Morning! Is your school
teacher. leaving -your schooi?
Saturday Of this wctek will he
the eventful "12th", He,nsall will
be the meeting place tor(the day to
Lodges in this district.
A new benevialent hod fraternal
Order has bean promoted in Can-
ada ftlebet known as the "Beavers."
4 Mei name is indicative Of a busy.
bustling institutioin with plenty of
hard wloirk we suppme we are, pos-
sibly, all eligible kle membership.
ellost of us think we hav,e worked
like bteavers all our days.
New Rank Act came, inta force
last week. There are Biome good
features' about it and we trust et
maY keen tab pn banking anterests
eXe(thlaie the public -will not have
reason to have their faith shaken
in there as was the case iwitheerne
of (the monetary institutions of
Canada in the past few years.
In San Domingo De. Morris has
miade diseovery that has answered
the coinmend "Swat the mosquito."
Petrlo•leurns is place,d in pools and
tanks pf standing water and what
would be breeding pieces to these
annoying insects are put out of
business, The Dr. says the petrol-
eum (eaves no taint on drinking
Walter. •
Wlalter H. Page will be the
United States ambassador to
Grelat Britain. He is 58years of
age, alive journalist and. should
prove ia Worthy representative. A
tactful man isneeded for the
position and from the reports that
eome to hand this new Page Will .1..)e
turned over with expectation of a
wise end. careful aciminiseration of
public affairs.
• When dlid you write that last
letter tithe Mel home or the old
friend? You said you would do
better, . you know, but are you
lee,eping up (to.this promise? If
yo -u won't write regularly a cope of
the New Ere sent to the absent one
*mild supply the local and district
n,ews and be a remi n der (of the le eine-
er 52ftimes ineeyear. You. send
$1.00 and the P.O. address andwell
dlathe rot.
Serious have been the rebuffs
experienced by Northern Ontario
from the fire fiend and the losses
met with will. be heavy going for
some time by mlany of the suffer-
ers. Ft. its very tru.e that fire is a
good servlant but a bad master and
May seen cause g•reat destruction
oncele gets the upper band, We
hope the government willconaider-
aftely follow out a.program of help
in time pf need. Promptness ,; is
one °lithe. essentials.
"Turning turtle" is beeoming
quite a eommon phase and usually
the accident is accompanied by
serious resules if not fatal. A
chauffeur may knew the highway
very well but 'he runs big chances
if he unttertaltes 30 miles in hour
just liar the fun of it. The speed
artist is nlot the.only ODA rulnning
risks. sasoither people who have
rights to public roads have a claim
on a ceseain amount of.protectiotn
against the tool autolet,
After successful itinery of two
months the special train that car-
ried (the "made -in -Canada" goods
has completed the program for
this time. If big cilewds 11) attend-
ance, wide interest manifeeted end
• system of thorough adviertising
carried pat is any indication of
exipeeted results then the pres-'
pecks etre rosy and shot -1;1d even-
tuate in a producer and the custom -
'When the tnedneer and the custom-
er meee there is (always sennething
The lealkan. einbreitment, con-
Alleles. and!, is likely, to for a few
'ty(ets, .as the epetbattinta eave been
en re -Alin -dean heel :so -long- -thee.
.probaloly. have little concep f
-ehet power is. They have bed- a
. .
-eaugh i•experience, but they will
genuitY. and. imertavieleee a.-eelle 41(tinsete.le learn that the triumphs
•Mr. and Mrs .• W.A. Moore' iand'i Ferfecitigfl 0,f.a,n1ratio •to nrell.ent ef ...pe•ace superse.cle the transitory
iftivie children. dame to Clinton lia ''' idiirous.'16lan,ritafe.i 'fiojinarioutlanas9m7icsi:litolead ,,dvaotates _of w.ar., Ti.oe p. Owen
their alitemobile feam Marlette, '
Mich., end ere ,t.he guests at the- lighening ineotection devices in appear to be disposed to let the
avihop.semo,ofc,rfloioasiiaucEr;Iftiz.a,hAterths.i,mWohoitreelyi,s, iwsnehhetielaes:issie,.iomtirpilyaldlo enno(gyin74,einetg. --.„Beeregglegie on uo.resii thozie iii-
aidaughlter lei Noble .Whitel,Y,' for-, • knowledge -will eeer, in !the . die- I wes, teed., belt fee mediatioii, Wer
(beet future, l'e, ah that paint of should .npft be. Permitted. in the
reerly lof Tucklersmilth,.. • , i
perfection where. allele vagar-
Jer, end. Mrs. J'actob. Taylor ileft 'ies ofehe eightpieg, fliaah can be 20th eeliturY'__ci , ,
fio,r, Winnipeg eind-Other .-ienestere. ,fieireseen and ,guarded Against, ' . *i , • i
points onTeesday- morniege ThieY lonlY blie future ceeesee, butin e.Whaft will, the' Dominion Vie-dis-
'eateett totriavel by. beet to ..Fort the meantime it is eiedene.-that -tribatitan Bill do with 'Huron,
Welliam, lthenee, be G'•-.T.P. te 'des-. aolitingoes .tiertnee i. gee -he , :lad ielee.eite . i one, of ,tee etieseeeis that
rti i • i Itleation -. DuriegelliIreiTaylor 8 .11137. Itni;ISii ale the- price ,ef. at 'deplicat- , • - i' 1 - -
"(Tufty ' of tinvbing. thet-yotith iv igh9w, 1.1Is ,. bul,nees , elieb iftt d -.elk .plant• be one- - ' kind,or is dolning 0pfor consideraltion. We
I &cleft lof the scripture i ' efleftle by his: esbn i ' WnB, •••• Toy] or. el ."'ilicebter .1: • .! ei. e • ' '''' ' 'late Lorry that the reduction in
, ,
. -
Hot Weather
Talcum Pio wder
Toilet Water,
Retxtl Shatappot
Fibrida Water
Toi Leiti Soep•
Bath Mitts
Feet' Powder
Font Bath Tablets,
Rexall Beet Iron & Wimp
The Best Summer Tonle..
W.q.R. Holmes
a mping
Paris Pate
Anchbry Paste
Peanut :Butter
Pima/lee Cheese
Cream, Salute Dressing
Daleares Lemonade
Deleon's Orangeade
Heintz Pork and Beans
Pickles and Olives.
W. T.
Phone 48
population necessitates the cpleite-
eration of one of the three rictinBe
as alreaide constitute, it. Some al
the political carving done in Hear—
bn (the, vast. both Dominic:ea err&
Provincial. have bean fearfullyami
wonderfully med•e, and nopartice-•
liar credit is due tp those who dild
the. scheming to gain political az,—
cendlancy. How to divide elaW
county in two constituencies.
give hoftth sats to the present
Government will keep the students
of geography husy. Of course,
there is the Senate -total', beck ma
if ithe M.P.addenda is net possibree
Rumer says th,e ridings will bee
North tanid South wh.en the work
is done.
• • • ems • so •••••••• ossuimme
Local News
• Th .eN,ew Era has receive4 fworef
that binder twine has ad,vaneee
during (the past few weeks and ifit,
!able to go higher as the raw mat-
eriel is very scarce,
34 SHOTS UP. • —
Three rinks of Bowlers freeze
Exeter oame up bn Friday effete •
noon [last and played after tire
rain. The Clinton Bowlers hadanri
cloy time 01 it and won by 34 state.
Fallowing were the players;—
Clinton Exetert...-
E. Canteten W.11, Levees,: e
J. McLeod J A. Stewart: ,
D, A. leorresitter Rev.. Oolfins
J. Harland 16 R, G. Selidon
R. Manning
Ile Jackson
E. »Qoertjce
W. 'Ilezez-
Dr. Shaw
3, Nediger
P. Town
W. T,
F. W. Glean's=
W. D, elarket
.22 W,J, HcamanJ
M. M. Doyfer.
H. Sipackruare
20 R. N. Cireech IE
The visitors were to play in Hes
evening but the reinstiorm e'en—
celled the game. During the la—
ternoion Tom Jackson jr, and Ib
Presbyterian howlers • trinomsel
John Ransford and his Angliettes
bunch, sol bed—we will not put iiro
the rigOtne.
A week age Tuesday James -
Andeetws, jof Coshecon, Ohio, pease-,
ied 'away after a lingering ieneeene,
dropsy. Deceased was in hie VAZ ,
year and was bern in the villegn
08 NOlith Gore, Calton County -
Afterwards with the family lee
lived in this locelity, leaving At7V31."
Deity years ego and first living:list
South Dakotaeand afterwarda sneer—
ing tes ;Ohio where he has residetil
ever since. -Ite is survived by Eke
wiclaw, [two sons and adaug.htes..
The late Mr. Andsews was an Ate-
micen veteran havieg been first ess
member pike° 65th Regt., of New
Yeek !ante atee transferree to tete
125th Beige He was in the fareene
retreat of 200 miles of Lee% an -
Ile Richmond. The 'fitnerlat, wens
liel.c1 ton Thursday ilaaft 'end 'ens
priveee Pollee Magetrate Ante
rews land' 0,A. Andrews ,aftteraile4 -1theif brother's funeral.