The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-03, Page 8ile:ani
we clear out the balance of our Fancy Parasols.
Now that the season is just starting. this will be a good
opportunity to get a nice new sun shade less than Cost,
$1 and $1.25 Fancy Parasols 15c
About two dozen in all, Ladies Fancy Summer Parasols, crooked and
straight wooden handles. Mercerized tops in all the popular shades,
also white, regular $ t and $1 25, Saturday 75e
$2 and$5
2,2 Fancy Parasols $1.25
Ladies fancy top mercerized and silk mix Parasols, in all the uew
shades, wood handles, regular $2 and $2,25, Saturday special.... $1.25
TWO Specials in Whilewear
for SaIllNIOij.
5oc White Cotton Drawers 36c
Three dozen Ladies Fine White Cotton Drawers (open only) em-
broibery trimmed, all sizes, regular 50c
Special for Saturday 36c
$i.00 White Underskirts 75c
Two dozen Ladies Fine White Cotton Underskirts, daintily trimmed
with embroidery, all sizes, regular $1.00
Special for Saturday 75c
�Rtl►ttord♦t•}••di••••••ti'•dtd tsa';
Last Friday evieatng "We Six" Hogs $9,60.
held ioanle of their den -Cos at Ray- Butter -19-20:
(laid. An e, o, arls t me was spent Eggs 20e to 21e,
by all presienft,
The Joe Mar'k9Co. were in (town
from Thin. scla,k last nntii Monday
night. The plays were clean and
Advertising intensifies the article
and service advertised 10 the man be
hind the advertisement is had the
best advertisement on earth will not
make him good. Advertising multiplies
that which is,
Some of The New Bra's correspon
dents at points through the county
are complaining of the speed and
recklessness of the drivers of autos,
Asa general thing the great majority
of drivers in the town are very careful
and observe the regulations, It is to
be regretted that the foolinese of a
few should make a bad reputation for
the whole auto family.
Word was rec,ei ved last week of
the death in Australia of William
'C.Mcielrillan, formerly a resident
of Clinton. And a brother of tl e late
Mrs. 11, F. Streets. It is 36 years
hast Feibreary since he first .left
,Ciin(tlon It took 30 clays for the
word to reach here by Letter•,
Many ,,tthe -old timer`s will rem em
ber him ,when he lived' here,
Customs Officer Wiseman has bed
another increase for the past three
months over wear o. -Collect-
ions for. April May Jun., 1912 $:10.-
150.27; coitac(t ons for April May
and June 1413, $11,588,82; an im-
crease bf $1,429,55.
This woe:: a new touring car was
n I;, Bred to Mr. J. Elliott; livery
man of town, and one is in course
of construction for Mrs, White-
head, ,of town, A 2 tan truck and 3
touring cars were sold and shipped
Ito ,a Toronto firm this week.
Mrs. Joseph Colelough wishes to
thank the Canadian Order of
Foresters for their promptness in
sending the $1,000 insurance on her
late husband, also for the funeral
benefits, She wishes the Order'
every success in (their good work.
For the. past couple of weeks
several Sunday Sch'o'ol 'workers
have been trying to have a union
Sunday School excursion to Kin-
cardine, but some of the schools
ss,em indifferent and practically:n•o
progress has been made. Kincar-
dine would mlalae, an ideal sport for
an ,excursion, asfthey have a splen-
, did beach and park, and ne,ar(the
station, Let everybody boost for
(the, trip,
While going Ito'Holmesville on
the tst Mr. A. Innis and • daughter,
of town were upset when the horse
took fright at an auto. Outside of
a few bruises the occupants •were
unharmed, brut the buggy was
badly damaged, •
The 'Good ®ld Summer Time"
Would be much more en?oyable to many were it
not for the ever present worry of something for dinner.
One of our Perfectioln 011 Stoves in the kitchen
reduces this worry to a minimum. No heat, no dust, no
anxiety about the cooking -just solid comfort -when
you come to know how simple, durable, economical and
easily managedit is, you would scarcely care to be with-
out one. We have them in 2, 3 and 4 burners.
3 second hand Gasoline Stoves in good working order at
a bargain, A few Lewn Mowers at reduced prices,
Big stock of Screen Doors and Windows, Hammocks
and Ice Cream Freezers, We have added to our
stock Beaver Board, Binder Twine, Fire, proof Safes,
A fine asscrtment of Cut Glass of the highest quality
and the lowest -price.' We have the agency for the new
Vacum Washer, makes wash day a pleasure, only $2.50.
Bnrgess Pure Paris Green
Th ,-Fa",e.ba11 boys won at Wing
ham in( the afte.•ne on of Domilnia,,
Day, by a score of 2-1, W,e,r and
Ed. Johnston were the • lucky ones
to. score; Tasker pitched an air-
tight game and both teams .play -
errorless ball
Wingham-0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1.
Clinton -0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2
Ea(ttea':es-Wingham, Telfer and
Spurt; Clinton„ Tacker and W,e'r,
Oasts -34,
Barley -45-4,8.
Peas -75,
Bran -$20-$22,
Shorts -$25
well presented. The 'warm wench-
er, no doubJt, kept the crowd away• COUNCIL ON MONDAY,
MINOR LOCALS. • The regular meeting of the town
strawberries:are Council for July will be held'on
grownThomeThomemondlay ee,,niug at 8o clock,
on the, market.
Lacrosse, match on Friday at 6,30 A calm conservative advertismeut if
sharp. Wingham ve. Clinton, well written and properly displayed is
• vastly more effective than a spread
A VACATION NECESSITY eagle bombastic lot of boastful lang
Six Drown At Edmonton
When Motor launch Upsets
' t N a sent nage which the merchant himself floe
R'Have,, the Clinton New Era
to your summer address, Notify not believe.
Party of Business Men and Their
Wives Meet Death in
the circulation department, giving
your old as well as your new ad-
dress, and you will receive your
pap err promptly.
Elsewhere the Menu for' the Sun
day dinners a¢ the Hotel Norman- FOUR SHOTS CUP,
die, is Hound and the Proprietor Throe, rinks of 111riteheli. Fowlers
s that if conven'.,ent, those who were Here on Dominion Day and
wish to come would they kindly let lost by four shots. Owing to the
them know in advance if possible, score cards not b,e,;ng handed to
but to co -mo anyway. the secretary we are unable to
GARDEN PARTY A SUCCESS give names of players and totals.
J. Walt is offh
ering afire Tropy
for single competition among the
BCi w Less and some splendid playlllfi
is now being dole, The Trophy is
competed for every week,
EDMONTON Alta., June 26. - Roden
0, Hooper, manager of Marshall Wells
Oompany, and wife; Earl Meredith,
superintendent of Marshall Wells
Company, and wife, and Mrs, Case,
wife of Manager Case, of West End
branch of the Imperial Bank and
mechanican, were all drowned to
night, when a .motor launch upset in
the river. Case, himself, was saved
after making an effort to save his
Mr, Hooper referred to above was a
nepben of Mr, A. Hooper, of town•
The garden party held .last ev-
ening nnfthe, rectory grounds was
a very successful one The crowd
was large and the proceeds made
i(t,a, financial success as well: The
Citizen's Band was in atte(adance
and rendered a fine program.
Clin(tion Modie'l. School opens on
August 19th. A large attendance
is. ,looked for by the Department.
Lacrosse maftch, Wingham Vs.
Clinton, on Fridlay evening, at
5,30 sharp. Come along and cheer
the Mays.
Wingham lacrosse Ream plays in
Clinton on Friday at 6.30 p.m. The
Clinton boys have now got a good
sitart and with a win on Friday will
put them inexeeilent position to
capture the League. Everyone
should goland seeithem play.
On Sunday June Minn at an
advanced age lot 75 years Ann Nlc-
iGe'trick, piass.ed away. The fun-
eral took place from the residence
.of1Vlr, and Mrs; P.,O Reynolds Wil-
liam street, on Tuesday to St.
Joseph's church, where Rev. Fr,
Hogan conducted service and then
(ba the R.C. Cemetery in Hullett
Petitions are being circulated in CHANGES IN TIME TABLE.
Clinton asking the secretary of
state to submit the Canada Tem -
Several chanes were made in the
perance Act to the electors of timetable at the G.T.E. station
llunon County. It is probable that
the 'vote will be taken 'before the
close of!the present year.
Summer resorts in
Highlands of Ontario
101usleoka Lakes -
Lake let Bays.
(Georgian Bay
Algonquin Park
Jdaganeitawan River
French River
Timeg,a,mi •
ISawaritha Lakes
Full, summer, service ,nowt' in
effect teal' of the above resorts,
Write, foofull particulars and il-
lustrated Solders to env ' Grand.
Trunk agent,
Each Tuesday until ,Oct. 28' in-
clusive -
The Post Offioe Department have
isrued a new regulation forb,idd-
io,' he putting up of any knd of
notice, written or printed, in any
post office, unless it be depart -
m nt notice, The public need not
WfnniFeg and retuiin ...$15,00
Edmonton and ret ruin 43,00
Low raftes to other points, Return
limit two, months:' Pullman Tour-
ist Sleepers leave Toronto 1135 p.
m' on above dates. running through
to, Winnipeg via Chicago and 'St
Paul without change • Tickets are
( _
also, on'sa!he via Sarnia and North
ern Naviga(tilon. C'ompa.ny
The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail-
eetay is tire, shiart,est and.quickest
melte between Winnipeg,. Saska-
toon and lEdmonton
Tickets new on scale at all Grand
Trunk ticket ;offices
passenger &(ticket agent, phone 57
A. :0. PATTISON, De,olt.Agetint
10. E. IFLORNING:, D P. A.,
Union. Staftion, Toronto, Dstt,, bear(ta tyoanfiLrence;,,•:
Going East -7.33 a.m.; 3.03 p.m.;
5.15 3). m.
Going West -11 a. m., 1.35 p.m. 6.32
p in., and 11.28 p.m.
Going South -7 33 a.m. and leaves
,at 8.10 a.m.; 4.23 p.m.
Going North -10.25 and leaves at
11 a.m.; 6.35 p.m.
Levine annoyed if' he post -master The Goderich Star of last week
roar -net auy notices put up in the makes the following reference to
office, ` lior,e are his instructions. Registrar Goats' garden; -.Regis-
trar Coats' gardens are just now
MAIL P.AG TIIR.OWN( assuming their loveliest condition
BREAKSS WOMAN'S LEG. pis roses in'tbe rear of his office
"A peculiar accident occurred at are in bloom in all si7,o3 and hues.
1 and .n, sight is.on�e+vcll worth a
15e eO. on Friday H. night t 'last visit 'fie has a uol le�:tion of poon-
ncel:,. The T. h & B. Last train les behind his residence, 11 in anent
ter stopping theca, an bag
off herr. which give great promise of
threw the Fenwick mai kni+r tiff 1;:'atrty.
'the tnaln, striking Mrs. Couch, tl.e,
wife of Rev. S. E. Couch paster of LACROSSE SCHEDULE.
the 117ethiodist Church of Fenwick, ( 1
brtaking he' leg at the knee and Juy
inflicting other injuries. Mrs.! July
Couch 'vias not at the depot, but( July
on the roadway waiting for ti e July
train to pass. The accident might , Aug
have cost her life. This is the Aug.
,third accident of this natul a oc- Aug.
curring alt that de'p'ot." S, E. Aug,
Crouch is a sister-in-law of Mrs, A, Aug.
Clench. Ontario streeet, and the in-
jured lady has oditeel visited here. i
and spent the summer at Bayfield
On Saturday afternoon three
Goderich Rinks of Bowlers were
defeated on the local green by a
score of 52-69,
Goderich, Clinton.
F. Hunt
J Adams
W. -Powell
L. Do:herty...17
B. Hovey .
N. Ball
J.'Steven s on...'31
E. McLaughlin FI. Paull
Dr, Shaw C5, Btoberiton
C. Nairn E. Oour'tice
J. Doyle 9 •0, Dowding...40
R. G, Reynolds J. Watt
A Porter RE, Manning
W. Lane J. Nediger Next week will be the week for
F. Davis ?6 D, A, Forester 8 Strawberries, Call and leave your
Total 52 Total 69 lorddr.
3-Goderich at Kincardine.
15-Wingham at Goderich
24-Wingham at Kincardine
30 -Clinton alt Kincardine
4-Goderichr at Clinton.
11 -Clinton aft Wingham.
14 -Kincardine at Goderich.
21-Goderieh at Wingham.
28 -Kincardine at Wingham
The annual excursion of the Huron
Old Boys' Association of Toronto will
be held on Saturday July 6th. to Olin
ton and Lucknow The Clinton train
will start first and will reach Clinton
at 11.30 a. ne and the Lucknow train
will reach Lncknow about 12.30. Re
turning special will leave Clinton on
Monday July 7th at 7 p.m., and Luck
now at 5 p.m. the same evening.
The Corner Store
"Live and Let Live"
St rawberries
We have great pleasure in stat-
ing that Miss Jean F;ergusaon,
daughter of Robert and Mrs, Per-,
gusio.n of Waltonwas awarded the
g,oicl medial in' the graduating class
of Victoria Hospital and Nurses'
Training School, in the final ex-
amination as a nurse. The gradu-
ating ,exercises were held in the
Masonic .Hall, London, on Friday
ev,eting least week. tt en medals
Were presen(tdd Nurse Fergu-
son has done splendidly, Ned lit is
no small honor to secure the stand
ing she attained; She shares in
• the hearty congratulations of many
,old friends who wish her success
in'practicing the, healing art, -The
Fergusson family and.. the Wiltse
fiamily are old Wends dating back
before they moved to this section,
The young liady has visited here
on many occasions.,
The Stratford Herald of Monday
had the, iloilowing complimentary
reference to our townsmman: "In
'the interval, between the depart-
ure"lof Rlev. P, M. Wootton and the
coming of Dr, Manning, the Cen-
tral Methodist pulpit was iexcellent.
ly fille,cl On Sunday by Mr. A. J.
Irwih, merchant, ,of CIintoln, No
ono world supposed, but for
the explanation offered that he
is a Iay)nan and See the, absence of
the clerical garb, that he was
other than a minister. He, is a
preacher of splendid powers, 'oat -
welly gifted and impressive ,and,
marshals his thoughts effectively,
A congregation is fortipnate fm
obtaining an opportunity to hear
Itl[r. Irwin who cons s by his preach
ing 'prod le (tiions honestly. He • is
an Irishman, a nepl:,ew of Rev, Jos,
P7.I-Ibtmes. la'former Central, pas-
,tlor, labrother'''of Be\.R. Fulton
Irwin, of the London C'eoference,
and he, has given a sloe to the min-
istry, 'Rev. W.H. Irwin, of the Ale
NOW is the time to buy Sugar
for preserving, before it goes
higher. The price is very low at
Fresh for Saturday
Bananas, Oranges, Lemlolns,
Pinapples, Cucumbers,
Tomatoc„s, Radishes. Green Onions,
Fans and Peas.
Dearest to a
We can't very well talk to you here about.
the first two, but we can about the third
-your Honie. No platter what "fixing."
No matter what embellishments. No
matter what expense you have gone to in
furnishing your home, its good appearance
is largely controlled by the Wall Hang-
ings; the make or mar the harmony of the
whole. Our spring stock is now almost
complete, and, our designs almost sure to
suit your taste; and our prices, your de- i{
• sire for economy.
Thee D Fair o
Often the eheapest: Uways the Best
National Portland Cement
After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best
The Best Cement is the National Portland Cement
It is the old stand-by. A car load just in.
E. E. llunniford
lg1iest Grade Bread
Corner's Elome•made Bread is
quality through and through.
There is not a detail of good
making and baking overlooked, so
you know what you are getting,
when you order this Good Bread.
Daher and Confectioner
S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton
Another National
Forty-six years ago Canada em-
barked 'timidly before the world's
nclt'ce by' adopting a Confederation
of the four provinces of Ontario,
Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova
Scotia. Years of agitation were
necessary, and even then the union
'vas not accomplished without
e,onsida'able bitterness, which .last-
ed, in the case of Nova Scotia es-
pecially, Per many y,eers to come.
The movement had its inspiration
in external as well as internal dan-
gers, notably in anxiety over trade
difficulties with the United States.
which in the, early sixties was em-
broiled in its enormous civil tear.
By 1870 Maniboba joined th,eCon-
fed•era,ti,on; in 1871 .British •Colum-
bia came in, under promise rot the
ccInstruction of a Pacific railway.
In 1873 Prinee, Edward Island threw
in her eat also, and in 1905 tlere
Dominion was rounded off by itl•e
01" at'on of tIre two Provinces of
Alberta and Saskatchewan, carved
from the existing Northwest Terri -
The growth of the Dominion's
population for several decades was
ao slow as,to be d', and
discouraging, The population of a
,over three millions at Confed
cra'tion had grown only to 5,371,316
in 1901. Ten years later, however,
11 was 7,20.1, 830, and the country
had entered upon its greatest per-
iod of prosperity and expansion,
gig' ing basis to Sir Wilfrid Laurier's.
decl'ara(tion that "the. twentieth
century belongs to Canada."
Sooner or later, whether you
sperfd morey wisely or otherwise.
A poor job in anything is too cost
ly to consider and when you come
gutters• eaves troughs or any tin-
ning whatso -i e;, it never pays to
put yours-lf to the inconven,enee:
of Larks occuring wI: e 1 yoe least
expere them. •
We es.e good tin, put it an well,
steldrr the work as it should be,
and never allow slipshod work.
Moderate Prices.
Plumbing; and heating
(Phone 53)
We have a good supply of Seed Corn of good quality,
Mengel and Turnip Seeds, Clover and Timothy Seeds.
We have a lot of Shingles, which we will senate easy terms
of payment. If you want any, Dome soon to save handling
We have a supply of Fence Wire, Staples, Etc., Etc.
Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs, Etc., at the
+4.4. E4e •: & .4.4- e• 4,4.dr4•d?4-4 •Ni••Fr4.••i•i•'N•l•'➢4•€•+++++•i•+•'r+ ' .4.... .41
To call and see the result of a determined effort
to procure the Best Shoes. Shoes so over-
whelmingly good in every feature that counts for
perfection in style, fit, durability, and everything
else that goes' to make shoes thoroughly satisfac-
tory, that you are assured by far the best value here
Really, there can be no doubt in your mind, once you
have tried them on and looked them over, as to the
Superiority of our Summer Oxfords and Shoes.
td34i4!:>• flet ilst_+i! 9 liti:g'lell"_1Mh-N+-I• +r!••M+++•I••fr++&+^ •t'÷i-i•••+.i