HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-07-03, Page 5Thursdlay, July. $rd,
oar store
WiMM Solve
Mail.. a Wedding
P g
When you are, purchasing a
present, it iv -:,a matter p f
mlotnley and what yon wank
northing edsie. Then this is
your store -for what you
want is here and aft the low-
est possible price,
A good variety of ar'itielee,
selected from the tamest
stocks, consisting of
These goods are new, beauti-
ful, and modern in design,
and of superior quality.
We make a specialty of hand-
ling High Grade Watches,
CLINT0UW • 9* k,
During the past week or,so.thel'e
( 1 -,as been considerable talk about
the Hydro quiestion as it reInkes
(bo Clinton and the Council have
plans before them on the question.
Ons item; is that they will en-
lat ge "hl -,e Power. ,iIouse of the
Waterworks s and put the notoz•s in
there e e aiyd -ells away with the steam
,1)lau(t, now owned by the, towin.
The New Ela• considers this will
be the greatest lmiStake of their
� lives. Only on Wednesday of�this
week 'the whole system Was tied
up for 7 hones owing • +Lo a break
down smile -Where and dining June
.over 23 hours ware lost in London
I by :tire users, This can 116 o0er-
O011le byhaving 1
, a\ in
g tlair. own pr,e5e1]t
plant in commission to take up the
work when Hydro Sails.
Torrauoo ,oi'Lieithbridge Alta.
Mr Rob ettHal mesandson, Barri s
are spending a week here with
rela141,es and friends, Mr. Iiolines
(book part in the Old Joys' Re-
union on Suacla.y, ' All were glad t.o
Surciy'tl:,e Ratepayers, who voted. see him (again.
$20,000 to purchase the local plant Mr, Harold Kerr, son : f _
voice o Rev. iS ,
, l Diad ld E: e1' ,
ate• a K I
a mat e (and, and fo m
z erly
as(tw how their money is to be ''of 'C°lin(ton, .blas enterocl the r13un
used, instead as street tally Says, ll'ton Conference oha probation o
(the • wi;ll throw i she ministry: .He Murk. already pe
y ow tarns local plant on u) a year t1'the Murk,
the setae '1$e tp. The pian, friends 'of justice Gar
Tarout° into put,inan anail lat+}* rosy will b> 'p'easei to know the
plant to offset , interruptions avid he is on his way baclt to C`at ache
WI Oa C'( Dalton atot 1'.'a m ti ,e'1' after • his operation in the Old
Cloulitrv. They sailed on the 1711
own, .c he pow,e:• and light users press of Evian 13 on Friday last
W7 Te ti
past ott. Dont try. If
watelazy and won't run, let us i
h is
repair it for you.
1, I Ten to one you neglected it -let it
t 1 get dirty, or it stops from lack of I
oil Whatever is the reason, dont
delay, )
1: Delay costs money and ' often
spoils the watch, I
We give thorough examination
and regulating;free, anythingme
costs as little as satisfactorywok
can be done for,
51)00(3 ba,,lmct,e,)tnd,
1 (1 the Council ,and Electric
Light Committee go careful inlthis
'important matter and not swallow,
eterytthing that the Hydro men
has to say, oi• If they do makethem , Mr. BBroder Mci agga1t, g.t'adn-
pu(t it down in black and white. ate of the R ,C,.., Kingston, is vis -
Veil al prolate es have been 0e1vi at the paiental home 'and re -
sing the hearty congratulations
broken in tine past and most likely of his many
n cap}
ingwillbe broken in the future. LE�IncGo-N.& a1-
Ge]e1'aI's ;OI medal
THE COUNCIL SAVE THE LOCAL Mr. and Mrs. Hartley returned
PLANT; ;to Wroxeter on Monday Miter a
shto1d visit, with friends: till Hart-
le} leaves bn Wednesday to or-
.ganize- a Model School in the Sher-
bet Lake district. They expect to
spend a fee more days in Clintoln
171 August.
Tilt and Mss Gee. Wart and
daughter and Mrs. Wickins and
baby, all 'of Wallace -10.4g, were
holiday id
S nisi tors with the formei^s
parents, Mt. and Mrs Goal War-
renee On Wednesday aphtoto \rax
taken of the four generation, baby
Wicl.ins being the first grc,at-
•MI, land Mrs: Jacob Taylor trate
this tv ,e c tor'a Couple of months
in We:fte 1'n':Oa-had i. .They went ul)
by they C.P.R. beat and will s,etu 1)
bye re' 1 The A, Era c V ,C wishes Ne la\fe, return.turn• Je
.a pl :asan�t t*istc a adGriag
x stifle
t • •1 f
Rev. A, Ii Birks, 0£ Urrda,,(took
the morning service t :Sunday.
day T
The 1'11 Paster. ta' t Rev. J. !
e A. I,n took
the evening, service.
, Las't Sunday the special Pat•I•io-
tic service Was held in the Suns- la tlav sschool, The program pre- I d
Tv1r, John Setter epee- the First
at his hurler in Sti atford,
Miss Madge'Sates left on Friday
or her hone in Listowel,
Miss Christian, of Toronto, was
holiday guest of Mrs, (,Dr,l Gunn.
Mr. Rim Moon .and• bride, of
Drano shunt a fe\v' clays in tow xi
Mrs. C.hicllty and Mrs. Hain or
Cooper• silent last week in High -
aft es
pared by•the Assembly's Sabbath
Sehnol Committee was used teui
a vers irate- esting adiB'ess 1',n
F 111 (e• an cit was given' by Dr.
+112042 r+nnah l McEwen, of Fergus D.r,
aMeDw en as an earnest and for cefnl
Ste :alter anu her speech gave great
Belle -view Dairy Farm ' P! esu e t'lold and young alike.
,. •es o on
lit txirl s Club gatse aStraw-
1,,.,, v tea
in 11), `tunday s t ,
n I
From our stock of first-class( Thursday afternoon,
cows IVO are prepared to supply
twice _ ( WESLEY CHURCH.
and cream, and solicit a share of, Thi Junior .Lea=rue will hold t1'eir•
your patronage. Phone 125, annual picnic tttthe river on FH-
B, B. HILL.i dace Parents will please see that
daily with best of mill,
R. FISHER, ' all the 'elsiicle en are well provided
1 w';0) J) 0visions, Th's wi[; rinse.(1 5
1L a.;ue for the siliitner months
1 nt i iii+e•1; e D, 1),. Ib '
1 _ nn. a �tir of ti e�l7�t chnlrh trill
tn4aa'1) 5 I
11 a' morning l)
ktti•I,r.:. :+.r., I g a.]d etening •
Sunday last .Rev .1, 7. Ford,
pi' aol,el his farewell After three
1 • ars ,of most sncressful work in 1
all departments of church life. (
:�bilits t:e^gy, test and fnilltfnl-
n•ss Late been very marked In
his nuraistay. His teat attire
r, en;ng , melee was "Our business
and Our request" taken from If
Cor. 11-12.
Births, illarriases Deaths
U. S. Government Standard
Below is a1'
I extract f1'U.S.front Lb
Gov, ad, for tenders -"The anth
recite coal must be equal to that
mined and prepared by Peiladel
pbia & Beading Coal & Iron Co"
We handle nothing but the first
grade Philadelphia &Reading.
slir 11
Miss R7 I; and Miss Reynolds deft
st week for their 1)01ne5 'in Loti-
Ilii, Fred Ruiuball of! the Royal
rank,. London, was in toren for the
�• Mr. Andrew Taylor and 1
Taylor visited in Godarieh 1
•Rev, IS, Fulton Irwin, leas a vis
• OT with his brother, lir, J, A, Irtt
over the 1st.
liar, H. 11Chant ('ave., en Feld
00 a few 'clays visit to his son
Pittsfield Mass,
Miss Eva Sperling of Seafort
and afo_ni;r 1Iodelit0, is visite
Mi•s •Chas. 00111101'.
M's, Smith iof Woodstock visi
id.friends and relautiyes in town
0ver Ith,e holidays,
717:195 , Hattie Sutherland of Hen-
sel!- renewed bid friendships in
toren on S'aturdiay,, •
Mrs, ISIcC'oy: And children. of Lon-
don are •visiting the former's
bathes, Mr. Wilkin. •
Mrs. s.
Joseph .Cornbe of
visited with her sister, Mrs. Wes.
Walker, this w•esk, •
Miss. Stella Copp spent the •holi-
day in Milverton, the guest of
Miss Jean Dayment,
Mr. Wnr, flbilties, of Lucknow,
spent the holiday with his sister,
iss Jennie Holmes,
i • Fat woman's rase Mrs McCormick
est +Mrs Oshaldestou
Goder,Township Graceful walking adies 10 yrs ach OkI 1 Itd
dt over, Mrs (Rev) Godwin, Mrs T '1'ibbete
1110, and Mrs, 'William Rrown and 1
children. R.o1 e, t John and Mattie '
Eva and 511ss .Bessie Brown of ; t
Detroit are visiting this week with
.7 Jeweler and 0ptici.in'
Issuer. *1 Marriage Licenses
•3rand Mrs,
of '
Flu FI !l
t Mrs. s.
:E, 0,� ,
r n's
tt motie•r.
and sister, Mrs. r�o,uld and airs. a
Dishes) are. visiting relatives and
frl.)031 ajt E. ' 0
Under the law at present single men
can be sued -and their wages gar
nisheed buta married man is safe up
to a limit t '
� n- a,
In order
dishonest t deb
who take w
vantage of this to .defraud- the public
the Wiarion town coucil is asking the
cl t
n memomo i '
1'a litze
Legislature to have the 525, eaexnhjle
tion clause withdrawn from the std
tutes and reserve to a married mart.
only 75 per cent of his pay leaving the
othee 25 per cent liable to be attached
or any debt he may owe.
.Cool Shoes
for Warm Weather 0 ,
What could be:cooler or look better with that light
.ummer dress than a pair of our White Canvas Pumps, s
a Pump.,,
Oxfords or Button Boots ? We have a beautiful assort-
ment of these goods for women - and children ' and our
prices are verymoderate
Children's White Canvas Pumps l.00 up
Button Boots $1.25 up
Wolifen's co Pumps and Button p B t on Bgots l.so up
Don't fail to see these goods as -they will be
scarce a little later.
Special pi ices this week on
Children's Sandals and Running Shoes
We Can Save You Money on Your Shoe Bilis.
1 Old Girls race, Mrs Geddes, Mrs
1 Draper
Old man's rase, 50 years, R Ferris ,runt ror sale tam must 0e a:scardet
14 Black,
Fat man's race VV Stewart IS Ferris
Ring Sports
• r Gentlemen s Fancy Ttutnaut, .Let
BoysGreatTrewartha;Have A e 1 L dv , •. a Drives. , 1rs,FredFord
Mrs. H. Jenkins.
. Q O'6ay 1 141
House phone 32, Office phone 40
Owine' to press of o'ther work, on
land, the undersigned will keep
stallion, Bar One V. in his own
stable, on the Gravel Road, quar-
ter mile m'orith of town, where hie
will be pleased to see all his old
customers and many new ones.- '
)larges 1o.
D. REYNOLDS, Proprietor
A Good Chance
Two Storey House
New Cottage
Properties in excellent
Located side by side.
Would Lease from Buyer
C rnphell --in S't• nleee
a 1 a .c„ an Friday.
June. 27th, to Mr and Mrs. Thomas
Clamnbcli, a daughter ,
Sutherland -In Goclierich on July
tat, to Mr and Mrs. Sutherland (nee
Marian Qoa,tsl a son
Wil(tse-In Winnipeg. na June
22lth, t0 Mr and Mrs. 3.H. Wiltse,
a son.
Dohea•ty,-In Clinton. on July 3rd
Ito Mr'and Mrs. James Doherty, a.
Meerr.(trick,-In Clinton en-Sund:ay
June 291111, Ann McGtetrick, aged
75 years.
Over The Teacups
Mr, Wilkin spent Domnion Day
in London.
Rev. . Dr. Rutledge and wife are
ex recited to -day.
Miss Laura Wilkin is spending her
vacation at•her homie,
Mrs, A. Lawson spent a. few days
F. J. Hill Clinton tatSeafloa•th last wleek.
Mr. 1]. Rail, of Toronto, was a
holiday visitor in town.
Our Aim -=To Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is as good as it
looks, and thatis saying a whole lot.
Substantial 1N'urlliture can be bought here at money-
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable.
Dunford &May
Mrs. A. 0, Pattison was down
street U f
e� on Wednesday nesdlay foz•the first
time after her illness,
Mr. J. Hartley spent a fest'
flours in Croderioh on S,atueday with
his sister, Mrs. McEwen,
Mr. A. 0, Palttis,on. 0. T. R. agent
has been under 7the w'ctat3er for
the 'past croeplia of days.
Mr, ,and Mrs, Robert Downs and
family Df Woodstock were visitors
in (clown 0001' the. holidays,
Miss A. Kindree spent Sunday
with Mrs, Joseph Boyle (nee M.
Shanahan) at St, Augustine.
Mr, land Mrs. Coulter, of the Soo
spent the week end with the bat-
t -1''s aunt, Miss Jennie Holmes.
Miss Deli, O'Neil returned last
Friday and will spend the ,Sum-
mer vacation at her home herd.
, Miss 1;, McEwen and bliss Craigie
of a ,derich, spent a few hourse
with Mrs, 5IeGarva on Thursday,
Mr. McGregor, accountant of the
Royal :Bank, is spending two weeks
vacation at 'his ` home in ,Owen
Mrs, (Rev,) J,eakinls and Master
Reginald left on Monday for Mon-
treal where they will visit her
The Listowel correspondent of
the, Stratford Herald says that Mr.
G. M. Yates (,e,ft Last week for
Mrs. G. E. Mc'1}aggart and son of
Plytth were in town !last week vis-
iting the former's mother, Mrs.
Mr. Albeit Mitchell will attend
the I.0.O.F. Grand Lodge at
Bel Le vine as representative of
Clinton Lodige,
Rev. 0.E, Jenkins is iattending
the Sammo:: School in connection
with the Anglican Church, at St,
CYaitharines this week,
'Miss Lily Kingsftone, who is in
Blyth at present, spent the week
end with her aunt, Mrs, Jioseph
Townsend, Kirk street,
Ret 7,E. Ford and tam;l,y ilo3t
on Wcde;esclray for t;oderich, The
i:•es(t wishes of the citizens accom-
pany, the'ni to their new home.
Miss Ada Kind,ree 'felt this week
for her home in 51t. Thomas. The
(trnstc,es t0f the Separate School in
117a1(,(tt tlo!wnship have engaged
her for amortise:- year.
Miss Winnie .O'Neil and Mass 17,
Chrdley leave ton Taresday via 0,.P,
R. •blcla(t_ Inc a,hoIi•d'ay trip in the
West, They expect dobe away a
month or so. land will, go as far as
EdMent on,
.11! iarni'tetre'IDealerSiand Fnxter al"Direeto-vs-Phone 104
wroier AND SA111110 .1i CAOLLS-Phone No, 127 or Phone 1 4 Mrs, John Torrance, returned on
k•Id)aY fno,m arnosllths' visit in Port
A)thu:, She• \vias aeoornp]an:,ed on
sou ..her return by her son; 1411. Alfred
Talk about v. good time, but
those who journeyed to Holnles-
ville to spend the First with the
Old Boys, had one. Over two thou
sand were rrrsen arida
1 ever} -
thing .passed off in good order and
nnaccrd,nt matte.] the clay's pro-
Ilolmesville Methodist Church
was behind e Ind the movement, and. to
the pastor, Rev, R. J. McCormick,
most of the credit is due An ari-
dress ,of welcome was given by
Reeve John McClure of Cioderich
Township, who very gladly ex-'
1tho freedom of the town-
ship (to the visitors, Short ad-
dress,e3 were also given by 41r,
John Cox, chairman, and Dr. W. 3,
R. Hofines, (treasurer of. Huron
County, who was bor'ir within a
few nods of where ithe celebration
was held ; also by Mr. Thos. Mc-
Millan of Mullett; Rev, T, Curtis of
Katie, Pa,; Mr. Day>id Cnntellon of
Clinftlon ; W. Proa:adfoot, 1t1.P.P„ of
Goderich, 'and Mr. Robt. Holmes,
ex-M.P., Of Toronto,
The Paaby Shlow. ( 1; I ( 1
One of :the hest features was a
baby show, in which prizes were
given, bu(t iof course• the prettiest
baby did not gat theprize, as ev-
ery mloth.er thought she had the
best. The.nothers of prize winners
wer ;-
1 -Mrs, Wesley Nlo(tt,
2 -Mrs, George Lailthwaite
3 -Mrs, John Middllelton, jr,
4 -Mrs. Alex Elli!o(tt,
Messrs. R.Ferris and R. Draper
had their hands full in judging.
Musical contests were also held
and (th'e' Lobb qnartette captured
(the vlodal prize, a.ndl Miss Elsie
Lobb (the instrumental prize. Mr.
W, Doheuity of Clinton was judge.
of ft°he former, and Mr, King of
Gotterich for the hatter.
The proceedings of (the day
opened up with to parade from the
viltag•,e (lio the grove, headed by
the .Clinton Citizens' Ealtid, the
school children, as cali(thumpian
paralde started the fun, Over 150
rigs foil,owed behind. The judges
lawarded ((he„prizes for the. call-
thumspians .a:5 follows.
1 --Suffragettes
2 -Colored couple.
3-Tciam of ponies.
4-0Id people coming home,
5 -Indian boy.
A baseball, match was played be -
(t voeu Gloderich and Clinton, the
former winning bya score of 5-0.
The Cin(tlon boys were saving
themselves fior the afternoon
gene alt Winghain, s,od1d not /exert
themselves for any great extent.
Dr. Shaw .of plin(to-n was umpire,
Godieri oh 111 1 0 0 1-5
Clinton 0 0.0 0 0 0 0-0
Btatter'es- Cloiderich, Bell, and
Doan, Clinrtiou- McCaughey, Tas-
ker Mand. Weir.
McCaughey had 5:sftrikeouts in
4 innings, and Tasker 7 in 3 in1]-
Ings, Bell. had 7.
The lacnoss,e m,altch between two
Clinton teams ended ila al :draw af-
ter fan hours play, 5-5,
Th,e pnooeedts of ',the day amount-
ed to about $600.00, and • a neat
surplus will beinthe hands of the
The meals, served by the ladies
could not be beaten in forty coun-
ties, )an 'everyone had enough,
and -then sense more. It was stir -
prising what an appetite a person
1 has on a 1201id0.y,
Tho senor( children sang . "The
Maple Leaf." which was greeted
i (oral 1 :1))I•
y 11 dust.
Special Sunday Service.
Sunclay morning Mr, R. Holmes
l of Tcn.on to. formerly ly editor of the
New Era, 'took tll e 80r•01cr, a,nel
Was listened to by a large congre-
gation. Besides the choir, 1Ir.
f' C
Galt, a and l.i.rl .
, James
Fowler of Goderieh sang solos, e
In the afternoon a platforn, meet
ins was held with Rev. Mr, Mc-
Cormick as chairman, anci address-
es were given by Old Poyswho
ecei',0 there for the holiday, Rev,
Sir, Young of Bayfield; D. Calb,eck
07 17amibton; J. H. W, McRoberts
of London, and Mr, R. Holmes of
Toronto spoke. Mr. Fowler of
Goderich again sang,
In (the ,evening Rev. A. K. Pia•!cs ,
of Dundas, and an old boy, preach- 1
ed (boa large audience, and was
listened to with much interest. A
men's choir of forty voices led in 1
the service of song; and the Lobb '
quartette also sang. Miss SIeGor-
nick of Trowbridge also sang,
On Monday eV,eni,ug another plat
form mc,e'ting was held in the
church, and speeches were given
by Rev. Mr. Birks, R. Holmes, W.
Trewar{tha of McKillop, R. Foster
of Markham, Jas. Lobb of Galt and
D. Calbeck of Hamil(ton, who relat-
ed past history of their wonderful
township, 1'i' a choir grave an an-
them an D.•Calb,eck sang a solo,
Messrs. James and W. 31. Lobb
gave a clue1t,
Mr, N. W. Trewar:tha and Mr.
Thos, Walters, president and sec-
retary respectively, had a perfect
organization, and everythiing was
web conduc'tle,d,
'Clin(ton was well represented at
the Sunday services and also on
Dominion Day,
Following are the prize winners
on Dominion Day.-
Ohildrens' Races
Boys f years, E Stanley, G Smith
Boys 9 years, L Stanley, F Bellow
Bcys,12 years, P McDougall B. Me.
Boys 15 years 13 Cox. 13 McDougall
Girls 0 years G Blake, A Hewitt
Girls 9 years M Alcock, 0 Holland
Girls 12 years G Godwin M Rutledge
Girls 15 years''L Lobb, 0 Gregg'
Wheelbarrow race McDougall Bros,:
Potter and Cox
Shoe race 13 Alain, 0 Gregg
Three•legged race McDougall, Bros
()ox and Potter
Boys and girls sack race, Cox and
Jockey race, Cox and Potter, Alcock
and Fulford
Boot race, V Jervis, and E Vander-
Adult Sports
100 yard dash, M McDougall, D Mc
220 yard race, M McDougal, 0 Mc
Half mile, M McDougal, 13 McDou
Young ' Ladies Race, Daisy Copp,
1VIrs. Wilson,
Married Ladies race, Mrs J A Cox,
Mrs .1 Middleton jr
Old Boys tach, 0 McCartney, Geo
McCartney Illiii
• Tug of War
1 :Married men vs, single men of
' t1i' Township fora prize of $10,
Married. ied. Single
J. Smith rapt P, Trcw'arthe csapl
11, Woods W. Stewart
1 li'k!nry Baker J. Dempsey
t Herb Oakes S. Dempsey
I W. Merrell. M". Sturdy
1 S, St, ring= Ili, Sturdy
i0, Jervis 131, 111cDougali
R. (31' rgg
J. Furl
• 31, Linr(isy ,11, 1?irk
I' E .,1 0, 51'cls5
The inarr:ed mon \0on,
Other Ev,e,nts.
Old hay coming gr: albeit cils-
Rance. 1Ir. Henry •Tebllutt, Cui(-
Oldest couple on ground, Francis
Hillick and wife.
Oldest lady ' u1,
a y grounds, Mrs.
Halstead, 84 years,
Coople with largest family on
grounds. Councillor Lobb,
Warbles on Cattle.
One of the very harmful insect pests
of live stock is the os warble ly. The
grabs in the backs of cattle are a
source of irritation, and the punctures
which they produce seriously reduce
the value of infested hides for leather
products. The flesh around the wound
is sometimes so changed by the infirm:
motion set up by the grubs that it ig
This causes substsintial loss, espeeially
as the more valuable cuts are most fre-
quently affected. Every farmer should
make a thorough and systematic at-
tempt to exterminate this pest. This
may be accomplished by the destruc-
tion of ail grubs during the early
spring months. The grubs when ripe
may be extracted by squeezing the
warbles between the thumbs. All e$
tracted grubs should be destroyed.
'.00•••• 0•o••o•••ob0 e••4111
• When colts fai- l to shed their 41
e coats at the proper season mix •
• a great spoonful of flaxseed meal e
with the grain ration morning •
• and night until the old coat s
• is all off. •
• The pedlgreed sire has been a
the power' in building up size
• and draft form in our American • ,
stock Of horses. •
• A. blanket of fat on a horse, tike •
charity, is a mantle that often
• serves to cover a multitude of s
defects. •
• It is expensive carelessness to s
• c8 a warm horse inadequately •
• protected from rat►
lot wlnda ora •
drirain, •
• Are youzzling keeping a of horses 0
for which you have no special •
• need? Let the other fellow have o
them at present prices. •'
• See to it that the colt does not 4
become constipated. A. small :,
• dose of castor oil is a good thing •
• to get the bowels.started. •
• •
Lightning Rods Reduce
Your Insurance Premiums
In Some Companies Directly
in An Companies Indirectly
The insured pays all the Iosses. The Company
is only the trustee for its clients The less the
Company's losses the less YOUR premiums,
Lightning is the one Big Cause of Loss
Prof, Day, of -the 0. A. C.. in an address before
the Mutual Underwriters" Association at Tor
onto, as reported in The Monetary Times, said :
"Of all the barn claims settled in 12i years, Orsi
per cent. were due to Lightning."
In 1910, 21 Farmers Companies reported to 115:
Total losses, all causes 5137,095,20
Losses due to Lightning 65,375.14
Losses on Hoded Buildings $3.00
No Buildings Rodded
with Universal Rods
Has Ever Been Burned
vWhyLightning not itod now? You will
some dap -why not now ?
Talk it over with your in-
surance man; or, perhaps,
some printed matter, or a
sample of Rod would interest
you. Drop us a postal card.
Mention "New Era"
are properly built of the hest
materials procurable, and
have great carrying surface
You are Safe with the
Tie Universal Lightning 9 Rot Co.
Suit C.= .yes.
Club Bags
for your vacation
Looking •
511 rt d Kt'e' �� Com'We can help you solve the problem of keeping yourself cool and comfortable,
g dtiritg the Warm days of the hot season which is now here ---ARE YOU
READY FOR IT ? If not, we have ready for your inspection the newest in Light Summer Shoes to suit every needyou ntay have
For the
Women's White' Canvas Pumas
In Colonial, two strap or plain styles, per pair 1,50
Women's White Buttoned Boots, buck leather -
3.75 to 5.00
Street, House or Sports.
Men's White Canvas & Light Leather Shoes
in all styles and shapes—Broads lasts, so that your
feet may rest easy on the tread of the soles. These
will give you the comfort you require just now.
\In/ P Nit Successor to Jas. Twitchell & San
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