The Clinton New Era, 1913-07-03, Page 2riles. Ronamts. 1 emirate WORKED' x.50 NWT • Toronto ';Boy Saved From' browning After Hard Fight. TORONTO,i June 23. -Over two ,anti a half hours of patient c"fort resulted in the rescue of Jin' Sector, a 16' year-old boy, from death by drowning' at. Grimsby Beach yesterday. The boy was a member of the Western Con greratinr,.1 Sunday School and cross. ed the lake yesterday on their annual' picnic.He lives at 5 V..... Koughnet avenue. When the picnickers arrived at Grimsby, a number of the boyo played baseball until lunch, and after eating went down to the wharf to a'irm, A group of spectators gathered around to watcli the boys dive, and they took great delight in, pretending at timed to be in distress. When Jiw Hector rose to the surface after a dive, with n" strange expression on his face, an'l immediately sank, most of those on the wharf thought it a joke, but when minute after minute went by and he did not reappear, . swimmers- and watchers alike began to grow anxious. Some ran off to get help. Little Gordon Blenkern alone kept his head. I -Ie dived after his nom panion, and oiler several failures, brought him to the surface. The boy had been under water over five min- utes and resuscitation seemed impos- sible. But officials of the school took charge of operations, and after more than two hours and a l'aif the boy was breathing again. BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. The C.P.R. will spend on various improvements, rte., in Canada this year about $100,000,000. The appointment of Lt. -Col. G. S.' Maunsell, as director-general of Cana- dian military engineering services is gazetted. David Pottinger, of the I.C.P.. board of management, will retire on super- annuation on completion a his fiftieth year of service next month. Canadian Medical Association at the coneludine• session of their cnnventiou Fn l;ondonyeeser4,lay Cteeicteel 'mat; t'it„,:, John, N.B., 414111 be the.rlace o% their. next gathering, ' , Owing to the prevalence of slrrnmer,' sickness, the advie of Dr, V.txrdons, M,11.0., 'is being universally adopted in Galt to pasteurize the milk by boil- ing ,at 140 degrees: John W, Ritchie, formerly of'Orillia, Ont., chief -operator in the power plant at" St. 'Louis, Mo., was killk'Iyes- te.'day by conking into contact with a wire carrying fifteen thousand volts. The Japanese Imperial University reports that its seismograph recorded an earthquake of three hours' duration on Thursday afternoon It is caleu- -fated that the disturbance ws in the sea off Vancouver. Wm. Marconi and Godfrey C. Isaacs are to receive a full apology from the newspaper Welt Am Montag, which accused then, in an article of exploit- ing the -Titanic disaster for ,t1,3 com- pany's benefit by holding out news for sale. While taking down the frame of John Martin's barn in East Wawanosh Thursday evening three men, Wm. Adair, Tames Martin and Charles Mar.. tin, had a -miraculous escape from in- stant death when the structure slipped. Robert Aikin Nominated. KNIGSMILL, June 28. -Liberals of South Essex yesterday nominated Rob- ert Atkin of Malden, warden of Essex County, to contest the federal seat made vacant by the resignation of A. I1. Clarke, the Liberal member, who is going west. , Yesterday's convention was well at- tended and enthusiastic. Hot,. G, P. Graham and S. F. Pardee were among the speakers. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphotlol restor, toits esproper ; every nerve inontherestbody s vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexuaorel weakness averted at once. Phospaonol will makeyouanewman. Price 93abox.ortwo for 95, Mailed to any address, 'J he $room Drag 6t.Catbarines. Ont. COMFORTABLE COUCHES We have just unpacked a large shipment of couches, covered. in Velour, Verona, and Imitation Leather, e.e` Beautiful carved frames, covered in velour, red, green and brown, at $5, 36, $7.50, $8.23 rind $10.00 Vouches covered in verona, with quarter cut oak or mahog- any finished frames at $9 to $16 Imitation Leather Couches with quarter cat oak frames, steel construction, soft and comfoita.tile at $IC, 018 end $22 We also carry a select line of Window Shades, Pales. Pietnre Frames, Room Moulding, Baby Carriages, Child' en's Wagons DROP IN ANY TIME, Phones 7 and S Free Auto Delivery J.1-LeFIELLEw Estate Furniture and Undertaking,. MYTH 1 1 without a doubt you'll find this out in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal - is just the ons and only real Mother's Bread better bread could not be made -that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread H. Barilill Phone No. 1 and have/iti delivered to your house every day. 1 11 e 4® , ►RESEA'Ta'431lsE IS TOUR rA I( its . -1' ''. !! Case of Nei4es Hot flashes, dizziness, fainting spells, baek eche, hpadache bearing --down pains, nervousness--•all-are symptoms of irregularity il"mIN Pierce a and female disturbances and are not beyond relief. . Favorite Frescri i.li<tion is that of a famous physician' unusually experienced in the treating' of women's'' peculiar ailments. For forty years it has beep recommended "to..suffering wonienkind. Thousands of women can bear witness to its beneficial qualities. Perhaps its aid is all that is required to restore to yoq perfeut health and siren Rth. Now is the time, to act, write Dr. 11. V. Pierce's, Buffalo. 11 AMC Irti'er117 OETS3t.liD Mos. Doa„n,c Eoorn 1 of San r,anoioe ra,,r r,ritos, I take pleasuren -L •,m td nx y ur itrr! 11 re eat n nd WW1 to ser i, par Ca )ur tvol u r Yi,'I pile d Geld", Medical Dlc,cv Ode theddigh teem use I hrn now eu ori oe the oarious troubles that a women e heir t0, The:je remedies cured I e eth you for your a dd1 therefore resolve' to take no other. wouu-13,r, rifts 7y�^.�C41/1gqST L¢x.IJ .'c T.TLTTTIP,aTi, iL99"�f,r�/,T,ot SIV micrzu.'..tE:i' `JM P.dd^nz,o' M'�o 111 The New Era. 47TH YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE:' W. H. KEItR di SON, Props. J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager New Era, One Year in advance $1.00 ' New Bra, when not paid in ad- • vlanee... $1.60 New Era, ttiathe 'United States in advance --: .... -.--.$1.50 Advertising Bates on Application. Job work prices advance on July let, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co. Press' Asso- ciation Bates. Office Phone30House Phone 95 _•. ENGINEER ARRESTED. Sherbrooke i.lan Charged With Send. ing Bomb. SHERBROOKE, Que„ June 28. - On a charge of having caused the death of Mrs. Alphonse '1. Bilodeau by sending an infernal machine through the mails, L. A. Dufresne, civil engineer of this city, was yester• day arrested on a warrant sworn out by Kenneth P. McCaskill, chief of the provincial detective department. The arrest was made by Chief McCaskill and High Constable Mee. Dufresne ie the man whose name has been on many lips during the past ten days, and as this . fact was well known by him he was evidently not surprised at being charged. After reading the warrant be accom- panied the officers to court. All he would say was: "I expected the ar- rest and it is just as rell that it should be so, as I wish to clear my- self of these suspicions." 'Upon the arrival of Magistrate Mul- venny the warrant was read to Du- fresne. Counsel for the accused, J. A. Le- blanc, asked permission to have a consultation with the crown prosecu- tor, which was granted, and the court adjourned for half an hour. When court reassembled counsel for defence requested an adjournment un- til to -clay, 'which was granted. No Witnesses . were Gaal ere yesterday. Du- fi sis was t8 eenn to the `441),A ERRS I HTED Deputy Minister White Denies Stories of Land Grievances. TORONTO, June 28. -The Depart- ment of Lands, Forests end Mines is taking steps to disqualify any exag- gerated reports of the treatment awarded applicants for lands in the north country. A despatch from Hearst alleging unfair treatment to settlers who had traveled long dis- tances to the registrar's office was entirely discredited by Deputy Minis- ter Aubrey White Inst evening. -me There were ,ply three easel which }feed IterComplaint whatever. In these it was claimed that the agent hal- accepted applications by mail, 'while hispinstructips called fEI''1 per- songl applteB'ti 1T in 'MO case, `-'IMLr. White spoke as follows) "When' the, information reached the Depart - merit that the agent had accepted applications by mail the Minister di- rected that the applications so accept- ed were to be disallowed and the par- ties who applied personally to the agent according to instructions given him were awarded the lands. There were n0 such excitement as people would imagine by reading the de- spatch, as there were only three cases about which there was any dispute." Mr. Smith Ballentine, who was quoted as one of those Ciscriminated against, actually received the land he applied for. SMALLPDX COMMON, New Ontario Township Rampant With Scourge. NORTH BAY, Ont„ June 28. -Pro- vincial Health Inspector Young has been trying to trace the source of the smallpox cases which have appeared in various places in the north country, principally in lumber mill towns and lumber and construction -camps. His quest led him to an outlying town- ship ten miles north of the O.P.R. main line where he found a veritable breeding bed of smallpox germs, all sanitary regulation being disregarded. Almost everybody in the settlement had been affected with smallpox, even the reeve, the chairman of the Board of Health and the school teacher. The disease had been concealed and no physician called in until one man who had contracted it tt.ought he was go- ing to die, and -called in a physician who reported the. case. ' THEY ONLY GOT $6,000. "French In Ontario" Tag Day Was ,a Disappointing Affair. MONTREAL, June 28. -Only $6,000 Was collected in the Tag Day organiz- ed this week to 'aid in the work of preserving the French language and help wage war against the Irish bish- toDB in Ontario. ,.a,rsm..r...mua mere .were several reasons iur 'Inc failure of the scheme. 10 the first place, people in Montreal are tired of Tag Days, and in the next place it was 1poked upon as ridiculous to ask English and Irish citizens to help in a work to be directed against them. It; was expected that at least $10,000 would be raised. OIL BOAT EXPLODES Five Are Killed and Six Injured at New York. DOZEN UNACCOUNTED FOR Missing Men Are Believed to Have Made Their Escape on Craft That Came to the Rescue -Carelessness of a Machinist's Helper Is Said to Have Caused Two Hundred Tons of Oil to .Ignite. NEW YORK, June 28. -Two hun- dred tons of fuel oil on board the steel tank steamer Mohawk, owned by the Standard Oil' Co., exploded with a terrific roar and a burst of flame yesterday afternoon while the vessel was at anchor off Tompkins- ville, Staten Island, in New 'York Bay, killing five persons and injuring six others. A dozen more are unaccounted for, but are believed to have escaped on 'craft that came to the Mohawk's aid, or by swimming ashore. Two bodies were seen floating in the hold while fireboats were still pouring streams of water into the wrecked steamer late last night. The other three victims probably were blown to pieces. Carelessness of a machinist's helper was responsible for the explosion. Fifty men, including the crew and twenty machinists, who were making repairs preparatory to the Mohawk's departure for Tuxpan, Mexico, to -day were , an board. Perhaps a dozen of them were in the boiler and fire rooms. A helper was declared to have dropped a washer into the hold below the Ere room. Seeking to recover it, he is be- lieved to have carried a lighted can- dle, which caused combustion among generated gases in the hold. The explosion was heard for many miles around. A 200 -foot flash of flame, a column of smoke, the deton- ation, a volcano of debris, and the Mohawk settled aft while fireboats, wrecking tugs, Standard oil tugs, and other harbor craft came to the scene from all directions. The Mohawk's lifeboat was tossed 100 yards, and a score of men were -crown Prlinerd• These men were rescued, -iur from tire' w ter. Others clung td stanchions and rail or kiddie(' in the bow, whence they rtYere dragged to safety by persons on ' the first boat that ventured near. The Mohawk's crew were getting up steam to start the second half of her maiden voyage from Mexico and re- turn. She was without cargo. Shortly after nine o'clock last night the fire was under control, and the crew returned on board and began pumping the vessel out•, The stern was completely under water, but it is believed the rest of the hull is prac- tically intact, and that the steamer. can be readily got into drydock for repairs. FOUR BOXES Of xs KIDNEY PILLS PUT HER OR HER FEET. MRs. En. Boxer., Nokomis, Sask., writes: -"I had been troubled with weak back and kidneys. I bad terrible dizzy headaches, and could not sleep at night. Iii this I way suffered for ten years, until I read about DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. I purchased twoboxes, and as they helped me, I sent for two more, and they put me on my feet, and I have been able to work ever since." For Backache, Lame Back, Weak Back, or any other Kidney Trouble, there is no remedy to equal DOAN'S KIDNBY PILLS. They have been on the market for 20 years and therefore must be a staple article. Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for. $1.25, May be obtained at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The 'i`, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. _ When ordering direct specify "poAN's." TO ORGANIZE CENTENARY. E. H. Scammell of Toronto Is Secre tary of Peace Association. OTTAWA, June 28. -Mr. E. H Scammell, F.R.C.L, 1,0.I.S,,. of To• ronto, has been appointed organizing secretary of the Canadian Peace Oen. tenary Association, and has entered actively upon his duties. Active or, ganizing work to forward the objects. of the association will now be set, on foot, and it is expected that, at an. early date Mr. Scammell will visjl the Maritime Provinces and the east. Mr. Scammell is well qualified lot, the position, having had considerable. experience as an organizer. An Eng: lishihan by birth, he is a Fellow of the Royal Colonial 'Institute add a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of. Secretaries, and has had business ex- perience in Great Britain, Australia Swimming Against -the Stream= te'Iike trytng'to-do.a'sUccessful business without odvertlelna. And It Is not expensive to gain desirable -publicity by the use of 'printers' ink. Our Classified Want: Ade: coat little and aro read by nearly everyone. 1Try them Da a eyatem_tontc' Vie your business; ,,.,...,,a , a at Wei.__ 0.1 There are many imita- tions of this best of all fly killers. Ask for Wilson's, be sure you get them, and avoid ,disappointment. Veteran Prac nioner Dead. NY-- COLBORNI , Ortt., ,lune 28. - In the death of U'. J. B. Neff, which occurred yesterday, Port Colborne loses one of its oldest and most re- spected citizens and the County of Welland the oldest pra .:tioner, he having been known throughout the Niagara peninsula for over half a century. He had been a resident cf Port Colborne for over seventy years. continuing in the practice of his pro- fession until within a few weeks of his death. Clinton Flour Mies PRICES. Manitoba. Flour $ 2.70 per 100 Ib Family Flour.... .. 2.50 Pastry Flour. 2 50 Graham Flour 2:50 Breakfast Food 3 00 Shorts 1.25 Bran 1.15 Feed Wheat .. .75 per bush Western Oats .45. Flour exchanged for wheat to farm- ers A car of good Feed Wheat on bend. Leave your orders at the mill office. Orders delivered to any part of the town. GIVE ITS A TRiAL J. SCHOENH6LS --0-- We can fill all orders for Na- tional Portland Cement at once, call or phone. J. HUTT0N LONDESBORO Bit. A. F. BROWN Osteo pathic Physician. Is opening a branch office at 0 in ton at the Hotel Normandie, on Tuesday, from 7 p.m, until 10 30, Farm to Rent Lot 21, concession 1, Stanley. Easy terms, Immediate possession. apply to GORDON WALDRON, Star Building, Toronto Wali Paper All paper bought from me from now till the 1st of April will be hung for $cba single:roll. Samples taken to your house if desired. Paper at 4e a Roll up. GCO. P0118 Corner Queen and Princess Streets CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T.E. Station All kinds ol Coat `oat on hand - Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke Kenuiel Coal and Wood TYIe---2z, 3 and 4 -inch size- the Tile' is of the very best quality. Brick to Order. Vit• FORBE. Phone 52. Will" Petition' ging. MONTREAL, Jane IS -Father Rotot of the Chureh of the immaculate Con- ception is preparing a petition to bis Majesty the Kin asking him to for bidthe use of leisroyal name and title or the word "royalty," or any ,word indicating royal patronage, in any ligner advo'tiseneuts anywhere within the Empire,, Farm tor Sale. 1 -wry ,A. desirallle 100 -acre farm for sale, being Lot 24, Con, 5, Tfu11e(tt. Good frAiiva house and kitchen ; bank. barn 80x66, 3 miles from Clin- ton, 3-4 mile, from school. The, farm is 'well, fenced, well underdrained, and in good stalte of cultivation. Plenty of spring }varier. 'Possession givento sui(b purchaser. Fox fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN CARBERT, Clinton, P.O. Phone 4 on' 165. Money Wanted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts ' and will be pleased to find r investments for funds on mortgages. W. BRYD.ONE Farm for Sale A desirable 80 acre farm for sale Good frame house, a parlor, dining room, summer kitchen and wood shed. A bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with cement floor and troughs, and drive shed, well drained, all seeded but about 22 acres,evee'ything in glood shape, Some 01 the money may be had at a law rate of interest, will sell with or without crop. Apply to H. HESK, Londesboro, or on the premises, loft 17, con. 8, Hullet(t. Wanted - r A ntan of good address and abil- ity tcolact as our representative' in the County of Huron. A splendid opening for the right 'mean. For full p'articulars write STONE & WELLINGTON Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont To The Farmers Insure your horses and cattle a- gainst death by accident or disease. All valuable' live stock as being protected in this manner. Reason- able rates and quick settlements. Call and see. Cr B. IHALe. Residence Phone No. 100; Office No.2 Windstorm Insurance The Canada 'Weather Insurance Co. will insure all buildings against dam- age done by windstorms, moderate rates, No premium note. CHARLES B. HALE District Agent Clinton Farm For Sale A first class farm, consisting of '75 acres, on con. 12, part loft 34,'Hul- lett township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles front Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank ,barn 36 by 66, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about an;lacre of or- ehand. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to. WILLIAM LONGMAN, ' !Blyth, P. Farm 'tor Sale The executor of the Southcombe Estate offer's for sale 60 acres - East half of lot 28, con. 6, Mullett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned of for sale, lot 291 con. 6,Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOMBE. Clinton. Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We .also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn --a-- Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. Ford & McLeod AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, 4 4 Pianos 4 •i See and here our finest New Stylish designs .of 4 Doherty Pianos and ,il Organs, i Special values in Art Cases Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. '4 ✓ , .4 41 C ► • 10 • • • 4 w Music Emporium E ►' Dr. de Van's Female Pills CH®�� q A reliable french re(,nAator, ru, Iiia,; va. BR1r Doi i . BARIIHTEi SOLICITOR 1;1OTAR1 PUl3LIO, ETC CLINTON CHIIIRLES 8.' !HALM Conneyance,'Iallotary Public Uommissioner, etc REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Issuer of Marriage Licenses: Huron,St„ Clinton, H. T. RANCEr Notary Public, Oonvey.anoer, • 'Financial and Real Estate. INSURANOE:AGENT-Reprosenting 14 Fire;Ic sunrise Companies.: 'ADivisioll Court Office. Medix,al. 1l1R t';. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, Etc sward attentiongiven to diseases of the Eye; Her. Throat,: and Noes. Eyes carefully examined, and suitable alasees. , Prescribed... Office and Residence, Two doors west or the Commercial Voter Huron St. DRS, GI1NN and GAN3DIElt Dr. W. Gann, L. It: C, P., L. B. C. S.. Mu Gaudier. B.A. M.E. Otaoe-Ontario Street, Clinton, Sight calls at residence, &attenberr et - or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. coonrhenr, etc.., office and residence on tenbury 8t„ oanosite W. Farran's residence. DR. F. A. ARON DENTIST; Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.: Graduate of 0,0.0,8..a Chicago, and 11.0,D$ Toronto. hayfield eu Mondevs, Mar 1st to Decemb DR. 11. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental irestt> ment as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction sae GODERICH ONT Darmstoma sales a apeman,. (Adore .f am Naw ERs.- office, Clinton, prumes,y attendsd' to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' sale nota dieeoanted G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON' • General Banking Business! transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop .Mnrttaal Fire Insurance co. Farm and isolated Town Props- erty Only insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth.n'o J Conily, Vice -Pres., Goderich. T.E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafoeith, DIRECTORS. Jae, Connelly, Hclmesville, John Watt,'Hariock ; G. Dale CIinton; D. P. McGregor, Seaford), J. Evans, Beechwood; J. G, Grieve, Winthrop, J Benaeweis, Brodhagen ; M. Mc - Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses im his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hinoh-' ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Egg ntondville; J. W. Yeo, 'Holmesville9. Payments may be ,made at The 11MorrisI Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cutt, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR' CLINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Issas Street; next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System Rail way Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart, .. . . 8.30 a m 4.50 p no Oentralia 9.40 5,43 Exeter 9.53 5.54 Hensall 10.08 0.05 Kippen 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 10.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6,35 Londesboro 11.18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35 South Passenge Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p;m.' Belgrave 6.54 344' Blyth 7.08 3.56' Londesboro ' 7.16 4.04) Clinton 7.50 4.231 Brucefield 8.12 4,39; Kippen 5.23 4,471 Henson 8.32 4,52; Exeter 8.48 5.05; Centralia 9;00 5.15' London, arrive 1000 6,10j Buffalo and Code,; Wes` Peesengee aIu pm pm pm Stratford 10.00 12.20 5:25 10.20) Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28• Holmes ville 11.16 1.33 6,46 11.38 Goderich 11=35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East 1 oseenger Goderich 7,10 2.40 4.50 Holmesville 7,26 2.57 5.06 Clinton '7,35 3,07 5,15 Seatorth ......,7:52' 3.25 ; 5,32 Mitchell S.10 3.48 '5.55• Stratford 8.40 4.15 6.20 Them ' never falls. The lg. p pills are exceedingly powerful in. regulating the A generative cheap imitatf imitations the female d 'Van'ee are ob]dhat ► $b a'l'ai, or three far 510. Mallett tq any address. iAAAAAAAOAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAA fib. Seobela DraC ooa 9t, aathartaee, oat,.