HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-29, Page 8Meth our Stores will observe Saturday, May 2It11, as a Holiday
and wild be closed ail clay.
15c Anderso inqhams. i2c
J-$11' New Spring Patterns -1000 yards Anderson's New Spring Ging'hams,
in all the very latest colorings and clesigns, in plaids, checks and stripes, full
width and weight, regular 15C per.yard, Saturday I2i-C
12 c Enciash Ginahams lOc
500ards of English and Canadian Ginghams, guaranteed fast colors, in
all the new colorings and patterns, full weight, regular 12ac, Saturday ioc
100 New_,.� Rugs _,Ius
t • in
11 you have a Rug want -to brighten up your home, come and
see our display; of right up to the minute patterns, comprising
Wools, Tapestry, Yateki _Fibre, Brussels, Wilton, Velvet,
Axminster and Japanese Fibre, in 'fawns, browns, greens, and
reds, in all the New Spring Colorings and Designs, from
$1.25 uo to $45.00
Linoleurns and Oilcloths
Just to hand, six new designs in Scotch Linoleums, in floral and
and block designs, four yards wide. - Same weight and quality as
last year's, and the sante price 50e per square yard. '
We are also showing a large range of patterns in Oilcloth, in
one, one and a half and one and three-quarters yards wide
at 391c the square yard.
Ne v Straw& Feltflats
motor Men and Bay's
We are showing a complete range of New Spring Hats forMenand
Boys, in Straw and Felt. Right up to the minute in style and shapes, down
to the Harvest Hat, from lac to $3.00, A. CALL SOLICITED.
MM1" a ftll„A,. f.•,.FA�.'J.
4.4.444' ..44 .t'0..'6•r..1440.0+v e#4,4000+4,4444.. .0440.04.4
: •
()cal m
The regular meeting :b:ifthe Town
Clouncil, on Monday evening at 3
When the circus, cloiu ee around.
Eggs 19c to 20c,
Wheat -90.
Oasts -34..
Barley -45-4.S
Peas -75.
The system of waterworks that
Clinton installed is daily growing
in popularity, the department has
now 'a large gang of men at 'work
putting in additional services. No
better water can be secured any-
where than in Clinton and it is the
Town's greatest asset, An citizens
not yet using town water should
apply a:t ,once to have it installed.
Don't wait—apply now.
To the long lid of former Clin-
tonians who have made good, and i
are .occupying positions of respon-
sibility and (trust, may be added
the name of Mr. Thomas Turnbull
.eldest son of the Bate James Turn-
bull, who so long occupied the
position of Collegiate Institute
principal. Mr. Turnbull has been
for some tine general manager of
the Bank hof Commerce in Edmon-
ton, and is in receipt of a salary of
$5,000 a year.
Tire following from .ti Port Ruror,
palate has referr,,nce to a. son of
Mr. WiLi un McLeod, comedian,
forruerly leader of the., Citizens
Farad, Ciln ton, Meredith is quite a
pima lad, bat even now, is showing
les anis: of hemming a fine singer,
ll,ister. IV, R,• Meredith McLeod
soprani soloist in the First Cougre-
t!nne1 rhueah, Port Buren, sang
-rile (rood Shepherd" by Barre, in the
Central Baptist Church, on Sunday
evening. Mester McLeod is a son of
SVm. McLeod, of Grinnell Bros, music
store, Port Huron,"
A meeting of the executive com-
mittee of the West Huron Teachers'
Association was held in the Collegiate
Institute here on Saturday, May 24th
There was present Miss Consitt, of
Hensall, president; VV. H. Johnston,
of Kipoen, secretary; W B Weiden•
hemmer, B. A., of Exeter; Miss I, E,
Sharman, Inspector Tom, Irl, R. Long
anti A. 31, Robertson, of Uoderich, It
was decided to hold the next meeting
at Exeter and to request theEducation
Department to send Dr. S A, Morgan,
of Hamilton Normal School, to address
the teachers on the Montessori system
and other subjects and ;to give the
evening lecture, Arrangements were
made for a full and interesting pro.
gram of subjects for the conven-
tion, A resolution was passed to
request the county council toask
the Ontario Department of Agricul
tore,:j to appoint a county represent
ative in agriculture for Huron,
Special iorqiiio Lisi
for Saturday and half Next Week
Mrs. Potts Nickle Plated Irons, reg 51.10 for SBe.
Garden Rakes only 20e
4 cans Tigerband cleaner for 25e
Flempol the new furniture polish, only 2,5c
The Introductory sale of the celebrated MARK CROSS
manufactured in London,
SAFE RAZOR, man England, opens
next Saturday all over the Dominion, The price for one, week
will be 22c, This is method taken to introduce them. They are
worth !much more money.
Rush Still Continues for the following Popular Goods
Sherwin•Williams Paints, Campbell's Varnish Stain, Floorlac,
Janalac, and Berry Bros. Liquid Granite, Decorate with
We now handle BEAVER BOARD it takes the place of
lath and plaster, and more sanitary. Call and see samples and
get particulars.
'i Bargain Table of Assorted Graniteware, slightly damaged.
Big Value, Your choice for 15c,
At ithe regular ineleting :of the
I, O, O. F, Lodge on Tuesday night.
the -following officers weds elected
for the coming term.—
V. G„ .Pato. George Webber.
V. Go Brio. Edward. Hall,
s9nnmer' meet surely ba hese' Ree, -Sec; Baca Herbert Alexander
through it would Moselle, be believe 1
on Monday. 'The advance men of Fin: See., Bro. John Wiseman,
Rarnune & Baileys circus. 'which is ( Trelasurer, Belo. Ti. B. Chant.
at Stratford on June 14th, were I Representatives to District Meei-
here, this welch:: 1 ing, Bros, Wiseman and Chant.
Representative to Grand Lodge,
Biro. Albert Mitchell.
Publishers havereceivednotice of an.
other advance in theprice of all kinds
of laper and et•rrionat'v, and the dist
count for crash two per cent instead of
Get your calling cards at the New
Era office.
flus isn't leap year, but there'll be
just as many June brides,
A. man event into a butcher shop and
ordered a dollar's worth of meat sent
to his house, "If there's nobody at
home be added" ,'just peke it through
the keyhole;'
Sunstrokes are not common.
Examinations are not far distant
and the sure is at hand for the pupils
to get down to study in earnest.
Legislation increasing the income
exemptions to householders from
51.200 to 51,500 goes into effect at once
and will be the basis for rhis years'
assessment tornonbouseholders the
exemption is up to 50,00 a year.
Good morning! Have you renewed
yoursubscription to your weekly visit-
or and constant. friend—the New Era.
No use talking; with the sale of bait
by the bottle at the hotels forbidden,
the fi 'hing is bound to be very serious-
ly affected,
Every once in a while someone in-
timates that we ought to "rip someone
up the hack." Say they deserve it,
anddon't see why we don't do it
Friends, we are not in the roasting
business. If you have it in for soma -
one, go to him and fight it out like a
man, Don't try and mix the printer
up in your grievances. Re has troub-
les of his own.
" The Howe Great London Show is
coming and will be here on Tuesday,
June 10, The announcement that
a show is coming here carries but lit-
tle weight with it, as the town has had
many of them, but the announcement
that the Howe Great London Show is
to be here means a whole lot to every.
body. It means that the very hest e.g.
gregation now touring the country is
to be here, and this is good news to all
lovers of modern up•to•the-minute
amusement,,, The arrangements for its
coming have all been completed, and
all that there is to do now it to wait for
the great trains of the show's own spa-'
cia! cars to arrive. There are many.
of the younger folks on the anxious
seat, but they are not the only ones
woo are anxiously waiting. The
grown ups ever since the first intima.
tion of the shows coming was made
have been looking for it, and their
anxiety will not he appeased,until the
parade is on the streets and the per-
formence under way.
The reputation for merit and magni•
tude that ibis show enjoys, coupled
wioh the many successful years that it
has catered to the amusement loving
people, bas made its name a household
one. It is a name that the show is
proud of, and one, that the People the
world over have learned they can de•
pend on. There is no show organized
d uring the past becade that has ele rat
ed the reputation of tended aggrega.t
ions as has. the Howe Great London
Show. There is no chow that gives
such an unequalled performance and
extends to its patrons the same care.
Its program, while extended, is so
varied that monotony is out of the
question. The menagerie is complete
with the very rarest specimens of the
animal kingdom. In its entirety
the Rowe Great London Show is with
nut an equal and a show that all
should see.
'Milton was full of rumors about
six o'clock on Monday'. night when
the reeplos'ft spread around that the There has been :come doubt as to
whole of 'Holmesville was burning the appiicatiwn of the amended
up. The Metlio'dislt church had a Marriage Act in cases where only
ntarmlo`w; escape. Seveeral from here one of the !parties is resident in the
mlotor'edi out to see thiel fire, municipality. The amendmenit,
ACCEPTED CALL TO NORVAL which e'equires a publicati,an of a
At the meeting of the Maitland
Presbytery, held at EIwevale'on
May 20, Rev. J.A. Ferguson' of Bel -
gravel accepted, a call, `hot. Norval
and Union, in the Presbytery of
SACRED RECITALS. whole purpose is to putt an esti to
notice in he papers, applies only
to Bases where, neither of the con-
trlacting parties is a resident, but,
if either person liras bteen 'a resident
in the municipality for a period of
15 •days the ordinary procedure an -
der the old act can be followed. As
far as this clause is concerned ifts
the rurnaway marriaes, especially
On Sunday Mr. Getty Sellars, then
harder towns, such as Windsor
great English organist, gave two and Bridgeburg. - The ne'w act.
Organ recitals on Sunday, one art name into force Monday morning:.
four o'clock and the other after the •
evening service,. Both programs'
were much enjoyed by Targe aud-
The Rloyal Bank of Canada has
just recently issued their forty-
third annual replor't, and besides
giving figures ron the Bank busi-
ness, it abound in useful informa-
tion in regards to Canada, such as
area and population, public debt,
revenue and expenditure, the state
meat of .Paank clearing house's,
building societies, and loan and
trust companies, etc.
The White Star Ling evil.! rrrn
their 15th annual excursion, Gods -
rich to Detroit and return, on Tues
day, June 10th. Moonlight excur-
sion June 9th, These excursions
are growing more popular each
year, and afford a pleasant outing
by ' a beautiful water trip on the
magnificent steamer Greyhound.
For particulars see ad. on pig;
We generally class Mr. J.Taylir
in the prize-winning class, but
he has ab other, Mr, Israel Taylor
of Loudon, and a former well-
known citizen of this tow=n, has ni-
ready commenced to win prize.,
when on the :24Th he skipped the
winning rink at Landau for the
Barbour prizes. The games were
door•ed on a percentage basis in
three series of eight end malchea
and Air. Taylors rink scored !.
The next rink had 575,
The house of Mrs. SSThiteIeed is
!receiving a teat of paint.
The house occupied by Mr, \V..1.
Tozer has received a coat of pait.t.
A neW shingle roof is being rtesi.
on the house of Mrs. Couch, On-
tariol Street.
A new cement walk has tern pat
into the residence, occupied lay Mr.
Joe. Mutch. The waterworks was,
also connected -this week.
Mr dos. 'Townsend had ,, rite;
shingle roof planed 00 part of his'
hou es.
The day * was quietly spent in
1 1
The bowlers were busy on the
Many went to Bayfield for the
At few went 'to Mitchell for tee
celebration, 'there.
Many were out of town ;;whi'
visitors) from other places wet:e
Tr'ains were away late,
A good crowd attended the base-
ball, match in 'the afternoon,
The small boy and the firecrack-
ers, were to he seen on all 'the
Many took "violent" exercise by.
cutting the grass fox appearance
slake. •
A fait -sized audience heard an in-
teresting and thoroughly instruc-
tive lecture given by Mr lai'atswn,
the field secretary hof the National
Sanitarium Association in the town
Hall On Tuesday Evening. The
lecture was given with great ra-
pidity bat with unus,uial clearness
and lucidity, First dea ling with the
disease, tube'•cuhosis, a large a-
mount of very important informa-,
tion was given in rtrfer,ence to its
propagation in all communities and
many hints were given as Ito meas-
ures that should be taken to avoid
and prevent it. The latter part of
the lecture described with ctonsid•-
erableminuteness Ithe five different
institutions established by. and un-
der control of the above associa-
tion. Of the five howevre'r, the
Muskiokal Free 'Hospital for con-
suro•ptives wiasrepre•sgnited as the
most impontlant because it gives
care and .treatment to a larger
number of patients, and more im-
portant again to all: good people;,
since call, niay be helpers of it, at is
the 'only one for which appeal: is
made for financial help outside of
the city of Toronto. For the past
three yeiars it has had accommoda-
tion for 161 patients, and hasin-
variably been full, every eat occu-
pied, and in addition (there has.
been al 'waiting list, often number-
ing up to twenty-five or thirty.
TO provide for those )thus waiting,
additional pavilions are rapidly ap-
proaching completion, so that
hence forth therle, will, beaccommo-
dation for 196 patients. In the past
it has waft for maintenanee atone
lover 563,000 per year, and hereafter
it wilt cost 'more than $75,000,There.
are several spurges of revenue, but
the greater reale is the small con-
tribultiions by the multitudes of peo-
ple, Our tOlwn has in Ithe .past
been al heipea' in this, and iff'is
trusted that ,oati this occasion, our
peoples will improve on their for-
mer record of contributors. A. col-
lection Wee (taken in aid of .the
Muskoka) Free Hospital, and inti
natio e was given that a canvas of
the (town would be made for; tier
venal contribt>;tione,
I)e ccilve Plumbing
Is nlot only, amenace tohen lthbut
,ot Makes unnecessary work. If
you find your bathroom fixtures
and equipment unsatisfactory. con-
sult us. Our terms for
Neu' Plumbing
or remodeling old plumbing are
exceedingly bow. We can give you
an estimate that will make it econ-
omy for you\ to avoid the unpleas-
antness and annoya!aces caused by
poor plumbing.
Thos. a wkin;
Plumbing and Heating
(Phone 33)
The sorrier Store
"Live and Let Live"
They a:'c Stillin fur this w. elr at
the sameea is-,,
• NOW is the time to buy Info:e
they go higher.
We have a large assortment of
Fresh for
Green Onions,
E. E. liunnifoed
Sanitary Cleaning and
Pressing Parlors
Altering and Repairing
• Neatly Done,
Expert Frenob Dry Cleaners
Prices Moderate
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Goods Called for and Delivered
Stand—A. J. Holloway's Tailor
HIgltes! Grade Bread
dome -made Bread
Dormer's t -Tome -made Bread is
quality through and through.
There is not a detail of good
making and baking overlooked, so
you know what you are getting
when you order this Good Bread.
Baker :and Confectioner
Three Thin s
;A. artist to a
�G fit. ® a
We can't very well talk to you here about
the first two, but we can about the third
—your Home. No matter what "fixing."
No matter what embellishments. No
matter what expense you have gone to in
furnishing your home, its good appearance
is largely controlled by the Wall Hang-
ings; the make or mar the harmony of the
whole. Our spring stock is now almost
complete, and our designs almost sure to
suit your taste; and our prices, your de-
sire for economy.
T� e' dl. T�. Fair eo.
Often the cheapest—�'llways the Best'
. a
National Portland Cement
After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best
The Best Cement is the National Portland Cement
It is the old stand-by. A car load just in.
S. J ANIRE S, Clinton
Co. Constable Whitesid:.s laid in•
formation against 11r. Carey, who
stolid off the belongings. of the Co!
feta not having an auctioneers l;.-
eensie. The case came before Ma-
gistt,ate Andrews, on Friday last.
but Was adjourned till next Satur-
day at 11
Clinton at Brussels..niay 30th.
Brussels at Seaforth, June ith.
Clinton at Seaforth, June 14th,
'13rueeels at Clinton. Jane 13.
Seaafrth. at .Brussels, June 20th
In corder to get a definite judg-
ment on the sale of cigars and to-
baccos on Sunday, Justice Middle-
ton was asked by the Attorney
General to go into certain stated
eases. He has done so, and his
verdict is 'the lily of this land until
repealed, Judgment. "While to-
bacco may teclbnieaily he iserarde 1
as a drug, it is not sold as sash, hut
as an article of ordinary consutnli
tion, therefore no one can legally
sell, cigars nt tnhaceo on Sunday.
There are no exceptions, nor etin
they be said through slot ma-
chin 0s;"'
Now leaves Toronto 10,15 a. tea
daily, except Sunday, nrtieing at
Muskoka. 'Wharf 1,10 p.m making
direct connection with st an 530
for all points on Muskoka Lakes. A
brand new train consisting of bag-
gage car, Vestibule Coaches, end
Parlor Library Buffet car are open-
ated, and passengers ars assured
of a comfortable ride along the
most interesting route to Muskoka
Wharf, which is the original gate. -
way to :the far-famed Muskoka '
Lakes', This train runs right to
side of steamer at Muskoka Wharf,
thus avoiding any inconvenience,
to passengers, Return connection
is made with train leaving Musko-
ka Wharf 10.45 a,m. daily, except
Sunday, arriving Toronto 3,10 p.m.
Tourist tickets at reduced rates
are now on sale to Muskoka resorts
good for stop -over at any paint,
and good to return until November
30th, 1913, Full particulars'. and
tickets from Grand Trunk Agents
John R'ansfuril & Son, city iritis,=n-
ger and 'ticket agent, phone 57. A.
0, Pattison, station agent.
On Friday eVening, before a
esiowded court room. Magistrate
Andrews fined Calvin Streets 510
and casts ;or 1 Montle in jail for
cruelty to animals. It semis that
the.defendant and J $lte'ling. jr.,
got .ahorse from J. W. Elliott on
Thursday evening. t9 go to Sea -
forth to see th r Tose nffice,and
nothing Very alarming htrppenr'd.
except that ths hale e took fright
going down at an netts, hut coining
back it shied at sem tiring and
jumped into filo ,lite'. 'I`hn• two
men hod hard w net getting the
horse up, and 'tartlets work grttieg
it home.' Tho young fi ll ler et the
barn called up 1A Ellintr •also n. L,Se
and when the owntes carie down ii
dis:eovered that Gas horse heel ire
•right front kg broken at the fet-
lock.' The wattled. had travelled air
nearly four miles in that (fond:dee,
e e,
The Iroise was Shot on Seturstay.
It had also received a good heat-
ing an the night of the accident.
lira "'n"'�"tRT.7.1 .r132MIE11f$=1135
p� a
S .�
We have a good supply ,of Seed Corn of good qua'ity,
Mengel and Turnip Seeds, Clover and Timothy Se; ds.
We have a Lot of Shingles, which we will sell ant easy terms
of payment, If you want any, come soon to save handling
We have a supply of Fence Wire, Staples, Etc., Etc,
Highest Prices for abutter, Eggs, Etc., at the
r am'asr0=1
• 5000 5.50
4.00 5100
• our
msisMUSE? 225n113.111.10MISE
g '�
,t ✓.
..,• .. •3'•I:.„ A•"s•q• II$•f 3i •6•.%d•9•%••l• ,•:. •-'r.N.p,✓(.-4� ..i,ord-• tr.l•-1••tr✓r•i�%••...
Are so uncommonly good that when we
sell aP air of shoes, it's the very best "ad,"
we can send out, You'll be sure to tell'
your friends how good they are.