HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-29, Page 6;:49 �4, �r>'in+,.:.vY ».) ''[;`.14 tit Tl.
Chillelren Cry I'
r Filetchee4 s
The Feinel Yon Ilav'.i.ialentsye Dot gilt, and t hieh 11.ns been
P21 'tt13i'
for erre i.O C;,- line borne the signature of
and has been n ade ander his per.�
eoaafl mporviseola wince its infancy.
�"..ece—,+ � ;t llour 310011e.tt) tLeeei%O;S on in this.
.A11Cone-her/cite Irnifatione and b' dust -as -good" are but
perimeraks t.I3nt trifle with and eartlaait,'ey tho health, of
_Wants anci.. CL.ilclreaa-]Gxpea`is,iaee a6tainst lExperhueut.
tee .me-en
RIe Is
5aetoria, is a harmless rsubstitnte for Castor Oil, •Pare-
goric, Tere)pe and ,Soothing' Syrups. It ks pleasant. It
eontaifa, neither Opium, Morphine le nor other Narcotic ..
substance. lets ago is its guarantee. 2t destroys Worms
and allays FeverishnC$ i. For More than thirty years it
lies been in constant Lase for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething .Troubles and
I;ideriicxra e It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
tit. mud natural. sJhe ao
aassianilates the Food, healthyfl
The Children's Panacea.—''%ho Blethear's Friend.
1t ars the Signature of
The Kind 'fog Have Always Bought
hi Use For Over 30 Years
'5*, te?
three Weeks -Previous tO his death, and
he iust slil)ped away quietly. into the
great spirit worldliis wife and a
{ fannly of five• sons and twod lughters
survive -lames and Celia, at home;
Feank who resides in the neighbor
it hood and Willia in, Glen,;AAlda and
Florence, et Detroit The funeral
was very. largely attended. The ser
vices were cundncted by. lley A I1i.ac
f,u I tne, of t h'e .Preshti terian church,
I3�aylle'd, the pall 1 earers being the
five sons and Mr. 'M. McDougall,
terulent was made in Maitland oeme
tery All his;. children were present
[ for the funeral.
Miss Ethel Barrymo're apropos of
leap year. told a story at the Colony
(11teb in New York.
"A girl," she said, "looked calmly at
a caller one evening and rernaa kid:
"'George, as it is leap year -
"The caller turned p tle,
`• 'As it is leap veal',' she centime d.
`and you have been enlliag regularly
now tour nigh is a week fur airing lung
time. George, I propose—'
1° 'I'm not to a position to marry on
my salary,' George broke in, hurried'v'
"'I know that web. George tele girl
pursued, 'and so lis it is ea p w elle
thought I'd propose th t you l.iy tilt
and give souse of the mote eligible
goys a chance "
Two Yankees: went over in I r1r'tarl,
bent on having() Ie en the Btreish, At
Liverpool they hoarded a 111110 for
Yorkshire. They went by s,veralstn.
Mons without a chance to show their
wit At last their chance cave in the
shape of la very cross eyed collier
They eomtnenced to make relli l l ks I o'
:each other re his pecuh v optics,
which he took 'very good net tired'
until rue of them asked him, very
"Say, boss, how many are in this.
He made reply, "1011"
Of course this answer brow ht a loud
laugh; .
"How can you make it 111i0'
1Ve1Ti'ui one, and you two are 00; 1
and two 01) make 1G0."
Tihl•ie had been placed by her aunt
in a sttnittI011 84 maid of all week in a
funnily of three. At the end of the
week the aunt "stepped along in" to
sec howTibhie was getting on.
"Do you like your work?" asked the
Tis fete." sold the laconic Tibble.
"And are they making you feel at
"Whiles they are are, and whiles
they aren't"
"Now, what do you be meaning by
the I1' nsked the sant impatiently,
"Aweel," said rtbi,ie+ „'they have rot
at -ked ore to ming nut lc wit them yet.
tut fast night 'they went on wit t a
grand 1)narr't they were th,tviug all the
direr "' Ihem wi' 11)0 tekleg the dishes
111 r ho table, jlet as if I'd been one o'
the fetidly."
t ,®�� News.
�aS'31C� l,
The property owners of this town
voted on two bylaws here on Monday
one I'M raising the suns of $0,500" for
the purchase of a el one-erusher and
i, fin
ro 1- �c;llei' the otli fm' ,' OU to
s 1 he er . `55
provenlent and extension of the pre-
sent w4.ter works systerne
re-sent.wr)„terwoi'kssyster. ]lath by-laws
were carried by big mlijorities,
Chief of Police 'Allen is trying to
locate a dog-poieoner, who has heeu
busy , recently, with the. 1'esult that
many people have lost fine canines.
Mothers' Day was celebrated in the
Bit past Sunday school on Sunday, and
speciel ndcitesees:and songs' were en -
paved by mimeo atter: clan ee.
The lochs high school football team
:went- to C•Senodstoek on Saturday and..
wee defeated by sescore 2 to one
The cnuu it has,
emnpleted arrange
.meats by which $1.;000 rusurance will
he placed, ae the town's expense, on
-each of the twenty two members et the
fire department. If taken sick as are•
suit of attendance at a fire, each map
will receive .$5 per week' The council
Will also put phones in each fireman's
Porter's mill
flodeeieb Township recently lost :m-
other long time reeiden se in the pircon
or ,lames ,l1ai'dnnattd. of PorteCe le ill
who wee in his SSrh year. The dece,t.
ed, who wets dest ceded from sturdy
Scottish ancestors wee scarcely ever
known , o have a day's sickness omit
his fatal illness attacked' him shout
reeab(e ' dor, . in
attier cause there
N`o tl'eurpentine
Easy to Use; Good for the Shoes
In addition to the usual springs
a new bicycle saddle is' supp-orted
by two coiled servings within tubes
in such a way as to be adjustable.
New Zealand has a new law pro-
viding for the revoking orally pat,
ent not : worked in that country
'within four years after it has .bc,en
For infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A method of discharging and dir-
ecting a submarine torpedo from
an aeroplane has hien invented by
a, tinted States naval, officer of
high rank.
The License Oomnissione:s for
Centre Huron inset in Seafoi•th on
Friday, May 30th tq transfer two
licenses in: that town.
Oakville Colt Hearts of Oak Lands
the King's.''late.
TORONTO .lin} .1.—Tao Iiina's
Plate, C'attada'e beet -known fnntng
('vent, ova, tyi,n isi ea13' lashion c11
:r11a • by Harry t.-1din.'e 1e' alt.
float is of Oak. J. le. Seagram's Me id
Or FSrom11 was ,uel a1 . Goll Rad
third. The Oakville colt tv a= pick .d
t„ Will long before the ever.) and led.
practically all the n'ay, end:eine : ••o
lengtl114 ahead.
Saturday's eatherene 1:fh- he n1em-
"rable. The ca 011 iters etapnterd
111' nlnl' cr$ of any pfev'inu, neve-
sion. For the second time in the his-
tory 01 the elydethe sale ," adtni$Cion
tirkets had to he stopped. Exact
rl_ur,.a nI the ottendan'." evert cliff''-'
cult to obtain, but all 1 lld the crowd
Itumt)er d well on to eighteen thou-
sand. The results were as fol lows:—
First irst race -1 ix furlongs, purse 56110.
for three -year-olds nod up—let, Plate
Glass; 2nil, Crisco; 3rd, Bwana Turn -
bo. Time, 1.1.32-5.
Second race --41-2 furlengs. pursse.
5700. Inc two-year-olds—lst, Southern
Maid; 2nd. Miss Gayle; 3rd, Fuzzy
Wuzzy. Time, 53 4.5.
Third race—l'1-10. miles, purse
51,000. for three -year-olds and up, sell-
ing—lit, Bernegat; 2nd, Blackford;
3rd, Fountain ray. Time 1.47 4.5.
Fourth race — Purse $2,000, 1 1-9
Snilee for three -year -olds -1st, 7ile-
rsr5eRMMEN- -MEILMC e Q r R,csS,remo
ABROAD statement—Yet literally true. The aim of man from the
beginning has been to make his building materials as nearly like nat. '
ural stone as possible. The great labor required to quarry stone led.
him to seek various manufactured substitutes. The only reason he ever
used wood was .that it was easiest to get and most convenient to use.
Wood is no longer easy to get. Like most building material, its cost is in -
(leasing at an alarming rate.
The cost of concrete is decreasing. So, from the standpoint of either ser-
vice or economy, Concrete is the.best building material
Canada's farmers are using more concrete, in proportion to their numbers,
than the farmers of any other country. Why?
Because they are being supplied with
Canada Cement —
a cement of the highest possible quality, which in-
sures the success of their concrete work.
The secret of concrete's popularity in Canada lies in
the fact that while we have been advertising the use
of concrete,' we have alio been producing, by scien-
tific methois, a cement so uniformly high'.in quality
that the concrete made. with it gives te complete
satisfaction our advertisements promised.
Concrete would not have been in such universal use
today, had an inferior grade of cement been supplied,
Insist upon getting Canada Cement.„ It is your best
assurance ofthoroughly satisfactory results from
Without this label it io yr
ou concrete work. There is a Canada Cement
dealer in your neighborhood.
Write for our free 160 -page book "What The Farmer Can Da With Concrete"
N'ofarmer can afford to be without a copy.
Canada Cement Company Limite
Of Leading Montreal Daily
et.ctar's,o<dll'4 PILLS
1\'}f long years of
stiffcring from
Kidney Trouble—
two boxes of GIN
PILLS —and it's
all gone, That has
been the experience
of Isir. Eugene
Qtlesnel, Chief City
Circulation Agent
of La Patric, of•
Montreal. HIe,
describes it
feelingly :
11IaY i:d z r2
3 9
"I 11;e' been suffering from Kidney
Traub e for over live long years. I
had also Rheumatism in all my bones
and mnseles, could not sleep nights and
on : sonic' occasions could hardly walls.
I had been treated by some of our best
Physicians, lint 'without and 1 lost
over fifteen p'ands. One day I met
ere of our' leading hotel keepers, who
had been cured by your famous 0114
PILLS, and he advi ed me to try thein.
So I bought two boxesat my druggist's
used ox I fella
one b t is .
and before 1 had
big change. Before I finished the
second ou.e I was completely cured.
I can ,assure you I can hardly believe
it for if, I had ouly known what 1<know
now I world not have spent over One
i•Imadred Dollars for nothing when two
boxes of GIN PILI4S cured me,"
GIN PILLS are gaining a world-wide
reputation, by the way they conquer the
most obstinate cases of Rheumatism
and all kinds of Kidney Trouble.
5oc a box,.6 for 52.5o. Sample free
if you write National Drug and Chemical
Co, of Canada, Limited,Toronto. 149
uurne; •'nn, -."Lr t..eaten;"ern, oprlug
Maid. Time 1.54 2-5.
Fifth race—Puree $5,000, 1 1-4 miles,
for three -year-olds and up ist,
Hearts of Oak; 2nd,' Maid el Frame;
3rd, Gold Bud- Time, 2.001-2, ,
Sixth race, about two miles, purse
51,000, for four -year-olds and up—let,
Mystic Light; 2nd, Bello; 3rd, Lucko-
la. Time, 4.14 2-5.
Seventh race—Six furlongs, purse
$600, for three -year-olds and up, sell
ung—ret, York T,ad; 2nd, Ardelon; 3rd,
Carrillon..Time, 1.14 3-4.
Had a Weak Heart.
Doctored For Three Years
Without Any Benefit.
Through one cause or another a large
majority of people are troubled, more or
less, with some form of heart trouble.
Little attention is paid to the slight
weakness, but when it starts to beat
irregularly, and every once in a while,
pain seems to shoot through it, then it
causes great anxiety and alarm,
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will
give prompt and permanent relief to all
those suffering from any weakness of the
heart or nerves,
Mrs. M. Shea, 193 Holland Ave.,
Ottawa, Ont., writes:—"I write you these
lines to let you know that 1 have used
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. After
doctoring for the last three gears with all
kinds of medicines and pills for weak
heart, I heard of your Heart and Nerve
Pills, so thinking 1 pati never used tiny
thing that did ins so much good, 1 kept
on using them, and I had only used four
boxes, when I was perfectly cured.
Price, 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for
51.25 at all dealers, or marled direct on
receipt of price by The '1'. Milburn Co,,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Owing to delays it now seems un-
likely that the IJ, S. tariff bill will be
reported to the Senate until the mid-
dle of June.
The death took place on Saturday
after a protracted illness of John A.
Lamprey, one of Guelph's oldest citi-
zens and former mayor.
George Sanders of Hamilton arrived
in Guelph Saturday in search of his
son, Georgie, 14 years, of age, who
has been missing from home for the
last week.
A Sheffield cutlery .firm is purchas-
ing a big site at Montreal., near Lon-
gueuil, where it will erect a Canadian
plant, in which it will employ at leant
1,200 workmen.
Stanley Liddell of Peterboro,21
years of age, tried to board the spe-
cial train of the Queen's Own Rifles,,,.
which was going to Montreal Friday
ni ht, and was killed..
For lack of available men the Ger-
man budget committee has stricken
1,003 additional army lieutenants and
1,044 non-commissioned officers from.
the proposed rimy bill.
A Swear laborer was. found dead in
bed at his boarding ]muse near the
GeleR. station in ,Montreal on Satur-
day under circumstances which make
the detectives fear foul play.
The German flying pupil Dietrich,
who was badly injured while traveling
as a passenger on a wplane which col-
lided with a monoplane at the Johan-
uisthar Aerodrome on May 14, ,died on
Six people were slightly injured and
one hundred badly scared in. Toronto
last night when a northbound Bath-
urst sax collided with an eastbound
Queen Car as it was passing over the
Mrs. Scott, aged 50 years, of Cooks-
vilte, was thrown from a rig on Dun-
dee road, near. ,Toronto, yesterday af-
ternoon when her horse became fright-
ened at a passing motor car. - She
was badly hurt.
Four new liners will be added to the
C.P.R.'s Atlantic fleet within the
next few months, these to be of the
"empress" • type and available' for
auxiliary erui$ers ii1 war time, says
Su' TIlotnas Shau h"
,Parliament, Is Expected To Conclude
Session on Jurie 5th.
OTTAWA, May 20. -The party lead-
ers an whips, it 18 understood have'
been in conference, and an agreem ,nt
is likely to be reached by which proms:`
rogation will occur on June 5. 111
bring this about some 1101115 will be,
dropped from the Government's pro-
gram ibr the session, and: these may,
include the`. hilt creating new Senator-
ships for the western pr n'inces and
Me. Pelletier's bill to establish the
parcels post,
goo sir � ��� ��� � L
Lord Beresford Argues For Con-
solidated Empire.
a.• "Cy '�`.y,q, Eht a pI o �t�" a'
6r;.� f!ti� N '•i�4joa vari'+LIDuI'ix,Vtti., �v�tr..,q.�:
v2Su 'wu,'l ,w'u� rRNm
Participants In Parades Throupbout
Greater, (Britain Are Places} at That
Figure—Lord Charles Says the
British People Are Getiing
Flabby In Opinions and Too
Many Are Making Apologies.
LONDON, May 20,—(C.A.P. Coble,)'
--Presiding a. the umpire Day ,1•:-
1nou tratioi,, organized by the lm.
penal Nl.iesfon, in Queen's Hall, Sal-
urdey evening, Lord Charles 13eter-
foal sr+'d he 'believed;. the overseas
nations realized inose than the people
of this country ,the necessity of con•
solidatipg the component parts of the
Empire into one whole. They saw
more clearly what imperials .7 t'ols,
and were always .teaching then' chit•
(hen the meaning of Ilnherllnhsm.•,;
We are getting very limp over
here," he said. "There is a lot ' f
flabby sentimentality that had
be buried. We seem to be fearful or
holding the great possessions, which
our ancestor's have won for Os, There
are a lot ,of people running about with
their tails between • their legs and
The cardinal object of all was
peace. Nobody could look upon all
the possibilities of war without a
shedder.' He wanted to see the Coun-
cil of Imperial Defence come to Im-
perial defence. He wanted to see all
the great dominions represented so
that they could get sound judgment
on Imperial affairs based on facts as
they were, not on things as they
could, should er ought to he. They
ought to make their strength obvious
to everybody without bluster, swag-
ger or insult and with perfect court-
oua'tesy to every nation so as to make war
impossible. The British Empire had
done more for eiviliration, for free-
dom, for religion, for liberty and pro-
gress than all the rest of the world
put together. '
Premier Watt of Australia said the
time had come when the consolida-
tion of 1110 forces of the Government
trust receive consideration. The ob-
ject of the Imperial thinker should
be to translate the sentiment: which
at present held them together .int)
organic life. More frequent family
councils must be held. (Cheers.)—
Councils about defence, trade, pope•
lation and about general government.
(Cheers.) — He thought the family,
should trade' together more than they
slid at present.
Nine Million Celebrated.
LONDON, May 20. .Children whir
live under British rule in all parte of
the world saluted the flag Friday in
honor of. Empire Day. The striking
enmputation is 01)1(10 that nine mil-
lion boys, and girls participated in
this act of loyalty, to which heat total
London supplied three-qu..ter of a
The ,'rent event in Lnndnu Salute
day wa= a parade in Hyde Park fn
the nftet•noor.
There was a-tilrin•e scene in the
Guildirnll Frirl•,y, when 1,200 ehildren
frnni 111e elemaltary ;drools of the
City of London Resembled. weenie!
red, white and blue re -settee. 'l'1te
Lard Mayor, 1)0111ing his 01110181 robe,
fist unfurled a Union Jank. Rinehte
cheers freer t11, cliiltIrlii turreted this
tent, The Nntional Anthem to 1111 1c•
contrition -110r11 of twenty young violin-
ists was shell 4illig.
Che Lord lfnynr re. 'r dod hi+
youthful hearers that the 13ritish Em-
pire was the gnats -t empire the
world iia; tve.0 seen serving under
one Maly and under one king..
• 0000•••••e•••••d•••••••••
Summer Seilool ••
••- For •courses in all Business :.
• subjects leading to positions •
• as Bookkeepers or Steno-
• •raphers and for Clod Service •
• and Commercial Specialists' •
exami nations will be con- •
• ducted in Shaw's Schools, To- "g
• ionto. (The Central Business •
•• College with four city Branch •
• Schools) from July 3rd to •
• August this year. Students •
e may enter any time for •
• general courses, No vacations. •
• Write W. H. Shaw, President, •
0 for catalogue. 301 Young St„•
• Toronto, •
Walking and Belling Oliver
I. H. C. Gasoline Engines
McCormick Machinery Pumps
and Windmills.
Miller a Lillie
Corner of Princes and" Albert
CcattrallinSI eSsCollege
Stratford, Ont.
Thin Best Practical
'Framing st'htfOI 111
Three Departments
All courses are thordugh and
practicagi. Teachers are ex-
perienced and graduates are
placed in positions. We give
individual attention, and stu-
cluents may enter at any time
Write for flee catalogue al
IIt. A. McLaehlate, Principal
These are some of the ad-
vantages of the Sun •hh1e
Furnace. Our agent will be.
pleased to show ecu other's,'
or write for booklet.
' .E. .(0+ wuri
The " Sunshine " has a
straight -sided semi -steel
firepot, extra heavily rib-
bed and made in two
sections. The two sections
allow for contraction. and
expansion --which prevents
cracking. The heavy ribs
and semi -steel give extra
strength and added radiat-
ing surface. Ashes cannot
adhere to the straight sides
which assures an ail -over
clear fire. This means the
greatest ' heat from the
fuel consumed..
London ,Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B.
Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon E:im
onten 334
Sold by BUM 4 Strf
aMEZEMESagi 21241
,n.,:2., ,,,t,.•ovsya,. k
Newest Notes of Science
A new type of calipers has a.c,en-
tering rod to automatically mark
the center 'of an round olieot.
• Children Cry
The tonnage of steamships flying
the Japanese flag has. just about
doubled in the last ten' 'pears.
A zither which is played by keys
instead of the usual pick has been
invented by a Massachusetts roan.
quickly stops ceu4.s, cures colds, end heals
the throat and lungs 1: ae cents.
A Y-shetpecl, taiiess aeroplane is
making successful flights in Eng-
land, particularly in stnong winds.
a food' for cattle.
A rubber' complexion brush has
been amounted on one side of a
shaving brush to rub in the. lather
-after it has -been applied.
Appartus invented by a Paris
scientist hatches chickens and pro-
` tests them from all microbes until
they Peach a desired age.
Electricity, in the form of eon-
tinuous currents, has been found
' to drive moisture from. may better'
than mechanical processes,
I Germany exported 0.000,000 tons
,of iron and steel last year as emu-
' pared with 5,405.005 tons in 1411 and
41000;000 tions in 1010.
Curved metal shields. to to
retrapped to the head to train eye-
brows into graceful curves, are th,e
invention of an Illinois woman.
The Argentine government plans
1 to import camels In an experimen-
tal 'tray to take the place of horses
and oxen in semi -arid regions,
I The world's sugar crop for this
i year is estimated in .excess le, -
050,000 tons, or more than 2.2Un,UUo
{ tons g•reruter than last,year,
'A. wire support to make a wont-
an's s&outdoes shire the hurter-, t , of
a Itu'ge hat she m ty wish to wear
{ has been patented'by a Louisiana
IPians are under 18113-'fr)r an ex-
tensive utilization of the water
courses of Finland to furnish elec-
t tris light tared power a:,l to St, Pet-
I, TI1n third international cnnn'rts
;,of refrigeration at Chicago in Sil-
1 tember slhown that richer sugar
becte can be,1'c %vn in some ,arts
.of England than aro produced on
the continent of Europ:-'.
The world's acreage devoted to..
flax cultivation has increased u-
nbent 40 per cent. in the last foul'
Children Cr,
Tongs 03 nipped with rt spring t:l
insure them holding Finney are a
:French novelty for 1.an(1ling hot
Dust from cement mills has b ,ea
found valuable as 11 fel liliz •a' ast it
contains,„a large percentage of
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonolrestores cverynerve In the body
to its proper toasion ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decayand all sexual
weakness avert;d- at once. Phosphonoi will
make_ you a new man. Price $O a box or two. for
35. Mailed to any address. The Scooell Drug
90„St: otltartnes. out.
Asphalt was known to the an-
cients and is said 3.10 lave 1),e:)
used as a binder in ma5onree by the
Coal is hoisted and water pumped'
filum a, Kansas mine by a special,y
designed windmill with four broad
The surest way to det,emmin'et the
age of a painting, according to a
London chemist, is 'to hnalyze the
Per preparing grape fruit for the,
table quickly there has been inven-
ted a• knife with a curved, saw led-
ged blade.
Al German. city oodtecfts its gar-
bage, treats it' by a drying process
and mixes it with molasses to form
I tt
After any Sickness
or Operation
doctors prescribe SCOTT'S
EMULSION—it contains the
vital elements nature craves
to repair waste, create pure
blood and build physical strength.
No Alcohol or Opiate
Scott A Bovine, Toronto, Ont. 12-23
Women and Advertisements
SOME statements are so saturated with their
own moral as to require no cnn,rnent. "Rid-
ing on a car during the excitement over the
naval battles between Russia and Japan,” said Mr.
Thomas Martindale, before the Retail Merchants'
Association of Pennsylvania, "I observed that the
men were reading the war news•and the women
were reading advertisements. Those women, I
watched keenly, read every line of the advertise-
ments, and then turned to the woman's page, ibis
ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the
journey's end the women had nor yet had tune to
turn to the actual news of the day. The woolen
want advertisements to read, and you must present
your business in a 1•eadable shape to be in the fig'ht
these days,,
Is your Stock .Moving? if not.
Thele we can Help You,
New Era Ads pay -'They
get right at the people.
,�.; i ,S,A t wia4•ru4;