HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-29, Page 5ours rt.:.. Sall SOIve g g G 1 Pei' Itx 1\'hen• you are purchasing a Pxesenrt, it is a Matter 'D•,f mlorley and what you want- ni0thing else. Then this is Your store—for what " you want is here and at the 'low- est possible price. A good raiieLv of l:rtioies, selected from 'thee largest,. stocks, consisting, of SILVERWARE, CUT • GLASS, FANCY CSItiA, CLOCKS, ETC., These goods are. Lew, beauti- ful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. We make a specialty of hand- ling High Grade Watches, ALL KINDS OF :REPAIRING DONE AND GUARANTEED. scralesianammaeseeaatstagetaessmo W. IL II[ LVM JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE exessocanteuncoussanaameaee For Sale After all ext ' e.lc7ed visit at the home of his nuele Mr. Nei{ MrGregov' 157 * 1;7 NEW -I Blyth. - ' A, veay pretty wedding took plaee at, the home of Mr and Airs, H. Plaetser, tvben,tbetr baughter Annie ]?earl, wits ' married I:o Me, W. Donald McLean of Moms- by the Rev. \V. D. Tanner, B. A The ceremony took place Mader an rirch of evergreens and appleblossoois, with a hackgeound of o,times nod get animus, ]nh The beide ryas .drossecl in white gloelous aitic,"ttimruecl with All I over lace, with a wreath of orange blossorihs in her hair, rind' carried a Shower bouquet of carnations and maidenbaie ferns. The bridesmaid 1 was her cousin, Miss Lena PI'aetzer, who wore a, dress of teaxony sl1it, with l lace and rained bouquet of pink cern atiocs, The grown was aSSieted by WRVS OF I 74 2Tf1 Mrs, Edward Crawford and, neice 0•0009i.0000000.000001110000 Miss 931osoI,ha Orawfprcl, spent nfew clays with Mrs. Kienl ell. or Niagara 1 Sunday with Miss .Bel la Fairservic,e ▪ •Miss Vlllaans of Pel •atspent ''.�;.. Miss Bessiei — Corherline+ of Blyth gpent a few daye, 1vi(ih laser cousin, ewe **0epace***0e9Etei0000000 1 Miss May Adams, Edward Lo•� Lear off ,I t• ]• and ) - .Y 11 n then John ,, PASSED AWAY. Lear, F L ar IpiePti a fats dra s eon Wedncsdav 'evening the spirit with itlrob. sister. Mrs, Thomas! Sh'obrock. s of Elizabeth Hall,'• of the date Miss Josie Els1,e'y and Miss Elsie ! John Taylor, Lyon were Goclierfcl>+ visitors slur'- passed, away at hera ing the 24lt1! holidays, ]volae on ,Ontario Street, liter a Mr, Milton Hoopes was in Gotha.' serious illness of.pr:eumon'a, at the 00 Monday. ripe age o years and 7 days. Ali•. Althu'r Fzorsbal e sp'en'li ' 1116 ! 24th in Coo-derich, Deccae,ed was born in Ilalton ,richay, I f 82 ]lis mother. Mr. R. AlcLeata. ,Miss Clara Germs, of Zufich, played the Wedding march.After the ceremony the guests to the number of fifty eat down to it sumptuous repast, atter which the evening was spent it., pines and dancing until the morning. The r happy couple have left for the groom's I term periv Brussels - 1 Stantley, AIr D tvid \\Ta ks and wife spent the 2 fh at the home of Mt Neil McGregor his brotbtr in law, and other friends. They left for their home in Bruce County on Tuesday. Mrs. P. Uarnpl.ell and her daughter; May visited friends on the second dur in)t the holiday last week: ,. Mt.lol:n McGowan, wife and two children visited at the home of Air Duncan McGowan McKillop on Sat urday last. Mr J Elgin Tum I.P.S. visited S.S. No 1 Stanley on Monday afternoon, I3e was well pleased with the progress of the pupils. He also visited at the home or Mr. Geo. Baird. Bliss Elsie McQueen daughter' of Mr. James McQueen of the third left this week for an extended ti-ip to the west, She will vis t Winnipeg, Mooe,eJaw and o her western citie•, Blr, ,lames Cameron left last week A Baby Uareiage with urxibeet] ,. top the New Era. Bell viCi Dairy y f<arlaa From our stock . of first -cities i a cows we are prepared to . supply you twice da•ly with best of mill. and -cream: and solicit a share of your patronage. Phone 12a. E. B. HILL. R. FISHER. also e Cradle, nearly new. Apply at , ondon Roaa NIr and Mrs. Douglas Wheeler of London spent a few - days around the 24th with -Mrs. Wheeler's "ear - 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, Quite afenv of the London Road people spent hale' 24th at John Dielrl's On the 3rd/ concession, the older people fishing. and theyoun- ger people playing, football. All had a good'time, Mr. Mervin Hanley spent Sunday in Goderich. League • meeting next Tuos,day night art Mr. McKnight's. Conse- cration service. Mr. Fred Waldron,' spent a few days last weed! in Toronto with his brother Gordon. , Mr. John Youngblutl of the A'iait land rebels. visited at kir, 73. Liver- more's this week. Mr. and Mrs. Livermore visit- ed friends in „Illy tie hast week„ '. I e Th19t b »'0117 9e. to t stn he •a good crop. They apparently grow' fas- ter ]than the, grain with ire, wen- ther we have been having. Notc a tt, Contractors I will recelie marked tender's up to neon nn Tnesday, the 2nd day of June nett, for a two story cement building, :42a35 feet, to he erected at the gaol, in the Town of Goderich, Tenders for whole woi k or for sepel•ate trades will • be considered. A marked cheque for • .5a of the conlrn, L price must newel • pauy tendon. No tender necessarily accepted. Plans and specific.itions • ten be seen in the County Clerk's °dice, B C. M1JNN1M S, Chit 1, titin of Committee Dated May 141h, illl.i BAR ONE V Owing to press of other work on hand, the undersigned wilt ]seep stallion', Bar One V. in his own stable, on the Gravel Road quar- ter' mile north of town, where e h e will be pleased to see all his olcl customers and many 'nets ones.- 1Clarges $10. D. REYNOLDS, Proprietor A Good Chance Two Storey House AND New Cottage FOR SALE Properties in excellent cond1t1On. Located side by side. Would Lease from Buyer F. J. Hill, Clinton Phone 77. 1County, in 1831. She married her Ifirst ]husband- Robe74 Howson in H,onaateSiDs>Ao 11,8.10 �1n41 1n ]85(A they moved t 4 ,uuehes of Township. AIr, 'Howson died in V [i.0 ilecl (, ciea at $1, and SOL 1801,1and a ,year faker she married Slalrtgles for S l( 4206 1 T 'a X, bunches of XxXXX at $1,723,-R• ad- r elle late John Taylor, tvho.t pale - ams, I,onclesboro. eec'ateed her in 1800. They moved o M155 Mabel 'Caldwell left on Tri- tGIttin on in 1882, . A family of two day t friend's L i The ways of a watch are past finding out, Dont try. If your watch is lazy and won't run, let us repair it for you, Ten to one you neglected it -let it get dirty, or it stops from lack of ail. W17atever is the reason, dont delay. Delay costs looney. and often spoils the watch, r 4� e ive i'1 1 oro- g u 1 1 ex mi 7 ' a i g at10] 1 and regulating fz'ee, anyt23ing mere a costs as little as satisfactory work can be done for. ;.Jeweler and Optician% Issuer Qli l ar* iage Li ^ >, t �^ LQ,.}�t.5 ustifietl in giving its assent to thenav ' rill until the proposal has been sub o visilt fracnin nelph daughters, Mas.' W. II, Whiatle•y of mated to the electors of Canada, 9 Air., Will Tauiblyn of Toronto Gozrie, Incl Mrs. 'D. Mountain of went at memorial speech, Sir George Spent the. holidays at his home here ..Hullett, and meek son, Leonard of emphasized nL 'n111= into the 'question, suer Mr. AI E. Hooper of St. Aaiarvs hos-Ib Dakolta, survive. Deoeased the people t)0 )le tthe tmportance,otallowiug , epent, IL'hr holidays here, 1i as a mem1.)er of _ Ontarrio Street moment not only to them matter of such A7iscs EcLva Lyort of Straitforcl' was Chui'eh, hoer wa;t a fine woman, fir arm but to the I { home for the 24ith; and took a great llhte7,est in the future of thelrnpme, Rune a£ew rc7f(l'171a young people world's history, antil:as 11constant wonJosbiui tlln the lectieenof1theh`511055- reader of the C;lobe and Nert Era, tongued orator,' he brought Premier siince the' latter paper was pub Borden Pace to face with his own neral will be held on challenge to go to people if the Senate turned clown the bit], tend invited him •to make good his p.edge. In a telling manlier he showed how theBordenn proposals have already from here speirt Monday ino r•ie ] • le 1. ' r Mr. A.B.' Kerslake ear Exietgr vis - fished. Tho fu iiiasi eel erg er the 94th. Saturday afternoon to .'Hope C' -erne- The regular meeting' of the Wo- tery, 13'11111 eone essien, Hallett, men's Institute will be held in the For restea's Hall. next Thursday are HY MAN'S WON' 15-0.. ter•nioon at the regular hour. A The Hymaan's of London took ,the aausen needless friction, and urger] full lattend'ance of member[ is re Clinton baseball chit into camp by that they would cause more if proceed - quested as:som,e important business a tunewith without the will be bnought befoirq the mem- i hof 15-0 or) Saturday after- chance 10 express people having a hers. MOOD. ht the park bene. A nod p ss then views. crowd Was out /to witness theg11) 1- 'Sir George's speech was a masterly J. Hutton got la car of extra good one delivered Manitoba oats this week.. Be is • getting in la loq of cement also, The IEnipire Day brought t everal match, but the•l.ocals showed the ea,rnes,and.filled twitlis a higheit lack of practice, an'de errors and imperial ideas )the highest The London boysa. haclt flits 'to burn weal hitting was their undoing, rs to our village. SOME, from ,and every timet an error was macre Brantford, London andoitherptac2s it either went for an extra base or vV•'"�°r•Y'�°"'^i^ •''+�a• Mrs. Dr. Alllsolrt took atria) to " ""▪ "" Harristion to see leer father, who `'run. The visitors are a well- " +24 is very sick, balanced bunch of ball. players and �' Mrs. D. W. Bo3'd and daughter of a gentlemanly lottoft ferlows, Fol -• .EDITORIAL +*•• Chicago arrived lher•,t1 on Saturday lowing was the runs,— M++ "' ^fj'+"' 4"'"'"464111 do visit her parents at the Enipor_ Clinton -.- .--0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— Io rum, London c_-.2 0 0 2 5 4 2 0 0-15 A good many horsemen think the visioyTorrance of McKillop is a Struck: out by Tasker•.: 5; by Ter- ; Enrloilment law is a trifle short atr atthe Emporium this w'c,e1-. ranee 5erro.er•s, London 1; ,Clinton i both ends ,and should not be per- Williaanl Riley still continues to 0; hits, 'Clinton 3, London 10; 2 -base, nlit`teci tosbancl as it is. Over 2. imprlove in health, hits, !Russell ; 3 -base. hits, Terrance, s'tat'ions have been enroll d `.OnD Mrs. W. Griffith is considerably Phelan ; Tasker walked 1 ; double Ontario and 1300 inspected,e in bet"ter', play, klawkins, to Draper to E. --a-- .R, Adiams, owing, to poor health, Johnson, Umpire, Dr', Slaty, has decided to sell out and give up Have you a crop of Alfalfa? business 15 50011 as possible. — -- I`orter', Hill When cho you say the Dominion Mre, George Weston and son Harold Election will he head? It ap 7 4 'dcriclt Township of Hayfield have returned home after to he {a guessing con'tsst so you Death of Joseph Colciongh—There epiline`Thon> on.k tefl�iode hn x' is vis' might as well have your say. pursed 10 the great Beyond on Tues- it day, May 27th, the Spirit of lir,Joee>lh ing' at Sterlry Mc:Plutlle. --o-- Cole ou gh. et his hntue on the Base line ,lir, and Mrs, Wesley V Clinton.rK's 130,000 emigrants fnntn the [mite ch (7oderi h Township. Fre died on the and Son spent Saturday in ClintoStates located Mrs, Win Johnson is visite ng her inCamila in the form on but.sh a was born, having daughter Mrs, Fid Moose at elunroe ae eloodifa March 31e pre They - spent all but al7out ten years alas lite Addie Cox is spendingale s,aood farmers, hays, plenty of tate,. Deceased was married about a few day sat l money -anci make first-class citiz- e' I ' h 1 7L) h ' <l et • scot t ol] ing ll years n c, lsn„ U D Miss t \115 Annie A n eRl Richardson 11 n t oen C S.L' I is , Canada's innings. nriu s. deo ag l { Goderich 1( 1 1' 1 1township. c. liesiil • his vire, he leaves lone childen to mourn Summerhill lose, }rev, J. FL Uolalongh 13. A. Jamas b'nrbes had his house raised a Good luck is wished the Chinese rector or parish .ef Lloyd town; Aibeer, few feet oh the.ground last Saturday i Government nment in their desire to' stay Arthur, and May at home, Deceased and intends h:lv'ng ih concretefonndat the opium Itnade. and thereby save had been a great suit -Ker 11'00 Bright's tion built under it. I tU usefulness pl'Ohal7l}* ratiomillions in isease freeseven or eight years, so his firs, „lames Snell has returned home that land of dense. population. death was expee tsel, In religion be . after at pleaeant visit with relatives in 1 .--a,— was an adherent of the A' gliean Nin.gana Palle 011(1 London, church; in politics he was a Cense v,t- In Memoriam, -1n ever lovingre_ Canada's wheat ctrl fol 1013, is Live. The funeral on Thursday, was mem 1expected •t0l:eat I y, pia ice of Graeoall records by Ann ,who c' bar undue bushels. Without nnuzh under the auspices of the U. O, 1•', loved wire of John Colbourn, who died VOW Londeshorough lodge, 0onrt Septeanber'21.s1, 101.2, aged 47 Sears,'2 doubt we will soon bei able to sup - 'ride or the West. Rev. 0 53, Tea months and 2U due, ply the world's market with the instal St Paul's Church officiated at y stall of life, he house and grave, The remains You're, not forgotten dear wife and were interred in Clinton cemeter •, Nor will on ever be y [mother, --4-- wereatsep was ui years and S 100011)85 So long as lire and mese, lasts, What about nest. Winter's cool We will remember thee, supply. We did not see our love die, 1 —o Mullett John Grieves left for Sarnia on Saturday, where he has a sithuil ion, Airs, Norman P,aIle null son left last weep for Teller, Alta.., to spend A few months with her parents...Mr. t rl t and Mrs. George hill, H/° ""'e"e'1""OAfHolmes vine Yet we have this hone through God's Excursions To Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta is Each Tuesday until, October 28th, inclusive. a Via Ohicag,o or Sarnia. 0 Winnipeg land Return .$35,00 f; Edmonton and Return ,-. 43,0 Proportionate low rates to otlre points. 1 At the lash meeting of the 'Board f the Methodist Church it was de- ided to have the services for the 0011051' months half an hour latter lamely 10.30 and, 7.30, and S.S. 2.30• Miss Mandina Holland of London spending a weeelkt at biome. Miss Tilly Tebbutlt, of Woodstock nd Miss Rasa. of Berlin and rhas. f Goderich spent -the 24th nt their ether's on ithe 14111 concession, Mr, •Wilbur Ford is visiting at Mr. ill. Pickard's. Miss Florence ,t' --- artlha went to r W Returning Limit TWO 141onth5. Seafiorth and Mrs.' Will Pickard to Through g Pullman Tourist Sleep- London and IVl:rs, Cr. Proctor. to n Clans are operated to Win.ii holidays. without change via Chicago and St. On Monday evening the. house of Paul, heaving Toronto 11.001 p.m. on Mrs, Williahru Hick was completely above dates. destroyed by fine. How the fire Tickets are also on salt) via Sar- stlat+ted was a mystery, 1t' head nia and Niorthern Navigation Com- made such headway that by the pauy. time anyone reached it it was fm - Full particulars and reservations possible to soap anyitliing. Mrs. from Grand Trunk Agents or write Rick had gone into a neighbors JOHN RANSFORD &SON, Agents and while thecae sorae:one sale the agent bre turd gave/ the, 1 It as ing p t 1 eg LIT n,w for file A. 0, PATTISON. depot A.E. Duff, district passenger.' agent partially covered by insurance, w Union Station, Toronto. Ont. eameelearseasesetarmsamestamem Our Alm --To Please BRINGS CUSTO'r VERS BACK. Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back when they want more, and bring their friends with them. To Use Our Furniture is t) prove that it is as good as it looks, and that is saying a whole lot. Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money- saving rates. Why not ,.secure what you need now while prices are so favorable. Dunford & May Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 . NIGHT AND SUNDAY CALLS—Phone' No, 127 or Phone 16 POL!S S for all Kinds oI r Footwear THEW FILTHY FLY. The fly is filthy. Born in filth, he feeds on filth, crawls in filth and then, with filth sticking to 0 his feet, legs and body, he feeds and walks—if. you It him -on and in your food. • Would it not disgust you to see a fly feed in a foul smelling 0 • garbage can ._or something worse and'then fly to your din- ((77 ing room and wipe his feet on the sugar, tangle his legs in the • soft butter and take a bath in the milk? Notice for awhile the flies that • come into yourkitchen and you will see that most of them come gfrom such filth to the food on. your table. 00000o.o0HXX> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 dear Son Thirty-Itwot• extra passenger That the morn in Heaven awoke her . mains were drafted into service hn Clack insight and deathless bloom; Toronto to provide accommodation Death rides in every passing breeze, •for the visitors fol Victoria Day And lurks in every 'flower i holiday. 65,000 people were hand- led. It was a record crowd for this Maker of Man be thou our strength, And our eternal stay, anniversary. Calm on the cosom of Thy God, I Pala spirit spirit rest thee now, Fruit and shade trees in Montreal 1 While yet with us thy footsteps trod locality have been se` upon by His seal was on thy brow, Dust to its narrow house beneath Soul to its home on high, They that have seen thy look in death No more may fear to die. i3irtIP, Marriages Deaths BIRTHS McIntyre --In Clinton, on May 25th to Mr, ands Mrs.. William McIntyre, a-d'aughter, (" Cartrighlt—In Hullett on May Mil to Mr, and •Mrs James Car•'tright, a sion. Dunbar,—In Clinton Hospital May 21117, to Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Dunbar ,a son. DEATHS. Dunbar.—At Churton Hospital. 141ciy 25th, infant son sof Mr. and hVli's, Thos. Dunalear. T'aylotte-In Clinton on, Wednes- day May 28'111,,- Elizabeth, Hall, re- lict of (the :late John Taylor, aged 82, years andl 7 days. 'C'olclouglh—In Goderich Town- ship On Tuesday, May 270th,;Joseph Oolelough, aged 58 years, end 8 months. 1, Adlams—In Hulleth, on Saturday, May 24111, Ann. Adana, . relict of the date • William Vloddlen, egged 78 yetars, Navy :Rift Must be Decided by Vote of the. People Ottawa, May 27. -On motion of Sir George W. Rose. seconded by Hon, Hewitt Bostock, the senate this after- , noon (lenided that the House is not ettez caterpillars 'that are causing, ser- ious damage to'the foliageancT blos- atom. To know what to do with the pest is the problem. The Turkey trot, Bruin hug and the Kangaroo quadrille are on the prtognam in Old England and are causing quite a sensation at society ' panties: Guess there are as many crazy people across the Atlantic as are to be found on this hemisphere. Dr. 'Hasting's, Medical Health or - fleet in Toronto, demands; that the Board of Education provide a drink ing cup for each pupil. He says unless it is provided the Board will be indicted Dor maintaining a nui- sance We were of the 04)711100 that the drinking water was Sometime de( bad if a law were passed pro- hibiting its use a greater safe- guard would be thrower round the health of the pupils. The value of a plentiful supply of oocle'wa+ter is beyond valuation. In this Heron County is signally blessed. Well, we we suppose 01111lfuron Ooun'ty will, have to try and worry along even if we, do not pet the Miiitia,ry Camp this year. til the money being so lavish5ys spent on armiouries throughout the country had been husbanded the Attril I prop whereby ten promninenit Presbyter - easily purchased as a permanent Cell DRJ3 'S V'ASU DRESSES Our showing' of Wash Dresses this year is � y � larger '- and prettier then we have€` 1 ever shown before,.... Dainty, little Dresses in Print:, Ginghapas, Chambrays, Ducks and Linens, and in all sizes from 2 years to 14 years and wonderfully low priced at from 2tac to N See our Middies at.. i,25, �w Ladies. Waite Waists and Underwear. We have a beautiful assortment of Ladies Waists in lawns, ernbryiderw, pique, linen, etc., ranging in price from ;• oc to l 3,00. J Ses our special line at $Loo' Also some extra valuesrtes in Ladies' es and: Children's Underskirts, Gowns, ' Corset Covers, Drawers Princess Drawers, nl_c,ss Slips, and Combinations. SMALL PROFITS • MORE BUSINESS whereby tenpromieent Presbyter- ian laymen donated $1,000 each toward the expenses of this import- ant gathering. In a time when so much i said abont seifishnc-s', and greed the atm e incident:, 15 most timely and as an object lesson will carry weight that May result hn Oc d's tribtition of wealth in very htlpfu channels to the world at ]nrgr, Clinton and locality wilt be w•el represented Friday evening ti- the Proucl'foo't Demonstration a GodmIice. 'That vote of 00)1501 was rather a boomerang and tin end is not yet, we Icnioiv of instances whe e grea difficulty was experienced i0 ar- ranging for funerale,- visits to the sick and ]other emergencies that atose lvhen the, holiciay.a were on. In some instances ' the, vacation business is badly aoverdone, and as a 'result there is r etrograding and impairment that many months of 1 hard work will require, to be sl ent • 1 ' 'rhe Anglican Church unit 1 movement will do good and will t win its 'way es compared 1vit11 es- e elusiveness ane! austerity. There r is growing feeling towarc' consoli- dation in fighting the great evils and year by year the/ massing of Christian people is proving a de/t- rent 'to the vicious and a great magnet to those willing to be, at- tt acted to the right. Let tke;good worlc go on. It is pleasing to note that, fling George's friendly visit to the, Lm - mem' of Germany has given a )lack eye to th • story of had Iee - ing between aleeat Britain and Germany. What applies to Nations is also true of i.ndividua!s, 1f more of old time sociability were in evidence thee would be less occa- sion for "scraps'' as the warmth :and geniality produced by com- mingling is the best soive•nt in allaying irritation and misunder- standing. The good old days when you took your knitting., stayed for supper, and spent the. evening. might return with great bet eriat.0 society. "Friendship is lh,' golc;el chain that binds communities• to- gether; :Don't you think- it would Le, good move in planning for 1101:- days the parsons in the various owns would confer with' 111tr11 (erical. 1)rntil01:; and ;'frau;.; So hat they would not all i.c• laking their vacation at the stun„ tin ee When pulpit supp'ies are heed or an the ground ail the tun:, during the absence, c of the :,t ,urn• pest )r•. there is no partit ul;u' lrnubl lila; t e i --a-- Remo vin g the duty from traction maclhinero isa good move and of great value to the farming com- munity and a stop should not he made at drainage machinery. i• L L', S. Government Standard Below is an extract from C,S, Got ',,.i. for tenders_ "The ant) 185150 coal must he equal to that ruined and 110eonred l',v t'hiln,tel ph in & Read ing (`u,i1 1111) Co" 1Va hnnr11' nothing hill the first grade Philadelphia & Heading:, �A�1[o`c K6•+' ]louse phone 12. Office phone 40 15th ANNUAL EXCURSION GODERICH to DETROIT and RETURN B10 STEEL STEAMER CREYHOIJND will leave Goderich June 10th, 8130' a. m. Arrive Detroit, June 101,h, 6:80 p. In. Returning, leave Detroit, Tune 12th, 1;00 p. m, Tickets, 1.50 Round Trip MOONLIGIT EXCURSION, JUNE 9 FOR PAARTICULARS, mann IiiUi.rwrite ER, U:it,. Dutton, Mich. e•••�••�•iiiiiiiNi♦���••o•••i•oos•••••i••i••eo••i�• • e, OVERALLS R.EE • • mycose• • • • • We are sole agents for • WALKER'S OVERALLS, made in Wal erville, Ont. We guarantee tot: for every button that comes off, and 25c for for every rip. For every six. pockets cut from worn garments «•e will give you. one pair of Overalls or Smock F'ree, Get in the habit of saving Ing }our pockets • • • • • • • • • e. • for b t h 1f • • • • • 0 •0 0. 0 • • • • • SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY • • • • • • • • • • • • location for the ramp. No finer • sfto coaid he obikained. Ozer � 7� t /7 inn m 0 • ... . •ar•. Al very pia fear illustration of Also by the 1Pal1[eryil•le Pant and Overall Co. • helpfulness is annonneedrn c�in_ a WaIkerville,Ont. laity .Congress to eonveIle in .Tor- f • ••••i•••••••••0••••i • •i•ii• motion. with the great Mies n onto on Slaiturlday of thus (week •000000•••0•••0•••••••8•••• NEW 1-10L16711( FOOTWEIAIR Fully Equipped for Summer. Are you ready for °the hot days that will soon be here ? We are prepared to show you the newest designs in Leather and Fabrics. White and Tan Shoes. This season promises to be another in which these will be very much in demand. Our stock of these colors is nowcomplete, comprising new designs in Pumps, Oxfords and Boots. H. S. @HARP Successor. to Jas. Twitchell &' San Oma: C'I.1NTN3N