HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-29, Page 4liliIti'rper•y
We were fortunate to secure 20 mill ends of
Scotch Ginghams, all fast colors; 27 to 30 inches wide.
They come. in pretty checks and stripes, and is just
the .right tirne before you begin your sprint?,sew>ng,
regular iSe:, 2oc and 25c, Friday price l sic,
See These in our Window
Spring Coats
at a Big
We. have left about L5
Ladies and Misses Coats, all
tie latest styles, in good
cloth, colors fawn, navy,
black and Copenhagen, all'
18.00 and 20 00 coats 131,98
14:oo sod 16 00 coats 10.98
10.00 and 12.00 coats 7.98
NOW is your time to buy a
Good Spring Coat
Ladies Spring w
Suits Half Price
5 Just
left in s ock
in Tweed and Navy Serge,
sizes 32, 34, 36 and 38,
regular $18 for 9.00.
House Furnishings
A special showing of a freh shipment of New
Rugs, LUnoleums,,Mattings and Oilcloths We have
hada good season in this department .That shows
we have the right goods at the right price.
Look around, then call and see our display
This Store will be closed Saittrdaav, :nay 1.4th
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As Seen Frnca
the Goliery
ECHOES FROM QUEEN'S PARK. setealwe;tGat 'iedel4
(Special to the 11i•evv Era)
Speatters' .bureau. -One, of the
adhere( Club Federation of Ontario
Is its Speakers' Bureau. 13y this
pan, the various Clubs forming the
.Federation, (there are nearly' 40
mow land new ones being. organie+ecl
constantly), will be able to secure
,good speakers for thein meetings.
The hack of such speakers in the
wast has been a serious drawback,
especial by in the small+: places.
The Federation is already • col-
t-laetin,g 'Lest ,of speakers from all
.arts of the province and' is secirr-
'' zing their consent to have, tl+e:r
Games placed on the Put caul The to Godertch for the meeting.
speakers will not be asked to take
engagements more than twee or Friend's from points be and the
Y c
three times during ther'se!ason and riding will also be there; from
4 they will be given sufficient ' notice Tonto, and from. +thei whole district
advance. of Western Ontario. The. G. T. R,
will. run a special train, from Sere t
'.Ghe Speakers' 13ui eau is only. one ford, covering Mitchell, Sraforth,
of the 'activities of the Federation . Clinton and the other towns on the
bat • It w+ Route A
elle oticsi out. well itin Itself large crowd is also ex-
' will, justify the formation of the peered from Rbc C. P. l'+ Linwood
Union. Mr. W.: B. Preston, of Brant Junction line, j aising 'through
ford, is President it F r Mil thank Mile a' •
of, e�T+ede; a e t+ i L•
) , on, .ply, h and
teen- and the Chairman of the Speak Auburn. Liberal members of the
era' Bureau is, Mr. Claude, Senegas
:c?r Loa d'on,
James Whitney and Hem( W. J.
Hanna, nor the way in which the
investigation( brought on by • the
charges. fed by Mr. Proudfoot, was
throttled and tampered with. Mr.
Prioudfoot's services in connection
with the cha:•gges aro L•e.ng recog-
nized more;and more fully and this
meeting is,adefinite mark of ape
predation. Not only are Mr. Proud
foot's own ;townsmen anxious to
honor him, but his constituents
friom all parts of Centre 1•Iuron are
showing keen in tat est in the event
and as many ass are able are going,
'`3rrnireltooti Meeting. -Al I s
'' point to the success of they Proud
Gant demonsltr+ation in Goderich on
May 30th. The public have eta for
',gotten the charges, against Sir
Steel Shingles
Corrugated Irola
Asbestos Fire Proof
(Jltit or Phone for
Oourr Prices.
Saalntary 1.'Lutatbcrs )y
I Lnganc '7. >
Legislature including Mr. N. SV.
Rowell, leader of the Opposition,
will be present and take part •in
the speech -making,
June the . Monnip�lif
Toronto Telegram Cob serv•itive:
"The 'upboldesoi:the 1'ioud1ootchar
'hes have been given 0. chance to fix
upon tlx: Whalley Government to
spoiiell.Mity for zianiquiry in whivh the
Libc, 'talo wer t gagged by lion. AVa.laoe
•Neeb,,,t•s objections and tied band and
foot by Chairman t' r'guson'0 rulings.,
The • Proudfoot inquiry developed a
Moral irugedy. Legal tricks ,inn tech•
hit:Wides don inated,the inquiry."
Ottawa Citizen, Conservative:" It is
of good promise that other Conserve
tive papers besides the Peoudioot
investig tion was but apolitical farce.
Ontario, and e. pecielly Ontario Censer
vatives cermet understand why Sir
James, Whitney refused to have an
Ind epeilcloirt and unpartial nearing of
the case. He roust have. known that
no verdict of such aconlneitee as was
appointed would have received any
credence from the public, It is all too
a pi arene that every possih'e t xoeptiou
would be taken to evidence adduced
and every doubt settled in -favour of
the defendants,"
Kingston Stanclaro, Oonservative;-
"nhe iandeercl .from the beginning
bas thought teat serious mistake ons
made by the Chairman of the Commit
tee on Privileges and Elections iu the
Provincial Legislature in refusing to
adroit as evidence the Thorne tetter
bearing ou the Hannu-Taylor incident;.
!'he best proof (bat this is so is
that the Thorneletter lilts now become
imblic property, as it was boned to he.
cone, and that, &Intent a nately, it leaves
a bad taste in one's mouth. "As
a friend of both Premier 1Vbitney'and
islr. Retina, and as a supporter: of and
believer in them tied theirGovernirent,
The tetandard urges thorn to let the
fullest light be turned oti in the Baylor
matter. Concealment, evasion or
legal quibbling can only do harm."
Toronto World, (.`oil evative-"The
layman's mind will tisk why the Gov
ernu+ene headed of etnvriling. \ti by
dlei, 1 t they open all the '
Hire do
:t the b buildings 1 v
u u s.aldtn invite Rowell
, it
and Mr. Peoudtoot eind Mr. Dewar,
and The Glo' a reporters to examine
everything in sight? deby did they
object to tlme•reeduig of a letter in the
cornrnitee that was going tobe read in
the house anywie Why 1. did they
abject to the a.lcing of questions that
everybody is asking and the Liberal
pipers are supplying such auswers to
as they deem judicious? Why in e
short, was the impression given there
was something to conceal.
SOP for Taxes
The Saskatoon Phoenix of a re-
cent issue contained several pages
of solid advertising erette vis,:
the sale ,of 'land for taxes, Inves-
tors in some instances, had bought
lots by the score, and had evident-
ly reekoned, on turning them Deer
before the' evil day of The assessor
,overtook `them. But the acre iso.
came, and as the taxes we •c• l at
forthcoming, the law became 01 eta
e -
ative, and the property 50025-1 en-
der the "going, going gone" ham-
The names of many Easterners
appear on the list, and right ]leis
it might be remarked that thereis
a great army of men. in eastern
Canada who would he mightily
pleased if they could unload their
western holdings at par, and Let
profits go by he boards.
Real estate in the old Province
of Ontario, whether it be farm land
or city property, isabout as safe a
"buy," as can be made nowadays.
Attending a�
i ria
Ghon Practice
One should not fell to remember that
attendance at choir practice is in itself
very educational, , Schumann says:
Sinn diligently Y in choirs, especially in
then tarns p,,r t:e, for this will slake
von musical.' Nol; that any eau le
nnade musiwll, but the natural gift bas
in -hieway1. c.
th t than o far development,
Many who study piano would be h,ltle
in snore ways than one by beingin a
choir. $eaclartg at sight, keeping per-
fect t ibee, and the habit of listening to
ha, -monies can be learned there. if
they are thoughtful they will attempt.
to get more of the "singing" 05 true
musical tone in thein playing and will
realize that vocal and instrumental
music have much in nonrmon. In a,
choir one may begin to participate in
real music very soon. In playing, more
¢) ' things have to be learned before one
'Uf Weddings can perform even fairly well, but to a
choir one can hear and take pert iu
that which gives pleasure fr. m the
The members of the choir should feel
their responsibility individually (Jer-
teinly no one can compel a volunteer
choir to attend if they prefer to do
otherwise.. Any position, paid or not
paid, however has,
responsibility con-
y n
netted with it. There have been cases'
where the choirmaster has been obliged
to phone write or see member's of the
choir personally to avoid being with.
one some voices on Sunday. That is, he
was obliged to, But when things are in
this miserable state the choirmaster
nor anyone else need feel obliged' to
lower their self respect in this way,
The rnore some people are indulged
the move they will expect it' To see
some one else in their place on Sunday
would be 111) effective means of bring
ing these del in+luenes' to t decision en
then to suippovb the cboir'uraster pro
piety or stay out aJtogether.
i"im,lly, everyone' should , guard
martinet. singing for mere display. The
happiest resulte cannot be obtained
until the thet,, both as a body and as
omen here realize tbat theyaye .oifee rig
prrhlic praise, S'Vben this spirit ani
nnares all the singing' will have its of
1•eel even if the iliter Ir etotinn
yet to be desired, The choir will
not then be any longer looked upon as
a thing to be merely tolerated, but a
kindred will be felt,inspiring all
tselit and nkin all feel
that; what
they are offeringis as trulyaceeptable
as atwhich is read and pounded.
The Pleasure ofgiving
Well. as the joy of reoeivieg
depends gre+atiy upon 'the
,amount of ithought and per-
sonality used in selecting a
gift. In presenting an appropri-
ate, well-ehosen gift the idea of
ro i
d rs and cents value is'sec-
ondary, as It properly should
be. _!
New that ,June, ;the season
of neatly weddings, is approach
frig, i is well Sorthoae conLerl:
plating the purchase of gifts to
bestir 'themseltea and decide
1pio1i what they will gk•o.
THE.NEW ERA'S advertising
c!olumnr, offer elan} suggestions
that are timely and valuable. A
careful reading will double esti
solve the pe,•rpl+exing question
of "what to give."
Using THE NEW E1iA adver-
tisements as a guide, 'once not
onlymakes sure of covering ng a
wide variety of possible gigs,
but ,alsio greatly simplifies the
actual, purchasing and sending
Of presents.
In support of the course pursued by
tot d W. PUT, !Vit, t ". il<•
atthe recent Sessiotr-o-t the Ontario Legislature
R Icy PAY, � p/�µ{]� , °. t" 30th
r4 L4 Lt CM1 W Yl � .d. 1. �l .. 1 �
in the Everateg at 8 o'clock
The presence of a large number of the most
prominent Liberals��{{,�{potf�pOntario
Mr,„ .1 q1. W. ROWELL
the Provincial lead'r, and a number of other
Liberal members of the Legislature
The V. -est Street Rink, containing the largest
auditorium in the town, has,been engaged
and will be seated for the occasion. pace
will be reserved ` for people coming from
outside places.
Everyone who believes. in honest Government
and fair play invited
Speibd Railway Servii'e-is being arranged.
Look for further announcements, rates, etc.
Chairman of Corn. Secretary
M=mrr$;a,Mn AD,
1.010912,mI .� nranc oat.. ss,orran.vr,.smt.=.,,,r:.,
information in Goad Advertising
I never
until the oal:ei day how moil information a oluiatioit you
can get rout of advertising," renl,:rked a well known man. "Ir ickeed
up a paper and began to read a rug advertiseme:n+t. The ,headline
being unusually attractive, caught me quickly, Then I read on and
I \\;as astonished to note how much information that advertisement
contained concerning rugs.
"It went back centuries in a few sentences, and when 1 gee
through in less than five minutes I knew more about rugs than I
ever did before."
"I read an advertisep•+enit of silks the 'ether night," said the: wo-
man, nand when I finished I l.neW more about silks than I ever knew
before, There \wasn't much to read, but what there was, was weft
written end full of useful farts. Of course T bought silks, just as you
bought rugs,"
Well written advertising is 'a delight.
You have sinipiy to react some of THE NEW ER<1"s ads. to ap-
preeiate; that fact.
onnsion Courts
DI}urner vice Pre sidenb. John Duncan:
Secret -my - Tre eutet', A, Strachan;
Managing Committee, the officers and
1•L. E. Downing, 3, G Jones and 11
County of Huron Le1a',ttihSrcda"flce
10th, 11th and 12nh. '.there is to he au
exceptionally good Paige -amine this
year. •
Tie closing game of football in
the Hough cup series was played in
Winghatn on Saturd t\;;the con-
testants being \\-,00dsLock and
Wingham. The visitors won by a
sicore of 3 tol. This makes Serried -
stack whirlers of the. cup.
Clinton plays in Brussels on Fri-
day- of this week.
Business Transacted in Them as
Shown by the Last Annual
Report of Inspection,
The hnnual report of the insrez-
tor of Division Courts for the Pro-
vince of Ontario is to hand, from
which the following figures of Mur-
ton County are taken : No. of divi-
sions/ 12; no. of suits entered, e,x-
elusive of transcripts of judgments
summonses, 531, amount of claims
entered on these, 27,366.18; number
rof transcript judgments received
from other counts, 63; no. of judg-
ment summonses issued 44, balance
of dash in it from. previous year,
$564.10; total amount of suitor's
money paid into counts, 12,228.89:
total amount of suitor's money paid
out courts, 12,328.88; balance of cash
in court, 464.51 amount payable to
county treasurer for division court
jury fee fund, 26.73; elerks' returns
of emoluments, 1,636.83 ba:iefter re-
turns of emoluments, $788.91.
J3 detectting the Win ham High
School on Seturda •afte noon in a
taco y
Rough cup game by a 'score 1,f 2 to 1,
Woodstock College has a lead of one
goal on the round for the championship
The final game will be lila yeq en Wing -
hem next Saturday.
The Mussels n'am' n was
organized for this season wtth the
following state of officers :- Ron,
President, T. Farrow, President, G. C.
1 B I g Ol b re -
"Hearts oG Oak,(' Barry •C4icld-
i g's three -yea r -old won -th+e Ding's
plate at Toronto 00 Sat7irday.
Definitely Settled That Training
Wilt take Place at London
London. May 22, -The militia cam
conies to London. After months of nn
certainty the gime ion was settled at
last, by official notice from"headquart-
ers at Ottawa, tact uight to Oolnnel W.
L. Hodgins, coin 'nand ing this division.
The dates are, Juee 10 to 27, the some
as nreviously announced for Godericlr.
The change r location.
g n made,within
a (month of camp is aresult of muter
tain water-supnl,y at the ploposed camp.
ground 'in Cnlhorne township, near
God-r•ieh. It involves e great deal of
wort: tor the divfsionlai staff.
'Prongs en ptooeed to London roust be
routed differently and many details are
It is understood that the old camp
ground on Carlin 's Heights will h
used, with whatever area may he avail
able for manoeuvres,
\1Q �sY� �iAt6Sr�'8�
Local News
The new Public health ace requires'
that a .1 slaughter houses in Outalio
must be kept in a eelfeebly sanitary
condition It n an 1. if ,e s
c the re elation. set
forth are, adhered to these buildings
,will be. so far as cleanliness is concet
ned on ,a par with the kitchen of a
tidy housewife. A,aother health regu-
lation that will nrobahly effect a num-
ber, of residents of Clinton is that no
pig stables shall he located within one
hundred yards of any r•osidence.which
pvaoticaly excludes the raising of pigs
inside the corporation.
On Saturday sof this " week the
electric liglatplant will become the
property of the Town and fn or-
der to have this new department.
pay so web, that liberal discounts
can be given, those who me now us-
ing Coal Oil should put ..in electric
light. 'lave your .house wired by
a- semu.r X.wa a0e a..,: nN sa the Mews aft the minimum cost and
tlaiis become a-s+tocl. hotelmin lo-
cal enterprise
Census of ;) irP�•t .. ,a:��f[�. -84id,k
. gathered
P n svhl.
from the merchants of tls Town
' been ee'rio:usly ill with pilot/mon- is to the effect that the• Stores. will
10.• all be .open for business on Tuesday
For the money invested WALL F; sERimproves your •
home more' than any other furnishings..' Bring alon the sizes
of your rooms and we will surprise you at what it Will cost
you `eTO FIX UP."
atilt:3napest Trimmed Fria; -'
June 3rd, the King's birthday
Un I ese the hanks gest other order
they will be closed for the day.
The merchants feel that it is due
to the public that business 'shall
not ,again be interrupted so soon af-
ter the 2lth and so near to the lst
of July.
s The Canadian Older of Foresters of
Clinton, will attend the morning ser,
vice in Onl evio Street Methodist
Church next Sunday,
Ione i, the King's birthday, will not
be observed ay a public holiday in town
The banks arid postodine will likely
close, but the other concerns will con
tinue doing business as other days,
The 500 ;Club repent apieasanl
time tat the home of 34r. John Mid--
dleton's on Wednesday evening of
this week. They went out in El
liotit's auto truck.
On Tuesday of this week, the ad
\lance man, Mr. 1'. J. Bates and th
bill posters were- here billing fo
Howe's Great LondonShows, Pheir
.advts. may be reacl on pages '2 and
3 of this issue.
A special train will leave Clinton as
515 p.m. on Friday, May 3Otb, for the
Liberal demonstration ettGotlerieh, and
return after the meeting, Tickets
e will be fare and a third for round trip
1, for party of ten or more,
The Now Era. xenei -cd the book-
let issued by the. I'lstesutiva of the
Huron County Publicity and Im-
pnovvement Assocnhltion. It is well
gotten up book, full of illustrations
and should do' gond for Huron Co.
C.I. I. E CA
, Drs.
The new uniforms bare au'riv.ecl
tor the Collegi;at e, Cede al and the
boys made es fine showing on Wed
nesseay morning when on parted;
They went through their drift at
the market squ tr .auedee the dir-
ection of Major Rance and Li,ut.
Several from here took, in the
third annual tournament of the
Hensel' Gun Club on the 24itli. F.
Kerr, to Cetituaiia captured• tee
diver cuff with a score; of 05. 3.16.
Hovey, of town was second With 'i2,
J E. Can team v ae 7th with 85 and
Geo. Ease Sth with 81. all enjoyable
time was spent by all.
A t'ourn,ameut oi. 13 doubles of
teen's inns \teas played ondh:r tennis
courts of Mr. 1100. Lavis •incl iII',
Jas. Stevenson on tthes 24th, and
many good games` were' played,
After lunch was 'served the finals
were pkkayrd I'iencon'c cu feating
Hovey In doublers by score of 7 to 5
an trophy and, in the eon•*motions
Levis defeated liudsent by a 850243
A team from Clinton journey. d to
Hensel' ,on the 2.111 and had a s,,oul
with the Iion•aall gunmen at 25
targets. The Gunbon shooters won
by one bird. Following were the. e
w:h+o took Palati andtheir score';-
C'linton 1Ieneall.
J. le. Iov ey•-,--22 J, Passmore.' .--24
J, E, Ctantelon...23 H. Solden---, -.-23
G. Bast ,-.23 D..13rinitnell _-2i
R. Gnaham-_•--24 G. Dal-ympl.e...20
E. Lawson ......13 12,1 ,Belli -„16
- it --
T'otai... •--...105 TOltal 104.
The first foo'tbiall. match' in the
intermediate series of the, W. P. A.,
was played last Thursday nigh+"t be
tiveen Sea teeth and Clinton. The
gamo, was billed to start at six
o'clock sharp but et was nearby 7
before it golf started, owing to a
mixup in notbeingg table Ito get a
referee and a calk had to be made
at headquarters, and the 4ecretary
of the W, F. t1, hint s0lf appeaied
and an excuse he cstrtainty was.
We hope he will /levee come again.
The game was welt conl eulteldt and
Clinton lost seeded good chancesances
in the first; half to
score. Sea -
teeth got rootle)hard shots on goal
but Rent cleared all in good style.
13'oftowing was the lineup;-
Selaloa-th-Goal, 1Iinchle ; backs,
Gould and Reid ; half backs, Hayes
301105 end McGill.; forwards, Dick,
Munatoe, Reid, McKinley and Boh-
Clfntoal.-Goial Reicl backs' Innis
Kiley; half backs,. Smellie, Weir
McKenzie; fo v\nards, Draper, Mc-
Crostie, Gl+aziei;, Forbes and G. Mc-
The. Godetich Wheel pigs Limited, a
manufacturing company which that
Own has bonused has assigned to P.R.
Hodgoos as assignee.. and a meeting of
creditors has been called for May 31.
Tuesday evening, the Court of Revi-
sion for the Assessment Roll was held
and a number 1
tb r of appeals eas
which included cl 1 fled thr
ee hotels, Oommer.
cite! Ratlenhury and Waverly. The
Court declined to make rimy ,reduction
mud the three owners have appealed to
the Judge of the Comity. The date of
'searing bas not been set yet.
Plus twenty-five cents for etdntission
coupon to Galt Horse Show. 'tickets
good going via Grand .Grout` Railway
T'huradey, Feeley and Saturday June
Stb, h h and 71:h. Alt tickets valid re-
turning from Galt 001.11 7\louclay, June
9th, 1913. 'Pickets now on sale at Grand
Trunk Ticket Office. Sohn Li,ansford
to Son Oity Passenger et Ticket Agent.
Phone 57 A. O. Pare ison Station Tide -
et Agent, Phone 115a.
Buggy tar Sale
NewoPuggy, run two months and
a half Last season, hard rubber .tire
good as new. Will 1m sold cheap.
Apply to •
Victoria Street, -
i) It A, @.+'. •'Bilt(9 Y I;,ry
Osteopathic Physician..
Is opening r, branch office at Clinton
at the hotel Normet ncile, 011 Tuesday,
from 7 p rn. mull 1030
Hair MOS
Manitoba lour,- 2 71) per NO lb
Family Flour.... ., a.50
Pastry Flour......... , , 2 50
Graham Moor , ....... 2 5)
Breakfast Food........ 3 On
Shorts 1.25
Bran 1.15
Feed Wheat , ” .75 per bush
Western Oats : .45
exchanged for wheat to farm-
ers. A car of good Feed Wheat on
Mind., Leave yens orders at the mill
office. Orders delivered to any part of
the town.
Jr, ` 17t j e �lC
How and Red
-- o ----
I handle the best gradie+s of
data anjcl get the latest improved
P �
£ E. Malinon
The report of the 1Vomens' institute
of the Province of Ontario just receiv-
ed giree ehe fo.low:ing dates and places
in this vicinity at which` meetings will
he addressed by Mies, B. Uilholm, of
Bright' next month' namely: Dan -
gammen, Jnne 10th, Wingha,n June
1215, Blyth, Hall, of ternoott nt
.1une13th; Londeshnro,Forester's LIal1.
afternoon of ,nine 14th; Clinton, after-
noon June Rich, f3elguave, JuneI011h;
!;+newels, June 13r,1; Wnllion, A, 0
Ta W. Hall 'tette 21th. Miss Gilholn,
hes been an effio int officer of the Die -
trait tVonien's institute of North Ox.
Ford, end ie ,elle to render much assist.
otnce to ntli rs of hath 'disc uct aaul
hr,trich 1n i I'rtrs hllss'Ciilhohn has
tt+ken the reg++lar creamery couase at
Guelph Dairy;irhool and holds t1,speo.
ulcers certificate: in butterrnakieg, es
well as a diploen,a in the theory and art
,ofhntteru, king.,'drssGil'hulm'sknow-
ledge and apprecietion of country life
enables herrn imps rt its 1012111 tion in a
manner much appreciated by the,nem•
bers in ,general
"The 7 i1
1• n i Relation to t
c ban , arid d ,s 1e
Ih L
"Will the 'Deify (low Reenovo the
"Thought of Old' Friends - anti New,"
"Ca.nadiara Women."
"Our Opportunities,"
Wo can fill all orders for. Na-
tional Porftland Cement at once,
oalt or phone.
:k is { .t
�a �.,ORO
Pasture to Let.
The undersigned is now prepared
take a num-her
o cattle t o by the
'tread, A new ci falling spring creek
also a large number of shade trees.
,apply tot
Boerne sv Ile,
Picone 12 on 143.