HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-29, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 47, No. 48 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 29 1913 W. H Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers Little Advertisements case Accomplish Ore ,lt Things'. Mr. A, Jo Taylor 111 Royal Bopk1 THE Well -Known -Known RailwayMan OF CANADA.Recovering From an Operation Bead Office,' Montreal Mr. J. A. Taylor, 'Canadian manager ,of the Chicago, Mil- CaPita1 Authorized ............$25,000,000 Capiital. Paid-up 11,500.000 Reserve and =divided pref1te ........... .... 12,500,000 TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000 825 BRANCHES (With world wide eo•nneetioa4 Interest allowed on De General {Ranking bushman acted. Waukee and St. Paul Railroad, •underwent' a critical butt suc- cessful operation on Saturday. His many friend's will be glad !tlo know that he is miaking satisfactory progress. The above item appeared lathe poliT.oroneto papers and 'refers to Mr. Taylor, 'God -father of the Item.' -Clinton Bowlers. All his old friends in town will, wish fore speedy re- coveiy. " R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH Brownie .?ameras There is Pleasure in a Brownie They are inexpensive, rang- ing from the $L00 box type, to the $12,60 folding Brownie We leave all the Brownie fatuity, and can show you in ,a few minutes how easy' they tare to ''use. ' We have a large 'line of Kodaks, Eastman Films, Pa- , pees, •Etc. Ask foe a Kodak Catalogue. Diseos in Chemist. P g SENATORS NAMED Ottawa, May `26.—The four Ontar- io Vacancies in the Senate were filled today. The new mien were: Clol. James Mason, of Toronto, president of the Horne Bank; E.D. Smith, lel Winona, former member for Wentworth; J.J. Donnelly, the sitting member for South Bruce; M Alex. cCKAall, Simcoe, former member for. Norfolk. Cadet Camp to be Heid in July From the 14th to .the 19th Bothe Days inclusiye The following'letfter was xeeceiv- ed by Principal Treleaven a., the Clinton Collegiate Institute, from Major W.A. McCrimmon of London regarding the cadet camp, which wiltbe held in, London on July 14 and 19. The let(tor wild bre pf inter- est fte, boys wishing to take in the camp. It explains evedylthing about, the camp one would wish to know, whose intention it is; to at- tend. I have the hlonor,'by direction to Inform! you that the cadets of the let Division will, itnain in camp at Carling's Heights, London, from July 14th Jto July 19th( both days inclusive. • 1 "The camp will he under the per- sofna,l command of Colonel W.E. 'FIo(gins, commending 1st Division assisted' ' by his ettaff of competent .and experienceed pfficers, so that the training pf the cadets,'meedica.l and messing arrangements and general supervision of the 'camp will, a•eceive !every atitentiion, .The camp reg ulatione" will be strict, and the keeping or use, of liquor in camp by the Cadeftso,rofficers in charge will be prohibited. All the hotels and saloons in London will be lout of the boundi for ,Cadets, and smoking hither will be: pro- } The •Cost of a Business ,or hibited. No bathing in the Thames I Shorthand Education in the will be allowed, except under! stip- erWisieon. "Cadet ine!tructors, cadets and ELLIOTT boys attending the camp Will re - A ceive free transport to and from l Q// ee, the camp. Rations and camp equip meats including rubber sheets, blankets, cooking utensils, will be TORONTO, ONT, provided in necessary queue t'•ei. The meats will h se; t ed by corn - iii quite moderate when the spleno petenit cooks and" assistants., and One •da dei e. . nst a d co i asn i are t for nt•e did resultstree arrangemin s t h do effort—wed/ i tiicl- postal card—one bll e made by the camp conte n weeeleireelememeeed eesit. This college is open allyear. ment. The interest of the Cadets ,..eee eeee, will be easefully looked after, so that it is confidently anticipated the parents need have no anxiety about (their bobs wwltsle in.camp "Cadet instructors, military offi- ]Established iit Clinton 1879 ed or recognized in connection with the camp; will receive the pay of. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL their rank, the same as in a. militia campof instruction. Qualified ca- det instructors temporarily me - SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Ilioyedwill reeeivepay atthe rate of $2.00 per diem.• Eaeht school in - Interest allowed at highest current rate. st:uctor, trustee:, clergyman. in- structor, teacher or school officer on stuns of 91 and upwards from date of deposit attending camp will be given a Joint Acnonots Allowed BRANCHES .W) AGENTS ALL OVER CANADA "Nil) A'.R mi i 'LLL"! TER THE WORLD A GENERAL IEANHEiac, BYSINESSS TidAN6LCTElle C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch_ The Me Molso,s -Incorporated 1$5 cers, and others officially employ tent et himself. Also an 'Mei of blankets, Messing arrangrnienb, will. also be provided at .4 nominal • c,oslt, t •'The' " traieing :tithe boys •}wilt in- clude physical as wall ns military drill, and will be madified aeeurd- ' ing to' the ages of th ele,es. Sports, concerts and games will h,• held clurhg the camp, ' 00009liefe see tseecee0®80,1.3 Gl loll•se•♦0♦♦••• O•G•♦44.04•• 14004'aott,R?be.P444i•94R440G$.O t 0 e WITH TRF; CHURCHES. • • • • Ordered Readyto-1Year ' • tl1.11'' Clo thin;' Clothing I • • • • Sines to S it ail iias •• • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • •♦ • • •• • •• •• • ♦ • • ♦ ♦ s • No argument is necessary to prove that the Z dealer who confines his lines to a one -house product ♦seriously pp • is handica • ed. ♦ ♦ of Men. Suits for the Stout Man Suits for the Tall Thin '*hili Suits tor the Average Built Man Suits for the Young Athletic Man s There is not ' clothing manufacturer in th e country whose clothes will fit everybody, for each manufacturersg odds have distinct characteristics of g . shagmb. 4f4, We have our • best manufacturing made to our own workmanship, .: clothing made by several of the houses in the country,r.d is all a high standard of excellence of • The various makers draft their own models on • ideas,and we are thus enabled to give each different • man the shaping and style that suits him, that's where selections helpyou in getting variety of shape sereg a g correct!y fitting garments. •• m ♦ • • Perhaps you have wondered why you have not been able to get garments to fit you properly—maybe with a have been dealer • that you the trouble i3 yg "one -make" concern, •a� ST. PA UI' S CHURCH. '1'Rev, Mr. Colelough. pre aeh:ci e Sunday evening to an appreciate. e 4 i audience. a err. P'avne studenit of Herne 4 + 4 ♦ 0 f Originality aJesus" and in :he evening "Excuses ' At the even - 4 in service, Mr. Gatto- Sellars, the 4. ♦ famous English organist had charge of the organ. A quartette, "While • the Days are Gain. ley" by Messrs. 0. Lobb, W. Moffatt, F. Lol,b incl E. East was well yendct,ed. Mester \V, • Walker, of Stratford, sang"Nearer :my God to Thee" in excellent voice. The Junior League will hold a • reception for new members on • ! Friday evening at 7 p. ne, lir, 1 Rorke .will s2ieak toIthe ehildr,en. The Pastor will preach next Sun- • day morning, It is expected that f orinee Holmes, a o ♦ '%loin the Rev. J. 4V. a ' I tion ie.!! pastor of this corgi eoa • ' preach in the evening, ONTARIO CHURCH Kenneth Rection preached at •• , the ,evening service on Sunday Iasi. • He was head' with much intterest, • Some forty members ofehe Lea- • • gee went ,ouft to the :Houde of Re- • fuge !on Monday evening' and pre - 4 tertained the old people thereby • furnishing ice cream, cake, music • and readings. •• The Canadian Order pf Foresters • iof Clinton and vicinity will attend • 4 the morning service to Ontario St. • Church next Sunday. The pastior • will, preach a special sermon to tl:,e • • members of the order. ♦ • CHURCH NEWS 4 Mrs. Craven, widow of the !.site• • Prineiplal Craven, of Knox College, • died lather home in Toroth() on' • Thursday lest. • Rev. David W. Snider, nt (Mora i was Friday appointed Field S.ecree- • tary floe Ontario 1 or the Lord's Day • Alliance in place Of R,ov.' W. , G. • • 'Hanna: wbfo resigned 'last montth, i • • You can. Prove it by Trying Them A DAY IN THE' LIFE OF A 11 FLY, " !gull, wol NpWNGG NOD R GOLD NIGHT$9M 040 .. CAS .1 I BRE KFPST GN0 n'4 Y• Veiereei ere I�11,4 4 7 n, QMKeRM N•e5RE ,two. .SOME -Ca SSefiT 4'i'llll'eilepe, TnKe /, itRINK AT P00'. aN Tame cut1tR. • C01D A 906 ASLEEP AND TENSe ry WNllt. HUDAY 1STORS IN AND OUT OF Miss Stone spenit'.the holiday in London. Mr, and Mrs. Jennison spent Sun- day in Breeefield, Mr. Coughlin of et'ratforcl spent the 24t11 in town, Mr. S. Way of London was a holi- day visitor in `town, Rev. Mr. Abey of Kincardine was le town on Saturday. Barrister Killoran of Goderieh eves in town last week. Barrister Garrowv of Godericli was in town last Friday. Mr, John Mal Lott of Exeter was fn town last week on business, in town on Friday afternoon. Mr. James Holland of Goderieh Miss Olive Harland of;Toronto was a visitor in town fast week, spent the wwEek-end in town. Mr. George Crawley• of Exeter Mr, Jack Weir of the Royal Bank was a Clinton visitor last ~reek. spent the holidays in Wroxeter, Mr. Leonard Fair, of St. Catharin Mr. and Mrs. H. iPhinuteel. were es, Wasa holiday visitor in town. l visitors over Sunday at \Vingham, ocler'ch Mr. John Salkerd of G i paid Clinton a visit on Friday. ast Mr. W.J. Tater spent (the holiday in Toronto, Miss Jessie Ford siisn1! (the week end in Ayr. Mr. pett..P+remlin spen4 the 24th in Toronto. Mr. M D. McTaggart was in Tor- onto, last week. Mr. L, Suitter•, pf Glencoe, was in town !this week. Mr, Little of Detroit P4pent the, holiday in town, Dr. Dow, of Dutton, is the guest of Dr. P. A. Axon, Miss Dell O'Neil, of Toronto, was home for the 2411. Mr. 11. S. Chapman spent: the +boli day' in St. Thomas. Mr. O. Hunt, of London, was in town, over (the 24th. Mr. James Hagan, of Hensa11, was isY town on Monday, ear. Laurie Greig, of Forest, was home for the holiday. Miss Ida Walkinshaw spent (the holiday. in. Wingham. Mr. J.J. Imrie, of Toronto, slpenit' the week -lead' in town. ' Mr, John R'ansford was in Toron- to on• business ithie week. Mr. Slew'ar(t Paiseley, of Toronto" was home for ale boliday. Mr. W. Brydlone, made a business trip It Toronto this week. Miss rifaude C. Bradley, Of Brock ville, was in town this week. Mrs. Rayner and Master Herbert spent (the halidley ire Glencoe. Mr. Thos.- Southcombe, of Lon- don, was here for the holiday. Mrs. Axon, sr.,' ofi Middleport, is the guest iof her son, Dr. Axon. Mrs. A. J. Grigg and Miss Helen spent the week end in St, Thomas, Mrs. Joe Mutch and Miss Delight spent the week end in Wingham. ilir. Dean Courtier of: Toronto,. spent the holiday at his. home here. Mrs. Linder, ,of Toronto, is the guest of her .laughter, Mrs, Jas. Doig. s• nt the t s ' of Galt to Harry Hrtt Mr. T at y 1 { Mrs. holiday with his daughter, Hamill, Miss Laura t !Fede, of Godericli, cLINT0N was a r ishan at her home here over the �4'tli. Wroxeter News—Mr. (ex Town was it Clinton on Wednesday an • business. Mrs. (Dee Belden, oe Toronto. was the guest of Mrs, W. Jackson this week. Dr. Little, ,of Detroit,was a we•e'c end visitor it the home of Mr, J. Wasmann. Mrs. P. Le n rt d, of the Huron Rd. silent the eith visiting around 'Ir. Fred Clinics spent. the .:t:1-•. \1 oodstocl.:, ie London. Mrs. Oonnel is visiting in Lon- desboro. Miss Delmage spent Saturday in St. Marys. 11i'. Mennel, of Stratford, was i11 town on Saturday. Miss Daisy Middleton. spent tete week end in Toronto, Mr. MacWilliams, of Toronto, was aholidav visitor in toavn. Co. Treasurer Holmes was a visit- or in town .on Friday 1as;t, Mrs. G.M. Yates spent Friday. with her mother in Listowel. Co. Clerk Lane made t short visit Miss -Hattie Sutherland, of Hen, siatl, was. a visitor hi town on Fri - Miss Hamilton and. hiss Woods ` day. visited Toronto friends over the Mrs. T. Johnston an& sob,. Mr. College, London, took the "e?: ( holiday, Will Johnston spenit the 24th in vice in the morning. Cou• nty Engineer Patterson of London. WESLEY CHURCH. Auburn • was a visitor in town Mr, Thos, R. Watts returned, on Last Sunday morning the pastor East week. Friday night alter his short trip took as his subject 'Tlie Bunn n -•e Miss Jessie Radford of Ingersoll out West. j ONr Rev was the guest of Mrs. Ken. Chow•en Mr, Jack Wiseman, of Mount Par over the holiday. I est, was aholiciay visitor at his home here. Mr. Joe Clark, jr., of Toronto was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. T. Jack- son, jr., Last week, ♦ • • • o arra o • Bishop Failon Gong Mr. Henry Paike of Welsl,ey was the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Akem, river the holiday. Miss Edna Turner, a student of the StratfordStratfordNormal, spent the holiday Either home here, Mr. G. l'IaeGreg•or, of the Royal Bank staff spent the week end at 141r, and Mrs. J. A. 'Constantine, of his home in Owen Sound, Highgate were holiday visitors at Dr. Merchant, Inspector of Nor -the home of Mrs. 'Chiciley, Mal and Model, schools made p visit nor, Alfred Owen, oi' New YorkSmyth. i spent Sunday wvi(Clito the Model school, last 'week. Secretary oft= Clinton Knitting y Godericl , p tl.' and child Mrs. Chas. Loe a e Ontario street. Messrs. 14IeOon.nell., of Stratford 'Clinton and 'former citizens of spend the 21th in town. KOIYAKS! (Have You tiot One? lfnot Get it NOW. Its 'a genuine pleasure ,to ,own a Kodak, and any per - eon den' use one, its so lens- ple. Our stock is complete ,and we give ylou'full instruc- tions. '.. Prices from $2 up to $20 A full stock,of Films end Supplies on Hand.` We also! do Developing ande 'Printing. THE REXALL STORE W.Q.R. Holmes VN FLOUR Are you using the Clinton Flour? If not, Why Nolt R It has been tested and proven to be the best on the market,- Snpw Flake—Pastry Maple Leaf—Family North Star—Manitoba Patent We also, keep— Purity, • Five Roses. and Royal Househoid. With each purchase of :-s pounds of Household Four we have a limited number of the newest up-to-date wF y Books to eves away. Cook , g W. T. O'NEIL THE .f'iIUB GROCER i Phone •1 " Tliss Julia Lewis, ofi Goclerieb Mr. Frank Ilawden spent the .1'i' was the guest of Miss Isabel Gunn in London. on Friday, Mr. harry Sweet spent a few cl es Mr. Will Rutledge, of Niagara at his home in Exeter. Falls, spent the holiday with his 1f r, A. !looped., of Exeter, was parents in tlawvn. holiday visitor in 'town. Mrs. W. Mennel and small sons, of Miss Reta Herman spent Sunda. London, spent the wt,elc enc! with with friends in London. relatives -in 'town. l Iii. Clive McAllister, of Exeter., Mrs. J.0. Armour was in Gode- was in town on Tuesday. rich this week the guest of :ser 711r, E. Nickle was a holiday vi it - mother, \ins, Walton. .or at London over Sunday. MIr•, Knox Muir, of Chatham, spent Miss Gladys Cutts of F.lwth. 'wisp the holiday with his parents, 7111•. ed friends in town •last wtek. s Mahe i and Mrs, Jiiute { bliss I:awvden and Miss lnt,L„ Mr, Ed. Shepherd. of Toronto, Bawden- spent the holiday in Lon - was the guest of his mothet', Mrs. loot. Jas, Shepherd last wee -1g i Miss Kathleen Cartwright w i Miss Mary Matheson spent tri ingham, Visited Mrs. J. Frester holiday in Iliuiiston with her sir- last weep. ter, Miss Tena Matheson. • Mr, Wilbur Manning and daugh- 1:Iiss Dell Taylor, of Aline, Ladies ter Gladys, wine` visitors in t„wr! College, St, Thomas, spent the this weeke holiday ether home heave, Mrs. Cummings, ,of Blyth,was :ast Mr, Harry Keller, of Toronto, was week the guesjtof Misses Meb ar laut the guest. of his parents Mr. anti Main street. Mrs, C. Keller over the holiday. Mr. and 14Ii's.'Rio:bert Sweet a:il& Mr. and Mrs. Cluff, Miss Grace daughter spent the' 2411t at Exeter Chaff spent the 24th holidays at with relatives. Welland 'with Mrs. (Dr:) McBride. Mrs, Fawcett, of Blyth, visited Bessie Callander, a•f, London with relatives in,., Clinton durintg spent spent the week ,end in town, the the pas:. week. guest of her aunt, Mrs. Rattenbury• t J. ono of Tor - Mr. pet-, Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Will. King. and dau- onto, spent the 24th' with leis father ,,k -,i d ': ghter, of Hamilton, wv ere w e, a i riL.. A. D. Beaton. visitors ?hit the home of Mr. W. G 111x5 Elder and .lib'tlo sow, *' r uetl lI tt On a riI a No last 'week. intown a I wtown t -was 'to tow tubo is a Co.,Cio. w ared Miss Bello Draper, ren, of Gaderich, motored 1VIr, \\'inner Wiailis spent a slrtirt tending the Normal at Stratford, blr, John Belly'lar cif Bow manviile on Victoria Dayy, anti! called on old - t'on wwri(th hist friend, Mr, 01ma- spent ithe holiday at her home hero was the ueslt of his bt••ather, Mr, w'aca i gg friends( ter ;Harvey aft Exeter... !Lesser Florence and I'aeatrice W.H. Hell,ya:', over tli,e• holiday. Mr. 1 C. Jackson, o£ Brantford, Mr. and Mrs, John ttawv.izfns anti' Fawcett spent the 24th in Gode:iclt Mrs. Sharman (nee Miss Charlotte ellen. MS1oT dray wifth his parents, Mlr. tannery of Flawil.ton,i spenit the 21t1.w with !their brother, Nit. Ilul.,ert G. rileNlaughton). of Lethbridge, was alae! Mgrs. John Jackson, 1'tiatlten-' holiday with Mr. Thos. Hawkins. Fawveett, ceiling ion old friends in town last bury street. M' r and Mrs. R.N. RoweofExe- week. T 'ss Kerr nurse Busses Loretta and Nora Me - bury . gene -nth News— , ter were, holiday visitors in: town, Will Greig, yon of 7111', anti attending Ed. Caughey, iof Blyth, visvted \vi'tlic the g ( riles! Giieia who £nom Clinton, is .. ere uncle 191r John let angltev ' 1?li ht ww leo has a Ilg ' been In Tor- . light `shack of i .l nest of Mrs. Rollaway, sr" a , vo has g � . . Ontario! street. ,onto, for sometime returned borne t} pinoid fever. Mrs. P. Campbell salt daughter,.. isrr. land Mrs. Lob Doherty and owing to illatess, • Cale -del -lief' was xliss Maty, spent, Empire! Ddh stt`: g' y sande lv G Smyth, this weer.. Stt +tf 'd were holiday/ tisitor., tl 'sous illness of he In the first draft of static children sof Goderieh were; the Mrs. nests of had' 's rnotlaa•, Mrs. ,. • . to ser ti nsustr; of r a of • Me. D.E.Kennedy, Mr. W.R. Counter has had ale- ,autres home of Mil, 0 Kelger. n Pearl the i7alniifhon Conference, Rev.' .: tided limp the pas(. few days. He Mrs. GGusr, Ooll er and Misses Retta Crook and d E.Kerr enter stationed! at-'44xW. rapr and Y nate mrssined his foot on (the 24th by M a children, Of London, spent the eel' W1110. have Cl neoncBus Ines r College land, missing it step white alt his !lore. holiday atfthe home of the .Jatt:er A from Rev, Isaac Crouch of Peterboro, parents, Mr., and Mrs Jas Sltee•p, left ion Monday for Toronto where Miss Thom' son teacher,' at Blyt Public Alexander, Niers Gladys Alex nil's, C'ars'on, o the home of Mrs. Cameron, of Stan. r and Master Walter \\Talk,e.', called Co;itOwn last wt;ek owningg to -� UrolEher ley. Schee I visite-d under the parental roof ire Godericli. Towsi 9 ship lover the holidays. Misses Janet anal Mamie Stein- hoff with their grandmother, Mrs. McGpevan, of Blyth- were, guests ,of Ciin'ton friends 'last wee Miss Alve Stewart, who. has been .atltending Business College, com- pleted her dourse, last week-. She expects to go to Toronto soon. Mr. 'ante Mrs. E. Fisher! e01 :•O•t- tawa, were Holiday 'guests witheer.. and Mrs. W.J. Stevenson. ?+9ia. Fisher is abrather of IVIrs, Steven- son. Oat -- gill, Mr. Albert McLauchlin> iof gill, a former Summerhill boy, leas engaged with Mn'Tlios,.'T3awlirtn,, plumber, !and will be here.:•eext: week, )9r. Hawed TCarr, of Weiland, brie been reaommiended to( Hamilton Conference to be received( on pro - hatter), by Ithe Welland District. meeting. brlothler of tithe late Arthur Coucii Mrs. W. Murray, Rattemrbury St.. of to Mc has accepted an ih, p1.. returned! home llasft week after- a tion to Mcleod Street Church, Ot months' visit in Toronto; On' her tawva.. return she wiasaccompanied by Mrs Mrs. D.K. Grant beg on Monday ,drew: Gunn,who remained! with for Toronto where. Rev. D; K. Green he for fa few ays., will, join her in, few,d'ays. They wide, remlaie there during (thee pre - assembly congress. Rev. C. E. Jeakins was in Wind- sor 00er Sunday, takingpart in the ss re- The pee ss services. p e pmt slays.- "The sermon was • ppreached by the IRlev. C, E. Jeakins M,A. B.D•, rectos. of Clinton. It Rev 'end Musa J. W.'H+odnres, for- mer citizens , ,ofltown 'wheal Mr. Holmes was .pastor of ,Wesley church, are expected !Nobel guests with their nephew, Mr, J. A. Irwin floc 0, few days. They just rec,enftly returned, from attrip .to the ,Old Clounetry, • i ' t d scholarly Mr Bertrand Nes,beftt, who was y ed in Algonquin q �de tl g • i n a n c i n Y . ed impression s10 t am marked end left p an known in Eternal � well Et G aswe week, w ♦ Park last we S carnes an "ver .and'mil I on d f cldft d con the minds can i a es anti t „ Centel] where, asaboy , he vi sifted • 9 gr,egla ion. his aunt, Mrs., J. W. Irwin. ♦ if The other day ftive foltowiii�g a,preomising young business man of • ladies met in Tlai�on(to, hoc names twenity-eight,. a junior partner in • a s— ♦ His :Lordship Bishop 'Fallon will • leave London in the early part of July to visit orae, ,c • announcementmade Sunday, is • that a numbero nommen a• • iia on apilgrimage. ,o. a baerna • • City, ".bis , is couldnothe verified. • u address willa presented to rim • riot to bis departure, arture expressing e les rya e people o try ioce lie was ♦ t t ]I a cording to an . wilt be familial to old Clintons n Nesbitt & Ault's whoJeesralo house. ♦ d 5 d it M M llloeh widow of the late D ♦ t t C If you've never bought Clothes here, try us y for your next suit. Mrs. a M. Mlalho:dr;principal of Clinton Mr.. John Torrance' was in Owen Lh0 lea ]n this diocese w] acemm�q,ny Public 1C ellae .; n `n h19 way, h t t th N l widow of the late dames Turnbull, the relish, village bel Al1eneortd; an • t this piinafpal pf Clinton Collegiate; and open switch caused the! � al'fie:n ht ♦ to the p�as�senlgm• !train wit! g said h P, • 1 1' d' 11 r li' School I Mrs J'urnhtill Sound last week O Y of • • A dd t p t d 1 Mrs. Muisay, n idowv of the lar g th rs M manager e Fair's late that was ager fag in the yard. The was ala I Y train, g 1n,..e g Clothing i ova is d se to b the ♦ Morrish 1 f 1 • i fth 'll M Murray,Y Y The ♦ • p 1 P i t am m r ay, ver. slowlyso that • e mr Mrs. a . I ,y, r no; seetheswadamage was ,done, his lordship his holiness the pope and the las(. surviving charter m e • • � h f Church, d though 'as M. says A Square (Deal for Every Man • the Catholic Chinch, A. Lenge list o of 'Willis Presbyterian urc r, and r Torrance sa s some • signatures is in preparation to be ad -all! the ladies m'en,tiloiiled are en- of thepassengers ' wv,ere !sadly • ended to the address, joying good health. frightened, N•••••••••••••••O•♦•••1•••••••O•••♦•••O•♦O•••♦♦•••• • P they will. .bake positions. Miss Jennie Martin lel e'naTue's- ,day for Kilarney, Manitob , make her home with her aunt, Mrs. • C. Fowler, and also toiteach paint- ing. We wish bee success. J. Wiseanian spent the holi- days r ys in St. Marys wilth her mlo , day Mrs. Grant. Mr. Wiseman and, Mr, Sack Wiseman, of Monne Forest' went down Slafturday afternoon and e,da . Ml on. k'emlained untilY Mr S.L. Tiaylor and wife, of London, and formerly of Clinton, leave teen the Old Counttry and the the e will attend I Continent. They World's Sunday School convention in Switzerland (this summer. Mr: and Mrs. John Derry arrived home Thursday evening after a year spent in England. When (they Left Clieltion they expectetd to re- main in the old land bult they found that there wasiso lance like Canada after! all. Mrs. H. A. Alexander was in Tor- onto lase week, the guest of her mother, 'Mrs. le. McEwee..'Fier sis- ter Miss Annabel, McEwen, who graduates in Medicine this year, goes in. a few days to Fergus where she will take a position in the hos- pital, • Special Train to,;Codccr°ieek. 10131' Friday a ' 5..152 f'r .3 �t!,