HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-22, Page 8Both our Stores wilt observe Saturday, May "till, as a Holiday and will be closed all day. 15c 'Anders() Ginqhams I2 c 1111 New Spring Patterns -1000 yards Anderson's New Spring Gingham's, in all the very 'latest colorings and designs, in plaids; checks and stripes, full width and weight, regular 15c per yard, Saturday 12 is 12 c English Ginohams 10c. 500 yards of English and Canadian Ginghams, guaranteedfastcolors, in all the new colorings ;and patterns, full weight, regular i'2, c, Saturday i oc If you have a Rug want -to brighten up your home, come and see our display of right up to the minute patterns, bomprising Wools, Tapestry, ' Yateki •Fibre, Brussels, Wilton, Velvet, Axminster and Japanese Fibre, in fawns, browns, greens, and reds, in all the New Spring Colorings and Designs, from $1.25 ull, ' to $45.00 Linoleums and Oilcloths Just to hand, six new designs in Scotch Linoleums, in floral and and block designs, four yards wide. Same weight and quality as last year's, and the same price 50e per square 3 ard. We are also showing a large range of patterns in Oilcloth, in one, one and a half and one and three-quarters yards wide at Site the square yard. Strw Feltflats r Men and Bovs We are showing a complete range of New Spring Hats for Men and Boys, in Straw and Felt. Right up to the minute in style and shapes, down to he Harvest Hat, from roc to $3.00. t1 1.' ">i L L NoLICI'TE 9. a„••I• ♦m0♦t♦P1♦♦•dA+/•♦♦♦bU404f+®7i`04b®b@♦see..♦'i••••9♦♦9♦Ow L calL News . • i O♦S♦♦♦♦♦ ®♦♦♦O♦♦♦♦♦.O♦♦®♦4e®4 0.0440040®♦®♦♦e•6♦04♦•O♦+i0 nEDUCTION.IN SUGAR W11ATS THE ATTIRACTION. Tho immGcliete iiesul(ts of tile SeaFiarth seams to attract a lar'ge statement made in thle House of er,o wet of pea -(le there clays. It was e•epgrtecl (tluat over 50tick:eta were slabcl on Saturday. NEW AUTO OWNER, Jas. Reyniolcl'.a of the British Ex- p,onnels or $4 per ton, This will change hotel Goclerich, has put - have the immediate effeetiof ahead- cha eel the auto belonging to the ening the arfticle to the consume.% edta to'of the late Frank, Kling, ar EXPRESS CHARGES BROUGHT Seaoi+th, li DO'WNI DISTRICT MEETING., The Dominion Board of Railway: Oommeesionei's have ordered 'cti ternMpreseOtteltrh(eout istrwiacst;eleocni(tetU1>tetoCoren- - sweeping.aes which will benefit he tire egmmunilty, Traffic tarried at faience St'a(tioning Committee in What is known as "pound Tates" or association with the Chairman, at, so much per :100 pounds, will 'be Rev. J. E. ere . The receipts, for re-- Mission's were fount to be slevea•al ly $1.00, end now80 cents, The re 20 ler cent bower. ht was former-Missions dollars in advance of ' ear, ductigm,in express rates in the west Iasi y ordered to go into effect on July 15 will meanto the Dominion Express Company. just 35.36 per cent. of its net a'eve,nule', or, approximately, 20 per acne iof its gross revenue and Commons -thait the Gov.eremerat would reduce the duties on impor- tations of raw sugar into Canada is the lamnouncement by rtefinerles that the price to trader 'would' he (lowered at onee to 20 cents per 100 STORES \',ILL CLOSE SATURDAY. People will do well to remind thait the stores will close hese,' on Saturday-, May 24th,(Victoria Day'. In many towns the holiday is ob- served on. Monday. The Ease Ralf boys are bringing the Hyman bail team of London here; to play an r exhibition. match. DOING GOOD WORK. Froin the Aylmer Express we clipthe following item which re- fers to Prof. W. Glenn Campbell :- • The congregg'ations 'that attend Trinity church are appreciating the excellent musk provided by their choir, which has • made wonderful 1=1 -Movement during 'the past few weeks under the mile direction of Mr. W. Glenn Campbell, organist end choir director, with Mrs. Camp • bell's assistance- at the organ. Andd' a ition to the Telephone Act Passed etc the recent session of the Legislature, sub. sec. 6, part 21, ( reads as follows: "The board nay i approve of regulations made by any company for• the purpose of pre- • venting wilful interference with or interruptions of conversations or messages over the lines of any tele- phone system, and any person of- fending against any -of such regul-' ations shall incur e penalty not ex- ceeding $25, recoverable under the ,Ontarie summary convictions act," Listeners on lines me liablelto the above penalty, INCURS A PENALTY ADVERTISINCG-ISMS. The advertiser who. loses his pa- tience will lose out. The. masses who read advertisements move slowly.-Islail Order journal, MINOR LOCALS. Lawn mower solos. sJuue weddings noon. Preliare to cerebrate Victoria.Day Football match tonight-Seaforth vs. Clinton. That was a good rain on Satur- day. a THE" M. C. C. MINSTRELS. The Menesetung Canoe Club Minstrels delighted a large aud- ience. Their songs were catchy. their• end men were funny and their orchestra was splendid. The first part of the' program, the min- strel' show, consisted of several slolos and choruses with the usual stories and jokes between numbers, A baritone solo, "My Heart is with you, tonight" by Mr. J. Fowler, 'a former Clintonian, was beautifully a•endered and was xleeeived with much applause. "Police Court Jus- tice" 'atravesty on the Modern Police Court was very funny, Mr. H. O. Sturdy as Si. Skinner, substi- tute Justice of the Peace, admin- istered justice' in,a way to keep the audience shouting with 'laughter. The eight piece ,orchestra, under the direction, of Mr. Roy Adams, was the weal attraction. AI.I the numbers were well received. As one lady remarked "It was worth Coming just ito hear the 'orchestra, Special . Savings 1 for Saturday and all Next Week 10 tooth Mailable Iron Garden Rakes for 20c h boxes Tiger hand cleaner for 25e. Brass Curtain Extension Rods 5c to $1 Flempol the new furniture polish, only 25c Liquid Veneer 25e and 50c Silver Cloth Duster, regular 25c for 15c Household Hand Saws Tack Hammers 5c, 10c and 15e . The Androck Oven for oil or gasoline stoves, only 75c 5herwin•WilliamsPaints, Floorlac, Japalac, Campbell's Varnish Stain, Liquid Granite, Dustbane the great Ideaf and Perfect en up with Windo•wphane, Champion. disinfectant, brighten Lawn Mowers, good stock Poultry Netting and all supply, It pays to use Panacea for the hens, See our new steel clad Dairy Pails, just received another lot of Perfection Oil Stoves 2 second hand Gasoline Stoves, in good order, cheap We Now Sell Beaver Board oseseteressuesistraniams HARD. AND BROTHERS STOVES, FIARDWARE AND NOVELTIES ADVERTISING -ISMS. s Advertise up to the people and, they, will. not lock down on you. NO FIRE CRACKERS. Our citizens are warned that the by-law will be enforced in regards to fir•lgworks etc., on the 24th or any other day. FOOT BALL TONIGHT. The first foot bail: match in the W. F. A., aeries will. he played here tonight between S.e'aforth and Clinton, Game called' at 0 o'clock sharp. RUSHING THE WORK. Mr. Tho•mias McKenzie is rushing the work mine postoffiee at Sea - forth, and has a large gang of car- penters and painters at work there now. A FORMER HURONITE. Chief Calbrick, of Cobalt, and a fanner limonite, being areesident of Morris township, has been ap- pointed Sheriff forth& new judic- ial district of 'Iiaileybury. • TEE CLINTON TRUCK. The Sudbury Star, too 'Saturday,. May 17th, had the loliowing local; -A new 2 -ton Clinfton truck has been received fi;am the Clinton Motor( Co., by Messrs. Proctor & Knight aiad demonstrations may be arranged any time by any one de- siring to purchase same. MINOR LOCALS. The diose season foe bass does not expire until June 15. The park is a 'lively place these evenings with the. vlarilo,ns athlletic sports engaged in (theme. Good afternoon! Have you re- newed your New Bela. subscription? Slaturd'ay, May 24, will be ob- ellved in 'Clinton hand most 'other towns es a public holiday. PRETTY NEAR RIGHT. The Christian. Guardian oommen't ing (on the amendments which the Whitney Government has been making to(the Liquor License Act slays ;-"While the amendments Mark elome little advance, that ad Vance is too small to arouse any. enthusiasm, whaftev n. in temper- Lance' circles and we venture filo slay, they will, satisfy, no one ex- cept the tempe:lance politician, who would be satisfied with any- thing if only his party remained in power." f THERE MIGHT BE OTHER NOMINEES. Mr, Robert McLed,n's candidature. as,ai Senator is being boomed by his fellow townemian, Mr. E. N. Lewis, M. P. The former m'ay have a claim' that should be recognized but we fancy that the "pull," is in a different gelogeaphieat location and will prlo'b'ably go to some discarded M. P. (or an affluent brother who will not ob'eet to, being agener- ous subscriber to the party. Mr. McLean, Reeve Castellon, Mr. John R'anis6ord and others could fill a cosy seat alt Ottawa as wellas any of them if it were not, for the greed of office seekers who may already have had more than their shone.. At the District meeting held on Wednesday in Wesley church, Rev, A TELEPHONE CHANGE A change has taken placein the Bell telephone. -staff. Ray Ruro- ball,.,w ha hat been inspector for a corresponding amount so far as the company at Goderich and Clin the other companies are concerned. ton for' several years, has beenas- signed ref the same :work in Clin- N)XI'ERIL+'NUED MERCHANTSto,n and Seaforth. D. Marks, of TESTIFY. ` Stratford, is 'now stationed in cannot understand how air ton- Goderich suer will assist Acting chant can except, to do husiness unless Manager McLauclllin in attending he advertises, and when, trade is quiet to !tile requirements of, the Gode- all the more space should be used," rich patrons: said Mr. Mulcahy, one of Orillia's most enterprising business men the other evening in the train corning up front '1' (tonin. Mr, iMulcahy. practises whet he pi.'eeches, carrying a large tidy= tiseriietit in the three papers of bis town. continuing the couversat ion he said'we find that it has always p.rid us. I have copies of advertise ments that my father published many years ago in the early paper's of our town and they were bringers."-(loll- ingwood Bullatin. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, The General Assembly o1 the P: es'ry tartan church of Canada,, will meet this year, about the 1st of June, in Toronto. Eire usual attendance is nearly 000. made up of rhe chinch's ministers and elders. Thus year through thegener- osity of sotn+, wealthy laytrian,ever'y luileET'ili on The JobPresbyterian in Dominion is allowed to send its minister and one layw:ln Is something we will not tolerate rylaaesv 1401 has been beamed at a rent when see have plumbing work to al of $1000, paid by one subectsiher fen do We want to _finish it as quickly tonfldeutly expect to provide enter- this great oecaeion in the chut',h's •a.s you want us to get away. history, '.rhe oommohmage itties in chge Prompt Plumbing tainnient for 4,000 delegates during Pi' the ten days or More in which the' Makes smaller bills for us to render eaeceinhiv is in session. The Assembly and for you to pay. So send for us mill open witIs-teary pre -assembly callseII ; N+]len pipes, hat Ovate -r, tank. bath tion led by hr,iur arranged room ,equipment, etc.. get out of gild will be in charge of Bev. John order. It means a saving for you. McNeil the- famous preacher from . Civet ooel, England, but now pastor of - Cunt 's uhnch, Toronto. Special rates' A "yy c -u . t` w on ,ill railways will permit large nom - meetings, Iters to go to Toronto to attend these meetings, l'lunnbin;' and Heating NEW MUSKOKA TRAIN The Grandirunk Railway System is putting on a new train from Toronto to Mllsknke Wharf, cummencirrg Saturday. May 17t1s, leaving Toronto 10.15 am daily, e inept on Sunday, arriving Mnskoke aVharf 1.40 pen, making:direct conneetien with steem- ers for rill points on Musknks, I.nk's A brand new train consisting of bagg- age car. Veeti,rnle Coaches and par for Lihrary Buffet car will be oper- ated and passengers are assured of a nornt•,rnrhle ride along the most in ter es( ng route to Muskoka Wharf, which is the original gateway to the far famed riylnekoka Lakes. This train runs right to side of steamer at Al us. kola,, wharf, thus avoidingany incon- venience to aeeen gars. p .S net,n con- nection is made with train, leaving Muskoka wheel' 10.45 a In daily, except on Sunday, arriving Toronto 3. 10 p.m Tourists tickets at reduced rates are now on sale to Muskoka resorts, good for stop over el- any point and geed to return until November the 30th, 1913.. full particulars and tickets from Grand Trunk agents, f. Ransford G Son, (lity 'Passenger and Tirket Agent, Phone 57. A. 0, Pattison, Station Ticket Agent. Phone 35s. WE WANT THE NEWS Yes, all, the news that is fit to print -real estate transfers busi- ness changes, accidents, births, marriages, deaths wedding anni- versaries, church and society news, in fact, any event cif gen,e:al inter- est has always a news value, and it will be appreciated by the pub- lishers of The New EI'.a: as well as thereaders, Even ' v arenot a a i; a if you a r regular correspondent, wrewill be pleased to get th;e news. If you are in touch with 'o. phone, just call us up ,anid we will arrange the par- ticulars you give us or write them down and send to us at the earli-1 eat possible moment, Remember ( that news is news only sojong as, it is new, and we demand that ev-! ery correspondent sign communi- ( ciationrs, not for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. If you have anything ;of interest lest us know' NOW. MRS. W. R. LOUGH DEAD. •Wlord Was received here 'last week of the death; of Mrs W. R. Lough which occurred in Vancou- ver, B.C., ton May 10th. For some time, Mrs. Lough, who never was a :very strong woman, has been in very ?delicate health and has kept gnadualiy growing weaker and weaker until she passed peacefully td (the Great Beyond.. Mrs. Lough whose nalaiden name was Kathle:'ine McLaurint was born near Vankleek Hil I. in Prescott 'County, She taught school for sometime previous to her Marriage with Mr. W. R. (trough, who tor over twenty years was principal of the Model School here, Six years ago, or, his retirement frloiru the profession they moved to Vancouver where their only child, Mrs. W. J, 13'aird, resides. During her long residence in town, Mrs, Lough wlas much beloved. She was a member 'of Willis Church where she worked faithfully and untiring ly, her sweep land niolbie ,character exerting an influence that wild never be forgotten. The news of her death brought sorrow to many. a heart in Clinton. To the bereav- ed husband and daughter goes out the heartfelt sympathy bf a host of friends. (Phone 53) The eorner Store "Live and Let Live" PINEAPPLES They are stili in for this -week at the same price. NOW is the time to buy beime they go higher. CAKES We have a large• assortment o CHRISTIE'S FANCY CAKES, Fresh for Friday Strawberries, Lettuce, Green Onions,. Radish Rhubarb, SATURDAY BEING 24th. THIS STORE WILL BE 'CLOSED HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR PRODUCE. A CALL SOLICITED E. E. Ht niford PHONE 45. Sanitary Cleaning and Pressing Parlors Altering and Repairing Neatly Done, .Expert Frenelr Dry Oleaners Prices Moderate Satisfaction Guaranteed Goods Called for and Delivered Stand -A.4. Holloway's Tailor Shop. C. JOHNSTON Iltgiesl Grade Bread Conners Dome=made Dread Conner's Homemade Bread is quality through and through. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlooked, so. you know what you are getting. when you order this Good Bread. CHAS. CONNER (Baker and Confectioner a+ ar**4..4.+ 4.+i4„OS'i.F+ti"II';k+k-i;++.11.44+4+44, 4-+1+4+.4+++ seeeessetsealtiernee Three Things earest to We can't very well talk to you here about the first two, but we can about the third -your Home, No matter what "fixing." No 'matter what embellishments, No matter what expense you 'have gone to in furnishing your home, its good appearance is largely controlled by the Wall Hang- ings; the make or mar the harmony of the whole. Our spring stock is now almost complete, and our designs almost sure to suit your taste; and our prices, your de- sire for economy. h T e .DFair Co. Often the cheapest -Allways the Best ....i National ortland Cement After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best The hest Cement is the National Portland Cement It is the old stand-by. A car load just in. S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton a TRE BIG SHOOT The date of the semi-annual Huron County Rifle League shoot has heeu set for Friday. June 12th, The tournament wilt bc, lielcl at Point Farm. CENTRE HURON LICENSE COMMISSIONERS The License Commissioners for Centre Huron meet ip Seaforth on Friday, May 30th tis transfer two licenses in that town, HURON CO. PRESS The next meeting or the Huron County press Will be held in Clin- ton on Friday, June C.th to discuss the proposed rate card for job work. A full 'attendance is rc- quested. INTERMEDIATE FOOT BALL SCHEDULE. Seaforth at Clinton, May 22nd. Clinton at :Brussels, May 30th. Brussels at Seaforth, June Fth. Clinton at Seaforth, June loth. Brussels at Clinton, June 13. Seaofrth at Brussels, June 20t11 DANCE AT PAYFIELD. The Pastime Club will held their first summer dance et Bayfield no the 24th. A good crowd' is expect ed to be presiern;t, GATTY SELLA:RS HERE ON SUNDAY. Getty Sellars, the celebrated English Organist, who gave the re- eital in Wesley church last weieic, wilt: spent next Sunday in town, and will take charge nfthe• organ 'at the evening s;e:vicc in Wesley church, He will also give asacred organ recital in two parts from 4 to 5,'ancil 8.30 to 9.30. Special col, ketone will be taken. NEW BOILER. Mr. Thos. McKenzie had a new boiler sent here this week for his factory and it will be placed short- ly.; .HOTEL MEN MEET HERE. The Hotel men of Huron County met here on Wednesday afternoon to. organize and discuss business matters, .Over 30 were present. RECITAL. On Saturday evening the vocal pupils of Miss Fernlece Allan and tnsteumentai pupils of Miss Emma Lavin rendered the following pro- gram at' the home of the latter, which. was much enjoyed by those present. The ''teachers are to be congratulated on the successful manner in which the Pupils render ed the program; - Piano solo, "Failing Waters." Miss M. May. Solo. "0 Dry those Tears,-- Miss Ednla Levis. Piianio solo, "Daisy" Ruth Evans. Solo, "Just Leeause."'eNllss Vara Lobb.• Piano solo, "Meditation,' Miss M. llrlahaffy. Solo, "Mary of Argyle," Miss L. Stevens. Piano solo, waltz. hiss Mildred Cook, Solo, ``Love once again in tine Spring time,"Miss Lnlu Howe. Pianlo: solo, march, Ethel Waxman. Pianlo solo, "Midnight Hours," Miss E. Nott. Solo, Goodnight," Miss Granit. a7017 ,,,,,, ,ar.:MrZ amu v ra. . ZSZ-,. ,-,_...,.....E,.,. SEED o 1 We have a, good supply Of Seed Corn of good quern Maneol and Turnip Seeds, Clover and Timothy Se We have a lot of Shingles, which we will, sell on easy terms of payment, If you want any, comae soon to sate handling We have a supply of Fence Wire, Staplas, Dtc., Etc. Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs, Etc., at the EMPORIUM LONeESBORO S wenranremtrauawczownmemorlameeproale .14 -1.4.4 -1. -7 -e4 -1'3r -1-44.434l 15-'4444fee444.'i• .44 .4.4444..1.4.4.,(.,¢+.1-,5x+5+..i .9 ♦ • 3.00 3 50 4.00 5600 ♦ 1+ ouP ♦ 4• 4• s 4. shoe 4, Values a. +1+ 4+ ,1+ ..:. ▪ -Are so uncommonly good that when we ,. sell aair:of shoes, it's the very best "ad." p 4. we can send out, You ll be sure to tell 4 our friends how good they are. • t 4. ' 4. D JAC KSON'S FIDE 4. 4- . ♦ d' 44