HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-22, Page 5our store wig solve Mang a eddin Per iexip . When ,. you aE 0 Or e purchasing , ing present, it is �r matter o f money untl what yon want -- nothing ,else. Then this is noun store -for what you want is here and a.: the low- est possible price., .A good variety of arlticiret, selected from the farg•est stocks, consisting of SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA, rAN C I CLOCKS, ETC These goods are' now, beauti- ful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. 'We make a specialty of hand- ling High Gracie Watches, ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING - DONE AND GUARANTEED; W. IL O[ELYAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE TI�ds trio� lirtte:eticld. Miss Ruby Wise of Clinton last week 'the ,gurest of Miss A 13nedg e. Mrs. Addison, who has been Clinton Hospital, for an eperat'i for appendicitis, has retlur ( home. I IVliss ;amma McIntosh has i'attr ed from,• Iavis • ' it '~ O leer' ' cat ` L iti George Sim• )9 ' 011 1 ofMoorefield. + g • At 'tire Preshyteriran services el 1'I � ing' the next two Sabbaths, QM 1 Ings will; be taken nor .the Chine J fiamine fund. It is hoped that , good offering will. be given, IDr, Wm, Aikenh ail, whtoi recen 1y graduated in,Llondon, has take el position es house surgeon) in London Hospital, Mies Mary Walker bf Toronto i visiting at Mone. Mrs hte Flossie of'Toronto,thalve) retsnine to their home here for.th T. J. 11larks, whl0, hase spent summer year, blithe 1Vs(t, will e;enc{ the coming year here, as hie. enjoys this country above all.Others, H. Trvvihn is improving his store property on,Main Street. Mr. Weston, is building tt new house beside his present residence Joto fnled to this placf e for the pur- pose of having his house in'this place a'erio;delled and made larger. rt , vas i ma DUTIES OF OVERSEERS i� 'S ��I �wll`i>'i��8�iI,9 on, As copic(l fc•otti the I1'oxionia Weeds Act or f Q)31f'itA'gtD relent I'nsseel during the Session of the rn Lo'etal Lcgisle/tare, in 1SS J. , 5 ss ,..L G S-- 1 s t hay ' afly Municipality to iiw Ibatlttheil for am n: Etc°rS ut Hiszel t1 in ur-. to Noxlons !heeds a a ca , of this Art jVe 1cu . „1;` dulls by crating 111Lr1 ant ,wfihin their rbs iter{r� ' . ,�' 00destroying 1 Lown se rloivn t In or causing to he alit down a in destroyed at the proper time, t U )neve, lc n i seeds, all noxious weeds growingi nt the 'inviting need. al. lou'anees ,t itbin their divisions ;snrh ,'01on the highways 1) 1peel)aiied al t- part of the ordinary Statute Labor or C t l cl 0. en able rate iry tiro Tteasur<L' o'f the 5[unicipo111v,ittag iLi• 11 u,t-leen 1 a'Lho5:[nnicfpalftyuzily.dii,oct,„ ht C.untu•aiol,' s N. B,-Such'wot'k to be pet formed its 1811 1(1 , Statute Labor. 1 1 the ordicEuy nnrr�, non ('Oo s !W1YS OF 1,T . The ways oa a watch' are,past finding out. Dont try. If your watch is lazy and won't run, leus repair it for you. Ten toque you neglected it -let it get dirty, 00 it stops from lack of ell. Whatever is the reason, dont delay. ,,. Delay costs money and often spoils the watch. We give ' lx ' thorough O 12 I i" examinationI i and regulating free, anything e • costs ,as little as satisfactory' g work ore can be done for. y J I d^TM an r__ Warr A.,...-...................0,,,,, I i v __- 1 e_. It ,..Y„„,.�,„„� a,- iain this Ien blessed with a fine taravanneanano6a1r089• week and it was much ®0? {j(!D!lyi8191 needed. ! The Methodists are going to have 1 m I\/ ?n and Even's : vin a email, spire put up on the chancel 1 oeneoemeuetrsGDst3h54 oo•Ossose• very soon and get the hell tape I: ( Varna A meeting :of ft.lhe i uront Branch of the Dominion Alliance was held in' the Methodist (Church last Fri- day night, tier the purpose of tak- ing steps !tlo have the Canada Tem - mance! Act submitted to the, to .t airs p y of this county for their )peoval or�disapplova6 at an. early ate this fall. In the absence o.f e president, the vice-president', r, Watson, presided. Addresses ere given by Messrs. Clooper •anti ,villi of Clinton: Organization for ante = v Tov- ,ns11i� was tas proceeded with, and tale following officersap- pointed :President, Thomas Wiley ; vice- reside!!,' p t t G.S Howard; > T w • �, at d ven- t• - t tie Y• ase c1 tt, 1T Johnston. nnit'.tees were also appointed each poling division in the licipality, as follows: 0 1 -Geo Baird, sen., Wm. Tay - and V.M. Diehl. o. 2-W,J, Jones, Isaac Jarrott el Wnt. Forest, o. 3-W.L.Keys, A. Reid, Jas. C( nr, o ,' Peck. nt 1 Y tild �1't• _ . Jan o.4 -T. Robinson, Ed. John- . J A, anson. No. 5 -Mr. Schrag, George Dewar and COI(. n Campbell, 11) )e, 1, 1 The fust named on each commit- tee is 001hwen e.', and each (UI7tl11it- tee was given pewe etto add to its number if necessary. �mansa a i -- a O. For ale tlh al A Baby 0e.rriage with umbrella top Ir also s Cradle, nearly new. Apply at I St The w , New Era, Z Beileview Dairy Farm • Co From our Mock of first-class 1 for cows w e ate prepared to supple mu you twice da'ly with best of Intik I N and creme, ,z t P, In and nC lI1D 4 t : 'l 1of N your patronage. Phone 125. E. .R. HILL. • an R. FISHER, e ..._..._...-_-__- I bit t of:'J a to Contractors 1 will r r e err anal d tenders up to noon on Tuesday, tle and des- of June next. for a two story cement building, 2x35 feet, to he 0100104 at the gaol in the Town of Cat el ich, Tenders for wllnle work oi' 1',n verten 10 trades will he onr;i lcx' t tnl. A yoked cheque for 6 % of the coal1,01 rice linen accent patty tende)n No tender necessarily accepted. Piens and specifications eat) be seed in the County Clerk's office. B, t', 111U NIN(•iS, Cha it el Dated MayI. n` an of Committee !tit . 1 )13 BAR ONE V Owing to press of other work on hand, the undersigned will kee stalii P , Bar One V. in his own stable, on the Gravel Road, quay-'' ter mile north of town, where. he will be pleased to s ale all his <! h 1 elastomers O s •an,d many ne,v ones,- , 1 'Clarges $10. D. REINOLDS, Proprietor 1':,On(leSFlom ialdliswle5 for Smile- -1200 hunches of XXX 13,te Red ()eclat, at $1. and 501 unehe5 of XXXXX at $l,l24.-13.. Ad- ams, Londesboro, The annual PS>n 1` '�' Urinal g Pb !lien..- mint :auburn. The haker shop had a narrow es- cape -from fire or Friday evening, The awning took fire from a fire. cracker which some boys welie playing with. Mr. John Wright los({(• a 'Valuable horse on Saturday morning. Rev. Mr. Miller . who, has been pastor of Idle Auburn, Circuit 1011 the past threes nears has been. in- 1 vitetl to remain another!I M1', 1,'m. Bell of Blyth year, sited at the home of Mr. Johns Mole 0n Sunday. Mr. Riddell is spotting a te15.I driving horse. Mi'. 0.E. Erratt and John Wilson I at¢ended the meeting held on be- half of prohibition in Londesboro on Monday evening, Goderielt 'township Mr. Lew e Anderson lost a valuable all! `ll . i 51r. Cole bought ai11oD acres of grazing land. on the Bayfield and resold it again to Sir. LesAtl- clerson, Miss Nellie hicks was Vi srtin g Mies ' z I'' i l.o. ' s5le Cole lastweek, Dir. N. Peek, of Stanley, ,tow;;- J ship, has purchased a .Ford auto. which he intends ,to take the place of a driver. et Miss Reit. a >ie-•• ,c 5, tint g ht e D1t` Jos Reyes, is it t Io t net t n stud - • r , rn for aaCi)t so pascd her Normal examination this year. Rural free delivery will ::toll be in full swing. known as the. Canton Route. The boxes will scion 1 e plaocd ,with ti10. Arthur Curry a:: ca t ler. 1: Mr. Janne; Mil;Pr has )t11-,1ov c{ the appearance- of 111;1 place with a en• iron gate. Mr. W. (,1e solei; his clrivsr at a ood figure. 11:e intends buying mare -1 can and colt 1 L la st tee I1 ing ,of the Methodist' 411110011 ,wa held on, 'Wednesday night last when reports Were, z'Cad and clic cussed from all the soviet:,es in the ehureh, and the reports showed t very successful and prosperon year's work under the :pastorate o :Rev. J. H. Osterhiout, 1'.A., P.D. pleasant social hour was enjoyed after the business eessio0. Mrs. (Rev.) Ostertiout is in, Chat - am attending the W. M. S. 'Con - tendon. Dont bail .to hear the story and song service, in the Methodist church veli next Sunday _evening. The.subject of story and song will be again. S Leeburn . J:lelatlet (:(rant Is busy at Mrtil 1 c ii 1"am Cook's well digging it s deeper. • D1r. George Freeman and William Cook are busy drawing gravel .foe their barn's. Miss Ulad ys Slewant returned home for St. Helen's 01T. Sunday, Mr. James Horton from i'av ttelii 1 Rto:ad Goderich Township called on our burg on Tuesday. 'riaYeimeeting will be on I Wednesday evening at the school 11001n. A Good Chance Two Storey 11 AND "The Mothers of the PiJ)le,"' All welcome. Our pastor returned last Saturday toy , :Jeweler and (t)Dtician5 Issuer of Ifarl'iage Licenses ing ,service .Mrs. T. D Rist esang "A Song of Thanksgiving, The S e v s League r. C e e ,the Junior League 07T Monday . n•igI1t, A program was given and rel'resdrmcnts served 'a't the close. After the mid -week service an. Wedsaesd'ay a church meeting ,t'aS held at 'which seven represented - )'es were !elected• es members of the Official Board. They aro as follows , A, J Tyndall A. lOoopei Jas. Doi W. F. d, Doig, Harland, 1 'G• W. Layton, `I'. E. East and Miss E. Washington. ONTARIO' ST. C]SURCIr '" was ofThe greateinlggter inton erest Bible .onday lesson on Was read by Nixiom 'Welsh, after which the Rev. Mr. Granit gave a lecture on astronomy, which was much enjoyed by• The Pastor, !Rev. S, J. Allin, will preaell bat Sunday next. "Peacn SundayeSunday" was las1, the pastor' preachined ng on the subject of peace to a large and interested congregation, WILLIE CHURCH The Girls' ' Clubwill ih hold i t7cu .`" _ ular meetingt I re- gular next Tuesday ev- ening, The )alio • 1 z occupied d the pulpit Inl)lt 1 at 1 both s. services last 'Sunday. At the evening service aquartette, "Lend Kindly Light," was given by Miss Melvor, Mrs, Gunn, Dr, Gaudier, and r Prof. Pri stn „ e. The TT'F.iM.S, hold their nrolit t1'.c- meeting last Thursday P,' ening. Pile devotional topic, "The Prodi- gal So.n,' wase dealt with in a very nuc t siting way h, Miss Thompson nil Mrs: Duncan Mc1 wall gave an xcell nt l,a1le:� ;on Chinese Edu- cation.' ti017. :., ib THE 1;1;M'1' 111:1'. \5. P. PA1Ll3, Roman 1'alhoi c 11(511,3), ',f 1 fl,) D. 1,•n; horn on ;let 1", 1 , Kingel.31), WA, lh t ,,.1 1i`. staff of Ottawa t ,,1cr.illy 01.11 wive -I act):- Ln' S_ t 0,. al } e.it'i prior Lo heint, a1)p,);i,t,'d-1.asln ; f• fie has 1115)32 r 111 e'o:;t,tlin sport and t:m r,,? 'i ovnceeh:un- p10051(11) :�,ll'jit 13,rtl),tll team. bridge, father and nroitller of Ray. Dir. McCormick. spent the we ek end at the parsonage. Mrs. Henry Tebbutt. of (alifot•n- la slater ,afATis SA'. Walter, ar.- eived here the either day. Sins in- tends spending most of Una sum- mer here.. lief• mane" friends .tire glad to nee 'h1'( leek again ae it s 12 years e,zr s since sho visited here, The W.M.S. wills hold: a social on Monday evening, May 20th, fn the Methodist Church. Mrs. Wm. Griffiths is under the ouse doctor's care .this ,week. Her friends hope for a speedy reeovery. There have been a ilos of cattle Newand hogs shipped from our station ew Cottage last Saturday and-onWednesday-of. FOR SALE this week at good. prices. 3.1I0tta)5 ,receiv.ed a car of Lake of the Woods Flour, shorts and Properties in excellent bran and expects a cannot Western oats in a day, or (two. Rev. Mr. Reid' hall his first wed- ding here ,on• 'Wednesday, Wm. Riley isahle to be out on the street n,o-w, R. Adams was very unwell, a few drays this week but is somewhat F + better again. F. J. Hill, Clinton Several art planning to gel for a trip ,over the 24111: and some are Booking forward to home visitors. condition. Located side by side. Would Lease from Buyer Phone 7'7. Our Ai =T ' Pease/ BRINGS CUSTOMERS BACK Furniture buye-s at this store invariably come back when they want more, and bring their friends with Them. •`s To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is as good as it looks, and that is saying a whole lot. Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money- saving rates. Whynot'secure what you need y now while prices are so favorable. Dunford May Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 NIfHT AND SUNDAY CALLS -Phone No. 127 or Phone 16' 1" 1. L .A--1\1-- _1 'ma y POLISHES for all Kinds. of Footwear afternoon after being away ail Week nciar Siebringville. • rlullett Miss Edith Harvey spent a few days with Miss Mag,gietAdams. Jos. Riley and Tofu) Knox of Harlock Sundayed with S. Appleby. , Miss May Adams spent a few days last 'week win( her oousin. Miss Elsie Button, of Seaforth. S. McOool and daughter Cora, meet with an,accident on Friday even- ing while conning from Clinton ,when an antic frightened the horse. The occupants! were thrown out but escaped injury except a bad shak- ing up. Miss Jones, of Benrillss, spent Sunday with herr friend, Mrs. D. 111ogga•,rt. Miss Mary Snell, spoil a few clays at the home of her uncle Wnl Elcoat in Tuckers pith. Porter's 0111 Mr, and Mrs, Wilson, of Centralia visited at Mt George Vandenburgh lash week, The D'Iisses FItomenele and Alda McDonald returned to Detroit :Mast week. The Ladies Aid meeting will be held at the lame of Mrs. Wm. John sten on Thursdity, May 29. Measles, is going the, mounds in the neighborhood, The friend's of Misfit Annie. Mc- Phail Will be sway to hear she is not improving as touch as we'would like. Nolmeaailie. Mrs. McKenzie, of Goderich, was the guest of Mr, land Miss Holmes, Mr. Will. Tebbut't hada his bei• jacked up this week preparatory to • having afound•ation putt under it. Mr. Fred Hill, oA Clinton, very ' acceptably filled the pulpit .here on WESLEY CHBJRrLH. Sunday evening, Rev: Mr, Ford' occupied his own Mr. and Mrs. McCormick, of Trow 1lulpi;t lb, 11lyth. Mr, H. Thomas, C. P.. B. agent has purchased Mr. I. Browns auto; I+t may be Mr. Brown intends to have • an areoplane as it is(the, latest. Rev. Mr. Jewiift anidl Mr. George. :Beatfty attended the District meet - log of the Methodist church in Clinton on Wednesday, Me. Jiohn Leith has taken over the itinsmithing part fnotzr Messrs, W. Mao rn &Son and hes will. look after its interests. Ile is an al man lion the business. Mr. CAL Reese got a large new boiler from Goldie & McCollugh, of Galt, lasts week and; got it installed SID he is able tonna his chopping de p'antmenzdt.. It is ,of the modern type ,and he alga received on Mon day a large oondeneer which bets attaching to his en the thereby making it a powerful steam plant, when oonlpieted, Editor JEliott and children drove Uq Gorrie on Thul'e4day for a few days visiting. Saturday is to be apul)lic holiday hero it being the 240) Pr•epa)ati,ons are on~ile way for the Sunday School annual picnic to Goderiel in August. Births, Marriages & Deaths ,DATES. Lough -At the residence of her soon -in-law, Me. W.J. ;Baird, Shaug.h. nessy Heights, Vancouver, 113 0.., on Saturday morning, May 10, 1913 Katherine McLaurin, wifeof Will- iam Romaine Lough, formerly of Clinton, ,Ont. ca CHURCH ' hCli N.E1t-r S Prof. ft. P. Bowles, of Victoria Cbllego, Ilea been appointed Chan- cellor or the University, to succeed Cizancelloc J,utevash, who resignEd 00 account of failing health. Prof. Bowles preached in Wesley Church las{ year, .uMI' Is 0 very cdev er speaker. The Sunday Sehool of the Metro - p01110)) Methodist-C`hurch, Toronto celebrated its ninety-fifth 01)01- 1'elsarv. On Sunday. .At the annual meeting of the Book and Publishing Committee of the Methodist Church, it was deci- ded to se't 'aside for the, superannu- tion fund for aged and infirm min- isters, the stun of $23,000, Uo Wto Prevent �' r alit Breeding. 1P you have a stable do not allow mnnu1e to accumulate, The manure should be removed twice a day to a closed pit and should be removed from this twice a week. Do not tolerate manure piles. Green vitriol, one pound in a gallon of water, applied once a day will kill the maggots in the manure from a one horse stable. 1f the old fashioned dug outhouse Is used it should be thoroughly treated at frequent intervals with chloride of lime. Garbage cans should he closely cov- ered, or, better, should hare a fly trap attached to the cover in such a way that all flies flying upward from the garbage will be sure to enter the trap. --� Pag®, CHILDREN'S DREN''S WAS[1 DRESSES Our showing of Wash Dresses this year is larger and prettier then we have ever shown before, Dainty Tittle Dresses in Prints, Ginghams Chan 'my 1bI and Linens, ' and in all sizes from 2 years a} s, Ducksea and wondelfuliy low priced at from Zoic to 2 14 years See our Middies d es at $1,25, 5' nanstacrememmatteasatasersaameameastantesaszaasaa 131010=1 - Ladies White Waists ' - t;�t� v�'��d Underwear. e We have a beautiful assortment of Ladies sts in lawns, enibryiderw, pique, linen, etc., rangingt price from 5oc`to $3.00. Ses our special line at $1.00 Also some extra values in Ladles' and Children's Underskirts, nder,l.irts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Princess Slips, and Combinations. tiatiMOCCINIXXIOAINOSAIIIKeloomotmoemOtelettIONIIIISomoellOrmeotelefEZAZZOta Pltimsteel Bros. SBALLPROFITS HOIt)E iiUSIN1;Sa w teal inions "twat until default of payment, the mortgagor shall have quiet posses- sion of the said 'lends.'' 2-A 'Ni - And Answers (1050 cannot clann a share, in an "entailedestate• Uyi virtue of her - husband's life in(erest in the estate because at his death the estate 13.13•, Clinton -Qu. -If a husband passed to some other person. But dies intestate, leaving money in- there is nothing to prevent the. vested in.11lOr)tgages, will that he 1• widow claiming her '`(lower') in the re ar de C1 as g real est )ro estate ? 2. estate or i)eI•sonal 1 petty. And the Dower Act lays Call, a wiclou cla{m nn, 1 t'her'e ahusband dies beneficial- share of entailed property? 3. If ly entitled to any la 1, for an' in a husband d di es leaving a tete 1 St w money \ 17 ne ich d g 117 D� s - not , b q and relit' . and to his 'i d money ' � I. oat n. d , can he will i� all led on notes, t 0,3 to dower at common law, t all to soma person ? and such interest, whether wholly person ? Or if he dies without male equitable or partly legal and pari.ly ' wiing a ,will, ,wihat share; can his f er uitabce repis an, ossession estate ol(if inheri- cion• take ? Ann_ The proper form 01 mart- , equal to an estate of inheritance in possession, gage of real estate is an absolute (other than estate in joint tenant3') conveyance of the property to the I his ,widow shalt be entitled to mortgagee, subject to a proviso for I "dower" out of such land. lint the'' re• con i 1L , a17 ': C. . UL payment [ widow x lite 1C10 = 1 nt o „ w on was da[ alw. n,s But enti tit: fig ed z fixed. < t mal- low Ii ut t ht courts u )t. � man of laty "entailed Leu i it[ odntw• e1 'i f l 1 an have i a c long h�- "foredo- :r .IC l that it s" until _ e { t it fol c clo 1 L. 3 -The husband can will sul•e'' bye decree of the court, or the money to any pe0soe, total y "sale under power of sale'' contain- Jgnoring ids widow ed in til and famiiv. .t l:. At 'f g e m i h t c sh • o i ale I c , G die e ' 111 r t a hase h'' I r' ,5 . right g redeem, even though , widow ,will he entitled to oche -third his estate has Joan absolutely for -'i and his childrento ;t felted at law, in accordance ,with . lthlrIels, the remaining the terms ,of the decd, There aro l two- mortgagos of "personal aware' and " �.._ .__ ___ mortgages of personal! property, l areezameanneeat Our Devolution of Estates Act, see, t tion 0, chapter 51. of the Ontario l Statutes for 191.0, says, "Mortgages 11. o1' real estate shall Leeonle vested in the ex-cent0a' or administrator of the mortgagee, I• - ul, like, , • manner 1 tl_et ,s e�.s h. Rs or 2i P estate." Fisher fisher on Inort- gages says, (page 7. sixth (1111 )1(•1 The interest of the mortgagor re- mains an equitable int- e>t )nly, the Ieg,al 'estate being cansid0)0(1 as vested intlhc: mortgages." The lame writer fw ther says "The es- sence ,of,a foga! anortgng,e is 11111 vesting cif the legal !estate in the trie ght nolr(tgage, together with tee o possession" Hence mort- gages usually contain a proviso 3 U, S, 0overninent Standard 11,1o„> i•, an extract from U.S. Gov. ed, for tenders -"The with raeito coat most he equal to that mined and p•5narea 1,w Poilade1 phia deriding Coal & h•on Co" We handle 1101:ping but the first grade 1;liladelphia tC Reuling, A..J. olioy Boise phone 12. ()f({:e phone 40 o/ '%r//IJv, ee",221ry/' I/O./, •/�.a,r/.W,s(492 Anziiis// r WH4I. E° STAR LINE , ,�; 15th ANNUAL EXCURSION GODERICH to DETROIT and RETURN BIC STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND will leave Goclerich June 10t11, 9;30 a. In. Arrive Detroit, June 10th, 5:30p. an. Returning, leave Detroit, June 12112, 1;00p. m. Tickets,1.50 Round Trip MOONLIGHT EXCURSION, JUNE 9E�H.AYERICE A 5,'eoamolibillorwrite Mon Agt., Detroit, Midi. A••••••••! l_ lb• Viet , ria Day 1. • Single ]fare tor Round Trip. • • Between tan l stations in Canada • • • s • • • 0 00 mast of Port Arthur, Also to Detroit !an:d Port Huron, Miob,, Buffalo., Niagara Falls, Black Rock and Sus- pension :Bridge, N.Y. Good Going May 23rd and 24th Retuncing limit May 21th, 1013 Ftoreseekers' Excursions To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Al- berta, each Tuesday until October 28, inclusive Via Chicago, St. Paul or Sarnia. Through Pulimlan Sleepers to Win- nipeg on above elates, leaving To- ronto 11 p.m. No change of cars. ,n limit wlo moat hs. w • O • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••-• , • • g • • WITH - T CHURCHES. • Retur 1' '(t t 1 • 1�� • Ask Grund Trunk Agent ,f1or full ; 0. / ••a"J•!�o!!••i•!•• artienlara berths, T • • • particulars, , 1eservations;etc • Tozer Y JOHN RANSFORD SOit & ON, Agents Overall vv • A. O. PATTISON depot agent •W til. ll ; A.B. Duff, district passenger' agent; • • Sunday. At the even- Union Station, Toronto, data • !r�lola•!!o•!•oo,•�1r® !O!••!®�!!i!•••!•!•!!•6j!!!! !m•O•• YJR7t. _ FRS • • • • • • •• • • • ••• • s • r • • • , r „. 1 Also by the Walltet•yi ie Pant and � Co.• ervA e, Ont. • • We are sole agents for WALKER'S OVERALLS, made in VoTalkerville, Ont. We guarantee ton for for every button that comes off, and 25c for for every rip, For every six pockets cut from worn garments we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free, Get in the habit of saving your pockets SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY NEW HOLIDAy5tjY FOOTWEFIR Fully Equipped q pped fat• Summer. �tlilnt2]er. Are you ready for the hot days that will soon be here ? We are prepared to show you the newest designs in Leather and Fabrics. White and Tan Shoes. This season promises to be another in which these will be very much in demand. Our; stock of these colors is now complete, an p g coni risinnew designs in Pumps, Oxfordsd Boots. comprising � a. , 6'HFIPMAN. Successor to Jas. Twitchell & Son LINTON C.11-1.A.I=SVIA:tg 78