HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-22, Page 4II
II uaeala aiz rmi _Tui rmeaar
lililline�•rr ?�
and ' p
lP'hone. 75
We were fortunate to secure 20 mill ends of
Scotch Ginohams; all fast colors, 27 to 3o inches. wide.
They cone in pretty checks and stripes, and is just
the right time before you begin your spring sewing-,
regular x8c, 2oc and 25c, Friday price i tic. .
See These in our Window.
Spring Coats
'We have left about 15
Ladies and Misses Coats, all
the latest styles, in good
cloth, colors fawn, navy,
black and Copenhagen, all
18.00and 2000'coats 13 98
14.00 snd i6 00 coats 10.98
1O.00 and l..uo coats 7.98
NOW is your time to buy a
Good Spring Coat
Ladies Sorin
Suits 'Half Price
just 5 Suits left in stock
in Tweed and Navy Serge,
sizes 32, 34, 86 and 38,
regular S18. for 9.00.
douseurs' :s
A special showing of a fresh shipment of New
Rugs, L noleums, Mattin s and Oilcloths We have
had a .good season in this department That shows
we have the right goods at the right price.
Look around, then call ar.cl tee cur display
TMS,Stiare11'011naeclitfil'16S.t!il1110v, clay °'1h j}
'L' F:."G:xT:`^i.•.�3°Y°d:Ae^M1SS::LCfkrv.,::c..led.Tre+mnxeR'Fe-T.rr••ri::IHrtazza ar
R ^ ,44,11 r Figs'^* -1,4 +"lr 74
d Personal Not Os
�2,. it those -having relatives or t, lan1n a
,'4, visiting in townor going. away 1.
4 notify nu or the fact each week we °
would aunnanco It in ttu NNWm'N
ai. ^
'44444444444 444 +444 U
Mr. Tins. Cott a as in, Sc rl'orth
on Tuesday arranging Sonne flower
beds for e tizens tht:e.
1 Mr. Earl O'Nleil was in Stratford
on Monday.
W. lry(fan e, Ea was in
Goderich on Saturday limit.
Ml'. W. Jacl.aon' \vas in Toro ito
during the pas(C' weer ek.
`Mt :'0.1]',.. Dewing anode a business
flip to Toronto bast) week.
Rev. W.R.'Cooper, of Milverton,
Was in town 'this week,
Mrs. Arthur Lawson, Townsend
Street, has belen seriously ill dur-
in'g the pastt Week.' Hie.( many
friends in town will wish lot aturn
for the be(tten
Mrs . Taylor of Ontario Street,
has been, very ill with pr:le'umonia
but is progressing as Well as could
be expected.
Mrs. Janes 3)unfeed underwent
an Opeea'tion On Monday at the Hos-
pital and is progressing. favorably.
Goderich • Signal ;-Stewart Mac-
Phersloav, mining Architect, of New
Liskeard spent . Sunday in.stt,own
the guest of his .mother, Mrs. Mac-
Pherson, and his unele, Registrar'
Coats, •
Charles Tisdell, of Toronto, eld-
est son ofMr. J. P. Tisdall, formerly
of • 'Clinton, has completed • his ':law
course, and enters a Toronto 'law
firm as • a ,junior partner. Dame
Rumor clays that- ere long he will
form another Kind of pai'tnernhip
with a charming young lady of
Buffalo.. His old Clinton friends ex-
tend c'onguatulaliens. in advance.
Mr. Thos. Trick was in Thedforci
least week sr,eing his Micelles-, fii:i•.
Wm. Trick, who h'as been seri Can Iy
ill, with pneumonia. Ile and our
well known citf e.n tr.cl the lest of
their family. The sick genitheman •
is 'progressingg as wellass could be
expected is the latest word.
Mr. and Mrs. RM. n:fcKav and
Mrs L,'), C I'arlesvl sr•lh, of Fly'th,
werti visitors for a short time in
Clinton last Friday, coming clow,
he Mr. 11IcKay-s nen- auto.
Bev. and Alta. A.H..'aic ough.of
Lloydtown 'nee here for a eeeekr
visi`.. The former s Path: r is ,epeeist •
ill, ea t1r. Colelough derided ti
hake the 't ll) now. IIs- remtaicec
that they Ind e eneeessful lo -tea
Option Campaign in his parish nail
ea liter it ley it big majority.
]1rs. Jas Sims. of l:iyth 1', visit-
ing with relatives and friends it
AIts('Ret 1 Ceoper, of Milverton,
nee Miss M. Flaody, of Blyth, un-
derwent au ,operation h'e:o in the
Local hospital this week. The pet --
lent is pj. ogressing as favar:r1
as aould be eXpecbo 1.
Miss bell spent Sato; day fi
I -Ta r iston,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ,s, Jackson Jr.
were in Toronto la -,t W,le;'.c.
1 Mrs. J. Torrance lett on Saturday
for Fort 1Fiilian, whet•e she will
1 pend a month with her duigntr:r
D.L.Mrs. . Cr tnstcn. Nis. Zopreutee
aecsuinpnnied her as far as Sarnia.
t. a
t erale Attention
Huron Liberal Pit�dl�c�',r �tion
The annual meeting of the Cen-
tre y
tie HuionLiberal, Association will
be held this year in, Godletrich on
30th Miay, 1913, at 3 olclock p.m..
Note -The notice for meeting at
Sefafartltl on 271th inst. is cancelled,
as this year it is thought desirable
to hold the meeting in Goderich on ,
the dray of the big Demonsetertion
and give those attending a chance
to remain' for the evening.
The afternoon meeting will be,
addressed by the member Mr.
Paloudfoot' K.C. and by J.C. Elliott
bLP.P. and other speakers.
On the evening pf 30th inst. a
large demonstration istobe li,eld
by the Liberals of Centro Huron in
• the Skating Rink, at Gtod'erieh, to be
addressed by N.W. RlowelI, Header
of the 'Opposition, and other Libea-
1 members s; m mbe s .of the Lggisla(turet, ,
Special Train -Special G T.R, and t
C.P.R. trains will, leave Goderich
after the evening meeting,
M. Murdje, President.
J.L. Killoran Secretary.
110, 0, T, Bron ka, wife of the lace
express agent, passed away on segue
pay afternoon after a 'long and pain
ful sic•lenes• Sirs, B,'noks was a mem
t of the \V, C T. U. and
a Mende.
of OP Jaunts street 111ethodist church
leer demo will he Incurred by tt larg
chr.le'of t e abyss and freinds
Thos. Brock, senior, was taken t
Victoria hospital. London' on Thu'
day Acent'ding to the last report, h
is resting quietly, hut' no hopes ar
held out for his permanent recovery
ire is sufetin„ ficnt a gee ell] in tin
Rev. L Heyw ond• who is home hem
altendiug Vitoria College. preached in
Main Street Met hodist Church on Sun-
day evening. Isis many fi ieiids were
well pleased with his discourse.
Mr. Geoge Thomas is again held up
with an attack of his old trouble,
The Exeter district meeting of the
Methodist church was held in Main
street church on Wednesday et 2
o'c'ock, the general session comment
ne nn Thursday, at 3 a. m.
Exeter has formed a baseball league
ro consist 111 three teams Thomas
Boyle was elected president, Melville
Southcstt, secretary, and W J. Bea-
n/in, treasurer. A. comruittee of two
rem each team will ,complete the
ex'�cutiye The season will pe ushered
in by a doubleheader un the 24th of
Mrs Arthur, Drupe. Mrs Ch tries
Hooper, and Mrs, (Res.) F. G Powell
will go front to Chatham on
Tuesday next; es delegates to the
Iconference of \Vormbn's Missionary
The in•tnyy I'Sends of Win. Blatchford
now of Toronto will be pleased to hear
helms taken unto himself a Wife.
Ole, end Mrs. Blackford will visit
Exeter ori the 21.
Mrs. George Howson of Medicine
Hat is the guest of his moths'.
Mts. Jas. Ilowson,
Mrs. Wiseman leaves tin -motion
fa n( short visit iii St. Marys.
Miss. Sharks and Miss Jean Ross
r t spent :of cafe t] 5 pcu( S tturda at the
a t is home hero
La Verne Cook of Goderich was
home for the week, end.
Mayor Shelton of li Ift.gham ales
in, town Friday and Saturday of
bast' week.
Mr. G.D. M'acTaggart was in Tor-
e I onto last week.
Drowned In Water
I only A foot Beep
Goderich, May 20, -Three year o'd
Isabel Elliot. daughter of Thomas El-
liot, of Dungannon. was: drowned last
evening in the riverthat runs through
the village. The little girl was at.
t tempting to join some playmates on
the other side oe the strean, by crossing
on a hoard, when it slipwed, and she
wag thrown into the avatar. The
children brought aid, hut rt, errived too
late to be of help to the unfortunate
little girl, The water at ,he. point
where the accident occurred was little.
over a foot deep
Awedea exported 36,0.00,000 pounds
el matches in the she months ending
with June;
New Durable, Cloth
A method for making a strong,dur-
bble cloth from banana stalks has
een perfected in China.
A Potato Planter
x 'da+:.n'' ,' Potato planting mechanism' which
Can bo attached
to an ordinary plow
. hili. ASQ1IT3 British' Premie
has been patented in England,
who opposed the Women s Suff-
rage Bill,
ia eFill'saying
g h
'ence that Bidtish
women, as'a
"whole, wa.n't the vote.
Textile Mills
Creat Britain's •anis textile mills em to
Chore than 1,000,000 persons. i Y
Miss :Hazel O'Dleii returned on
Monday. from Toronto.
Miss Bertha Webster of Londles-
boro, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Lei
Mr. J.T. Graham and sister Ella.
spent Sunday afternoon With their.
sister Mrs. W.J. Sims of :r'lytth at
tke home of Mrs, John Bean.
Mrs. Jas. Hamilton has been on
the sick list.
Mr, Murry Draper returned from
the 'West ran Tuesday. Prospects
are not as bright as the real estate
riven like itol plain(0 them.
Miss Jennie ' 'Holmes is Visiting
her brother in,'Holmeswil.le for a
few drays.
The Ellilotttt's •defeatiecl the Gor-
dhn's by asc,oire of 21-11 in the
t.Public Scheel, bia:se ball leagues
Got'diani's'--3 0 10 3.10 0 0-11
El lnot•(ts -3 1;1 7 4 0 2 b 0-31
The standing ,of'Ithe League is; -
El Botta
-Ellaotlta won 4lost 2,
Lawrence won 3 lost 2.
Olivei''s, wean. 2l,ost 3:,•
Gordan's) won. 2 lost 4.
Call or Phone, tor
0Ill' Prices.
Steel Shingles
Corrugated Iron
Asbestos -Fire Proof
m St 'Slitter
1 l lt)tatttry l'Itunbcrg,
Phone 7.
't��js/p�j," j7 ------1,1bif.}gp;Dy'' TON
2-Irr GOrRiem
' In support of the course pursued by
MR, W. PCDF)OT,1',R?.
at the recent session of. tine Ontario Legislature
FIRMA, Mt'' 30th
in the Evening at 8 o'clock
The presence of a large number of the most
prominent Liberals of Ontario including
Mr. N. W. ROW E LL
the Provincial leads -r, and a number of other
Liberal members of the Legislature
The `\rest Street Rink, containing the largest
auditorium in the town, has been engaged
and will be seated for the occasion. Space
will be reserved for people coming from
outside places,
Everyone who believes in honest Government
and fair play invited
Special Railway Service—is being arranged.
Look for further announcements, rates, etc.
, Chairman of Coni. Secretary
?�$ttee7"1PS��CfdtcrgStS( frSb �fY3i6P✓3,�d tomeee
Loci News�rP.r
A$ t. tl MANORr'au ARAFt glzK
31r. and 31' s. W,L, Mair, r.f Hul'o 't
township announce the engage-
ment of their daughter. Ees•eLaw-
reit, to Mr. John Howard Bruns-
Yrun .-
don, of Londesbor'o. The marriage
takes place nn the 3rd of Jure.
The first ame of the Season will
be sea yet in -Recreation Park, Olin on.
on outurr)ny, M,iv 24th, 1I\1331n's of
London V ensue Clinton, Game called
at 1 4'5 sharp. The visitors won the
City Lengn,z Ohampineship pact year.'
end will enter the Western Cowie
13,zseball League this season. They
are a fast bench of pia ere and have
alrundv Waved a mintier of games.
Admission 25c Ladies and chidren 13c
Quite a serious accident oseured nn
Friday evening when Itt'. 'McCord of
linnet, (near Londeshoro) was e ineturn-
ft• nm ClintonUlntoc °n company with his
daughter who is attending school here.
111 attempting to pass an auto standing
on the road near a briclge the horse
rnade a lunge over the embankment
carrying with htthng
end Dei
Thebuggy tt•o 1 (
Inc horse maide to
comlpete somersault, Miss McCool
being thrown clear of the sig. The
horse Nem t•u made of for ` t
it vi ttIc
11 r, n' -
Coolstill clinging to the reins but the
horse did notget far betore jt fell.
1)r. Milne and auto party came along
just as this happened and Rev, W. D
Turner was quickly on the scene held
horse doe n chi a Mr. Maloof extricat
ed himself from his perilous position.;
Other than the rig.being pretty web
peniolished and the horse receiving
some scratches the occupants mires
u'ously escaped with a slight injury to J
Mr. McOooi,s hip.
As some doubts have been expressed •
• by horsemen and others as to whether
01 1101 the certiflcate of enrolment oh -I
tanned from the Enrulnent Commis-
sion must appear on the bills or cards
advertising the horse routes we append'
the clausesof the Ant referring thereto.
Sub section 1 of Section 13 of the Act
says: "The he
y certificate of enrolment F
tt o
any stallion shall form a proulinent
part of any newspaper or other printed
advertisement issued to advertise such.
a stallion.' Sub section 2 of the same
section says, "Every Poster issued shall
contain a ropyof the certificate of en-
rolment printed in bold face and cur-
spicuous type and shall not contain any
illustrations, pedigree or other matter
which is untrtuhfel orntisleading.' Sub
section 3 says: "Where an posters are
used to advertise a stallion, the owner
of the stallion shall exhibit to the own-
er of each mare at the time of service,
if demanded, the otiiinal enrolment
certificate issued for such stallion.'
Chairman Edward PIatch, Jr,. of the
American Civic! association said during
a convention in Baltimore, "1'he slo-
gan 'swat the qy' should be changed -to
'starve the fly.'"
Mr. I-Iateb is right. Adults and chit.
drew may alike be• beaded in a crusade
to kill as many files is have the temer
ity to show themselves, faint unless
the breeding and feeding places tit the
insect that forgets to wipe its feet are
;broken up the campaign will be in
vrtie-at least it will fall' far short of
The thing is a simplefeetor in tete t
aritbrnetic of science anti health. It t
there ale no places for flies to feed,
it there ole no places for dies to breed, i
there 'will be n0 flies to frill The new
remedy has the virtue of getting right i
down to cases, The "swat" formula
is only a palliative.
The new war.cry is an. important .one.
to that it touches the fundamentals of
sanitation everywhere. England is al•
most a flyless country. And England
gained that enviable' reputation not so
by swatting the O,y, as by taking
the fly's y s meal ticket away t from .l m
and at the same issuing a close order
against the maces in wli.icli 1110 wont
There is no good reason why any est-
terprising town, eternity or state. jeal-
ous of its health, should not follow a
similar course, It sounds spectacultu•
to tell how many flies you have slangh-
tored during the course of u day. It is
pleasant to hate their scalps dangling,
so to speak, at your ltelt, But unless
you hare nullified its means of sus.
tenance and broken up its homestead
g fete sou hove killed will
he re -enforced by minims of others
just as deadly and just as asgIessio
e. coact.,...
i, particu-
1 a r i y
horse manure
-is the fa•
vorite larvae
food of the
fly. A single
manure pile
may give its
n o ighborhoocl
a billion
beforethe sea•
son's close.
Chloride of
lime genes-
ously applied
willill the flymaggot. How-
ever, the lime is not effective
unless large quantities aro used,
Approximately two pounds ofo
limo per bushel of manure are
necessary. Also the lime is
more or less ineffective unless a
thorough mixture is secured.
Where the treatment has been
properly followed about 90 per
cent of the fly maggots have
been killed.
The chloride of lime treatment
is relatively expensive and can-
not be applied without some la•
bor. However, the results justi•
fy both the expenditure and the
A kerosene treatment will also
kill t flymaggot. About one
quart of kerosenetoa bushel of
manure should be used, The oil.
must be thoroughly washed
clown into the manure pile. It '•
will killpractically every fly
Booth chloride of lime and ker-
can best be applied by
3 spraying them uponthemanure.
a pile. Only in this way can a
thorough mixture be attained.
Y They should be spread or spray
ed upon each day'sbarn sweep•
The crusade against the fly
has spread toall parts of the
country: It is well that this is
the case, as the fly is responsible
for much disease. It is an es-
pecially prudent plan to kill
every fly possible before the real
warm ,weather s in. -Roches-
et s n, Roches-
ter Times.
JU<XIO.. Cs`C+0>€44,*>v% •SOV•046
The four principal steps in organiz•
jng a campaign against the fly are as
Inst. -To educateaolple
p as to the
deadly nature el' the fly,
~ovoid. -3'o 11111 off all winter flies,
hose hiding abort( the houses, waiting
heir season to forage.
Uai d. -To do away with all breeding,
butts Inc flies.
I''ou,ih -i1'o trap 011 flies wheel Imp -
ten to escape.
The eetetaninntiob of Ile winter tie
Is n prehleat for the fudiridtial house•
e tine fly escape. i
e: Iltt
p ru
fie their all and i:lll theta eai'l,9 in the
spring, for the trimer 11,r Is the parent
ol'sttunlur's terrible':stvnans.
4'e (Id ,ftvay With rho fly .breeches -
ewes is rneir
I r neuter tier of clranli.
ess 0)10houses, c , g,uilcns and iatric,
lean streets and111lc'vways, Di,cow'.
go the 11 y in its breediri:, l"'oelirities,
AS 223n1. 1913.
For the money invested WALL PAPER' mproves your.
home more thltn any other furnishings. Bring along the sizes
of your rooms and we will surprise you at what it,will cost
you "TO FIX UP."
All Pitpen• 'ii'rimmed Free
,;:ria t tog our tui n1111.111 ',coin. foo ,01,1'
of 11>'' traps' should La. encnnrut:cd 'n
every shire.
'1'u Sinn it all np, strut the lie lwt"rt.
it is burn.
ibyGX��<•)nC+X'�G,!:�t`•r..arn�.c •uu.,..in,r:.c.,e�
Be up to date. Swat the fly. h
Clean up and boost.
Eternal vigilance should be
your watchword. - The fly is a name. .wrecker.
Destroy it.
V/hen the fly comes in the
cloor good hoel',h gees out t1n
it'snot work that kills men,
but worry. Swat the fly.
seC•Yteessesesee'wit oe4ee exo'a s u'
;Hard tier 11, Secret
of His tong tate
Sir Charles Tupper, Nonagenarian,
Says So, and He Praises
New York, May 10.-A cable to
the !tribune from London ays:
The Blimp del amine, nail1 11. 1 i"
Charles Tupper, arriv. d in London
Thursday night toll yt to tie it; le-
ed with a rein f. tefiL rut e of tire
Daily Chronicle about his belays el
i Candela, and ail. she is doing,. and
1 ail she is hoping to do in elle fut-
ure. • Sir Chatlesis now th1' sole
survivor 0f the thirty -tiro men who
met in Quebec in ls3'1 and laid tic
foundation of the Dominion, He
said :
"I )prays no specific for long lire
save one -hard work. I have
with us than ti'ith theme, and: there
is greater security for life and.
Township of Hallett
Court of Revision.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
meeting for the Revision of the
Assessment Troll of• the.Townsliip of
Hullet't, will be held inthe town
ship hall, Ion Monday, the 26th of
May, at'tlte hour of 1.30 p.m., for
the purpose of hearing and settling
complaints against the said Assess
ment Roll Persons having busi-
ness atthe Court will please at-
tend at the said time and place
without further notice.
Hullett, 13th of May, 1913.
Dsteoputhic Pitysidan.
Is opening'a branch office at Clinton
at the Hotel Normandie, on Tuesday,
from 7 p.m. until 10-3n.
clit1il,a ligC13is
MIanit.oba 1' 'our et 2 i'per lutilb
Family hl .ur..., .. . 1.50r
Pest t•y Fir els 2 So
fir,,hsiti Fleur ... 21:1
inti -ktest F. mi.. 1 Olt
Shorts . 1.25
Ruin -•. I,l'
P `h ic:. .
cd � t . .i.; per bush
1\ e ,ern Oats .43
Flour exchanged for wheat to bunt-
ers, A car of good Peed Wheat on
hand. Leave your orders 51 the trill
ernes.. Orders delivered to any part of
the town.
(313111 1'14 A TRIAL
never known anything lee. My •
only holidays have been in train
turus, s and e, ossing the Mein-
. This last lista the sixty-fuai•th �}?�?�
time I crossed it. The ,u 1i ,y7 * first tine
I tame to England in 1510, I crossed
the Atlantic• in a brigantine of 1110
tons. We 'were fotlty days get-
ting from Sit, Johns, Newfoundland,
to. Lough Foyle, Ireland.
"Canada's climate is one of its
very great advantages. It makes
even. If you study the history of
the world yon twill see that it is mien
from the cold north who have al -
Ways ruled. The southern places
have always gone under.
No Negro Problem Here.
"Then you must rememberi that
tlae United States 'weld not have
had its (ten million nogroes were it
not for the warmth of the Southern
Staltes', an,d these areincreasing in
those States, white native Ameri-
can white
meri-canwhite men are diae:reasing. We.
have been sated' fres that great
We are becoming Use greait
highway hvvva between
y Last 'and .est.
We willsoon have threle transcon-
tinenttel railway lines Wiarking, and
we must remember that New Tiiock
is is thousand mites nearer Asia by
way .of the, Canadian Pacific and
Vancouver than any posit ie the
United States.
"Seward knew this and he' abrio
g'atecl (the Elgin treaty in o'rdter to
fierce Canada to join the 'United
States, I d(o not believe we should
leave been able, to induce Nova
Sootil'u (to join. the Dominion if this
head not happened The foundation
of the Dominion ;laved Canada Inc
the Empire.
"Our r elati.ons with the United
States are now betfae1 than ever
th'e'y were. .Hundrleds of ith.ous-
ands of peel la from'the United
Stet es" cam.) lover into 'Ca nada
every year and siet,t.le, down. They
find the law bettter edminisit!esteel
I handle the best grades of
call and get the latest improviecl
A. t QQ�
PHONE 192.
We can fillall renders for Na-
tional a Portland Cement at once.
call or pho'ne.
J. u �T
i Id
Meeting ant Horan County
The Council of the corporation of
the C'ioun(ty of Huron, will meet its
the Council Chamber, in the, Town
,of Goderich, on Tuesday, June 3rd
at 3 'o'clock. Accounts requh'ing
settlement must be placed with the
before this date.
C t: W. LANE,
Diated' May 201th, 1913,. •
hog Lost
Black and white hound, low set,
laved Is very fat. Been lost since
the sath ;of May. Finder communi-
cate 'with •
A mien of o---
tilgod address and abil-
ity, tolact es our representative' in
the :Cotin(ty of Huron. A splendid
!opening dor the righet, 'man. For
full particulars write
• Nurserymen, 'i;'ioronto, Ont
1CL Olin I iQtil PARLOR.
'Mr. 5. S. Cooper has started an
ice cream parlor in connection a nth
the S-llo(tel Normandie, On Friday
Faso are to Let. I
Tho undersigned is now prepared '
to ✓tak,e a number of cattle by the, i
head. A never -failing spring creels''
large number of s
ode ti
apply to
Holmes t,Ile,
Phone 12 on 143. t
evening, the loplenistg' niglit, he
leasen ,u
ed P
g g helan's Orch`esl:ra,
.are co3'Clially invited.
A Idinine• Zoom, end kitchen girl.
Wanted, Highest wages.
'Royal Hotel, Seafortls