HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-22, Page 1Established 1865; Vol. 47, No. 47
Royal Bark
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500000
Reserve and undivided
profits 12,500,000
TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000
With world wide connectic4,
Interest allowed on Deposita
General (Banking ,business traria-
Brownie cameras
There is Pleasure
in a Brownie
• They are inexpensive, eang-
ing from the $1.00 box type,
to the $12.00 fielding Brownie
• We have all the- Brownie
family, and can show you in
a few. minutes how easy they
are to
We have •a 'ergo iine of
Kodaks, Eastman Fetes, Pa-
pers, Etc,Ask ioaa I•ictdak
a. Jui. I4. (:)-7f7 1-47,
Dispensing Chemist,
H. Kerr & Bon, Editors arid ,Publishers.
EZemernber That May 24th isa Public Holiday and the Stores Will be Closed•
May Bays of
It doesn't much Matter' what
your plans for June, Jelly or
August are, but you must agree
that your comfort during those
months willbe greater if in the
pleasant month of May you take
advantage of all, of the opporle
unaties .offered for preparation.
IAA Minute shopping is dis-
tressing and ensaitisfactlarY.
The weather 10 Warm,thestreets
and shops are crowded, and the
stocks are not nearly as fresh
and attractive as they are now
Therefore, be forehanded and
"let your head save your heels."
Plan your summer outfit now,
NO Matter how small,or low
extensive. Amoy he; and not
only plan it but get it. You will
have a lot more fun later on if
you have provided yourself with
what you need in apparel and
sporting goods before the sea-
son, is in full. swing.
you have any doubt about
what you want look at the ad-
vertislements in The New Era
and other good newspapers and
you will find plenty of suggest-
1Shorthand Education in the
London authorities are after light
weight bread makers, If the latter
expect the customera to put: op
the "dough" without receiving 10
ounces tofthe pound they deserve
to be toasted The too heavy
variety of the staff of life, is an-
other grade nobody is anxious
for unless it inay be for ballast,
After the experience of Canucks
had with the tornado of 'last Good
Friday. weave better able to, sym-
pathise with lour more Westerly
neighbors in Nebraska.. They had
a big breeze tout theire last week
with serious results in which 17 are.
reported killed, 40 wounded .and
$250,000 loss to property.
Much iof the so-called of the
funny sections of some newspapers
is, too silly to be humorons. The
drawings are a caricature on almost
the 'worst speciman of humanity
and if the "artist" got 90 days in
jail he possibly would still have
siomething coining to him. Pun is
all. right in its place but many of
the jokes deserve a clearly printed
le Cost of a 841sinc..-i or label so that the reader will not be
mistaken in the intent of the
author. rine illustrations dre of
great interest in this pictorial, age
but our .advice isto cut out the
Is quite moderate when, the splea-
did results are considered, One
postal eard—one effort—wedo the
7 • • I Teat. This college is open all year.
Incorporated th
Established in Clinton 1879
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
on sums of $1 and upwards from date of deposit
Joint Accounts Allowed
C E. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branob.
14...40..*****• ********* • o • 4,0 • 4, o • • 4.40,04).00 *04 ••
• Ordered I
• Clothing
Ready -to -Wear
. • of the Same Build as
• "JONES"?
, .
• There is not a clothing manufacturer in the
• • country whose clothes will fit everybody, for each
• manufacturer's goods have distinct characteristics of
: shaping.
:• No argument is necessary to prove that the
: dealer who confines his lines to a one -house product
is seriously handicapped.
• We have our clothing made by several of the
1 best manufacturing houses in the country, and is all
• made to our own high standard of excellence of
• The various makers draft their own models on
• different ideas, and we are thus enabled to give each
• man the shapingand st le that suits him, that's where
0 I • of Y1 ' '
• our variety shape selection you in getting
: correctly fitting garments.
. : Perhaps you have wondered why you have not
: been able to get garments to fit you properly—maybe
: the trouble ii that you have been dealing with a
: "one -make" concern.
• • Suits to Pit Everybody $8.50 to $25.00
If you've never bought Clothes here, try us
for your next suit.
Th Mo rrish Clothing (e.
I Square Deal tor Every Man
Montreal, Toronto and London
are running as a good second to
the Westerly cities in the inflation
of real estate prices and, without
much doubt, there will some a
smash that will prove disastrouste
many a dabbler in the business.
Many people are not satisfied these
days unless they arereaping prof-
its tip in 'the thousands every week
but somebody will. be loaded and.
unable to unload, as little discrim-
ination is shown by the majority
of buyers who hand over their cash
without even having seen the pro-
perty. It is well. to .e. trustful but
history proves !that sometimes
stocks are built on the. balloon
pattern and when the gas ex-
plodes the wreckage. goes to the
scrap heap and the mourners, go
about the streets expecting sym-
pathy. AR the vendors of gold
bricks are not occupants of the
cemetery, yet and willnot die so
long as they are able. to -find green-
horn purchasers,
The keys tof Scutari, have hem
headed over to the pc) wevs and
Turkey is locked out. No one will
be sorry for the national spanking
the Turks received, but it was a
very costly untlentaki»g. Possibly
good will come out of it although
a larger percentage of the world -s
population, than ever are in accord
with Sherni•an"s sentiments that,
"war is hell." We are glad to ob-
serve the intelligent growth of the
principles of Pe -ace and hope the
"Officer, Do Your
a physics and of manyscientific es-
says. In his own field he had few
ianaarnn vies
Very Suddenly
hi Edinburgh
Dr. MacGregor was the oldest
bnother of -Mrs. (Rev.(' Grant, of
town, who received' the sad news
tin. Wednesday of his death.
The • supplementary %eStitoates
for the p-reserst fisal se,ir welt
brought down at Ottawas -on
Dr, J. G. MacGregor D.eistinsruished Tues-
Educator, Passed Away • day afteenoon and Clinton
92,500 for public building, TheNew
Era understands that an -additl.en
Tuesday Morning is to he built to this. postoffiee and
possibly aelock placed in th s 'tow-
Professor James f ;circle') lIfac,- •
the eminent Canadian Educate -
and Professor of Naturafi Philoso- On Sunday afternoon Mr..Willitei
phy in the 'University of Edinburgh Tiplady pargsetilr'way \g‘t, h.
died suddenly on Tuesdaymin e- ill healthitheyc'ar. Pc
born in Yorkshire, Englandsand
ing in the Scottish city. -
Dr. MacGregor was apparent lv came totlits, country ii. 15111, set -
quite well when he arose, and at- tling in Whitby foo County in 1571 Lind
'dressing he was seiee-A with an Bt.- settled on the, Base Line; Etutlett
ness to which he succumbed al- where he - lived tit( noarly twj
most immediately,
years ago when. 110 Tnored 10 Clin-
Word, to.this -effect was torteiVed ton. He leaves behind two daugh-
int Toronto, by 11', Rosa, general ters .and three sons. His wife pre -
manager of the Metropolitan Bank. deceaseal him eight years ago, He
who himself got' the\saddentilg ter,ilanfiasde h.civarlarny• rnesilegh
his claugb
death. His family are, Mrs, C'01`11-
i5h, lot Base Line, -Wiillaa of' Clin-
ton, John of Base Line, Ralph and
Mrs. Wray of town. He Was a Meth
:midst in religion and a Liberal in
politics. He was one Of the. oldest
members of Ontario St. church and
a member of the ttrusbee heard,
The pallbearers were, Jas, Stevens
John Gove.tt, Jno, Gibbins,Thos.
Gibbings, Henry Plumsteel and, 11.
Wiltste. The funeral was on Trei-
day afternoon to Clinton cemeleav
news from Halifax by wire fromlus
father-in-law, Lieut. -Governor Jas.
D.MacGregor, of Nova Scotia, who
isan uncle e•f the late, disting-
uished Canadian Eclacator.
The fact of Dr. Maciiregor's dea th
will prove a profound shock to hi's
friends and fernier thorniest
noted of whom are P
Mresident Stan-
ley acK.enxie, of Dalhousie 'Uni-
versity, Halifax, and Pint:es:sus Dan
fel Mtirray, of McGill, 'University.
Several villas old students reside
00 Toronto.
Rev. S. j. AIIm conducted the fun-
, Born at Halifax.
coal services.
The deceased educator was in his •
Gist year, having been born at
Halifax, N. 9. 1952. Ile was educ-
ated at Dalhousie, Louden and Buying In The
det.ncy. a most brilliant career as a student
Edinbuegh Universities, and had
white flag soon: have ascen-
and as a teacher. It was a signal
honor to a Caandian when, in 11101
$25,000,000 is the amount of the the -late Dr. MacGregor was ap-
loan negotiated by Mexico. in Lon- pointed to the Chair of Natural
dton. and Paris to help. restore the Philosophy in the University of
damage caused by the. insuriecton Edinburgh.
to public buildings, bridges, rail-
ways, etc. This is poantter to the
credit of (the blessedness of the
peacemaker. You cannot. fool with
Shot and shell. without somebody
paying sweetly for it.
Preparations are being made for
the Military Camp that assembles
at Goderich on June 16th for ten
days drill, and military evolution,
and :locality will no doubt
b e we I r epres crated.
Scnne of the Linked States manu-
facturers have threatened te cut
the wage rate./ if the duty is ',low-
ered io.n their goods. The Govern-
ment stated in reply that if such a
course is followed an enquiry will
be Made into! the business condi-
tions of such firms by experksand
the rate set by. these findings.
Any game of bluff will be met so
that 'o hold up can be pratticed
in the hope of forestalling' Tariff
recluctienis. Guess some of the
• m)onemolists don't like to see gilt
edged profits reduced,
• An item lof interest to chiardh
• •
people, especially Methodists, is
• the tact of a ten -storey, Book and
• Publishing House being built in
• *
Toronto, to cost a million dollars.
• The business has developed to
• such dirinerasion.s that the old guar-
• ters are inadequate to meet the
• necessities of the. work. Modeen
• offices •Committee rooms depart-
• ments for officials will not be want
• ing new structure. New block is
• further West on Richmondestreiet.
• $600,000 is expected, frlami Itive
• sOle of the former !Book Room.
Some laiclvise the patablishing of
• accommodation, for a sort of Meth-,
odist quarters to persons visiting
• Tottonto from time to time,
--0 — —
Anirbloidy with a '"Sweet tooth"
• wilt be gllad to. know of the pros -
1 pleict of redudtion in sugar • du-
He received several honorary de-
grees from the, gheatt nuiversities,
was a member of the chief learned
godeties ,and was the author of
treatises on mathematics and
Home TOR
An editorial appeared in a recent'
issue of a Sutherland, Sask., paper,
containing some good homely. ad •
vice on the question of the general
public buying at home and cutting
out the mail order house. It is
worth reproduction here:
'If everybody were 'loyal to the
hone town there. lvould lee no
hard times. Let us look at the
circulation. of money, A store-
keeper gets $15 far goods,;' he
sends $10 to the wholesale -deal-
er tol pay for the goods. He ta-
kes the 95 and pays his meat hilt,
the butcher takes it and pays it
land pays his coal bill, the (mei
dealer p t Sos boaicl, The
keeper of the- boarding house
kes it and buys 92.50 of meat and
92,50 of merchandise. This is
giving a 9hort circulation of
Money. We might go on to fig-
ure, it lout till Most every dealer
1 limp would. have a portion of
this Money, but the point is that
just as soon as one ',sends a part
of the money in circulation out eu
town then every one suriets by
that -action, and he then weinders
what makes collections poor."
• Retailers shouLd aOl do 'their part
to keep the money at home by buy-.
ing everything possible- from the:r
fellow merchants.. They can,, too,
enlist (the services of the local pr 8 S,
in Waxwing the 'Mabee by such an
allustrattroa as .appears aboves what
they bee in dealing- with out-of-
town, stores. Usually when apes-
Sn afnprth ye Clintnn 0. is made to seethe injury done
uti ul 111 UR the dommunilty ley purchasing from
•,„ mail !order houses, he is easily won
aver tolawsna..goo
good booster for his
The Personal Appeal to Advertisers
Did you ever get aleit of advertleing litailature or read a news-
paper advertisement that seemed 'to "talk right at youe?
A good many shrewd advertisers adapt that style of writing. Itis•
in nearly every instance, very convincing; it denies with it the
'We .dieff our hatItol Miss IVIabel spirit ef intense self -belief.
Bentley, of Drestion, who is 110W la We all like the pierslanal type of adver.tising. In some ways such
graduate of Pharmacy College,
Toronto, and along with five other an adv.ortisement is Like a good Wetter—al letter that's intensely hu -
damsels eligibletohandle powders, man and profoundly interesfting in donsequence.
pills, etc. ' ,One of the Ilargeie advertisers in this country makes it anoint to
• tails Rothe people as f,amiliarily as if he were speaking in presence of
$1,085,000,000 is the total of Can- a little group of personal friends in his home or club.
•oda,s trade returns for 1912-13,
Can you grad is. This is high Just take allools through the paper and piekeout the chatty,psr-
bwlea,t, er mark .4ot, the Dominion hut , aortal advertisemontsi and note how elasilY and quieklY they make Y011
•onlythe beginning of what it may
"feel at home," ,
lion. B.,Lunas Is
Boy Orator and
Legal Luminary
(Toronto Daily Star)
In the first days of his appear-
ance on the stage of polities they
used to call him the Boy Orator, A
frequent designation in the United
States, where juvenile jugglers of
English arc as common, as the in-
tiglations to discover where they
gal "it," but 'less common in Can-
ada, where they geft cold criticism
and heckling that hurts, instead of
"10 Butt 'Isaac Brock Lucas .sur-
vived• the heckling and remained
the Bey Orialtart—: so much so that
the .doorkeeper of the, assembly.
Chamber, satiated with oratory,
.and cynical as td compliments,re-
fused to.iadmit him when he first
came to take his seat in the build-
ings in Queen's Park.
Tol others this might be a sore
eeol Iection, but to the. Hon, I. B. Lu-
cas, member of the Cabinet, it con-
tinues to be a source of never -
failing al11118 ements.
And here, perhaps, maybe dis-
covereditthe reason for ,the popul-
arity of a member of the Ontario
Government, who, in point of abil-
ity, is generally ranked text to the
Provincial Secretary. It is a mat-
ter .of eztreese diff.culty,to disturb
the good nature of I. B. Lucas.
HON, I. B. LUCAS, who will be the
next Provincial Treasurer,
Political opponents have attempted
it, 'opposing lawyers have
toyed to secure, an exception, but
Mr. Lucas continues to smite
make the dthee fellow smile, lie
is not a professional "lollier,-
but lie is a jolly, straighlfosg-md,
whole-souled citizen.
'Whoelse, could leave taken the
first nornination for the legislation
from his own father-in-law, and
still est aped :t cal cempliea ems?
Yet this is what LP, Lucas did in
1598, The Boy Orator had married
the daughter :of Matthew K. Rich-
ardson, who appeared to have a
mortgage on the seat for South
Grey. At the conservative nomi-
nation meeting all names hutthree
were wit hell•awn. Some delegates
from an outlying district Were in
a quandary, and. came to the young
maa to ask what they ghould do.
"If Mr. Richascision had not been
put in nomination, we should vote
for you," they said.
How He Beat Father-in-law.
"Then vote for nit', anyway," said
young Lucas. "The -squire has just
allowed his name to remain since
they wished 110 hand him the com-
pliment, but he has no intention of
He spoke m good faith, but with
out knowledge of the last intention
of pap e -in -la w, who had decided at
the sho.wdown to stick. But the
eountry delegates wie.e not to be
diverted, a,ncl. Isaac 11,Locils, in-
stead ,of Blatthew K. Vicharelson,
was sent tot loronto.
That the doorkeeper at Queen's
Park was not alone in his opinion
of the juvenile limitations of this
new figure in public life, is illus-
trated by a story o0 that first can-
vass, Young Lucas had 'labored
with a farmer whose vote lo
expected to eecure without it °elate
but !appeared to have In ado lista
headway. At last, his oratory sp-
Pearech to break through the sul-
len indifference of the audience of
one, .and the farmer grudgingly
co.nsented to promisehis vote to
the .Conservative, candidate, "But"
he said as his visitor was about to
leave, "you can tell your fatties to
come himself next turse. If my
vote is worth anything, I'm -----
if I don't think he might to come
after it himself."
And so, promising to help his
father-in-law tea seat in the Dom
inion 'House (a promise faithfully
and successfully L B.
Ludas canto to Toronto to face the
doorkeeper and others.
Tioo Much for :Hon. G. W. Ross. '
Amleng the others was the, Ron.
G. W. Ross (now Sir Georg.e), who
in former years had beie.n the
teacher totaBible class in .Strath-
noy lattended by the promisting
youth. On, the (occasion of the se-
cond or third speech by t1ie. new
member, he was followed' by the
Liberal laticle.r, who referred soy-
nowfully tothose days in the past
when. "we had ex,peeteel much from
this brilliant young man, but we
had not expected a future which
wld find him seated ()tithe side
of theHouse wherie we now regret
find him,"
"Alas," said. Mr. Lucas 110 TenlYi
."Tirees change, and we change
With them. The young rolau of
whom the honoriable nimblest ex-
pected so much, is no langer a
member tot the same church as his
tanner teacher (Sir George Ross is
• SW11101,Villig..• :611-110$ •
Lhat is what people virtually
do who use the ordinary hard
mass pills; in fact, Some pills
are so hard that they peas
through the stomach with-
out being dissolved, Our
Solt Mass Bland'PHIS
overcome this difficulty, and
the medication is immediate-
ly takers into the system. -
Our aim is to give satisfac-
then, and it is just such qual-
ities that has built upt our
business, The iniice as just .
rho same as the old-time harci
pills -25c per 100,
W.R.R. Holmes
Fresh Strawberries,
New Cabbage,
Naw -Cueunibers,
New Radishes,
Green Onions,
Fresh Lettuce,
arriving' daily
Now at their hest for
See our
special display of
Fancy Biscuits in
in south window.
Phone 49
aPresbyterian, and Mr. Lucan is
an Anglicam and in matters foreign
to theology he sits under different
Inone respect, the 'Boy Orator
who has persisted, is uncommon..
He does not strain atter opportuh-
ity to display his oratory. His
speeches when delivered always
compel she ,attention of the mem-
bers of the Legislature on botis
sides, but they are not so numer-
ous as those of others with less
pretenco to oratory.
In fact. itis not in the Legisla-
tive Chamber ,that L B. Lucas
shines most brilliantly. Therehe
is rather the capable, tactician and
formidable party debater, It is be
fore a jury that he really Lets him-
self go, and works all of the arts
which gained for him the designa-
tion. And his neighbors know this.
Let two farmers anywhere be-
tween Magkdal.e. and Owen Sound
get into, a dis.pute on the roadway
concernimg a line fence or other
matter of importance, to th.em, and
at a certain point in the argument
each will race for the barn to
harness up and beat the other to
the office of the able lawyer,' who
is still known as "that there young ,
:rums, Wright & McArdle is the
firm name at Markdale, and there
is another at Owen Sound, of which
Lucan is the directing spirit.
He made a great advance in are,-
putation even them firmly !estab-
lished by his masterly handling .0e
s,everal: of t00 actions for damages
arising out of the wreck on the-lisg
horseshoe curve, near Caledon sev-
eral years ago, and since then 00
ha's obtained further distinctioras
special Cnown Prosecutor, as 10 the
recent Dove murder ease at .fe'eyton
near Flesherton.
"Not a master of case law," said,
another member of the profession
who- knows him well, "but a wiriterd
-whenhe has tio face a jury instead.'
.of a judge weighing .everything iia
the sc.alOS of Pret101dellt."
In Toronto, II1r. Lucas is a mem-
ber of the firm of Mi l I s, Raney, Lu-
cas, Hales It Colquhours, in the
Traders' Bank Building, his special
-work there as in his home section,
being the trial of jury cases,
He is a graduate of the. Strathror
-Collegiate, Institute, and of .the
University of Toronto, and, a lover
of good literature, reading being
one of his few. diversions.
LLOYD GEORGE, whomade: arse.
anarkablo appeal, in the British.'
sOomnion.s that both parties should
unite in treating the measure for
reforming the condition of the
I , I