HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-08, Page 81000 ij.i1S Rders�n SC�ICII4iio�o
Regular 15c for 12ic Saturday'
Fifty pieces Anderson's New Spring Ginghams, every piece new
this year, in all the patterns and colors, in plaids, stripes, checks
and plain cloth, regular 15c,
Saturday 121•c.
500 yds English and Scotch Ginghams
Regular 123 C for IOC
Twenty five pieces of English, Scotch and Canadian Ginghams,
all new spring patterns and colorings, good weight and colorings
colors guaranteed fast, regular I2ic
Saturday 10e
100 New Rugs Just in
If you have a Rug want—to brighten up your home, come and
see our display of right up to the minute patterns, comprising
Wools, Tapestry, Yateki Fibre, Brussels, Wilton, Velvet,
Axminster and Japanese Fibre, in fawns, browns, greens, and
reds, in all the New Spring Colorings and Designs, from
$1,25 urn to $45.00
New Jap Mattings
• s
Another shipment of Japanese Mattings, eight new paaterns, in
plain and fancy scroll, strong warp, made to give good wear at
15e to 25e per yard
A!so 50 Jap Matts 27x54 inches and 36x72 at 25e to 50e
New Lace eurtairis
We are showing a splendid range of Lace Curtains, in white and
ecru, in all the very newest styles, in Nottingham, Brussels and
Swiss, two and a half and three yards long,
from 50e up to $5.00
I.inoleums and Oilcloths
Just to hand, six new designs in Scotch Linoleums, in floral and
and block designs, four yards wide. Same weight and quality as
last year's, and Oe same [lilt's -50C per square 3ard,
We are also showiiig ti loge raiige oC patterns in Oilcloth, in
one, one and a half and one and three-quarters yards wide
at. 391c the square yard.
The compulsory licensing of drivers
of motor vehicles, that they must I
carry lights a ter dusk and before
dawn, so as to be seen before and
behind, and Provincial reciprocity be-,
tween Ontario and Quebec iu licenses
for motor vehicles were the features of
the several bills passed by the Muni -
ems,' Committee of the Ontario Legis-
lature last week. A. bill providing for
reciprocity in motor licenses between
Ontario and the United States was
rejected. The license eta driver of
motel' vehicles will he endorsed with al
record of any convictions for speeding
that may he made against him, while
any magistrate or justice of the peace
who considers a chauffeur unfit to
drive a car may order the mar's
license to be cancelled
To, be pitied is the man who at
this season of the year does not res—
pond in spirit at leastto a faint luring
voice which calls him away Prem
depressing cares and throng streets
to the place where the sun shines
warm and the currents awurl and
eddy amid ;t lacework of shadows
cast by seva,ping over hanging boughs
and where the minnows nibble now
•,nd then at ,e warm baited hook.
lie is to be pitied became it is very
clearly manifest that he's so hardened
in soul as to he indifferent to the
supreme joy of boyhood . A
perpetual responsiveness to the goin'
a fishin' spirit is the mark of a healthy
and progressive age. Pay nu
attention whatever to the man who
would link laziness and fishing. Shun
the man who thinks that the latter
joy is primitive and undignified for a
real man. The boys, yes, numbers of
men, too, have been fishing here for
suckers and catfish the past week.
W. E. Scroggie, Ltd., of Montreal
have made what is probably the
largest advertising contract on
record in Canada with the Mon -
real Daily Herald. Lt amounts to
$65,000 and is for the publication o.f
their daily store, news
Keep that Chair
It's a shame to discard a
good sound piece of furniture
lush because it's a trifle shabby
when Campbell's Varnish Stain
will make it spick and span—
" ,',JST LIKE NEW..."
IN lab
NARE ~ Zitarlo CJS,
' t ora Roofing liquor ra an
Brea 1 Hal/0 & P'andO .
Some folks like to do things the
hardest way—it looks so inrpres-
Official Catholic directory just
published gives the following sltatis
tics for the year regarding London
diooeee; Bishop,1 ; priest, 03;
churches with resident priests, 59;
missions with churches, 31; 'tonal
church, 90; seminaries, 1; students,
18. colleges 1; academies, 4 ; par-
ishes with schools 81; pupils 7,43.4;
orphan, asylums 1; orphans 90; Cath
otic population, about' 60,000.
1 The Menesetung Centre Club Min
etrels will: appear in the town Hall
Clinton, on Fri Clay evening, May
16th. Here impress report of
their concert :in Goderich on Thurs
day evening last;—"A full, house
greeted the Meaiesletung Canoe
Club, minstrels, it being the occas -
1 ion of their annual concer(t. A.
ep1iendid orchestra consisting of
tnine pieces furnished excellent
Imusic for the occasion. The hits
, yokes of the end' men, Messrs. Rey-
' molds, Doyle, Jones, Smith, Parsons.
and Sturdy, were laughable and
kept the audience
Sale n an e showed great abiliitypas intoar. er-
llocutor. The soloists of the even -
1 ing were Messrs. Fowler, Cook,
l Tweedy, Sturdy and Saunders, all
of whom received encores.: The
specilal:ty, "A.1)uftch C1oektai1 put
,on by H. 0. Sturdy and G. L. 'Par-
sons, was very amusing and creat
•ed a great deal pf Laughter. Thr
last part p>fthe show represented
"Police Court Justice,'" a travesty
on the modernpolice court. This
part 'was, well p;:esen(ted' and
1 bnoeglrt down the house, as; there,
1 were present in the audience a
judge and. a justice tofftlee peace,
Taken altogether, the affair was . a
great success financially and other
wiee, Mr. 'Roy ' A. Adiams, who had
ehlarg,e of the musical 'part of the
whole program, conducted it with
his usual ability and deserves great
eredit,'f The plan is now open alt
Fair's Biook Stone. Reserved seats
60 cents „ admission 25 cents.
###4i####### #'
#0.•#•••••.•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••0
The'msany ,friends of Miss Arse MOTHERS DAY ON MAY 11
Rothwell,; of Toron(to in Clinton White carnations for the Mother
inlde,ed sorry to hear of 1 er
sudden death. She was in iter 2, t'li who has passed away and red roses
year. The funeral. washeld in Gode for the living. Madonna should be, in
ich bot Wednesday. The young
lady had visited manly times in
sand around Clinton and was re-
lated to Mi•. Jos, Rattenbury.
every buttonhole on Sunday May 11;
when the fifth"Mother's Day" will be
observed in Toronto, To smile it will
prove a day of sorrowful memories—
to others a day of joy, a day for the
The Isaerosse club reorganized renewal of covenants with the gentle
last week with the following of- mother whose hand still foundly rests
facers ;— upon the head of her children. And
to the wanderer—what will the day
bring to him? Bitter regret that he
has not written to thegrey haired, old
lady who waits his home coming, or
• or joy that he has heard from her?
Mother's Day is a revival of one of the
Manager, W. J. Tozer. oldest English customs of whish we
Committee—W.S.R. Holmes B, have trace. In the earliest literature
Kerr, P. Couch, W. Morris and R., is found continual references to
"Mothering 'Day," when the children
went out to the woods and brought
back May flowers of all hues to weave
chaplets for their mothers Shakespear
and Herrick make repeated reference
to the custom. The revival, howeyer,
d'ed to hold al summer school at Mother's dates cSuk nd ys nineust years
G,oderich, Ont., Augus(ti 11 to 17, Philadelphia, and five years ago a
The arrangements are under the eontinentwide campaign for the
dare 00 a committee representing observance of the day was started,
the Home andForeign Missions -and• to -day it has become a part of our
and the Sabbath schools and Young national life again. Write to mother
People's work. The Presbyterian if you can on Mcther's Day,
church, Goderich, is secured, and
special arrangements have been, Colers gay to brighten the day
made for very reaappable board
during the term. The best speak-
ers available on the 'various'de-
partmen(ts of religious life and
work are now being arranged for
and nothing, will b'el negl•eet d to,
Hon, President, Dr. Shaw. •
President Mr..P!ouch. -
lst Vice, D. S. Cluff.
2nid Vice, J. W. Treleaven.
3rd' Vice, C. E. Dowding.
Sec.-Treas., W. Whitley,
_Field' Captain, W. Whitley.
.At the Presbyterian, Synod of
Hamilton and London int+ was disci -
There was considerable stir in•
town on ;Monday caused by the
visit of the Territorial. Staff rend
to the local Corps of the Sa k••ation
Army. The visitors arrived on the
4.20 train Froin the north, and they
. with the local officers and soldiers
and some automobiles formed a
procession and marched through
town, A't• the Royal. Bank corner
they passed under a banner winch
bore the words "Clinton Welcomes
the Staff Band." In the et ening at
seven o"clock an open air concert
was given and at eight an enter-
tainment was held in the town ilei:
Rev. C.E. Deakins occupied! th:-
chair. An excellent program wet
SDDDEN DEATH. for good plumbing differ from -the
ROUND ,CHURCH WON, ordinary kind. You may not be
able to note the ciiffr:•nce, but
every good plumber knows.
Our Plans
include only materials :that will
give lasting satisfactim and work -
If Mother still is here
If she is gone use flowers white
To keep her memory clear,
The St. Paul's church base be.''
team suffered their first defeat on
Monday night in a four innings
game; when they played against
the "Round Church'.' G. McKen-
zie, Mayor of Varna, was umpire.
and clid his part in a very graceful. manship that will prove durable,
manner. Following were those No matter how important or how
who took part ;—Round church— unimportant the lob may be, 11,'e
Tasker, p : 'Clteir, c ; E. Johnston. ib ; never slight any detail of
Cluff, 2 ; F. McCaughey, 3 ; Twitelxe!'
ss ; MCEwan,10 ; Rulnbal I, cf ; J. i1lc•
Caughey rf. St. Paul's Church—
Reid, p ; )V. Joh nsloe, e ; Doa-ding,1
Hawkins, 2b; Draper, ss ; Couzens, 5
McGregor, cf; Doherty ,ef;Counter
If. Score by innings; •
St. P'aul•s-0 0 0 0-6
Pound —5 2 0 2--9 •
Dr, Gunn's house on leaeten uey
street has been brightooned• by the
painter's brush.
Dir, W. T. O'Neil is having hie
house painted,
Doherty s factory has commenc-
ed their Saturday afternoon holi-
Don"t forget the minstrel show
on Friday, May letli.
Semi-final Hough Cup game here
on Saturcley—tVingham vs. Clinton
Mr. D. Cantel.on has had a cement
walk put•dtown and other improve-
ments made at -"The Isie.niss, air
Raglan street.
By the great critics of two conti-
nents, Getty Sellars, concert organ-
ist of The Queens Hall and Crystal
Palace Music Festivals, London,
England, who plays here on Mon-
day, •evening May 12, at Wesley
Church has been acclaimed the
world's greatest descriptive p•gan-
let One writer put it sn00iIlrtly
when he said, "What Paderewski
,s to the p apo Liatt-•• Sellars is to
the er'g in,' unu it will be a nrusicw.
event of fine highest importance to
hear the Paderewski of the organ,"
Even those who are not musically
inclined are held spell -bound, as
they would be at an intense drama,
by his marvellously realistic rendi-
tion of "A storm in the Alps"—the
lightning, (thunder, wain and wind
Mounding as in stent life, or "The
`Russian Patrol" by Rubenstein,
where the realistic sounds of tramp
ing, struggling ;Loops are s0life- .
like th,a(t once critic accused SIr, I
Sellars of carrying a company of
even with him Ito make the sound
of tramping behind the organ,
Music -hovers with be enchanted
when they hear the world famed
lartislt in classical selections by the
great masters, from Bach ;and Wag
neer to Sir Edward Elgar and Getty
Sellers himself who is one of Eng
lland"s foremost composers. To
hear theCioronation Music, with the
beautiful Cathedral Chimes, which
Mr. Sellars, carries with frim and
adjusts o the organ, is to imagine
oneself inside W.estrninislter Abbey,
at' the' hisstoaic moment crowning
Of King George V. The same pro-`
gramme will be given which has
delighted audiences, averaging
friorn five fatten :thousiand people
in such auditoriums as Q'ueen's Hall
and Crystal. Palade, L400den,' err
the A.ud!Itoritun, Los Angeles o:' the"
Mor roan Tabernacle, Salt Lake City.
It is. not `surp•nsing that there 18 18
very Marge d'eniancl for tickets,
The demand iss,orgreat lthat those
wo do not buy their tickets eta ly
may miss the greatest treat in
velars, Admiseilon'to the recital. in
Wesley church is 25 cents.
Plumbin • Work
ThoF. Hawkins
Plumbing and Heating
(Pitons 53)
The Corner Store
"Live and Let Live"
This is the week for Pineapl,l:'s
for preserving. Call and gee: our
Pickles by bulk or in bottles —
Sweet and Stour—TRY THEIN,
E. E.
Sanitary Cleaning and
Pressing Parlors
Altering and Repairing
Neatly Done,
Expert French Dry Gleaners
Prices Moderate
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Goods Galled for and Delivered
Stand—A. J. Holloway's Tailor
fllgnesi Grade Bread
Home=madeB read
Conner's Home-made Bread is
quality through and through. '
There is not a detail of good
making and baking overlooked, so
you know what you are getting.
when you order this Good Bread,
1 Baker amid Confectioner
We can't very well talk to you here about
the first two, but we can about the th;rd
—your Home. No matter what "fixing."
No matter what embellishments. No
matter what expense you have goneto in
furnishing your home, its good appearance
is largely controlled by the Wall Hang-
ings; the make or mar•the harmony of the
whole. Our spring stock is now almost
complete, and our designs almost sure to
suit your taste; and our, prices, your de-
sire for economy.
Ti eW. Do Fair eo.
Often the t!'heapest—Arrays the Best .
make the school. an educational of wonderment how so Many of
and pleasant holiday. Full parttc certain kinds ,of frail 'little birds
cedars may be secured, from R,ev.
J R. tall, M. A.,Snrnfa... Rev. Dr. were able to get' through tho,win-
William Wallis, Niagara Falls, or ter.
G. E. Rose, 113. D.,e Goderich.
A local citizen who motored out •Recently Mr. Joseph Izzard, of
into• the country ea Iy one mmn_
Goderich township had afthoro''
leg expressed enthusiasm over bred Yorkshire sow, give a litter of
the beauties of naturri seen at 20 good hetalthy porkeas. We
wonder what farmer can boast of a
this time ,of the year. "I never large bunch of "squeelers" as Mr.
heard or saw so many birds as Izzard can. In speaking to the New
there a^c this spring. The variety Era, the well-known Goderich town
of feathered warl.,lers is remarkably ship farmer stated that the next
biggest loft that ivas ever raised on
large,' said the citizen, who rr- the parol was16. Who can beat this
marked, too, that it was a matter record,
National Portland Cement
P fter trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best
The hest Cement is the National Portland Cement
It is the old stand-by. A car load just in.
S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton
Paxman=Gillies Garage
McLaughlin .Automobiles
Indian Motor Cycles
We Carry a Full Line of Gasoline, Oils, Greases
Terns on •Application
Neatly and Promptly Done.
Gerhard-lleiutzwan Piano tor Sale
vvvvvvvWvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv AIA.AitiAAAA 5A#I,AAAewwW.AAAAAA
4.4.•:•++++++.:•÷4.++++++++++++4.0 5.4-1-H-1•÷4•++++++++++++44!1!++4,
Every Shoe we show in our stock possesses
ss much of genuine merit that it warrants
your attention and deserves your ad-
miration and careful consideration
Our Shoes Are Good Shoes
Not because we say so, but because they are
You will never know this until you wear them
A good time to find out is when you need
your next pair,
Come and see and be convinced.
Wear our Shoes and yon will know the
Best Shoe Satistaction,
p.14,A!iwiff*3:3t4C; iki41t*d•. '9*.#3! ..kd a� 3 3!I a 3 � 3 3 fi II fi•i 3 err II �Y 31