The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-08, Page 1Established 1865, . 47, No. 45
CLINTONONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 8 1913` W. H. Kerr 84 Son, Editors and Publishers
New Era Subscribers still m arrears•fandwe
There are a number of or their Paper ask them .to call and Attend to Same
William Lyon G.'F.R. agent and
Mary 13rlogden were marriedon
Royal BapkWednesday and have gove onartrip to Edmonton and other. 'West
en poi its. Mrs David Ploodg and
OF CANADA sion accompan3 them as afar as
Eattl.eford' where her husband is.
Head Office, Montreal *The company go via Chieago and.
St. Paul,
Wilaiani Riley is still clonlined to
the house but is gining some. •
There was some frost here on
Tuesday night.
Rev. Mr, Thyn,e preached his
farewell sermlon:s to Burns and
Knox congregations last Sabbath
and they were w,el.l �received by
Marge numbers.
Capital Authorized ...$25,000,000
Capital Pard -u1, , 11,500,000
Reserve and undivided
profits . 12,500,000
TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000
With world wide connection
Interest allowed on Deposits
General (Banking ,business thOanY-
Brownie eaineras
There is Pleasure
in a Brownie
They are inexpensive,, rang-
ing from the $1.00 box type,
to the $12.00 folding Brownie
We have all the Brownie
family, and can show you in
a few minutes haw casythey
•are to use.
We have a large line of
Koddaks, Eastman Films, Pa-
• pers, Etc, Ask fo.r a Kodak
Jr. lai. 11.10V ./E:
Dispensing Chemist.
Goderich Township
The fallowing is the report of
promotion. examination for S.S.No,
9, Goderich township, -
Jr. IV. to Sr. IVs -Lola Hudiie, Em.-
m!a Connell.
Sr. III to Jr. IV -Edythe Sterling
George Green, Tom Iiudie, Irene,
Jr. III to Sr, III- Bruce Grigg,
,Charlie Cooper, Jean Cook,,
Sr. II to Jr. III-R,etta Harrison,
Jiohn Ostrom.
Jr. II to Sr. II -Alfred 'Judie, Wil
lie Sterling. Gladstone Grigg. ,
Hlonor Roll for month of April --
Hattie Ostrom, Bert Findlay, Lola
Iiud'ie, Edythe Sterling, Emn'a•Con-
hell, Sadie Cook, John Ostrom,
Dart Cooper,
Best spellers for month- Hattie
Ostrom, Bert Findlay, Edythe Ster-
E. A. Peddles, Teacher.
Owing to the High Standards
Maintained in the Popular
the demand for the graduates is
far in excess of the supply. Col-
lege open all year. Enter now.
Write for a catalogue.
Incorporated I255 Established hi Clinton 157:)
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
0o suras of $1 and upwards from date of deposit
Joint Accounts Allowed
C E, DOWDING. Manager t'',:inion Branch.
■ • •
Diy*, 1-$r. IV Maximum 350• -Elea
nor Kemp 301, Oliver Johnston 294,
Lois Holmes 284, Leonia Nediger
279, (Eleanor Mackenzie 272, Viola
Cook 272, Melvin Shoenhals 270,
Mervyn Elliott 262, Janet Wylie 260,
Alam Booth 252, Bentha Yates 251,
Mildred Cook 246, Lonene Lang-
ford, 246, Lyda Morrish 246, 'Bessie
Ch:ow,en. 242, Fred Lawrence 240 Car
m:an Turner 239, Nora Kennedy 238
Mary Chid'ley 237, Doreen Stephen-
slon 237, Merle Moore 235, Grace
Akam 235, Harold' Hill, 235, Marjor-
ie MeMath 246; Jessie 'Watkins 230,
Percy Ladd 228, Kathleen Dowser
223, Winnie Draper 221, Margaret
Walker 214.
C, D. Bouck, Prin:cial. (i
Div 2. -Maximum 300 -Berta Jack
son 254, Helen Forrester 236, Alvin
Leonard 235, Mabel. Marshalli 233,
Ruth. McMalth 223, Charlotte Sheel-
ey 2177, Aileen Armour 213, Harold
Manning 201, May, Rutledge 200,
Murray MacNeil 198, Fri eda Wallis
198; Shurwyn ABM 191, Alice Pe
itt 190,
M. D. /Chi dtey
Div, 3. -Sen. Class- Harry Ra
9a per cent, Ethel Wasman 90, E
ie Livermore 89, Edna McCaizgl
87, George Middleton 83, Mat
Shipley 83, Lida Livermore
Tied Wallis 82, Harry
81, 'Clete Dunllord 80, Robbie
Sehrenk 79, Marion Andrews 77,
Jessie Jackson 76, Alex Eagleson 75,
Ernest Hall 73, Mary Taylor 70,
:i"adeIon Shaw 66.
Jr Class -Asn Beeves 83 per c.
Marrit P:edt er 73, Wilfrid S:•: i
72, Wilbur Welsh 70, Fto:a Mil
07, Pearl. Gould 65, Ernie Lit''tlo
Lawrence West 63. J. Wits
Div. 4
. Sr
. 3-Lo:'a Sehoen•hals
Helen Ross and '/Willie 1.;l1 87, L
ghton Walker 87, Agnes Walker
Willis Cooper 81, Annie Lawrcn
81, Hattie Livern,nre 79, Mildr
Clinton Cr, 1, Goes
into Semi-finals
Wingham and Woodstock Also
Wins -Clinton and Wingham
Plays' Here Saturday
The Clinton
team were
lucky torftie the Stratford- team
here on Saturday last by a score of
1-1, but won :the{ round by 2 goals,
to1. A fiair crowd witnessed ' the
match and there were alap a few
supporters present from Stratford
Referee McCutcheian had the' teams
going soon after 2 -o'clock and up
tea minute of ,half time the game
wlas even. One of the Stratford
players gat the ball and passing the
backs away out easily scored. Time
wlas called just as the ball was
brought back to centre. The se-
oand half was nearly all for Clinton
but their g'o;al, had a couple of nar-
row escapes. McCrostie scored
Clinton's goal on a long kick which
had steam behind ift. He also, got
ek- a couple of more hardy shots on
goal but the goal -keeper cleared.
Both teams showed little or no
nee combination and very little team
rn- work, Blatchford went off for 15
ley minutes when a Stratford player re-
tie tired, after a hard check in the first
82, half. Both sides played clean and
ce few fouls were taken. Following
were the players;-
Stratford -Goal, Allen ; backs, Mc
Milian and Reynolds; halfbacks,
halfbacks, Johnston, Mcl0arlance
and a+awcett; fora:tide, Dempsey,
Nelson, Merrier, Gray and Creigh-
nt ton.
e1. Clinton -(:coal, Caldwell; hacks,
Torrance and ]short; h lfbacics.
Kitty Sparks and Smillie forwards
03, McCrostie, Moffatt, S. Smill e.
on Kaiser and Blatchford.
Livermore 76, George Walker
Alma MCClor ie 72, Stuart McBri
70, Francis Yesbec 60, Anna Gras
6.1. •Charlie Cole Go.
Class 2. -Jas. Walker 83, Fr
Peckit 80, Berta Gunn 75, Rana.
McDonald 06, Bert Taylor 60, Cee
Cooper 50.
'Claes- 1 -Dorothy Rorke 08, Am
Helya. 08, Harry Munroe 61, Will
:butch 60, Jabez Rands 60, Less
Murphy 60; Harry 11all 58, (:mrn„
alt, 55, Fergus Reynolds 17, Ilii;
tt•yefarcl. 53,
L. Stc <rr:
Div. 5. -Sr. lla gregor Clrant r;
Etta r cent Lten larYiy n;. %ani th
Carter 02. Agnes Reynolds 92, Jack
Bowden 90, Mary 'Carter 87, Eva.
thouck 87, Katie Ladd 83, Asit Bol-
ton 85, Mil:borne Brailey 85, Ru''cel
Britton 54, Bessie Morrish $3, Oath
artno \ 81 J olatic Judd 75,A1-
bert Wright 71, George Carter 71,
Alicia. Kohn, 70, Stewart Taylor 03.
Charlie Meiluire 62.
Junior -Gertrude Fowler or
p' l f r
cent, Nellie Routledge g 172
d 3 v-
Nediger 92. Jcan Miller 01, Audrey •
Collyer 89, Helen Grigg 89, L ora
Taylor 87, Nisbet Cook, 80, 'freleu
Roberton, 86, Joe Yesbec 82, Ila old
Lawsbn 52, Airy Gould 82, Lucy
Levy 78, Charlie. Pill:o•d 78, Drei•git
McLeod 71, (Gordon Lawson' 71,
• II. Conrtice.'
Div 0, -Sr. 1 -Total 250- D. Mut-.
Cir Following are the views of the
two Stratford papers on the hough
Su Cup game played in Clinton lee,t
cv Saturday between Clinton and the
Stratford t'ollegiates;-
7 6,
:s In the second and last game of
the hough Cup series between
Strtiftforcl and Clinton Collegiate
ed Institute football clubs played in
id Clinton on Saturday each team
fl soaring one goal 'but as Clinton
won at Stratfo.d by 1 goal to 0,
Clinton wins the series by 2 to 1.
i` Thr Hough Cupaspirations ofthe
'' local t•iate Institute for this
yr a r .,e: rt 711 1 rud jelL on S,'tur-
dat, when Rlvla the gait- wase„
tis,' ithe,y lost one goal on the
round. Saturday's game, as noted
in the Deacon of that date, was 1-1
The first game hero
was i;toU for
Clinton, giving the Tatter the
round, Saturday's ganw was
good one, nip and tuck all 'the way, It
The Stratford 'lads had their op- R
pen:mats going in the initial hal/
and had it net 'been for an unroll- .at
rugate accident to Roy Melri1len. it
was the opinion even of the Cl!n_:
to 1. .�,,.
p a1 � s themselves, that Strat- e
would t1 17 '
a.w �e- wo
n. bl 11
cl t Ian• to
who i
o ctn�e of
strongest est
men, was t as gn•err a bad cheer, and bo
laid out for about twenty minutes. 01
When he was • feeling something 'St.
like himself again lie :pluckily re- 'f1
slimed play, not however before. iv,
Clinton had tied the score. Strat- ba
ford made a desperate attempt to of
store again and even things on nr
the round, but it was no nee. Met- ge
•••••4••••♦••• •••••••o•••• ••••®••••.•a*♦so0•*•e
♦• ►
• 99 cents
• • lie
Soloraiig, Aprk 261
We are going to make Saturday, April 26th
Hat Day at our store. It will be a dayof
big Hat selling, for we 'ire going to sell
hats for risen and boys that should send therm
out by the dozen.
We have gathered together 125 Etats in
broken lines and sizes, both in colored and
The regular prices of these hats are from
I $1.2.5 to $3,5o, but in order to clear them
I out you can takeyour ,choice of
22 the enure
• lot for 99c.
• (See Window Display.)
First t
of Boys os
♦ Shirts
Received this Week.
a • issinemennatem
A Square Deal for
�l Every Mau
• holland 233, R..r vans 230 A,Glaziei
• 200, M. Cres 108, rL Roltzhauer 198,
• le McCartney 180 P. Livermore 180
• P.Carrick 177, G• McGuire 177, M.
• McTaggart 167, M. D,eeves 157,
• Jr. 1 -Total 190 -Ivy Plows 180,E.
Cranim 150, A. Si11 19.9 6, CGraells:
• F. Scrutan 140, P Murtch 120, W Mc
• Math 128, C.1Vlaltheslonr 121, R. I iv-
ermore 119, R.IVliddletorn 117, C.
• Turner 114. E. McTaggart 11.1. C.
• Cool. 111, 13. Cochrane 107, 13. Wal-
ker 103. -
Div. 7. -Senior Class, Total 300
Barrie Combe 290, Violet (hill'' 256.'
Leo !Reynolds 261 Jack Wigging-,
0258,Kenneth -
1 Rorke 250,I
arms Grant 256,Sadie Gibbs 253,.
Audrey McIntyre 253, A.Snes Conthe.
Luella u M CI,'n ,
la e i ]ie237, r
c Norman Y, stat IY -.
1 1
re'l. B •
Me -
Ned 23v, Lett McCTnii�e224,R�egfnaica
•1 Deakins 221, Kathleen Liverrn,o �_;
♦ 216, Jean Ford 209, Elsie Cooper
♦ 204, Mary McTaggart 189, IB;0w'?rd
• Gould 187.
o" Jr. Class Total marks 200 -Grace
Strong 176, Isabel Johnston 175,
• Katie Beaton: 174, Isabel Glazier 174
• John Nediger 173, Chla•lie Shipley
• 171, Eleanor htumsteei 169, Fergus-
• on Carter 167, 'Wilbur Nelson 165
Charlie Mennel1 160, Wilfrid Grant
157, Norman Counter 154 Elmer Mil
• ler 150, Kathleen McKinnon 143,
• Russel Bezzo, 146, Merle Sweet 137,
• Ernest Ford 130, Clifford Garfter
129,'Wallace 11 oe Wheat
< le
M r
• Carricl:126. Y
• M. M. Wil•ts,e
Div 8. Senior Class- Florence
• Johnston 98 per cent, Phyllis: Tozer
d+ 96
Louis Howard o s
, Ro
• 96, Norma Treleaven 96, Jean
♦ Simps: .95, Russe :I Peckrtit 04, Jos-
,eph 'JR,,oward 93, Gerald Eames 93;
• .olive SchoeaitaIs 91, Willie Argent
• 90, : John ' Livermore 90, Kathleen
• Taylor 87, Luella Glazier 85, ;Olive
• Laurence 83, Cecil. Ashton 79,
Junior Class-951)er ;cent: -Carol:
• Evans, Madtel,on Hawkins R
e ter,' Oliver !Rands R` ,bi ay Car-
• o n 1
un(te •
94 per ♦z ce t -
n o r
i cent -Donna
Cocl •
it an.
• per cent Eileen' Atkinson, Cath-
arine lIcTaggatt, Howard Mullloi-
• land,' Doris Oollyer, 90 per cent.-
Arthur Hessian, ALt•in'-Rause,.Ltd
•• Crich, '85 per cont 'Hubert Re,l•.•
o••MNN•N1••••••e*••••••4MN4•eNNK••e•• s
M. Ker,
The IVItay meeting of (thea Gonnell.
met on, Monday evening with Reeve
Ciantelo.n in the chair and Council-
lors, Thompson, Paisley, Ford, C'luff
and Morrish present,
The minutes of last tweeting and
special meeting was read and
The Hollowing communications
were read;-
.The Clinton Citizens -Bandl asked
for $200 for weekly open air con-
certs during the summer.,
A. E. Matheson asked that some
cement blocks be raised in front of
his stiore as water run's into cellar.
Two tenders for 'street watering
were put in -Urea Eros. 40e, Thos.
Cook 371-2e. • •
On mlotion Thos. Cook got the
eontrack for street watering and
A gran pf $150 was made Ito the
Citizen's Band for weekly band con
Certs and a ciomtniittee of Reeve
Cantelon and' Councillors Paisley
and' Ford were appointed to con-
fer with the 'Band.
Mr. Matheson's letter was re-
ferred Bothe Street Committee►
A petiltiion from'ratepayers own
ing land /on King etiVelt, south,
asking that the road be cleaned
,out and deepen ]the water course].
lying between G. T. Railway and
Layfield River.
On, motion of Ford and Thomp-
son, the petition from W. Jackson
anch others be received and referred
to(the' street Committee for a re-
port on same with; the probable
Mr. Wm, Wheatley addressed' the
Council eboitt /the water, which
floods his farm. The Council did
net thin]. they 'were. responsible,
On motion of Councillors Cluf
and Thompson. the by-law ficins
ing liverymen be arnrndsel by in
eluding all autoinobiles and all sel
propelled vehicles. Fee to l e $10.
On notion of Tltonipsoni and
Paisley that our Constables be in-
51ructed to see teat the. Local
Option by-law is strictly enforced,
The Cemetery
e ,r '�
C n nrtic> made,
their report and rccommendec
many things including planting of
trees etc.
The Finance C'ommittee's report
was read and e.dopteci,
:Phe Consi,ables were instructed
to notify the dealers in fireworks
and the public .that the by-law in
rfrferonce titre 'to will this 1•ear
be strictly enforced,
The Street Committee brought in
th e following reporlt;--Voir• Com-
mittee beg to ropers as follows; -
As there h,as been very 1 tile grad-
ing don' on our et acts for the 'last
few, yc1:s, it will he nr eir,sary;to do
considerable grading this yrar. We
therefore z•7000101 nu the following
streets to be don. ; -I a rc, Mat•y,
Princess east and Rest, l:lapl',
James Marie,, and Orange
Streets. We also recommend that
the town engine 'r be instructed to
inspect outlets .and make report
and award in aeg:uci to Bract
standing intlte rear t1f. Mr, 1). N.
N�at2on s property.
Your or
c txn t:
u tee feel r • is.e •
t very
necessary top oc•nre some material
to preserve and improve our ma-
cadam 'load on ]fain street, and
are made some inquiry into tele:
ould be the beet material to use.
e have. also taken into eonsid;r-
ion• the cost, and we find that
arvia would be the best, the Cosa.
ould be about $400, work includ-,
c1. This would do from postofficc,
• Fair 's i r
nx ll You committee te-
nun d
en it car f T w t
o 1 i, to b'
light and used oi.1,11ain street at
The revenue from ]lain
reet etrert R•atcring is alum
65, This amount would go te-
ards expense of usingTarvia; the
lance would have to conic out
the :appropriation of street com-
ittees, VVe .recomrnenu that we
t seine repairs for th. grader.
10 outlet on Mary street drain to
cleaned and chain to be cleatn-
atfair's mill, and that tile be
t, to he used in front. of Mr.
tie,dge•^s property, the latter to
' the work. We rccom.nit,nd that
vid 'Clook be appointed street
tier got Stratford's only goal, q,l
•W,00clstock Wins Round. ed
Galt, May 3The Galt Collegiate /gin
football team is out of the competi do
tiros for the, Ifoogh Cup having pray D.a
ed atie, game this afternoon with
the Woodstock College, score 2.atl,
as the visitors came here with a
one goal lead; the shote of kha
game in 'Woodstock h.oing 2 t 1t
they stay inthe running for the
G The gatne this afternoon was
a close and exciting one but the
Woodstock boys were lrc,aelorthan
the locals and were in better con-
dition.. VV. Ducker of Galt refereed
Listowel, May 3.-Wingham de-
feated Listowel here Saturday at-
Loon inf'
the second
of the:
Hough Cup series, the score sitar.]
ing 3 to 2. The teams were tied
when tine was up, and 20 minutes
:Overtime had to be played. Last
Week's game ended 1 to 0 in favor of
Listowel. Yesiterdlay's was a .good
match, with the teams about •even,
and, the attendance was good,
Have You. Renewgd?
A great manly of our readers
have been looking at/Maly
LABEL on The New Era and
have renewed during the past
month. Now for May lel] us hear
from m diose in
Manitoba, an ftoba
berta, Saskatchewan c
swan andJ'a' British
Columbia, The label tells a tale.
It should relad31 Dee. 1913.
Take aloolk at it now and let
us hoar from you. The law re-
garding 'newspapers has been
amended sio'tliat it protects
the publisher
mare ttblisn.
o•1y, Anyone tlaking,a
from the postof1iee whether,
have ordered '
Y it or z.a�
wines .i
1 able for 'payment for
same, uniessitismarked "Speci-
nten copy." Another amend-
ment is that no subscriber to
newspaper can stop same ,drre-
fuse it - aft the pestoffice unless
they have paid"
owing ;on it, up all that i s
The following aniendment to the•via clause in the street coro-
mitit'ee report was move.] by
Thompson: and Cluff, "That before
Tarvia is purchased, the ratepay-
ers on front street ba • solicited to
receive their subscription to total
Council adjournecl.
Quality v
ualit first -
Then advertise
If you start out to buy any
given article and are ,offered
f one thti
a s wel
known through advertising
and one that you never heard
of, you will insltinc(tiveI,y
choose the one that you know
about. You feel secure in
selecting an article that will
attains' up and justify generious
Y-ou are right. 4. manufa-
ttu ee' or
amercltanit cannot
lffor.d to lend his as vain
e1 to
anything that is inferno: in
quality for n,at up to eth,e
standards tot value..
If an article has{ real merit
it is w,or(th tial.kinig about
I f n i ' f t '
rasa znemt rt •d,oesn%t
-trots]] peoplet'
that it has..
If ylou make hats or shoes or
and �
d theyazooc
0 1 and
h,on sh
re and possess
o ess unusual
qualities tell the public, and 913
publie.'wiltsupport you, If n,ott,
go back to, your factory or
your store and bring your nae'-
ch<anclise up ta a's(tandard that
will justify. the public's confi-
• Men and Events e
00•••••••••••••••••••••••• For Beauty
and Comfort.
MR. JOHN R. LONE, managing
editor 06 that bright daily, the
Toronto Star, has been elected
President of the Canadian Club,
ono of the largest in the city,
having a membership of 1255, This
is' quite an:hlonor, and is another
recognition of the ability of a
Hurlonian, lir. Bone being a native
of East 'Wawanosh, He was also
a C. C. I. student.
'What about the Huron Publish
Campaign? The County is ']]right
only it
to knew
what we possess anti insiders to
see that' a large part of the d:velop
nrent depends np'm then. Few
Counties are able to out-pacc
Huron and all we ask is a fair corn-
paris.on to show the goods,
Navigation has opened with quite
arils]) and competent authorities
say a busy season will follow with-
out any doubt,
Judging by the militant suffra-
gettes and their contemptible
actions it looks as if the final re-
sults will be expiated on the scat-
fold. So much for the effect of a
bad example.
A Montreal mathematician figures
out that 150,000 people fn UDIA; city,
or every 4th family, are moving
this Spring. 15,000 notices of re-
moval were given to the posioffiec
and 5,000 to the L i e •
0 Bel 1 len 'o
pany. There is evd ntly ZOOM 101•
a house owning campaign in that
Alberta will ]rave a good healthy
Liberal majority and evidently the
Province is satisfied to have
Premier Sifton hold !the teras for
another tern',
Fewfrt:ia Societies e r,l S i t 1
a oc c i.s cop u 7
1 1
the anniversaries Of the Order bet-
ter than the Ocid Fellows. As the
years pass by numerous other or-
ganized bodies drop them but the
1. 0. 0. P. appears to be evergreen
in this respect. it speaks well for
this growing brotherhood whose
triple MO 1.10 is Friendship, Love
and Truth.
Keep up the c lebra,tion of your
wedding anniversaries, if you are
fortunate enough to have them on
your program. They need not be
elaborate or expensive brit the ob-
servance of the date will do good.
Don't wiithold a word of praise
when itis 'web deserved. The ap-
preciative remark is lilt e' springs
to a vehicle or oil Ito the axle.
There"s a hug difference, between
flattery and honest appreciation,
which should not be lost sight of,
Cu pid has sharpened uphis 1 rr-
ftows for the consummation of the
campaign conlit din g next Month,
(Mute a number of matrimonial al-
liances are e on the program for
The Amherstburg Echo heralds
the fact that no less than ten
young ladies, who 'were at various
times employees of that office,
have gone by the marriage route.
do ensure ha'ppiress to ten homes.
Verily the pen• is mightier than
the sword and the press continues
to wield ilts powerful.inlluenees for
the good of rnlankind.
In a number of places Boards of
Health, through their Sanitary In-
spectors, are already after offend-
ers who have not complied with
the law., lit pays to see that the
law is properly enforced as one
tr(ansgressror may be the cause of
illness to many a one, although he
may escape himself. The GIolden.
Rule is a safe compass by which to
m out a course that will be free
from many entanglements.
The long delayed and oft rs'peat-
0(1 query "Where did the money
% come from?" has . been partially
siotv ed
rax Tion. '�Ir.
r Hanna
he got
, a00 from 112'
`h 1'i'
der why the latter was slo geserous?
Can you guess?.
Ron. A: G. McKay, who repro-
seated North Grey' in the .Ontario
Legial,ature and filled his place r1
Well, moved to Edmonton during
Yon want to remove the tars
and sunburn, then use
Itexall Lace Crean'
It softens, soothes, and heart-
tifys the skin,, and it isn't;
greasly. .Only 25e.
Bexall Tooth Paste
The Best Dentifrice..
Only 250, at
W.Q.R. Holmes
AMR. alM111111.11•1111•MMILMOIMI.V.
Pure Maple
From Sap to Syray by
• Evaporation
The syrup is here again, ass
good as it can possibly be, made
by the same people, in the sarmee
way, from the same trees. Jpi.9
the same as It has always been
It is of uniform consistency
Has a delicious flavor, and
We can say in big letters,
It is Posiliveiy F'uro
As we have only a lireitr.i
quantity, we advise you to order'
Phone 48
Coming, lo -the
Picture House
Cooper ITtlsieal Comte
Singers, Dancers, Musicians
with illusions and novel acts
Strictly respectable and first -clams
Change of program and 2800 feet :ata
pictures each night.
P 1
tl bar'.
eloffi 1,
fun for old and yortn,„
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
of this week, jt
Admission 15e Children I'CO
A. Macdonak1
the past year, has resigned his eras',.
It is said ho may succeed Hen. ;1;•.
Cross in the 'l'es't, 'this ]..aver
South Lanark and Korth Grey z ,
ant and in which cl.ecttons 711 S' acs
held shortly. The decease of Han,.
Mr. 1Vbatheston isithe cause of (t,i'
opening of Lanark. Rumor has, Tit
that a remoulding of the Cabinet
is being considered in which some
new material play be included,
If trade conies knocking at tht, . -
door of your business place 4c:li-,
lift the latch and say "Come fru trey
a live advertisement in tate :Nett:./ ,7.11
Dori't forget that the public is .ra,,
the book -oust for bargains anC1t7:i't
papers are carefully scanned Tee
intending purchasers to. aseecf.:t e
where those bargains are. :1`ire'w
is doubt manifested when r+ar„xil
big offers as to quality and Pett
are riot unfolded to the people •'lust'
the tip -tee toss 0
f c• ,
1 �pcctal'ion. Cti.1 ea;t
page is your atln't on did ycirs. stet'
ISP, Business man?
Ontarito is receiving a good tlrod
of immigrants this season. 1`ihc-m,
could' go to no more highly ilasecte_•
ed part ,of the world when it .rias'.
toile revolution of the tt!,:eFse..
rnonths. For atop notclter there:
nothing can outdo this bareeers
Province in the sum total, f t;,
wonder is that we dont cheer ,tziramI,
for it so that its well deser aeafl
aises may be made kniowvn ,,.a,
broader circle of the worlds. g'agfe-..
tanon. If ift had not been a •vaiee3-.
able gold mine it would notk.lmote
stood the great drain/ cit merx :a^ssi:
money tothe Great West..
Sometiutes the boosting of priaee,
to give an exorbitant profit 'mike
its Own curse aad the biter ;g r i.
bitten. en. A
.'ase in point '
11 ,rr� too
st in
gt ysuch e:sets�r--
sive charges are nracle fior 5i0053
Work amundelpai foundry is Itkre,ity
to be' opened. Every marc lscie ue,
right to charge aur receivt' rpt,
reasonable profit for his labor kt1f37
aperslon, should not reach the :walg-
lionaire class in a year. The
Low who always tries to beat dnaa
the u•_
e forgetting 1 hn'
that t�
g f; r cw
let live' 1s a good rule to go 13e,,311
blood sucker who apparently &nes„
trot care wlta;t befalls his beta.$sex
man 'su' long as he. 1ptiys rt a. ,nut
price. ''Honesty is not only O
pest policy but., the only policy ItA,Ak
will wear.