HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-01, Page 9el' asspromississweitaireasszonswierrimonsises Beautify Your Home With a New Rug s Just . In If you have a Rug want -to brighten up your home, come and see. our display of right a to the minute patterns, comprising' Wools, Tapestry, Yateki Fibre, Brussels, Wilton, Velvet, Axminster and Japanese in fawns,browns, greens, I p Fibre,and reds, in all the New Spring Colorings and Designs, from' $1.25 u» to $45.00 New Jap Mattings Another shipment of Japanese Mattings, eight new patterns, in plain and fancy scroll, strong rnarp, made to give good wear at 15e to 25c. per yard Also 50 Jap Marts 27x54 inches and 36x72 at 25c to 50e New Lace curtains We are showing a splendid. range of Lace Curtains, in white and ecru, in all the very newest' styles, in Nottingham, Brussels and Swiss, two and a half and three yards long, from 50e 111P to $5.00 Li lei Fps and Oilcloths Just to hand, six new designs in Scotch Linoleums, in floral and and block designs, four yards wide. Same weight and quality as last year's, and the x1MI& price 50c per squarelard. We are also showing a large range of patterns in Oilcloth, in one, one and a half and one and three-quarters yards wide at 3tic the square yard. ,1Lt4'Llerie .x.r,.Lr,-ik'i'hmPi+ . IT LOOKS GOOD FOR CLINTON, A meeting f,7r organizing a I e- enosse team to enter in this dis- trict of the 0.L.A. will ire held in the Board oIa d roam of ,the town, hall on Friday evening May 2nd, at eight •oclock. The following are request ed as weal as any others interested in lacrosse to Wttennd. -0. Fink; T W. Johnson, W. Tozer, !I 11lorris,�i . S.B. Holmes, h. Coueh, G. :Elliott, B. Davis, R. McKenzie, G. McKen- zie, S..Byam, C. Robinson, W. whit - ley, J. Watts, Ed. Crook, C. Draper P. Whitmore, ILRurnbali, Ab, Mit- chell, S', Cook, J. Weir, and C. Pais ley. GETS CONTRACT. 91r. Thomas McKenzie secured the contract for the erection of the newschool n of S S No, . 5,Hallett, Iiu t to n be erected't a Lot ..6, 6tl? eon., The new school will.be brick and have a basement. It is to be ready by the lsft of August. SPECIALS FOR ALL NEXT WEEK prk ig Needs of all Kinds Our Stock was never more complete than now, having all the latest and most up-to-date goods in the market -Spades, Shovels, Garden Bakes, Lawn Rakes, Lawn Mowers, and Poultry Netting; All the new shades in Sherwin-Williams Paint, Oarephell's Varnish Stains, Janeiro), Floorlac, Liquid Veneer, and Pleurpol the new Furniture Polish. Paint and Varnish Brushesifrom 5c to $2,50, An elegant variety of Brass Otnrtain Rods Sc and up. We carry Dustbane in barrels, half barrels,kkege, 35e and 1.00 cans, and in bulk at 5c per pound. • It pays to feed Dr. Hess Stock Food and Panacea in the spring. Prevent. your shingles blowing off blousing the improved' large head shingle dohs. We have them. Household Hand Saws regular 35e for 25c. Hammers. regular 25c for 20c, Tack Hammers, 5c, 10e and I5c. Braces regular 50cfor4.0e HARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARErAND NOVELTIES iiialamwennormor AN ELECTRIC SIGN. 1 A new electric sign has been .er- ected at Paxrnan 4 Gillies Garage. I Every ant'omobile man will be able to see ft all right. 'COUNCIL MEETING, The regular meeting cf May Council will be held on Monday • eventing next. Reeve •Cant+elton will occupy the Mayor's chair for the present. BUYS A FORD RUNABOUT. License Inspector Johnson ]vent to London on Friday last and re- turned in :the eveningwith a Forel runabout, Mr, J. Nediger assisted in bringing up the oar and instruct ung Mt Johnson. The hotelmen will have to .keep awakq n ow or the "buzz" wagon wilt conte into 'town' too guide sone day. 1-1* !iR° After an absence of one year, Iam, again at the same stand, with the same business: As usual you will find goods of first quality. and at right prices. No pains will be spared to give; satisfactory service. Call and See Us, -'You Will not be Asked to Buy. Expected This Week A lirnited quantity of Pure Maple Syrup and Sugar. PHONE 40, WILT• ♦ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 10.44+►AA ►1Alm® i • Loca • • • :er,o ®Aoioa®eo®m•yAAOA•••• ADVERTISING -ISMS. In art literature, music', and ata v cttisiog, supreme excellence pro cencls from supreme simplicity. Fr'Ol.TCIf! CUP MATCH, • 04,4! deooeaPoo®oPoaoor+Po®Po+aPo+tiPoAoew CLINT ON MARKETS. 0 ;Togs ae.10 l:uttez 30-2,1 Eggs -17-18 'Wile city( 80-81 Barley -40-50 Peas -80-$.1.00 - AD(ERTISING IS:WI. Atltrertisinr paves the way for the. salesman, NEW ASSISTANT YI P. 0. INSPECTOR. 'Williere McLean, formerly .tail st, clerk on the nlichigau Central Mica • and latterly of the •rural route de - e Pertinent in London postoffice, has been appoin'ted assistant post- offioe ispectnr nide.. Inspector Fisher. tot Lomelon dr itrlct, The -return game in' the first series will be played on Saturn ty afternoon oottho Park here be tt een Sttratgar'd and Clinton- Col legiates. t good game isguarante CONGRATULATIOI`PS. The New Era editors offer heart eongratulattions to The Mitchel 'Adwcieete on mitering its Guth yea undee one editor. Mr. WOE'', Davi the veteran Editor, is still ail, t Mold his own;,w.ith the best of then 0.• L. 4. GROUPING. The'Liacitosse •Association lie griouped Clinton in,No.3 District a the intermediate, series. Fait i Clinton goingto have 'a team Practice Should start at once- i they are Stere isthe group-No. -Kincar dine, Qin. der ieh, Wingbam Clinton, -Seeaforkh,,Mitchell. HURON LEEKEEPBRS' ASSOCIATION. The Spring neeting of the HuronBeekeepers' Association will. he held at the Council Chamber„ Cline to n,, on. Thursday, May Sob; morn- ing session tat 11, afternoon ses- sion at 1. Speakers from outside Will address the meeting. LACK TO TOWN. Dick Masher did not have a very hong visit this time. He went to .L?rant5o_d fto join Abby Johnson's All -Stars and after playing two games nn L'rantfiord, 'the Manager vanished so the ]team broke up: Dick Will Possibly join one of the Canadian League teams shortly. TYPHOID IN SEAFORTH. T MOTHER DEAD. • The following • pr"ess report re- f • fern .todthe death of Mars.. A. i orbee' 8 mother: who died at tleorgetown and who wasburied at Hensall on 1 Saturday of last Wel ;-hare. Mary McAllister, relict of the late John McAllister, ,nretired fernier of Hensel I, whet .° he, died twelve t e it s ago died on, April 23. aged 75 y e 1s at the home of her son,' Dr. Mc- Allister of Geoegetown.' Decca - ecl; who had been ill with la grippe since the middle 00 February, had removed to Georgeitown from Hen - Sall, a little more than a year ago, She was a native of Glasgow Scot- land. and cattle to this country- Viten quite-3'oung: wit h'her par-. eat Foul sons survive her ; Typhoid fever claimed another victim in Seafoith on Saturday in the perslon of Frank ailing, the popular proprietor of the Die Howie. Mr. Kling conteacted tl fever about three necks ago, an it wap nought ho was on the higl road to recovery, but arelapse- se in on Saturday morning and hi death soon followed. Deceased Iva in his 35th year, and is survived b1 his wife formerly Miss Mary A'Ien of Egmondviile, ,and one chid. The funeral was Saeid no Mondayto Maitlanclbnnk Cemetery and was larger attended. CABLE RATES REDUCED. The large number sof Pritishcrs now living in Canada wilt {'mars alo- preci,ate the liberal reductions on cable rates. A. T. Cooper, Por the Gs.leat, North Westci•n Tc le graph Coo saes he is advised to accent cable messages at c cards a mord; 12 words for 7.5c; and 24 ttard•s for $1.15. These are known as deferred cable, {`ash I c Iter anti week end letters. HURONC`OUNTI HAS A. DECREASE. The asscaanrs' -.roils fur the co- unty of Huron fur the yea.` ?'.t shows adctreale of poptat ti+ut it1 the coantt of 1.207 in the ru a; elie- tricts and 073 in idia 0nwn melt- ing a. total decrease fo- the e miry of 1,043. The township of 'V '1 W awa aoah shows the greatest dee mm crease. ammo( big to civet. 2e p: r cent, of the population in one y,-ar.- The town of itnderieh held its mown pretty well, only showing a d creasc+ of 21 people. A publicity ccunmittee eonsistiug of rnemh. rs of the county co,neit and the town council have launched a I,ul Berry campaign the county having vot- ed a considerable Burn of money fo" the purpose of immrgi,ation 1 int the farms now being til;nndoned Toe the luremcnt of the West may 1 - taken tip by people frothe Old Country. SPRING SQUIBS. The Corner Store "Live and Let Live" Saturday Special Young's Jelly Poiaders .Demonstrated k -o-- 'cel The Jelly Powder flavored with the juice of the fruit. a Every Lady is invited to s sample and judge the delicious and true flavor. The trees are already taking on a green tinge., notwithstanding that the 17th of March is long past With the blowing of spring bree- zes, and the 'dandelions starting to sprout, the "gasoline fillies" are again spluttering about. From could almost see the grass grow Burin past i g the ast p two or three All the song birds have arrived and last year's birds' nests are be-�, ing Occupied. 'a , Monday, e Go d fa May 5th is t Math ens Day." Wear a white carnation for mother ,if living, and a real one if she is gone. It may not be generally known, but hereiafiter ovary driver • of a motor oar inithis province must carry a license. The gray and. festive rhubarb will soon put in an appearance on"the mlarket. MINOR LOCALS. May. The first cllay of a clry. season. Council meets next Monday. Cool tevenings. Stra;tford vs. Clinton on Satur- day. Had your suithur and molasses yet? It's a wise man who knows en- ough to'llialee horse a rake with a handle thaft"s sure to break at the first: cilab. • It's a greet sensation to go home frtonn Idown towniahalf hour earlier than usual, and be saItilted with. "Why, yiouhee just in time to take up the sftair carpet I" The season of the year is ap- proaching when 'the annual speech is made as Hollows ; t'I hope you don't mind ift, but me had green onions for. supper.'" Never send a dollar away from house when the tartticle that . the diolbar will purchase canbe obtain- ed at home, Monsey is our financial blood. Its direutaition keeps the business alive. Don't' knock .the town. Boost it, Boosting always pays better. It's quite is problem to know' whether Ito pay up the winter's coal bill or buy a new spring suit. The dust on the streets has been very troublesome the ptast week. Citizens generally ]hope that the Council willgive the sltreeta a good spring coating of road oil. Fresh Lettuce and Seasonable Green Stull --0-- A CALL SOLICITED E. E. nniford Till, BEST TINS11ITII is not he who rushes through a job, but he who does his work thoroughly. When be combines speed and thor- oughness he is 'rallc IDEAL TINNER If you haven't run across such a crafts. roan, try us the next time you want tinning of any kind clone, Y-oo'll know then the difference between good and poor tinsmiths and we wont suf.suf- fer in the.comparison, Tho. awkins Plumbing and Heating (Phone 53) Sanitary Cleaning and Pressing Parlors Altering aand Repairing: Neatly Done, Expert French Dry Gleaners Prices Moderate Satisfaction Guaranteed Goods dalledtor and Delivered Stand -A. J. Ilollowav's Tailor Shop. C. JOHNSTON Nies Grade 9 Bread Conner's llome=m- de Bread Conner's dome•made Bread is quality through and through. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlookea, so you know what you are getting when you order this Good Bread. CHAS,CONNER Baker and Confectioner Three Thi tto an ISI„,:,..,...,. r We can't very well talk to you here about the first two, but we can about the third -your Home, No matter what "fixing." No matter what embellishments, No matter what expense you have gone to in furnishing your home, its good appearance is largely controlled by the Wall Hang- ings; the make or mar the harmony of the whole. Our sprirlg stock is now almost complete, and our designs almost sure to suit your taste- and our prices, your de- sire for economy PIEMLIMZIMMICzur �Fair o.erten the (.2heappest-Ani mays the Best 7sSOQGMM1 Arthur of Georgetown ; William, of Lewisville, Alberta; Charles, of Hensel 1 ; - and John of Ilcusall, There 'a 'e three daughters -Mrs. Arthur Forbes, Clutton ; Mrs. W. C. Kyle, Stnome• Alta.; and Mrs. P. Mair, of ffurondale. The funeral took place 'Saturday afternoon fnoin the resident:. of Mrs, Moir. Hupondale, to Mensal! Cemett^ry. Rev, E. 0' lcL. Smith, roc Carmel Presbyterian Church, of which de- ceased, hemi been a member for years • WOMANS INSTIT.rrro. At the regula'• monthly meeting of the Women's Institute on Thurs- day last the to, lowing officers were elected for the coming. year ;- ,President, Mrs. E. Munroe, Vice President, Mrs, Howard Font ler. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Thos. Mason. Diroctors-ltfrs. :Bradshaw and Mrs. McMurray. Auditors -Mrs. Chant and Mrs. -R, Fitzsimmons. Distr'ic't Director, Mrs, E. Munroe Represent~actives to District Meet ing, Mrs. Dodds and Mrs. Chambers CARD OF THANI{S. The family of the late Fred Ruin- ball wishes to thank through the columna of The New Era, their many friends flor their kindness during the illness and death of their father, National Portland Cement. After trying other kinds, you'll' always come back to the best The Best Cement is the National Portland Lenient It is the old stand-by. A car load just in. S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton AAAMhMAnAAPOAARAAAnannAn WWWVVYYVVVVVVVVVYWWW 3 IJ McLaughlin Automobiles Indian Motor Cycles We Carry a Full Line of Gasoline, Oils, Greases 3 Paxman-Qilfles Garage ImMIZZRat TORLIil=17=11117Ms====CEMPaRIFASCCI:CtlIMMSOUCSIDENIV AUT01I01fI Lits FOR HIRE Terms on Application BICYCLE REPAIRING Neatly and Promptly Done. , (,.. l Ifni d•II e,yntilurall Piano ia,no for Sale vvVNwvWWV evvvvvviAd`!V'l ywv AAA,vvm,Mno'a+voAMnmAAAA paelmagenesersweu •'r 4. 0 + Our Shoes Are Good Shoes 1 } 1 AA JACKSON'S SNOES Every Shoe we show in our stock possesses ss much of genuine merit that it warrants your attention and deserves your ad- miration and careful consideration 4. • A • • .s. 4, 4 4. 4. A 4. A A 4. A + Not because we say so, but because they are You will never know this until you wear them A good time to find out is when you need your next pair, Come and see and be convinced., Wear our Shoes and you will know the Best Shoe Satisfaction, FRED JACKSON'S fi4 k3+3 tt + Fi 4 Fi! 1.444+d+++3+++4+4.+4.+++++A4ttl