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The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-01, Page 7
rt'31f:',Ntle$QA1�i�•r ,Ilrt,'7�''m`i�, r�i,��,'+4�3�`3�'�,'•.,„,y Calf ter it the ens �e\ \i ° 7�*`�°"+,\'A'~21^a �`'ii• W''y `,'7,'�'• 4 ��71d'" ,'-�Mt' : ,� .: �'r. !r. �r?'i1�•1`�n1Aw�.- ".hs' n 1 a.1U�X:,�'-�"''�J. chi :t"•"1P .01 t.dektro7`+ y�aYt` o, P °$ ,.:4.4..,e, re-edereee-,+, �'.,...,.�..:v.�,..*.4..�` x-.' leg -CS _noaghai, and 'which hoots been l`i i L$ c1 o Vote neve Fi ',ca -s u as bozo t.'nc, signature ®f z Flf;3 for cccstD y n m.,�a+'J o:aac'i btu; been made ander his per. (� Serial s Irervis9on since its infancy. tree ,✓-c" :-c=�'e�: ?� Allele' no one to deceive you in this. . " but fi zfditfi Imitations anti "Just -as -good" aro 1pzz All' Counterfeits, .f•Yzethat triwith 2endanger the health of Infante and Children - porienc© against .3Experienent. Vil a h 0.:d,. is � � ' T v, ..:� @� u,f 1 W , A " rar Parti Castor 4� it Ca'_ , - •gori „castor., is zx, harmless substituteI't.. is' pleasant. It vire sDrot)S and Soo„li:iiS Syrups. �Il • r., •otic ' i- • contains neither Opium, Morphine 2101i. other :Narcotic ub tance. Its age is its grin) 1tet .' It c1Cbtroye `Worms s Feverishness. ' Fox more than thirty years it ,: as allays constant use .for the ralicf. of Constipation, has ul been .Y atzLle;to ' Wind Colic, all Teething. 'Troubles and Flatulency, 3' flreguirates the Stomach and Bowers, es ci arilimil e a 3t ass toy ±ho Food krood3 giving ring 3oonithy and natural s1eeyp. Ilse e Ciuldren's Panacea -The Mothers Friend.. ,GEN„m... gra •!-...y1:m.•�s .. r . r t) AALWAYS WAYS S. r 4.1.3..letelleS the Signature THE CLINTON NEW ERA. confidant, tee guide ut'Washing>,00. 01 Lincoln, oP,Gladstote, of Queen Vic- toria. through. you we would invoke ` Ilfs blessings upon our great -Ogler- taking. nder• taking. Yours in the name of hu- manity. LIU PING TIEN. Acting , Chinese Consul for the Dominion of Canada," KING' COMING IN 191? American Correspondent, .Professes Definite 1nlormition, NEW Yl April 98, -The 13rnok- lyn Eagle's ondon correspondets't, under date of April 12, writes as fol. lowst °I am able to announce definitely that King George will visit Canada in 1914.• Only some such unexpected/ event as a European war involving England or a family bereavement will prevent this trip taking place, "'The Ding and his advisers are taking'. somewhat: ,unnecessary , pane visit secret. sect to keen .the proposed rine They are so afraid that the te Capps = Will be disappointed that they drea,l the King's roe Mentionsna being alnOlr • , t' na. ee distant a date. A m a at rl 1. e a so between Ding Geroge and President, Veiison at Ningera Falls: is likely be arranged within ' the item fu tore. "King . George, has intimated hie willingness to open the Toronto Es hibition in August 1914,and prepare. tions for this event are alr.ady being made in English court eireles. "It will be the first time that any Ding of England has visited Canada. It is -hoped that the Queen will ac- company the Ring, but nothing is yet definitely settled as regards the sub- ject. The Prince of \Vales is likely to be with his father on this ietoresting trip." x .;rte ii;pu e� he ond You. Boughtave Always >t J - 9 On Use Foe yWeii'30 Y paS°s r ',�• ,ar s.�,38i Ilya .1` iy 1.S ene MA 0 Says GIN PILLS rii'o Good For Pain in 'Thu Back IIFIN your grocer ihis i- tceells you Cehe uses a I < n $,I e'• ° + home o own o � �n, tt feel pretty cure it's good tea. And when a pro - raiment druggist Il tabes GIN PILLS for his own Back- ache, you can feel quite sure there is nothing else quite so good. \� I, I 12, r May 1 nlnipeg, Mry ] 9t 9 suffered ''In the autumn of 1911, s I inthe back. As pain inual s a coot P with des rem eiero ns ' d v+ a a drngrri:ct, tel I e without ally •apparent results. Racing - soles GIN PILLS for a number othem, I thought there must be good in, otherwise the sales world not increase so fast. I gave them a fair trial and the results I find to be good". RS. G130. z . ROGI♦ THURSI)AY, MAY, let, 1913. 1 'i Get Fit s 10 Bergeron O1TA1`v \ esprit lsir. J. G. Il. i' I,ternn liae been appointed eecretery and sclintnr to the Tommi ."ton re. reedy appeinted to ehjudieate upon the 11' ective Acid. to title in 10- P pee - 1 .,•1<• to , dib. • its ii, .. .�h (. I, , i : � I l s R. it u. 1 1 ' l• tl li l l i t 1 by the 1)u I ill 'e .n and ' iet•I ' i+1 r . - met 't tc I. e: p J• • 'llt� 1 cid (;lit l'7 I, 1., rem -tin is one of tae h,at knnn•u e ,r,,, 'V1'.0('$ (rum t he P ro vin ce u t 4 :t' •,RLelaered laiiiintut in ®sr 1 nw113 Deputyutp Speaker trout "iz31 to 1.396. itiiidA ASKED PSA I ad.,, to the a11uo-t tropical parte of PRAYERS, Northern Queensland, in the United _ States and in other parts of the world Nations the 'blessings of the Almighty were Republic Calledonal Christian Nat the welfare of the new 'nal invokers for. For Spiritual n" Help.republic, o - TORONTO, April _..-Thrnn�hnni , In Canada, and especially in T t itli whole Christine world iim000 ri e- ionto, the churches without exception prayers In ascend -el for the Chinese Re- respected the plea of the Chinese ublic. In Great Britain and all over Governalent for the day of prayer. the varied. DrilnillinnS belong es to :1 special service was held in Cooke's the Empire, in all sorts of climes and 1 Church, where a letter from the Chi - tinder all sorts of 1'.' ,hones, from, nese Consul -Conceits O'a5 read. It tha nnlrl recuses nr tha. oath of 5,„„. beaen: �T,�_.W___ "The Chinese Government request- -• -• ad that ill Chti.t divest Seventy Many people at seventy attribute their good health to SCOTT'S EMULSION because its concentrated nourish- ment creates permanent • body -power, and because itis devoid of drugs or stimulants. ` Scott & Boivac. 'rte Out 13-22 d i;tiara Churches throughout the republic set aside Sunday, Al7ril lith, to pray with one mighty voice for the new Govern- ment, for the President of the Repub- lio who is yet to be elected. fir the constitution now being formed, for the maintenance of peace and for the elec- tion of strong and virlunus men to office." The, appeal, the letter continued, had been heard all neer the world. China Was in urgent need of the aid of the Chritvan nations. • "We appeal to The Greet Spirit, who has so fittingly been called the I J j\'IR (lite., April 28•-A horrible Supreme Architect nf. the 0n1verem„ � p BE A CHARMING !OMAN You never saw a beautiful woman. wlao didn't have beautiful ba.i . The charms of a beautiful woman u lie in her liaii'. Many women ct not rcallre rlie attractions thy thou possesses b. eau s+' they do no: give proper attention to the Bair. The women of the "400-• are fan' d for their bcanty,' not; liveries t li:{ir fa^iuj c;'.tures are sup ,:.i" those of other women, but lienar t,e they know how to keep young by supplying vigor, Metre, "rt es sla•ength to their hair. Up to a few yetis ago PARISIAN' Seem mord hardly be obtained in Canada, But nate this delightful hair restorer can Id had. in rt try town. V.S.1FI.Holmes se's it '.:1111 - ton for :0 cents a hod le, ar di guarantt e. ::t ti grow beautiful Meer art busir , to stop failing hair. eradicate dandruff. Girl's Head Almost Blown Off In • Terrible Accident, GIN PILLS have well earned lie confidence which druggists, as t as the public, have in them, Por years they have been relieving a the d 'Ip Kidain ney Rhemnatistn, Lumbago Troubles generally, and changing' tortured cripples into strong, supple men and women. Why should you go on suffering when there is a remedy so easily obtained and so reliable? GIN DILLS cost but pc. to ' they if Money back Y \o 2. o. �I Y for 5 box, 3, bo nfreeif you do not help you. Sample write National prng and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 160 "'Arson Squad" of Suffragettes Set Fire to Flgilway Cars. ALMOST DUCKED BY MOB. Women V'/ho Atiempt to Hold a Meet-, ins In ' Hyde Parlc. Narrowly Escape.. Being Drag_ed Into the Serpen- tine, But Are Saved by Police - American Woman on. Trial For Treason to the Cause. LONDON. April 28.-Ilycle Park was again turned into a bedlam by the suf- fragettes and their opponents yester- •clay afternoon. The woineu, declining to reogfiiee the police order that no suffragette meetings were to be held. in the peek, appeared with. a wagon- ette I l address a to a andproceeded commence ' co youth; 'ate 1 ou droved, Immediately y 'ed to gather and an attempt was made to drag the wagonette to the Serpen- tine for the purpose of clucking the women. oa tees and foot police intervened M n ansa in time to. save them, and the suffragettes were escorted from the park, followed by a jeering crowd, who pelted them with turf and street ref- use after they entered a cab. Men supporters of the cause were similarly treated, the, crowd refusing to allow any suffrage meeting, mili- tant or otherwise. The Perthshire Cricket Pavilion at Perth, together with a collection of valuable photographs, records and relics, was destroyed by' fire yester- day. Suffragettes are suspected, al- though nothing of an incriminating nature has been found. A militant suffragette "Arson Squad set fire to an empty train' standing on a siding of -the South- western Railway at Toddington. on the Thames, just outside of London, at an early hour Saturday morning. Lit- tle damage was clone, however, and no arrests were made. t is a •rr attempts Two other suffragette at P arson were frustrated by timely dis- covery of inflammable materials which in the had been set alight. One was a freight shed of the Great Eastern Rail- Rail- road. station at West Mill, about 35 miles to the north of London; in Hertfordshire, and under the grand; stands at the Preston football grounds. The usual paraphernalia used by the suffragettes, consisting of kerosene soaked rags, resin, etc., as well as a quantity of suffragette literature was found. \With "Gen," Mrs. Flora Drummond acting as judge advocate and the cabi- net of the Women's Social and Politi- cal Union sitting as judges, Mrs. Mary Tenni of New York is being tried via a charge of treason, and it is be- lieved will be found guilty. Military features of the court were in correct form, with one exception. There was no means of cornpelling the attend- ance of the accused, who failed to appear. The charges against Mrs. Ford, as prepared by Mrs. Drummond, were that she had failed to inform the or- ganization of the hour of the release of Miss Zelie limersnn of Jackson, Mich., and that she had given impro- per inforniati:n to the press. 'There are some mean thieves m Oda world. A London man dropped dead amount- ing after handing his wages,am ing to $16, to his wife. Several neigh- bors afterwards called to condole with -her, and when the last of them had gone it was found that the money too had disappeared. Early Egg Laying accident is ' reported from St Augalt", elatane ('nunty, to which a young girl, the daughter of Mrs. Eusebe Le • Page, hod her heal almost Blown off f:y the ,lierhttree of a shotgun in the girds of her brother. The girl, believing the gun not load - 0d, put the muzzle to her mouth and blew into it. Her brother, -who was holding the gun filer) thinking it was 1 rat loaded, cached tee hammer lied t,l1id the, trigger. le the boiler of the yr -eine mars the hest :haute 1 which it contained blest a large hnle 1 thrnttgh his ei.""'r e head, and she fell dead at Ids feet. thq lef.ter rnneln,leti. Gor 40.0101.0, AMIN • �r West .h South East, L o menandwomenaresubjecttothenumerous ailments caused b defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion o by djestionand elimination. Headaches, lazy feelings, depression ofPits are first consequences; and then worse sickness followsif t trouble is not removed. But thousands have discovered that ffd m .i see (The. Largest Salo ofAny Medicine ' in the World) are the most reliable corrective, ve, and the best preventive of f these com- mon Om -mon ailments. Better digestion., restfulsleep,greater strength, brsi, clearer leaecompx o en to those who use occasion- allyP thitme-tested home remedy. $eh will doubt you-itis to your interest to trymfor 11overthe woe dthey Are Pronounced Best Prepared' only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England Sold everywhere in Canada and U.S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. Devonshire bee -keepers are said to be alarmed at early egg -laying activity of queen -bees. Many poultry keepera would be glad to get such a surprise from their female stock. Saved by Sausages A Paris burglar has been saved by eausuges. In his effort to escape the police he fell from a sixth -storey win- dow, but landed safely on a heap of the Savoury links being prepared by the Butcher. He Assaulted a Congressman. WASHINGTON. April 2e.-1 he spe- cial House committee which investi- gated the assault hy Charles C. Glov- er it local banker on t'epreeentiitive Sings of l'•enneoOee reported that it had fnund Glover in contempt of the Rouse and recommended that the Speaker issue to warrant for his arrest to answer that charge. Chairman Davis of West said he would call it up ler actinic as 0000 ne the 1 I -HERE'S only one quality of Canada Cement. It is the highest quality that can possibly be made with modern equipment, scientific methods and rigid inspection by ex- pert chemists. The Canada Cement you buy for a garden walk brig ridges. s the s The e cement that is eold by the trainload for great dams, elevators an B engineers in charge of theae great works have ample Facilities for testing the quality of cement. Cana ., Cl-- ent comes up to their most rigid requirements. The farmer has not these Facilities for testing the quality of cement. He must buy a product upon which he can depend for a grade that is always of /highest quality, and that therefore does not need to be tested., You can place absolute reliance upon the quality of Canada Cement. Its always the same and always the best. The large output -which enables us to. keep the price down, enables us also to maintain the factory equipment and organization that keeps the quality up. A Canada Cement label appears aon eofrye bag agt that you lbarrel uof• genuine Canada Cement. See that it's on the bags , WRITE for our free book "What rho Fnrmot Can Do With Cenooroibflit. Ities a told a hundred thousand Canadian humor. of the money -merino and profit-making Pp Address Farmers' Information Department Canada Cement Company Limnited, rid®ntreral' There is a Canada Cement dealer in your neighbourhood. When Campbell objects A minister named Campbell con- e aes that he does not mind his rishioners misspelling bis name, but takes the hump. when they indulge in the orthographic eccentricity of "Camel." Quick Movement A marine who had been injured in a gun explosion was asked to describe 'what happened. "Well,' he replied, "I was standing beside the gun, there was an awful racket, and the doctor said, 'Sit up and take this.'" The EASY polish )? 5X1{, .,t .-.. is !nW )$1, .+'stn {•r�l 1 era' Makes Shoes 1L±%'r�.ya" .,.olie&1j; .) F.r,;9ALLEYC4'..f td. Po &t tdcj F; lf� J' $effale, ff. T. ,F �il..E,.�•,,i�c�,c. %� rl fIuslilton,AaL s.. „�,aa�a,creavlaa•.awrmrw vi,�,aracr+maue. vctegrarii. to LL1G. VIA l'(:1/ 41140u u ' �u0- entered. 3lyionte- i'r^ t trians have.mature; legro. This alreadyry is pt. 1 us- ,f��JptT�t tt�II 13 tld 1 � 1 �i�l ��� note felt IS doubt i5 b rr little c o Ambassadorial Conference at Lon the � tris Will Give'Powers.Un Aus action. import- ance official circles greatthe g et in 0 f e attached the In a 1 is e is at under- stood is ¢, it r clfl 5 TB t) ass do .y Ambassadors a ,a- • ent ' res - bullie ? TROOPS'fa's P that Austria's i tion in reference' to Scutari will be Since the meeting ou Begin Hostilities Alone. discussed: Sin e, n Minister at Cettin) Dis ute With Montenegro Over the day tl'te Russia is col- ' P Ovmershp of Scutari Has Reached a has bee11 instructed ooljaso Nicholas leagues in calking up Critical Stage and Unless Decisive to evacuate Scutari. Thepromptitude Action Is Taken by the Powers with which Russia has associated her - to self wftlr the other powers in this step To -day Austria'Threatens strengthen the in- will; it is hoped, fluences working in Vienna against separate action by Austria-Hungary• t Decide. To -clay 0 I MOVING Liz ALREADY A ��' i trio is determined, to set alone unless til done to -clay resolves upon European VIENNA, April i8 Austria -Hun - Bary will waitufor to day of somei decisive action of the powers regarding Scutari, according to a statement made in official quarters Saturday. Should the powers fail by that time The Poet of the Racecourse Life is mostly froth and bubble,. Two things stand like stone: Kindness in another's trouble, Courage in]your .ludSay Gorden A. rester -•!at'":rate machine las been built. ui ttng'ancl to automatleally test bib rleen ts and their dura .bl 3 when in content with steam. Had Pales Eger Liver Doctors Only Relieved Her to agree" on united action, Austria-' For A Time. Hungary will proceed alone to vindi• , cate her political and military pres- tige. When the liver is inactive everything ed that Germany has pro- slow Of Itis report mised to support Austria under all 1 torpid liver is a terrible affliction, as its seems to go wrong, and a lacy, slo circumstances. Much significance is beemenee permeates the whole system atotaecihhend Mtointihsteercoan nfdertehneceM wimhisctherthoef^ Headache, e, Floating in g S e c ks before the causes Biliousness, Heartburn, Sick Warhad with the Emperor at Schoen. Eyes, Jaundice, Brown Blotches, Consti- burg Saturday evening. The confer- pation, Catarrh of the Stomach, etc. ,! thuntil 8.45 o'clock, although Milburn's burn ' s La x a -Liv er Pills stimulate the Emperor usually retires ateight. the slu�gishIiver, clean away all waste The Official hremdeublatt, discuss- and poisonous matter from. the Bystem, ing Scutari, says: and prevent as well as cure all sickness f Austria-Hungary is to he really arising, from a disordered condition of the tranquilized, the great powers must aver. not sto ata platonic declaration of Mrs. Wesley Egtabr writes: --"For years Pmust : their unanimous intention. ;they deeds 1 I have been troubled with pains in the liver. I have had medicine from several doctors, but was only relieved for a time by them. I then tried Milburn's Lam-' Liver Pills, and I have had no trouble with my liver since. I can honestly re- commend them to every person who has liver trouble." Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for 61.00. For sale at all dealers or'mailed direct on receipt of Brice by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, O convert their •gond will into without delay. In this connection the constant talk nbread of compensating Montenegro for her Military successes makes ata especially bad impression. i "The political and military pie.ct.gf of . Europe has rut:.'red by the fall o • Scutari. If this fujure to their pres- tige, this diced to their actions is a matter of indel'fercnce to the powers, ustria cannot fnllnw them along _ a path. Slie must insist with all the emphasis at her enmtuand oincl thn a m- ely being forted as speedily CONDUCTORS GET f7AISE. New C. N. R. Schedule Is an Increase Over Present Pay. OTTAWA, April 28. -The award 01 the board of conciliation established ender the Industrial Disputes Lives. tigatinn Act to enquire into differ- ences between the C.N.R. and its con- ductors has been received in the De- partment of Labor. The board was. composed of William Cross of Winni peg, J. Harvey Hall of Toronto and Judige Haggart of Winnipeg, chair- man. The demands of the conductors were for various changes in the existing schedule of roles and rates, including an increase in pay and a reduction of working hours from nine to eight per day. The number of men directly concerned is 450. The .board in its report, which is signed by the chairman, Judge Hag- gart, and Mr, Hall, recommends adoption on July 1, 1913, of a new schedule which provides for the pay- ment ayment of passenger conductors at the •average of $165 per month, conduc- tors on mixed and way freight trains at 4.80c. per mile, and conductors on through freight and work train at 4,28c. per mile, the new rates involv- ing a certain increase on those now prevailing. The proposed new sche- dule also provides that eight hours wor ltper day shallbe considered suf- ficient "except ie extreme oases." ••O.•••••••••••a•••••••••• i summer school• • • • • For courses • in all Business 0 • subjects leading to positions • o as Bookkeepers or Steno- • • graphers and for Civil Service • • and Commercial Specialists' exam; nations will be con- 6 •• ducted in Shaws Schools, To- • Tonto. (The Central Business S w College with four city Branch • • Schools) from July 3rd to 0 • August this year. Students • a may enter any time for • • general courses. No vacations. •• • WV'rite W. H. Shaw, President, • e for catalogue. 391 Young St., • O Toronto. • a•e•ee•o••••e•••••••••••m• Headquarters ,FOR Walking and Wing Oliver plows I. II. C, Gasoline . Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps and Windmills. ALL AND E }'ERT IN PAIRS CALL ON 84(filer Corner of Pruners and Albert streets. aemerfeemeieweie PASSED GOOD NIGHT. mighty as pos_ihle.' 1 Proops on Move? ' Duchess of Connaught Rallies After LONDON. April MK -According to a Critical Day, report published in Berlin, an Aus- _ naval division has left Trieste LONDON, April 2onnnC h. . Cable.) trian s afto. 10,000 troop,, with the intention n -The Duchess reported one Saturday to have had a Sf occupying Andvari, Medi. end and "not so San Giovanni tti Medici acid advanc- dell,rbimproved mewhateyeste day. ing a 5t ta C 0I'g(n' e, Ctrflssbergmr Post asserts that The following bulletin uses issued doth last The . the German l:mpr''^r has receicedl a esshts adtaCgood night, her strength is maintained and general condition re- - mains the same." w 1671'W Lis s 22.0-14.04/04 ivegaiyadra Zieweamepal leeraefiae It's the CLEANEST, SIMPLEST, and BEST HOME DYE, one can buy --Why you don't exon have to know what KIND of Cloth your Goods oro made of. --So Mistakes are Impossible. - • Send for Free Color Card, Story Booklet, end Bookletlet glyinp remitsDyeing over o t her colors, •Tha JOHNSON-RICHARDSNCO., Limited Montreal. Canada. m Aa Ce It I,r d I'll n s i ucgsC011ege Stratford, Ont. t'ie's lgirt, Prtictiet:i i'd'lllaail;g irhtlol 1.13 ()Mario Three Departments COMMERCIAL SRORT'HAND TEL EGRAP13'Y. All courses are thorough and '. practica rl. Teachers are ex- perienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention, and stn- duents may enter at any time Write for flee catalogue at once. ID. L. HsLactilan, 11"l+ineiisad Saw Body Go Over Falls, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y., April' 28.- Alva 'Pratt, a tourist from Arin Arbor, reported to the state reservation auth- orities uthorities that he saw the dead body of a man carried over the American Falls. Ha attempted to pull the body ashore with a pike pole, but was unsuccess- ful. The body was that of a- young man of medium' build, light complex- ion, dressed in a black or blue suit. The police have received no informa- tion of a man answering the meagre description given by Pratt as missing. To Illuminate Niagara. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., April 28. - William E. Tuttle, secretary of the Niagara Falls, Ont., Board of Trade, vice-president of the Niagara Falls Press Club and a member of the Hun- dred' Years' Peace Association, has launched a movement to have the ca- ched years' peace celebration during le hun- in 1913. Sunday "Movies" Upheld. WINNIPEG, April 28. -The test case against one of the 17 moving picture theatres for giving Sunday perform- arlces at which a collection was taken in aid of the Dayton flood sufferers, has been dismissed in the police court. An appeal is being taken by the crown. W 6: 21210013110 aline I !!p" Tqe (3a'ettt 731tirldsla ,72e'nacia'7l. Tones aadinvigoratestlts'tyhola },. „ x,,0010008 eyetein, 000.1100 0Otr ,w trcB r>did"131oo5f-n old'ieioe.Ostses2Verp sus this t1(, 1Itistel tnicl l3t'atn, worry,„Dap. pencleac7/, 'Sexual, 0Poelcoess Rniussto0ts, SAIct nrcmtbl ,duiirt, a nd reacts of Abuse or I10dse 00 .. `t Priuo%i per oe sixfor$a One will oilpll.alle, u: will euro $old try 10001111 of druggists els in pkg. on 0011 of i price, rat 1c 1plttet 427 r"rns CC. nis on, sit 0.) "@,arant �, see, ,it r., ancr'Zv l�ta Pocket Picked on Can MONTREAL, April 28,-0. Gourre, contractor, here, had $571 taken from his pocket while riding on a street car on Saturday. The thieves made a flying leap from the car, pursued by Gourre and his son, but in the erose t they escaped. Later in the day police arrested three suspects, who were identified as the ones who had got the purse, and held without bail, the magistrate saying there was no bail for murderers, highway robbers and pickpockets. Prisoner's Skillful Escape, VANCOUVER, B.C., April 28.-A1• bert Vats escaped from jail Saturday by exceedingly clever management. Working as a barber lie managed to get an impression of the jailer's key, on a piece of soap. Taking this. as hismodel down an aluminum e k. 1 comb until ft. fitted the lot ,Asi4roi sire Women and Advertisements OME statements are so saturated with their Sown moral as to require no comment. "Rid- ing en a car during the exciten'ent over the naval battles between Russia and Japan." said Mr. Thomas Martindale, before the Retail Merchants' Association of Pennsylvania, "I observed that the men were reading the war news and the wcmen were reacting advertisements.' Those women, I watched keenly, read eery line of the advertise- ments, and then turned to the woman's page, 'ibis ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the journey's end the women had nor yet had time to turn to the actual news of the day. The women want advertisements to read, and you must pros: nt }fol.r business in a readable shape to be in the fight these days." w your Stock Moving? If not. Then we can. Help You, New Era Ads pay ---They get right at the people. 1 THE NEW ERA, CLINTON TELEPHONE 30. I , 2,.. rte"-" .,E stah7 ._.:.._ 031311MEM RE =EC