HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-05-01, Page 6431S 1913
.411'"""74.**11°'11°Er''•' •
0 C41) 0
Will buy a good 8 -day
ebonized wood,
Cathedral Gong
Mantle Clock
at Hellyar's
This Clock is madc by
old reliable makers.
011 and Gel One
Every Municipality
Must Have an Inspector,
New Book of' Rules issued by the
Hydro-Eledrie Commission,
Customers of the Hydro -el ictric
Power 'Commission will shortly re- :
esive a hook on the 0812 011 1 eetr ie. y
It contains the act which governs
the use of el.:ctriecti apparittue,
persons who do not conform to the
instructions contained in it will t
have their current cut off instantly 1
upon discovery, and municipalities b
may enact their own by -I iws for t
punishment 01 1)1088 18110 willfully ' t
,disobey them. Every ty f
will be required to l01'12 an
spector, who will work uncler the 'D
direction of 14(1. If. V. Etrielc land, of ; o
the 1Iya141-elec1r1e Commission,:
by whom the voltune was written.
Such subjects 118'0191111 13)139, wive-, 0
less telegraphy and r ...•etrie 1'4411- a
vays are covered, besides matters t
affecting the household:r and 81114 '1 g
power user. 0
Mrs, John Moffat accompanied"by
her sister Klee May Carrephell iof
Clinton Went to Detroit on Satur-
day Morning Last to vlSit their
bre they George who Was Ili in
(l•eace liloopitol Detroit. Mr. John
Baird and 141r. Geo. ;Baird of De:.:
traft wore visiting relatives here
a tewl .days, this week.
On Friday Mothing the infant
daughter of Mr. John MeCowan,
9dc0neession, Stanley, passed
way after two days' illness iv
pneumonia The child. was only
• ,
• '' • • -1 • • - ,
.IO77J .A'S OF
Tho infant child of LeOnard 1438
Connell is 1 -cry ill with whoopin
111re. E. Pappil who is ill 4-vit
plurisy is recovering,
P310' e lare as _Mission Ea lad wit
re -open on Satin day ttetemen.
Fe. L/'11';' is 11051' alrnoel. corripletrr
sJdeI Mr, Thomas Runde]. who 1108allthe 140040 or John swam
ith pasOecl atvay 00 Sunas'Y last verS
44- suddenly, iNlet arising at the us. -
nal time, when the housiarioic
.• 6 elueght kiWake hiln it WiLS f01111C1
. Ocx
rner rnentlis. arepleatiod leU
- hear this anciwe hope foe 0 large
g. attendance.
tfr, and 11.1ro. Arthur Knox :have
11 returned form the V11.8 1. and intim ci
upending a few menthe Wftli his
I pare e te.1 •
r. am. Plumb lee has s•o I d his
farm and intenasmoving to Lon-
- cton thia week 1vith hie etep-sen.
1 The Induction of Rev. John Reid
will be heid in Knox church, Doe-
desbdro on, 111c: afternoon of Wed-
' nesclay, May 7the
t Sunday, May Ith, tor the sum
", •
, weeks' el.cl, 'and : was not able
j withstand the attack • The' funei
took piciee on Satairdar, to 'Bair(
Ceinetery, • : ':.• • .• -. '•
The, death- i4.1 George Campbell
• Death Ss no: • resp.entor. of ..perso
I but :visit with equal toot the -pi
Iace -and the hevel;•.the-yeung if
oldand .the"middle aged.. I& ba
.oria week 110, - r•ecord, the • dceah
! George • Campbe I I - . the • Young e
1 son of the. .late.•Petet'Camp bell
the 3rd cooces'Olon of the town
i ship' of Stanley at the eartey ag
Of ..32 years, Re was a. young nut
of good:ability and hada fair edt
cation. He taught school for som
, time in, Huren. He e•ceave up teadh
I hag and' went to. Beinuenton A lber
to, where he • was empleyrd as •
book-keeper. Three 'years ago la
• married Mee E111111a Schnell of Ha
township, and returned to Eartion
ban his adopfted home, Not bein
' in robust. health he came east a
bout the 0113 of last year to see
medical aid.' Fot over two month
he was under the 014 412 and (treat
meat of • Dr. Hagerty of Detroit
He seemed to 'be improving -andel
the Doctor's treatment bta on
Thursday 24th. April he was taken
seriously ill and was reit-1619d to
• Grace Llelspital Here in spate of
every • care and •attention, he died
on Saturday•afternoon April 231h.
He bore his sickness with ger alt
resignation and cheerfulness, and
was attended through it all by his
devoted wife who naver left him,
The remains were bronglat to
Clinton on Monday to the home of
his mother, The -funeral on Tues-
day was attended by a large num-
ber of sympathizing friends and
relations. who showed their rrspect
for the deceased by following the
remains to Inc place of interment
in Baird's cemetery. The funeral
services were conducted by nevell,
Woods of Brueefield assisted by
Rev, D.K. Grant 01.Clinton and
Rev. S. C'arriere, of Grand Bend.
The paltbearers W0110. John Pah•cl
and c1e.o. Baied, of Detroit, T. in.
Baird. Cr. T. Baird, Jas. Thomson
and Hugh Gilmour ail cousins of
he doceased, lle leaves behind
tim his widow, his mother, two
rothers and three sisters to 010 -urn
he loss 01 a loved rotative. Among
hose who attended the funeral
.110111 rt diettlInf• WO:'0. jam Baird,
leo, Laird and Mrs. Kaihfielsch. ir
etroit ; Bev. Mr. Corriere ana ivife
f Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs. J.
ehnell, of 2lurieri; Mr. C. SI (13k of
111Is Green: Mr. E. Stela( and wife
1 'Ha) ; and Mr. Hugh tic,Diarmid
nd wife of Seaforth. The floral
ribates were 21 11 11-111r0I1S and ele-
ant. The Ladies Sewing Circle of
Qtro it, gave a pilkaw 4 -Mr, end Mro
albfleiseh, of :Detroit, a basket
l'as. Marg•aret Smith, of Detroit, a
r•ay ; The Baird family 01 Detroit
14 anchor and cross 000)110 081. MI.'S,
meet an.cl Mrs. Johnson ef Clin-
on a spray ; An's, Moffat and Mrs,
hos. Campbell a spray.
to taut• Ile was gone. 6inee thadeath
yeare .8 1 1
'al of 1111 wife in Egreond vil I e some LoiltteSber o
gi , las resided et the
heme of Mr. Swann, He wee buried
„-' in ,Ta:rd'S cemetery en Monday
ns 0110800034,- Was' in his 711th year.
On Wedn.es day, May 1, t Tr c y
1 teri Ch =eh C1110i 1' int en do no I
81 -
'Er ing asocial tor the purpose 01
of raising money to bay books for 'the •
91 Choir. There' will be a 10110180n
0. sVrved, after which the choir w.11
s- give crong concert.
Mrs, Strong who has been very
11 ill is slowly improving. •
\- \'e may now record the death of
a Mr. IVainwright -which oceured on
y Mr. \S ainwright was bo,'n in ii.e-
e Tues.clay- .of last week. The late
- lancl but emigre ed lo this village
g W11011 quite young and lived most
of his entire life of nimity years
r in this place and was considered
one of the earliest settlere. The
- late gentleman Leaves a small for-
, tune of about $10,000, but the heir j
is not yet 10ade known by the ad-
miniNtlators who prove to be Mr. /
John MeNaughton, of Brucefiela
road, and Mr. Naftel, of Goderich
road. The body was interred in r,
this cemetery on Thursday last.
For Sale -A car load of No, 1 cedar
posts at Thomas '
' foe Sale - 4200 hunches of
XXX 13.0, Red Oeclar at $1,, and 801
bunches of XxXXX Ad-
ams, .Londeshove.
Quarto. I y communion servfeca
will tla held next Sunday in char.
of priskar, Rev. Osterhout. All
Rev, Mr. Reid will be inducted:on
Wednesday the 7.th 31)81,, in the
Loodesboro church. It is hoped
there wilt be a large attendance,
Time 214.01.
James Hill /est a fine COW 'Ellie
Seeding will soon be over.
There will be a lot of. sugar beets
grown near here as 1200 lbs of seed
are ton hand. for distribution.
Dont 10188 hearing the 'service of
song and story 311.11.10 Alethoclist
church oext Sunday evening, A,
ordeal wielcome to all.
Mr. and Mrs. Mosee Brown, and
}tree children spent Sunday with
It, and Mrs. 'el -latish*. •
Mrs. J.0. Lonsberry has gone on
visit 10 1)01 parents along with
er sister who -was with her for
Rev Mr. Thyne supplied the
Pnesibeeterian pulpit las c Sunday,
'ancl wilt next Sunday, it being his
Cla'llsat:ton 011 this glorious First of
We extend congratulations to
William Riley is still sick but
Sports •
t Mitchell will celebrate on the Porter's Mil
The INlitehell nowtors organizrd
on Tuesday evening last with the.
following result ;-Ilonoi ary Presi-
dent, S.A. 'Hodge; President, Dr,
14IcGill , Vice J. A. MacDonald, Sea-
nces., M. Durkin; Managing com-
mittee will be the Executive and
Messrs. C.)ole and Elliott. Mr, F. A,
Mann was appointed delegate to
the Western .1l0wl;:1'e Association
which meets in London May encl.
Reception committee, Messrs, F.
Hord, Shafer, and Iturritt.
j Mrs, hamunson, or Toronto, spent
few daye withher friend Mrs.
Charles McPhail.
Mrs. Lewis atToronte. is visiting
at Ha I 1 Rout tedig .
Miss Ruby Politer left last week
for London where she wilt spend a
week and then go on Curriers
where she intends "spending ithe
I Miss Nellie McDonald, of London
attended the funeral of her uncle
Mr. James McDonald.
Miss Elide Lobb and sister Olby
visited friends in the neighborhood
/ast week.
Local News
1st pf May:
Looat Option in (Clinton. 1
P140141 Fishing commences.
The tountain of the "midway" is
not open forbusiness. •
James McDonald had the misfort
une to colt his foot with an axe the
other day which will render him
unable to work for some time.
John Plain who has been laid up
with rheumatism is able to be up
May Lindsay who has been sick
with lever is iniproving:
Mrs, John Cox is not improving
very Past.
e are pleased to -hear .that Mr
Joseph McIntosh has added five
acres 101010 to his 200 aere farm.
jhn oShanahan sold. one of
his best horses last week for the
sum of $350..
The following is the report of
promotion ex aminajti un 01 0. S. No,
5.-F"m roJi'.4 to Sr. 4 -Max 710-
Mary jamieson 428; from Sr. 3 to
Jr. 4 -Ma, 725, Fred McCool 420;
Margery MeCool 410. Nettie Wood-
man 303; feom Jr3-M
ax. 3 to Sr. 3 -ax. 1
635 -Flossie Gibbings 447 Annie
Waymouth 413, Alice \redden 341,
Grace Vedden 327; from Sr. 2 to Jr, I
3, fax. 4415-010011(1 Woodman 512; I
them jr. 2 to sr. 2,11)110. 620- !Rose
Gorbutt 420, Percy Gibl g 405.
Delmer Snell 365, Artbur Way -
mouth 339; from pit. 2 to Jr. 2 -Well
11191011 McCord and Harold Adams.
Miss Myrtle Philips was !aid hp
with the grippelast week and. 1)1»8014001 wets closed.
Miss Keane Waymouth is under
the doctors care Inc 01811' week -s.
Mrs. 1130)4107(1 Carter spent this
week 131 ,.g
s the ueet of }KT daughterMrs. Mrs. Herbert -Oaks.
'Mrs, Btaithwaite ie spending
1010011111 with her daughter 25115,
Alfred Quintile. '1!Itych: Park.
Miss Esther SI-ales11345"returned
to Clinton after spending fl f ew
weeks at her home,
Hari o e k
No 18001) Shepherd spent a
very pleasant da:v in Clinton ',last
week, among his numerous friends
Alr. Leonard AlcNall is engarg•ed
'14)1 "Mr, James 1,0114(1 for one,
1)10)1111 m W
to assist hiith the spring
15 01 .
3rns' Sunday School 184)1 reopen
ShOWS 4020e slight imprrr
Mrs. 1V-aters, of London, is home
011.11 her paeents this week.
officers. of the Epworth La-
gue for the ensuing' year are as
Hon. Pres.. The rastor,
t, Alice ell,
1st N' WC, Mabel 1 ruble».
2nd Vice, Minnie Lyon.
3rd Vice., Maud Lyon.
4111 Vice, 33'. 11. Lynn..
5411 Vice, Annie Bra'thwaite
,',4feeretary. 11305811' Moon.
'Treasurer, Derwin Carter.
Organist, Elsie. Malay.
‘ssiaitant organist, Lilly Drum-
reporter, Lilly Lee.
Ushers, Neiman Bunking and
rt Hunk AD g
Births, Marriages & Deaths
Innes. --In Stanley township, on
Wedneeday April 21, to Mr. and
Mrs. Innes, a daughter,
Lawson. -In Clinton. on Satur-
day, April loth, 10)2111'. and Mrs,
Arthur Lawsona daughter.'
McDonald. -At :Porter's Hill, on
Friday, April 25th. James McDon-
ald in his 70th y•ear.
,IcOowan.-In Stanley on April
25th, A lice Maud, infant daughter
of John McCowan,aged 5 weeks and
As Seen From the Gallery
ECHOES FROM QUEEN'S PARK. *0•000tre•••••
(Special to the New 'Era)
Rere are seven facts in connect- the Government ; that Mr. Hanna
ion with the charges made by MI- had expressed his sorrow that he
I am Prondfoot, Member for Cen- lead alone so since he knew it was
, l.ilon , 11,a., g 1 n sit:Fron.ar li/T'ame js, against the rules of the Govern
Hanna regarcting the settlement of 3. Loth the Chairman of the
the Tay/or-Scott claim against the Public Accounts Committee and the
..ent, Since the ease is Prime Minister .told Mr, :Prorlfoet
Committee on Privileges and ..E1- fere the Horne
now being i•rivestigated before the if he had charges to lay them be-
. N.. unfair: to say . 4. When Alt. Prondfoot finally
anything about 'the guilt: or inne- did so the Very poo•ple who had
eenee of the accuse.d. ' These Daven Mk Let t he charges be ha.,ought
to the Rouse," - weed inelignant•
when the .accusztiOns were, r ea I ly
facte however are not mere state-
virispiammofflamoionmenimum'ameisa. Ments but are facts based on the
uf Aim= -To Please ,
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back ill,
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To Use Our Furniture is t) prove 'that it is as good as it t I
looks, and that is saying a whole lot.
substoihtlal Furniture can be bought here at. money,
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable.
actnal events in the Legislature.
After the Investigation is all 01,01'
the general public; will he the .real
• jury to cileeide (intim m•erits of the
case and givethe fiuttl•verdict ;-
1. :Mr. Proudfoot Made every ef-
fort (to Investigate the Govern'
merit's connection with the Tay] 0 r
Scott settlement in the PUblie Ac-
counts Committee. Here, however,
he wile blocked at every tern by
the 00118$1211tive majority. The
essential questions he asked
Atkinson & Du rd
and funeral DirectOrs -phone 104
WHIT AND SIIND&V CALLS-Phene No, 127 or Phone 16
01-1APMEAN- 7s
• 'Travelling
We have just received a new
and complete stock of Trunks,
Suit Cases and Club Bags of all
We will be glad to show you
what we have in this line at any
5. lila% !Proudfoot asked in at the,
charges be investigated by a Royal
Commisision directed by two jud-
ges of the Supreme Court of Ontar
io, to be appointed by the Govern-
ment. This is what was done in
the Ciamey • charges in 1b01. Sir
James, however, and his followers
voted down this.] roposal and hand
mittee of Privi I e e•s and El ec ti on s
ed the enquiry r ver to the, Com-
las• Mr were declared irrelevant, • .b .
• composed 01 20 Conser vatives and 1
and the ConneAtee went 80 far as Li erals,
to have these •encoiries togethier O. A large part of the jury chos-
with the discussion on them ex- en to decide the daze -that is the
p ringed from. 1)0 Tee° v0.8 • Censer Yield Ve m embers On t 11 e. Com -
2. Sir james Whitney after the inettee-cheered wildly for the two
deadloc lc in the Pub! ic Ace° ants men whowe•r et o lie th e..clefien dents
Committee, go ve oat a statement in 113 the ease.
the Legiejlature on, Monday, .April
T. Both. Sir James '1,Vhilitney and
21e t, in' which he achuPtted that Hon. W. J. Hanna, the defendants,
Ham W. J. Hanna . had taken a themselves voted on the. divisicin
campaign eontribut ion from the that decided to 1018) the. charges
Taylor Scott Company during the to la committee instead of .ft Royal
lifetime 01 1)118 limes contract with Commission. • .
The ways of a watch are past
finding out, Dont try. If your
watch is lazy and won't run, let us
repair it for you. "
Ten to one you neglected it---.1et it
get dirty, Or it otops from lack of
oil. Whatever is the reason, dont
Delay mists money and often
spoils the:watch.
We give thorough examination
and regulating free, anything more
costs as little as satisfactory work
can be done for,
J Gr lag
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer oi Marriage licenses
5 days.
Ruball.-In Clinton on Saterday
April 231h. Frederick
1 • fa.
Cainpbell.-In Detroit, cm Satur-
day, .April 26th, Cleorge M. Camp-
bell, aged. 31•years, formerly of
Stanley township.
Grcialis.--In Clinton, on Monday,
April 28111, Omen Grealig, in his
82nd 7(8113',
Our showing of Wash Dresses this year is larger
and prettier then we have ever shown before, Dainty
little Dresses in Prints., Ginghams, Charribrays, Ducks
and Linens, and in all sizes from 2 years to 14 years
ancl wonderfully low priced at from 25c to $2
See our Middies at $r.23.
Ladies White Waists and
We have a beautiful assortment of Ladies Waists
in lawns, embryiderw, pique, linen, etc, ranging in
price from 50c to $3.00• A
Ses our special line at $1.ao
Also some extra values in
Ladies' and Children's Underskirts, Cow
Corset Covers, Drawers'Princess Slips,
and Combinations.
umsteel ros
, „
• • I arausionsoiroasioraragsmemismanaszavareaceezammwatmsezcanarattas
Rev. D. K. Grant and Rev. Robert
Martin, of Stratford, 1831) exchange
pulpits next SundM
ay. r. Martin is
one of the leading ministers in the
Synod of Hamilton, has 0 fine voice
Iand 28 4111 effective speaker. He is
pastor of Knox church, Stratford,
which has a membership of 1,200--
one of the large churches of Ont-
The League on Monday night was
under the direcitlon of tire Plies-
ionary committee. It has been ar-
ranged Ler the rest of the year to
take up the different nationalities.
The first pf these seeles was given
this week. The preglam was as
follows ;-Bible Lesson, Mr. Little-
w,00ti, rtailings by 'Misses Stevens
and Cenirtice andlltr, Eimer Dea-
con) on JOWiS111; JoWiSh song by
Miss P. Allin Eva Caa•ter, Helen •
Ross ana Marion 4.1ibb1311g5; and a 0-
rectiation. by Olive Cole. •
, •
5flAtinual Excur5iou
Nerd to Detroit
and Return
Dig Steel Steamer GRP/MOUND
will leave. Soderich 304)5 10111, 9 30 a,n
Arrive Deti•oh, June 10th. 5.80 p.m
Returning leave Dereit, June I2th
1.00 p.m.
Tickets $1,511 Hound Trip
Ivor particulars see small bills or write
E. 11, AVEh, Excursion Agent, Detroit, Mich.
• •
• .
• •
On Sunday morning last the Pas-
tor, Rev. tit'. A I an, pa. cached on
the parable of "The Sower" anci 111
the hiverang 4m "Gods presence.
with Moses '.
Coinmunion service on Sunda
morning 114101.
The district W S. C' • ' A
will be herd .17). 0115 Cfl111r0-0 071 Wel•
-nestlay of next week with a pub
lic meeting in the tvening.
We are sole agents for
made in Walkerville Ont. -We guarantee roc for
for every button that comes off, and 23c for
for every rip.
For every six pockets cut irom worn garments
• we will give you one pair of Overalls or
• Smock Free.
Get in the habit of saving your pockets
'Rev. J. R. Ford preached 11 spec- •
let sermon to the (.1inlon Lodge of •
Odd Fellows on Sunday morning. • :
About 00 members were present. •
The choir rendered an excelleet
Inthere and uertette col
of Mrs, 'East Miss vene. Misers. •
Moffatt and East sang "There is a •
e •
. •
Green Field Thar Away.'"
Next Stut day Sacrament will b
dispensed nt the morning service
.ouch, Principal of the
kr. C. D. p •
Tozer r
Also by the Walkerville Pant and Overall Co.
• Walkerville, Ont.
.1 obit° School, gore an address on •
,(0,,, 11)09.1A „eeeption, 101, new •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••eme•ooseee•e•o•ore••••
members w:as also held.
Throughout this archdeaner!,
next Sunday is' ko be observed as
Missionary Sunday in every parish
In the morning Rev, Mr, Norwood
j of Memorial Church, London, WM
/ p(each, and in the evening Rev. S.
S. Hardie of London. Rev. Mr
jeakans will preach in London.
The following item refers to the,
work of former pastor of Ontar-
io St. Church, Rev. W. 9, Here,. of
Wel land ;--Interesitipg reee'pt)on
services were held In the Methodist
Church bn Sundaymorning when
over forty new members 'were re-
ceived into. the church. Another
reception will be hold' on Sunday,
4th May, when it is expected that
a great many more will join,
• Strattord Beacon ;-The choir of
the. Cougregaltiona I. Church under
Mr. S. Murch, repeated the cantata,
"Cnoss and Crownrlast night.
The choir, augmented for, the 00',
01)8300, sang well, and there WaS a
large attendance.
Elouse phone 12. Office phone 40
May he left at R. Rowland's
Hardware stnre, or at the
office in II, Wittse's grocery
We have in stock --
Early Cobblers,
Early Ditichigan,
Early Everett
Carman No. 1, late
Crreen Mountain, late
Deleware, late
American Wonder,
medinm early
All our stock is grown and climatized
to one own land, call and examine for
yourself, or phone No. 0,
STEEP & CO., Clinton
Manitoba 11 lour $ 2.70 per 100 lb
Family Flom.... 2,50
Pastry Fleur 2 50
Graham F 1 ouv 2.50
Breakfast Food 8 00
Shorts 1.25
Bran , 1.15
Feed Wheat ...........75 per bush
Western. Oats .45
1i lour exchanged for wheat, to farm-
ers, A. cav of good Feed Wheat on
'hand. Leave your orders at the mill
office. •Orders delivered to any part of
the town.
Are You Looking for New and Up-to=date Footwear ?
We are prepared to show you the latest c.lesigns lor this season, with a variety of styles that is worth a few moments of your time
to examine. We invite you to call and see them for yourself.
Our Stock
at manufacturers rices to clear them out,
To suit all your tastes anid purses.
We have stll in stock a number of pairs of the stock of Jas. Twitchell 8z Son which we are offering
Covers the wide range of style now shown in Pumps, Oxfords, and Boots, in all the different leathers and colors
Successor to Jas. Twitchell & SEOlti
1a 4 F. ildOWN •
osteopathic Physician.
Is opening A. branch office at Clinton
at the Rotel Normandie, on Tuesday.
from 7 p, until 10 80
In the Matter of the Estate of
Martha Alien, Deceased
Notice is hereby given purtsuant
to Sec. 36 of the TrusteeAct
that all persona having ,claims
against the estate of the said de-, •
ceased whd died on or aboug the
twenty-first 'clay in March. .1.91.3
are required to send by post pre-,
paid tone undersigned Executor
or his Solicitor on or before the
twentieth day 01 341149, 1933. their
names and addre,s.ses wiith full par-
tieulars in writing of their claims,
and statement of their aceoulnits
and the nature of the secuulties
(if any3 held by -them, duly verilied
by Statutory cleclarfation.
And Take notice that after the
F,aid twentieth day 03 May 1011,
the Executor Will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said estate
among 31110 parties entitled thereito,
having regaad only to the claims
of whichl he shall then have notice
and that the Afid Executor will
not be liable for said assets or any
part thereof, to any person or per-
sons of whose claim natice shall
not have been received by him or
his said Solicitor the time 01 330111
Dated the 21st day 'of April, 1913.
03 l)'1113 Johnson
Clinton, Ont.
W. Erytione, Clinton, Ont.
his Solicitor.
It Will Pay
To W4,tch Our