HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-04-24, Page 8Fawn and Black alf Pr: in all., Three=quarter Length For quick selling Fridayand Saturday we are 1ayin, out ,15 Ladies Spring Coats in lain fawn, fawn whipcord, and black.Well made, good fitters. A splen- did coat or knock -about wear during the summer and earl\' fall. Regular $5.00 to $12.00. Friday and Saturday your choice at HALF PRICt.'I� e Another Shipment of Rugs this Week Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton, Axminster This week we passed into stock another shipment of Thirty-eight New Spring Rugs, including the odd sizes such as 2'x3, 2'x32, 31.x4 ', 4x5, 3'x4 and 4X4 , in Tapestry, Brus- sels, Wiltons, and Velvets. We are now in a position to show the largest range of Rugs ever shown in Clinton — If you have a Rug want come and see this display. Price S run from $6.7i to $45.00 fix..}`ji` S '..st Ladies, Misses and Children's Dresses In Ladies and Misses Dresses we are show- ing a splendid range of Silks, Voiles and. Serges, very prettily trimmed and the last word in style, In Children's Tub Dresses, made of.Ginghams, Prints and Ducks, our stock is complete in all sizes. Space will not permit of a description— come and view the range. Boys and Youth's Clothing Half Price Saturday we are laying out for quick selling 25 Boys Ready made Suits in two and three piece worsteds and tweeds, all good stye a' 1 quality, This is just a cleiring line for Saturday only at Half Price. We're also showing a large range of clothing for boys from 5 to 15 years, at prices that will surprice you, Lace Curtains The v:ilue7 we are showing in Lace Curtains this season are extraordinary, especially in the low and medium priced lines. You will find a large range cf good designs in Nottingham, Cable or Nottingham Nets Ask to see the range Front $l to St per Pair GOES TO LONDESBORO, Alma is about to lose another highly respected citszen inthe per - pen of Rev. John Gray Reid, who. has preached in the Presbyterian church there for four years, hut re- cently decided to accept a call from L.ondeshoro, near Clinton, This call was sustained in Guelph at a special meeting in Chaliner's church • there. NORTH TIT RON LICENS;E COM',MIc IONEPS. On ii elICLIy the Board of r i 'ens,• Commissi:,nere, for NorthHuron met in ht-ingl'a n ,.rd gf licenses t.' four he reit in Wings am and one in Wroxeter but \tithliilcl the licenses Of the. Diflsles ♦'guysa here and the two inFilyth three will be reconsidered at thee' next meeting. May 9th. The hoar'( consists of Mr. M. Lockhart chair - SPECIALS FOR ALL NEXT WEEK Spring Needs of all Kinds Our Stock was never more domplete than now, having all the latest and most up-to-date goods in the market—Spades, Shovels, Garden Rakes, Lawn Rakes, Lawn Mowers, and Poultry Netting. All the new shades in Sherwin-Williams Paint, Campbell's. Varnish Stains, Japalac, Ploorlac, Liquid Veneer, and Fleurpol - the new Furniture Polish. Paint and Varnish Brushes from 5c to $2.50. An elegant variety of Brass Curtain Rods 5c and np, We carry Dusthane in barrels, half barrels, kegs, 350 and 1Oc cans, and in bulk at 5c per pound. l.t pays to feed Dr. Hess Stock Food anti Panafea in the spring,_ Prevent your shingles blowing off by using the improved large head shingle d,ails. We have them. Household Hand Saws. regular 35e for 95c. Hammers. regular 25c for 20c. r 0c for 400 Tack Hammers, 5c, lOc and 15c, - Braes g s re alar a HARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES I roan, 1 non. 1 re1INOR LOCALS. 1 Great weather for housecleaning r Several days •of sunshine ha , tempted the erocusses out, !PURCHASED HOUSE, 1 Mr. 15.Leitch, oofHulle(tt, has pur- ' chased t.he,house and lot owned by the late Mrs. Atkin, and takes pos- session at once. 'We welcome the new comers to town. r." rtr • • • • e; : aaafa awoos.eoeoeeo eeeoesf oeee oeeeo�eeoeooeeefeoo+;•o , AD'tI�ERTISII�(-TSiIiS,• ' LLTNT.UN MARKETS. 0 It•usuallyWorks out: that the ITogs-$0,L0 rices palfle takeij: with the copy P,utlter 23-5.t fila#nation •afttei warch, 1 picot 90. beforehand, the Tess need of ex Jiggs-L7-1s 30 A I?LllAS�i�T'S' 'I'l�Jli;. °:BBarleyats(---45-3.1-a0 :Gast Friday eVern leg e pleasant Pea8-S0-,ii1.00 time was enjoyed by'tbose who , were fat'olod with aninvitartion ITA NT iOIJ GOT•l'HEMb-A LIrS? from "We Six,' ' toga dance siren in The doctor's report ntune sous the town hall. eases ,of measles in town. So yon hal better be careful or maybe you t will betlte next one. Mr. M.' Dane nad Mr. Dur - NEW. EW STORE OPENED. Mr. ti. Wiltse opened up his new .,y, sroe_e1, store this week iinthe store formerly occupied by hitn be- fore his Western trip last year. . The New Era wist,es the prupi•te- for suceet55, After an absence of one year, I am again at the same stand, with the same business. As usual you will find goods of first quality and at right prices. No pains will be spared to give satisfactory service. Call and See Us—You Will not be Asked to Buy. Expected This Week A limiteduantit • of Pare Maple Syxup and Sugar. PHONE 40 , PUBLIC SCHOOL, BOB PALL. 1 witli 4 Friday Apr. 251h. 3 with 2 Tuesday Apr 20h, 2 with 1 Friday May 2nd.. 4with 3Tue=day May 0th 1ODDFELLOWS o-A T CHURCH. Clinton Lodge I.O,O.IWill l c ele- ' brute the 94th enuiversa:ry' of the ,Lodge' in Ameiica'by attending P1- 2 with' 3 Friday May Orth. 'tine service in Wesley Church on 4 witht 1 Tuesday May 13t:h. Sunday morning next; April 27th A full attendance of all members is registered, HURON 00. PRESS: 4 with 2 Friday May 11frLh.• • 3 with' 1 T'uesclay May 20th'.. OUGHT TO DO WELL. •Cliant•on Foot Dalt organization has Harry ]art tiff as President • Dr 3, \>;T, Shaw vice President; and J. Leslie Derr ` ton Managing Com- mittee, al 1. former ,tiruselites and members of winning teams here. With this ti•io on the executive there should be soancthing doing along championship lines • With Clinton 'team. t1.:russeIs .Post) ANNUAL CONVENTION.- • The annual convention of the W. M. S. •of Uode.rieh District n i it' he held in the Ontario street chorea. Clinton, • on \VocluesdaY, May 7. and. the program issued promise a. gathering. ' of vets deet, hitt rest, The subjects ar. most practical and the speakers those whose' know- ledge. and ability will qualify them to. leach in 'the discussions, 'TIS SPRING. There's a stuudg.e in the garchin a smoke In the air; a smell com- bined of burnt leather and hair. There's tgirl on the lawn with a rake inhea handthere's woe and distress all over the and. There's carpets to• beat and rugs to shake ; enough •of such wore:. to male a man quake There's stoves to be moved and carpets to put clown—no wonder a man wants to get out pf town. SWAT THE FLS --DJ IT NOW It isn't a bit too early toLegit:: swatting the fv I Every • t [i' t ]c'd now is egnit ale'ut to k; in mil- lions of them in the summer, A mature fly of April may hear-•„n- cestor of over siti billion f s by the first of September. 7:li of 'all the winter flits would do a.vay with the great work requit- ed in the summer. The got''tt preventive ;tat astu'e for the d'e- struc'tion of the hotrspfly is the ateidanc'e of accunui(alkie, et stable refuse. MARINO 303111 ONE. RESPONSIBLE. An O0tnwa despatch of Monday said : "The Minister el el.1 t... has Host at 1 1t r to th, c In an ders of die i8i,m d.a• - r C5 Brigades fled toglln•n ts, , 1L., eii- nouncing that the department will not accept the exc lsc this yt,tr that the officer in command li,1 not know that' liquor W.V.; , rit'g sold ill amp. It Wn: he GIP busi- ness of the officers to l rie•ere liquor geiSig into camp for :ouch purposes,. The offieora biscuit - mend off traps will be held strictly responsible if the regnlatioos0 against lthe canteen are i1 tl .-n.; A FAIR PRESS A•.; ENT, The: following al,pearrd in the London Free Piess;--Among the first young ('acuulian haste -1e11 players who will apply for 1, mal by the local b ise baa club is en Exeter youth, H. Fabrior. amateur reputation as a sS•c,n,d baseman is very good. 11,, is 1s years old and weighs 100, stand- ing 5 feet 9 inches. This comer is highly reoommemded by Teddy Brown, a pitcher from the • same district, who .was 'tried by the Berlin 'club darting the spring training alt Windsor last year. Brown pitched two games against Dick Tasker last falt and defeat- ed him in both games and during this -series Fahner was the star, hitting away over 600. SAVE THE ROS3INS. Teacher's and parents can accom- plish areal service tone country by instructing the children to spare the robins. The robin and tits nest- lings are perfect gormandizers when it conies to making a meal of hugs caterpillars—the enemies of mankind. The fledgelings eat one The Prices consistent with quality and two-fif(ths tiles their own THE SERVIOE PROMPT weight of worms and insects each THE ST001 FULL LINEday. No wonder men Speak of these little birds as ``worth their -- (• weight in gold.” No bird is more If it's Groceries—We have them welcome in the spring and summer than robin red -breast. Robbing --- the nest breaking the eggs and The Huron County Press Associa- tion will hold a meeting in Clinton on Friday May 9th to discuss mat- ters iof.init•erest to the printers. Mr, John Emrie, Secreta •y of the Canadian Press Association, will be present to address the meeting. WHAT ,ABOUT. LACROSSE. There, is quite a talk about tntvn. that a good lacrosse team • could lir got (together in Clinton for the C.L.A. and could be placed in a. good group. Several of the old timers have consented to turn out if a start is made and a meeting- tvitl Likely be called shortly tade- •ide what will be done. With foot- ball, baseball and lacrosse, Clin- ton should .have a busy summer', C. IP. A. ON JUNE 3 AND 4. What will most assuredly be 11, largest • gathering • of netvsl,)i•l 1 publishers ever held in Caned, wi'l Meet in Toronto • on June 3 and 4 as the 55Th annual convention of Canadian Press Association. About 225 nnembers attended the I is annual Meeting, hole( at Ottawa. but it expected the Ott nd.uic-' this year's 'meeting will greatly exceed that number. Atha 'e -day excursion to the mining ca nits of Cobalt, South Porcupine and Tim- mins, and Algonquin Park, will be held a-. the el -At; of the convention, T ackies may he 'in elluded in the ex- cursion party. Although the mem- bership of the C'anaclia.n Press As- sociation tion is 110W more than double what it was when the central office was established eighteen months ago. it has been d' -,tided in mike. 'very special effoet togroli13' M- atas,'? the next annur.i meeting. PIPE THE 'HIMAN. Who comes to look after your roof, chimney top, cornice, leaders, nutters, etc. 11 he loiters in his work, seems not to dare a hang, he doesn't belong to us, When We Do Tinning We do it promptly and do it as if the the house we were working on were our own, Want some of that kind of tinning done now ? Tho.lawk ns Plumbing and )Heating (Phone 53) The Corner Store Line and lei Our Nt;w Suring Seeds All Fresh 1'I3E QUALITY Live Arriving RIGAT killing the young birds make cruel Highest Market Price for Butter and sport and cause us all to suffer from a'lacic of economic wisdom 1that permits heartless destruction of our songster friends of the thrush family. MINOR LOCALS. The two auction sales on Satur- day drew good crowds. Are you gotang tothe Picture House these evnsings? • April will sioon be over. One week from today is May 1sit. 'Read the letter to the citizens from the, Reatith Officers on page 3. Good morning flare you i ecei\-- ed a half a dozen seed, catalogues; Now that the : assessor is on' his 00unds it isia wise dog that knows enough' to keep under ;the barn. Don't putt away your winter wraps yet. It might be cold again, asmall snow storml as b:SOturday. Husbands should immediately develop a serious kink m the back as the carpet boating season draatc eth nigh. The debentures issued by the town 'for' the taking over of the electric light plant and the install- ing ofhydro-electric were sold ons Friday last to Spitzer, Rorick & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, at 91. The amount is $25,000, the (term twenty-five years and the rafte five per cent. Eggs. A CALL SOLICITED E.E. Hu'tiniford. Highest Gude Bread Conners oine=made tread c, r • sc enn er s Homo m to Bread is quality through and through. h. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlooked, so you/know what you are getting when you order this Good Bread. CHAS, CONNER Baker and Confectioner azzirourriCosurrrad W. aliflan title can't very well talk to you here about the first two, but we can about the third —your Hone. No matter what `Mixing." No matter what •embellishments. Na matter what expense you have gone to in furnishing your home, its good appearance is largely controlled by the Wall Hang- ings; the make or mar the harmony of the whole. Our spring stock is now almost complete, and our designs almost sure to suit your taste; and our prices, your de- sire for economy. e iii Often the cheapest -Always the Best MINOR LOCALS. Stannpecl eggs for market shol,1;1 soon come into general n8r- Maple syrup vias 1!1) u11115111; sterile but "sweet u'3p this seas te. Isn't it about time the fruit pro- phets: were handing i1, ,their r - Well 5? Lawn -bale ling n i soon lee in evidence again. It beats all how the seasons chase each other. Now is the time to roil your .'a,vns and to sot; i r';'s-n. e.! cell• re - ever they show signs of 1 aldi,ess. Dust 19 now flying where snow was flying just sit Weeks ago. Its a great country, this Canada of ours, w'llere the weather changes oftener than the styles. s s r • CLINTON SCHOOL REPORT• • „ • _ •1.I Div. 1 standing of pupils on the terms work to Easter.—Eleanor 1 Kemp, iia L Evans 83.1 Cole, 12; N, Kennedy. 82 ; L. N,'diger, s2 • I V. Cook. 11; M. El hot t, 11: M. ` Chiclley, 7c ; L. Morrish. 70 ; I Holmes. 7n; L. Lan;•ford.7- 31., Mel:lath, 77: J. W'atkinh, 77 0. 1 Johnston, 70 : D.11'ttten1`ul'y, '74 , 31. Schoenhals, ,•f M. Draper, 74; Fred Lawrence. 74 ; K. Dowser "4 • D. Stephenson 4; Hill, 73; M. 'Moore Te 1'. (`Mott n, 71 1T \\"alien', 71 ; N. Watkins. 71 ; I ates,'70 P. Ladd, 70; J \\vac, E. Mac- Kenzie, s; 11 Mann' -an. 07; G. Alf am. 66 \\.i locker.) 0:Turner, 112 \','nwcb,61; 'i._\i ar•tiney,54; Httie t 1015. 10 ! ti, -11 Judd 4$; 1. Tynda:,. -t ; 11 \1 e!, one. 20. C, D. tents ., 'principal. S. anitary C'ai'rn„ and Pressing' Parlors Altering and Repairing Neatly Done. Expert French Dry Cleaners Prices Moderate Satisfaction Guaranteed Goods Galled for and Delivered Stand—.t..1. Holloway's Tailor Shop. C. JOHNSTON AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ywwwwwyvvyyvyvvvvvvyv { The l?axnla>zl-fillies Garage and Sales Co. ol (Vinton, Ont. Make the following announcement :— We wish to call your attention to the different lines handled by our Garage AUTOMOBILES. MOTOR CYCLES GASOLINE ENGINES. We also carry a full line of accessories; including— Dry Batteries, Spark Pings, Ilaglletos Polls, Tires, gasoline, c Oils, Linseed Soap, Greases, and everything found in an up-to-date Garage Ail Kinds ol Repairing. and Overhauling Our Specialty. 4. W C•II• +. + e •+ • 9 re ea Ready with the finest line of SHOES POND OXFORDS for everybody that it has been our pleasure to show. Ready to Serve ' You Carefully and Satis- factorily, Ready with the best values in town ek1g to Snow t • FRED JACKSON'S to :F :if •L ::it + lit •M114:444.4-4.1•�3t+++++++1•++++