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The Clinton New Era, 1913-04-24, Page 6
• Are yOu one of tleeze to Vi -,)111 .every meal is another teatime cf softering ? • Dia -Dna -Co DyseneepaiaTa.1:31e1.33 will help your disordered stele -inch tc digest any reasonable meele, and will .saon restore it to such perfect con- • dition that you'll never fool that yen 16nve a stomach. Take one after each meal. 50c. n Dax nt yoor Druggist's. Made ley ilia Malin:nil Drog and Chemical Co. of Caras.e., Limited. 15'; " GRI 1 110ATS STLIIT 'a'HOUGHT FILM AWFUL. , -- 'Quebec Censors Prohibited' "Movie" Passed I n Ontario. MONTREAL, April 21. -After being rc.iiihited for over a month in Mont- Ateal moving picture theatree the dra- Iana Satan," Which bears the stamp a approval of the Ontario Board of Censors, has been condemned in toto ' by the newly -appointed board of cen- sors for this province. The film, , - some three thousand .feet in length, i , depicts a continual triumph of evil over good, one scene depicting the crucifixion, the terrible scenes of the passion being plainly shown. The picture was described by C. Maxwell Sinn, a member cor the board; as one of the most degrading and sac- rilegious spectacles ever offered for 1 public entertainment. LIBERALS GAINING. Latest Reports From Albarta Show Victories For Sifton. Huge Convoy of Vessels Hes Been in Port Arthur. CALGARY, April 21. -Last reports . indicate that 30 Liberals and 15 Con- servatives have been elected in Al- berta. According to despatches re, calved Saturday three seats - Clear- water, Pembina and Sturgeon -- nre still in doubt. ' Liberals claim that there is a pos- sibility of Hon. C. R. Mitchell being elected in Medicine Hat, Nelson Spencer, Conservative candidate, now has a mAjOrity of 107, with 14 outlying polls to he heard from. /-------- -- SOLVED STOPACE PROBLEM Sixty •,Big, 'Freighter's Ccimrnence the Spring Processtem Down the L.ekes with Wheat Which They Kept In Their Hollis All Winter, Thus Relieving Crowded Elovators- . Picturemin Record Scene. 71 -ea ae •ClotlITON X W BEA rr ir TillIrSdAYa ....tea marrows _/srrerueet•er'".*..'"'"'"'"'""''"---'r TARIFF, BILL ACCEPTED. Onde,r,w660,s,.Me*ureUndergoes Few, •Charigee,,. he- CD1.1C-1.1$ . WASHINGTON, Apfil. p eni o re t ic tariff reyision hill, W Ith ode sweeping • redoctimis, a lengthy 1110 liet,augumeoted Satorday by ' the "Ways rind means committee and its income itaxis now reedy for de - bete ip the House of Repreeentativee. Approved late Sntrirday• by tile Denmeratia entices 10 ameeded 10 Iwo weeks" discossien and by the 00001(i1- t0e in Minor fentmes, the bill will he reintrodneed Monday by niejoeity Leader Underwood.' It -will be eepott- ed favorably by the majority of the ways end means . committee Tuesday and called up for &bete Wedneedrae Chairman Underwood predicted ell Saturday 'night that the hill would be paeeed in the House by May 15. The bid as approved by Preeidalel Wilson came through the callous un - seethed. The principalchanges made in the bill were: Shoe machinery, ,hoolc• wheat, rye, rabbit fnr phoephorie acid transferred from dutitahle to the free list; onyx recheeed froin 65 to 50 cents n enbic foot. to put it en the same basis as marble, diamonde, ;un- cut, are unchanged, hut ent diamonds increased from 15 to 20 1).0.; ceetor oil reduced from 15 to 12 p.c., cod, seal and herring oil redueed from 5 to 3 pee cent.; sperm oil increased from 5 to 8 per ceet.; vanilla beans reduced from 50 to 30 cents 11 pound; salts and other compounds" and mix - hires of which bismuth. gold, plati- num, rbodinm, eilver, tin and uran- ium constitute the chief value cut from 15 to 10 per cent. U. S. Industries Threatened. BUFFALO. April 21.-1: 0 Chember of Commerce has decided to call a mass meeting, at which a delegation will be selected and eent to Washing- ton to protest against some features of the tariff bill. Both the rnulling and the meat packing industries of tille state are threatened, it is said, in a resolution adopted by the board of directors. PORT ARTHUR,: April 21e -There passed threuga Thunder Bay eastward henna, from Port Arthurand her twin city. of Fort on 8aturday, sixty great lake freightere, laden With approximately 12,250,060 imeh els' of ,wheat, oats, flax and. barley, being the vast fleet, which • has been lying in the Twin City, harbors during the peat winter, and 'which the opening of navigation has set free:. This gigantic fleet placed stein to stero, would form ia line of - ships over four miles elong, but exended aa they were, they formed a procession of vastly greatly length, nod presented the grandest view of a commercial fleet ever beheld an inland waters, il- lustrating as it did the great develop- ment of western Canada, and of these 'twin poets as the greatest interior shipping centre of the Dominion. Early last fall when it was realized that the elevator etorege capacity at the head of Canadian navigation was going to be inadequate for the enor- mous amount of grain which would be sent forward for storage during the winter months, the owners of vessels were asked by the Canadian Govern- ment to send their ships tolie up at these horbars and load grain when re - (mired during -the winter, thus reliev- ing the congestion atthe elevators. The sixty large freighters at the docks of the Win port of Port Arthur and Fort William, was the vessel owners' answer to this request. Their neces- sity and the wisdom of the Govern- ment in requesting their Presence, was realized Saturday when, notwithstand- ing the enormous amount of grain which these Vessels contain, the pres- ent vast grain eterage ,capacity• of these ports is utilized to the • utniest- ovee 30,000,000 bushels , of • grain being in storage here, which, coupled with the 'cargoesof the vessels departing on'Saturday make approximately 42,- 000,000 bushels of grnin received and etored. at Port Arthur and. Fort Wil- 1iam, since nayigation closed on December 15. • In -order to handle the great in - 'crease of shipments, vast additions are. being merle to the lora] elevator capacity, which in the latter part of 1911 was 25,000 bushels, but to -day nennunte, inelnding elevators under construction to 42,030.000, and, in order to keep pm, NVi1.11 the sateen- doue increaSe of 10111 grain ship- ments, shipmente whicd; in. 1511 amnia -lilted to 95,000,00r la:elude, but in 1513 to 135,0n0,000, tide areat ac- tivity in eleveter vonetruction will have to be kept on indeneitelv, for this year's shinineete meertise to ex- ceed the 200,000.000 marla -A faithful historic; rocord 11 (011(1 procured by WO 11IoA eelehraied m 0- ing picture companies ,ef the world. lEff TO CONSUMPTION 1 THERE ARE MORE DEATHS From PHEU ©NM Than Any Other Lung Trouble, Pneumonia as nothing more or less than what used to be called "Inflammation of the Lungs." Consumption may be contracted from others, but as a rule pneumonia is caused key exposure to cold and wet, and if the mold is not attended to immediately sex'. 4333as results are liable to follow. There is only one way to prevent pneumonia and that is to cure the cold on He first appearance. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will do this for you if you will only take it in time. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup con- tains all the essence and lung healing Dowers of the famous Norway Pine tree. Mr. Hugh McLeod, Esterhazy, Sask., les: -"My little boy tock a very nevere cold, and it developed into pneu- monia. The doctor said he could not five. 1 got some of your Dr. Wood's riiierway Pine Syrup, and he began to improve. Now he is a strong healthy thild, and shows no sign or it ever coming back." The price of this remedy is -25 and 50 (mate per bottle. It is put tip in a yellow 'wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark, a -ad le manufactured only by The T. nilbura Co., Limit d, Toronto, Ont. DANDIT PAI30:11ED. 11' President Poinctre 5 eess Auto -Robber • . From G.:ills:Mc, PARIS, .April 21.--Dieud,i-01, one , of the four bendite 510 - fenced to death be Clio Paris Court of , Assizes on Feb. 27, was pardoned by 'President Raymond Poincare Satur- e, day. The other three. Cellemin. &Indy a and Monier, are to he euillortined to- mortow. '11115'charges agaleet the eonderren- ;el ed men included murder, moon. rob - I,' boxy and meny other Idocle ef felony. 't During the trial Callentin, on hear- ' Ing the sentence: of Clean mrainst „Diem] onne, shouted , ''My coin rade Ifienclonne was 11,4 the aeeailant of the bank messenger Caby; it was I .anrl my chief." RIIEUliu11'1ISI YIELDS ZAM-BUK "MY BACK HAS NEVER TROUBLED ME. TO Sinct T1lg or] EILLS f.,yons Brook, N.S., Feb. 26th. "You are perfectly free to use my name in any way to benefit GIN PILLS, for they deserve' the highest praise. My back has never troubled me since taking GIN PILLS, and my wife feels much better after taking GIN PILLS for her back. She thinks GIN PILI4 will snake a con3plete cure." JAIVIBIS L. NAUSS. GIN PILLS will always relieve Lame Back, Sciatica in Back and Logs, Rheumatism'Burning and Scalding Urine, Painfnl 'Urination, Weak or Strained Kidneys'and always prevent talciug cold in thekidneys and bladder. , Lye), box is sold with a positive guaranteeto give prompt relief or money reflinded. eoc. a box, 6 for 112.50. Sample free if you weite National Drug and Chemical Co. of Cameda, Limited, Toronto. 141 Read This Lad's Experience • --- . • Just at this season many mambo find themselves suffering from awches and pains of rheum:aim, sciatica, etc. For 1.110S's, 7..11.01-1:111,1 is a wee cure. Mrs. Mary HarMen. Wheal loy. Ont., writen : "I it ad 111010011, 1)0 very badly. It afro( Id ine righl arm and leg,and wad so bad that 1001110 not put (1110 0)00111 o my liend or behind me. 1 wa 3 quite 00101f1 not do my work, and could could not even droes myself, • lea had to be attendod to likt; 0 algal. The theumadsra in my log -am) ee bad dna at time) I cauld broadly walk. 'Naturally. I tried various bra ithey Sa`01110t1 1.0 WITS INKM WIVES. At 'the seventh annual mooting of. the Canadian Bible Soeiety, Dr. N. W. Hoylee of Toronto, was re-elected president. H. B. Hamilton, a /envied. at King- ston penitentiary., died Yeeterday, fifty years of age. le 1900 he was sentenc- ed at Cornwall to ten years for theft and forgery. To combat the evil influences charg- ed against. the public!- dance halls and. their turkey trot end tangoes, a New York school has been • opened for a dance." Fred. W. McFarlane, a horse dealer in Lanigan, near .Fbaskathon, Sask., end an unknown livery driver were drowned when they chore into a swol- len creek On the way to Sheba. Charles 'Anderson, a Rochester, N.Y., man„ shot Satairdo, an unknown man as • he Was about to enter An- derson's chicken coop. The marl re,- fusedto give his mune before he died. The Mexican federal garrison at Juarez found iteelf in a predicament Saturday. Some daring person had made away With the emmunition and the breach blocks of ell cannon, ecn- deeing the pieees. TO FULFIL BOnthli3 WISH, sons, who ra• e studying tho ells- eriee. It is printed, for free dis- tribution to those who apply for it but it is not sent out to the regulae mailing lit of the Pi.itical ons Branch of the Department of Agriculture, at Ottawa. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A • • Goderich Township 'Connell :-Council meet Anvil 7.111 all members being present. 361111 Rogers -of Mitchell wee appointeei by By-law as Towel ship leng)i neer. The, clerk woe; instructed to write the Queen ,Alexandra Sanitoriuni of London sta'ling that the .Council 'did not think t le Township I able for att account of $15 ror en indigent as Council Was not notified accord- ing to etatute. A deputatiOn was p1' sent rectuesting a donation to the Goderich Township Old Boy s Re- •urtion, but the requeet 3e1115r 11 At (the' March meeting the cler10. wao instructed to write the On- tario Railway Boavel in rega: d to. certain telephone matters, and the Telephono Commissioaere f.a in- vited to be present to ln t.1111 1''- 1I 3' to same. A tong and 11 len" ,t- ing discussion arrow oven' 1 le" dif- ferent opini0e33 01 011. ;k a lway 13c;ard which were .15 11 1e4:v.3e- 1 When a tc'lphono eyete in 11 1,1.1(1(1 according to statute the ('001(1 11 ret ains full power to love- arai eon - met all money which may be due the municipality tor the tepaymiAl of prinettm.1 end intereet. en.1 the cost cif operation and coeleteaam, . 2. It is not the intention of Um Am. that mem ey paid by subeleribers on arecount of principal )aad intereoe shal be appned to tbo 1 oat of -maintenance, 3. Thee emounts pald by tho isubeerthers 020011111 of inrineipal and in tertne rm- count of cost of ooet•a 11 0,,11 nna'ntenance shou:d 1.• • le, p1 in se- parate accounts by the .",eercetary- TrMillrair of ;Pesten% 1, it pes- sible thra a ielephone may be re - moot. d• tone 011 ''1)115' of cinother person, belt ;the first sulaseriher would ti I I be re I ions Dile or ail payments of deh,nature anti me in - tenancy. The agrecm 1,1 111' tw-on the first subscriber ranl th,e fool taking OVel' tile 11110110. lit tbs.` co. le one necostiary. 5. It is eot di sir - able that /1 commissioner should act as Secretary Troasueer of system. Adjourned to meet lat Monday in May at 3.10 P. 031, N. W. Trawaitha., Clerk. A Glimpse of Morgon'o • Office SomethinG of the Life of the late Money King, Pieepont MOrrr. ten has 'the are- , sarian, .6lejedtion to lean: hungry men. All Othis partnere and near- ly all the emploYeeS in his greet . hank) , rit Board and Wal streeta have their bones unholectered with flesh. He lacer; 10 8110 01(10111 chili. Nearly everybody in the hank has' a sniooth-shaven Melia In that treasure house there me some good, strong c,bins. Mr. Morgan's Eyesight. , For a MUD oi his age, Mr. Morgan bee 3' emark 2.111e eyesight When he is at his desk he rare le hes te put 00101 1111 glasses to read lettegs or printed matter . He holds the sheet about eighteen inches awe e. He is a very tepid reader and he wades through his correspondence at high speed. For many years he has had the 80.010 stenoteraphei James 'Webster King. Mr, King is °English, white -hal red, about fifty years old, quick of speech and quick of foot. He occupies a desk in tho outer office among the. rest of thel clerks, but he 11 11 private office upstaire. When Mr. Morgan wanta (to dicate anything, Kings hops down from his stool, marches intone chiefs room, Macs his note- book on the lop of Mr. lelorgan's rosewood de*, and the banker fires away. Mr.King has another stenographer. 110101) about twenty- five; years old., to assist him. Most of Mr. Morgan's letters are redic- tatedb by King to this second stenographer, but the private and personal matters nee handled en- tirely, by King. gami A rriend rot vhwd try Zam-lbak, 1 ohtAl,ted runno 1-1,1 had 101•10'.1 thoroeglilv afferited 1110101,F, 1:11.` 111 hi box 1,101 used 10119 1" cry inaell better. 1 cool d 0101 around in- house with ea In, and dress my.e. .11 house with caeo, and alrese meet) l" and needod very little a_tentior. 1 continued with ti tea 111:101' 111, rubbing Zum-1.1011 thoroughly every day, and in 11 1,,a - week e time the 1.0.V1101a1i5 W11.:, drivel! completely out of my eye - t em. The cure era; permanent ee,. aad sinee that time I bravo 11001 1' 011011 tt' ./111-.1.1(1 101111 rheunia kr; . it is juSt 03 geed' for skin UPI and disearies, eczema, scalp SON'S eruptions, piles, outs, burns, !with, 11 stalcie, etc. Ail druggists and stores, 50e. box, 00 1)3' ma 1 from Zam-Buk Co. 'Toronto, foe prima, Salvationists Will Establish an Army For Negroes. BOSTON, April 21.---A preliminary step in the fulfilment of a wish of the late General William' 13ooth that the Salvation Army extend ite activities to the colored people in the south was 150/11 Saturday night 'When Com- mander Eva Booth assigned Adjutant James N. Roberts of Boston to the work. The announcement of the appoint- ment was male by .Miss 13ooth at the army's New :England premineial con- gress. She said that shortly before her lather died he begged her to staet the new work, Hydro Employes Apologom: TORONTO, April 21.-Se0eeal .of the employes of the Toronto Hydro Elec- tric Comneission, who petitioned for Ole removal ot P. W. Ellis frone the chairmanship of the body, have sign- ed an apology and a retraction et their reflections against 'Mr. Ellis. They explain that they signed the petition without being fully seized 01 1110 state 'of . affairs. Lightning pestroys 'Barri. 07/LO 00,164, - eurniAafred Zjeelbcamt,eptal .91elifeadfoJtal 'n the CLEANEST, SIMPLEST, and BEST HOME 'TB, One Can PUY-WhY you don't even have to home -what KIND of Cloth your Goods are made o0....50 Mistakes are Impossible. end for Free Color Card, Story Booklet, and sults of Dyeing over other colots. SON CO., Limited, Doliklet giving, iMontrenl. Coned% lgraaJOHNSON.RICHAR Bridge Goes To Montreal. MONTREAL, April 21.- Prren reli- able sources it • WDS learned 3',UUI'1l11Y that the new $6,000,000 bridge across the St. Lawrence River here would touch' the south shore at Montreal South, at the foot of Lafayette avenue. The Dominion Government 010115 the land there -a 200-1e1'e farth, pur- chased aefeW years atro 51 1.110 Site tor a military training selloal, it will not be neceSeary to expropriate 11T1R land for the approaches to the tiew BELLEVILLE, April 21.-A Rage barn belonging to Mr. °Actin Glass of Tyendinaga, was struck by lightnina and burned with its contents. A c1010- 1)00 Oi eOWS and calves, a Man. of • horses were cremated, and in addi- tion farmieg impleme,nts. genii) and other articles were berried. The loss • 10 a serious one, as the insurance is but $800. 1.04! The Modern Shine! Easier to Use Better for the Shoes HANDS UP Snot by Fellow -Student at frecea-ax School ---Would Not Box Once more the • danger ,or 'y0003 HYDRO AEROPLANES people being in aossession of thearms 1 has been dernor,straterl. The prate- German Battleships and Cruisers are tice nearly ended in the death ef 1 to be Equipped 11la00el 'Collo, a Spanish student at I , Forest Houtee Sehool, Wooelford, when I ' -- specter Fans saw the injured boy 1 'ele- . a Mexieaa ! The Berlin correspondent of The 1 that all the larger German battle - Frederick Same, sixteen, also a etuclent at the school, 1.1- •'' ' Naval and Military Record announces charged with attempted murder. li - d''' t • ' i that at an. early date it is probable ing on a table, with a bullet -wound I 5111Ps and battle -cruisers will be doeto n his stoniach, an000101' was . c.aI equipped to carry their 01011 hydro- itending him. In consequence of what only The idea le, of course, he WDS told, he informed Swirl that 1 ono, in the experimental stage, and is he would be arrested on a charge of far away different from the huge, cumbersome erection of timber that evidence to show that the affair was , other than an accident, After it oe- eurred somebody appeared to have lost hir4 head and sent for the police. The cage was dismissed. A Sinoke House. Persons who have an awesome notion of the banking house of this great limn Morgan hitne a surprise when they 50 110 there. It is 00 - markable democratic institution. There's a heap 60 smoking. Me. Morgan has a cigar between his teeth most 00 111.2 time. On the desk of every partner there is a match-nafe: 51 Gs, one of thoee eone-shaped sterile affairs C01110100 to German resturants or her gardens. There is nothing fancy about (the matches. They are cheap, have plenty of wood in them and furnish 11 good Mine, CHILDREN IN THU HOME Fall May Be Fatal, BRANTFOR?, April lin m Gilbert, an unmarried young man, about 29 years of ago, employed by the lcmal plant of the Sell Telephone Coo fell off a pole in West Brantford Saturday afternoon, He was pielcecl •unconecious and rushed to the hos, wheee it was found that bis spine had been badly injured. There is elight hen° of bis recovery. When thorr_i aee children in the home, it requires constant atter - thin) to•keep them free from th) many childhood' ailments which come so eaticklea--smine of them .proving fatal while others leave the., Illttle One CFOSS, restless and wee's,. To keep lit -tie onre wc 1. :Baby's Own.' Tablets nins:t in the house: These Tat I eta 01,- .gnlata Abe 'stomach and howela. break up colds and fevers ; expel wonnis and make teething eitey. The Tablets are sold 1)y111111101110 dealers .by mali at 25 cents 0 box. Intim The Do. Illedicitie Coin Mee clevil le, • Ont. . . PETJR HIT t. CallIfie of Match Los in Cattle Raising. 6110•0111000111.10011106000000•1100 • 'Unfortunately f or 011110 0111011 cattre raisers many ca.lves are 'lost each year tie -rough the accident of pr e m atur e birth. While .010 (1 01)1)1 many' of theee 'losses are due to injuries 011(1.1011 greater number are caused by contagious aboetioe. When this disease obtains a foot hold in aberd the consequences are apt to be serious as 11 is readi I y transferred from animal to amine:11 maki g it al most I nip o s sib I e uTl000 usual farm , conditions to raise calves for perbaps a series of For the infomnatien rit cattle raisers the Veterinary Dire eta.' General 'has issued a repriet of a leaf let of tlee Reit ish '13 oar d of Agricultural and Fisheries on this disease which is being made the subject of very careful study and 11.1 the Old Colintey, • This eprint which constitates a bnief pamphlet of leas than four , - pages deals with the subject under the 10110101115 heads:.---Animaler affected, The 1Viircrelbe, Virulent Material and Me thed of Infection, Symptoms and Prevention. It Is written in plain language and contaips information of great value/ to all, cattle raisers and per - SUNNI' Salk)! attempted murder, and when they walked into the latter's bedroom he said: "We were playing here with box- ing gloves, and I said, 'Shall eve box?' and he said, `No, no.' I sale, 'Hands up! Hands up!' I took the revolver from the top of my desk and put it close to his stomach. 1 said, 'I will kill you: I had no intention of shoot - skims off the surface. The machine ing, but the revolver Went cif. '17be is carried on ithe sbip out of the waY revolver fell on the floor, and he be- I of the artillery and out of the way made us the laughing stock of the flying world last summer. The Germans are quite aware of the fact that the aeroplane does not require a launching -platform able to stand a traction engine, and as a matter of fact have no launcher at all. The machine is simply let down into the water on the lee side of the ship and gan to cry. I took hold of him around the waist and assisted him to the nur- sery. I am veey scrry, as he was my hest friend." The inspector added that Sauri also told him that he purchased the revol- ver for $5 about three months pre- viously, and the reiolvee in questioa Big Water Drinkers. At regulae intervals through the clay a sof t-fo ot ed. mild -looking 1001) bears a tray on the, e ae.e. a dozen Or more gl ASSeS of rt.csr and one gl "as of milk. He goes in turn to the &set,: of each of tha 0,artners. puts down a trosli glals of water and tekes 11101l3' the glees that .has been etanding on the, desk whetheu it is,empty or not. Nearly all the Morgnn 111110» 11(15 di'ini fl 0f 01 Wit ter. . 111 Wilt is the 111110 drinker. Eye on the 111)010 Exchange. Morgan'e desk is at the ern 'end. and on the 1,1011d rareet sid,t •of the maln room 01 11''' Lig hauking -office. From where he sits he can 50.7 Olit Of his eye every- one that entors the main door of the Stock. Exchange, while With MS right eye he Hoks diructly 01 George Washington stauding on the'. pedestal before the sub- trcalory. 1111 Eapid Dictation. 111.9 a s;ighli to see Mr. Morgan dictate, 101111'. King. The, bankor is never lost for a W 0 I'd 'or a phrase.. He chops out his sentences at a speed of about 150 words 1101111101". When he talks his jaws go up and. down, the skin on his foreln ad rises and falls, and his moustache is in, cons t 101111 agitation. Most men use onln a few muscles in con- versation; but Morgan USCS a lot. Trtekl eel by His Partnere. •• • For courses in all Business le • subjects leading to positions as Bookkeepers or Steno • - • graphers aim for Civil Service • ,e• and Commercial Specialists' exaral nations will be con- E • - • ducted in Shaw's Schools, To- • ronto. (The Central P,usiness College with four city Branch • • • • Schools) from July 3rd to ,e? August this year. Students ; may enter any time for ea • general courses.. No vacatio)ls. C. e Write W. H. Shaw, President., ; g for catalogue. 391. Young St., • • • Toronto. asse•ape•••••••••••••••••••• headquarters Walking and Riling plows 1.11.0. Gasoline Engines McCormack Machinery Pumps and Windmills. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS AND EXPERTING. "” GAN er CALL ON MRCP Corner of Princes and Albert streets. , rucitOccureseter:cattaxtrcumatratatatrximmanur Ce'atr.AliRlisineFisCollege Stratford, Ont. ThO Best Practical Tramilig• Svhool Ontallo Three Departments COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY. All courses are thorough and praetieagl. Teachers are- es.- perienced ancl graduates are placed in positions. We give individua.1 attention, and stu- cluents may enter at any time ' Write for itee catalogue at once. D. A. 111cLac1il0Lit, Principal of the general working quarters, and is housed in a light steel -framed shed to protect it from the weather. It is proposed to provide four machines to each of the latest type "Dreadnoughts" and two to the smaller craft. The Pritzig aerodrome near Dantzig where the budding naval flyer is -an automatic ono-wal three live Ii tau g ht his bsiness, is bue y spot cartridges in it, 101111 handed to him 1 Just now, and conveys a different:1m- by one of the re:Ness at the sthool. pression from tlie meml eif.e "inoth- CM the door in tee 1)010111_01)010111_01"11.1b„u.ingdoing-togae" loch of 010'011(101110 WDS a 514)110t cartidge, and e'eo a live one. • BO little reliance mien the hydro- e and flying centres. The T0'1(1111 places. be cpeniug the ceoe, 'Mr. Dailies ' aeroplane: -The Sphere, London. (prosecuting) said the scholars ia the ! school were meetly toreignere, who I resided there.. Coolie and Saari w ag. I Too Lazy to Marry out for a walk, and Sauri alleged thee I During the hearing „of a ease at . Coen° had phiyed 1(01110 tricks oa him, I Blackburn it was stated that an 015,10' 101101 he would era," it 1111(e0 en 0101 1 grinder and. a woman had been keep-. in some way." Saarie tried to leen.- ' ing company for three years but they cone) (0 box, het lte., erwee me, end I were "too lazy to get married." They Sauti said, ".0 eou wen't fight 111 , had declined the offm of a Cathelic take -my pletol and 1:111 you. When.e, . priest to marry them withaut fee. that was said, out of bravado or nof I he would not ea', bet ii 11•3.11 earl:VIT. I Saw a Woman Drown that the pietol was leaded., and tha , I "You are the most miserable slice -l- it was fired by Same. Coello loal mens of men 1 have ever seen," said glum been at lho Loneen Hospital, the West, Middlesex coroner at au where the bullet was extracted. Uxbridge inquest on Miss Ellen Brun- Cocalo, a youth cil sixteen, said when I field. Evidence was given that '.100 they got back to the school they went , men saw her in. the river .immediately into Sauri's room and put on boerile, ' after' she bad fallen in and that one gloves. Sauri wanted him to box, bet of them went to the police station a he wouldnot, and took off the gloves. mile away while the other remained Sauri then said, "Pm going to sheet on the spot. •you," and picked up a pistol, which , was loaded, and "took aim." He then I unloaded the pistol, "because he did. I not want to shoot me," and, believin5 there was no other cartridge in the revolver, ;pulled the trigger. Mr. Melville ((1efending) said; har- ing heard the evidence of the injured lad -for they could not call him a prosecutor -he felt that there WAs ho Usually Mr. Morgan is in his of- fice only a few hours 1101117. 'When he gets up to depart it generally takes biro fifteen minutes to go from his desk to the outer dom. The young Tar hers have a lot of questions to aele him. They head him off nmeh as foot -ball players head off the man with the hall Sometimes they back him over into a corner and he sits in a windon seat. It isonly foe a few minutes reed then he gets up and starts 101 the dame again, only to be head& off once more 110 01)0' or two 0013 members .of the firm. Mergan Newspaper ;Route. Two newsboys serve the Housc .of ,hforetan, One comes 001'11'3 afternoon about half -pone 3 o'clock 1011111013 the :rounds Of in'ivate offices and then the, 0001105 of the general office. - He 0.11111 be- tweenforty-five and fifty 3)113)er0 10 thiSone, bank,. The partnere and the Merin 'have a calleoliotaste fee 3:there is not one ovening news- paper that is npt delivered in tha Morgan establisinneut. This newe- boye who je about hirtyellive years old, has been delivering papare theee for more than ten .years. lIn- tilrecent' y 1)01 010(1 0. monopoly New one ether newsboy conees in ever y a fte engiOn. Ile deliVer8 his paper to one of the junior partners This' junior gmetter is faithful to Ms old noel-mit:my .friend, and that is the only 00115011 why the news- paper Monopoly has been brelten in the House of Morgan. - No Women 113 the Dank. . , 1.111111111110.4 There are 110 WOMen employee), in the Morgan banking house. This is end of the few Wall street es- tablishments which the petticoated personsof business has not invad- ed. Million Pills a Day Sir Joseph Beecham, the owner of "Beecham's Pills," spends 11500,000 a year in advertising his -wares. He sells one million pills a day, and the weight of his annual output is fifty tons. The turnover is something dim 81,800,000. 1 lets born in Ijerefielii, 111011; ceuen,, The death here Sate rdne Ili -..131 of V:, Hope Trower 11110(111, the 11101 331 ten, Last of Famous Triplets 12010,GIIIIIENWICI-I, Come. e ero 111 ... Emelt and, oiglity years ago, giel name)) Faille Hope cued Charity, was ate nouheed Saturday.. Charity lived te he 52 years old. 1051111 died at 1O1 'these two were, not married. 1 Fred, Coolce Gets doh. OT"'AWA, April 21. --Fred. Conk ex -ma y01' of Ottawa, and a well-known Conservetive journalist, has been ap poilited seceetary to the 11010 commie, A sion enquiring into various matter: respecting British Columbia Indian re' serves. Women and Advertisements SOME statements are so saturated with their own moral as to require no comment. "Rid- ing on a car during the excitement over the naval battles between Russia and Japan," said Mr. Thomas Martindale, before the Retail Merchants' Association of Pennsylvania, "1 observed that the men were reading the war news and the women were reading aci'Vertisements. Those women, I watched keenly, read e,ery line of the advertise- ments, and then turned to the woman's page, 1 his ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the journey's end the women had nor yet had time to turn to the actual news of the day. The women want advertisements to read, and you must prestnt your business in a readable shape to be in the fight these days." is your Stock Moving? If not. Then we can Help You, New Era Ads pay -They • get right at the people. THE NEW EP CI INTON ,, • TELEPHONE 30. zaws=amuswommliminiligniminz