HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-04-24, Page 1,'et.rerrO ,er'S Orr 187 Established 18651 Vol. 47, No. 43 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 1913 w. H.. Kerr & Son, Editors and 'Publishers , There are a riiirliber, of New Era Subscribers stiil in arrears for their Paper and we ask them to'cali and Attend to Same THE /1111'0I1 tVomen"siluxIliary Roya.1, s.,fficers of Body Eleoterl in Annual' OF CANADA Convention at London flead Office, Montreal• • London, Orli , A.prl I 10, -Mrs. c. CaPital Authorized- .. Capital P,arild-up 11,500,000 Reserve and uinclivided profits 12,500,000 • TOTAL ASSETS .175,000,000 325 BRANCHES With world wide CODileetionj, Interest allowed on Deposita General REuaking business titans - acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH mommasecinwarogamPasanusartszewsmamarimansoint Formaldehyde Prevents Smut on Grain ' We guarantee our Formaldehyde to be of standard strength 50c Ib. 4, 3.1E. IIC10Nr Dispensing Chemist. alM.11.••••••••001011111111111.10•1! B. Sage was eleeted presiideret of the Women's Auxiliary of the Dio- cese of ttlit011 atTho annual, don - v en tiOn this a f teenooll, Mrs. W1-' 11cims, Wife of the Bishop, was len- t animouSly declared hon. ident, and Mrs. H. A. Boomer, hon. vice- president, The following are the other officers el eeted ; lat vier - president, Mrs. E. cit., Ia Hooke; 2nd viceepresiclent, 'Mrs, Richard- son; corresponding edcretvy, Mrs. Falls ; recording secretary, Mrs. Bart lett ; treasurer,Mrs. A. K. Smith; Dorcas secretary, Miss A. Gower ; . junior secretary, Bow- en ;Leaflet Editor, Mrs, Graham; Literature : Editor, Miss J. Moore; Zenana secretary, Miss E. P. Baithse by; secretary of E.O.D„ Mrs, C. B Edwards : sdperin ten tient of Dallies Branch, Miss Priddis. Bishop Wil Laces presented Miss Helen Dillon and. Mesdames ,]?ar- sons. of Forest, and, Mrs. Gilbert, of Southhampton, with life mem- bership certificate. Owing to the High Standard Maintained in the Popular ELLIOTT dmeid TORONTO, ONT. the demand for the graduates is far in excess of the supply. Col- lege open all year. Enter now. Write for a catalogue. The Molsons Bank Incorporated MS Established in Clinton 1879 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate. on sums of 01 and upwards from date of deposit Joint Accounts Allowed BRANCHES AND AGENTS ALL OVER CANADA ANO ALEN TS ALLOVER TILE WORLD A GENERAL RANKIN at BUSINESS TRANSACTED. C E. DOWDING. Manager C:inton Branch_ 1•••••••••••••• • : I 6 99 cents : • . flAT DAY 0 •; Salurtag, April 261 • • ,••••••••••• ***006•0 0 ee+ ee *0 ••• ••• eo We are going to make Saturday, April 26th Hat Day at our store. It will be a day of big Hat selling, for we 'ire going to sell hats for men and boys that should send them out by the dozen. • We have gathered together 125 Hats, in • broken lines and sizes, both in colored and • • black. • • • • • • • 0 • • * • • , • • The regular prices of these hats are from $r.25 to $3,5o, but in order to clear them out you can take your choice of the entire lot for 99c. (SeWindow Display.) • First Shipment of Boys Shirts Received this Week. The Morrish Clothing cf.2. + • licenses Granted hi Centre Huron Clinton Goes Dry—Several .Hotels Must Improve • The Centre Huron Commissioners met on Fridley last to grant licenses for 1913-14. As la re sled 1 of the recent •r Ott, Local Option here no licenses were' granted for Clinton though' six licenses were applied for. The Commissioners gave F.Klirig of the • Dick House,. (and Mrs Stevens, iof rrie Queen's, both of Senforth; and, „I:4. James, of the American House, .Brussels three months to make some necessary improvemen ts, Those who have been granted their licenses for a year are :-- Goderich-Bedford, F. Davis ; British, J. Reynolds, Colborne, T. Johnson; Ocean, Capt. Babb ; Unio J. Lannon, Saul ts, B. C. Ring. Shop license -W. W. Saul 1:8. Seaforth-Commercial, A. A. Mc- Lennan ; Royal, T. D. Pinkney. Bruseels-Queen's Querin ; 11- tral, G. McDonald. Dont lin-L. Wulff, Fines totalling over a thousand dollars have been collected by In- spector Johnsen during the last year, . . 10008060000secool111000,0 • • WITH THY?, CHURCHES. 0 • . ' • • •••••••••••••••••••• ONTARIO ST:CHURCH. The League ' -on. Monday night was of special interest., Mr. RellYar gave a very interesting and in- structive talk on watch -making, Mise Carrie ••Shipley gave 0 read- ing, an tithe Bible Lesson for the evening was read by Mrs'. Mc- Murray. Owing Co'the pastel. being away Rey. Mr.1ireene and :Me::: ‘Viii took the Services. WESLEY CHURCH Last Sunday morning Rev. D. K. Grant, Cif Wii•iis church preached and 'the pastor in the eVelling, tak- ing as his subject "Vain Worship. - The Illid-Week SerViCe was in chrge of Rev. J. Greene, as the pastor was awaY on Conference business. Monday evening was Missionary • night with the League. Toe jun- i iters gave a chorus. I . BAPTIST CHURCH. IThe services on•Sunday last were conducted Cy Pastor Wylie, anti , were of a helpful nature. At tin I evening sol'V ice the chAr 1' 0011 ed the anthem, (.o me unto Inc,' Ivery acceptably. Miss. Lavis pt., - sided at the organ and pl 1 yed ilit, accompaniments in 110 effective l manner, At the B.Y,P,C. on Mon - l day Might the Subject was "Favor- " ite verses from the Psalms" several I took part and the meeting 'was much enjoyed. The sulejeet 'for 1 Sunday morning will be "mourning and Mirth- and for the ov ening •"The .measture of a Winghann 4 . + + • +++++4++++++++++++++++++6+ + e • Local News • + • -- e ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • 4.. JOINS BASEBALL TEAM. • Dick Tasker left this morning to • join the Storiztharines Laeelki I • • team aft Brantford where they play • • the Canadian League team of the • • city on Friday and Saturday. We • • hope to see Dick make good again • • this year and lincl a good berth in • • one of the Canadian League teams. His old friends will watch for the • baseball scoies. • • • First to the • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • * • • • Perplexed. The "first a id to the perpl ex e cl-, in the administeration of th" household should be the ailver- hag columns of The New Era. Von were looking at the table- cloth to -day and that brought, up the question of table linen 1. This ought to he •a good time to buy tablecloths and naplcine. 'Watch the announcements of the reliable stores' that ad ver- tise in The New P,ra. And, speaking about /table linens, weren't you thinking of a new rug for the dining room( new curtains, another couch cover? • Perhaps something was said • about replenishing the cut glass • supply or a new china cabinet • ' buffet * And what abouts new refri • • - • gerator this season? A fine up- * to-clat e sanitary refrigerator * • 'isnot in the luxury clais any * • more ; it is a necessity. Take yostl' housekeeping Pro- blems 1,0 1(10 ' advertiang col - '7'417tA""°644'6661"*6°*•‘©°°; 'Sent ug, For 'Lvien 'and:Events.' • from:Stephen .Twp. Ezra Brenner Will. Corne Up For • Hearing at Goderiori . , • ,Eteter, April first tidal of its kind in Canada 'NN'.11 be hepxcl at the • swing assizes in Gbderi eh as a crisp t of Ezra Drees er, ef Grand Bend, being conimitted for trial here today on charges of hav- ing 'Paid money to buy voted against local option in the recent contest in Stephen Township. The case will be the first' of its kind to which the amended act Will apply, and is being watched with the greatest interest by temperance ° people all throngh the district. Today was set lief the hearing of the ar un the case. The crown stated 'that the case undoubtedly came tinder the act e for the defence sad the case shcmIcl dome. under the municipal act, which provides a penalty of 020 and disqualifica- tion. for two yucars; and not under the criminal code as indictable' offence. "The jal Is woald 'be full if tiled view were correcte' be Said. He scored the officials of the Do- minion A I liance and Constable Brown. "It is usual when a side has a weak case for the la Wye'. to scare the witnesses -on the other said the miown. "My( learned friend has absolutely no business to call down the Constable. He was simply doing his duty, and he did it we le He need not malign either the Dominion Alliance. The case is undoubtedly- one in which the defendant should be sent for trial on the evidence given." The magistrate concurred with this view, and committed Ezra Brenner for trial at Goderich. Bail was accepted in ith4 sum of $400. P,renner's lather put up $200, and Brenner himself the rest AVG ft NSTON, E, inof • a litirmi boy miff t ri iNfa yet- in the Comity. -bt Persona! 'Not es i - If those having relatives or friends 4. vlsiilag In ttiTlacre.agtVg.;:w411" 40.t would sniiou.s. u,the NEW ERA, Vt* '76.4 +4,14444++44 440444;X Phyr L. 'W.. ad wel,-kr iwn it. a'Ai a 1 +.010(1 N ; lit W. the eN' ;•!'50 (01 the Com mi St. Marys J4..tormd -1)1.. :iris, Thompson of Cilicton was in 'Aran - ton on some busitio,s aturttaY. S.Tar, ber, ' who has been as- sistanft- district super,•otendent of the Prudent al f.if,; lasuranee Ct. •‘vith , 81101' 11,',! -wol-k, a. Ooderich. al In 10 1.;.:1t011, Sea, forth, Wingl a m •and • Luclroow. has been transferred t,', the mu th division, with tuLniarters Owen Sound. Mr. l•aeher, by 1i1 careful. attention to busin,ss and genial manner, made many friends here, -who will 'wish him merit( d success in his new f',,T Id. • • 1 Square Deal for Every Mau umns of The New Bra, It isthe • 1..................••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• sented. lithore to hciP ‘Yoll ' * s •of thstores repre- e • • Rei'. S J. A I lin was at Detroit last week owing to his son Way being under the cloc[tor's cape. Miss Fernee Aliin a 7.:cortipa hint and spent 0 lett drys at Windsor. • Mr, James Reath is back once more to 1 ado 11 after spending the Winter ID Jaek sonvil le, Florida. License. Co Baeker. nf Bruesi 5 7s, as in town on 3 ritnly last. Mr. T. •Pinkney, ,of Seaforth was a caner in town 00 Friday, an (I ph Dr. C. McBride 7\'o 4 1(1 (11 11:)11 :,11'y ViCe-iirf•Sici•,111 of the Ca aadien St t,e1 Fatindries-WeLeed Wei bail • a it: on aight. Mr. 11, 11.0iv, who has visited Clinton Model School has boon no- poInted chief imipect or of punk; schools in Toronto, succeeding Dr. ' James L. Hughes. Bev. J, E. Ford. President of Lon- don Conference. a!'t','n 0 10 17 - ing 1,1! tlie 1 711ninig roard Strat ford on W.ednestny or ads week. Mr. Andrew r ortc-, or 0 a•?rieb was in 1,37,11 1181 Miss 'Dorothy Rattenbary, has Ln und•-r the ductorls ctre fo.; the p alt tWo l•rom 11 110 poinning hcr lower lin. M.,ss Dorothy has had a serious time we are \en'y glad to ho ,r she, is i nrtiroving. Mrs. W. Klibride was called to Et ThoneaS 0 Wi lig to the continued illness of her mother, likIrs.Kindree. Mayor ribbings left on Mondiry• for Winnipeg where he.,eattre duties with the fj. N. R. The best wishes of Clinton ,a2companying him. The New Ere is indeed. sorry to 'se e him leave t OW11, Mr. 'Wes. NeWC01013,3, of Fort Wil - lam, spent a couple of days in tow, n 'last week. He has been in T'Ot ergo d'oin'g, his buying and took a 1111 up to see his aged father and 'other' relatives.' He repor1!ls Forte Wil - :ani booming and everything looking good. for an excellent 8ea- 171011, Mrs Murray accompanied by her niece, Miss 1/Icriagg'a1t, have gone to Toronto to spend a couple of \veelsc Mr. Robert P,rown jr. of Strath - cora ishOme for the slimmer Ito help his father wno is not ab to do the farming. Mr. Will:am McTavish who hes been tat,tending QUeerlS 'College Kingston, paid a visit to Inc sister last week nurse McTavish ofltown. During his visit 'to Toronto 'last week, ReeVC, I en, of Sie leo') visited the Parliament Buildings. Re occupie d seat in ft he Sp ea k - es gallery sinning,the sittings of the House 011 'Illeetlay and WeelilfiCtIly. He, sihowed keen interest in the proceedings and took pleasure in hearing the debates of those days. Mr. iPert Fawcett of G'od'nic1, spent tbe week end ds with frienin tOWIl. 'Messrs :c.,r,f ay. and W. Du nnag ofOoderieti spent Sunday in tewm. James' M . eand . family left week • . for VVee dstoelc wherS they will 3; eSri (IS, in future as iMr. McRae holds' a.ocood position , 1 Mr, , IT. Harland moved his 11 011Se- 11,01C1 goods. to Guelph on Tuesday and in the afternoon lie and son, Busecel\ left. The 'latter has elecured a position in a drug store inp time Royal City, . Mr A Baril an d and 'the rest of thc., family will go tomer t bye. The , citizen's of tow]] hope they will prosper and enjoy 11 ving in Li uelph. MN. LED Cantel,on, of Toronto, has been home tinder tlie clocitoris care, stuffering from tonsoldis. Continued on page 4. g 9 0 le awyeis in Shall We Have The Scott Act? To ne gditor Of Tha Km Era SIR : We have FTA11 this qui 81:311 rais- ed lately, and sS0-171111'"lS0-171111'"l" emprr- mice" peuple appear to be more or less agitated about it. 11 is a sign of the times that such questioncan he asked. We've lied the Scott AM and found it sueli hideous 10.110,11111'the it -War S epealedn o the first opportunity by thoutends, But that seems to make no impres- sion on mad infatuation, Ild I have heardhe topinion expreSeod it WOU Itl be a good thing to 1. ve he tScott Act; and for r the lmatie of that, any kind, nut! e ery kind foolish legiOl'ation that eeiee, be introduced. The 11)51111o we have. of it,, the quicker the fallacy will he brought to light, asci the sooner will there be hopes of restoi ation to sanity in law making. We are .at a 'time when the. majority of the community ap- parently are tinab'e set any other way of dealing with social and moral cluestions, than by pass- ing laws a.nd telling people thus peremptorily, 'what thoy shall drink, eat, wear, 50W, grow. and do. It is af ormnb n) f aia itat seemingly must have its TUT). Some of them are deluded into the be- lief that to "abolish the bar" is the beginning and the end-Fathous idea; To be consistently logical, they must not only abolish the bar, but also the shop -not only the bar ane the shop, 'but the importation, manufacture, sale, in any way, of alcoholic drinks. 'Not only (1151,but what t hey have a !ready de- cided upon, stop the growing., manufacture, importation, sale of tobacco. Not only that, but they must prohibit the•atre going, card playing, dancing, and pronounce upon women's dress, etc. etc. 12 10 prohibit by law is good' in one direction in social and sumptuary matters, it isegood in another,' So give them all the "rOpe thrY ask r. Let them am the whole, engtil and the quicker will this folly lie stifled. We have had this• 'little town ample proof of some of the evil., that accompairy these foolish at- tempts to legislate morality. The Local Option Contest was engen- dered in political trickery, and brought forth in iniquitous ballot tampering, :Both sides, or rather should I say, people on both sides, severely denounced by the Judge on the bench. So let's have the Scott Act. The sooner, the better, and the sooner will our trotibles be over., The fact is, we are pries(t-ridden-and we bad better "realize the truth, When the re-asition does set in, history will probably repeat itself -and we will. have the immoral licen•se of Ch•ar ef3 II which natural- ly f v d th ausiterit of Oliver Cromwell s regime. What with the rules laid down'by the Corti's Allia,nce, the b_ing told IN le f we shall drink and what riot drink, • the at tempted censorship of ain051- went by clergymen seen ' on all hands, lit a.11,reminds one of St. Paul's warning . to Timothy con- cierniing the last days, when he mote, that one of the. sign slIwould be, "Commanding to abstain from meats which God, hath created to be received with thanksgivin,v, ,Yours et, J.Ransfd'd. Stapleton, April 21st.. EDiTORIAL 44. t.04stk,it.$4,14,044+4.4444411 • It''s a dangerous. role • Top la y un- kindly' tricks en People. who are at- tending to their • own buSinees. amismairmon.00=70,00•4e Seed Till' Is here. Insure your crop by grain pickling githyour Two Dresden bank elerke, found . Star-. Brand , • .. this (to be so when brought before Vie Magistrate for dropping elec- tric light bulbs, folloWed by a Pormaldehyde. pitcher of water,' from an upstair -window, on ,neembers of the $alva- ton :Army who were holding a IT HILLS SMUT meeting on The street, $1.00 and Costs 'was assessed: rind a warning that may be worth many a hundred dollars if;heeded, advising a course of minding their 01111) business and permitting 'others to do the same. Serious triouble is ahead of The fellow Who is always anxious to play the smart Alex. St, Thomas is revelling in a 20 1-4 mill rate. • This on a high assess- ment figures up 'to a tidy sum on the big it a:: payerS., One of the problems of municipal management is to keep up modern improvements without boosting the 'taxes. Some .of the fellows whoab know all out It should be elected to a scat et the Board and given 0 chance to' work It out as an actuality. (, elve,e••!le.- When auto speed artists kick about 'the law in Ontaruio they should remember that in Prince EdWard Island the "honk. machine" is not, even permitted. Ordinary common senee is one 02 1110 req- uisites necessary for a successful ehauffeur. We notice in'the Wallaceburg News thatthree prizes are offered by their Board of Trade for the best sections of roadway leading into 'that town maintained by resi- dent farmers. They have mud galore in and about that hustling centre in:the Spring- and Fall with opportunities of travelling toward China, ancl arc endeavoring to utilise (the split log drag to level roads when the mud dries up. There's a hint to towns in Huron County regarding both Summer and Winter highways the t be of value "\'01) 12 77'' h e ay' better conditions than 7.00 found in Rent. There's a stringency in the m00037 market in various parts of the West that pinches some fell: severely. It may resuit in good although It is terribly 100007 enient to have, the "shorts. - Alberta Province still sticks to Premier SifIomi and Liberalism De was oridonc•?d in the i tion Thursday of last week. Majority was reduced somewhat but h,stmI plenty large enough. (ioverimv.:Dt work is usually Letter done when political parties are fairly well balanced. A big majority is ant to cause big head and a dietalaeria1 spirit that bodes ill for both the country and. party-. There are such cases. Sir James Whitney should keep an eye on Michigan as they have an anti -treating bill , before, their Legislature. From 010 to $50 is the proposed penalty for first offence $50 fine -or 10 days jail for 2nclk and cancellation of License for Srd viola- tion. If the bill becomes law in Michigan we op ine great difficulty in enforcing it just as there would have been in Ontario ]lad not the government toboga mired from their proposition. A very high fence - known as Total Prohibition -is thc surest -way of coping with a long established custb'm that Many People are unwilling fr ,,a1A com- pany with. The dove of peace has spilled down in tbe,:, Balkan war and the roar of battle and the clash of arms has ceased. It is fto be hoped that out °lithe dreadful carnage ulti- mate good to many may be the re- sult. On (the Enr op eau Pow ers wi I now devolve the settlements as to territory, indemnity and treaties. Poor old Turkey had a hit(ter pill to swal lot. --0--- New York' continues to forge 'ahead and has a better right than ever to beenuniei'a'ted among the commercial centres of the world. The population of the city 001', totals 5,332,000 rkhowing a big in- crease •over the last official censue. After all 'the turmoil of war and threatening by ions Natious Mould IL not be glorious to permit the World's Peace 'Parity to put on the program for the next five years? 'We Nenttire lthe• guese 12 11115 could be accomplished the sanity and blessedness of such. common sense plan 11,0111C1 en- sure a inai.o'rity that would practi- cally rule war out of existlenee. It i•• • Just received a fresh stock of choice Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums Get them Early at TBE RENAEL STORE a.1.1123anflyiwitemmililmilime ..1.,21/11ra.ZIWALTI Pure Maple • Syrup. From. Sap to Syrny by 'Evaporation. The syrup is here again, as good as it can possibly be, marl e by the seine people, in the saxes, way, horn the same trees. J'Iwat the same as It has always been It is of uniform consistency Bas a delicious flavor, anti We can say in big letters, "It is Positively Pure" As we have only a, limiteif quantity, we advise you to arSetr early. W. T. °AEI THE BUB GROCER. Phone 48 foarnresualaw —C4.61.1113 Coming to the Picture House Cooper Musical Comedy Company, Simgets, 1)ancers, .Musicians with. illusionsrand novel acts Strictly respectable and first-class Change of program and 28011 feet e3' pictines each night. A barrel of fun for old and young Thursday, Feiclity and Saturclii-v of i his week. Admission 150 Children tec A. Macdonald .2.1931.KOZNICOMMIsixlanorsomminct.csamtliGe......B.10411ff is too lad (that the jingoes contsii not be allowed a Kilkenny cat cam- paign that 1N'alllei those fire brands out of liminess in this 20111. century. Paradise, an Oxfordshire. Eng- land, town,'is sending a party of ena to Alberta next 111011111 as iremtkoln- seouting contingent deeignated.l'ime. report to the Old Land on the prolt;;- • abilities and possibilities. .03' Sunny Alberta as a home toe the. future. We believe tbs. moseage: • sent aCLIOSIS the Atlantic! may condensed in the familiar. words0-* "Paradise regained." Tlicref bread th and freedom in Ca risdri. that is unknown to the Eritialt and the right class of peopre zaaz hardly be disappointed in corning to our Dominion. A story collies iron- Eychrtict7.. Sask. theft makes the beet bus -awe in Ontario '','hilt several tim---•-• viz to the effect that N. J.. Donald, of that local it3-, filas seeding of 100 acres of wheat Vt' nestle), of last week. • Some very aggressive IVEfseforerry work is being planned for this ye.sur by the various churches okra& Dominion and the Or e act Wesit should reap the benefit, The fiebil is clang e and the' NNNOtit great :Taut backed up by bl.IM unity, arra Divinity failure cannot be written 713)071 11. IS IT ilIGIIT? We have 'devised our maiBrage list to daite, and would soak our subscribers to loot; at the label on their paper, compareilft- with their receipt. and if them be any error to call and have it corrected at once , while 'Use matter is aresn in their nierners, If youi, en escripti on is pada a,.Ti„, see that yom, label shovers it Jf you are in arrears, now istilaite. , time to make yourself straigNs •