The Clinton New Era, 1913-04-17, Page 8Stow: w dew Springy Pugs and rt Squares We are showing attractive new patterns in all kinds of floor coverings that are worth your while, and every biteof extravagance taken out pf the price. We're devoting particular attention this season to new and attractive patterns in Art u,. S and Scluares We have passed into stock this week a new shipment of Rugs in Tapestry and Brussels. Every pattern a new design in all the popular sizes and colorings, atP :rices within the reach of all'. We are after all the trade there is this season in Rugs and Carpets. Our stock is complete to begin with, anything special that may be'wanted we can quickly get, if you want to tone things up, at little expense,. Cone and see what we tali values in Rugs and Art Squares. Linoleums and Floor Coverings Our stock is now complete in Linoleums and Oilcloths, In. Linoleums, we carry the best productions, in two and four yards wide at Sac a square yard. Oil- cloths in t yard to 2 yards wide at 3oc a square yard. New Spring Hosiery for Men and Women We are showing a complete range of Men, Women and children's Cash- mere, Cotton, a Lisle thread and ailk boot hose, made for appearance and wear by the most reliable makers. If you have hose wants come to us. Every pair guaranteed or money re- funded. rP BASE BALL SEASON OPENS. On Monday evening the hale -baa( season at the C,M.G, formally open- ed by chairman Rorke who spoke a few tvordw to 7the boys on the value of sports in developing not only that physiciai farce that would give them energy in the pursuit of the work in after but also of the moral worth of e!1 manly sports in developing men'eal alterness and self-control, illus- trating his remarks by quoting Wellington that the Bette o1 'Waterloo was won on the play ;'round of Eton College, Fie they took the bat and met the first ball that crossed the rubber squarely making a eleen bit. TheLavvrences and Gordons then took up the in- truments of warfare, the former winning the opening garne. It was a most :interesting game and show- ed a brand of base -ball which is a credit to the players, The follow - v. s SPECIALS FOR 141411, NEXT WEEK House=cleaning Necessities. Sherwin Williams E'aiat 1iloorlac 15c to $1 Japalac 15c to 90c Campbell's -Varnish Stain 15c to $1 Enamels 35c to 50c Aluminum Paiut 25c to 51 Furniture Varnish 20e to 1,50 Floor Paint all shades 85c to 55c Liquid Veneer 25c to 50e Plewpol, new furniture polish 25e 73rasso, metal polish 20c and 25c Putz Cream, metal polish 10c, 25c Stove Polishes, all hinds 5c to 25c Clotheslines I0c to 50c' Wsrsh Boards 25o Brass Curtain Rods 5c to $1 Door Matts Vic to 1i2 Carpet Beaters lac Dustbane in cans 10c to 50c Dusthane it barrels and kegs W. Wash Brushes 20c to $150 Paint Brushes 5c.to'32,50 Scrub Brushes 5e to 25c Mureseo Wall Finish Jellstone Wall i•inish Tack Hammers and Tacks Step Ladders 35c to $1.25 Impaoved Curtain Stitcher 51.35 Ciothes Wringers Washing lelachines Decorate with Windowphaine Just received another lot of Brantford Rubber Roofing shin -les o cheaperthan It is storm and fire proof andh pg HA LAN D BROTHERS S R R STOVES, MARD?VARE AND NOVELTIES: eeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e*,eeeeee' • n • daseeeeeeeeoe+eeeeeeeeeeeeeeaoaeeee00e(aeePoeoee40e+eoeo ADVERTISINei ISMS. NOISELESS NOISES, Don't dive up be ause yon crin 3 i not, sell 011)61.„ a ol. of threadp•.rlraps r Csloding; a theory. 1' fou can sea i a suspension bridge; I Breaking up a op)(i Smashing a renoa d A PINI FVENIN Shoetin Ss the r apide, These who atteniiecl the Part_ Forging aheac1.• tinia.1CluEsanriee last Frida',y even- Firing withentliu5iasm. ing report that it Vag 'ones of the "Shouting' in a saloon;: season. The ,Phalen Orchestra sup-' Fulmlaaating in'the 13r4's plied the music, .( Barking up the wrong :tree..' PRTC•ES ADVANCED. 1 MR. GEOa HAMM ILL. Owing to the price of material of Mr. George FJamm, the gmopaml ' all kinds and the Oilier Lettings in!publicity man offthe (i.T R, es in gen eral'going up theblacicsaritlxs the Western ITospitai, Montreal,' oftown have;4°11114' at necessa., y Ito but expects to gest out before ' raise the price not borseshoeing bong. "The' doctors are undecided etc„ inproportion• whether to carve me up or not,' NOT' FIT FOB, THE MAIL. 1 said the humorist when asked outconcl"Its Iikrl'y YOU must. not enclose, matches or'tabhey.will take advrtantaron,ge o m;yile any, other inflammable or Combust-! fenceless condition and do some ible matter lathe, mails. Stringent,thing; they always. do.” Mr,Haxu methods wall be taken by the / expects to be out in aweelc or two.' Postoffice Department against this Mr. Hamm is well-known to a good- practiee, A large conspicuous care ly number in Clinton and is a cousin has been issued: by the 'depart- of Mrs. H. Plumsteel, meat at Ottawa to this effect, end it is to he hung in the Lobbies, apd corridors of the postal branches. The penalty for a breach of this A decidedly unique event was cel by-law is as great as five years' brated in Maitland Lodge, No. 33, imprisonment. A.F. & A. M. Goderich, last week, TOOK PART IN PLAY, when Past Master Alexander Strai- ton initiated his grandson into the Miss Belie Draper, a student at rites of Ancient Free Masonry. the Normal School, Stratford, took creatingthe record of having three part in "The merchant of Venice generaions in active membership last Friday evening and received in one lodge. White Worshipful praise for her work as Jessica., The 'Brother Straiton has not exempli- Flearld said Miss Belle Draper was fled the work in over thirty-four a winsome Jessica, while the :Lea- years on this occasion in a most. con ea,ys the role of Jessica: creditable manner, to the manifest daughter of Shylock, was e ecli's interest of a great number of resi- ably taken by Miss ;Belle Draper. dent and visiting brethren. W. Rio. During the 'last act the three tactics Straiton, aformer Master of Clin- in the play were each presented ton Lodge, is himself seventy-three with :a bouquet of flower:. pears of age, -while his gran dsn n UNFORTUNATE MAN has just become of age, \V, Elm Straiton is an old sail way man: hav- SENT' BACK iT014IE. ing been with the• Grand Trunk Railway for upwards of forty-five London Free Press :—Inspector years, serving that Company first 'McCallum Thursday deported Her- in the capacity of operator at bert Pratt, an Englishman, suffer- Whitby, and afterwards as agent ing from tuberculosis. The gran at Port Union Seafortb Clinton has been in this country for over and latterly at aloderich. havin two years, He spent 11 months in been ' compelled through ill -health Clinton, 11 months in to resign from the service some Stratford and drifted into London seven years ago. With a return of in January. He was admitted to reasonably good health he has as- Victoela, Hospital the last week in sumecl active wort: again; and is January and it was found that ht now collector for the Water and was suffering from pulmonary Light Commission and Treasurer truberculosis, As he has a wife nett for this town, with an active in - two children in England. he was terest in the affairs of the Presh:v- sent home. He is sufficiently terian Church, of which he has loner strong to undertake the journey. been a devout and ardent offices • While not an active political work- er he is a thorough Liberal and a constant reader of The Globe. ing is the result.— Lawrenees, 101220125 — 14 Gordons' - 120221013. — 12 On Tuesday evening the Olivers played the Ellrotts the forgoer win- ning. The following is the result,—' Oliversi— 1720'10112 — 15 Elliotts — 2 01 01 0 013 8. A FORMER C.C.I. STUDENT. The Toronto Globe last week re- fers to a foryner Iirnon Bo v and a student :—Rev. W. G'Hanna, B.A., Associate Secretary for iSas&t- ern Canada of the Lord"s Daft AI- lianceof Canada, tendered s his resignation last Wednesday to the Executive of the Alliance. 111r. Manna stated that for some time 'he had contemplated givingup his work in the - Alliance, because of his desire to be relieved of the strenuousness of it, and wished to do so at the end of the Alliance year. He was induced to continue to continue to the end of June and on this understanding lie resigna- tion was accepted. A committee consisting of Dr. T. Albert Moore, Dr. E. J. Copp and the General Secretary, Rev. W, M. Rochester, vv as appointed to draft a resolu- tion, appreciative of, the work. of Mr. Hanna, who has been connect- ed with the Alliance; for five and a half years. Dr.T. Albert Moore, Dr, E J. Copp, Canon Bryan, ?r of Farmer and the General Secretary were appointed a committee to consider the question of a successor to Rev. Mr„ Hanna, ELLIOTT—LINDSAY WEDDING, On Monday -April 14th, a very pretty wedding took place alt the home) (of Mr. and • Mrs. John. B, Lindsay, Huron St. when their youngest daughter Clara., was uniersd in lnarriage to Mr. Wilfred S i a vers. .Elliott Nott ofToronto. ' The oerem ony was performed by Rey, D. K. Grant, pastor of Willis Pres- byterian Church Only immedialte relatives were present. The bride who was given away by her father, was married in her travelling suit. of grey whipcord with French hat, of Tagle straw and bouquet of white rosea. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will spend a fortnight in Phila- delphia, Atlantic City and New " York, before returning to their home; in St,;Clair ,Ave, ,Toronto; FORMER Cr. T,11. AGENT HERE. CLINTON MINISTER. The Christian Guardian, publish- ed at P•elfest, Ireland, recen.ly rue- tai.ned the following r-- lative hxy 'a one-time pastor 01 Rattenbury Method- ist church here.: "The Rev. J, W Holmes, of the London Conference, Canada, preached in Wesley Chapel Cork, twice last Sunday;, Mr, Holmes, who is a native of r hats left Ireland fifty years ago. Deis a wonderfully wet -preserved tnnn for his age, and his sermons show- ed no trace of the decline of in- tellectual vigor. Mr, Holmes is naturally very much interested in our work in this country, and he also speaks very highly about those who went out from Ireland to join the ranks of the Canadian ministry. Those who knew the late Rev. Robert Knowles will be glad to hear that his son (Rev. Dr, Knowles ' of Grace Methodist • church., St. Thomas )has had a suc- cessful career as aMTethociist minister in the gra'. Domii•"i,. Canada ewes a bigger debt to Irish Methodf'ar than see is ever likely to repay.' 'A FOR'IER CLINTON GIRL MARRIED. The marriage of Miss May Alone entire Armstrong, daughter el Sir. and Mr•s, Alexander Armstrong to Mr. John M. Beswick, took place at half -past two o'clock Saturday afternoon at the horse of the bride's parents in Clinton street, Toronto, the RevDr. Tor el I offi- ciating. Mrs; E. J. Jenkins played the wedding march and sang • "O Perfect Love" during the signing of the , register. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a graceful gown of ivory' satin veiled with cream eolienne and trimmed with shadow lace, and seed pearls. She also ore a tulle' wore veil caught up with 'lily of the valley and carried a shower of roses and lily of the valley. She was attended by Mrs. E.G. Wil- son as matron of honor, who wore pale blue charmeuse and carried crimson roses. There was a recep- tion n,lterwards to only the re- latives and immediate, family, the bride and groom leaving Tater for Buffalo ,and Rochester, theformer 1 traveling in a gray t ailorrnade suit with hat of cerise. Oa their return they Will reside at05Coady Ave ' Among the many gifts to the bride were a grandfather's clock Iran the groom and a piano from her - family. The bride's many friends in town offer heavty congratula- tion for a happy married life, AMINOR LOCALS., The autos are out again. Clean up your yard. .The Fall wheat on the whole baa wintered wll. .Owing `tao the extra anrount of rain this. Spring, plowing will be unusually late, PIPE TILE UNMAN Who comes to look after your roof, chimney top, cornice, leaders, gutters, etc. If he loiters in his worlc,•sea'ms not to dare a hang, he doesn't belong to us. 'When We Do Tinning, • We ilo it promptly and do it as if the the house we were Working on were 000 oven. Want some of that kind of tinning done now ? Tho .lawkins Plumbing and Heating (Phone 53) The Corner Store Live and lei LiVe Onr Flew Spring Seeds Arriving All fresh 1'HE QUALITY RIGAT The Prices consistent with quality THE SERVICE PROMPT THE STOCK FULL LINE It it's Groceries—We have them Highest Market Price For Butter' and Eggs. It will soon be time for (else hronse 1 eesper to cul to ate. the an- civaintance of Old Dutch Cleanser. 'Tread The New. Era ade, Patro- nize the advertisers. Business men who pay Tor newspaper space have something of valise to tel!, you and pay you the conplimentof show- ing that they think your patron- age is worth 'soliciting. • t arebe ox market e e eggs Stampedgg cooling popular and may soon be 001110 a general thing. Already this spring local dealers have shown us boxes of: eggs piked from pur- chases made which should never have been brought to market. The Toronto Globe published a 24 -page Western Canada edition recently which was replete with splendid illustrations and 'write- ups ,of the- process being; made in tb!at part of our bominion, A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. Hunniford e ner's read Hove you tried Conner's Bread recently? Than do it to day Everybody's Doing It It's good enough ➢t for Anybody Y y Our Vicuna Bread- is delicious Try a Loaf . 'Price 5e CHAS,.COP41NER Baker and (Confectioner E.rII'rk*I'3'.ee :^.k -3t i'h*ii*'ii fek+*** inti* tett itiat•aII;keitt*d„i„Y•�3'`A 3•tQt11 liree hrns�fa'y J: eireassesaaresseNswenailmaimagaaaam Things earest to >a ()final' We can't very well talk to you here about. the first two, but we can about the third ---your Home. No matter what "fixing." No .matter what embellishments. No matter what expense you have gone to in furnishing your home, its good appearance is largely controlled by the Wall Hang- ings; the make or mar the harmony of the whole. Our spring stock is now almost, complete, and our designs almost sure to suit your taste; and our prices, your de- sire for economy. T „ e W D0 Fair eo. j• Often the cheapest-1-Iways the Best IS THERE A BY-LAW, A well-known citizen of town draws the attention of the New Era, to the fact that driver n of rigs, -cattle etc., sora times drive on the lawns .and boulevards and asks if there is a bylaw which. pre -. them from going so and if there 'is will the Council see tha` it is strictly enforced. SPECIAL NEWSPAPER OFFER. The Daily Mail and Empire to all DOW and renewal subscribers films now till January • lst.1014, for $2,90 and also the Weekly Melt and Empire to nen and renewals from now 'to January 1st, 1211 for 35 cents. By mail only to indivi- dual subscribers No premiums given With these offers. NOT{ YET BUT• — The Hensall Observer of last week had the following note under Clinton beading :—"13. B. Brown, of the Knitting company, has gone to Cuba for a holiday. His wife ac- companied hiss." We are sorry to report' that Mr.!Brlown is still a bachelor, hut we are hoping he will discover the error of his way soon. WHAT' WE MAY EXPECT. Autos. Marbles. . Crocuses. Straw (fats. Spring flowers. Foot Ball practice. Early garden "sass." Population to grow, - Farmers en the alert. House cleaning program. Sanitary Cleaning and Pressing Parlors Altering and Repairing Neatly Done, Expert French Dry Cleaners Prices Moderate Satisfaction Guaranteed Goods Called for and Delivered Stand—A. J. (Holloway's Tailor ' Shop. C. JOHNSTON MAIMACEMLOANIAMPINSISSUASSCAMA Tile Paxi➢la i -Gillies Garage and Sales Co. ot elilluton, Ont. Make the following announcement :-- We wish to call your attention to the different lines handled by our Garage AUTOMOBILES. ILES. MOTOR CYCLES • GASOLINE ENGINES. We also carry a full line of accessories, including— Dry Batteries, Spark Plugs, Magnetos Coils, Tires, Gasoline, Oils, Linseed Soap, Greases, and everything found in an up-to-date Garage Ala Kinds el Repairing and Ovel'ilauling Our Specially. .wvvvwwvwwvv v'.' VVVONV ,eA/uwwdu kskAAAnva~^AAAN'k APLAMMe 6•1• •1•00 .g+11•k+L 4..4.ii.+.1r•1.1.4•8• 4, 4. •1• + a..1...1...,mmn mne e rt. Ready Ready with the finest line of SHOES AND OXFORDS t.. for everybody that it has I'ow been our pleasure to show. Ready to Serve You Carefully and Satis- factorily, Ready with the best values in town SII+ geadg 10 +�1• V011 ;.i• -� A) JA�KSON S 41 •r 4. 4 4 ;" •