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The Clinton New Era, 1913-04-17, Page 3
A'''l t, sits+n t - 'h'Thnrsth ' rfi `t,7th 1)13, brit+•••N4r+++i4+t+++t+++++++t+i++++++celN40N••••••••4+e+••••++++++++++t+++++++++++++++4'h+++++++++++++++++++++++¢o/1+/ti,. +G••+4a+'+Oepe4 41 +++++ti+ir+!▪ 1+01+1+i+++1a+i+t+t+1+14t�++tt4i♦ e � 6i, . I a ' o lThee• :. a es'''; Local e• + _e e„4e . o +ii+ti4+++++++�ii•4tN+ii+e04eee+e+®+O♦QA+®®m�►esesoa®see4o'oso+aa4o oso®Coe®ead000moo�o6evo�m.•jamas•a�.0®Oee®4+++dm0+'�4++494ii4ti4+4+•F++++••••++444,0•4•00444,••••••••004-4+++++++++++,444-44++++++++4 • 0009®•0000®®••0••••00.000.1®00000 0000000 •0000.0000000000.000••000••000000: IS youR SKIN Ii,QDuGu QTR jVIN jS DER1ILED • AND "PATCHY", `U 1' i TT3E CLINTON NEW Ells1 Twelve Years in Kingston For Burglar at Goderich Gioderie1s, April•g.-William rested with him in Windsor, was • Landerl i, alias Murphy, arrested at dinmissed, but another of the gang; 'Windsor recently in connection 'Edward Burling, of Goderich, who With robberies at Brussels, Sea-' confessed, was given four years in forth and Harriston, was sentenced Kingston, to twelve years' in Kingston Pent- Murphy's record is one Of con- tentiary on Saturday by Judge. Holt tinual crime, and Crown Attorney Murphy was regarded by the police Seager, who conducted the crowns as the leader of the gang which .ease, had no difficulty :in l owing early in the winter perpetrated a that with the' exception of three number of daring burglaries in this years, Murphy has spent the last district. His companion, young 'fifteen years in prison in the States Thomas McDonald, who was ar- for burglaries of various kinds. :NotesNeWeSt of Science, • m ' e fa fnUhe„�. u be ,. 0 0 0 O go cs ceoese000a•eoseueoao•oevees 0000000000 mscm©csfeitmoeerier 0042)000000S000000000000000009 COMPILED FOR THE NEW ERA READERS. ASwiss hydro -electric plant will perftmein toe lotecions intowisale pee heir, ' a 15,000 horsepower till` ora syringe, has been patented in bine, the largest in Europe, En land.' Ductile metallic tungsten, which An automobile speedometer in- can be drawn into fine wire, is now vented by a California illuminates producted in electric furnaces. numbers mounted on a c a.'s w`ind- Coal was used in England m the shield that show the rate at Which year 852, in Belgium in 1198 .and in itis traveling, China less than a century later, Akite( which can he assembled, One IOW of a new nut cracker has ready for flight, in ten minutes, tee the usual rough surface, the oter invention of German, has lifted teeth to keep :a.nut, from slipping. three men, together to a height of A corporation has been foresee in 40 feet; Copenhagen to make abusiness of A Pittsburg scientist hat patent- .. Cleaning and disinfecting tele- ed a but lett tarrying a tiny grain phones: of morphine in one side to relieve If concrete be first given a coat thei pain of a person or animal that Of a ten per Bent solution of zinc itwounds. sulphate paint will adhere readily. One of the newer German toys is A Targe deposit of slate has been a jumping jack mounted on the end discovered in New South Wales, of a tube. its Movements being the first extensive one inAus- regulated by blowing through the traps tube. a day are killed byyboiler explo- sions in the 'United States every BABY'S OWN TABLETS year. Shoddy was invented and 'the first two Machines installed for ifts Baby's Own Tablets are the best roduction in England 100 years ago medicine a mother can give her this year. little' one. They act as a gentle A new receptacle for disk phone laxative sweeten the stomack,-break 'graph records is a loose leaf book, up colds and makes teething easy each leaf being an envelope to Concerning them Mrs. Alpeonse hold a record. Landry, Upper •Caraeugt, iNT.L':, Foe the British navy there luts says; "Baby's .Own Tablets were been developed agora• especially of great benefit to my 1. tie boy foe firing at aeroplanes from the Iwouid a:vise all mothers with decks of submarines. sickly chi ,iren to ghee them a More than 10,000 plants of var- trial.' 'tie Tablets aro sold by • ions kinds from the ()silted States medicine dealers or by mail at 25 have bean sent to Argentina for Cents- a box from The Dr. Williams its government nursery. Paper' underwear has been in- vented in Paris for aviators' 1350, lightness and heat retaining qua-, ties being its advantagges. An electric tight atitachmen v".t _.-- RING ALI.ONSO, o1 Spain, 'vho was attacked by an Anarchist. This is the third a_:tempt in his reign. An average of nearly two persons revolvers, with battery and button to opperate . it, has been patented by a Oregon inventor. rts about 95 Great Britain expo per cent of the galvanized sheet iron which it Makers and about 77 per cent of the tin plate. in Washing with 110'1 soapsuds which salt has been dissolved will tighten a cane seat in a chair which has stretched until it sags. •DenicOtined cigars and eigarcts are ,made in Swit_c ls.nd and France that are acceptable to smokers • of the finest flavored tobacco. Substantially built storage bater'y fed electric lamps have been in- vented for use on the gauges and other parts of steam fire engines. One o2 New Yore's larg•:stetil l's has been converted tote's garage acconmurnating more thali b30 automobiles, l' h shoes, w] C tabic hilt for s Deta 1 can be ;replaced with flesh ones without the use Oftoo 13 when worn have been patentee. Rhode a is distill ng 1 coholflam corn stalks and using i- dor fuel in automonil es and othee interne,) combustion motor:). A life preserves invert .d by a Maryland, men 15£cature:i by pneumade belt, which can be In- flated ilhliekly in 'tined lof'enw gency. A glass. bodese bio -ng mach-ne invented in Germany has 'a speed of 2000 bottles an hoer equal teethe work of 250 expert glass blowers, A new library table is equipped with four or more elect: is sockets for supplying .current to lamps, cooking utensils and other appara- tus. Aperforatetl comb for splaying Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MEETINGS BROKEN UP. fa Mobs In London Make Things Hot For Militants. LONDON. April 14, -The weekly at- tempt of the suffragettes to hold a meeting in Hyde Park against the opposition of the anti -suffragettes. tool: place yesterday. The crowd hnwled down the speakers and hurled missiles at them until the police were forced to intervene and escort the suf- fraeettes from the park. Wild scenes of disorder occurred at Wimbledon Common, where an en- ormous force of pollee was engaged in protecting from violence the. suffra- gettes holding an open air meeting. The speeches were inaudible, and the mob was riotous beyond expression. Mounted police were obliged to charge several times before they were able to rescue the woolen. e A suffragette meeting at Hampstead Heath was also brokenup. yesterday was made v Y to An attempt burn 'dower the Shipcote Council i Schools at Gateshead. Through a window of a rear building the 11155811- diaries gained access to' the room in which carpentry is taught. After drenching the place with kerosene, they set it afire. The outbreak was discovered early. which enabled the firemen to prevent the flames from spreading to the other class rooms. The damage therefore was small. Evidence that the perpetrators were suffragettes were afforded by labels scattered about the premises, in- scribed : n -scribed: "We burn to get votes for women "For the damage .done sue J.Squlth;' "You cannot stop us by the est and : mouse bill." • Several hunched militants, many of them wearing black banners, marched in 'procession' last evening, accompan- ied by two brass bands to Holloway sat1, where re fourtcen st fra et te5 are said to be on hunger strike. They circled the jail twice, singing the "March of the Women.' They gave three lusty cheers for their im- prisoned comrades before starting on the return. The object of the demon- stration was to encourage the hunger strikers; to resist all temptations to surrender to the pants of hunger and the discomfiture of forcible feeding.. THE DUCHESS OF.CONNAL'ea1T underwent a severe abdomins 1 operation and her physicians said she was as well as could be ex- pected under the cfrcumstancer. The Duchess is the wife of the Governor-General of Canada and the aunt of King George. CARDINAL DIOMEDE FALC'ONIO, The operation *as undertaken to relieve the eliepn s peritonitis who is one of the possibilities from which she suffered almost for a future Pope came into all the time she and the Duke prominence at the time of the were in Canada. Roosevelt affair in I ate, Juni-Birk 'Will lake it "Peachy" Every girl likes a good complen- fon. Use of Zam-Buk `ensures one! -If you ' havepimplesor rough and sallow patches on your face or any part of your skin just try it Think what you skin has had' be go through during the winter just past. You have been out in rain and sleet and snow. You have been at .one moment perspiring from skating, or smile ,other exc1- tion. Then you have stood to °'cool. off.” You have spent hours indoors at a temperature equal to stuuhimer. heat. '.Then you have e 'eoi'ered' up your skin except your face and gone out into •i tempera- ture away below zero! :No wonder that withh:ailthese changes the stein of the face and neck shows signs of needing attention. Tim -Butt; is a skin food. Don't forget that the skin has to do wort: just as any other organ of your body has, and if you overwork it, it gives. out 'Zbm-Bulc is the re- medy. Smear it lightly over the spots, the eruptions, the sallow patches, at night, and note how quickly your appearance improves. Astha rich, refined, herbal es P, W,SOTEMAN, forme'rl'y. chief senses sink deep into the tissue, engineer . oft'he .Ontario iiydi o- the hard scurvy -like patches are Electric C''bmm.ission, and now a removed. The cuticle is softened. practicing engineer in New 'Yolk The eells beneath are. stimulated City, has been asked to testify to.iraithy, . operation The, pores before tire -Public Accounts Com- resume their work properly. Better mittee of the Legislature on color results. The cells of the slain :Hydro matters. Mr, Sothman are purified by Zam-Buk, become says he's 111 and has not -comet transparent, the blood beneath is but others say he is at his office able to impart its peeper estoring ea usual. to the tissue, and the delicate "peach bloom'= of health rep,aees the sallowness and pallor of dis- eaae. A few days' use of Zana -Bute will he foinei to give this result, Use else Gant -Bub soap. ciao Rut. and Zam-Buk Soap are obtainable from all druggists and stores, or by mail from ham-iSuk Co., TelOnto. May Abandon Air Derby. MONTE CARLO, April 14. -The .eater -aeroplane Derby, the '(Grand Prix de Mariam; was started yester- day, but abandoned and annulled, owing to the high waves brought abent by a wind blowing 40 miles an hone, Which caused several accidents. There were seven starters, of whom M. Fischer- was wrecked at Beaulieu. his machine capsizing while he was 150 feet in the .am. He and his engineer were rescued from the water. Ilimnome IMPURE BLOOD IN TAIL SPRING STA'1';_T NOW Susceptibility to colds, sore throats, tonsilitis and such, indi- cate impoverished vitality—lack of reserve strength to weather changing seasons, A spoonful of SCOTT'S EMUL- SION after each meal starts health body -action like a small: match kindles a ' peat fire—and more: it mahes rich, healthy, active blood -fortifies the tissues and stimulates the appetitc-it makes Bound body -strength.''. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the purest cod liver oil, made cream- like and palatable without alco- hol or drug -the quintessence purity. of utity . Reject imitations: they in:- pastor -9 for profit. Scott & nowne, Toronto, Ontario 12-58 umrEmmatrA Passing of Winter Leaves People Weak and Depressed. As winter passes away it leaves many people feeling weak, de- pressed and easily tired. The body lacks that vital force and energy which pure blood alone parents fell heiress to a fortune, {� ed With and would have lost it entirely butrOf�b� for the proof of birth obtainable at the Parliament Buildings.l. Weak Heart. Drs Williams' Pink Pills for Pale : People are an all—year-round blood ' builder and nerve tonic, but they! are especially useful, in the spring. Every dose helps to make new., rich, red blood. ; Returining strength commences 'with their use and the vigor and.. esees fnlihess of good health quickly follows. There is just .one cure for lack .of blood and that is more blood. Food is the material from which blood is made, but Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills double the value of the 1 food we eat. They give strength. and weak hl 11 tone u -tile stomach P digestion, scion clear the complexion of pimples, eruptions and boils, and drive mat rheumatic poisons. you ' f U lel salloh i pale at 1, n are 1. I f o p } "th- •ea out,breath- less I . 'tired , out v feel c less after slight exertion, if you have headaches or backaches, if you are irritable and nervous, if your joints ache, if your appetite fails and food does not' nourish nor sleep refresh you, Ds. Wil- i'anis' Pink Pills will Make you well and strong. To build up the blood is the special purpose of Dr, Wilhalns' Pink Pills, and the,: is Why they are the best spring mew - eine. If yon feel the need of a tonic at this season give Dr. Wi1- I:anis' 1-i.nl. Pills a fele trial and. you will rejoice in,DOW, ht. atth,51ew strength and new energy. Do not let the trying wreathcr of summer find }on week and ailing. Build yourself up now with Dr. Wiilianee' Pink Pills -the pills that strengthen, Ask fm Dr. Wil rams' Pini: Pills for Pale People' and do not be per- seaded to take something else. If your dealer does not keep these• Pills they will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr, Wil- iness' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont „Mrs. Pankhurst Released. LONDON, April 14. -Mrs. Emme- line Pahl:burst, the suffragette lead• er, was released from Holloway jail yesterday morning, after being on a '"he neer-strike" since she was sen- fenced only ten days ago, to three years of penal servitude. ` OUR BACHELORS BETTER BEWARE. Was All Run Down. Many people are unaware of having Clinton can boast of a goodly anything wrong with number of bachelors and we quote excitement, overwork or worry causes. the following item which appeared them suddenly to feel faint or dizzy, and rum Boston last week :-Bachelors have 511 all -gone sinking sensation. are more likely to become insane On the first sign of any weakness of, the than married men in the opinion of heart or nerves, you should not wait until their heart till some f r. Ueorge an insanft til f W v 1 your ease becomes so desperate that it is expert, who snakel at going to take ,years to cure you, but avail he Massachusetts Mental Hygiene yourself of a prompt and perfect cure by Conference. "There is a tendency using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. for men to degenerate in manners Mr. Thomas A. Stevenson, Harris, and 'n conversation when they live Sask. writes. -"I was troubled, with alone," said Dr.'Tuttlo. "There are weihk'heart, and•was all run down for a many advantages in tlhe presence long while I was almost P of women in men's homes, and in ver getting well again, the case of 1119:111 patients the em- ployment of women nurses is for was much better, and three boles cured betterment." I well as ever, and will l me. I am now, as HICKS FORECAST FOR APRIL. 1 highly recommend them to any one else BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. Executions are being served upon Farmers. Bank shareholders in Middle= sex under the double liability clause.. John L. Garvin, a, well-known news- paperman of Toronto' and Montreal and a former lacrosse player of note, died al Ottawa: W. G. Charlton of South Dorchester was nominated for the house of. Com- mons by the Liberals el East Elgin in conventions at Aylmer. Rev; Thomas -i+Tattressr of Amherst - burg resigned from the Presbyterian ministry after twenty years' ,service, to join a Dets,•oit manufacturing con - 1 cern. ' Michel, B.C.,.liad one of theevent fires 1)1 its history : Saturday, when . the large .toile of the Trites. Wood Co., Ltd., was destroyed with a loss. of $100,000. +++,44-4,+++4i+++++4++444444 L News in des air of until a friend ern' Heart recommended me to'try•Milbu s nd Nerve Pills. After the first box, I Vulcan regular storm period cen- tral on Marc fist, comes over into troubled with a weak heart. cart and The price of Milburn's H Nerve Pills is 50 cents per box, orb boxes April for two or three days. Thun- for $1.25. l dealers or mailed direct der, lightning, wind and rain, with For sale at al a -The T. Milburn Cot severe hall storms in many sec en receipt of price .y Toronto, Ont. pT ' ited , - "Lim be lookedfor,with pose ... __ . ' ns may1 o tlo-, - , 1 V Bible spurts of snow and sleet to _ the northward. 1 • ward,. The combined in- fluences of Mercury, Vennus, Earth and Jupiter, will naturally aggra- Fate and prolong disturbances >•days the eight or i 1 hoot o tl o itg of April. A Reactionary Storm Period centres on the 5.th, 6th and 701. Vicious electrical and hail storms will be very natural on and touching the 5th and 6th. Change to nrucli cooler, with frost in 58051 tial and northern states, about the 6th to 90. An aggravate seismic period is central on the 6th, call- ing for: severe and numerous earth- A.Reggular storm period involves the Otis to the 14th,havingits cen- tre on the llth,'itlh 's'trms of hail, wind, rain and thuuder, touching the 10th, 11th, 12%11 and 13th. A. -Reactionary Storm Period is central on the 171:12, 18th and 19th. The :Moon is in perigee and on the celestial equator on rite 18th 'this calls forsudden and • d great increase . of temperature, rapid fall of the barometer, followed by thunder storms and hail, with probility of tornadoe's in regions central and southward on and touching that date, High barometer and some more very cool days and nights will follow from about the 19th to 21st. A;Regular Storm Period is central on the 23rd, covering .the +4++++4+4i+4i4+4++++++4+4+ REGISTRATION'. :Dr. 3. W. McCullough secretary oI the Provincial,' board of health, and deputy registrargeneral is sending circular letters to alt the diyision registrars in the province requiting that the Dames of parties who ne- glect to register the birth of a child be reported to the county crown attorney to institute a. prosecution. The penalty for this offence under act isa fine of $0.00.\ Many instances `have oc- curred recently where the ad-' vantages of a birth registration hae been apparent ' Dr. 'McCullough sent onIrionday a long letter to. the '.British consul in Mexico, con- firming a birth registration of a. Canadian who is now in jail, and claims the ' protection as a British citizen. Another instance happe.e- ed inhere a young girl of obscure PARI3I'AN SAGE CANADIAN NEWS, r 4 . a Lusln'1 rig' et a toga rune. 01' speed, an engine and baggage car on the regular morning train of the Algemn Central for Franz, crashed through a trestle near the Son yesterday. Port . Dover ratepayers carried a by- law to spend $10,000 more on the high school, in addition to $22.000 previously voted; also sanctioned sub- mission of a Hydro -electric bylaw. St. Thomas has decided to apply to the Carnegie Educative Fund for $15,- 000 to build an addition to the present library, which was built with .$27,000 of lir. Carnegfe's money several years ago. Alfred Parmenter, a rine-year-old Toronto boy, sustained a broken thigh and shoulder when a team of fiorses belonging to J. 3f. Lamb ran away, throwing.him out. 1 -le was left with the rig when the owner was absent. Seven Are Killed in Wreck on. Central Vermont Railway. WERE ON . FREE EXCURSION Montreal Train Carrying People to Look at Realty Agent's Properties, Was Ditched by Spreading Rails -Thirteen Injured as Result of • the Crash Escaping Steam Added Horror to the Scene. MONTREAL, April 14. --Seven per- sons are dead and thirteen were injur- ed as the result of the derailment of an excursion train yesterday after- noon on the Montreal-Chambly branch of the Central Vermont 'Rail- way, about four and a half miles out of St. Lambert.. The train was carry- ing about 700 passengers who had tak- en advantage of the free trip given by Cottrell,. Limited, real estate agents, to prospective purchasers of lots at Albani subdivision, and was returning to Montreal at a speed of between twenty and thirty miles an hour, when, from some unknown cause, the engine and three first coaches left the rails a few hundred yards the other side of the Sunlight City subdivision, .near East Greenfield station. Thedead are: J. 1\Ioses, fireman; Montreal; 3. Lacoste. 501 Drolet street, Montreal; :Margaret Deer, ten years old, 109 Conway street, Point St. Charles; unidentified man, sup- posed to be Christie, C.P.R.engineer, The Glen; unidentified man, suppnsed to be named Rochon; Martin -White, Lafayette avenue, Montreal South; unidentified man. Tile engine was running tender first. When the derailment occurred, the tender jumped to the right side of the track, turning bottom up, while the engine went to the left, falling on its side. The engineer and fireman were both thrown from the cab, the fireman received injuries from which he died soon after, while the engineer escaped with some painful bruises. The three coaches which were de- railecl remained upright on their trucks, but the telescoping of their ends caused most of the fatalities. The first coach rested' across the track nearly at right angles, its front end being superimposed upon the over- turned engine. The second car stood in an oblique angle across the track, its front end jammed into the rear of the forward coach, while the third coach, to the left of and parallel to the track, was wedged into the side of the second ear near its rear end. The passengers of the first and se- cond cars suffered most ieverely. All the deaths, except that of the fireman, did most of the injuries, occurred in these two ears. As the train was crowded to its full capacity, many persons were standing on the plat- fdems, and it was among their . num- bers that the victims were chiefly found. Escaping steam from the boiler of the locomotive filled the derailed • coaches, scalding some painfully, and added to the horror and confusion of the surviving passengers and impeded '. them in their efforts to escape. Between the first and second coaches two bodies were crushed, one being that of little Maggie Deer, aged ten, and the other that of an unidentified man. They had not been released at midnight. A heartrending incident was the presence of the child's moth- er, herself badly shaken by ,the acci- dent, who begged the rescuers to re- lease her child, Another man, I;.oclion by name, was pinned under a truck, and althoagh fearfully injured, livedfor several ition Gond hours in an unconscious wh1'1 • made to effect his were s v e efforts release. Oflieials of the railroad put a strict censorship on all information, ion making g i the process of identification difficult. The accident is supposed to have been caused by spreading rails. DUCHESS WILL STAY. Her Royal Highness Will Not Return To Canada With Duke. LONDON, April 14.-(C.A.P. Cable.) -The following bulletin was issued late last night at Clarence house: "Her Royal Highness had a good day and' is gaining strength. " -E. • S. Worthington, Bertrand Dawson, and W. Arbuthnot Lane." It is stated it will not be possible For Her Royal Highness to leave her three weeks. period. bed for a pe d• of about .\s soon as she is sufficiently recover- ed from of the operation the effects 1 cli- tui a warmr• i she. will leave town mate. It is definitely stated that she will not a.ecnlnpany the duke on his return to Canada Brat month. 21st to 23rd, The temperature will again a' 1 1ise very high, h, and the baro- metera meter will fell to Jew readings as we enter this period, beginning in western and hall will follow, and during the 22nd to 25th, these storms will .pass in regular, pro- gressive order from west to east oyer the country. The regular change to high barometer and much cooler wilt follow immediate- ly behind, and for several nights after these storms. Another seismic Period, calling for activeand us earthquake uake reports; is q central on the 20th, involving the 17th to 23rd. A]3eactionary .Storm Period covers thelast three days havingmoon in 30U Month, the n Of the it On ,- apogee, at last quaff ter• and near the celestial . equator. :Return of April thunder showers, with IOW barometer, Warmer stiff winds and hail stones, should not stlrprise or' alarm any person: Carts Hair 005 9'uiiti Sffead and Koons it There What's the use of being bald? What sense is thle in deliberatly allowing your Bair to tarn g ay? Dor' you want to 'look old before Yew; trope? Give up the thought old age will come only the soon, Look atter- your hair. PARISIAN Same will (till the dandruff genus, and is the orally pleparrttien, so far ' as We know; that le guaran trod to d.0 50.• Man oe women, mo matter how : old you are, PARISIAN Sage, will make you loom 'young. 1 Why not go to W.S.'.R.'Flomesanc 71, get ,a large bbttie today, i(t or y costs 50 cents, and your money back . if it does not cure dsnldrul C. stop faith' hair, or itching.' of the scalp. It Will, make- your hair, lux- uriant, bright and be<ali'i'if ri, and it is the most refreshing, pleasant soil invigorating hair Messing made. •• 1 Skin .!i muses ADE OCCASIONED BY 1k:191.0'tI'J No one eau expect to be free from some form or other of skin trouble unless the blood is kept in good shape. easily purified p urified and The blood can the skin disease cured by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, that old and widely known blood medicine. It has been on the market for over 35 years and its reputation is unrivalled., Lillie Mitchell Mrs. Lh , Guelph, Ont., writes: -"I was troubled with eczema. My body was covered with awful itching skin eruptions. Although I tried many different remedies I could get nothing to give me relief. Finally I got a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, which completely cured me." Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Electrocuted 1n Collar. 4 TORONTO, April 14. -Garfield Till of. Toronto was instantly killed at Oakville yesterday morning, in the cellar of tho Murray House. He had :;one clown to fix a water pipe which was leaking, and in sr me way which is not yet explained, was electrocuted by an ordinary ,electric lamp. His body mus discovered by his brother, Lewis, the :proprietor of the hotel, Whose suspioiens were, aroused by the limes of busniit0 111 the house To Consider Subsidy. OTTAWA, April 14. -it is announc- ed that Messrs. Z, Lash sed 33, V. 13odyvell have constituted •: crunmis- sinn to enquire into the claims of 13rit- """""� is11 Columbia for• better terms in the atter of a i•ernhanantly iurreased m 1 RUTHERFORD, of EX-PEIEM:TER R nvinefal suhsd.y; l,y .hr. sr.,,l,rtton of he ex trnsv of Sas, Alberto, typo announces thatex-Clafef. Justice \\ . will oppose the Liberals in the katehewan as the third member' of the approaching Alberta elections. commission. i4i,..,�,:, lyra+N�ti., ) neilitrilS SHE CAN DANCE NOW. Friedmann's First American Patient Discards Crutches, •s 1'R.OVIDENCE, April 14. -Sophie Berger, the 16 -year-old girl who was Dr. Friedrich F Friedmann's first tuberculosis patient in the United States, danced before Governor Poth- ter Saturday to show how her tuber- cular knees have benefited from the L turtle serum Theirl went on crutches for three g years. She is tho' Niece of Dr. Ille Berger of this city. Governor Pothier and State Senator R. Livingstone Beekman interested themselves in her case, with the result that elle received the first injection of the serum on March 6. The second injection was given Friday. Meanwhile the girl was able to dispense with crutches. Saturday she went to the state house with her uncle and Senator Beekman. Sophie shook hands heartily with the governor ,and told him how much bet- ter she is. "Stun," she said, "I don't Have to 'I use crutches. I can dance." l',ortlh with the girl tripped in 'buoyant dance steps. New Hospital Opened. BERLIN, April 14. -The new wing: of the Berlin and Waterloo hospital, costing $30,000, was formally opened • Saturday afternoon by the Lieutenant Governor, Sir John M. Gibson' of To Tonto, who nineteen ,years ago as Pro-, vincial Secretary, :laid the cornerstone of the -hospital building, which with • the ..hospital preperty is today vale- ta at $130,000: The new wing; is equine ped with the most modern appliances known. - Turkish General Doing Well. CON'STANTINOP'LL April 14.-•--Dja vid Pasha, formerly Turkish: comman- der et Uskup, continues to be a thorn in the side of the Sesvian"army in Macedonia. He is 11015 reported to have captured Avlohuyi imprisoned the members of the eouhcil and hoisted' the Turkish flag.