HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-04-17, Page 2gof Spain Escapes Death at'.
Haack of Anarchists.
• A"
resence of`Mind Saves Young Mon-
-arch From;Death When Rafael Al,
egro $el?es t -lis Bridle and Fires
eclat Blank -Would-be M'ur•der
er Is Overpowered .by Secret
Service Men' After a Fight.
MAD1i,ID,'April 1'4._I`ot the tlri • id
time in, his• reign, ping Alfonso liar-
ra vIy escaped yesterday being the
victim of an"anar;chiist attempt against
leis, life- Three shots were fired at
the -king•yester'day •afternoon in the
streets of the capital by a native of
Bareelona, Rafael Sanchez Allegro,
Who •was immediately overpowered..
:King'Adfonso, owed his life to his
own courage; quickness and skilled
horsemanship: . Accompanied by his
staff he •was riding along the Calle De
Alcala .on the way back from the
Ceremony' of swearing in the recruits,
when a man sprang from the sidewalk
aria seized the bridle of the kung's
horse• with one hand, pointing a re-'•
volver'point blank with the other,.
'Tho king took in the situation at a
glance. With lightning rapidity he
dug • his spurs into the horse, which
reared violently. His quickness saved
his'tife, The bullet, instead of burying
itself in the king's breast, struck the
horse on the neck, but so close was it
that the king's left hand glove was
blackened by the powder discharge.
Before the assailant was able to pull
the trigger again a secret service man
sprang ,upon him. The two men fell
to the -ground locked in each other's
arms; struggling 'furiously, The as
sassin managed to free his revolver
arm and fired two more shots in rapid
succession, but the Officer knocked his
aria aside and the ballets flew harm-
lessly through the air:
At the sound of the first shot the
king's staff forced their horses on the
sidewalk and made a ring around the
assassin, who fought long and fiercely
in the grip of four, policemen before he
was overpowered and handcuffed,
King Alfonso, as soon as he saw
that the man had been secured, rais-
ed himself in the stirrups, turned to
the crowd, gave a military 'salute
and shouted in ringing voice: "Long
live Spain.",
He then dismounted and reassured
his staff, saying: "It is nothing, gen-
tlemen." Then uprose a mighty roar
from the wildly enthusiastic crowds,
which rolled along in great waves, of
sound, all the way as the king rode to
the palace, cool, collected and smiling.
A spectator, a pensioned royal hal-
berdier, pushed forward so impetu-
ously to offer his congratulations to
'the monarch that he was mistaken Inc
another assassin and arrested. Re
*as released, however, as soon as
the mistake was discovered.
• A young. Frenchman, who was
standing beside Allegro, was also ar-
rested, but it does not nppear that he
was in any way connected with him.
Later the two squares near the pal-
ace were black with people desirous of
showing their joy at the king's safety
and their admiration for his display
of bravery. The king went to the hal-
cony and acknowledged the cheer;
and then sought the queen, and the
two stood howing to the throngs fcr
several minutes
The. police investigations have es-
• tablished that 1,llexro was recently
expelled from Orange as an a.naruir-
after Which he went to Barcelona.
He came' to Madrid a month ago and
obtained employment in a carpenter
shop. He wort e l there until Friday,
on which day heoff.
was paid d
It was said that during the course
of his first examination,_ Alle ro de-
clared that on seeing Behking pas
he was seized with a sudden evil 1m -
pulse, and having a revolver in his
pocket drew it out. Driven on by an
irresistible force, he sprang forward
and fired.
Appeal For Aid For Lepers Nobly
Answered by Nuns
MONTREAL, April 14.-A few days
ago Rev. Father Connardy, who has
charge of a leper colony at Sheek-
lung, nine miles from Canton, China,
issued an appeal for helpers. It has
been responded to by the Sisters of
the Imma•culatc Conception at Outre-
mont. The whole sisterhood volun-
teered for the work, but only four will
be selected.
The sisters will be sent on their
long journey in the course of a week,
and' as the sisterhood has hardly any
money they must beg their way. The
volunteersalso understand that the
work they will unitertake means their
perpetual isolation from the rest of
the world.
Hamilton Woman Found Crooning
Over Dead Baby.
FIAMILTON, April 14, -Coroner
Hopkins found a pathetic case Satur-
day when, on the advice of neighbors,
lie went to the house of Mrs. George
Kemp, Ting William street, and found
tlje mother crooning over her infant,
which bad been clea.cl some lime,
She refused to believe it when the
doctor gently broke the news to her,
but continued to ;rock and sob her
grief. The authorities' have ordered
an inquest. It is alleged the father
was told to get a doctor, but did not
ilo so;
Heavy :Snowfall, I n Germany.
BERLIN,. April 14, -Arctic weather
conditions continue to be reported
from various sections of Germany.
In south Germany snow has fallen to
a depth of three feet on the Swabian
plateau, At Stuttgart there was a
heavy fall of snow yesterday, and in
other parts of Wurttemberg snow lies
sari considerable depth. The storms
have extended west to L uzemburg.
Conditions in north Germany, how•
ever are improving.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
— The,
'- Regulator on which women can
depend. ..Sea in'three degrees'
of strength ro 1, se; No, 2,
10 degrees stringer. V; No. 3,
for opectal ca. ea, 85 per box,
. 1 all.tin �•t:�:.q or situ
Sold ,v c t, t
''- i+t,pu 1 g t tu,.tiPt of p,ru,.
'1 v... l+a c pamphlet.. li,hc„s THE
if ,r,” fulvfide"
The New Era Brakes a special offer for this 'month
and will send the Paper to anypart or Collado,
from. now •until the 1st ot January, I914, for 50c.
To new subscribers in the United States $1.00
THIS OFFER 9 Months for 5Cc (in Canada)
• r
As, Seen From the Galiery•
•o000000°o®4)110 ECHOES FROM QUEEN'S PARK. 0011110111111.a40111:
Special to the New Era)
1. Government votes down all
proposals for extending tr'e
franchise to women.
2. Government opposes Mr. Ro-
wel l's motion to appoint a Com-
•' mission to investigate the Eight
Hour Day and Minimum Wage.
3. Mi. Rowell censures the
Government for their failure to
inaugurate an adequate publi-
city campaign for the Province. Mr. •Gra ndvi o f tot lire t h ; rev,
A 1 t P Grant, of Clinton, to address'
the minister, and Rev. W.D. Turner
of Blyth, to address the people.
3, If any deposed`Minister there-
after esolemnize
t undertakesto plen'r r e
any marriage he shall incur a
penalty of $500, and in addi-
tion be liable to aprison term
not exceeding' one year,
The Presbytery of Huron
Witt Find 'a Helpful' Suggestion
In This Letter,:'
Overworked, run-down, "fagged
out" women who feel -as though they
could hardly drag about, should profit
by Miss Richter's experience, .She
says; "Last winter T was completely
run down and telt fagged out all the
time, was nervous and had indigos -
"One ' of my friends advised me to
take Vinol, and it has done me great
good. The tired, worn; out feeling is
all gone, and: I am strong, vigorous
and well, The stomach trouble soon
disappeared and no heartily
now- 1 a • e t
and have perfect digestion. I wish
every tired, weals, nervous woman
could have Vinol, for T never spent
any money in my life that did me so
much good as that I spent for Vince."
Marie Richter, Detroit, Mich,
Thousands of women and men
who were formerly weak and sickly
owe their present rugged hbalth to
the wonderful strength -creating effects
of Vinol. We. guarantee Vino]. to build
you rap and make you strong.. If
it does not, we give back your money.
W. S. R.- Illolmes, Druggist'
Clinton, Ont.
4. Sir James Whitney announces ; specie meeting ofHuron Pres-
there ''s 1 o probability of bytery was held in St. Andrews
i r 1 S Blyth, on Monday,April 7,,
a Workman's Compensation Act Church,
this. session. •
+i.'Q.• itlliot'e, Liberal. - (Neat
Middlesex) introduces Bill to
encour'ag'e the breeding' , of
to deal with the call. from Burn's
Church, Mullett, and Knox Church,
Rev, A. Laving, of Auburn, was
black folies -Second leading. appointed Moderator pro ten.
6. Hon. Mr, Hanna introduces iui- The action 02 the moderator in
enfant changes in the Mar -
sustained, the special. meeting was
e Act. sustained,
7. Changes in Motor Vehicles Acc.
Rev. W, D. Turner then reported
in Municipal Committee. Every that he had called a meeting of the
t f
drive private and professional
congregations o the above church-
n'iust get hceuse, moderated • in favor of Rev.•
Ladies Are Disappointed, Reid, of Alma, offering him a
Those women in Ontario, and 0
there are thousaucls of them in stipend of $1000 ,together with
every .part of the Province, who manse and four weeks holidays.
want to • .see atleast some exten_
sion of the franchise of the Legis
lature fn voting• down every variety
and stage of woman suffrage. Dur-
ing the debate on this subject the
attendance in the galleries was as
large • as. at the Temperance de-
bates and standing room was at a
premium; Sir James 'Whitney
rather antagonized the galleries
present by asking the Speaker in
brusque terms to.clear the tal!erries
because at one point a few women
applauded sentiments in favor of
woman suffrage. The Speaker
sinoothed down the incident
It seems to be widely believed
that the .Government made amis-
take in not granting some conces-
sions. The Macdiarmid Bi11 hr d
been drawn Up by Hon. Mr. Hamm
and every person thought that it
was practically a Government
measure. At the last moment.
it was a-iehdrawst.
Thefour Bilis considered were
as follows :-
1. The Macdonald 1`,111--Wnu-u
have gicven the vote to those
have given the voce tobliti'
women who now have it in
ed by the Opposition anti Allan
Stud halm.e.
e. The; Elliott Fill --In chert
would have granted the nnini-
cil'al vote to married wom'•n
Property 1101 dere. Sup pot l
l , Jte Opposition tied Alla
Ftutihol le,
The ala rilumid P11 -Some-
what similar to the E ic.tt 1 11.1
except th t: the married women
property holders would be en -
es and that a unanimous tali was
tide41 to vete only ince,::
where the wife tilted that his
nano replaced this of her hus-
band on the lis,. \S"ithdrarwn.
3. The `=tndholme I.I Enua
franchise to men and women
Supported by X0010 priva
Flack Fox Breeding.
Of special interest to people in
the country districts is Mr. J. C.
Elliott's Bill to assist in the
breeding of black foxes. 1\1r.
Elliott the Liberal Member for
West Middlesex. is one of the lead-
ing men in the House and is always
alive to' the interest of the Pro-
vince. His present Bill which re-
ceived its second reading and wili
come up again in commnittee\
allows fox breeders to catch breed-
ing stock at any time of the year
and not only in the open season es
at present. The breeding of bleek
foxes is being taken up enthusi-
astically in various parts of On-
tario, and Mr.Elilotts Bill, if it
becomes lav, will prove areal en-
couragement. Ladies must have
black fox for their furs, and they
are willing to pay anything for
them. Thera must be lots of
money in the business. •
Workingmen Complain.
Workingmen have two causes of
complaint against the Whin'tey
Government arising from the
week's sitting.
First. -Sir James 'Whitney sur-
prised them by declaring that
the Workmen s Compensation
Act will probably not be passed
this session at all. It wa.s first
promised in 1908 and has been
hanging fire e0er since,
Second. -In spite of the urging o:
Allan Studhol ue, Labor Mem
'her for East Hamilton, and of
Mr. N, W, T3owel 1, tile' Govern-
ment refused to appoint a Com-
mission to study the Eight flour
Day and Minimum Wage ques-
tions, All these • subjects are
matters of vital i'inporltance, and
Ontario under ' the present.
Government is not keeping up,,
to the standard of advance set
by the United Staftes, Aus-
tralia Great Britain andother
European countries.
Marriage :a.ct'Changes.
Hon, W' J,.Hanna's chief proposed
amendments to the Marriage Act
1. If neither of the applicants for
a marriage license have lived
in the town or distrielt during
the preceding 15 days,
lieerrse wilt not be
issued, until
an aclV ertisemcnt 'on the ap-
plication has appeared in a local
publication'for three successive
weeks. Special exceptions- will
he dealt with by the Registrar.
2. If an issuer : of licenses, or, any
Minister or clergyman, know-
ing oa believing 'that either of
the parties to (the. intended
marriage is an idiot, insane or 1
under the influence of lidoor ,
shall nevertheless issue the
license, he shall •incur a pea 01-
ty not exceeding 8500, and, shall
also be liable too prison term.
• not exceeding •twelve months.
The action of the moderator was.
Mr. A. Elliott and lelo. Campbel'.
supported the • call in behalf of
Burns congregation and Messrs.
Melril:e and Ball in behalf of Knox
After hearing the commissioners,
Rev. James 'Hamilton, of Gocierich,
moved that the call bereceived
has a regular gospel call and trans-
imitted to the Presbytery of
Guelph, Rev. '\V. D. Turner and Mr,
Melville to prosecute the call be-
fore that .Presbytery.
Provisional arrangements were
then made for Mr. Reid's induction,
should he accept the call. Rev. E.
MeL. Smith, of Hensell, the Moder-
ator, to preside ; Rev. James Argo, l
f l< 0
The Grabt 'Ln lisp Remedy
Tcoxs 10515110dare,
1 :cuesaud'n
ri uratesthcvhul
110,d In old Veins. Cures Ncr'vnt.. elle system, makes new
ins Debility, 21,ntol and Brain Wary, Der•
7'ondency, Scxnal. fYl /c, c •s EllaS5tar5, Spah
mutorrlecc,.l and R()'er fribrese or Itlecesstr,
Price $1. per box Fix for $5 One wulplease, s:x
ill cure. Sul Y all ereg-tet5 or nettled in
plain pkg. on : e,..:11)1 01 0}1100. 1Se,r, pamyt lel
narrilcrL,frce• -'rate SVOcei fol atiicioe C+i.
,firmerlrf *,1,•„,Igc"'D "rink. ,aten.? 101,.
Thr' lard used in the Unitic+d
States 30 a year would 'fill a pail
295 feet in diameter and .334 feet
A number of prominent scientists
are members of 0 German society
for the elucidation of the divining
The Russ'an government has sent
a commission to the United States
to study refrigeration for food pro-
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness avertedat once. Pboophoaol will
make you a new man. Price 53 a box. or two for
C5. Mailed to any address. Tho Scoben Drug
o., 9t: -Catharines. Oat
YOU WANT TVire-barked, coil. spring and plain. Nails -
all sizes. Staples and Pence :Looks. Alfalfa. Alsike and Red Glover
Timothy Seed and Orchard Grass. Dutch sets and Multipliers,
(burden Seeds. Stock and Poultry hoods, We have it car of British
Columbia Shingles. on the way to be here shortly. Our Boots, Shoes
Rubbers,etc., iu full supply.
Groceries and Dry Goods -fresh and geol.
Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs, Etta., at the
011D9im37 ',e
Just F Items
� a Few
From Our Immense Stock
Extension Tables -Golden oak finish. made very strong 0, S
and 10 feet long, prices $7 00, S 50, 0.75, 10.00 and 12,00.
Dan TreeS-Quartered oak finish, bevel mirror 12x20, li hat and
coat pegs, umbrella holder, for $S.
Kitellen Cabinets -Useful and ornamental, 80 50, $.50 and 20.00
Baby Carriages -Folding Oarts, Pulman Sleepers, Children's
Wagons at low prices.
Pictures, Wall Pockets, Extensi on Rods
Chair Seats, Curtain Stretchers, Etc.
Phones 7 and S
J.I . CttELLEW Estate
Furniture and Undertaking. BLYTII
t� doubt
find this out
in all'•
.your travels
round about
the bread that's
best with any
is just the onA
and only real
better bread
could not_be.
— that's what you'll
say when you have
tried this crispy,
Mother's Bread
Phone No. 1
and have itl
delivered to your
house every days
ir*hmil an, Massacred
II117S, "Greece Adair 11 'A hod_
of lairks, coming ion tile' goast of
Asia , Minor. 'Saturrlay, massacred the
Christians among the inhabitants on
the Island of lasteloryz, -'to' the;
sotiltheast of Il1iodes, on the: Asiatic
coast, acoonding to despatches re•
ceiirefl here during, the pightr -
Details of the eceurrealee are still
German Destroyer Aground.
SWINDEMUNDE,-•Germany, April
14. -The Ge'riiian torpedo experiment .
ship Wuerttelnberg, which wont
aground Friday, was 'floated yesterday
without damage, but a German tort
pedo boat destroyer; which- was blown.
on -to the coast Saturday lies high ,•
and dry,' and salvage is impossible
while .the 'storm continues.
Big. Rubber' Firm Fails;
NEW YORK, April 14, -The New
York Commercial Co., importers of
crude rubber, with connections all
over the world, fileda petition in
voluntary bankruptcy Saturday. Its
liabilities are stated at $5,023,000, its
assets as nothing.
Children Cry
Executors' Sale of Boase,
'Furniture, Etc.
The encersroued will. offer for
sale at public auction on Saturday
the 19th. clay of April, 1913, at 2
o'clock at the residence of the late•
Mrs. George..Alton in Clinton, Lot
Number 29, in Block -• C on the east
sicfeof Frederick Street in Isaac
Rattenbury's Survey, containing
One-fifth of an acre of land,
On the premises are a.ver'Y conr-
fortable frame dwelling.'with 8 •
rooms, good stone gellar, Inrn ace,
etc„ and a stable and carriage
At the same time and place there
will be offered for sale the tintire
contents of thehouse including ail
ordinary furniture, an organ, coal
heater, parlor suite, dining room
furniture, sewing machine, a lady s
bicycle, and a quantity of bedding
cooking utensils and the like.
Terms Of Sale for the real e stat•:
10 per cent in cash on the clay of
sale and the balance in 30 days;
for the household effects cash at
time of sale.
Dated this 10th. clay of April.1913
0. Johnston. executor.
D. N. C\'atson, Auctioneer.
For Service
One thorobred Yorkshire Boar also
thm'ohred Shorthorn Durham bull fur
set vire. Terms -$1.00 at time of ser-
vice and 91,21.10 charged, Lot 10 Gods -
rich township, Huron Road, Con. 14•
T. J,
Mo11(',3' fV'5Ulte(l,
I have several inquiries for loans
of various amounts and will be
pleased to find investments for
funds on mortgages.
All paper bought, from
ole from now till the 1st
'of April will be hung for
tic a single roll.
Samples taken to your
house if desired.
Paper at 4c a Roll up.
GeO. P0118
Corner Queen and Princess
Yards Opposite G. '1'.R. Station
1111 kinds of Coal on hand --
Chestnut Solt Coat
Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke`
Kenviel Coal and Wood
Tile --2z, 3 add 04 -inch size --
The Tile is otathe very best
Brick to Order.
Phone iiia.
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coat, get
our prices, The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price,
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
Rt Rleetric Light Plant.
ot►' Broilers w
Each weep citiring June, July; and
August,: TO" Otani these we are
selling the famous Prairie State In-,
subetor oz,'the easy 14ylnent;plan,
eggs and poultry taken for same.
,good, hor
s:es w
ants for
N. IW'. '1'rolvartht CO"
Wm. 'Jenkins,'Clinton,,
"louse for Sale
-On TOZy'nsend Street convenient
to Piano Factory and 'school, Ten
rooms, new furnace, modern con-
veniences. Apply to
C, - B. HALE,
To The Farmers
Insure your horses and, cattle 'a-
gainst death by accident or disease.
A11 valuable live stock, as being
protected in this manner. Reason-
able rates and quick settlements;
Call and see. Co 13, IEALe.
Residence Phone No. 100 ; ,Office No,2
Logs Wanted
Highest prices paid for
Any wood bought.
W. Doherty piano & Organ Co
For Sole
A commodieis brick tome at a
1 argain. Furnace, electric lighting
lath roost, hot and co: d waver, also
a stable on the prem!ses. For in-
formation apply at
Windstorm Insurance
The (length', Weather Insurance Oo.
will insure all buildings against dam-
age done by windstorms. moderate
rates. No premium note.
District Agent Clinton
Ladies Wanted
Employment offered in Player
Pneumatic Department. Light
suitable work amid pleasant sur-
rauedings. In New York or Chicago
this is considered employment - for
the highest class cf lady operators.
Apply at the Office of
ORGAN CO., [,incited. Clinton.
Vann For Sale
A first class farm, consisting of
15 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34, Hul-
lett township, 3miles from Londes-
boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2
miles from School. A bank barn 36
by 56, another .barn 36x52, drive
ehed 24x40. A brick house, plenty
of water, about an'` (acre of or-
chard. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to.
(Blyth, P.O.
Faint for Sale
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate offers for sale 50 acres -
East half of lot 28, con. 6, Hallett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
building's. Also the undersigned
offers for sale, lot 29, con. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately.
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Aisike, and Red Clover,
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all Grains.
Ford & McLeod
it P
a ►►
4 1$►
4 C
4 See and here our finest i
New Stylish designs of p
Doherty Pianos and m
st►eeial values in Art,
4 . Pianos and organs rent
eel, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music cC
variety goods.
Maisie Emporium
C. Hoare
ON'10: ,
rursiad, ET0
.. .. 01:eIN7'0N
Oonneyance, ':Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.'"
tastier of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St,, °Briton,
• H. T, R A N C Bi
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
• Financial
n 1, and Real Estate,:
relyURANC7-ACENT—Rerresentin 14 Eire
su}•ince Companies,.
Division Court, Orrice.
Physician, Surgeon, Etc
menial attention given to diseaee5 of the
Eye, Ear, Throat, and Noes,
5858 carefully examined, and suitable glasses;.
Office and Residence.
Two doors west of the Commercial Dote)
iluron 8t,
Dr. W. Gnus, L. n. C, P„ L. Il. t1.8.. neto ,
Dr. T. C. Gaudier. 35.A, TMD.
Office- Ontario Street, Clinton.
Sight calls at residence, Rattenbarr
or et hospital
. eeourheor, etc otlle° end residence o
tenbury St;, opposite W. Farrnn'e residence.
DR. P. }l. AXON
Crown and Bridge Work' a Spee•I81i3t.;
Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.O,D.S
hayf old on-Ilondars, 15Ltr 1st 10 Dreeutb
()Tam over O'NEIL'S store.
Spoofs,' care taken to make ako dental tres,l•
mint as painless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction see
851 a-. 110e,1 sales a spermia), O, Cees id at
NEW RDS, othee, Clinton, pre,mnt,y attends'&
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' Sale nota
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
MeTaggart Bros,,
• General 'Banking I3naineas
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo' o
Farm and Isolated Town Provo
erty Only insured.
.1. B. McLean, President, Seaforth,
.1. Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godez'ich.
T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth•.
Jas. Connelly, Hdmesville, John
Watt, Mario ck; G, Dale, C]inton; 17.
10, McGregor, Seafortb , J. Evans,
Beechwood; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop
J Bennewsis, Brodhagen ; M. Mc -
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his own district.
Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. flinch -
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, E
mondville; J. W. Yeo, Hoimesvi1fe
Payments may be, mads at The
Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or
11. H. Cult, God.erich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought anti sold
Money to loan
Office Isaac Street, next door to New
Grand Trunk Railway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart..... 5,30 a m 4,50 p m
Centralia 9.40 5,48„
Exeter 9,53 5.54
Hensall 10.08 5.05
Kippers 10.16 6.11
Brucefield 10.30 0.10
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesboro U.18 6:52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Bolgrave 11.40 1.18
Wingham, arrive11.50 7.3.5
South Passenger
Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p,m
Bolgrave 6.54 8.44;
Blyth 7.05 3.56
Londesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton 7,50 4,23
p' Brucefield 8.12 4.80
P Kippen:. 8.23 4.47
to Hensall; 8.32 4,52
Exeter 8.48 5.05
"- Centralia 9.00 5.15
► London, arrive 10 00 6.10
Buffalo and t.rode,:
Wes` Passenger '
a to in
Stratford 10.00 12,20 5,2255 10,20
Mit.chell.. , . 10.22 12.15 5.55 10.47
Seaforth 10,45 1.10 0.18 11,12
Clinton 11.07 1.20 (3.40 11.28
tlolmeseille 11.16 1,33 640 21.35
Hod .h
Go 1c 11-351.50 5.50
1 7.05 IL 55
- East I "ssenger
at pm
Goderich 7,10 2.40 4,50
Iiolmesville 7.26 2.57 5.06
Clinton 735 88,07 5,25
Seatorth 7.52 3,25 5.32
Mitchell.-- .8.16 3,48 6.55
Stratford 4 40 4.15 6,20
Van's ld a 'i ans Fainare Fll[s3.
A reliable French rulator•neerfails. Th
eg v oe.
pills are exceedingly polverflil in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. do 'Pans are sold. at
55 a box, or three for 510. Mailed to any address.
The Scobell Drug 00,,,55, Catbarinee, Ont