HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-04-17, Page 17lr
Established 1865, Vol. 47 .No: 4; CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 17 1913
There are a Lumber of
W, I --I. Kerr & Son, Editors and. Publishers
° in arrears for their Paper and we ask them to call and Attend to Swine
w Era Subscribers stili
THE Five Teams for iso wh CID
ra1. fa r1
It hag been announced by Secre-
tary Feibig, of the 'Western Foot -
QF CANADA ball Association that the :Tough.
cup series has grown in popularity
Head Office, Montreal far beyond all cxleoctcttionr
{ The W. F., A. finds that there are
1 too many challenges on hand to
e allow 'a seperate play-off in each
Capital Authori''zed..__,....-.,$25,000,000 case. There are five W,e,stern On -
Capital Paid-up -. 11,500,000 ta:•.ic soccer football eenttes who
Reserve and undivided are seeking a chance to nte•et Listo
profits -_. 12,500,000 )vel, the holders of the trophy al
TOTAL ASSETS ,..A75,000,000 the p r c ti t.
--In order that atvinner be de -
325 BRANCHES clared in this event, there will. be
'Wirth world wide connections,
Interest allo'ved on De,poslta
General 1Bankimg ;busilnese trans-
Prevents Shirt on Gran
We. guarantee our
to be of standard strength
50c Ib.
Dispensing Chemist,
a series of home -and -home games
between Clinton Galt, 'Wingham,
Stratford, - 'Woodstock College and
the champion Listowel eleven,
In all probability these teams will
be grouped as follows for home: -
and -home games, in which goals
will count on the round: Clanton
and Stratford, Galt and Wood-
stock, Listowel and Wingham. The
Association is anxious to have
winirers declared in the first
round before May 3, Making the
games to be played on April 26 and
May 3: •
The teams •returned victorious in
the first round wilt go into (the
semi-finals; while one gets a bye..
In this manner a holder to the sup
and honors for this spring will be
This scheme is meeting with co-
operation, and, althong•it not defi-
nitely arranged, will in all proba-
bility be the most successful zue-
xbibit tar ale
Till Fria Marn4n
Many Points of interest in Con-
nection With White Plague
The Provincial ;Board of Health
exhibit car arrived in Clinton on
Wednesday and is now o:na Siding
at the •Grand Trunk depot. It
would be well worth while for
every man, voendan incl Child in the
town to visit the car and carefully
note and digest the information
to be gained by.a Close scrutiny of
the photographs, pictures, placards
and other exhibits contained in the
Children will no doubt take a
great deal of interest in the differ-
ent photographs which deal with
diseases contracted by childrer.
Lessons of great value may be
learned by them • although they
may visit the car through curiosi-
SIiaHWe Try
The Scott Act?
Christian Guardian,
• After a long period' of forgetful-
ness the temperance peo:pli of On-
tario' are beginning to bethink
them again ,of the Cea-nada Tem-
perance Act, commonly known as
the/ Scott Acft, and are wondering
wh-etleer it"ntay • not be made to
serve a useful purpose, in this pro-
vince in bringing in more quickly
Charges of 'llribery ire
local Aptiaanpaig
Witnesses Allege Attempts to
Purchase Votes by Brenner
Senior and Junior.
Exeter, April 13.—After adjourn-
ing :the hearing three times pencl-
ing' the • decision in the Conrt of
Appeal in the Rex, V. Durcchez
case;, the evidence in conneletion
with the bribery charges in the re-
cent local option'campaign in
the long looked -for era of pro- Stephen township came up before
vincial prohibition. The Local Op- .iVM'agistrates John Moir and W. D.
tion clause of the License Act has Sanders yesterday. Ezra ;Brenner,
done excellent service, but itis hotelkeeper, at Grand Bend, ap-
thought that in some cases even ,
better results may be obtained, by neared on three charges, and his
father Jos. Brenner on one, Con-
the ' introduction of the Scott Act, siaerable interest has been aroused
Under the circumstances itis well in the case, and the investigation
that. the temperance •ele,ctors has been ordered by the Attorney -
should have clearly before them General's Department.
the relative merits ,and demerits Henry Eilher, M. P.; P !Clerk of
of these) two acts. the township of Stephen, was the
A printed list of 'l7ealthgrams: One aclt antage pegs-easedbythe fust called, and testified thet
spelling1 Scott Act is (that it covers a wider 'local n optioby-law .had been sub -
p g outand discussing such territory, and a majority vote minted tb the electors of Se,phen on
maxims as "Ni, spit—No Consmnp-
,� a will bring it
into Force in any i January 6, Nelson Desiardine nest'
thud, Cion, When we really become an county, The county is the unit i testified that on the Thursday be-
• intelligent people, consumption of operation, and if there is a ma- fore the election Ezra :Brenner had
I Owing to the lligiL Standard will vanish from our n • 1 •'" "
the,, fly ,or the fly may hill volt,' Acti the whole county goes dry,
."Only fly killed in May means a with the exception of any cite -
million million fewer in August wore tc {which may be located therein. The
be seen on the walls of the car. city, does not go dry except by its
In connection with consuznption, ownr majorft •vote
nc st, % 1, liority of votes cast for tthe "Scott driven into his yard and calling
him from where he ants cutting
wood, the two entered the Lara,
Brenner said : "You tote for me
and Iwill give you e dollar," He
gave it to witness, the latter tee -
or tuberculosis, there is an interest- But while the Scott Act reguires tilled, and drove aly, Brennen
ing exhibit of the various serums1vonly a ngj •city lt vo`e, unci Loc; 1 came back on Saturday and learn -
known to science as helping in itr Opt',, require, atwo-thirds vc`t • ed that Constable George Down
had been there on Friday and had
got the nic,n ' '., 11 Diel :on,
manhood franchise n':,t tt s nod who appeared for the defence.
the women voters are excluded, after cross-examination failed to
Just what this may mean to the shake the witness. Win. Desjardine
temperance vote each community was next called and remembered
must determine for itself, but it Brenner having come into the yard
certainly should betaken"b,to ac- and called his brother aside.
count; •Constable George Down was the
Another fact should be borne in next one to be called and was put
mind, 1i7, that if the vote is favor- through a grilling -examination by
abler it will be six months, alt , the defendant's 'lawyer. Mr. Down
Iea't, before it conies into forcm\ stated he was working in the calm,-
ap t -which means that the vote must city of County Constable, and Ind
1 Maintained in the Popular.
the demand for the graduates is
far in excess of the supply. Col-
i lege open all year, Enter now.
•es,t t Write for a catalogue.
The Moiso
Incorporated 18Ga
Established in Clinton 1879
tiait Crest allowed at highest current rate.
on sums of 51 and upwards from date of deposit
.1 emu Accounts Allowed
C E. DOW DI NG, Manager Clinton Branch-
Iioot00000so••4 ♦♦•♦♦♦0♦••o* ♦i 0000♦♦♦♦•♦+♦♦♦'9♦♦0♦♦0♦♦♦
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♦`'�IIII. 411 Hmiy•
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•ee.• come within the
almost sf
♦ 14.I II • • AL; E. H. Jones is in Cha e of
•♦ ( ..,I I ♦
I��•�U i a the car willing and an\ions
••t0explain anything to those who
♦ Z would learn, He says that in Loi-
• IillMPHOM `:i•many people visited the car, and
* don) the last place visited, a great
arrest or cure, and of the instru- ( this difference is lessened some-,
ments used in the administering what by the fact in ; he Scott;. Act
Of these serums.
Smallpox—its awful] results on
health and "appearance—and its
Prevention evention by vaccination, are also
brought vividly before the visitor,
Carel of the teeth :receives speci-
al attention in the car, 0.1711 there
are numerous pictures, photos, etc,
explaining how the teeth sit old
be treated and the 3111 exults at-
tending on their negler't; back-
wardness in school . children, i11 -
health and Lack of proper develop-
ment. Qne ]itftie lesson can be
learned, is that teeth shoil'd l
brushed up (and. down as well as
across, to keep clean the spaces
between them,
•The awful • dangers of ti'' pul'k
drinking cup a'e portrayed, end
the smallest intellect can 00n0-
preltended the risk run when tho;.
suffering from tubcz'cnlosis, sca
fever, blood diseases, sore mouths
are seen clrinl ing from the same
public trips as healthy persons. In
this connection ,`there is an c•xhib:t
of sanitary drinking cups. made of
paper, and the totes, sputum
sups, etc„ of the same material,
Care of the eyes of school child -
be taken on or heforc November 1
if the Act 10 to some into fore: on
May lst. Manitoulin for instance,
carried the Sent Act4:otii,e months
ago, . but Manitoulin will not go
dry, until May lst, 1914.
investigated the cases when com-
plaint bad been made, Re was
working without promise of fee or
reward, and had threatened no one
with punishment orimprisonrisnt.
Said Money Did Not Sway 'Vote.
In regard/ to the penalties for The second case charge•:)
breach: or the Seoct Act, the law is ).Brenner, father 01 Ezra ,l3i'4'0j)5'1'
strict enough, and probably in this l with bribing Theodore Devine, a
re•speet Loral Option has no ad- farmer in Stephen. Devine had
vantage. There is, however, this been at defendan't's hotel about
to be considered, ered, tl at 1110 Scott eighteen days before the 4,lLcticx.
Act is a Dominion measure, and in Local option and the hard luck of
the past its greatest clra.vt•back was the witness, who had lost leis crop
the fact that it was only enforced that summer, were the topics of
in a very half-hearted way, 1i et conversation, and the defendant:
all, by the provincial governments, put a two dollar bill between the
and in Now Prunsvt'icic and Nov:' buttons of his test, He sta`xi the
Scots to-ciay we understand that money had not influenced his vete.
Payment of `l .90 alleged,
The next charge was against
Ezra Brenner, charging him with
paying Frank Periso $t+. Pe.niso is c.
young ratan of twenty-eight, living
with his another about two miles.
a. According
Periso's e i s stor
y, on Thursday pre-
ceding the election Ezra Brenner
drove o e
into the yard and asked him
if he had .a vote Brenner looked
up on thea voters' list, and told hint
if he would help him out he would
give him
af ve-
sr t. His mother
was a at the tt>lndow near where the
a s'
n action took
place, and saw
the money change ianca
, but clid
not understand English sufficiently
to follow t1te cont ersation,' Friday
he intended returning the money
to Brenner, but put tit: off on ac-
count of rain. Down carne the
same night . and the money
was handed over to him, together
with a signed statement. Brenner
appeared on Saturday and asked
witness if Down had been around,
if he had `scared him and if witness
still had the money,' Witness re-
plied that Down had not seared
him, and that he had some money.
.Brenner ,advis•ecl witness to go to
the poi!, and, 31 s\vol'n, take the
oath, and he would not let iltout
Mr. Dickson put witness through a
lengthy examination, :but failed 'Yo
tangle him. •
Witness Refused :Pi 11; 1311e Said.
T'h,e next case eharg,ed Ezra
defeat may 'be better, than inac- Brenner with trying to",Ua r.Uo
ren the clanger of adenoids when the enforcement of the Act leaves
not removed, the preventive treat- muchto be desired, 'Wouldit be
ments for diptheria, tetanus an3 o tti better her
man = iter given wculd, s So fa't as the law is concerned,
d, if ap Ie,, there seems to be no difficulty. The
save many lives,
Tuberculous cows, and mill: from bringing into force of the Scott Act
these animals being sold from would suspend the penalties of the
Local Option, On, but
the other hall 0 -Ilene are ice- 146 of the Liquor License
chests, pasteurization cans formilk Ontario make it the duty of License
d other very cheap utensils for
And In
s e
enforce the Irti iozs 0f the Can -
the preservation ofhealth, which
add, Temperance Act, and if the
Ontario Government abides by its
declared r
a ed
otic i i
policy O nf01'Cln the
Liquor License Act we do not see
I w
i there can be any difficulty tn.
regard. gar to the proper enforcement
of the Scott Act.
In easel any county desires to try
the Scott Act, -a petition of twenty-
five per cent, of the electors whosz
names are on the provincial voters'
lists, •is required before the Act will
be • submitted to a volts of the
• The question before the temper-
ance electors of the province is
whether the Scott 2,ct will accele-
rate the present rate of tcntper,-
ance progress. To many the Act
will. Commend itself; to some its
adoption will appear of doubtful
y. ' In any case the action tak-
en by the temperance electors
Should be united and enthusiastic.
+++++++++++++++4+1+04+++++ Let the whole rnaftter be. weighed
• carefully, and whichever poliicy< is
REGISTRATION. adopted let it beheartily and en -
Dr. J. W, M•cCullougb:_ secretary of thusiastical l,y carried mit. ; Even a •
the, Provincial boars of Health, and.
deputy registrargeneral is sending
circular tetters to al It the division.
registrars in the province requiring.
that the names of parties who ne-
g]e ct register the'' birthof a
child be reported to the county
crown attorney to institute a
prosecution: The penalty. for
this offence Linde
etfine ie of
$10,00.< Many instances have oc-
curred recently where tire.' ach-
vantages of a birth registration has
been apparent Dr. McCullough
sdnt on Monday aloeg letter to
the British consul in Mexico con-
firming a birth registration of a
Canadian vho's
r now in• jail, and
claims, the
protectionas a British
citizen. Another instanee happen-
ed where a young girl of obscure
parents fell heiress to a fortune,
and would have lost it entirely'but
N THE YEARS we have been handling
20th Century Brand garments we have
never had such fine ;clothes from these famous
` tailor shops as we are showinspring.
♦ guThey ♦
are smartly styled, beautifulty tailored. and produced
We are exclusive Agents,
Coast Maker. Wanted
For our Tailoring Department.
Good price. Stead Job
The iV10 rr
Clothing 9 r
A De
,a1 � ,
ltd t®r Man
• I
al I' showed deep interest.
His moving picture exhibition
which was given free in the Town
Hall, he considers more interest-
ing than even the car exhibit, the
latter being only abou',t, oneethir d
of what was prepared for this trip,
as there was no r'oonr in the car for
more, •
+++++++++++++++++4+4++++ N
We have irrevised our mailing'
list to date, and would ask
our subscribers, to loolk. at the
label on their paper, compare it
with their receimlt, and if there
be any error to call and have it
corrected at once while the
batter. 1: ireen'7:n their memory.
Ifyour u
s osurs iron as aid u
for the proof of birth obtainable at see that your p label shows it
the Parliament birtBuildings. " Tf you are in arrears, now is the.
I. time to make yourself straight.
George Devine, Brenner had
driven into nisi place, and, after be-
ing informed that witness dict not
think he would vote, pulled out a
bill, which witness refused.
Summing up the case, Crown At-
torney'; Seager asked to have the
case sent up to Godeticli to be fully
investigated and tried by the
Judge. The :` lawyer for the de-
fence -argued that this case did not
come under' the same section as the�
Rex. v.Durocher; case, and that this 1
case was not affected by the de-
f the e. other 3n
spite of ,he
fact that the, t Attoz• r
z e-Galic,el
states that it does. y t
The hearing against Ezra Rs'onn-•
was adjourned for one ryesk to
investigate the qualification of the
our' meet. who .
had received
once•._ lite
against J
3• s
g ..
Brenner was dismissed,
Q Men and Events.
MR: 0. JOIINSTON License In-
spector for 'C'entre lit;_ on, who is
• a terror to evil-doso r..
4, -
Personal d .Note s
.9* If those having relatives or friends kt.
visiting in town or going away
roof)' va of the fact each week, we ,
aouidannounce itin the New Ear,
✓s.' t°of.44` 4"` '" rl, 4 a" ' i' r J X
Airs. 1','. Kilbride was a visitor in
Seafort17 this week,
Uri'. (Rev.) Deihl, ofFais1ey, who
is visiting her mother, Mrs. 11•Ic-
Gar, a, attended the v\T•omen's
Auxiliary of Huron Diocese in Lon-
don this week.
They three delegates from S't.
Paul's Church to the Women's Aux-
il:ar'y of the Diocese of :Huron are
Mrs. Jeakins, Mrs. J. McLeod and
Mrs. Pant.
AIr. Erie) Burdon, of Exeter, has
taken the position of junior In ti.•e
Moison's Bank here.
Rev. C. E Jenkins was in Vying -
h am hist week calling on Rev. Air.
Croly, wllo is very sick.
Mr. and A, ilailey and daugh-
ter Winnie, of Balm -piton were
guests over Sunday with '11 , and
Mrs. 13.W. Bailey, of town. 7he
two gentleman are In other) . The
visitor took over the agency at
Wingham this week of the 'i'ru-
dential Life Insurance Co,
Mr, N, Cahn, rep esOnting the
Walker Pant and Shirt Co. 01
11'alkeryil:e, • was in town lost
week in the, interest of that Som-,
pany, ;He appointed Tozer& Brown
as the )Deal agent. 1117+, t'alin is a
,hustler, and r'epresen'ting a good
concern, hekTIOW$ hvyv top,ush
The St Marys Journal of lost
week speaks of aformei t I.
student: -W, N. 'McQueen, 13 A.,
secretary Toronto University i:.\1,
C'.:1. gat -e, a very int estieg
lantern leetut'7 in First •t'huzcli ot•
Monday evening under the aus-
pices of the P.P,S. The subject of
the address was tit•e work of the
Knob :College S:ud' to Mission a.'y
Society. •
Mr. Vile r. 131111011 who has been
learning the barbering business at
Lawson s bather shop,• has se-
cured a position with one of the.
big1 tL
Seed Time;
Is here, Insure your crop
by pickling your
grain with
Star Brand
maldeh de
Just received a fresh stock
of choice Sweet Peas
and Nasturtiums
Get them Early at
W.'Z.R. Llolmes
Buy Sugar
Our first car of Redpath's.
Sugar will arrive next week.
Order early and get in on
the bottom price,
Cash—Limited Time
100 lbs 1-tedpate's Extra Granu-
lated Sugar at 4.90
Not more than 0 sacks to
one customer
This is
the. cheapest eve have
sold sugar in two years
Phone 4S
Coming. to the...
('oopeI• 'rtisira31 Corin ply
Singers, Dancers, Musicians
veil -h illusions and novel acts
Strictly respectable and first-class
Change M' proeram and 2500 feet of
pictures each night.
A barrel of tun for old and young
Thursday, 1� eiday and Saturday
of this week,
Adnnissioa 15c Children 10c
Weare sorry to )t.
tgp:9 a London.'hear that Aire. A. Macdonald
CombeSi',, is andel the doctors
are!, We trust she will soon rc- ,,,,�
cover her usual good health..
Mrs. Latltornel and daughter
Edith are hero, the former was
called hole owing to the illness or
her mother, Alis. Combe sr.
Mr. Keller has moved from the
brick cottage 00 Ontario St to the
house recently occupied by Mr. R,
Mrs, T. Crich got word on
Tesday thalt her granddaughter
Miss IOsteL+
lcoatofC alifornia
\,as dead,
Mayor Gibb.ings 1e,ayes for
Winnipegog on Monday next.
Mr. R. Beattie, of Wingham, Was
in town this week.
Mi•, George McLennan . is in'l'o-
a •.onto for a few. days &his week.
® O
a WITII' TT•!:'• C13URCHI.IS• y
O r
The Forty '::lours Adoration Ser
vices closed on Wednesday morn
ing in this church under the Chang
of Rev. Fr, Hogan, Those- who ail
sisted him were e Rev, Fr: McRae, 0
Goderich; Noonin, Donbl.in, Stroe
der, Zurich; and his brothel i3ev
▪ Hogan, of Mezlin. Tlie services
were well attended.
Large con is
tous attended
the services on Sunday last. The
pastor, Rev. Mr. Allan, preached
morning and evening. His text in
Use evening was, "On this rock I
wilt build my church,"
Shelleys "Hark, Hath My Soul"
was sung with good effect by On-
tario St. Methodist choir Sunday',
eyenng The two Contralto solos,
by Miss Mayfud Arlin end 'Solos,
with Oblig•alte taken by Mrs, , ,B, y .,
Gibbings ,and Nlass Wiltse were,
highly appreciated, Miss Fernie
Albin sung "0 Happy Day" whale '
the ,offering was being taken,
Mayor Gibbings Who has been lead-
er of Ontario Sit. Church choir for
eighteen years, leave', fosI Winni-
peg on Monday.
L h.a League en Monday ni0.0
was under the direction of the
literary coalvuitltee. 1 si'nal1 pro-
gram was given after wliiclt an
election of Officers was held.' Tlie
officers are asfollows :—
Pre,sident—Miss. ,Carrie Shipley.
ist Vice Pres,—'Ethel 'Bradshaw,
2nd Vice Tres,—Lucy Stevens, •
3rd Vice Pies Harold Pickett.
4th Vice Pres.—Prank Tyndall,
Secretary—Mrs. Dixon.
3 Corresponding s i
g Sec. -.Lucy Coop ar
_ Treastry er—Bninaa i1umsteel.
Pianist—Elva Wiltse,
Assistant Pianist— Clara :Goltz-
Nnsext, week Mr. Het lyar will ad-
dress the league on "watch -mak-
The annual session of London
Conference of the Illethoclisft• Church
will open on 3000 5th inth,eFirst
Methodist Church, London. Rev.
J. E. Fiord, of Clinton is.the 're(tir-
ing President. He has filled the
post in an A 1. manner.
A Tees water, correspondent says
"Rev. W, J.F;ord, L.LD, a former.
pastor of Ontario street L
hurcl, ,
Clinton, will superannuate at next
Conference and will :locate in
Glencoe, allele' charge of his:'
Clinton would beglad tohave him
become a resident once m02,0.
Rev. R. dicks, of Mensal I, preach-
ed two excellent sermons in Wesley
Church on Sunday last. His morn-
ing text was "The Print of the.
Nails" and in the evening "Dream-
ing, Daring and Doing the Secre'f,
1"he League was under the
charge of the Literary Department
on NIo • clay evening. Short; address
dsweie given en • "My Fat orite
Pale Characters,''
The 1asto t,rIl preach next S
The servicBAPes oSTn Sunday ).est were.
exceedingly interesting, and here
well attended. TWO papers on 110
subject "I can do all things' were
arthe P
. r
X. P. t7, on Monday
evening. The pastor also con tri
bated a beautiful story 011 "Life in
the s.e.
h e t.,inr`a' `' s
p , ilae
• On Sunday first the pastor will
Preach in the rtoirning on"Divine
'.te'stimony and. Eiuinan witness"
and in the evening on ""A Blessed
glass bony le blowing milclr:lne
invented in Germany Inas a speed
of 2000' bottles an hour equal to the
Work of 250 expert glass blowers.
Ane library t lI
V J1 flY n
table is
i' (Eli
I. ]?ped
with four or more electric socltets
for supplying current to lamps,'
cooking utensils and other appara-