The Clinton New Era, 1913-04-10, Page 2,17 EfIED' nntenegro Declines to Stop the Siege �of Scutari; TIVAR1' IS BLOCKADED Ships. of Five l ations Are Surround-' Mg 'Port,- Birt Montenegrin' Premier Declines T9 Listen to Represen- talions -Austria-Hungary Has e Brigade of Troops Menac- ing Montenegro's Frontier. CETTINJE, April 7. -The little kingdom, of Montenegro has thrown down the gauntlet to the six great powers. She declines to yield to the demand ol the powers to abandon her attempts to gain possession of Seu tarn, abel has officially announced that these will be no departure from an attitude which conforms to the neves sites of the state of war existing be- tween the allies and Turkey. ' An international fleet comprising warships of Austria-Hungary, Italy, France, ,Geri -any and Great Britain is now blockading the Montenegrin port of Antivari. These include four Austrian warships, the British cruis- ers Yarmouth, Inflexible, and Glou- cester; the German cruiser Breslau, the Italian cruiser Pisa, and the French cruiser Edgar Quinet. Rus- sia is not represented by a' warship, but has 'acquiesced in the naval de- monstration. On Saturday the British admiral sent the following message to the Montenegrin Premier, Dr. L. Tome- novics: "I have the honor to inform you that the international fleet is assem- bled. in Montenegrin waters as a pro- test against .the non -fulfilment of the wishes of the great powers. I beg to call your excellency's attention to the presence of the fleet as a proof that the great powers are acting in con- cert,, and request that their wishes be fulfilled without further delay. Please inform me immediately that your Government is ready to carry out the wishes of the great powers." To this the Montenegrin Premier replied in a note expressing regret at the presence 'of the fleet, which he considered a violation of the neutral- ity proclaimed Dy the powers at the beginning of the war, and to the detri- ment of Montenegro. The Premier continued: "Despite the pressure which the presence of the fleet implies, there will be no departure from an attitude. which conforms to the necessities of the state of var• existing between the allies and Turkey." A. brigade of Austrian troops from Cattaro has been manoeuvring near Nal Montenegrin boundary. The cus- tomary notice has not been given the Montenegrin Government, and Aus- tria's action is considered unfriendly and menacing. Down With Austria! ' ST. PETERSBURG, April 7. -An- other great Slav demonstration oc- curred yesterday, but on this occa- sion the police did not interfere. The climax was reached when the crowd, which numbered 50,000, appeared be- fore the Anitchkoff Palace, the resi- dence of the Dowager Empress, sang the National Anthem s.nd displayed banners inscribed: "Down With Aus- tria," "Scutari for the lIontenegrins," "The Cross Over St. Sophia." A visit was then paid to the cathe- dral and to the guards' barracks where the officers saluted the banners. Leaves Glory To General. LONDON, April 7.-A despatch to The Chronicle from Vienna says that King Nicholas of Montenegro has re- signed as chief in command of the army besieging Scutari to the Servian general, Bojovic. The correspondent adds that a gen- eral storming of Scutari was schedul- ed to take place Sunday with the aid of fresh. Servian ordnance and troops. f Onhi Era 1'l .011e sol th1S ,ll t e e1vLla lll�ltes a special 1 otterfor Ill Ii �, the ,,t r'Paper to anypart o1':Canada and will, send P p I � .. , , t ot" Januar . I914, torr 510c, trout nova lllr it t.hc, lfi ,; �' To new, subscribers. in" the United States ". IS TIME TO '"F.P1 E PIDVANT14G1 eF NOW a e THIS CFFER,9 Ma'nti's for 50c (in anada) • Replenish Your Blood eS rin In �'� p g TWO YOUTHS KILLED. Amateur Burglars Slain By a Volley of Bullets. GREENVILLE, S,C., April 7. - Breaking into the basement of a dry goods store here early yesterday, Leonard Smith, 17, and Rowley Mar- tin, 21, were shot to death by three policemen concealed in the place in anticipation of 'robbery. One of the officers was severely wounded. According to the story of the police- men at the inquest, the boys advanced into the store, flourishing pistols, wearing masks and flashing pocket lanterns` and opening fire upon be- ing ordered to throw up their hands. Examination of the revolvers showed that Smith had fired once, Martin twice and the policemen. twelve times: Young Smith belonged to a wealthy and prominent family. First G.T.P. Train September, 1914. WINNIPEG, April 7. -The first G.T.P. train from Winnipeg to Prince Rupert, on the Pacific Ocean, will weave thiscitySept.o S n e 14, 1914,said Morley Donaldson, vice-president and general manager of the road, yester- day. The Grand Trunk Pacific will augment its tracks by laying 398 miles of steel, according to statements made by Mr. Donaldson Saturday. He also announces officially that there are 524 miles ofgap between the eastern and western ends of steel' Of this distance he expects to build 1302 miles this summer and to leave 1222 mikes -oi' the gap to be built by _. next summer., g- Old. Y Cayuga R asiden t d' Dea OAT 714A, Ont:, April . 7. -There passed away in the village yesterday morning George A. Gibbon, in his 93rd year. Mr, Gibson was born near St. Daviel s, Welland County. Attacked Companion With Shovel. GALT, April 7. --For a vicious 'as sault with a shovel on a' companion in a local foundry, a Russian named Romanoff was sent to; jail for thirty days Saturday. Just now you are feeling "out of sorts" -not your usual self. Quite exhausted at times and cannot de- vote real energy toyour work. Sleep does not rest you and you wake upfeeling "al I,tired out,". Perhaps,rheumatism is flying through yur muscles and joints, or may be your skin is disfigured by rashes, boils or pimples. Read- achestwinges of neuralgia) fits of nervoueness, irritability of temper often in - and a disordered stomach crenae your discomfort in the spring. The cause -winter has left its mark on you. These troubles are. signs that your blood is poor and watery, that your. nerves are ex- hausted. You must renew and en- rich your blood at once and re- store tone to your tired nerves, or there may be a complete break- down. The most powerful remedy for these spring ailments in men, women and children is Dr. Wil= Hams' Pink Pills for Pale People, because these Pills clense bad blood and strengthen weak nerves. New, rich, red blood -your greatest need in spring -is plenti- fully created by Dr. Williams Pills Pills, :and with this new, pure blood in your veins you quickly regain health and increase your strength. Then your skin becomes clear, your eyes bright, your nerv- es strong, and you feel better, eat better, sleep better, and are able to do your work. 1 Begin your spring tonic treat- ment to -day for the blood and nerves with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -the Pills that strengthen. These are sold by most deal- ers, but dolnot be persuaded to take "something just the same." If you can't get 'the genuine Pills from your dealers they will be sent you by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writ- ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CAUGHT ON HULK. Twenty -Two Men Trapped on a Cap- sized Vessel. BAY CITY, Ore., April 7. -Twenty- two men, including the ship's cap- tain, the president 'of a wrecking company of Portland, and the repre- sentative of the Marine Underwriters, were trapped in the hold of the Ger- man ship Mimi, which capsized off the beach hurt' early yesterday afte having been hauled riff a reef 1.111 A Advertising is no Tax, But insurance ,s;ta1.119 'W'oga, s glaosphotllae; The Givaf EflZds1e 'tonedi,. -a Tones and ipvigoratesttewho s nervous system, makes now iii idd in oldVoins. C@cres N51't" arcs Deiflatyp� 111Cnttctatns Brain 'Worry, f Q,idenuy, Sexual TPeCT r e.?s. J3hxisszozas, Spec. mCtarrl ex, and 7?f'eeta cf Alni a01Exec,sse,:. Price $1 "per box,.six 5or Is. Ona ilpleaso six will curer Salt try all c.rug?ists s+: mailer' in plain pkg. on Cocelpo cfprico. ivr,o pauivlilli mazGed I'r'e? -rho W0Oti 511illc0ae Co, ifs: ]tCeeli irki,ase') TO 5t3$W, tiVat, Guarantee of Fair, Dealing in Wide Publicity. Says'Winningham Y of the Hudson. • That in liberal advertising of a, car the manufacturer' gives the buyer his greatest protection is the. idea set forth by C. C. Winningham, advertiser manager of the 'H•udson Motor 'C'ar Co. The reason, says Mr. Winningham,' is "that the firm making the 'Motor car is willing to affix its name and stake its repu- tation upon the goods fulfilling the claims made in the advertising, and companies • that do advertise and sell their cars, even though they are not of the best quality, are not exactly the companies that any buyer should' patronize. "Manufacturers who:. conduct their business upon this modern manner of merchandising set aside a certain appropriation each year for advertising purposes. At first thought it may seem that this is a tax which the consumer pays, bug instead it is an insurance, just as you pay a premium to protect your property against fire. "The very fact that even though the consumer must pay a certain amount of the purchase money of his car towards the publicity that has been given the car is the pro- tection the buyer obtains in the guarantee it thus gives his as to the strength of the manufacturer's claims and to the value that is created, for the product through this publicity. It is natural to have more Don- fidence in persons whom we meet who have been' well introduced and whose record is presented to us by persons in whom we had con- fidence then we have in chance acquaintances, and advertising merely is the introduction and the record that are put before the buyer as to the trustworthiness of the article mentioned, "Publicity has been the great guarantee of fair dealing. In the language of the trade it is the one thing that forces all the carols on the table, and itis as impossible for a firm to succeed and be un- fair in the quality of its product RS it ]s hazardous for the buyer to choose any article, -whether it be motor cars, clothing or friends' that are not properly intaoduced through the recommendation either of acquaintances in whom we have absolute confidence, unless the article is advertised in such a i, manner that the mere fact of the advertising guarantees the truth- fulness pf the claim." . $i o Feeble. Qid People. .w e,:ante of the Fold the As ' Mie grows d.. sYst ' `:bees es more rapid than re- pair, � pair,'the organs stet more 'slowly and lees effectually than in'youth, the,cir-; culation'is poor,) the blood thin and digeetion weak. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, without oil; is the ideal strengthener and body-builder for old folks, for it contains the very ele- ments needed to rebuild wasting tis, sues and replace weakness with strength. Vinol also fortifiee the sys- tem against colds and thus prevents pneumonia. A grandneiee of Alexander Hamil- ton, over eighty years of age, once remarked: "Vinol is a godsend to old people. Thanks to • Vinol, 1' have ,a hearty appetite, sleep soundly, feel active and well. It is the finest tonic and strength -creator I have - ever used." If Vinol falls to build up the feeble old people, . and r create strength, we; will, return your. money.. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist Clinton, Ont. which she had been fast two months. • Ilr:w many perished is not known. •• 1'i!,urc, ti el'e seen en the bottom of the wreck at dark. It was supposed they had cut their way out. A heavy ea was pounding the wreck and life-savers r.efu ed to attempt a MACRO until it calmed. 'i'hey said no boat could be launched and refused' to let volunteers take their boat: '• The life -severs are camped on the beach watching ler a chance to reach the wreck. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE SUFFER UNTOLD AGONY FROM Dyspepsia. It is one of the most prevalent troubles of civilized life, and the poor dyspeptic cannot even enjoy a mea liwithout distress- ing after effects, for nearly everything that enters a weak dyspeptic, stomach nets as an irritant. Burdock Blood Bitters will regulate the stomach, stimulate secre- tion of the saliva, and gastric juice to facilitate digestion, remove acidity, and tone up the entire system. Mrs, Dennis Hebert, St. Boniface, Man. writes: -"I have used `Burdock Blood Bitters, with great success, for dyspepsia, indigestion and sour stomach. I was terribly troubled with my stomach for months, and spent a lot of money without getting any relief, until I hap- pened to see about a woman using it, and her trouble seemed the same as nine. I tried one bottle, and was so much relieved, I bought five more, and have taken them, and I now can eat any- thing in I wish. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. International Railway Strike. BUFFALO, °N.Y., Apr'fl 7.-A strike. was declared yesterday on the lines of the International Railway which operates the street car service in Buf- falo, Niagara Falls, Lockport and sev- eral eweral smaller nearby towns. Eighty peer cent. of the motormen and con- ductors Struck, according to their or- ganisation officials, although officials ofthe liestroet railway assail that less than 100 ertheir 1,700 men responded to the strike call. Lost Immigrants Founds. CHICAGO, April 7, -The: twenty "missing" 'Scandinavian immigrant girls reported to have boon lured from their train by a white slaver disgnis' ecl'as a brakeman near. Pittsburg sev- eral days ago, arrived safely at their destinations, it is announced. ' The immigrant train was delayed by a flood for foray -four hours near Newcastle, Pa. The train was traced through to Chicago Saturday. Floods In Winnipeg. WINNIPEG April 7, -Floods tivhich olid great damage. Friday ere new sub- siding and the danger point'ih past,' Over a thousand buildings are 'mOre or less damaged and the loss is heavy. Dynamite was used several times, Fri- day '3 day night to remove-the'and other obstructions. TO GO INTO CONGRESS. President Wilson Defies Tradition Re- 'arding His Message, WASHINGTON, April 7. -Setting aside precedents of more than a cen- tury, President Wilson will appear in the halls of Congress to -morrow to deliver his first legislative message in person. He announced' to Demo- cratic Congressional leaders last night that he would go to the floor of the House when it convened to -morrow and give that body his views on the tariff. The decision of the President evok- ed much comment upon the Con- gressional leaders. He will be the first President of the United States to appear officially before either branch of Congress in deliberative session since John Adams, in the first few years of the last century:, An attempt was made exactly one hundred years ago, in 1813, to revive, the custom, but President Madison declined an invitation to discuss foreign relations with the Senate. Sinee'then no Presi- dent has ever suggested joining in the deliberations of Congress. President Wilson made his plans known to Majority Leader Underwood. of, the House, Representative A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania and the other House Democratic leaders that they might prepare for, the event: The President believes that he can got in closer touch with the members of both Houses of Congress by person- ally expressing his views to them. In addition to his official visit to the floor of the Hoose, which will be - some a matter of White House policy, the President -will take aivantage of these visits to hold conferences with the party leaders in Congress.' The President has been told by his friends that such a procedure is fraught with embarrassments unless he tactfully keeps to his purpose merely of giving advice as the leader of his party :ancl offering suggestions to those with whom he confers. Those who have discussed this with him say he is convinced that Con- gress will not misunderstand his in- tentions, � . to the ca i- 1 0 tensions, that he w „ cap i- , in a spirit of friendly co-opera- tion so that there may, be at all times t1 unanimity of purpose between the eine-dive and • )ec'tslative depart- ments of the Goverumest. A iivantity of (Regenerated Ban- ner Oats, grown from seed import- ed three years ago. Pure. end fango frdin weed seed. One of the . best' Varieties grown.,, 1?rleo 4:5u Per bushel. J. 11' GRANT, London Road, rfio the Public John Oainpbelt, , iiu succeeded in doing up many Kingston citizens on the plea that he was deaf aiid dumb, was sent to jail at hard labor for a month. • ' A Brockville c.L:rk in his father's store leaves to -day for New York to wed a young widow reported to be worth fifteen to twenty million dollars. The young men of Berlin Lutheran churches are to form a Lutheran club to -night on lines similar to . the Y.M.C.A., the first of its kind in America. Prof. Adolf Slaby, the eminent Ger- man electrical expert, is dead in Ber- lin. He was at one time a co-worker with Marconi in experimenting with wireless telegraphy. John A,' Bowes, one of the best 'mown editors in Eastern Canada, died at his home in St. John, N.B., Saturday night, .after a long illness. lie was 54 years of age. Secretary J. L. Axford of the Brant- ford Children's Aid Society, has been made a provincial officer, and a grant of $40 per month towards his salary will in future be made by the Provie- cial Government. BRIEFS FROM TIE WIRiES. Toronto is to have bad water while the tunnel is;'being cleaned, Wm. P, Ballet, postniaetea of Petrie for twenty-five years, died after sev- eral months''i.11iiess, Mr. 11. C.. Bickerstaff NI , 80 years old, wasp'retented with'a badge fo'r' 'having . attended Sunday school for five years without a break. A mergorial' service to the 'late J. 3 ierpont Morgan was held yesterday in the American Church of St. Paul's at Rome. Dr. Logan,the new medical officer of : health, t Niagara tails, Ont., hopes, to rid the city of 'smallpox lfwil,ltiLi.:fronrl.a.en'. sieve, .. COULD NOT LET ANYONE TALK TO HER. ]laving bought the Fair mill; and had the old machinery taken out, new machinery put in, we hare one of the best Mills 'in Western Oil tario. We are prepared to give the public the best of Flour. We aek you to give us a trial. We 'will also do gristing for the farming community. Those whowant to exchange wheat for flour, we will have on hang' -Family Fleur, Man- itoba Flour, Pastry FlourGraham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour f or cake Breakfast food, Leona, Screenings, Western Oats. .T. Schonhalles, Phone No. 8 SHE WAS SO NERVOUS. Diseases of the nervous system are very common. All the organs of the body may be sound while the nervous system is all upset, on account of the troubles and worry which fall to the lot of one who has to look after the troubles incident to housekeeping, and when the nerves become unstrung the heart is also effected. In Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills is combined a treatment that will cure all forms of nervous disorder as well as act on the heart itself, and for this reason we would highly recommend them to all run down women. Mrs. Wm, Smith, Terra Nova, Ont., writes:-" I wish to tell you that 1 have used Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I was so nervous I could hardly let any- one talk to me until a neighbour told pie to try your Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I got three boxes, and did not have to get any more as they completely cured my nervous system" Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are for sale at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. TRAIN HiTS VEHICLE. Windstorm Insurance cal l oilers till Ale Each week ,durl g J'trne,July and Auust. To obtain these we are selling: the famous Prairie State.In- >;ubator. on the, easy payment plan, eggs and poultry taken for, same. Four good horses wanted for ton- treal by April lit. GUNN' LA,NGLOIS CO,, N. IW. prewartha, Wm. Jenkins, Clinton, - Rouse • for Safe On Townsend Street convenient to Piano Factory and school Ten rooms, new furnace, modern con- veniences. Apply to iC, B. 'HALE, BARRISTER 13OLIOJTO1Z PUBLIO, 1 TO cr,IfTTON C°HP11R1,ES B,,IIHI4LE 7( r onnoyanGe, ;Notary Public, Commissioner, etc:" REAL ESTATE AND 1NSt7RANOLr Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron. St,, Clinton, OTAE. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate,. INSURANCE' AGENT-RePresentfng 14 Fire To 5115anee Conlnanies,,, Division Court Office. To The Farmers Insure yoar horses and cattle a- gainst death by accident or disease, All valuable" live stock; es being protected in this manner. Reason- able, rates and quick settlements: Call and see. C. B. IHALe. Residence Phone No.100 ;.Office No.2 The Canada Weather Insurance Oo. will insure all buildings against dam- age done by windstorms, moderate rates. No premium note. CHARLES B. HALE District Agent Clinton For Service One thorohred Yorkshire Boar also thorobred Shorthorn Durham bull for service. Terms -$1.00 at time of Ser- vice and $1.25 if charged. Lot 16 Gode- rich township, Huron Road, Con. 14- T. J. POTTER Galt Cah-driver Has a Miraculous Escape From Death. GALT, April 7. -At the C.P.R. yards Saturday morning a derailed freight car crashed into a cab driven by George Wright, smashing the vehicle and killing one of the horses. Wright was thrown clear of the wreck and Miraculously escaped. The accident occurred while the freight was pulling out of the siding after the departure of the early morning train east. The engine had reached the main line when the back trucks of the car took the wrong rail, and before the engine car left the d this could le be stopped. p tracks and pulled two more beside it, blocking the space between the two switches,• The cab was left.atand- ing in the space between the switches until the. freight had milled out, Al- though the driver saw the first freight Car leave the track, the team was struck before be could get out of the • way: For Sale A commodlirl[ brick nolle at a 1 argain. Furnace, electric lighting bath room', hot and co: d wafer, also h stable oaths premises. For in- formation apply at THD NEW ERA Floods In Manitoba. NECHE, N.D., April 7. --The Pem- bina river has overflowed its banks here and is doing serious dainage. The river has risen more than _ 12 feet in 24' hours. ;Fifteen miles north of mere in Manitoba, the Altoona and Rosenfeld G ne vast . Ct. are nlake. Po districts The water from the Turtle Mountains must yet find its way into the Red river of •the north, and great damage is feared. Many country roads- in Southern Manitoba' have been washed out and railroad trains on all lines hare been delayed. Kingston's Unfeeling Landlords. K'INGS'TON April ,7 . -Citizens are up in arms over the boost given house rents. Very high 'price, are being ask- ed, 1101.01101.0 been e 1 arents . t. , andn some cases mixed as high as $5 pet month May ist-grill se' the greatest number of citizens n nein, in the history of the city, Barred Roeh Ergs At Clinton, 1012, won let, 2nd. 3rd, cockerel, 1st, 2nd puller, let, 2nd hon, let cock„ • At Goderich, 1013, won 1st, 3rd pullet, 1st, 2nd hen, 2nd cock, 3rd cockerel. Pen 1 Putlet Mateing-(`Phis pen is mated to produce exhibition pullets. ]Eggs $3,00 per 15. Pen- 2 Saute as pen 1. Pen 3 Cockerel Mat - log -This pen is beaded by an exhi- bition Pringle cockerel and is mated to produce exhibition cockerels. Pullets in this pen are excellent layers, eggs $2 00 per 15. Pen 4 Pullets in this pen M.8 barred to skin, good color, yellow legs and henk, are gond layers. This pen is headed by a 1.0 lb, cock, from stock which won the egg laving tom petition in Manitoba, ,Eggs $100 per 1.5, 1 guar Lntee. a good hatoh or re - plane your setting free of charge. Il. A. HOV.EY Clinton t3urglar Gets Twelve Years. GODERICH, Ont„ April 7. --Thomas. ibiutphy was, fount' guilty of burglar- ies'.at Brussels, Seaforth Saturday by and was sentenced Saturday judge Bolt to twelve years in King- ston penit'ent'iary, Edward Burling, who was an ac- complice of Murphy in the Brussels and, •Seaforth :easel, for four years in $hepenitentiary. . Constable hitesides'have been work- ingwn Aporney Seeger and High ingon the cases for the last two 'months following' the breaking open of 'the store 'o'f Thomas Strachan 51 Money B'ai'ted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and will. be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. 13RYDONE All paper bought from ine from "now till the ist. of April will be hung for Sc a single roll. Samples taken to your house if desired. Paper at 4c a Roll tip. GCO. nous Logs Wanted 'highest prices paid for rtces ELM, BASSWOOD, MAPLE Any wood bought. W. Doherty Plano & Organ Co Limited CLINTON - -- ONTARIO. Corner Queen and Princess Streets Mortgage. Sate Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered ' for sale at public auction, by D. N. 'Wat son, auctioneer, Lots numbers 456 on Albert Street, Lots numbers 616, 617 and 618 on Maple Street. The sale will take p'ooe at the premises on Saturday the 12th day of April 1913 at 2,30 o'clock P.M.. On the premises are erected a comfortable dwelling house and a good. stable and out -buildings and the pro- perty is well located on a front. street. For terms and conditions ,of sale apply to W. Bryclon e, vendor's solicitor, Dated at Clinton 'the 26th day of March 1913. CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G.:I'.R. Station ill kinds of Coat on hand - Chestnut S.ott Coal , Stove Rlacksnlith, Furnace Coke Runnel Coal and Wood Tile -222! -inch size- The3 aiid,'.. , �t4 Tile is-.61:,the very best Quality,. Brick to Order. Lam° FORBES iP a mie52. O Before placing your orders for. your season's supply of Ooal, get our prices. The very, best goods. carried in stock and sold at the lowest s possible price. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland's Hardware store, or with 1Ai o'n ti J. Stevenson, lot Electrle i,Ight Plant. Ladies Wanted Employment offered in Player Preumatie Department. Light suitable work amid pleasant sur- roundings, In New Yor k or Chicago this is considered employment for the highest class cf lady operators. Apply at the Office of W. DOHERTY PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Limited. Clinton. Faro' For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on con.12, part lot 34,'Hul- lett township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth , 11-2 miles from School. A bank darn 36 by 56, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about an !acre of or- ,c•hard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, IBLyth, P. ,,0. Medieval• DR, (91.., W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Ete ;medal attention given to .diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glasses. prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial Hotel Duran, St. Farm for Sale DRS. GUNN and GANDIIJt Dr. Tr. Gunn, IL. C, P.. L. R. C. S.. Edla Dr. J. C. Sandier. D.A. ll,D. Mee -Ontario i3treet, Clinton. Sight calls at residence, Rattenhur St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, BURGEON, rcoueheur, ate„ office and residence on teabory 81., opposite W. Farran's residence, The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres - East half of lot 28, can. 6, Hallett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and . with good buildings. Alec the undersigned offers for sats, lot 29, eon. 6,Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTIICOMHE. Clinton. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST: Crown and 'fridge il'ork a Specially.; Graduate of ,C.O.D.S... Chicago, and Toronto. 1d3y0eld 015 llmtdin'S. May 1st to Desemb Mcleod Ford & 0!!�c We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn. Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. Ford 84 McLeod AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 e 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 Pianos See and here our finest New Stylish designs of y ,, Doherty Pianos and Organs, ,5pecial values in Art Cases Pianos and organs 'rent ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music cot 1 b Psr variety goods. liI .crinin Music �il i/ ,(�� Hoare DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Speoial care taken to make dental .reel. meat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction ser GODERIOH ONT • 5 a5, stout sales a spec:1111t/, 015e,s et as NEW ERA office, Clinton, prom.., , attenacd. to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note discounted G. D. McTaggart M. D. McTagger ALA&11aAlhAAetiakekaAAAAAa1 e McTaggart Bron. 13L INIINIE RS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking iauaineas transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued, Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance (oe Farm and Isolated Town Preys erty Only insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth, J. Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godes'ich, T. E. Hays, Sec, -'Prean., Seaforth DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hclmesville, John Watt, 'Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D. P. McGregor, Seafortb, J. Evans, "Beechwood ; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop J Bennoweis, Brodbagen : M. Me - Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses in his own dvstrict. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Uinch- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Egg mondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesvillq, Payments may be„made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cult, God,erieh. JACOB TAYLOR, CL1N1ON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Issac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System Rail way Time Table London, Huron and Brace. North Passenger London, depart-. 8.30 a m 4.50 p m Centralia Exeter 9.53 5.54 --" [densall 10.08 5,05 Kippen , 10.16 6.11 Beucefield 10.30 6.19 Olinton 11.00 6.35 1 18 6 52 le . Lone skoro 1 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 1L40 '1.13 Wingharn, arrive..: 11.50 7.35 South Wingharn, depart.. Belgrave Blyth ,Londeshoro Clinton Brucefield ,, fiippen' Fiensell! Exeter Oen tuella Landon, arrive Buffalo ani Passenger 6.43am 8.33p'm 6.54 3.44' 7.08 3.56 7.16 4.04 7,50 4.20 4.39 4.47 4,52 5,055 5.15 0.16 8.23 8.32 8.48 9,00 10.00 Code,. West, a ill Stratford 10.00 vlitchell 10.22 Seaforth 10.45 Clinton . 1L07 llolmesotllc 11.16 Goderich 11-35 East Gederich Bo!mesville ... Clinton Seatorth Mitchell Stratford Pnesenger pm pm pm 12,20 5,25 10.20 12.45 5.55 10.47 1.10 6.18 11.12 1.25 6.40 11.28 1.313 6 46 11.38 1.50 7.05 11,55 I ssenger am pm pm 7;10 2.40 4.50 7.26 2.57 5.06 7;35 3',07 5.15 7.52 3.25 5,32 8.16 8.48 5.55 8.40 4.15 8,20 Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator ; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system,:; Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Va1t s are sold at is a box, or three for. 410. Bailed to any address. The Soobell Drug Co., 9t. Catharinea, 0118.