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The Clinton New Era, 1913-03-27, Page 8
tau -CLINTON NEW -ERA.` Page 't THE BLESSING OF MOTHERH000 Healthy Mothers and Chil- dren Make Happy Homes. Motherhood is woman"s highest sphere in life. .Itis the fruition of her dearest hopes and greatest desires; yet thou- sands of noble women through some de- rangement havebeen deniedthis blessing. In many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetable Compound makeswomennormal, healthyandstrong. This is evidenced by the following letters which are genuine and truthful : London Ont.- "1 wish to thank you for the benefit I received by taking your :. , famous medicine, an neLydiaE.Pfnkham 's Vegetable Com- pound. Before my baby was born I was so ill I could n o t stand long or walk any distance. I had to lie down nearly all the time. After I took your medicine, I felt like a wo- man. I could work from morning till night and mass happy and well. I certa'nly think it relieves pain at childbirth and recommend it to every woman who is pregnant. You may use this testimonial if you like. It may help some other woman. "-Mrs. FRANK CORRIN, 132 Adelaide St., London, Ont. ▪ Brooklyn,' N.Y.-"l was ailing all the • time and did not know what the matter was. I' wanted a baby but my health would not permit it. 'I was nervous, my side ached and I was all run down. I heard that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was good and took the medi- cine. I have now a beautiful baby and your Compound has helped me in every way." -Mrs. J. J. STEWART, 299 Hum- boldtSt, Brooklyn, N.X. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y., March 24. -Twenty-five passengers narrowly escaped being crushed .to death when ten tons of rock fell twenty feet in tfront of a Falls bound gorge car on I Saturday afternoon, The car struck I the rocks blockade before Motorman L Ramsdale could bring it to a stop. The rock fell 150 feet. No one was (injured. 1 Duchess Had Narrow Escape. ROME, March 94. -The Duchess el Genoa had a'narrow escape from be. ing burned to death Saturday. While anointing her arms and neck with a preparation 'for rheumatism she ap- proached too Closely to a spirit lamp, and the preparation ignited. The du- chess was saved by her maid, who smothered the flames. Lady Nevill Iii. ] LONDON, Marrh_d,-Lally Duro' thy Nevill, who will ho 87 years of age.. ••" on Marcia 31, is seriousl,� 'ill at' he; house on Charles street, Berkeley Square. A cold from which she suffer: ed -has developed 'into bronchitis. ABS 1 TE sEcumi inenuine rt r Little Liar Pills. tiust Beer Signature ad Soo Pao -Simile Wrapper Below. Vary eman eua OS eIPT la Pike lis srtgart 9 FOR lEAdliCHE, CARTERS FOR i izzul SS. FiD� mraz FOR 6I1.I01i3ra$Se OVER FOR TORPID LIVER. o.@, � FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION rtMPDXIMUirYDMu9 TM 1,, u Coaleel9 e etarTa 04.43'.: f'ICif 41.7:41:3A01-17.. DON'T NEGLECT VOUR WATCH AWATCH is a delicate piece tlf machinery. It calls for lass attention' than most machinery, lent must be cleano:l and oiled occasionally to kcap perfect time. With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect um for a lifetime. It will pay 'ott' r well to let us clean your watch every 12 or 18months. Cr r' r•SE By Rupert Hughes Novelized from the Comedy of the Same Name ILLUSTRATED From Photographs of the Play as Produced By Geary W. 5avade Copyright: tat, by n. 1r. Fly 00. . bed on into the car.:: lie had hardly left the little space before the stateroom when ahand- i luscious eyes, :main with lose o s e3e , but without any smile at all, came slink- ing along the corridor and tapped cautiously on the door. "Silence alone 'answered him at first, then when: he 'had rapped again, he heard a muf- 'Hed: ' "Go away. I'm not in." He put his lips dose and softly 'called: •"Edith!". At this Sesame the door opened a trifle, but when he tried to enter, a hand thrust him back and a voice !again warnedhim off. "You lament come in: ' "But I'm your husband." "That's just why you musn't come in." The door opened a little wider. to give him a view of a down -cast beauty' moaning: "Oh, Arthur, I'm so afraid. "Afraid?" he 5nited. "With your: husband here?" ' "That's the trouble, Arthur. What If your former wife should find us to- gether?" "But she and I are divorced." "In some states, yes -but other 'states don't acknowledge the divorce. :That former wife of yours is a fiend to pursue us this way." "She's no worse than your former ;husband. He's pursuing us, tee. ;,My divorce was as good as yours, my dear." "Yes, and no better." The angels looking on might have ]judged from the ready tempers of the 'newly married and not entirely un - 'married twain that their new alliance .promised to be as .exciting as their previous • estates. Perhaps the man subtly felt the presence of those eter- nal eavesdroppers, for he tried to end the love -duel in the corridor with an appeasing caress and a tender ap- peal: "But let's not start our honey ]noon with a quarrel." Isis partial wife: returned the caress. and tried to explain: "I'm not quar- reling uayreling with you, dear heart, but with the horrid divorce laws. Why, oh, why did we ever interfere ;with ahem?" tie made a brave effort with: "We tended two unhappy marriages, Edith, tp make one happy one." "But I'm so unhappy, Arthur, and !id afraid." He seemed a trifle afraid himself land his gaze was askance as he jurged: "But the train will start soon, Edith -and then we shall be sate." Mrs. Fosdick had a genius for in- n possibilities, ivbnting unpleasant possibi t , "But !what if your former wife or my for - liner husband should nave a detective on board?" 'FA detective?-poof1" He snapped fiats fingers in bravado. "You are with 'our husband, aren't you?" ' "In Illinois, yes," she admitted, very dolefully. "But when we come ,to Iowa, I'm a bigamist, and when ;we come to Nebraska, you're a 'biga- mist, and when we come to Wyoming, !we're not married at all." It was certainly a tangled web they .had woven, but a ray .of light shot through it into his bewildered soul. t 'But we're all right in Utah. Come, :dearest." He took her by the elbow to escort her into their sanctuary, but still elle Chung' back, "On one condition, Arthur -that :you leave me as soon as we cross the Iowa state line, and not Dome back jail we get to Utah. Remember, the 4owa state line!" ' "Oh, all right," he smiled, And see - .11g the porter, beckoned him close sand asked with careless indifference: ?'011, porter, what time do we ,reach the Iowa state line?" "Two fifty-five in the mawning, sale" . "Two fifty-five a, m.?" thea wretch exclaimed. "Two fifty-five a. m., yassah," the on ;porter. repeated,and wondered why this, excerpt from the timetable should exert such a dramatic effect 'on the luscious -eyed Fosdick. He had small time to meditate the puzzle, for the train was about to be ;launched upon its long voyage. He went out to the platform, and watched a couple making that way. As their only luggage was a dog -basket he sup ]posed that they were simply come to ;bid some of his passengers good-bye, :No tips were to be expected from isuch transients, ao he allowed them to-. !help themselves up the steps. Mallory and• his 1VIar;iorfe had tried! to kiss the farewell or farewells hall '1a dozen times, but she could not let shim go at the gate. She asked the; (guard' to let her through, and her! }beauty was bribe enough. Again and again, she and Mallory(( paused. He wanted to take her baths] no the taxicab, butshewould not bei leo dismissed'. She must spend the Mast available second with him.' "I'11 go as far as the steps of the • .car," she said. ,Whem,they were ar- rived there, two porters, a sleeping car conductor and several smoking !saunterers profaned cno tryst. So she 'whispered that she would come aboard, for the ,corriclor would he a quiet lane for' the last rites. - And now that he had her actually W. R. COUNTER Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses.. PRACTICALLY G;4EN UP TO DIE "Fruit -a -tires" Cured Kidneys and Bladder WIr,1,IAMsToww, ONT., Jui,v 27th. 1910 "I have much pleasure in testifying to the almost marvellous benefit I have derived from taking "Frit-a-tives". I was 'a lifelong sufferer from Chronic Constipation, and the only medicine I ever secured to do ale any realgood was "Fruit -a -Lives". This medicine cured me when everything else failed. Also, last spring, I had a severe attack of Bladder Trouble coupled with Kidney Trouble, and "Fruit-a-tives" cured these complaints for me, when the physicians attending inc had practically given me up. 1 ant now aver eighty years of age and I- can strongly recommend "Fruit-a- tives" for Chronic' Constipation and Bladder and Kidney Troubles" JAItIES DINGWALL. "Prnit-a-tires" is the only medicine in the world made of fruit juices -and is the greatest kidney, bladder and liver medicine ever put on the market. ,sot a box, 6 for $1.5o trial size, 2$C. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 'on the train, Mallory's whole soul re- volted against letting her go. The. ;vision :of her standing on the plat `form sad -eyed and Torn, while the ,train swept him `off into, space was ,unendurable. He shut his eyes against 'it, but it glowed inside the Lids. And then temptation whispered him ;its old "Why not?" While it was working in his soul like a fermenting -yeast, be was. saying: "To .think that we should owe sit `our misfortune to an infernal taxi- 'cab's break -down," Out of the anguish of her loneliness icrept one little complaint: "If you had really wanted me, you'd -have had two taxicabs." "Oh, how can you say that? I had 'the license bought and the minister ;waiting." "He's waiting yet." "And the ring -there's the ring." .He fished 3t out of his `waistcoat pock- 'et and held it before her as a golden amulet. _. "A lot of good it does now," said illiarjorie, "You won't even, wait over ,till the next train. ' "I've told you a thousand times, my !love," he protested, desperately, "if r ;don't catch the transport, I'll be court- :martialed. If this train is late, I'm Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay andan sexual.' weakness averted at once. -. Phoephonol will make you a new man. Price Ss a box or two for 35. Mailed to' any address: The Sco'beUDrag pt.-(latlnarines. Ont. Rev. Walter Temple, lost. Ifyou really loved me you'd come along with me.".• Her very eyes gasped at this as- tounding proposal "Why, Harry Mallory, you know it's impossible." Like a sort of benevolent Satan, he laid the ground for Ina 'abduction: "You'll leave me, then, to spend three years without you -out among those ,Manila women." , She shook her bead in terror at his vision. "It would be too horrible for words to have you marry one of those mahogany' sirens." l the apple. He held out 1p e. "Better come :along, a o then." But how can I? • We're not mar - Continued next week. SUNDAY SCHOOL r-ik SLt W 1-{Wiia, Then Walked Into ShISeriff's Office and Informed Him of It, Lesson XIII -First Quarter, For March 30, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. are under double strain - strength to live and learn and strength to grow -they must have nourishment -not over- loaded stomachs, but con- centrated nutriment to aid nature during the growing period. .. The wonderful record of Scott's Emulsion as a body- builder has been proved for three generations. It strengthens the bones, muscles and sinews; builds the body, creates energy and vigor; prevents aucl relieves colds and fortifies the lungs. Millions of 'delicate and un- developed children have been ' made strong, sturdy and hearty with Scott's Emulsion. insist on. having. SCOTT'S. ScoLt 3c Bryne, Toronto,Ontario 12-55 .,,R5fitriktXtWe.. „w.. • Text of the Lesson, Comprehensive Quarterly Review -Read Heb. xi, 1.19 -Gorden Text, Ps. xxii, 4 -Com- f mentary by Rev. D. M. Stearns. liTVJ l IILAD N.Y. Marc] 4. March IvLr.b\ illiarn Diass walked into Sheriff Brush's office here Saturday and stood waiting hat in hand for five minutes while tale sheriff finished a converse tion with another visitor. Finally the official swung around in his chair and' asked Diasswhat he wanted, "Why,I just killed my wife," Diass coolly ji'sponded. He led the sheriff and two deputies to his house, where his wife was ouna lying dead with five bullet wounds. Diass declared the shooting was in self-defence. "She chased .me into the basement with a knife and ran me into a corner, where I shot to keep her from killing me," he -said, He did not explain why be°had fired more than one shot. Diass is 48 and his wife less than 30. They had been married two years. LFssore I: The Creation, Gen. f, 1, to 11, 3. Golden Text, Gen. i, 1, "In the beginning God created the heavens 'and the earth." The Golden Text le a won- drous statement containing just seven Hebrew words of twenty-eight Hebrew lettersand tells the whole creation story, which is stated 1n other words in Ps. xxxiii, 6, 9; Heb, xi, 3. Gen. 1, 2, tells of a great catastrophe which brought the earth into'a condition of chaos, waste and void, from which it Vides delivered in six day& by the -Cre- ator. Lessore IL -Man the Crown of Crea- tion, Gen. i, 26, 27; ii, 7-9, 15-24. Gold- en Text, Gen. 1, 27, "God created man in Itis own imuge." After is great and perfect restoration God made man male and female, man from the dust and -'woman from a part of man, and gave them domluion overall the works of His hands. in these two chapters we have a perfect earth, after the res- toration without siu or curse of any kind, and God in fellowsbip with man. 1Ve bare also the institution of the Sabbath and. marriage. • Lesson 111. -Man's First Sin, Gen. iii, 1-12, 22-24. Golden Text, John. rill, 34. "Every one that committeth sin is the servant of sin." Dere we have the first mention of that 001 serpent, the devil, the first destructive critic ques- tioning the word of God and the love of God and making God a liar, fu the third chapter from the end of the Bible we have his final doom. In this lesson cbapter we have also the first mention of a deliverer, the. way of salvation and the future glory of the redeemed. LessoN 1V. -Cain and Abel, Gen. iv, 1-15. Golden Text, 1 John iii, 15, "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer." Adam, having been taught the way of redemption and of approach to God (Gen. ill, 21), taught his chit• dren and their children. Abel believed God and came obediently, bringing his sacrifice. Cain was what might be called a Unitarian, Having no use for the &bedding of blood, but deemed the best he had would be acceptable, Ile was therefore rejected. . Lassos V. -The Flood, Gen. ri, 9.12; vii, 11-24. Golden Text, Rom. vi, 23, "Tice wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Cain turned his back upon God after he bad killed :his brother, and his desreudants began to build cities, inveul muslutl instru- ments, work in brass and U'on and int- prove (brags generaliy, but ul1 tvl}bout God, and' n-iekeduess be 50 great that God bad to cut oft the race by a deluge,saving only Noah and his family. •c Lessee; VL -God's 1, s Cofeiaut With Noah, (en is, 3-17. Golden Text, Gen. ix, 13, "1 do set by bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of 0 cove- uantbetween me and the earth." The next destruction will be by fire at the end 0f this age, but we look for a new earth wherein dweiietb righteousness. LeSsoN Cil, -The Call of` .,brans, Gen. xii, 1-9. Golden Text, Gen. xii. 2. "I will bless thee and make thy name great, and be thou a blessing." in- stead of dealing longer witb the world, God separates n lean, a family, a na- tion and 111 tine present age a church, to be Itis special people through whom Ile may reveal 1linmself, whom Ile cony. bless and hake a blessing. LsssoN VIIL-Abram and Lot, Gen. elli, 1.12, Golden Text, Prov, x, 22, -'The blessing of Jehovah; it maketb rich, and He addeth no sorrow there-' p orb," Abram found sorrow iu Egypt, ante Lot found sorrow in Sodom,. but troth were for the time out of fellow- ship, It was good for Abram to get Liac& to Bethel and to find a resting place and altar at Plebron. Lrssoe IL -God's Covenant With Abraham, Gen. xv, 5-1S, Golden Test, Heb, x, 23, "Ile is faithful that prom. iced." Let no one pass by the woe - r fail to I l o a chrolts story of A etc ❑ Ufzede notice the many new words of this chapte t he first "Feat: EAC" not,"Be- r Neve," "Righteousness" and many oth erS. LtSsoN X. -The Destruction of So - dont, Gen. xii, 12-17, 23-29. Golden Text, II Cor. vi, 17, "Come ye out from among them and be fe. separate,,saitb the Lord, and touch no unclean thing." The Lord Jesus referred to both the deluge and ..the destruction of Sodom and said that the end of this age will he similar as to sin and judgment. LEssor Vii. -The Text of Abraham's (Faith, Geu. illi, 1-13. Golden Text, Hos. _vi, 6, "1 desire gpoduess and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more' than burnt offerings." fsaac was the promised seed in whom theprom- ises were to be fulfilled, but God would have us rest in himself regardless of w1.121 we sec or feel. r.lcssoh X1t,--Isaac and Rebekah,. Gen. xxir, 58-67. Golden Test, Prov. 01, 6, "in all thy mays acknowledge Rim, and He will direct thy paths. ,iesus Christ; risen from the dead, is now awaiting IIis bride, the church, the Lamb's wife which the holy Spirit t4 preparing b3 telling of the glory of God, and of Christ, amici the, riches of Glace. Soon the gathering will be complete and our Isaac will welcome Why ` ut •omen Have Nerves The "blues" -anxiety -sleeplessness -and warnings of pain and dis- tress are sent by the nerves like flying messengers throughout body and backache or not be accom anted a ' a oro b SuchfeelingsmY tc p. limbs. Smay rimY headache or bearing down. The local disorders and inflammation, if there is any, should be treated with Dr, Pierce's Lotion Tablets. Then the nervous system and the entire womanly make-up'feela the tonic effect of DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE pRESCZ.IPTION when taken systematically and for any period of time, It is not a"cure-all," but has given uniform satisfaction for over forty years, being designed for the single purpose of curing woman's peculiar ailments. Sold in liquid form or tablets by druggists -or send 50 one -cent stamps for a box of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tablets. Ad. Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Eoertt woman ougyht to pono, The Peoples' Common Sen,e Medica! Ad. liber by R. V. Reece, M.D.- /008 pages. 11 answers questions of rex Teaches mothers hem $ care for their children and themseirei. /Ys the ems.-: ge nen doctor in cora own home, Send se onecentstampslo Dr.Plsneasabove. Democrats Are givided. _ _ ences among the Democrats regardingtUMBSWASHINGTON, March 24,7 -Differ - the A UT form o# the income tax will be thrashed out at the coming caucus of the House. The sub -ways and means committee considering the income tax and the administrative sections spent most of the day in going into details, but reached no conclusion as to either the rate or the extent of the exemption of incomes: n., home;. WAS SO NERVOUS COULD NOT'EAT OR SLEEP. There are many people who become. worn, weak and miserable because their nerves become so unstrung they cannot eleep, and wherever there are ones troubled in this way they will And that Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will restore the deranged nerves to full life and activity. They do this by their invigorating' effect on the nerve centes, and will tone up the whole system to a perfect, condition. Mr. George McBeath, hound Hill, N.B., writes: -"I take the pleasure of writing to, tell you the great benefit Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills did for me. I was so nervous I could not eat or sleep, and could not even do my work, and I failed to a shadow. Finally -I con- sented to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and have only taken two boxes and am able to work as well as ever and can eat and sleep as well as ever I did. I can't praise your medicine too highly. My wife is taking them now for palpita- tion of the heart and is improving greatly." The pace of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills is 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, For sale at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Trocc °s ',ancvk,odat.oF Th,' Grant ilAgles7a .etnedyy. Tones and invigorates the wholy nervous system makes now lllo rd my old Veins. C.'tcreS NOV sus DClil5t7/, ]lie tOl and, Brain. Tl'o7•lt/, Defi'" 7;uni.rsualTnl1rs Zil,,pr' ilCorOleOi'7 hiptla , aceexd. dO'scasl4 ofesd busennissio0 ' JSszcesseeSe. Price 01 per box. stx501 05. One willifle )Be cis will eine.: Sold 1.1 all drngglets or mailed in plain pkg.. on tecein" at price. 10110 promo/ ant vuoxleterece.'who VdeeeO M:diolne CO, ttorneeriv Wale lse"l Tent] trte?s _►t5 minister •1 ried for Murder, TOPEKA, Kas.,March S4. -The jury in the case of Rev. W. L. Beers, a Methodist minister, charged with slay- ing his wife by forcing her false teeth down her throat, reported a disagree - Ment yesterday afternoon and was dis• charged. The final ballot wee eight for acquittal and four for conviction. Early yesterday the jury stood seven for conviction and five for acquittal. A. McPherson of Longford Seri- ously Wounded by Burglar. VICTIM MAY NOT RECOVER ,m. High Bridge Swept Away. CHATHAM, N.13., March 24. -The heavy freshets in the 13arnaby hive] have swept the covered high bridge across the stream about ten miles Inca here, away. ,It is reported that the railway bridge at Blackville ha been moved by. the ice and trains or; the Canada Eastern branch of the Intercolonial cannot cross. Head of Several Big Companies In Ontario Has a Scuffle With a Mid- night Intruder at His Home, Near Orillia and to Fight Receives a Dangerous. Wound In Thigh- Robber Escapes by Window. ORILLIA March 24. -Ina deS er- at; struggle with a masked burglar shortly before eleven o'clock last night, Allan flfcPherson, one of the best 4enown lumber men in the coun- try, was shot in the thigh and so badly wounded that he may not recover. The burglar escaped, Mr. McPherson lives at Longford, just ac: .ss the lake from Willie, with his two adopted children. His is a handsome resi- dence, :and as he is a man of eonsid- `able •u•ea1th it is tl u2IA that the ei burglar surmised that he would maga' a rich haul. Word of the shooting was sent to Mayor Moffatt cif this town, who at' Children C r 9• once sent Provincial Constables , Wright and Holmes with Dr. Harvey FOR FLETCHER S to the scene of tate attaek, which is O A S T O R LA, severer 0nled tram - union :' by ,road. The mayor also notified Supt. Rogers of, the provincial police by telephone, but was informed that the superinten- dent had no man to send to .Orillia this morning.Details of the shooting are not all to hand. "7t is thought that Mr. Mer Pherson beard the burglar in his house, and upon going downstairs to investigate was met by the cracks mart, who was a short man with a red handkerchief tied over his face, con- cealing everything but his eyes. The man carried a large rifle, which he pointed at Mr. McPherson, and threatened to shoot if be was not giv- en money. • Mr. 'McPherson struggled with the burglar, and alter being shot .manag- ed to wrench the rifle out of his hands. Before he could get a shot at the marauder, however, the man jumped through a window and escaped. Mr. MCPhersotl, who is G5' years old, is very well 'known and very popular in this district. He is the head of the McPherson Lumber Co., is connected with the Longford Pouniry, the Span- ish River Pulp & Paper Co, and other large corporations. If it is found that lie is suffering too 'much to be moved he will be attended at his home, other- wise he will be brought back to. Orillia to -day. e WHEN YOU NEED Furniture, Carpels Ond. Shades Please remember that the throe f1 via of this big store are packed with House Furnishings, specialty selected for their beauty. comfort andwearing gnalitiss. No Better Goods 11;tdc'T'ltan Ours ;Vo Lower Prices Than Ours. Fancy White Meds $3.03 850 4.50 5.00 Woven Wire Springs ........ 'La0 3.00 4.00 1.550 Sate tttryMal tress 1351) 3.75 401) 5,00 Rrussels Carpet, per yard 1.110 1.25 Ail Wool Carpet, per yard .03 77 1.00 Union Carpet, pet' yard . .25 35 .45 .50 Cork Linol0nm, square yard .13 .50 ]tugs and Window Shades in twine- calors and sizes, DROP IN ANY TIME aJ• Hoe G -i EL.Fi..CEW Estate Furniture and Undertaking. 111LY'l U Wyk YT geesesees•as•e••eeeeseo•ee esemeeeetD4 aeeenaaeseeatvooee 0•00V011•0004900018411•111,00000 0�i••0e9ttfE•e®e13!@e 3®"tleoB8Gt9ElQ®90sRato,v®0.814D�e•®�i®®�i•®®®t!•SB®+�imOe©o®6O06i0t1®lDe®••®@1 • ga seem 0 ea ®CJ oe aG�l'rl -`'�_ 0e • • 't -•- •staff a✓ ....co �•�..,,+-.. • tv r •e �h 0• .. ,t, 7r• at {rc 1: Net:• �t•+F. e et ®• - — �. n'Yuuntr • sac i, ., .• d lI ^... At,exalt, pr�rnterr. sl„” O ® Cs • tis 0 tar .r ®• I � r `.:"v:r'�n.r..a-„i--- . ,ma• (a „„1 � rdi .',rr�"' ii!r.t 'a :,, �i. � a:w .:�-ttrk.,. a;y, ` rp tl to • • Il ',j 1�... ,- r.. mss , 1/-/` ,,� -`,:, ee �� 1 �?C' n'%J :J I.., •.Kf'xe. .. / /`-Alga r ,x".` '' • • ]'tis ''S.„ )ti. f. rn,,r. ,. To< i� �i.; O• ": moi, ,.,n f s -.4 t.. _:. r:.;l f:. 0 Q► tj :iii c Ycr 7 - >r-..� s O • • fry ¢t rk1 t. tE 3r.. .� . a., • &S 1 It,t'' t y1't. 'a x si r` :'i �� s./ Q' a t f� � } t i, .A , �4. Fra • • l 1 Y �... • is . .d • •' t! .:l P _� s� t. �.i..:Y-i �d' - ® • 1•, fi • a I� l _ i I e • ® 11 E» • • 'ice - � • r • • se et O il.�- Ir... �' ice' -T :.._... I • • - The ..Delights of Ownhiig •• •• so •el ••", pip • i m ers :, .. -a-m yr .T9� r i▪ e J dS I 3I..� ' 1?=' 9 w tt 3• ID • g' Are slow easily Accessible to ever Piano Owner me • QS •• 00 •• VISIT OiJR PLAYER 'DEPARTMENT •• v • @I tW • e and see how we would wake your present Silent 0 • •0 Piano, a PERFECT PLAYER, regardless of size, - 00 e ▪ f make or scale, The total cost for Upright Players 0 0 °e is $zsa. �• 000 Aw 0t S'ECIAL 'PRICE:"` FOR GRAND PLAYERS stns+. 00 ® , s0 • 1."`s0 • W..Do r Pianom Orman ea 0 • �. .. - Limited -e. 0 •• s a• Clinton,Canada. �1 Qt • 08 •, •+ •• et ••®00050060000@!PAaaaaaaaaarAte1anade5k16Rit63?:a 0caeso sseee 9••Se•ee•90000•O Lm• eess••••O•••••0•e•e•0G5Oa00000e0e00seseoaes•••eeeem9•0e••••e••ese••ee•ee®wee _• •