HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-03-27, Page 6se
gijewel Waltham Watch
in good quality gold
filled case
or $20.
You can have it in
a cheaper case if
you wish it.
Other Watches Fropor-
tionately !ow, .
Cal! and see our large
variety et
for a moderate price
W. 11. KUM
Persons desiring farm labor-
ers or domestic help should
make application to me at the a
earliest possible date, as first
come, first served, and parties
will . soon begin to arrive from e
the Old Country. r
Dominion Immigratien Agent t
.ils uilc1
Invitations are issued for the
marriage ,of Miss May 'Waltees, i
daughter of Ms. Edward. Walters I
to Walter Lavton of Tuckersmith.
The wedding will take place oe
April 2nd at the brides home. '
The wind storm struck the tovee-
shit) fvith fere°, silos and barns
were thrown cloWe, -roofs and
shingles taken off, barn dodes
thrown down. It is now impossible
to proeuth shingles so great is the
demand, •
The many friends of Dr. lifirold
Taylor, son of Dr. Alex, Taylor, MI
be glad to hear that he has accept-
ed the superintendency of 'Calgary
General Hospital. He is a local
boy, regeivind his education in the
Collegiate heee, and graduating
from Toronto TJniversity, For the
past year or more he has been as-
sistant house surgeon of Toronto
General Hospital, It is interesting .Mrs, Robert Collins. and daughter
to know th
their home atp Saskatoon.
Idarried at the manse, Kippen by
the Rey. Mr. Richardeon, jean
daughtee of James Cochrane of Hay
to Regh Caereeon of Saskatoon
Mrs. Weinrich, Wile 'spent the
winter visiting her daughter in
Lethbridge, Alta., returned home
this week, •
Rev. Mr. Argo, of Dgmondville,
was celled to Toronto on Thureday
by the death- of hfath
is ein
r --law,
Rev. Mr. Wilkie, - •
It is reported that the Bginond-
vine ;brewery is to be closed down,
the proprietors having disposed of
it to the (Brewers' Association. :
Ms Jake Sproat, who has. been
visiting his parents, Me. and Mrs.
James Sproat, returned to Battle -
ford, Sask., on Monday. He was
accompanied by his 'brother, Ross;
who recently disposed °Phis busi-
ness in B mondville.
with hat to match. The bride and
groom left far Niagai•ii Ton-.awaeda, Ransomville and -others
points in New 'York State." ,
'IVIrSLevi Trick is going ,aronnd
With his head tied hp as resnit
of being hit by abate deor on Zees •
Idt, 11, Wis sold One of his
ponies to Sergant Welsh ot town
Mk. Welsh wilt certain:es have a
nice driver now. • -
Mr. -Tames (Graham is doing nicely
since he had the misfortune to be
thrown Mit of his buggy at the
The young people of Steelyards
Middleton are preparing to give a
play entitled ."A Pair of Spectacles"'
Thi p (
ay is 0 comedy and wae.
produced in the Grand Opera, Lon-
don by the University .Students
and proved to be a good 'success,
'This" play will be given on Tue..day, April 8, at 8 o'clock in the
echeOl-room of St. James' Church; ,
atli sfather was first were the guests of 1Viiss Moran and Miss 'Conley of London is a visi-
house surgeon of the same hospi- other friends in town this week, I tor at the (Caremercial.
tal, and is now vice-president of Miss Agnes Smith left this week 1 J. Hewett of London is now visit -
the Ontario Medical Association. for Sew 'York, where she 'will. visit
relatives. t is reported that the tug•
at hie home.
• Constance :, •
Mrs Chas. MeGreggor and Mr
Wm. Clark spent the Easter holl
day with their friends Mr. and Mr
J. Wilson at Bothwell.
Mr. Wm. McIntosh is irnprovin
After his serious illness his man
friends will be glad to hear it.
We understand Mr.Chas. Roger
son and family intend moving t
the West this week.
Mr. Robert Clark is busy tires
days remodeling his house at th
farm. •
Mr. Robert Colcolough stir, COD
dimes very poorly.
The wind on Friday done con-
siderable damage around here tak
ing part of the roof pf severe
windmills, silos and the bricks off
the hack of the Trustees Hall,
1 Mr. and • (Mrs. Alex. A. Watt havecense which was granted here some'
f removed from their farm on the time ago Is caucelled.
se Mill road, Tuckersinith, and now The great wind storm which
l'' reside in Seaforth. ' I passed here recently did but little
s- Mrs, W. J. Chisholm, of Prince 1 damage with the exception of a few
fences being overturned.
' Albert, Sask., is here on a visit to' .
Our town was saved by -------
Y e Seaforth "Hurons* Football 1 to earth. But' even as it was the
0 lowing
_ Club, heolicificineltshewetlaewnelehcatle!t,itpoeAohl-e citizens could find good use for
the words of the poet, '‘That day a
ensuing season. ' ..
e Honorary president -Frank Sills.
e Hon. vice-president, G, F. Rogers.
, President -Parker Wrighton.
_ Vise -president -Chas. Stewart,
Secretary-Frenk Smith. A 11 11 W ' Votes Again
her brother, Mr. F.R. 'Walley.
striking the bank and passing
• At the reorganization meeting of over the town before again coining -
Treasurer -Walter Watts.
_ ldanaging committee- C. Aber -
hart, H.R. Scott, W. McKay, Thos.
Dick, Joe Sills. for the Higher Oates
Delegate to annual meeting. to be I
held a Stratford on Good Friday-. Lefigtnere SCate 12 Adopted by
1 1
Mrs. Maggie Smith of Detroit,
spent Easter anions; old acquaint-
ances on the second, She has still
kindly feeling for the piece of her
Miss Margaret Laut of Alberta
vimwas visiting relatives here
eturned to her home last week. -
Mr. J. McKenzie, and Mr. Angus
Gordon of Port Albert anC1 21.11. J.
Wilson and wife of Goderich spent
he 'Eastertide at the home of Mr.
homas S3aird.
Mrs. Chapman of Atwood came
this Week to see her mother Mrs.
D. McKenzie who is very ill at pre-
Much damage was clone to build-
ing's fences and windmills by the
gale on Friday •of last week.
Latest returns give Canada's arez
.as 3,145,574 square miles. The -Unite(
States, not including Alaska and de
pendencies, covers 3,026,189 square
miles, so that if the United States
without Alr,ska; Were placed upon
Canada, British Columbia, Alberta,
.and one-third of Saskatchewan would
be left uncovered. Including Alaska,
the Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Rico,
.and a fee' scattered islands' in ths
.Pacifle Occ an, statlstics give tie -
United States an area ot 3,743,344
square miles, still less than the ares
'of Canada. Strictly -speaking the
nited States lays clalni to about
3.644,122 square miles, as against
Canada's 8,745,574. • '
Canada is,. therefore; much larger
than the United States, fifteen times
as large as France, *twenty of Spahi,'
more than sixteen times the size of the '
German Empire, and more than
twenty-five .times larger, than the
British Isles. -Guelph Herald. .
ildeal Profession Bays Famous British
, Publisher -Some of Hie Reasons 1
• "Journalism is an ideal profession
for women, becahse it Is not neces• ;
laxlIy one of the tedious forms of toil
demanding long hours away ,from
So mid Lord Northcliffe, in propos-
ing "Success to the Society of Women
llournalists," at the toelety's annual
dinner in London, England. There
twee an obvious main reason why em -
Men were Ideal journalists, Their
. owers 'of quick perception greatly
celled those of men, and there was
pertinacity about the sex whica en•
bled them to achieve where men
Meanies failed,
• The Woman journalist had her llini•
;Wiens. One was that ladies were
pot fohd of taking orders from other
ladles. Another was that their die
ruations and ambitions frequently in,
, oect them to attempt tasks beyond
;their powers. If women's work were
ddenly removed from the newspa
• rs and kindred publications the out.
tit would be -reduced by 60 or 60
par cent., for most certainly the com•
Sig of the woman writer in her hun•
reds had brought the woman reader
- in her millions.
,Woman's influence In journalism
;I19d been a good one, Lord North,
esliffe added,
Miss Addison of Londesboro who
has been visiting her brother
Joseph Adcli sop has returned to
her home.
A very pleasant "At -Rome" was
held on Thursday afternoon last
at Mr. Dorrance school near our
village a good program was given
by the school children, and lunch
was served by the ladies of the
school section.
Mrs. Gi bbons of Kippen is the
guest of Mrs. John Kitchen. - .•
Mrs. Risebury is Visiting friends
at Atwood.
Neil Yellowlees and family of
Bowmanville spent Easter vacation
in 00? •
Miss Lizzie Aikenheacl of London
spent her vacation At home.
Mr. Calvert and wife of Morton
are visiting. At the home of Idr..P.
D. McDonald of London sport
Easter at his old home in the vil-
,Our Spring Show will be held on
Wednesday April 2nd a good show
is expected,
Geo. Turner and wife of Drayton
spent Easter in our village.
W. Swan of Toronto University
is visiting at his home.
Special Easter service was held
in the Presbyterian Church, Easter
anthems were sung by the 'choir
under their leader Miss Mable
Turner. The pastor preached on
the beautiful • lessons of Easter
tide, .
Messrs John and Hugh Cameron
and bride left on Tuesday for Sas-
(Too late for last week.)
Rev. SI, A.Woods preached a
sermon on Sabbath morning
in memory of 100th anniversary of
the David Livingston/ of Africa.
He spoke 'of the great work he had
a±d th8 work thoro
was now to ddlin evangelization
of Africa and the good work of the
Gospel and its privileges,
John Wise and family here mov-
ed to 'Clieton, where they have
purchased a house. Mr.,Dith, of
Comber Essex County who bought
Mr. Wise's farm have moved on it.
It is a good farm.
George Stephenson and 'family
moved this week to Seaforth where
they will reside, -
James Barr of Scotland is visiting
in our village, he will leave short-
ly for the West.
Hugh Cameron and bride are
esiting . at the home of their
ether John Cameron of our village
they expect to leave next week for
Prank Sills.
The club decided to enter a tem Grand Lodge,
in the junior competition, but
were undecided as to whether to
p 111 the intermediate also.
The A,O.H.W. In annual con-
vention . at Toroeto last week en-
dorsed the -rates suggested by R.
W. Longmore, .D,D.G.M.W.„ and
Miss Evelyn Hill spent 7ast week which are identical With the 'tariff
with her uncle Wm. Hill of CoS- adopted last year, but which was
borne. , nullified by the courts en the
Wm, crittedon of Morris han ground of insufficiency of notice,
moved to the farm of his brother The Longmore schedule was a -
in -law Janice Fairservice, and Mr. dopted by a big .majority, b. -two-
thirds vote being necessary,
Fairservice will move to his farm 1 The Schedule of roles' and amend -
near Seaforth.
' ment ' to the constitution are as
Miss Evelyn Cartright of Clinton ; follows:es - '
spent her . vacation under the
parents roof on the 8th con. The Scale Adoprea,
Sirs. John Shobrook and (laugh- From and after the first day ler
ter Vera spent a few days with her May,. 1013, each and every member
mother Mrs. R. G. Webb of Sea- of this order, who joined prior to
forth. • • the first day of May, 1905, shall,
without notice, pay to the financier
of the lodge a monthly assessment
of the amount designated opposite
the age of the member on the first
day of May, 1905, members over 78
years of age to be taken as at age
65; and each and every member
who joined on or after the first day
of May, 1905, and each And every
new member, commeecinge with the
month of receiving the - Workman
degree, silent without notice, pdy
to the financier of the lodge 'a
monthly ,assessment of the amount
designated opposite the age °tithe
member •at the date of admission
to the order, according to the fol-
lowing graded plan
Mrs. Lloyd Awde and son Gordon
of Wingham spent a few days at
her home on the 9th con.
Joseph Carter spent Good Friday
with Hensel' friends.
Mrs. Kunkel of Niagara was the
guest hf her parents Mr. and Mr.
E. Crawford this week,
The wind storm on Friday caused
great damage taking off roofs of
barns and leveling fences and
nearly r every building needs
shingling. The ,dernand for shing-
les was so great that they were All
taken the next morning after the
storm that there were none to be
got till a fresh supply was shipped
in. some of the losses will be,part-
ly covered by insurance. -
. M. and Mrs. Wm. Weymouth
spent this, week with their son John
Weymouth and James Thuel of
Brussels And Mr. and MrssCoven-
try of Wingham. ,
Mrs.Rjeharcl Brown of Clinton
has moved her household furniture
to the home of her son John Brown
where she will now make her home,
• Mrs. George Longman is spend-
ing . e. a month with her daughter
Mrs. George Stevens of Walton.
John Haggit of Blyth is engaged
with Wm. Gray for the summer
months. '
Report for U.S.S No. 12, Goderich
and 'Hullett. -Sr. IV.-Florance
Lawson, Teenie Mai:gels, Mabel
jail/. -Fanny Lovett, Neville
Forbes, Bert Beacom.
Sr, III. -Jean Lindsay, Elda Mair.
- Jr. III. -Cora Jervis, Mervyn
Farquhar, Fred Johnston, Dorothy
Sr. IL -Mary Wright, John Town-
shend, Amy 1VIcBrien, Bessie Lind-
say', James Johnston. '
Marien, Willie Bea -
Rate Rate Wile Rate
age per per nor per
.11 $1500 $2000
111 1 48
111 14R
11 148
114 152
117 156
122 162
126 l68
1 31 174
185 180
141 188
147 1-1)1)
153 204
151) 212
1611 220
174 232
180 240
186 248
11)2 258
204 272
216 288
231 .308
242 822
249 882
258 344
273 364
290 386
301) 4(0
:398 410
.329 438
351 468
3613 484
375 500
4114 5138
407 -542
410 546
429 572
480 600
473 680
495 6(11)
524 98
548 730
608 81))
(342 856
6715 900
713 951
752 10 02
7011 10 80
846 11 20
31 ' 60
32 62
83 • 61
34 68
35 70
37 *74
1•7 74
37 74
38 76
.39 • 78
41 81
42 81
44 87
45 93
• 47 94
49 98
.51 102
53 106
55 119
58 116
1 20 •
1 24
1 28
1 40
72 144
17 154
81 161
83 1816
90 172
91 182
97 193
2 on
nom, Hilda Forbes, Geo. Read, 1 03 2 05
Sr. Pt. IL -Jean Farquhar, Eddie 111 1 17. 2 24
1 10 2 19
.Sr. Pt. I. -Norman Wright.
Jr. Pt:J.-Walter Forbes, Robt. 47
John sto n. 49 1 35 2 69
1 21 2 42
1 25 2 50 •
Coderich Township
A Pretty Wedding. "Pleesaet
Arbor,"-Fullarton, she happy h• me
of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Harris, was.
the scene of a pretty wedding aft
half past five o'clock op Wednesday
evening, the teth inst., when their'
youngest daughter, Ada M.,
united in marriage to Mr. Wilbert
R. Lobb, a prosperous young farmer
Godertch township, by the Rev.
Mr, Rothergill. The ceremony
took place Under air evergreen
arch, prettily decorated in the pre-
sence of about sixty guests: Miss
Elsie Lobb, sister of the groom,
, Played the wedding march. The
bride, who was 'germ) away by her
Our Aim==To Please •
cream eolienne over silk, and car -
father, woxe a dainty gown of
BRINGS CUSTO Rile RS BACK ried a pretty bridal bouquet. After
the ceremony' and usual congratu-
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To Use Our Furntture is tD prove that it is as good as it ,
• looks, and that is saying a whole lot.
Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money-
• saving rates. Why not secure what you need novv
while prices are so favorable.
lations, the bridal party led the
way to the dining room, which was
handsomely se decorated with
streamers hanging from the centre
of the room to its corners ,• also
down to the corners of the table,
where a stamptuous dinner awaited
them. At the conclusion of the re-
past the bride Was toasfted to
which the groom briefly respond-
ed. The genial host was in his
usual happy mood, apparently re-
alizing that he hadgained 0901)
• rather than lost ,a daughter. To
Atkinson & ni
u .
Understand the esteem in which
the couple are held, one had only
to see the handsome gifts, includ-
ing a miscellaneous shower pro- i to
sentecl to the bride by her young I ac
prior' to her marriage. The bride 5 N
girl friends on Monday everting 1 M
gping away suit was of navy blue, pi
Fmlaitare Dealers and Funeral DireetOrS-Phone 164
NIGHT AND:SUNDAY 'CA lftlIA-----Phone No, 121, or Phone 16
52 143 286
53 150 300
51 158 315
55 155 33')
56 175 3 49
57 183 361)
58 198 3 85
59 203 405
60 214 428
(31 2 25 4 50
62 288 475
62 251 501
64 265 530
65 280 36)
All the reports of a turnover c(f
officers were apparently not well
• founded, for there were no changes
of importance, The officers are as
follows :-P.G. Major J, J.
• Craig, Fergus; G.M.W., James Mc -
Ewing, Drayton; G. Foremau, W. C.
Mikel, 10.0 Belleville ; G. Overseer,
.T.Lockie Wilson, Toronto ; 0, Re-
corder, M. I). Carder, To,ronto ; G.
Treasurer, F. G. Inwood, Toronto;
G. Guide, I. A. Kinsella, North Bay;
G. Inside Watchman, D J. Powers.
Ottawa; C+. Outside Watchman.
Harry Fisher, Concord ; G. Medical
Examiner, J. Milton Cotton, NIB.,
Toronto ; G. Solicitor, A. G. F. Law-
rence, Toronto; Auditors, 0.01
Knott and A. E. Hagerman, ;Tor-
onto. '
'Phe districts depaty grand mast-
ers have been named as follows : St
'Clan,' H. E. Wells, Drestee ; Erie
Ira Stilwell, Eden; London, 3. W.
'Cook, Lambeth; Brant, S. 4, Gibson,
Ingersoll ; Hamilton, Fred Leigh -
n, (Hamilton; Guelph, F. G. Ham-,
her, Waterloo ; Huron, Harry
orris( GOderkh; Bruce, T. 3,
'choirs, Gorrie ; Dufferin, W. (1,
ckle, Markdale,
11'he ways of a watch are past
finding out. Dont try. If your
wathh is lazy and won't run, let es
repair it for you:
Ten to one you neglected it -let it
get dirty, or it stops froni lack of
.eil. Whatever is the reason, dont
delay. •
Delay costs • money and often
spoils the watch.
We give thorough examination
and regulating free, anything more
costs as little as satisfactory work
en be done for. •
. •J. Griag
Jeweler and Optician
lssiier ol Illarriav.e Licenses
chiel might understand the Dell
had business on hand.
RolmeivIlle •
A pleasant evening Was epent
last 'week at the .homP of Mrs,
Render when 70 and SO Mends
gathered to bid good-bye to Miss
L. MaeVicar - who has taught S.S.
No.3. A joyogram was rendered
by the young people and the
scholars of the school. Rev. Mr.
McCormick made a short addresst
During the evening an address and
presetnation was made to Miss Mc-
Vicar. The • address was read by
Mr. Andrew Courtice and the pre-
sentation, was made to her by
Mr. D. Glidden. Miss McVicar
made a suitable reply, thanking her
many friends for their handsome
gift which will be much appreciat-
ed and she would always remem-
ber the kindly recollections of her
friends at SS, No. 3, Lunch was
served by the ladies after 'which
the party broke up. Following is
the address given
To Miss Lilies MacVicar
Respected Friend and Teaeher
-As youare about to remove
from our Cominunity we your
pupils mid friends have thought it
well to Present you some tangible
expressien of our appreciation of
your kindly greetings and ex-
eniplithy character while you have
been hmong us. We ail regret the
circumstances under which you
feel compelled to resign as teacher
of our school and we sincerely trust
yottr health may be speedy re-
etored. As a slight token of your
respect and esteem we begs you to
aceept this gold watch and fob and
while ;its hands may indicate the
flight of time we trust its face
Will serve to recall memories of the
-pleasant relations existing between
teacher pupils and friends of
Ilolmesville School.
. Signed on behalf of S.S. 'No. 3.
Daniel Gliddon, P. G, Ford, Geo,
Mair, Trustees.
The following is the result of the
Easter examinations at S.S. No.3,
Goderich Township.
Sr. IV. -Elva Proctor, Verno Jer-
vis, Roy Munnings, Clifford Hol-
land, (Harold Levis.
Jr. III. -Emily Ford, Clifton Proc-
tor, Leslie Jervis, Willie IVIarshaa,
William Alum's.
Jr.III.-Altalind McCartney, May
Hutson, 'Norman Mair, Harry Ford,
Fred Levis.
Sr. IL -Bruce Holland.
Jr. II. --Kathleen 'Hutson, Willie
Miller, Wilfred Jervis,
• Pt.H.-.Violet Miller, Ernest El-
wbod, Willie Jervis, Dorothy Jervis
Iarion Alcock, Willie Larder,
Pt I. -Charlie Potter, Albert Lar-
der, Cyril Proctor, Rarold'Isarder.
Prineer.-Bessie esbaldeston.
L. IdeeVicar.'
.• London Road -
Mr. Walter Swinbank spent the.
Easter holidays at Strartfotils'
The storm that visited this 'gee-.
tion last Friday was the worst
known and tlid a great deal. of
damage with so many barns ,being,,
unroofed especially ov,pa, the
grainery the heavy rain of Sunday
night did a great of damage tOthe
grain. •
Mr. John Biggins got his. arm
badly sprained while on a ladder
in the barn. The ladder fell and
he sprained his elbow.
Mrs. Biggins spent Easter 'holi-
day at Peter boro.
Mrs. McCartney of Goderich spent
Sunday with her father-in-law, Mr,
George Hanley.
Mrs. B. Lioweliff ,spent Easter
holidays at her home in Exeter. •
Miss 'Rosetta and Miss Maple
Liverrnore of Toronto spent the
Plaster holidays at their home here.
Mr.. Joe. Crich land Wilbur .0, are
shipping a ear load of settlers ef-
fects to Matheson, Nev Ontarlo
this week and will for.ow,in a few
On Tuesday while Mr. `Frank
Lane and his brother were felting
trees one of the trees when falling
slipped back on the stump and
caught 111r. Frank Lane's leg and,
broke it between the knee and the
ankle and badly bruised his heel
his leg was last preventing
from getting away.
Mrs. Henry of the London Road
was visiting. in Blyth on 'Wednes-
day of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wise of town visited
Mr. and Mrs. George Layton on
1Vionclay of this week.
Porter's HUI
Mr. John • Cox is visiting his
daughter at Springbank.
Miss Minnie Johnston, and mice
Myrtle 11,1arshal I: left for, thelatter's
home in Oxford Centre on Thurs-
day last.
Mr and Mrs. Murphy of London
spent -Easter at M. George Vander -
Miss Susie Wallis Of troranto
spent the holiday at her brother's
T. R. (Wad is.
Mr. and Ides.,0.-W. Potter attends
ed the Silver Wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. George Huller, in Clinton on
Good 'Friday.
Miss 'Mae Lindsay of Godericb
spent the holidays at her mothers.:
Mrs,: John McClure' is visiting in
in Port Huron.
Last Monday Evening about 100
guests spent a pleasant evening at the
home of Mr. Goo. Jackson, who bss re-
cen•tly moved to the farm of Mr. Pear-
son on the Hayfield Road. The guests
were present from billet/ell, Logan,
Speclal Prices on Rugs
and Lace Curtains
House•,cl• eaning time will soon be here.
Are you going to need a new Rug or a pair or two
of new Lace Curtains ? If so, it will pay you to see
what we are offeringin these lines,
See Our Special Tapestry Ruzs at $10
Wewould also like to show you our New Prints,
New Ginghams, New Dress Goods, New Sheetings,
Corsets, etc,, as we are. showing some beautiful new
patterns, and some wonderful values in these goods.
Boots and Shoes
We are showing a bigger range and better valties
for spring than we have ever shown before.
Plumsteel Bros.
Dublin, Wingham and Blyth. Th
music of the evening was suenlied by
the Logan Orchestra, and Mr. Ney, cf
On Wednesday of last week Mr,
Jahn T.Lee was suddenly called
from this life. The deceased had
been in poor health for some time
but the end was not looked for so
soon he had complained the day
previous of hawing 0 severe head-
ache but the morning on which he
died weemed .muchbetter and ate
some breakfast as usual and was
afterwards sitting in his chair
reading when suddenly. the Book
fell from his hands his mother and
daughter were with him at tire time
and immediately called for li&p,
Dr. Allison arrived in a few minutes
but the sparks of life had fled. He
is survived by his mother, Mrs.
John Lee senior with whom he has
always lived, four sans 'Erarerd
and William of Calgary, Howard of
Port Colborn and Frank of Sea -
forth and Miss Pearl at home, also
one brother Mr. W. Lee and to
sisters Mrs. Thos, Ranking and
Mrs. Millar All of this place. His
wife having died almost five years
ago. Mr. Lee was of a quite
generous and kindly disposition
and well liked much sympathy is
felt for the sorrowing friends.
• Redistribution,
The Borden Government gives as
an excuse for not having ah•eady
provided by redistribution for the
additional number of members to
which the Canadain West is entitl-
ed because of the incerase of popu-
lation, that there have been similar
delays in the past, but the Montreal
Witness answers this by stating
that the spirit of the la w,has al-
ways been kept, although the me-
thod has not been striotly follow-
The subjoined table shows in the
first column how many members
the western part of the country has
had in Parliament with the date
at which the increases wore Made!
The. second column shows the
'ill:Maher to which it was entitled on
-a population basis:
1872 10 1871.... ...... 6
1882 11 1881
1887 .. . .. 15
11 17
11E0:9 :40
1908 , 35
17 1891 16
1913 5 1911 56
35 1913 64
This table indicates that up to the
ear 1900 the West was continu-
ously over -represented becauusc
f special concessions made' to it
wing( to the large extent of terri
ory and the scarceness of popu
ation. c. -Up till 1908 a favorah'e
roportional representation 01 1110
Western Provinces was kept up
ach Parliament more than antki-
Laing the growth of populatiom A
pecial census was taken for this
urpose between 1901 and 1911 In
he latter year the Liberals went
ut of power before the returns of
he census were tabulated and
onsequently had no chance to
lake them effective.
In 1911 Me. Borden came Seto
ower and Muhl have passed a re-
istribution act, but failed to do so,
he second - session with this
oven:I/lent in power is pow well
dvanced, but there has been no
ttempt made to deal justly with
ie 'Western Provinces by way oT
edletribution. The grievance is a
sal and substantial one, because
ne 00 11)0 most important measur-
s ever before the .Canadian
iont is being debated. e This
leasure of justice ought to have
een brought down at the emiliest
assible period in the session in
rder that if an appeal is made to
se electors the whole voice of the
ountry may be heard.
• • 0
These promotions are 'made
primatily to prevent over eroWd,
ing• in the PrimiarY Division. Peo-
motions hems the jr. to the sr. class.
of the same Division ave net given.
le tins list
N,Bse•Farents: • having children •
Starting to school this term will
kindly Make arrangements to have
them enrolled during the 1first
week.. ot April as no reorganisation!
Will take place after.. that •tithe :une
111 September.
Promoted from Pty. VIII to Div, I
Kate Beaton, 97; Ruth Rale, 93;
bel Glazer, 02; John N'edigar, 80;
Isabel Johnston, 99; Fred McTag-
gart, 89; arace Stong, 87; Norman
Counter, 87; Eleanor Plums teel,S5 ;
Fergie Carter, 85; Wilfred Grant,
85; Charlie Menne], 85 • Myrtle
Carnick, 85; Charlie Shipley, 84;
/dyrle Sweet, 81; Clifford Carter, 81;
Ernest Ford, 80; Wallace Wheatly,
78; Russell IBezzo, 78; Elmer Miler,
M. L. Kele
The following have been nrolnot-,
ed from Div. t VII. to Dir. VI. .
Max. 300 -
Eleanor MATaggart, 287; Anica
Hill, 282; Frank Scruton, 277;
Switzer ,Grealis, 270; Frank Muteh,
273; Hilton Butts, 273; Ivy Plewes,
271; Charlie Cook, 971; Winnie Mc -
Math, 269; Cecil Matheson, 264 ; Itoy
Livermore, 249; Roland Walker .244;
Ella Cram, 242; Robert Middleton,
234; Cecil Turner, 221; Slyer Wiltse,
186; Albert Carrick, 186; Harry
Cochrane, 183,
The following have been promot-
ed from primer to first ,reader.
Max. 300. -
Violet Huller, 287 ; Barrie Combo,
283; Kenneth Rorke, 281; Jack
Wigginton, 277; Katharine Grant,
273; Audry McIntyre, 265; Geo.
Reynolds, 255; Bert McGiiire, 252;
Agnes Combe, 250; Jean Ford, 245;
Norman McNeil, 233; Ka.theno
Livermore, 230; sRelen „Ladd, 224;
Mary MeTaggart, 228; ,George
`Ellett, 227; Mettle Blaek.ers 226 see,
Jack Britton, 223; Sadie Gibbs, 219;
Oliver Murphy, 202; Floward,
Gould, 193; Reginald (9datel7ni leffels
mated on sessionald standing.
• • '
Promoted from Div. VI. to Di isIV,
-G. Fowler, '595; A. CollY0,:596
N. Rutledge, 569; G. Wilts°, 667e, '4
D. Nediger, 558; J. Miller,' 549.; •11.• ' •
Roberton, 547; N,Copk, 544,; „A,
Gould, 541; M. McI15t9're;'f'5311;."
Levy, 526; L. Taylor, 504'.• . W.
Beggs, 491; . IR, Lawson,- 503;'
Lawson, 480. . ,
54. McGregor.
Promoted from Div.,V.toDiv. IV
-Fergus Reynolds 927; Harry
Munro, 90; Harry Bali, 85 ;13easie.'
Murphy, 83; Willie lvitttch, 85;
Jabez • Rands, 83; Dorothy Rorke,
82 ; Marjorie Beaton, 80; Aamy
Rellyar, 78; Gordon Hall, 76.
MiSs Cou1rtiee.
Certified to by ' .1'
C.D. Bouck, •
Weekly C.C.1. Report
Names ofpupils who obtained
fifty (percent or over in the weekly
Form L -B, Sanderson, 74.9; J.
Wylie, 73.8; A. Petrie, 73.5; A.
Townshend, 71.9; E. isCunninghent,
69.3; F. Pen nebaker, 64,91 H.Cante-
lon, „64.6 ; P, Edwards, 63; II. Kitty,
61.3, M. Lansing, 61.2, C. 000k00.8 ;
J, Churchill, 50,7; 'G. 'Waris 00,3;
80.3_ ; A, G-rainger 59.5; A. Nediger 59
W :
C. Whitmore 58.5 ; A. Shanahan 58.3 ;
F. Copp 58. 1; I. Sinclair 57.8;
NI. Smillie, 56.7; C. Can telon 56.4;
D. Shipley, 50.2; H. Stewart, 55,2;
B.Rowden 51.8; G. Beaton 53.5; E.
Miller 53,2; .A Glazier 53,1; L.
Churchill 53.1; '11. Reynolds 52,8;
C. Johnston 52.7; 211. Carter 515; N.
Sparks 51.2; E. McAllister 50.3.
FOrni 11..-13. Manning BO ; J.
dleton 77.3; M.Elliett 74.8; M. Mc-
Taggart 74.1; 0. Cole 71 ; J. Sniith
73.8; M. Davidson 70; J, Morris 70.5;
I'. Moffat 67,8; P. Potter 87,5; S.
Smillie 67.5; P. Thompson 67.2; V.
Evans 66.9; A. Hoare 67.3; 13. Was -
roan 60; E. Wise 65.9; S. Henry 65,7;
V. Hearn 85; V. Oarbert 64,7; I.
o', r on 64,3; C. Beacom 63; R.
Reda way 62.8; M. Cook 62.0; H.
Harland 61.7; W. Nelson 61.0; W.
Caldwell 61. C. Hoare 60.7; 0.340,
Gill 60.6; C. McCool 60.1; E. Brisson
60; C. 'Harland 00,2; Milton Cook
50.7; S, Agnew 58.5; E. Jamison 6S.3;
G. laudie 57; 3. Bennie 55.5; A
Dewar 51.1; K, G,ovier 32.8; 54. Mail'
52.7; 14, Shaw 52.1; I, Rathwell 52;
C. May 51.9; P. Wheatley 51.1; R,
Chowen 50,3; 14, Holmes 50.1.,
FOND Gray 77.7; N. Gavre tt
75,7 ; C. Nicholson 73; CE. Beacom
72.5; G. Walker 70,1; W. 1VIeGregor •
88.7; J. Wylie 68.1; P. Brown 60.7;
G. Draper 66.2; M. Reynolds 63.1;3/
Barr 63; R. Harland• 62.7; L. Ford
61,7; M. McAllister 59.1; K. Reid 58.7
H. 11,1cOrostie 59.2' Lobb 56.6;
A, CoOper 55.2; M. McGowan 55.4;
E. Leith 55.2; H. Forrest 543 H.
Cantelon 53.5; W. McNaughton 55;
D. Copp 53.
Form IV, part DPaeulty,-.11 Tur-
ner 64,
Part II. Vaeulty-E, Windsor 73.1;
11 Blatchford 66.8 ;1, Glen 66,2
Honour Matricirlatioti-D. Tierney
01.7; ,M, Shipley' 61.5.