HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-03-27, Page 2M1ilATd R h� E T IS �• RNUMA RIS JI , Completely ,ured by G N PILLS r 'Ito Ont., of m t . d iia.... n _ , jet , Mr. W. 11 M. , ane o£ the best known and most highly': re¢pected''commercial travellers iu Canada, was a cripple from Rheumatism and suffered terribly. GIN PILLS.: ciired•hirµ, AIr. Reid writes as follows HI have been flfr the last two years a cripple with Muscular and Inflammatory 'Rheumatism, I tried almost everything ;known to niedical science torelieve me. for the intense pain.;'and inflammation: nought change of climate'in Kentucky and other Southern points without relief, Your manager in this city recommended GIN PILLS and I have since taken eight boles and am now, cured. I consider GIN •PILLS -the conqueror of •Rheu ruatisul and Kidney Diseases." Gin Pills is sold with a positive guaranteeto cure or money promptly refunded, 500. a box,. 6 for $2.50. Sample free if.you write National Drug. and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, Tercel 'o .142 LOVE MUST HANG. Ceylon Village Murderer Sentenced To Die on May.27th. OWEN SOUND, March 24. -Nervous ,•to the point of prostration following a sleepless night in his cell, Henry ,Love, convicted Friday on the charge of murdering his wife. at Ceylon on Dec. 9th, heard ,sentence of death pro nouneed Saturday morning by Mr Justice Lennox. The date of execu tion was fixed for May 27th. Through out the judge's solemn discourse the, prisoner sat with bowed head, appar ently taking no heed to his honor' remarks. Love after being convicted of the murder of his wife collapsed .in hi cell Throughout the four daye' tria he had maintained the utmost corn posure, confidently -asserting that hi innocence would be sustained and th adverse verdict completely unmanned him. In a dazed condition he wa taken by the constable down to th tiny cell in which he had been con fined for the past three months, bu hardly had he re-entered it before h broke into bitter declamations. FIe dung himself down on his bed, shrieking and gesticulating to such degree that a doctor had to he sum moned to attend him, It is. said tha. thrice he undressed and reclothei himself during the night. So odd were his movements that the jaile had to maintain the utmost vigilant lest the convicted man should do bod ily harm to himself. Time and agai he demanded to see his son. "M baby boy Mho has sworn my lif away." Though the result of the trial cam before nine o'clock Friday night, I was impossible owing to the store that was raging to make the new known to the outside world. FURTHER REFORMS. A Thousand More Words Have See "Reformed" For Bad Spellers. NEW YORK, March 24. -The siuipli fied spelling board. issued Saturday it fourth list of words to appear in new fashioned orthography: Ai ,proxfwatol 1,000 words are o ds •shortened or change, in spelling. , In ooneidering these new spell ings," the board said, in anuouncim the new list, "clo not be too much in fiuenced by the odd appearance of th word, any change must look odd a first. Consider, rather, whether th change will bring a real gain if th public should accept." Some of the ohartges are dropping the silent "h" in such words as Chao. and chameleon, dropping the fina "k" in words like hammock, eha.ngin; heart and hearth to hart and harth substituting laf for laugh and cof fo cough; omitting the "g" iu gnat gnome and similar words; substitut ing nee for knee and nienac for kniek knack and dropping "m" in simile words; changing pranced to prans and other worde, ending with need to nst. In . the new list touch is spelled tuch; cerious is changed to serious bl.ow'is spelled blo; bellow is changed to belle; forced to forst; 'phantom to fantom; handsome to handsum; boss to bbs; glue to glu and wretch tc. retch. Each of these instances typifies a rule and is followed by a long lis of words to which it applies, Andrew Carnegie, Theodore Roose' velt and a score of other noted mel are included in the list of the board's member's, OFF FOR BRITAIN, Ducal Party 4Sailed From Halifax Early Sunday Morning. HALIFAX, March 24 -Brilliant milt' tary uniforms mingled with the more sombre tints of civilian attire at the ship's side Saturday night at .8.39 o'clock, when the royal train of the C.P.R. tilled into the terminal nal pier with the Duke and Duchess of Con• naught and the Princess Patricia aboard. The building was gay with bunting and a carpeted gangway led from the train to the saloon deck of the steamer. The grade of this was made as easy as possible so as not to tax the strength of the duchess, whe had stood the' journey well, but had nevertheless a slightly wearied look On entering her stateroom the duchess found a . handsome basket of flowers sent by the wives of members of the ' Borden Cabinet at Ottawa. The steamer sailed at three o'clock Sunday morning, Gay Colors Prevail. NEW YORK, March 24. --Fifth ave• hue's annual Easter dress parade was favored yesterday by bright sunshine, but with a decided .nip in the brisk wind that blew. , Extremes in design were rare in the gowns worn, the striking note of the exhibit, being the generally high color scheme. Bright hues were the rules rather than the exception, in both clothing and head covering of the fem. mine element. The ' family, remedy fer'...Coughs end •Co der' Shiloh' costs so little and does so much ii t)iv to.Conil tt the Mail Order,Bitsi'id Theiprinci al objection to the ex- tension' of the percaleost system from: the retailer' small � 1 towns and cities and -from the ex- press: companies. With the' latter the general public wilii not be in-, clined' to wail. They have so sys- tematicelly bled the people white in their freniied desire to accumu- late "standard oil" dividends' theft itis small wonder if the worm turns, The retailer, however, is entitled 1t'o a large measure bf'consideration. But it isn't necessary that he should he protected against his inveterate enemy -the department shore of the big city-atlthe expense of the great suffering consumer r,' Be doesn't need to tb(he protected, at all, in fact, If he will but adopt the •methods of his larger and more grasping rival. As we have it today In Canada the mail orderbusiness is the,legi- timate and natural evolution of consistent and persistent.pubiicity. Your departmental store merchant prince 'cif Toronto eor Montreal -he 15 usually ' disguised - as en ineor-' posted company -has attained the round' of the ladder thalt he now occupies by telling the, people at regular intervals` just what articular article or r t,cles has P a he for sale and What toe thinks the peoile want ,at the pantleular time. He uoe•s this (through the medium of the newspaper, The out -of -city reader sees, concludes to buy and mail his order accordingly. He could and would probably buy the same article in the• local store, but he doesn't know it is there, for the reason that all. the goods can not be displayed in the front Window and he never' looks into the shop front -much, anyway. , The local re- tailer lnust be prepared to fight the mail order business by using the same weapon that has buillt; up that business, viz„ publicity. Here in Clinton'' there is a large amount of money; running into the thousands, fotwarded each year to Toronto and other large centres in the purchase of goods that come through the mails. The extension of the parcels post system, as is proposed and as is undoubtedly ap- proaching consummation, will'ag- gravate the evil, unless the wide- awake business man rises to the occasion. It will most certainly bring the consumer and the mail order houses closer 'together, and to stand on an equal footing with his rival, the smaller retai'er Will have to make his goods, wares and merchandise known to the regular buyers by judicious advertising, with just as frequent changes of copy as he can have placed at his disposal through the medium of the home town paper. This is the whole secret of the competition, as prices in nine cases out of ten will show a favorable comparison quality for duality, The -average buyer is a funny in - divide al. Heisthe creature of passing fancies, and if he is beguil- ed by the big departmental store ad. from down country, it is be- cause it is being constantly touted before his notice; He will respond in much the same way to the local retailer's appeal, if the latteh gives hire the opportunity and pre- sents the details in a bright and catchy manner. But the merchant will have to change his nineteenth century methods and get going, �wv nen near run lan(Aing at Ilio blip in the first flight .of steps, 14r 13ullei1 slipped on the edge of the 'stairs, Lit an attempt to save'hinfroth falling,. Margetts 'elutched his companion by the aI•rn, ; The' two men fell, •At the bottom of the stairs they'! struck a ' radiator with sufficient foll'ce to fracture Builen's s1 u11 and crush Mar gett's head. young nrelnatl ilalllett Allid, nix - teen years` old, was killed, and two firemen named Herta and 'Sylvester, were fatally wounded, at Sturgeon Falls during the storm on Friday. The. German Government in order to cover the eontinually increasing ex- penditures on the army, is contemplat- ing Government monopolies in the sale of cigarettes, matches and alcohol. The correct majority for John 0. Ebbs, Conseriative, over David Mc- 1,,ean, Liberal, in South Lanark pro= •""vincial bye -election, is 613. Mr. Ebbs received 1,866 votes and Mr. McLean 1,253. • A basis of settlement satisfactory to the miners has been reached with the representatives of the Pain Creek Cot- ' berm t&., whose miners in West Vir• inia have„been on_strikep for about gime ineut11g• ' 'Yeaers'ai,'e,-e i.Te,5 " • A weapon for the firing of asphyx- 1 i�k gb•.s.:. ele4e 1, ej ,erether ". siea of the automobile yiap.ibls5 Jetta used-fQr e },fi�t TO yesterday in aril t11 cap,ure`of a negro, who hdd pet' owe suddenly mad and ran amuck in the Vauteuil quarter. .EXT TO CONSE PT1011 THERE ARE MORE DEATHS From PREMINVA Than Any ether" Laing Trouble, Pneumonia is nothing more or less than what used to be called "Inflammation of the Lungs." Consumption may be contracted from others, but as a rule pneumonia is caused by exposure to cold and wet, and if the cold is not attended to immediately ser- ious results are liable to follow. There is only one way to prevent pneumonia and that is to cure the cold on its first appertrance. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will do this for you if you will only take it in " time. . Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup con- tains all the essence and lung healing powers of the famous Norway Pine tree. Mr. Hugh McLeod, Esterbazy, ,Sask.,' writes: -"My little boy took a very severe cold, and it developed into pneu- monia. The doctor said he could not live. I got some of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and he began to improve. Now he is a strong healthy child, and shows no sign of it ever coming back." The price of this remedy is 25 and 50 cents per bottle. It is put up in a yellow wrapper; , 3 pine trees the trade mark, and is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limit d, Toronto, Ont. King Constantine at Saloniki, SALON11<I, riarah:24.-King Con• stantiile arrived here yesterday and was acclaimed by the populace. The foreign warships fired a salute of 21 guns. The King showed great grief and the meeting between him and the Dowager Queen Olga 10 the death' chamber was most affecting, both. bursting into tears. The body of the late Icing George lies in state to -day and residents of Salonilti are viewing the. body. ARTIST IS KILLED. George, M. Sullen of Toronto and Fellow A•tist May Die. TORONTO,. March 24, -Falling down the stairs about two o'clock yesterday 'peening, George M. Buller), 21 Grena- dier road, was almost instantly killed and Wni. Margetts so seriously injured that his recovery is doubtful. Con- stable Gardner heard the men frill and summoned Drs• Shier and Hoidge, ' The two men were artists and 'old' friends. They met accidently on Sat: urday.night and went to the theatre, and later to Mr. Margett's apartments, 5G9West Bloor street et Two Children Killed. NEW YORK, March 24. -More than a hundred tons of brick blown outward from the walls of a lower eastside factory building by an explosion of gas Saturday afternoon killed two children and seriously injured three others of a large number that were playing in the street below: FRAIL -SICKLY CHILD l Restored 'to- Health' by Virro1-- 'Letter to Mothers. Anidous mothers often wonder why their:' children ' are so pale thin and nervous and; have so little, appetite, For the benefit ot such mothers in this vicinity, sre publish the following` J.' Eldmund MilIer,, New Firaven,. Conn:, says: "My little 'daughter; ever. Since her birth, had been frail and: Sickly,. and was a constant source of Worriment. Several months 'ago we commenced to give her Vinol. 'I im- mediately meted., an improvement in her health and appearance. gave ''her her three bottles of Vinol, and from, the good it has done her I can truly say It will do ail you'clatea." This child's: recovery was due to ' the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' °livers; --combined with the blood -making and strength -creating properties of tonic iron, which are contained in Vinol. n i, u• ,...,. w Vinol will build up and strengthen delicate children, old people and the weak, run-down and debilitated'. We • return the money In every case where it fails .-,;.e-r,,,_ezea YV, S, Druggist Clinton' Ont. whether you are not yet out in the world, or earning your living °r- are employed in office or shop ; they are well worth reading and bearing in mind, Results speak better than prom- ises. Don't say what you are go- ing to do; show what you can do. GOOD FOR LITTLE ONES. O h' d r e p. Cry Baby's Own Tablets are good Inc Y all little ones -good for the new- born r babe or the growing child. They are absoluu'tely safe and are guaranteed thy a government an- alyst to be free from opiates and other injurious drugs. Concerning them Mrs. Win, Kern a�•han, Cart- wright, Man„ says: 'I have al- ways used Baby's Own Tablets and find them good for little ones. The lrablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The ;Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, ,Ont. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR iA For Boys in Business • i The following items of advice for business boys have had the ap- proval of several heads of big com- mereial `establishments and emin- ent professional men. No matte,' Grand Trunk . Railway System Colonist Rates on Sale Daily. MARCt-i 15 to APRIL 15 (inclusiYe) FROM CLINTON TO Vancouver, B.C. Victoria, B.C., Seattle, Wash. Spokane, Wash., -•--0-- Mexico City, Mex„ San Diego, Cal„ Los Angeles, Cal„ San Francisco, Cal., ., • nomcseckcrs Excursion To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN and Alberta. Each TUESDAY March to October Inclusive Via Chicago and St. Paul Through coaches and fpullman tourist sleeping ears will leave To- ronto 11 a.m. on i hbove dates for ! WINNIPEG: No change of Cars. Winnipeg and return $35 Edmonton and return $43 .$ �f 43.7c e �Tickets good for 80 days. Pro- portionate -low rates to other points Porportionate low rates to other Seinen [xcursious points in Arizona, British Columbia ®C a1 Ui pu California, Idaho, Mexico, Montana Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington i To ALBERT AIND S Al KiATCHE- Ete„ from all stations in Oritari°' and every TUESDAY thereafter Ask Grand Trunk Agents for par- until APRIL 29th, inclusive, from l titulars, stations in Ontario, Peterboro, Port -_o , Hope and West. LOW RATES. The Grand Trunk Pacific Raiiway Through coaelies and tourist is the shortest and quickest route sleepers to WINNIPEG without between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and change; leaving Toronto at 11 a,m, Efmonton, • on above dates. Berths, Reservations, Literature and full information from any agent JOHN RANSFORD &SON, City Passenger and Ticket agent phone 57 A. 0. PATTISON, station agent, phone 35a. riZBELVDdifalZ without a doubt you'll°'t find this out in alli,'' your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal - is just the one and only real Mother's! s! Bread better bread could not be made -that's what you'll - say when you have tried this crispy, Crusty Mullicr'S Dread artliffl Phone No. >i and haveit1 delivered to your house every day. eieseihrageispecaseesse Some, March- Specials FRESH FISH -Several kin ds. Caldwell's Molasses Meal for stock at $2.00 per 100 lbs. Alfalfa' Clover Seed also , rs and Red Clover, Timothy Seecl etc., lxerbageum-Dr. Hess' Stock food and poultry' Panacea Columbian Stock' Food-Zenoleum and I'nstan,t Louse Killer -and Sheep Dip,,: Highest' prices for Butter,Eggs, Tallow, Lard etc.. RPID EMR®RIUM • �'LOIeiT2E58N71R0 Seed Oats for Sale A quantity f, t} of (Regenerated Ban- ner Oats, grown from seed import- ed three years ago, Pure and free "'from ',weed seed..`,_ One of the • best ',varieties:; rowo. Price 45 $ e per J, F:'GRANT, 1, London, ;Road, To the Public. Raving bought the Fair mill, and had the old machinery taken out, new machinery. put in, nue have one of the best:Mills in Western On- tario, We are prepared to give the public the best of Frour, We ;ask you to give us "a trial. ` We will also do gristing for the farming community, Those who want to exchange wheat for flour, we will have on hand -Family Flour, Man -0 itoba Moue, Pastry Flour, Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour for cake Breakfast food, [Corn, Screenings, Western Oats, ars, .h Sebonisa •eller, PLotleNo. $ Mortgage Sale Ur.der and by virtue of the pow- ers contai `ed in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered ' for sale at public auction, by D. N: 'Wet son, auctioneer, Lots numbers 456 on Albert Street, Lofts numbers 616, 617 and 618 on Maple Street, The - sale will take.p?,ace at the premises on Saturday the 12th clay of April 1913 at 2,30 o'clock 'P, M., On. the premises are erected a comfortable dwelling house and a good stable and out -buildings and the pro- perty is well located on a front street, For terms and conditione of sale apply to W. Brydone, vendors solicitor. Dated at Clinton` ithe 20th day of March 1913. • • ' Execut'ors' Sate of house and Lots Town Lots 74 and 75 on the south side of Bond Street, containing 1-2 an acre of land, will be offered for sale at public auction on April an 1913 at 3 o'clock P. M. at the pre-. wises. On the premises is erected a comfortable dwelling house and the property is altogether a desir-, able one for anyone wishing an in- expensive home. Terms of sale 10 per cent cash and the balancein 30 days. W. BRYDONE, solicitor for executo••e D. N, Watson, auctioneer. Dated at Clinton this 17th day of March 1913. Notice Having disposed of our Boot & Shoe business we wish to have all accounts settled up by the 1st of April. Kindly call at the store. JAS. TWITCHELL & SON. Money liVaantcd, I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and Will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. liRYDONE 11 All paper bought from me from now till the 1st of April will be hung for Sc a single roll. Samples taken to your house if desired. 'Paper at 4e a Roll up. G Qv Pilis Corner Queen and Princess Streets CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station All kinds of Coat on hand - Chestnut Sintid Soft Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke kennel Coal and Wood TIle--21, 3 atld''4-inch size - The Tile is ot the very best. quality. Mick to Order. 11. FORBPS Phone 52. " Staallaxserstanatentreemeeseasememezza a,,. Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price, Orders may be left at Davis dr Rowland's Hardware store, or with W. J. Steveooson, atQTs tri c Light Plant.1 PRO $roilers Wanted r .Each week during June, July and August, To obtain these we are selling the famous Prairie State In- cubator on the easy payment a me., Y nt plan; eggs and poultry taken for same, Fourg .00d horses wanted for Mon- treal`It A • Y 1f1 1st, 'GUNNr LANGLOIS CO„ N. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins, � , C i 1 hien, House forSale On Townsend Street convenient to Piano Factory and ' school. Ten rooms, new furnace, modern,' con- veniences. Apply to C. B. HALE,. To The Farmers /Msail o Insureour horses`: and, cattle 'a- gainst death'by accident or disease. All valuable live stock is being protected in this manner. Reason- able rates and quick settlements: Call and see. Cd iB, !.HALe. Residence Phone No.100 ; Office No.2 Logs Wanted Highest prices paid for ELM,, BASSWOOD, MAPLE Any wood bought. ty, Donato Piano organ Co Limited CLINTON - - ONTARIO. For Sale A commodin le brick tame at a I argain. Furnace, electric lighting lath room, hot and co d water, also a stable on the prem'ses. For in- formation apply at. TIRE NEW ERA POT TO[S Car of No. 1 Cooking Potatoes to arrive about Saturday or Monday. New Ontario stock. Just the right kind for seed or table. .A sample can be seen at our store, both raw and cooked, at $1.25 per 90 lbs. STEEP & CO. Ladies Wanted Employment of:ered in Player Pneumatic Department, Light suitable work amid pleasant sur- oundings. In 1ew York or Chicago this is considered employment for the highest class of lady operators. Apply at ,the Office of W. DOHERTY PIANO AND 015G 1N CO.. Limited. Clinton. Farm For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34, Hul- lett township, 3 miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from' Blyth, 11-2 miles from School, A bank barn 36 by 56, another barn 38x52, drive shed 24x40, A brick house, plenty of water, about an'; (acre of or- ,rhard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, Blyth, P. 00. Farm for Sale The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres - East half of lot. 28, con. 6, Hullett. A first-class farm, well 'watered and improved, and with good buildings, Also the undersigned of Fera for sale, lot 29, con. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOTTHCOM BE, Clinton, Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.), We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover., We always have on hand -Goose. Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. Ford & McLeod W. RRTD011alE. l BARRISTER HOLI01TOli NOTAJt PUBLIC, ETO ci itrrorl el ARLES 13. ',RALE Oonneyance, "Notal Public. Commissioner, etc.; REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Testier of IaS Marr' a Licensee; e c uses: Huron St., Clinton, _H. T. RANCEI Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Esta te. INSURANCE"AGENT-R r s ep a enog rire ThE' surence l7oplpaaiee..: Division Court Oilice. Me dl�al:. DRI t;. 1K, THOMPS011i Physician, 8urgeen, Esta sneoial:attention given to diseases of the . Eye, Ear, .Throat, and Nose. .. Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glsssee prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west of the Cmnwel,raa$ Soto Huron St. _. AILS, 4iUNN and CANDIED. Dr. W. Gunn. 1.R. C, P., L. R, C. d.. East Dr, J. C. Candler. 11.1, m,le, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Sight calls at residence, Rattenbary St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICUAN.'.SURGEON, cconehenr, etc, office and residence on tenbury St., otmosite W.Tarran's residence. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST: Cro-rn and fridge flork.a-Specialty., Graduate of 0.0,13.6.,: Chicago, and 0.0,12.5 Toronto. hayfield en Meadows, Dov 8x51.0 Decent' DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E store. Speoial care taken to make dental treat. went as painless as possible. THOMAS- GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction see GODERIOH ONT 6 at S. etD:,r sales a spat lath Oine.s t, fk NEW ERA office, Clinton, promptly attecded to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale tact* discounted G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggae McTaggart Bros. RANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General banking Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed ea depoeite. -: - The McKillopllIIliat;uai Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town B°regs erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth, J. Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderlcile, T.E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafori h-. DIRECTORS. - Jae, Connelly, Hclreesville, John Watt, Hariock; G. Dale, Clinton; 13, F. McGregor, Seafortb; J. Evans, Beechwood t J, G. Grieve, Winthrop J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Me- liwan, Clinton, . Each Director is Inspector of losses in hie own district, AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harloc]c; Ed. Ilisele ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Lge mondville; 3. W. Yeo, ''Holmesvflie, Payments may be „made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Curt, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR e LIN TON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sate Money to loan Office Issac Street, next' dear to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Brace. • North Passenger London, depart... • . 5,9.340 0 a m 54,4i,5d 11 ne Centralia EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQ,AaAAAAAAAAA E..05:5E05 xeterenesail,.......,,..... 10.0853 5. 44.. ► Kippen. 10.16 6.11 . ► Bruc held...,....... 10.80 6.15 pin4os C 11.00 6.35 ® ` Londesboro 11.18 6.52' a ► Blyth 11.7 Qa 4 ► See and here our finest 4 New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and 4 e 'Ot'gans, ,3peela.l valines in Art 4 .44 i Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison a phonographs, Music & 2 variety goods. w � .4 t i t t ► e. Music 1711aporilm C 4 a � Hoare C Dr. de Van's Female Pitt •► . A reliable French regulator; never fails, Tamsp Belgrave 11,40 '7.13' Winghaln, arrive,11.50 7.35 South Paesonger Wingham, depart 8,43 am 3.33 pnet Belgrave6.54 3.44 Blyth 7.08 3,53 Londesboro, 7,56 4.04 Clinton 7,50 • 4,23 Brucefieid 8.12 4.33 Ken 8.23 C Hensa'1; 8.32 4.52 Exeter... .. 8.48 5.05 Centralia 9:00 5.15 London, arrive 1000 6.10 Buitalo and (?ode,. Wee` PResenger are pm pin pre Stratford 1.0.00 12.20 5 21(1;20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10'.47 Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 1112 ClinHolmeston 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.2:3 cille, 11,10 1,33 64811.33 Godericb :....,11.35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East I• essengee .am pm fans Goderich.......... , ._ 7.10 2.40 41511 Bolmesvflle'...... . 7.26 2.57 5.OEl Clinton...:,., .7,35 3.07 5,15 Seaforth.... . ... 7,52 3.25. 5.325 I Mitchell.... ...... .... 8.16 3 48 li 55 Stratford,'.., ........ 8.40' 4.15 6.214 or hreefor$r0. gia.l dtoanyaddress 4 Y IYYVYYYVVYYV ya'wyvyttyy' Th. acobolr plug Co,. St, Ostharlpo.. Whin. ills are exceedingly portson of owemud in stem. R the ► generative imitatibns(the Dr. de Vaale ns a sand art ► 8babox ! 31