HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-03-13, Page 6••••00.0....•••••••". ROYAL PURPLE T. Stock eiz Poultry Specifics 13119 g FREEWo the askieg, nostesta, one of Our • rt send absolutely free, for apple sert), common diseases of stock and , and feed poultry so that tbey win ley se wen proper care arid cultivation, is se -winter es in aOMMer. It contains '569 found in the Globe correspondent's 64 -nage books 'on the (with in- k TIIE CLIIsTTON NEW ERA. leinonReDtt, StiL\411 vig.,elini d e si. is O.,,_H12;11 moosoa•••••••••••••••••••Goanttega••••••••••••••oeotb .131)ANT° \ from a fruitless trip to Toronto, where be had been informed Jac'B k ennett, wanted here en -.a mueder chargeSewas , Seen last week. Local police authori. Constable Kerr . returned yesterdy a Erchard I sils how feed all:kinds of heavY Further evidence of the profit in oultre, 'Tel0 nd maresranch 50010.• isl‘,es aim fattening steers, also how to keep the apple orchard, if it receives and light horses, colts a, , recommends from all over Canada, from people , of the condition of the account who have used our goods. No garraer Should .0 ,O p9 in the counties of Nor - Yon can fatten cattle and hogs month's ! Isabela. CIbela it. thumberland . and Durham. These . in a Ulm time bY using our Royal Purple Stock tWO countieS have long been te 0 oi Speciew than you could possibly do without it, the most impOrtant in Ontario, but thereby saving a month's feed and labor and it ie only during the last few years ' the cost to you will not be more than 1.5O or that they have been doing justice six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will .Leep 0 t themselves and today there are Your horses in show condition with ordinary , . , feed. If you have a poor, miserable -look- more apples shippedl .out of these -Ing animal on your place try it on this one two counties than any section of speciac egnoacwass similar size in Ontario. We are era and see the marvellous result which will the milk flow three to dve lbs. per cow per tad that this is due to the vigorous be obtained. Our Stoeb •113,9, while being fed in the stable. A 500 campaign which bas been waged wattage Will last a cow or home 70 days. 1 ait over the province for the better ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC care of orchards. ttnd the farmers can make their will make your hens lnY just as well in the finding they Imo from disease. These goods are Pure,fia from any on the nuif•et a the present time. three years in orchards. WinMr as In the summer, and will keep Ozc unadulterat. orhards pay, are planning more. to make a large package entirely different trees have been set out in the last ed. We do not use any cheap ller ThOapple llearlog of acres of youn -------sOur 1 Only two years ago Mr. R. S. DUD - 50c pCkgs., in an sir -tight tin, for $1.60. can was appointed representative Royal Purple Stock Specific, 500 se. 3 +- Beret PennePaean,. specific, 260 and 50c of the Departnaent of Agriculture pekes., and $1.50 air -tight tins that hole for. Durham and Northumberland, four 505 Pekes. • ' and though a good start had been legal Purple Lice Killer, 25e and 600 tins: mail. made 'previously in the scientific Beset Purple dell Cure, sac and 60c ems: me care of orchards, every farmer is by mail. Sec lay now spraying his orchard, largely Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50c bottle; 605 , through Mr. Duncan's vigorous by mail. by • efforts. Farmers are also doing Royal Purple Cou01 Cure. 505 tin; 600 . I more pruning and cultivating than Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25c and 500 tins. formerly and already this year Mr. inal. Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25c tins; No bY Duncan has provided drainage Itheal Penile Worm Powder, 26c tins •, 20c by , survey's for twenty farmers. He 1 has demonstration orchards at mail. esseufactured only by i four different points. and attributes mail. I the laeger part of the good results As Seen from the Gallery • • •• **elegem-rale ECHOES FROM QUE'EN'S PARK. OnesieseMeestaen: (Special to the New Era) The liabilkties have to be met, but the acting Provincial Treasurer has refused in the Louse to dis- cuss the matter or to tell whether h ecessary funds will be raised ties believe that Beonett is still in the province, and is ,securing aseist- once foes his friends on the, Six No1- 1i0TIS reserve, Ottawa Musician Dies Suddenly. No more striking proof of the popularity of the ,:leader of the Op- position Lio,Ontario could be given than the amazingly large crowd that filled every gaCary and spot of ventage in the Legislature• a by special taxes or by loans. Such week when Mr.Rowell made his disregardof the vital question of speech on ' the Abolish the Bar 'finance has no parallel in Provin- r Visitors were present from cial politics. all parts of the Province, and un- fOrtunately some were nimble to gain admittance at all. Half 00 hour before the House evened every gallery was crowded and many people had to stand. One of the significant incidents was Sir James Wbitney's anxiety that there should be no applause. When Mr.Rowell rose to speak some University men in the gallery be- gan to applaud. Sir James was on his feet in an instant and wanted it to be distinctly understood that no hand -clapping or demonstration of any kind would be tolerated from the visitors of the House. The last sentence was quite a tribute to Mr. Rowell, wasn't it? TheW..A.JenkinsMfg.Co. Loudon, Canada Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be bad from Ford McLeod, Flour and Feed: VV.S.R. Holtnes, Drugs CLINTON ttending his efforts to these •••" demonstration orchards. The deinonstration orchard at Colborne selected in the spring of 1911 Was thirty-two years old and had been Utterly neg. lected. As a result of spraying and having the ground manured there was ob- tained, in • the autumn 57.6 per cent. of No.1 fruit, as compared with 15 per centin other years. There Was a net profit from the orchard of $213. after taking into acconnt all the expenses; and better results BRIEFS FRCTA TEE WiRIES., are expected this year, Co-operation among fruit grow- - Smallpox has broken otI i twenty 1 ers by the formatioo of asociations Exeter, Ont., hienes. It was fleet 1 for bandlirig their product is an - thought to be chickenpox. . ; other means which has proved ; beneficial, there being no Id n Allred Maurice Picard, 'formerly Miniiter of Marine in the French , than seven of theee throughout the tWo counties. There is also all Oabirest, and a member of the Aced - MY of Sefeeces. died Saturday, aged Apple Growers Association, with 250 members.- which takes in the 69 yeare. 1 nes its operations to the vshole of the two counties, This Maddened by whisky Acoins lexander , Gregor shot and killed Edwin Morin, holding of meetings -and lectures a feljew.woodsman, in the bar-room1 and the distribution of literature. of• Labhie's Hotel, Blind River, Ont., The example of these two counties on Friday night. as well as that of Norfolk, to which St. Dunstan's Roman Catholic I reference was previously made. Cathedral of Charlettetown, P.E.I., the 1 should have a stimulating effect on largest ehureb in the nrovinee, was the farmers of Perth in the seienti- destreyi4d by are Saturday morning. fie care and cultivation of orchard, The loss is estimated at $300,000. An order-imemsneil has been paesed appeintipg Hon. Frank E, Hudgins of the thdario Caul 01 Appeal as cie- puty judge in admiralty for Torpid° admiralty district of the Exiihequer Court. The Temperance Issue. "Reactionaries" is it perfectly fair definition of the Government on the Temperance question. The Liberal policy of Abolish the Bar has been re -introduced into the House, but the Conservatives, who had an opportunity to take, afor- ward step, moved backwards in- stead. In the recent Temperance debate, the GOVernikteat'S resolu- tion aid not go nearly as far as their proposal last year to abolish the treating system. That was their positive cure for the evils of the traffic as opposed to Abolish the Bar. This season they simply stand on their past record, what- ever that is, anci the abolition of the treating clause is relegated to ap obscure. minor aed qualified position in their resolution. A Poor Statement. • In spite of careful attempts to make light of the matter, the fact is gradually becoming . known throughout the Province that in Ontario finanees, as revealed in the .Budget statement by 'Hon.'. B. Lucas, there was , a deficit last year of $245,000 OD revenue ac- count, and that this year (the deli - 't u to the present, not including is $213,000. The total will be more this question and on others is not than that of last year. in line With the progressive senti- ' went of:the Province. They may, This is not pleasing news and re- have the sopport of "Reactionaries' fleets discredit on the Government in their "policy of do nothing", but which has to report it. What is "reactionaries" are not going to worse, Mr. Lucas has outlined no be allowed by the people of Ont - Plan for coping with the difficult. ario to rule this Province. eeeseeeeseaase—saaseas..... ssss"""•""'ssseessass""'""'sg------, OTTAW A , Mao eh 10.—IVirs, Eliza- betyrchambault, a well known local pianist, died instantly- through the breakieg of a blood vessel while pay- ing,t at a ball in the racquet court 013 Saturday night, She was in her 55th year, was a native of LongueuilL Que., and.' secured her musical eduoation at the convent there. • ' Local Option and other temper- ance votes in the last few years have pros ed that Ontario is pro- gressing. and that it is mn ovsg quickly to wipe out every bar and every club license (and therewith the treating system) the extra supplementary estimates, The Ehitney Government ; on 1 Galt Citizen Passes. WILL nap - $500 To Elm( NralC' 11117 GALT, March 10,—There passed , away yesterday one di the olqest and most highly respected citizenea Thos. Patterson, aged 77. 1 -le had lived in , Gait nearly all his life, and was for madly years assessor atici collector. Death was -dee to an atltic.,nt from which Lus had been a surferer tor The jury that tried Clarence S. Dar- row on a churee of jury bribery re- ported Saturday that it could riot de- eide whether the former chief counse1 for the 'McNamara brothers was guilty or innocent. , The first shipload of immigrants. under the new agreement the Grand , Trunk Railway have entered with the Hamburg -American Steamship Line, arrived at Toronto Saturday night. , About 200 are to stay in Ontario. A congratulatory farewell was ac- corded' Richard Reid, the recently ap- pointed agent -general for the Ontario Government, at London,Eng., by prominent citizens of Berlin, Ont. He was presented with an address and a puese of gold. FELL MAY TO SHAM •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 SPRING : • j TERM. • from Mar. 25th following gaster, ni „,.• merges into our Summer Term • 11; 31 all Departments of "Shaws 1 •Schools" Toronto — Central !Business College with four city• 4 branch schools-- The Central• 9, • Telegraph .and Railroad :Sehool, and Shawls Civil Ser- vice School. Free catalogue • s e explains courses 2 find ad- 2 vantages. Weinvite you to ; write fov it. W.A. Shaw, Piiesi- • dent, Heed Offices, Young & a• :Gerrard Sts, Toronto. • 0.1110849issame001111S•o0011•6111•••• , ne4dillirlerS1 FOR v70115j337 and Rii ang Olia er plows I. H. C. Gasoline Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps ismsi Windmills. ALL KINDS OP REPAIRS AND EX.PERTING, CALL ON Eller a Hine Corner of Princes and Albert streets. All Her People Thought She Had CONSUMPTION. Mrs. Wm. alartih, Lower Ship Harbor East, N.S, writes:—"I am sending you e testimonial of my cure by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Last May I took O cold, and it settled on my lungs. I got so bad I could not rest at night. I had two doctors to treat me but get no relief. "All of my people thought I had Consumption. 1 bad fallen away to a shadow. I had given up all hopes of ever getting better again until my daugh- ter went to a store one day and bought me 0 bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. After taking half of it I felt better, so I got two more, and thanks tc them I am well to -day, and able to dc my house work. I cannot say too much in its praise, and I shall always keep it in the house," Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup con- tains all the lung healing virtues of the famous Norway Pine tree which makes it the very best preparation for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Troubles. See that you get "Dr. Wood's" when you ask for it. There are many imita- tions on the market. Price, 25 and 50 cents, See that the name, The T. Milburn Co., Limited, is olt the yellow wrapper. 1N men Who Take this universally popular borne remedy—at times, when there is need—aro spared many hours of unnecessary sugaring— . fleitfitt5 _ Sold everywhere,. Ln boxes, 25 cents. GOLD IN ONTARIO -• E F e.,Prarn Da -d GALT, Marcel IM—Death Lame scot. denly to Edward F. Seasteon,(110 well-known insurance , ma 0 and 00 pi- telist, at his reaidence, Wellinston street, Saturday night,. Ile was pro. paring to retire when he was seired with faintige spelt snd passed away. and fell over." "Do you object, to cigars, Miss PerteV "Not filet, sir, -unless they are lighted." The Sunday School Teacher— What is it that binds Its together and makes us better than we are by nature? ' . The Bright Ptipil--Corsets, miss. Tremendous Increase In the Produc- tion of Gold 1-ast Year "For the first time in the history of Ontario there was a substantial production of gold, In 1911 the out- put had a value of $42,037; in 1012, of $1,859,205. The explanation is found, of course, in. Porcupine, where the mines came into yield during the Year." This para,graph is from the report of the Bureae of Mines on the mineral production of Ontario just issued showing a tremendous Increase in the production of gold and a cousiderable deerease in the production of stiver. The total preduction of silver since the opening of the ' Cobalt niines .bas thankful for the curative powers of amounted to nearly 150,000,000 Ounces, Zstm-Bals. i He says: "A serious and the total value to about $82,000, skin disease broke mit on my face, 000. and spread until I was in &terrible "There was paid oet In dividends state. The spots and little ulcers were frightfully irritating, and yet by silver mining coMpanies in the . when scratched or rubbecl they Cebalt camp over seven. million dol - bled and smarted. Shaving °time- less in 191.2. The total distribution 1 of profits since the beginning of the ed me agony, and sometimes I $a,000,„„„ I would have to go two weeks with - clamp has been close upon "" out I shave' I tried home-made On a grose aggregate return for sales , remedies,e' 2 herb salves, rind Various of silver of $81,777,260. other preparations, but the sores The 1:reducti011 of nickel in 1916 1t no better. When Zam-B-uk was amounted to 22,421 tons, being 5,372 I gentioned I heel little faith that tons or 11.5 per centgreater than in . it would be able to do me an good. 1911. Ygoo. 1911i i y case seemed such an obstinate 1 one. 'gave it a fair trinl, however, ; and the fh•st box Made sects it Quieter Motoring George. li. Gooderharn, member for l wonderful change for the bettor that it gave me encouragement to South Torontio, bas introduced a bill I did so..anci to cut a In the Legislature that proposee to ' continue. story short, Zan -I -Buis, in the make it an - offence' 'to make any 1 1.1z)ng end, quite cured me. My face is "harsh. cbitetionable or disagreeable now olear of all traces of the ter- naiono.tn lse;11t Wel sallallow alt is a1111- tlergno ascrtlna131 1 rible disease, which. troubled nse, 2 -for so long." motor, cr t_ci ctut_i_m_t.1.110 _muffler, 1 Thc,usancs of sufferers from .. 2 eczema ' , b oocl poison, -ulcers. 47 0"Itral 011 1.11"shwaYs - ' chronic sores, piles, rin g worm, cold Hon. I. 3. Foy stated that the Deno- 1 sores, cuts, burns and skin 10 - inion Government at its present-ses. ' juries, have been relieved and car - sloe would bring in legislation anieud- ' Os as was Mr.Mahy, by Zare-Buk .Ing the Dominion Railway Act, so Pt • As a balm for all skin injuries and disease - it is without equal. All to secure 10tbe.municipalitiee of the entral or their OO) druggists and stores at 50c box, 01'Province tc BneSS4JO11egC Stratford, Ont.he TRest Practical Training gehool in Ontario Three Departments COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY. All courses are thorough aud praeticagl. Teachers are ex- perienced and graduates are placed' in positions. We give individual attention, and stu- duents may enter at any time Write for fiee catalogue at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal Gomez Vetoes Amnesty. HAVANA, March 10,—After a long conference last eight with menaners SONE MO OVA READERs DF NEW Enli Vern:loft-. .eieii iet Who 40rig,-inate4L lbeINT 01,107 W on er ()lite e t- artient" (31.1T'ers. $1,„oo Vaelialge Vree to Sick mud re order that every reader of the People -who suffer fromRheuma- Ne-w Bra who may not have heard tism, Kidney Trouble,' Stomach of this -wonderful "Rome Treat- Trouble, LiVer or Bowel Disorders,. ment" may have an opportunity to test this celebrated medicine, the now famous scientist. Dr ,James W.ICicicl, offers to give absolutely free a full size'$1.00 package to five hundred , readers of this paper, to prove the wonderful claims which' have been made for it. la making this offer the scientist said: "I know that there are many people who have been suffering for years If you: have dandruff, get rid of it by killing. the germs. If your hair: is falling out, stop it. There is one Sure remedy that will remedy these misfortunes. and aid you to remain young. PARISIAN Sage, the eareat hair restorer, is guaranteed to per- manently remove dandruff in tWO weeks, or W. S. R. Holmes will give .you your money back. PARISIAN Sage; stops falling hair—it prevents the hair from fad- ing. It is -the best beautifier foe Wiles' hair, as it makes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful. PARISIAN Sage is sold and ridigly guaranteed - by W. S. R. Holmes 50 cents a bottle. Cana- dian makers, The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Pert Erie, Ont. Sig Fire Narrowly Averted, "You can't sit up with my daugh- ter after 11 o'clock." Would you mind telling her that, sir? [have been trying to go home early for she months., ' --- King George seems to think that there is at least one crowned head that ise't lying uneasy. He went went down in a submarine the other clay, and ri OW be is planning to nitak0O trip in an aeroplane. with some chrome isease anu Catarrh, Bronchitis, .Ast rna, Chronic Coughs, Week Lungs, Lum- bago, Piles,Urinary Disorders, Fe- male Weaknesses of any kind, the weak, worn out, broken-down and despondent will be delighted at the effect of a few doses. This wonder- ful treatment creates a fine ap- petite and helps the digestive organa to carry on their functions as they should. It strengthens the kidneys, too, and drives rheurna- t'sm oisons from the blood as if many of thera have spent large , ' by ma ic. That is why people who sums of money seektes, . know that these people hesitate about investing money. In medicine because they have despaired of ever getting well. Thousands have told me that story and many thou- sands of the sarae people have told me afterwards that my treatrnent had cured them after doctors and everything else hind failed. I want scribing their case in then. ON n to prove to a limited number -310 words, if they prefer, and mailing matter what the disease, no matter it today to James W.Kidd, Toronto, how long they may have suffered, Canada. No money need be sent no matter how blue and discoura- and no charge of any kind will be aged—that my treatment really arid made. actually does accomplish the As this offer is limited, you should wonderful results that have been write at once, in order to be Sure to reported." . receive your free treatment. FAWNS MIL Eon. Zani-DIIIi De‘ivcred At 215 Fraser Ave , Edmontoo, Alta,. lives W. P, Mahy, a former member of the local fire brigade, hassho wonderfnl cause to be try it ecorae so enthusiastic. Any reader of the New Era who will try this extraordinary medi- cine that has created so much ex- citement by its cures can obtain absolutely free a full $1.00 treat- ment by simply filling in the cou- pon below or writing a letter de- . ST. CATI1.11ZINE'si. Mareh 10.—The -McKinnon Deed and Metal Works, St. Catharmie i' largest industrial hail a narrow escape from total- ctoArlletion by tiro last Saturday al-- ternoon. The blaze originated in the brass fienclry and the flames fanned by a higk west wind were eorernunie rating with jibe mein brick strapture a few yardSogiway in the path of the wind .when 'the 11111)1011 reached the 500110Qniok work chocked the flames% of his Cabinet, congressmen and law- yers, President Gomez decided to veto the general amnesty bill to the pas- sage of which the American Govere- ment has declared its strong opposi- tion. Veteran of '37 Passes. BELLEVILLE„ March 10.—In the death' of John IVfcCutcheon, which (sc- erred here Saturday night, one of this city's oldest inhabitants passed away. He was 94 years of age, and had'lived here for upwards of seventy- five years. Mr. McCutebeon did ser- vice for his country as a volunteer in 1E37 and in 1866. He was much respected in the. neighborhood. Move For Recall of Fredericks. LOS ANGELES, March 10,—A. Jown. quickly stops couens, cures colds, and heals the throat and lungs. a a 25 cents. Vo -se for Women Arse 50 introduced a hill to oetied the.Paelissnentary 'franchise to wenien to the same terms as to men. The other bills provide only.for the extension of the municipal Iran - chid to married women. ---..-- Civic Election Day 3, A. Ellis, West Ottawa, is asking for legislation to amend the Municipal Act so that cities of 50,000 population or over may hold their elections on New Year's Day. The restriction is at present to cities of 100,000. Ch.ildren. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mooney, secretary of the Los Angeles Building Trades Council, announced Saturday night that plans were being perfected to attempt the recall of Dis- trict Attorney 3. D. Fredericks, be- cause of his attitude to card union labor and Clarence S. Darrow. pest free from Zeus-Pa:Lk Cos, To - highways. ' , ronto, for price. Refuse harmful , substitutes., JUST THE MEDICINE ' , 1, • ,Trawier Sinks, Twelve Drown. HULL, Eng, March 10.—The trawl- er Admiral Togo was wrecked Friday off Reykjavik, Iceland. The crew of twelve were diowned. N70(a5:$ 11105P110iiiriOS The Greet Entalish. itenterty. Tones and in, igoratestho wholo nervous systera, makes new Blood to old. Veins. OLIVA &re Otes De0116lli, Illbutal soul Braise Worry, Des pendency, Smoot Vicaimess, Ernissions, Spar. otatorrhcett,anot Ry'ects of Abieseor Excesses. plain ou will cure. Sold alt dragg s ,10,13ald P $1 er box six for $5. One will pleasking mailed rec.0 ont, iforpterly PA'..#1,d80,1 F011, THE BABY TAX ON MOTOR CARS Sir James Whitney Says the Govern- medicin e for little ones. They ment is Considering Question sWeeten the stomach and regulate ---- the bowels, thus breaking up colds, . Charlie Bosvman, Liberal, Centro curing bolic, expelling worms and Grey, contends that a more oompre- making teething easy. Concerning hensive and adequate policy to pro - them Mrs. E. .T. Ayer, Westmore- mote the conetruction o1 good roads land Point, N.B., 'Writes: "I have should be made by the province, and been using Baby's lOwn Tablets one of the best solutions would be sonse time and find them just the the levying upon automobiles of a medicine ,baby needs." The Tab- substantial license tee, graded accord - lets 'gre sold by medicine dealers ing to horse -power. To accept his or by snail at 25 cents ap box from scheme wougd mean an annual reve Pdoekville, ant, that the question of charging such a nue of $150,000. Ifon. Dr. Reatnne said The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., license fee has been undee consider- ation by the provinClal secretary. He believed that it would mean the "ear- marking" of the revenue of 2 the proV- ince. It was impracticable, as well as impossible. W. C. Chambers, Con- __ servative for 'West 'WellIngion, intro- I3abyls OWn Tablets are just the AfT12-DINNER MINTS ONLY SLIGhTLY ILL. Physicians Say Pope's indisposition Is Not Serious. „ Conpon C8-1416 FOR FREE DOLLAR TREATMENT Or, Jas. W. Kidd. toronto, Canada, Please send me full 5.1 Course of treatment for my case, free and postage paid, just as you promise. , .. Name , Post Office _ Province ' Street and nun ber . . • Age • How lOng afflicted Make across (ae the one from w ......Piles Obesity Asthma Catarrh Ecze•ma Pimples Anaemia • Dizziness Lumbago N'eurelg-la Headache Give any Oth before diseases you have. Two crosses (x x,' before hich you suffer most. Diarrhoea Heart Trouble Hoy Fever Womb Trouble Indig es tion • Painful Periods Rh-eumatism Kidney Trouble Hot Flashes Ovarian Trouble . Nervousness . ..... Poor Circulation _Leucorrhoea Stomach trouble Weak Lungs Bladder Trouble ,......Constipation Female Weakness Torpid. Liver ' . .... .Bearieg Down Pains Inipnre Blood Chronic Cough er syreptoms on a separate sheet. Correspeedence In all languages. asav siimmisiarsteemeats=oamsmesisaaseggsem=sealas U210 nallk 510(11102221 00101101 5011012 them closely to see that the numbers do Pot correspond to any of the fol- lowing, itS they are the bogus bills. The numbers and seriee ori the bogus ten -dollar bills are 446,001. to 447,000, series 1); 492,000 to 493,000, series A.B.C. and 11.; 514,001 to 535,000 ser- ies C; 582,001 to 585,000, series 0 iind D, On the five-dellar bills the num hers and series are; 802,001 to 803,000, series A.B.C. and 0; 814,001 to 815,000, same series; 824,001 to 825,000, same series, 827,001 to 828,000, satire series: 829,001 to 830,002_, _sanse series. ROME, March 10—The Vatican announoes that the indismosition from which Pope Pius is suffering is in- significant. The Osservatore Romano, the Vetican °Nam publishes the fol. lowing ofacial annoulmeinent: "The Holy Father Ireing indieposed from aslig.ht attack of grippe and catarrh; the usual audiences have bemi suspended." The, Pope has been somewhat cle- preesed since the death of his sister, about a month ago, and tried to die - tract his mind from his sorrow, by extraordinary activity. A few days sinee he began to show the effects of over-exertion, but continued to give. audiences. He (Well delivered a short adcire-ss to a group of pilgrims Friday, although suffering frem hoarseness. As this condition had become more Pronounced Saturday, Dr. Marchia- lova, the Pope's physician, ordered an immediate suspeesion of all audi- ences. The Pope is not confined to bed, but De. Marcbialava has advised complete rest, and early retireinent at night. Although it is expected his holiness will be able to resume audi- ences within a week, it it feared that his indisposition will Interfere to some extent with the Easter celebration, at which time it is eustornary to admit O certain number of children to ee- ceive the first communion fleas the hands 'of the. POOR He --Shall we go to Europe ,o our honeymoon, dear? She--Iwnat to go. awfully. Put it seems such a waste of time to miss feeing all those wonderful things. • "1 dunno how Bill's going to vote in the elections next week," said the campaign worker. "I've .heard tell he's on the fence." g -"[le was there," replied the neighbor ,"but one of the eiench- dates let fall. a dollar on th'issof ' id of the fence and Bill got diszy duced a bill to impose a tax on motor- cars acc,ording to weight iustaed of' horsepower, which he believed was lunch easier. The premier said that an investigation was goipg to be made as to what was the beat system -et 1 taxing motorears, and' he asked. Chambers to withdraw his bill for the present, which was done, Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Here's to them all in one—here's to you. --- May her voyage through life be as happy and as free As the dancing waves on the deep blue sea. -Here's to the tears of friendship— May they crys talize' as they fall and and be worn as gems in the memory of those we love. MaterialBread flour, 2 1-2 cups.; chopped nuts, half cup; chopped dates, half cop ; milk, 1 cup ; sugar, 2 tablespoons; fat, 1 tabl espooe salt, 1 teaspoon; baking powder, 5 tedaspoons ; egg, 1. Directions—Measure the Hoar (after sifting) ioto the flour sifter with the dry ingredients, sift into the bowl, add the nuts and dates, egg well beaten,mixed with the Stiv all we11 together and turn into a greased baking pan and t stand in a warm i)lace one-half hour, Bake three-quarters of an hour in a hot oven. ThiS bread is fine for sandwiches, Utensfis—Measurieg cup, table- cipoop, teaspoini, egg beater, bak- ing bowl, flour sifter. Note—All Measurements Flour sifted before measuring. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BAD MONEY arsEDAD. _ Bogus Five and Ten -Dollar Bank of Montreal Bills Current. TORONTO, March 10.—Pinkerton detectives are now in Toronto on the trail of a gang of counterfeiters who have been making and passing bogus Bank of IVIontreal -five and ten dollar billg. It is dated that several hun- dred bills of the two denominations have passed in Toronto and through- out Ontario. They are good imita- tions, and, are easily passed. Those who receive five and ten -dollar bills on Some "Toasts" A good wife and health Are a man's best wealth. — -- What's a table richly spread Without a woman at its head? . 'JAMES BRYCE AT OTTAWA. He Says N-ew U. S. Administration ts riendly To Canada. OTTAWA., March 10.—"Canada'a re- latic is with the United States never stead en a better looting than they do now," said British Ambassader Bryce, addressing the Canadiae Club here Saturday afternoon. Fle added: "I called on the new President of the United States on Thursday and also on the new Secre- tary of State and both expressed in terms that could not have beeo firmer, their desire to be on terms of cordial and hearty friendship with Canada," 61 tile six years of his embassy at Washingtoothe speaker said he had signed 11 or 12 treaties, nine of which related to Canada. In fact thrse. quarters of the business handled by the British ambassador at Washington related to this cnuntry. Tbe speaker told of a visit paid to Australia and Now Zealand. the parts of the Empire which he had not pre- viously -visited, last winter. and urge0 closer trade and tenant relat inns be- tween the Dominion and the Anti- podes.' Whatever action Caneda took -with regard to the 'imperial navy would be sure to be met in tie sOme spirit in Australia, as the spirit of both parties there was staunehly loyal to the Empire. Mr. Bryce urged a closer itnild of union between different .parts ut ths Empire and suggested that mere Cana:lane should enter the eivil sere vices of India. and A u etralla "Wo have all got to realize," he aid, "what the British Empire 11100116 in unity and strength to tile welfare of the world." Premier Borden, who I ()Bowed, echoed the Imperialistic sentiments, of the speaker. DifigniSe Our bondage as we will, 'Tis a woman rules us still. —Moore. A perfect woman, nobly planned, To warn, to comtort and command, —Wordsworth. As for women, though We scorn and flout 'em, We may live with, but not Without them. To those who know thee not, No words can paint And those w,ho know thee Know all words are faint. Here's to the prettiest, Here's to the wittieslt, Here's to the truest of all who are true, , Here's to the sweetest one, Cook's Cotton iZeot Compound; groat 'Uterine Tonle. and depend. F,31,1 la three degrees 06 51 renal—Ns, 1, 51; 140, `4, 10 , st.r3wter, ?..3; No, for io cal 12200, 06 051' (1 2,•2 qrs1,,,Eulothnn. 444-.4.44. ss0see.40.4„....4-4 An old-fashioned doctor •wa,s called to attend to a baby, a •Re told the mother to give the baby castor oil. "But," said the mother, castor oil is so old-fashioned." "Yest" said the doctor, "so eee babies." "I see," said (Wriggles, "that Bobby Fancier and his wife have t a divorce." "Really, said Jiggles. "What a sad case. Who gets the custody of ,k the boddle?"