HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-03-13, Page 5imp 4'•F I r l++"h,?7 1
-* '�nrsda Vtar'cls 13th913,
We have a good selection
Bracelets, Crosses
Pendants, Brooches
We have also a beautiful•
selection of
!atcn Brace(els
all ' of Good Quality
You will find our prices
compare favorably with
what you will pay any-
where for goods of this
'�+A1i1'I. LABO91;:Lii,S
Persons desij�ing farm labor-
ers or domestic help should
awake application to me at the
earliest possible date, as first
come, first served, and parties
'Will soon begin to arrive from
the Old Country.
Dominion IIIIInigrytion Agent'
To Thi, Farmers
Insure your horses and cattle a-
gainst death by accident or disease.
.All valuable live stock • is being
3 steeled in this manner. Reason-
. :able rates and quick settlements.
l'p'ii and see. C. B. ;HAL&.
:Residence T
A' I
i z
de c
e lhonely
x.100; Office 2,70.2
London Road
1 health for the past week. West, t,
e :N,Trs. `t3oUt. Jones and her mother The an ;,
annual SL•
1 Pat•
Mr, Lawrence Stevenson has gone ricks enter -
to 'Vancouver where helices a rose Mrs, Ilelwig left for Regina 'on: tain.ment
1 Mr . Ersda given by l be
Ladies Aid
tion awaiting him. y last.„, of St, Andrew's will be held in the
Mr. and IMrs;Fred Nott attended '. Miss `E, Sclater of Seaforth, r.e- basement of: the church
the auction sale of their brother -in -.1
r on the even
turned to her home last Friday' hi g, of March 117th. Refreshments
after spending a. few weeks visiting will be served and agood r.
law Mr„Berl; Jackson, in Merris'1.friends Dere. 1 o,
township on Tuesday of this week, . I gram is being arranged of Ioealptal-
Itev,.D.K.Grant takes t'helea league ., Mr. John Johnson has gone ent supported
g ! on a business 'tri g West Map f Seaforth. eeleblated
on Monday night of next' week' in P• Mrs cGufre o
ft thio
the groom owns a section W&st of 1•he ehuneh and are eft day foe
ole is a t th t non the ro &noun
Y t audio t g and for P g'
he a
thus week
Miss Every McCartney of Gode-
ting ]zee uncle, Nlr. •Geo,
Hanley this week.
stead of T csda Mrs. Munro has
b ,
Tuesday, at the home of i C i ought the old
Mr. a embers H
and terra, Challenger le of the Presbyterian � lock
Mr, Frank Gran�•q , , , n�,e and
adjoining igronnd and
week for Edgerton, "AI lata where
church have bought a building siteI Miss Olive McGregor 1
ere' ft
McGregor e on
ing ' 'Winnipeg, 117an-, �afte
Mr, Geo'Ha i
Orange Grand Lodge at Windsor
rich is vis,
e ma arra sp d the winter months at
new Manse. her home, where she jwill resume
saw mill has been shit down her work,
owing to a broken steam pipe. Mr. Frank Williams was confined
Mrr. Wm. Dobie has, returned 1 to, his bed for a few days last week
afR2my Riverwieit1D strng i tent`s fn the i grippe.Hisfrom
numero stfriendswettack of le
1 p eased to see him out so soon.
iThe Literary Society, lvhich have
afforded so many enjoyable even-
ingls to both old and young during
the winter, have (decided to drop
their concerts, on account tof. the
early Spring. All are sorr t hear
eona'Lonee eolborne
Mr.; Will. Hall returned to High-
gate to his position their after his Mrs: at thelho of Carlow,': es
recent illness. Fishing home of Mr, Charles
Miss Janet Campbell has bought Fisher.
the house and lot from Mr. James Miss after
Flossie 'week's
nz ,� i
with he¢ son at London d Mzs, W L iI'orstcr tri s � Londeyboro He evidently
of Toronto, 1` P g for the good old summer
called on old friends tl '] g S Mrd D1F Sehwanz and M W time
s spent Sun- Crediton,
days visit with f th 1 1 1
;Cook. We understand she intends rime after a week's : visit pvitlz I of this Y o sed
occupying ft shortly. friends at Clinton. Mr. Norman She herd
p purchased
Mrs. Jas. Proctor arrived 'back r, Harold Forster and son, Mast a very fine red -geared buggy from
t ter Edwin are visiting at the !rime Rev W. T. Pearcy, formerly of:
again after wending the 'Winter of Mv, an
M. Russel McIntosh, week.
- , i paring is pre-
in the vI 1a i'. ' m.
last week, Snyder have returned home after a The Maple Leaf, School House of
a few
Mr and I1Trs, 'Wood
•day 10 the village =the guests of desks Installed in it.
Mr. and Mrs Pollard Mrs, ,O, R. Forster has returned The business meeting of the Lit -
home after an extended visit with &vary Society was t 0"avefriends of the
We are pleased to note that Mr i inclemency of the weather,
riends at is p ace las rad new seats and
iM. Adam Nicholson paid a flying
visit to Chatsworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Love, lof 'Walton,
spent Sunday the gnzest h1 their
daughter, Mrs. 1 d, Britton:
Mr. W. B.�Cook leaves for the
West on Tuesday,
M. Sehwanz is able to be out again
after being confined to the house
for sometime,
Mr. N, Barr had the misfortune to
loose avaina a zozs
Mr. and Mrs. Johne �F1 Flick spent
auburn Sunday at the home of Mr, iWm.
Durst on Sunday last.
Mrs. Arthur has been, in poor
Having disposed of our Boot S.
Shoe business we wish to have all
accounts settled up by the lst of
April. Kindly cal', at the store,
House and Lot for Sale
On corner of Rattenbur' St.,
West, and Shipley streets, Soft
water and waterworks system;
seven -roomed house. This corner
contains excellent grounds and a
number of fruit trees. If not sold
soon could be rented, from the
ler Allo occupant.
A, H, GOODWIN, Clinton. P. 0.
Box 141,
lfdt11+4; for s.i14!
On Townsend Street convenient
to Piano
Factory i and n school. vol. Ten
rooms, new furnace, modern con- 1
veniences, Apply to
:C, 33. HALE,
W. A. McAsh's sale took place on
Monday and was well attended and
the prices were good. MI•. McAsh
expects to go 'West shortly, he took
• atrip out last Vali but as yet has
not purchased afarm. Mr, R. Me -
1 Kenzie has rented the farm,
Mr. Keyes, assessor, ;is making
bis rounds in Stanley.
Dr. McAsh of Tara, visited' at his
home here this week, .
K. Moorenouse, or London, is with
' us On a visit.
The Rey. Mr. McFarlane has re-
sumed his work and fully recover-
ed from the accident of being
thrown from his buggy.
thislwek tohe West, afteand r spend
ing the winter months with-itheir
many friends, of this vicinity,,
Ma. Leonard McNall; oil lE1anlock,
spent Sunday under the parental
A dance was held at the home of
Mr. 'Henry Young, on Thursday
evening, cin
gwhere an
>enjoyable a
bre vveI] -
Ing was reported by all.
Mr. Charles Rogerson has sol
his farm and intends moving of
West this week with his wife an
w T r -I
The waya of a Natoli are,past
finding out. Dont try. If your
Watch is lazy and won't run, let us
repair it for you.
Ten to one you neglected it—let it
get dirty, lir it stops from lack of
oil. Whatever is the reason, dont
Delay costs money and often
spoils the watch.
We give thorough examination
and regulating free, anything more
costs as little:as.satisfactory work
can 1 donebe
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
church with, -appropriate sermons
by the Pastor, Rev. J. R. Osterhout,
The Young Mens Class will en-
tertain the Young Ladies Class,. in
the Methodist church, Friday even
mg. •
v Osterhout Dave an illustrat
ed Lecture on the Life of David Liv
ingstone in the Methodist church
on Wednesday evening.
Rev. Mr. McCormick was in London
on Sunday taking the services in As-
kin Street, Methodist Chureh.
Dining the past week thefannershave been around home owing to the
stormy weather.
News from this section .always wel-
come at the:New Era Office.
What about Base Ball organiza-
County Temperance -Convention
' Thursday of next week,
d Dear d
of St.Patrick's
wheel ”
ino thief next d �i Tuesday,
Mrs. 1,1. Morrison is home again
after a ten days” visit with her cm:
sin, Mrs, Gilbert Long, of Toronto,
who was recently bereaved in the
death of her husband,
On Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock -
Miss Jean Cochrane, of IIillsgreen,
and Mr. Hugh Cameron, of Saska-
toon, were quietly married at the
Manse by the ,Her. J. Richardson,
The happy couple left on the five
train for Hamilton auto' Toronto
where they will spend a few clays
The old wooden bridge has been ( afterwards returning here before
I sold by auction. As there was 'leaving for their Izome lin Saska-
1 three spans sold separatly it was toon where the groom' is a popular
1 sold to three different parties, 111, and prosperous contractor.
Ross for No.1; C. Falconer for No. Mr. Irwin, of Clinton, will preach
2;Y11id W. Weston Inc No. 3, Missionary sermons on the V area
The very quiet wedding of Miss circuit next Sunday,
Ina Fowlie was duly performed on
Saturday last when Ass Ina was
united to Mr. Worsen, of the West, Loaulcvhoro
formerly of here. After the core-, The one hundredth anniversary
mon the happy PPY e ou]>le took their of the birth of David (Livingstone
departure for their home in the I will be Observed in the Methodist
t• i t-4•rist.... t"',:4:iuiYVtr`i`1. •:±.�.
Auction Sale.
Of the contents of a good Livery
stable and also Household furni-
ture, etc. Mi', ILA. Roberton will
sell by public auction at the Auburn
Livery Stables, on Wednesday,
March 19, commencing at 1 o'clock
sharp ;— 1 entire horse. "Royal
Billy"; I matched pair of sorrel
drivers, rising 0 and 3 years old;
1 eream mare, rising 7 years old; 1
aged mare with foal to !Royal Billy;
1 cow, rising 4 years old, supposed
to be with calf ; r 1 good trunk
wagon, also seats for same to carer
13 passengers; 1two-seated car-
nage, 1 rubber -tired buggy; 1
arch steel buggy; 2steel-tired
buggies; 1 extra good trunk sleigh ;
1 pair of light bobsleighs with pole
Gladstone cutter;
tier; 1
buggy pole; 1 good cutters; 5 good
robes ; 8 sets single harness; 1 set
of double harness; 3 sets of iron
hames and tugs; 2 strings of hells;
3 sets of chimes bells; 1-2 dozen
dusters and oilcloths; 10 -bushel oat
Save Fr
2 [�
We have now' finished our stock -taking and in doing
have thrown out.a lot of remnant ends and broken
lines which must not be carried into another business
year. •' These we on
, placesale' Saturday at about half
price, Also wonderful reductions on all lines of
Winter Goods.
A few Ladies and Children's lV antles (this winter's
styles) at about halfprice.
Men's Ordered Clothing
Do you like Fine Clothes? Clothes that are differ-
ent froni the ordinary. If so, come in and let us show
you how you may wear high grade Tailored Clothes
made to your measure, in your own style, from thor-
oughly shrunk imported tweeds and worsteds, and at.
very little more than ready -nude clothes cost.
Prices of Suits front $15 to $b
Plumsteel Bros.
Our Aim= -To Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back 1
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To Use Our Furniture is ID prove that it is as good as it
looks, and that is saying a whole lot. y:
Substa»tial Furniture can be bought here at money- 1
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable,
tkinson Dunford
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
RIGJ 'f' AND SUNDAY CALLS—phone No, 127 or Phone 10
7.""'"' 4111.11.1•11416041•1•14TMOMMIVIIM50.9.11.M.EPSCILIN•10162111•1Z013961411•1410111d
box; 1 extra good lined tan!., holds • poles , ; 1 dozen good window slzad-
about • 500 gallons; 1 hay fork. rope I es ; 1 elzulo ; a number of fruit jars ;
about the barn. Also household
and pulleys, and everything in and ' kitchen utensils, and several
other things too numerous to men -
furniture -1 iron bed, mattress and ( tion, Everything offered will be
springs; 1 bedstead, mattress ands, sold without reserve, as the l,rn-
p gs; !single bed; llargeprietor has sold out. Terms.—All
bureau; 0 chairs 1 1 organ ; 2 rocking sums of 53.00 and under, cash; over
that amount, six months' credit on
approved joint notes, ora discount
chairs; farm chair; 1 hall rack ;
small •table; 1 extension table; 1
kitchenzrangooter e "Pilot Piller1 wood " nearly for of 6 lrecnsh. 11.cr annum l.RobertoallowedPro-
nely; 1 fall -leaf table; curtains and prietor. Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer,
50 Pairs Men's $4.50 Rubber Boots, Close up Sale Price 3,25
50 Pairs Children's Small Shoes, Regular $1.25 to $1.5o, Close up Sale Price $i.00
Evervtiting at Ifiranufactureris7't rices
Come and t Your Share of The Bargains
Suit Gases
This Sale at Longest Will only Last Three Weeks
Son's Clos'e up Sale