HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-03-13, Page 2nr%a e ).uts From r. speech "Churchmen, business meil, em ploy ers of labor and bodies omen lave passed resolutions in favor of :he abolition of the bar in, Ontario, "After weighing; carefully alt the faets presented to us, We carne to now urgently itreecled is the legis now urgently needed is the lhegis- • ration embodied in our abolish-tbe- bar resolution. "Out of '17 municipalities voting on local option by -lac s, there was a majority of votes for local option in 63 and a majority in only 14. "I am agaiost the bar anywhere and everywhere, "Any' means placed at my dis- posal by which the bar can be wip- ed out, : Tam ready to help, no Matter where the invitation comes from, "The abolition of the bar means for one thing, the abolition of all hotel liquor licenses. "Our abolish -the -bar polies, would make local option perman- • ent: It would abolish club licenses in all:parts of the Province and would wipe out the treating sys- tem. "The effect of our policy would be this : .Out of 835 municipalities the retail sale of liquor would be entirely wiped out except in 53 or ny dwell's PLEADER N. W ROWELL. 84 municipalities where shops exist. "We will (abolish the shops) if our hon. friends will support us. "The bar is the most fruitful source of evil." HOW T4 OBTAIN GOOD DIGESTION w_. I Tile Stomach Must b e Toned and Rtrenglllenell Through the Blood. j The victim of indigestion who wants to eat a good meal, and he will suffer if he eats one, finds poor consolation in picking and choos- ing a diet. As a matter of fact you cannot get relief by cutting down your diet to a starvation basis. The stomach ,must be strengthened until you can eat good nourishing food. The only way to strengthen the stomach is to enrich the 'blood and thus tone up the nerves that control it. The only way to enrich the blood, and tone up the nerves, andive strength to the stomach i - strength that will enable it to pro- perly digest any kind of food -is through a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The one mission of these Pills is to make rich, red blood, that reaches every part and every organ of the body, bringing renewed health and activity. The following case illustrates the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in indi- gestion : Miss Lottie Carr, of Lequille, N. f S„ says : "For several years I have been a great sufferer from chronic eedigestion. At times I al- most loathed food, and no matter how Hungry, Ifound that to eat even lightly was followed byreat distress pad often nausea. Itried many so-called cures, but did not get more than temporary relief, and naturally Iwas going down in health and strength, and was I greatly discouraged. While in this ' despondent condition I was advis- ed to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pine. I I doubted that they would cure me I after so many other medicines had' failed, but as I wanted health and the Pills were highly recommended I I decided to try them.' I am drank- I ful now that I did so, for after taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for five or six weeks every vestige of the trouble had left me, andl was again blessed with the best of health. From my own experience I believe there is no case of indiges- tion Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will not cure, if given a fair trial," You can get these Pills from' (any medicine dealer or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes , for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, ,Ont, Make Huron Dry • At the One Vote I., , MEETING AT CLINTON ON THURSDAY, MARCH 20T11 President F. Buchanan, of Wing - ham, has issued a call to arms of representatives from all the churches and municipalities of 'Huron County. Business of the organization such as election of officers will be transacted but the leading ques- tion to ,.be discussed will be the adoption of the Canada Temper- ance Act, whereby the whole . County will vote at once and if a majority of the votes cast are in favor of the act the law will go in- to effect on May let 1914. Single fare on the Railroads will be in effect, that day as it the day before Good Friday. Flew Over Prohibited Area. LONDON, March 10. -The French aviator, Marty, who flew across the channel and passed over Dover, one of the areas prohibited to foreign afr craft under the new regulations, was. held up by the police near Canter- bury and asked to give an account of himself. It alipeared that Marty was piloting an aeroplane 'purchased for the British Admiralty, and had as his passenger the son of Sir William Ramsey, the archaeologist. Under the circumstances the police allowed Martyto proceed, POLICE SAVED THEM. London Suffragettes Harassed by Mobs at Meetings. LONDON, March 10. -The suffra- gettes held meetings again yesterday at Hyde Park and V imbledon Com- mon. They would have met the fate of last Sunday's meetings at the same places, when it required a strong body of police to escort them to safe- ty, but that yesterday the authorities took precautions and had large bodies of mounted and foot policemen in at- tendance. Even at that wild scenes ensued. Five thousand persons assembled in the park and • swarmed about the speakers, and by a deafening din pre - rented any word of "Gen." Mrs. Flora Drummond's speech from being heard. The pressure of the surging crowds to storm the platform at length be- came so great that reinforcements were hastilysummoned. Mrs., Drum- mond and her colleagues were res- cued from their perilous position with some difficulty. • At Wimbledon, similar scenes were enacted. Scarcer a word uttered b the speakers was audible, and they, too, had to be protected. Another meeting at Hampstead Heath, was still more disorderly. Miss Brackenbury announced her in- tention to speak for an hour. This she succeeded in doing by the help of a large force of police to control the crowds, but her discourse was in- audible. .Hugh A. Franklin was sentenced on Saturday in the Middlesex sessions to nine months imprisonment for setting fire to a railway carriage. He in- formed the court that he did this as a protest against the Government's treatment to the suffragettes. He de- clared that he would go on hunger strike. Franklin, in December, 1910, was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for an assault committed on Winston Spencer Churchill, who was at that time, Horne Secretary. He is a nephew of Postmaster -General Samuels. Suffragettes Burn Pavilion. LONDON, March 10. -Suffragettes burned the wooden pavilion of the bowling club at Heaton Park, New- castle, Sunday morning. They left a card inscribed "No peace until votes for women ' _ COULD NOT LET ANYONE TALK TO HER SHE WAS SO NERVOUS. Diseases of the nervous system are very common. All the organs of the body may be sound while the nervous system is all upset, on account of the troubles and worry which fall to the lot of one who has to look after the troubles incident to housekeeping, and when the nerves become unstrung the heart is also effected. •-es e»sciaea, tee's e - In Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills is combined a treatment that will cure all forms of nervous disorder aa well as act on the heart itself, and for this reason we would highly recommend them to all Stip down w8nien. - ,6 ss '- Mrs., Wm. Snaith, Terra Nova, Ont.; writes: -"I wish to tell you that I have llac Milb}T,urn'e Heart and Nerve Pills. I was so fiervolis 1 could hardly let any- one talk to me until a neighbour told me to try your Milbyp's Heart and Nerve Pills. I got three boxes and did not have to get any more as trey completely l cured my nervodsy s stedl j1. see- se Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are for sale at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $125. • The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronte, Ont Heavy Loss by Flee. OTTAWA, March 10.=Dant ige to the extent of $70,600 was 'caused by fire which broke out in the 'Chamber- lin avenue word'working plant of the McAuliffe -Davis Lumber 'Co., Ltd., on Saturday afternoon. The building was completely •gutted and flames de- stroyed much valuable machinery. The flames •also spread to an adjoin- ing drying house •-end ten box cars, seven of which were loaded with lum- ber being destroyed. The loss to Mc- Auliffe -Davis 'Co. is something over $60,000, and•to the Grand Trunk Rail- way$10,000,' all of which is covered by insurance._ Electric Restorer for Men p11o8phonor...8. ree'everynerve in the body to its proper tension; restore. vim find vitality. Premature decay and all sexual' wakaesaaverted` at once. Phosphorus' will. make you as new man. Price ���9a a bo or two for, 1Co..t aitho any address. The m:oopen Drag sels,14ti, "MY BACK HAS NEVER FIRE CLAIMS FOUR TROUBLED ME Since Taking' GIM PILLS Lyons Brook, N,S,, Peb. Seth. "You are perfectly free to use niy name in any way to benefit GIN PILLS,. for .they deserve the highest praise, My back has never troubled Inc since taking GIN PILLS, and Iny wife feels much better after taking GIN PILLS for her back. She thinks GIN PILLS will make a complete cure." JAMES L. NAUSS. GIN PILLS will always relieve Lame Back, Sciatica in Back and Legs, Rheumatism, Burning and ,Scalding Urine, Painful Urination, Weak or Strained Ridneys, and always prevent taking cold in the kidneys and bladder, Every box is sold with a positive guarantee to giveprompt relief or money refunded. 5oc, a box, 6 for 82.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto.' 141 Aged Man and Three Children Burned in Quebec Village. A SIX-YEAR=OLD ESCAPES Midnight Fire Which Destroys Home of Oliver Robidoux, Near Hunting- don Village, Results In Death to Eighty -Year -Old Man and Two Boys and a Girl -Cause of the Fire Is as Yet Unknown. MONTREAL, March 10. -Four per- sons were Burned to death Saturday in the fire which totally destroyed the farm house of Oliver Robidoux, about two and a hall miles east of Huntingdon. ' The victims were Chas. McConville, 80 years old, father of the farmer's wife. and three members WHEN YOU NEED Furn ture� carpels cls and Shades 6 V Please remember that the three flats of this big store are packed with House Furnishings, specially selected for their beauty, comfort and wearing qualities. No Better Goods 'Made Than Ours No Lower Prices Than Ours. Fancy White Bede $3.00 3 50 4 50 3.00. woven Wire Springs 2;50 3.00 4.00 4 50 SaLitary Mattress 3 50 3 75 4.00 5.00 Brussels Carpet, per yard 1.00 L25 All 'Wool Carpet, per yard .55 .77 1.00 Union Carpet, per yard .25 .;35 .45 .50 Cork Linoleum, square yard ,45 .50 .Rugs and Window Shades in many colors and sizes. DROP IN ANY TIME J. 14.eI IELLEW Estate Furniture :and 'Undertaking. i LYTII r Railw ay System looteseehel's ExdoI°sioa Grand Trunk Colonist Rates on Sale Daily. MARCH 15 to APRIL 15 (inclusive) FROM CLINTON TO Vancouver. B.C. Victoria, letori'i, B.0 ...-.. Seattle, Wash, Spokane, Wash,, ...... ... -o-- Mexico City, Mex„ San Diego, Cal., Los Angeles, Cal„ San Francisco, Cal., • 3 f1.5 Porportionate low rates to other points in Arizona, British Columbia California, Idaho, Mexico, Montana Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington Etc., from all stations in Ontario. Ask Grand Trunk Agents for par- t ticulars, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Efmon ton. Berths, Reservations, Literature a JOHN RANSFORD & SON, City Pa A. 0. PATTISON, station agent, To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN and Alberta. Each TUESDAY March to October Inclusive Via Chicago and St. Paul. Through coaches and Pullman tourist sleeping �iin cars will leave g To- ronto 11 a.m. on above dates for WINNIPEG. No change of Cars, Wilnnipeg and return $35 Edmonton and return $43 Tickets good for 60 days. Pro- portionate low rates to other points Se mci's [xcaisioos To ALBERTA AND SASKATCHE- WAN MARCH 11th and every TUESDAY thereafter until APRIL 29th, inclusive, ..from stations in Ontario,Peterboro, Pe e boyo, Port Rope and West. LOW RATES. Through coaches and tourist sleepers to WINNIPEG without change, leaving Toronto at 11 a,m. on above dates. nd full information from any agent ssenger and Ticket agent phone 57 phone 35a. without a doubt you'll find this out in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal - is just the ot"t F and only real Mother's! Bread better bread could not be made -that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread N. Bariliff Phone No, 11 and have its delivered to your house every day. 1 Some March Specials FRESH FISH -Several kin de. iCaldwell's Molasses Meal for stock at $2.00 per 100 lbs, Alfalfa, Clover Seed also Als ike and Red Clover, Tiraotliy Seed etc., Herbsgeum-Dr. Hess Steele food and poultry Panacea Columbian Stock Food-Zenolettm; and Instant Tsetse Killer -and Sheep Dip, (Highest prices for Bnt1er,Bg,gS, Tallow, Lard etc. EMhC3RiU71'[ L0 D 8 R RDA(`j( NE O ��1 S PRESCRIPTION For a Long Life. This is the prescription for a long life given by an old gentleman in Con- necticut, who is ninety-nine years old and still well and cheerful, "Live temperately, be slow to anger, don't, worry, take plenty of exercise in the fresh air, and, above all, keep cheer- ful." Should the system get run down- digestive organs weak -the blood thin. and sluggish, take Vinol, which is a delicious 'combination of the medicine -body-building properties of cods' livers, with the useless grease elimi- nated and tonic iron added, We re- gard Vinol as one of the greatest body-builders and strength -creators in the world for aged people. ` Mrs. Mary Ivey, of Columbus, Ga„ says: "If people only knew the good Vinol does old people, you would be unable to supply' the, demand; it the finest tonic and strength -creator I ever used." We wish every feeble old per- son in this vicinity would try Vinol on our agreement to return their money if it fails to give satisfaction, W. Sr R. H2OLMIJS, DRUGGIST; CLINTON. ONT. .,r Inc etobi'doox ranariy-a;rmo, 11 years, Florence, 13 years, and Oliver, 10 years of age. 0013' DerVe and obed- ience of Mabel, aged six, resulted in her escaping the fate of the other;. The • remains of three of the victims were found in the cellar charred to -a crisp,,,ancl the jurors, at the inquest, held by Dr. J. R. Clouston, for the district of Huntingdon, returned a verdict of death front suffocation by smoke, with the cause of the fire un- known. The family had retired at 9 o'clock. At midnight Mrs. Robidoux was dis- turbed by the crying of her two-year- old baby. She lit the lamp to attend to it and heard a crackling noise. The house was fast filling with smoke. In her hare feet and eller only in her nightdress, with the child in her arms, she ran across the snow to the house of Frank Sherry, about two hundred yards away. The thermome- ter registered about six degrees below zero and a high wind was blowing. Mr. Robidoux shouted loudly to .his father-in-law and the four children sleeping immediately overhead, but there was no answer. Robidoux then raised a ladder to the upstairs win- dow, broke it in and called loudly to the children sleeping at the other end of the house. Mabel, six years old, came throur_h the smoke, safely de- seenuee the lauuer ami '00111 to Ina nearest neighbor's house. Robidoux then entered the room and groping around found the beds empty. Think- ing the children and the aged mart had gone throug=h to the east end, either to descend tc stairs or make their escape by way of a window at the head of the staircase, he descended the ladder and went around to the east side of the bo;1,1;nw. WOTlaID. At the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, three or four pupil nurses. Apply to MISS GRIFFITHS, Superintendent, Goderich. G deri i P . all PilCo° 1V'att'ted ` Two ,eels to learn the art of mil- linery, Miss Cantelon & Co. All paper bought from me from :now till the 1st of April wilt be hung for Sc a single roll. Samples taken to your house if desired. Paper at 4e a Roll up. Geo. P0115 Corner Queen and Princess Streets CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station A11 kinds of Coal on hand- Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Colne Kennel Coal and Wood Tile -2L, 3 and '4. -inch size- The Tile is of the very best quality. (rick to Order. PU FORE ES 1'llone 52. ran C0 AI Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stock itnd sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W. J. 'Stevenson. At Electric Light Plant. Money Wanted. I have several ingaairies for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find 'investments for funds on mortgages. ' W. BRYD;ONE Logs Wanted Highest prices paid for ELM, BASSWOOD, MAPLE Any wood bought, W. Dollertg Plano & Organ Co Urnitcd CLINTON - - ONTARIO. For Sale A commodio lir brick note at a I argain. 'Furnace, electric lighting Lath room, hot and co: d water, alas n stable on the premises. For in- formation apply at TSE NEW ERA For Sale or to Let A small farm of about 20 acres in the Township of Stanley, in county of Huron, provio'-e of Ontario, be- ing composed of Lot number 35 in the first Concession of the said township, For full p'irllculars write, AT, T.F\LJT'1, Brion, Ont, PJ-MOES Car oT"No. 1 Cooking Potatoes to arrive about Saturday or Monday. New .Ontario stock. Just the right kind for seed or table. Al sample can be seen at our store, both raw and cooked, at $1.25 per 901bs. STEEP & CO. Ladies Wanted w . BRYDOIVE. BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTAIL; PUBLIC; ETO CLINTON Employment of:erect in Player Pneumatic Department. Light 1' g suitable work amid pleasant sun - rounding., In New Yo' k or Chicago this is considered employment for the highest class cf lady operators. Apply at the Office of W. DOHERTY PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Limited. Clinton. Farm For Sae A first class f arm, consisting of 76 acres, on con, 12, part lot 34,'Hul- lett township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2 Miles from School. A bank ,barn 36 byD b '•v b6,an ther,arn36x25, dnIe shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about an (gore of or- a•hard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, (Bb'th, P. ,]0. SEARLES B. 1HAI,E Conneyanee, 'Notary Public, Commissioner, etc.: REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huroe St., Clinton. H. T. R A N C E1 Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate,., INSURANCE:AGDNT-Rspresentfng 14 Fire Ih Bureau) Companies,., Division Court Office, Farm for Safe The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres - East half of lot 28. con. 6, Hullett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offierd for sale, lot 291 con. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOM.BE. Clinton.` Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn --o._ Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. Ford & McLeod AAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 4 4 4 a i 4 4 4 i 4 P111005 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, .special values in Art Cases Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison dlson phonographs, Music & variety goods. biusie Emporium C. Iioare •C 4 YVVITYVVVVYTVv►tti nIVVV 'Ti Med �.al. DRi (8. W. THOMPSON Physician, Stirgeon, Ete enedal attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear,. Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glasses prescribed. Otfice'and Residence. Two doors west of the Conlmorelal elota1 Huron St. DES. GIJNN and GANIDIICIC Dr. W. Gunn, L.11 (', P., L. it. C. li.. Edlm Dr ..11 C. Gaudier.. 11.A. 81,11, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbuty St.. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. erim herr.etc., office and residence on tenbury St„ opposite W. Ferran's residence. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST: Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty,: Graduate of 0.C.D.S,.. Chicago, end R.O.D.S. Toronto. Hayfield on Mondays, May let to Dceemb DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Ofoee over O'NEIL'E store. Special care taken to make dental ares,t. meat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction te- GODER'IOH ONT B51.0 stout: sales a specials), Os6ets st ab NEW Bud office, Clinton, prt.mrt,y attended, to. Tormt reasonable. Farmers' sale note discounted G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. STINKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued, Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Proves erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J.B.MoLean, President, Seaforth, .1. Connolly, Vice -I -res., Goder'ich, T. E. 'Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafoaith• DIRECTORS. Jae, Connelly, Hclmesville, John Watt,'Harlock ` G. Dale,Clinton; D. F. MGregor, Seaforth J. Evans, Bechwood ; J. G. Grieve, 'Wint'hroF. J Benneweis, BrodQsagen; M. Me - Ewan, .Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses im his own district. AGENTS. Rabt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hinch- fej, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W: Yeo, Holmesvilley Payments may be,made at The Morrie/hi Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cult, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR G'LINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Issac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart 8.30 a m 4.50 p m Centralia 9.40 5.43 Exeter 9,53 5.54 Hensall 10.08 . 8,05 Sippen 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 19.30 6.141 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 '1.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.85 South Passenger Wingham, depart6.43 a in 3.33 p;c Belgrave 8.54 3.44 Blyth 7.08 3.66 Londesboro 7.16 4.04 Clinton 7.50 4.23 Brucefield 8.12 4.39 Kippen 8.23 4.47 Hensall' 8.32 152 Exete- 8.48 5.06 Centralia,. 9.00 5.15 London, arrive 10 00 6.10 Buffalo and (code,. Wes` Passenger Stratford 10.00 12.20 5.25 0.20 Mitchell... .. . 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12 Clinton , ... 11.07 1.25 6,40 11.28 Holmes ville11.16 1,8,3 6 46 11.38 Goderich 11.35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East I'essenger am pm pm Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.50 Rolmesville, 7.26 2,57 5.06 Clinton 7.36' 3.07 5.15 Seatorth ... 7.52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell..:.......... 8.18 3,48 5.65 Stratford....... ., 8.40 4.15 6,20 Dr. de Van's Female PM's A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful In regulatiag -the generative portico of the female system. R.fuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de TN's are sold at the box, or three for 810. Mailed to any address. The eo.1ell Drug Co,, at Cath Ates, "Otte, 'll