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Wants Other Woollen to Know
How She was Finally
Restored d to Health.
Hammond, Ont. - " I am pass: g
through -the Change of Life and for two
years had hot flushes very bad, head-
aches, soreness in the hack of head, was
constipated, and hadweak, nervous feel-
ings. The doctor who attended me for
a number of years did not help me, but
I have been entirely relieved of the
above symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable' Compound, Blood Purifier and
Liver Pills, and give you permission to
publish my testimonial."- Mrs. Louis
BEAncAGE, Sr„ Hammond, Ont., Canada.
New Brunswick,
Canada. - "I can
highly recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham's
to any suffering wo-
man. I have taken
it for female weak-
ness and painful
menstruation and it
cured me, " - Mrs.
Harvey Bank, New
Brunswick, Canada.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from native roots and herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and to -day holds the record of being the
most successful remedy for female ills
we know of, and thousands of voluntary
testimonials on file in the Pinkham lab-
oratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove
this fact. Every suffering woman owes
it to herself to give Lydia. E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi-
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
ltelIdle of Canada Closed to Question-
' able Enterprises
1. a Postmasters -General' of Canada.
told the -United States are uniting in
crusade against mail order sharks
o have been using the mails of both
Countries for fraudulent purposes.
Get -rich -quick men are, according to
e post -office authorities, increasing
Canada at a disturbing rate, many
f those who were driven out of New
1 ork, Chicago, and other cities across
e line by the activities of the United
tates officials having turned their at-
ention to Canada as a particularly
ripe field for their line of endeavor.
When a.loox of sardines is opened,
it should be drained of its oils at
once and the fish turned out.
Children should sleep in a dark-
ened room, and so should grown
A flannel dipped in turpentine
will clean a porcelain tub ex-
At „J ,r '>t,r,;, bA a4,tia1t71
Because They Cured Him, And
They Will Cure You
Novelized from
the Comedy of
the Same (dame,
Prom Photographs of
the Ploy as Produced
Ey Henry w., Savage
Copprlguo. ,sri, by n. E. Sly 00,
"What , • in,
"Mrs. Wellington -Mrs, James Wel-
A Queen Among Women.
Miss Anne Gattle, seated in Mrs.
tJimmie Wellington's seat, had not
heard Mr. Jimmie Wellington's sketch'
Of his wife. But she needed hardly:
imore than a glance to satisfy herself
that she and Mrs. Jimmie were as,
!hopelessly antipathetic as only two po-
lite women can be.
Mrs. Jimmie was accounted some-,
;thing of a snob in Chicago society, but
!perhaps the missionary was a trifle'
:the snobbisher of the two when they
Miss Cattle could overlook a hun-
dred vices in a Zulu queen more easily
than a few in a fellow countrywoman.
She did not like Mrs. Jimmie, and she
was proud of it.
When the porter said, "I'm afraid
you got this lady's seat," Miss Gat-
tle shot one glance at the intruder
and rose stiffly. "Then I suppose I'll
have to-"
"Oh, please don't go, there's plenty
of room," il'Irs. Wellington insisted,
;pressing her to remain. This nettled
,Miss Gattle stillmore, but she sank
back, while the porter piled up ex -
'pensive traveling -bags and hat boxes
till there was hardly a place to sit.
'But even at that Mrs. Jimmie felt
called on to apologize:
"I haven't brought much luggage.
How I'll ever live four days with this,
I can't imagine. It will be such a re-
lief to get my trunks at Reno."
"Reno?" echoed Miss Gattle. "Do
you live there?"
"Well, theoretically, yes."
"I don't understand you,"
"I've got to live there to get it."
, "To get it? Oh!" .Alook of sudden
and dreadful realization came over the
!missionary. Mrs. Wellington inter -
Melt 'Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci-
dent to n bilious state of the system, such na
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in t to Side hc, While their most
leauukeble success bus been shown In curing
Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are
equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre.
venting this annoying complaint, while they also
correct all disorders of the stomach stimnlatethe
Ever and regulate the bowels. Even if they only
Ache they would be almostpriccleee to thosewho
Buffer from this distressing complaint; bu tforu.
mately their goodness docs notend here,and those
who once try then will find these little pilis vale.
able in no many wa)'e that they will not be w'1.
Eng to do withoutthc5.. Butafter all sick 11c4.
Is the bane of so many lives that here Is where
we make onr great boast. Our pills cureit while
others do not,
Carter's Little Liver Pills arc very small and
very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose.
They are strictly vegetableand do not gripeor
purge, but by thclr gentle action Blease all Whet
lase meta.
o WITS8.7fo;0I13Z 00,, 2tA97 2088. ( r
4111 51. Dell Dani Small! Frier
A WATCH is a delicate piece
-I of machinery. It calls for
Ness attention than most
machinery, but must be cleaned,
and oiled' occasionally to keep
perfect time. $
With proper care a Waltham.
Watch will keep perfect time
for a lifetime. It will pay you
• well to let us clean your watch
every 52 or i8 months.
Jeweler and Optician.
issuer of
Marriage Licenses.
Jimmie Welington.
ipreted it with a smile of gay defiance:
"Do you believe in divorces?
Anne Gattle stuck to her guns. "I
;must say I don't. I think a law ought
Ito be passed stopping them."
"So do I,' Mrs. Wellington amiably.
'agreed, "and I hope they'll pass just
.such a law -after I get mine." Then
:she ventured a little shaft of her
;own. "You don't believe in divorces.
judge you've never been married."
"Not once!" The spinster drew her-
self up, but Mrs. Wellington disarmed
tiler with an unexpected bouquet:
; "Oh, lucky woman! Don't let any
(heartless man delude you into taking
.the fatal step."
Anne Gattle was nothing if not hon-
est. She confessed' frankly: "I must
;say that nobody has made any, violent
!efforts to compel me to. That's why
I'm going to China."
"To China!" Mrs. Wellington
gasped, hardly believing her ears.
My dear! You don't intend to marry
(a laundryman?"
"The idea! I'm going as a mission-
Iary "
"A missionary? Why leave Chica-
go?" Mrs Wellington's eye softened
more or less convincingly: "Oh, love-
ly! How I should dote upon being a
missionary. I really think that after I
get my divorce I might have a try
lat it. I had thought of a convent, but
(being a missionary must be much
ore exciting." She dismissed the
with an abrupt shake of the
WAr,ICERTON: ONT., MAY 9th. 1911.
"I have been in Walkerton in
business: for a good many years and
many of my townsmen know that my
health,'for long periods was precarious.
My trouble was extreme Nervousness,
brought on by Indigestion and Dys-
pepsia, from which I suffered in the
most severe form. It was so bad that
I could not sleep 'before about four in
the morning. I noticed one of your
published testimonials of how someone
had used "Fruit-a-tives" for similar
trouble •and asked Mr. Hunter, my
druggist, his opinion on the matter and
he advised their use. I immediately
procured several boxes and I am pleased
to say that 9 now enjoy splendid health
and could not possibly feel better. I
can eat with every degree of satisfaction
and sleep without an effort. I strongly
advise anyone suffering from like
complaints, to commence using
"Fruit-a-tives". ALEX. MCCARTER.
50c. a box, 6 for$2.5o-trial size, 25C.
At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited,
fiend " Eouse me, brit do yell happen
to have any matches?"
"Matches! I never carry them!"
"They never have matches in the
'women's room, and I've used my last
Miss Gattle took another reef in her
,tight lips. "Do you smoke cigarettes?"
Mrs. Wellington's echoed disgust
with disgust: "Oh, no, indeed. I loathe
them. I have the most dainty little
.cigars. Did you ever try one?"
II Miss Gattle stiffened into one excla-
`mation point: "Cigars! Me!"
[Mrs. Jimmie was so well used to
being disapproved of that it never
!disturbed her, She went on as if the
face opposite were not alive with hor-
ror: "I should think that cigars might
the a great consolation to a lady mis-
sionary in the long lone hours of -
;what do missionaries do when they're
'pot missionarying?"
. "That depends."
There was something almost spirit-
ual in Mrs. Jimmie's beatific look: "I
leant tell you what consolation my
cigars have given me in my troubles.
Mr. Wellington objected -but then Mr.
'Wellington objected to nearly every-
thing I did. That's why I am forced
to this dreadful step."
' "Cigars?"
• "Well, this will be only my second
-my other was such a nuisance. I
got that from Jimmie, too. But it
didn't take. Theo we made up and re-
married. Rather odd, having a second
honeymoon with one's first husband.
But remarriage didn't succeed any
better. Jimmie fell off the water -
with an
g awful ,
s lash and he
quite misunderstood my purely 'pia.
!tonic interest in Sammy Whitcomb, tt
nice young fellow with a fool of a
wife. Did you ever meet Mrs. Sammy
Whitcomb -no? Oh, but you are a
lucky woman! Indeed you are! Weil,
when Jimmie got jealous, I just gave
him up entirely. I'm running away to
Reno. T sent a note to my husband's
;club, saying that I had gone to Europe;
and he needn't try to find me. Poor
'fellow, he will. He'll hunt the conti-
nent high and low for me, but all the
!while P11 be in Nevada. Rather good
joke on little Jimmie, eh?"
"But now I must go. Now I must
jgo. I've really become quite addicted
Ito. them."
"Divorces ?"
"Cigars. Do stay bene till I come
bank. J havcs'so much to say to you."
Miss Gattle shook her head In de-
spair. She could understand a dozen
heathen dialects better than the
speech of so utter a foreigner as her
Ite11ow-countrywoman. Mrs. Jimmie
hastened away, rather pleased at the
!shocks she had administered. , She en-
*oyed her own electricity.
• In the corridor, she administered an-
bther thrill ---this time to a tall young
hnan-a stranger, as alert for flirtation
:as a weasel for mischief. He huddled
himself and his suitcases into as flat
a space as possible, murmuring:
"These corridors are so narrow,
!aren't they?"
"Aren't they?" said Mrs. Jimmie,
?"So sorry to trouble you."
"Don't mention it."
She passed on, their glances fencing
like playful foils. Then she paused:,
1 "Excuse me. Could you lend the .a
Match? They never have matches in
[the Women's Room."
He succeeded in producing a box
(after much shifting of burdens, and he
was rewarded with a look and . a
"You have saved my life."
•He started to repeat his "Don't
!mention it," but it seemed inappropri
fate, so he said nothing, and; she van-
Ifshed behind a door. He turned away,
saying to himself that it promised to
be a pleasant journey. He, was halted
by another voice -another woman's
"Pardon me, but is this the car for
He turned to smile, "I believe so!"
Then his eyes widened as he recog-
,liized, the speaker.
"Airs. Sammy Whitcomb!„
It promised to be a curioud' journey.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of 1
CfAPTEIt! .'Vi, u!eigh Hit Tree; TO Hurt,
A Conspiracy in, aatin.,
; The tall man emptied one hand of
tits suitcase to clasp the hand the new -
,comer granted him., He held It fast
;as he exclaimed: "Don't tell me that
;you are bound for Reno!" . She whira-
Tered: "I'm afraid so, Mr Ashton,"
He put •down everything'to take her
other hand, and tuned his voice to
condolence; "Why, I thought;' you and
'Sam Whitcomb were-"
"Oh, we, were until that shameless
;Mrs. FVellington-'r
"Mrs. Wellington? Don't believe I
know her."
"I thought everybody had heard of
!Mrs. Jimmie Wellington."
"Mrs. Jimmie -oh, yes, I've heard
of her!" Everybody seemed to have
;heard of Mrs. Jimmie Wellington.
["What a dance she has led her poor
husband! Mrs. Whitcomb said. "And
jmy poor Sammy fell into; her . trap,
Ashton, zealous comforter, took a
(wrathful tone: "I always thought your
(`husband was the most unmitigated-"
.But Mrs. Whitcomb bridled at once.
"How dare you criticize Sammy! He's
:the nicest boy in the world."
Ashton recovered quickly. "That's
twhat I started tosay. Will he contest
;the -divorce?"
"Of course not," she beamed. "The
:dear fellow would never deny me any -
:thing. Sammy offered to get it him-
self, but I told him he'd better stay
in Chicago and stick to business. I
!shall need such a lot of alimony."
"Too bad he couldn't have come
along," Ashton insinuated.
But the irony was wasted, for she
sighed: "Yes, I shall mise him ter-
ribly. But we feared that 1f he were
with me it might hamper me in get-
ting a divorce on ,the ground of de-
She was trying to look earnest and
thoughtful and heartbroken, but the
result was hardly plausible, for Mrs,
Sammy Whitcomb could not possibly
have been really earnest or really
thoughtful; and her heart was quite
too elastic to break. She proved it
instantly, for when she beard behind
her the voice of a young pian asking
her to let him pass, she turned to pro•
test, but seeing that he was a hand.
some young man, her starch was in-
stantly changed to sugar. .And she re -
'warded his good looks with a smile, as
he rewarded hers with another. _
Continued next week.
• -b
The Secret 01
Girlish Beauig
The Blood Must be Kept
Rich and Pure, and the
Nerves Properly Nourish
Every parent of a growing girl
and every young woman who
looks after herself, should Jae con-
stantly on the watch for symptoms
of impoverish blood. Girls in their
teens should not be pale, lan-
guid and constantly fatigued.
Nature intended them to be bright
energetic and active. The happi-
ness of a lifetime depends upon
giving the blood the help it needs
at this time, when girls are too fre-
quently allowed to overstudy.
overwork or sufferer from lack of
exercise. The symptoms of im-
poverished blood are unmistakable
They are languidness, pale, sal'.ow
complexion, shortness of breath,
violent palpitation of the heart,
particularly on going up stairs,
poor appetite, dizziness and head-
aches, and a tendency to:faint.
These symptoms of course are not
all found in every case, but the
more the victim has of them the
greater progress has the trouble
made and the more imperative is
the necessity to at once begin to
check it, through the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, which bring
track the glow of health and energy
to every part of the body. The
case of Miss Jeanie Fraser, Hamil-
ton, Ont., offers proof of this. She
says : "For about eighteen months
I was in a very bad state of health
and thoroughly run down. I had
no appetite and suffered from most
of the symptoms of anaemia. I.
went to a local doctor and received
treatment from him for three
months, and although I took bottle
after bottle of medicine I was
steadily growing worse, and I got
so down -hearted and depressed
that I felt I would' never get better
At this time Tread! the case of a
young lady whose symptoms were
similar to my own, who had been
cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pil's,
and T decided to try them. By the
time I had used three boxes'my ap-
petite had improved and Iwas
feeling more encouraged. I con-
tinued the use of the Pills for a
time longer and my health was
fully restored."
These Pills are sold by all medi-
cine dealers or may be had by mail'
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co:, (Brockville, Ont.
Berlin's Customs Receipts Grow.
BERLIN, Ont., March 3. -The cus-
toms returns - for February .show a
gratifying increase. The figures were
$38,522.42 as compared with $00,6531'3
in the corresponding month last year.
French Military Aviator Killed.
\!I]7RZON, France, March u"-Lierut.
Porteau was killed here yesterday
when the aeroplane in which he was
making a flight crashed to the ground,
London Township In Doubt.
LONDON, Ont., March 3, -Judge
Macbeth on Saturday declined to give
judgment which he had reserved in
the London Township, local option
ease, until he can obtain the full
judgment of the Supreme Court in the
West Lorne appeal case. Ann effort
is being made to obtain a copy of this
judgment and his honor will announce
his 'decision as soon as it is procured.;
Children` Cry
T B0N70 btarth 3. -Whet! the
bob sleigh "Rambler"ran over: 'a
steep embankment and crashed il;rtu,
(a tree on the High Park hills late
\Saturday afternoon ten ;people: were
I seriously injured. One girl and three
{ menhurl to be reproved in an rat>nbttl-
once, but the other's l{'ere taken home
in motor ears.
Miss Annie Drew is in .St. 14iicltael's
Hospital, in a very critical condition
with a compound fracture of the
thigh and internal injuries; Lawrence
Conde. 224. Howland street, has :in
ternal injuries.
, Tax on Perambulators.
PARTS, March 3, -The Soeialist
municipal council of Brest has ex-
tended the tax of six cents daily on
market vendors for right to wheel
handcarts, including perambulators.
Mothers and nurses are up in arms1' at the demand that they should pay
six cents every time they take the
baby out in a perambulator. The.
first attempt to collect the ,ta:i was
made Saturday and all women refused.
to PeY.
A mother's greatest care is the
health of her baby -the prevention
of constipation. colds, worms and
other childhood ailments and the
keeping of her baby happy and
strong. Baby's Own Tablets are
the mother's best friend in caring
for the baby. They are absolutely
the best medicine in the world for
little ones, Concerning them Mrs.
Jos. Poitras, Mont Louis, Que.,
says: "I am well satisfied with
Baby's Own Tablets having used
them for my baby with great bene-
fit. They are the best medicine in
the world for little ones." The
Tablets are sold by medieine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Willliams' Medicine
Co.y !Brockville, Ont.
Jesuit Father Is Taking French-Cana-
dians to New Colony.
'\INN(I'IiG, March. 3. -Father Gi-
rouxthe Jesuit missionary and colo-
nizer, will arrive in Winnipeg over
the C.N.R. from Duluth to -flay, bring-
ing with hint the advance guard of
2,000 settlers who are to take up homes
in the Peace River district. The
party consists of 75, Mostly heads Ol
French-Canadian families, who are
to prepare the way Ior the others.
,They will go in two tourist sleepers
to Athabasca Landing, There the
'party will sleigh to Girouard, in which
they will lay the foundations for their
future homes.
But Provincial Inspector Made Berlin
Hotelmen Pay Tax.
BERLIN, Ont., March 3. -Inspector
Correy of the provincial liquor license
department has been in and out u!
Berlin for the past two weeks on e
still hunt for hotel! eepers who are
alleged to have failed to send in the
prescribed five per cent. 4.,1 theft'
bar rweipts. It is reported on good
authority that one man Ir' 1 to give ul,
$1,100, while a second had to part t ito
$800. It is further reported that a
certain official will have to make an
explanation, and that after. May 1 no
monopoly will be allowed to exist, as
there will be only a single license
granted to on.: person.
11 is Well That En
Along with'dyspepsia comes nervousness,
sleeplessness 1esuaess an
p gen-
eral ill health. Why? Because a disordered stomach does not Pernat.
the food to be assimilated and carried to the. blood. On the other band,
the blood is charged with Poisons which come from this disordered
digestion, Inturn, the nerves are not fed on good, red blood and we
see those symptoms of nervous breakdown. It is not head Work that
;doge it, but poor stomach work. With poor thin blood the body is not
protected against the attack of germs of grip-bronchitis-consump-
tion. Fortify the body now with
streaeriamtsestnosennstassze Dn. F ItEli'o CE's%,' COMA.+L-va• IRT M
Golde l x Medical Ihscovery
an alterative extract from native medicinal planta, prescribed in bath liquid
and tablet form by Dr. R. V. Pierce, over 40 years :Igo.
More than 90 years of experience has proven its superior worth as At in.
vigoratingstomach tonic and blood purifier. It invigorates and regulates'
the stomach, liver and bowels, and through them the wholesystem, ft can
now also be had in sugar-coated tablet form of most dealers In medicine,.
If not, send 50 cents in one -cent stamps for trial' box to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y, - The Common Sense Ili esiieal Adviser
es -
"Blind Pigger's" Baby Was Conceal-
ing the Fire -Water.
COBALT, Ont., March 3, -The
eight -months' old child of Joseph Pe-
ron, 212 Lang street, cost his parent
a $;100 fine 00 Saturday. Provincial
Constable Jerry Lefebvre was pretty
sure that Pelon had whisky on the
premises, so when he searched the
house, he did not leave many places
without scrutiny. Still he did not
suspect that the fire water was in the
cradle. till he heard the fruliesnme
youngster crow and kick and he heard
the familiar clink under the blankets.
Then he inserted his hand and lois tel
three bottles snugly concealed under
baby's legs.
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, and heals
the throat and lungs. .- ,. 26 cents.
Dr. Friedmann Corning,
LONDON, March 3.--1!nn.Al ;rn
Beck yesterday received i, rgl.vt,nt.
from Secretary George T. Porte: of ie.
Canadian Association tl.r to, t'r,•v,,,,
tion of Tuberculosis, ;tur,nunem: la„t
Dr. Friedmann, discoverer or lie' nap.
posed cure of tubet'rul„-i', ha,l bee
secured to give an addrtoot her ol.,
convention of the a0••:r. , t.,,u a1 in.
tawa, March 12 and 13. '1 lir link' „r
Connaught is also to addres.
vention. Mr. Peck is president el
the association.
Winnipeg's Rate Twelve Ltil;s.
1\'INNI PEG, :!larch 3. --'1 he t:::
rate for the city of \\'inuipee for IL,
present year will likely he the ,a,o0
as that for 1912, 19 l rtll.o (•u Uir• doll:,!.
To pad the edges of doilies befpre
embroidering them, work thein in a
coarse chainstitch.
A Happier
To -Morrow
will be yours if to -night you will
seek the beneficial aid of the famous
and ideal family remedy Beecham's
Pills. Nervous diepression, or the
"blues," is one of the symptoms
of a condition quickly corrected
by the reliable and quick -acting
When the system is clogged -the
bowels and liver and kidneys in-
active -then the digestion is sure
to be impaired and the nerves to
lose their tone. Beecham's Pills
induce the organs of digestion to
work properly and thus this un-
rivaled medicine has a tonic effect
upon the whole system. Beecham's
Pills do not vary -they act always
in accordance with their great
reputation ; mildly and safely but
quickly. In every way -in feel-
ings, looks and vigor -a better
condition Beecham's Pills
Assure You
Sold everywhere, - 26c.
The directionewith every box are very helpful
Reduce Your "Feed" Bills by using
Molasses Meal
The quantity an animal eats counts for very little
-it's the amount it digests which tells in class
andvalue. Caldwell's Molasses Meal lowers"Feed"
Bills. It takes the place of an equal quantity of
cereal -makes other "Peed" more palatable and
digestible. Molasses Meal is 8.4%p pure Cane Mo-
lasses -16% an edible moss selected because of its
knower digestible action. You might as well save
money and increase the value of your stock by
using Caldwell's Molasses Meal. If your feedman
cannot supply you -write to us -write anyhow!
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