HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-03-06, Page 6ROYAL PURPLE qpNny Stock & Poultry Specifics FREEWe will send absolutely free, for ti king postpaid'one'of our ,..s ! •large 64 -page books "(with in- sert), n- of stock and pout ry. rt Tells how the commto feed allonsk ds of heavy and light horses, coltsand marcs, ranch cewe, calves and fattening steers, also how to keen and feed poultry co that they will lay as well in winter as in summer, It contains 360 recommends from all over Canada, from people who have used our goods. No farrier should be without it. You can fatten cattle and hogs in -a month's less time by using our Royal Purple Stock Specific than you could possibly do without it, thereby saving la month's feed and labor and, thecost to you will n:,t be more than $1.60 for six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a. poor, miserable -look- ing animal on your place try it onhone first and see the marvellous result which be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase the, milk flow three to five lbs. per cow per day, while being fed' in the stable. A 50c package will last a cow or horse 70 days. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC. will make your hens lay just as well in the winter isa in the summer, and will keep them free from disease. - These goods are pure and unadulterated.-: We do not use any cheap filler to make a large package, entirely different from any on the mar' -et at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Specific, 60c pckgs.; four 60c pckgs.,in an air -tight tin, for $1.60. Royal Purple .Poultry -Specific, 250 and 60e pckgs., and. $1.60 air -tight tins that hold four Ole pekgs. 500 flag; Royal Purple Lice Killer, 25c and 30c by mail Royal Purple Gall- Cure, 25c and. 500 tins; SOc by mail' 500 bottle; filo- Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, by ail. Royal •Purple. dough Cure, 500 tin; 600 by.: mail Boyal Puirolel)isinfectunt, 260 and 50c tins. Royal Purply Roup Cure, 250 tins; 30c by mail. Royal Purple Worm Powder, 250 tins; 300 by mail. Manufactured only by Theta. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Canada Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets' may be had from Ford & McLeod, Flour and Feed: W.S.R. Holmes, Drugs CLINTON Thu Pacific DredAng Cu. has been awarded the contract Inc dredging False Creek, Vancouver, ILC., at a price of approximately $003,000. Mr, C. N. Arntstrung, ofMontreal, tontines the cable to the effect that he will contest a ;;eat in the British House of Commons at the next general election. By a vete of 244 to 05, the U. S. House on Saturday repassed over President Ta .'s vete, the Webb bill, pprnlribitine shipments' of int.uxicatiug liquors into dry states. l'resident T•'ft Saturday presented to Arthur litstrun the geld medal au- thorized by Congress to hint for fns couraeu and gallantry in rescuing the surf is ors of the 1 it t ere wreck. Several hundred _Arab yesterday at- tacked an 1 alias post near Triplet, but were repulsed with heavy losses. They left 35 dead and carried. off others in a ld bort to the wounded. The curling rink at MutiieIiw fiat, Altai is beau: fixed up for sleeping quarters. and the City Couneil wi11 •ahpre,:ch the C.P.U. in rc_ard to a supply of but rdu e ears to Help meet the buns,: shortage. J O. McRae, It tlrer ins chemistry at Queen's University, Teruuto, was seriously burned by a0 explosion which occurred while he was doing ,some research work, and is now id the general hospital. Canada's Lure Is Strong. WINNIPEG, March 3. -It id_ a won- derful beginning, was the comment of Coniniiestunett of Immigration Walker upon the immigration returns for the min CI of January, just to hand. TIi.s tiguies show an increase of 2,0 4 „rr,vals at ocean ports and 657 from tile 11niLed States over that of SCHOOL, Lesson X.—First Quarter, For March 2, 1913. THE .INTERNATIONAL SERIES. •••••••••••10••••••••••••• • • 'NSU -~ �2 • • • • •` SUCCESS Text of the Lesson, Gen. xix, 12-17, 23- 29 -Memory Verses, 15, 1B -Golden Text, II Cor. vi, 17 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. It does'seetn too bad to hurry over these lessons after the fashiot). of the suggestiou of those who have assigned theta, but the faithful teacher will tithe up the intervening portions' and endeavor to omit nothing. Every part of the record of the visit of the Lord and the angels to Abraham in chapter xviii is most fascinating and most in- structive and"practical. See the Lord of glory in human form, as doubtless Ele also appeared to Adam and Eve in Eden. See Him and His companions, the two angels, also fu the form of men, accepting Abrahams hospitality and actually eating the food prepared by Abraham acrd Sarah. Consider that He also ate in His immortal resurrection body. Think of the breakfast He prepared for the disciples on the shore of Gali- lee and also of eating and drinking with atm et His table in His king,- dom.. Do not omit to notice the water for their feet,, Consider His reference to the omission of this by Simon (Luke vii 441 and see Him attending to it Himself in'John xiii. Cdntrast Sarah's three measures of meal unleavened (xvill. OI with the woman's three measures of meal leavened of Matt. tut 33. See the grettsayingofxviii, 14, 1. aitything too hard for the Lord?" And einnpare .ler. xxxii, 17.27. 1n1 (Viii. 22, set' the Lord and Abra- ham alone together. while the two an- gels go on their way to Sodom to res- cue Lot. Hear A Abraboin pleading for Sodom and the Lord's assurauee that if there were but ten righteous men in the city 11e would not destroy it. Con- trast the greater silt of Israel when the presence of such men as Noah, It:uiiel and .lob could not prevent the judgment from frilling upon. her and the tutt:rrttssiou of Moses or Samuel woe Id not nrail (Eeek. :chi, 14-20; Jer. sr, 21 -more tolerable for Sodom than for Capern;min in the day of judgment (Mott. xi, 23, 211. We have seen Lot pitching his tent toward Sodom and hater dwelling in Sodom (xiii, 12; sir, 12). but now we see lam a ruler in Sodom, sitting in the gate of Sodom (xtx. 11. 'i'hnt means getting on In the world. but it means such a fellowship with the world as angels cannot approve, for they preferred to abide in the street nether than enter Lot's house. When they communicated to Lot their business, t.hnt they had been sent to destroy the city because of its in- iquity, which erred greatly to God, they told Lot to tell his family and relatives to flee from the city because of the judgment that was about to come. They paid no heed to Lot's message,' however. and he seemed to them as one that mocked, So much for the value of a testimo- ny against the world by one who is conformed to the world. The life and conduct of Lot is such a problem that if the spirit by Peter had not told us that he was a righteous man (I1 Pet. 11, T, 8) we might Dever have supposed that he was such a one. Such a testi- mony concerning such a man should prevent ns from passing judgment on any one as to whether they are the Lord's or not. See Rom. xiv. 13; I Cor. 4, 5. In the morning the two angels took' Lot and his wife and .their two daugh- ters by the hand add brought them forth without the city, tirging them to escape for their lives and look not be- hind theni lest they should be consum- ed in the destruction of the city. The perverseness and unbelief of Lot are seen in his refusal to escape to the mountain and in his fear that He who had delivered him from Sodom would let some evil befall him in the good salary. Hundreds of "• mountain. See the marvelous grace r good people notdothis every of God in sparing %oar at his request. ay year. Why you? Free" • ifov 'wonderful beyond all compre- • catalogue explains. ` t3'rite •In of mita and the grace • for it. Address, W, I3. Shaw, • -!tension the s President, Yonge St. Toronto • • • • • by taking a practical course 2 •• in one of SHAW'S SCHOOLS, • • TORONTO, by attendance or • by mail, and by • so doing • quickly prepare to earn a • f1:Ifsn: Wl ,Ayr "t •_, 5', .,. 'n!i•, u.ti�'(, .%h •t, ,. .vi .c,) :1..., 4v.„ Children Cry fur Fletcher's • 00000e0ID000e410e00000000e1110 fleaddaariersl, FOR Walking and Riling Oliver plows LH. C. Gasoline Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps and Windmills. ALL KINDS OP -REPAIRS AND EX1!ERTING CALL ON Miller it nine Corner of Princes` and Albert streets. C oatraiiiaisinessCoUe Stratford, , Ont. r Time Bost Practical Training School in Ontario Three,Departments COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY, All courses are thorough and practicagl. Teachers are ex- perienced and graduates are placed.inpositions. We give individual attention, and stu- duents may enter at any time Write for flee catalogue at once. ° ijCll7 McLachlan. Principal of God! There is, however, a limit to His forbearance if sin is persisted in, for. though Ile is long suffering and not willing that any should perish, the day of the Lord will conte in Pet. M. 9, 10). From chapter six, 15-23, it looks as if the day on which Sodom and Go- morrah were destroyed began with a clear sky. a morning of sunshine after a night of the usual sins to which the cities were given over. If the sons- in-law of Lot happened to mention to any of their friends the visit of their father and his strange message con- cerning the approaching doom it prob- ably caused only laughter. But the clouds gathered, the storm broke, the fire and brimstone fell. and that was tbe last morning on earth for the in- habitants of those cities. The Lord Jesus Christ, who sent the deluge in the days of Noah and the fire that destroyed those cities, has said, "As It ryas in the days of Noah, * " * as it was in the days of Lot, + o " even thus shall it be in .the day when the, Son of Mao is revealed" (T -oke xvii, 26; xxviii. 30; 1l Thess. 1, 7-01. A Re iso said, "Remember ems tuber Lot's wife" (Luke xvii, 32), And when to- day these Old Testament records are ridiculed. as they so often are, it is the Lord Jesus who is thus held up to scorn and contempt and through Him Gad the Gather. for all of His words and works were the l'ather's through Ellin (John alt, 49; xiv, 10).' . Hon, Mr. Bryce Wants Panama Toll Dispute Settled. WILL GIVE $50o TO SICK HEADERS DF.N[V [HA BP,I 'AlN'S FINAL MESSAGE �~fL71Ioua !�eielrltti t Wlao originated: Note Received by Secretary Knox Con- the 1To-vy'Voride1, f'tl1 4I3olTIe T eat- • tains 'ns British Government's Declar- ation of Its Belief That the Pass- IIient'" ( �re 'i $l.00 paeklige To ee to Sick and A..iling. The Kind Y011 Have Always ane Which has been in use for over 30 yea: s,• has 'borne 'the "signature of ing of the Recent Schedule of and has been Trade under his per-. sonal supervision sing its infancy. 'OPV no one to deceive.you . in /. All 3 this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What RIA' is . harmless substitute for Castor Oil . ' ti7astoria is a S , Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For Inore than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, ,all 'Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE i ALWAS 1 Bears the Signature of r�s The Kind Y® aye AlwaysBought 9n Use For Over 30 Years •."q",s..'alts19;1ta�,.'..ia.i:A. 'nfl1, .,k i':i tiaJ;t•'�i,.";..,lite 'Vtv''ite-Cf .. :. ! <t ... R�iCrLrs R OASTS S to lIL�J Kaiser Calls on Germans Make Patriotic Sacrifice. t0 LEVY FOR BIG ARMAMENTS 'Eighteen -Thirteen Was a Year of Sacrifice; Let Nineteen -Thirteen Also Be One," Says Wilhelm, For Time Is ,Critical All Small Estates Will Be Exempt But Big Ones Must Pay. BERLIN, March 3. -Emperor Wil- liam is credited in connection with the proposed increase in the Yteaee footine of the German army with th.e remark: "Eighteen thirteen was a year of Facriftce. Let 1913 also be so for everyone, for the time is scarcely less critical than 1813." The lint cost of Germany's increas- ed armaments, according to a semi- official statement Saturday, is to be covered by an unprecedented general levy on property. German subjects throughout the Empire are to be call - ed on to contribute. a lump suns in proportion to their possessions. The reign]rtg Ionises, according to an un- official report, ase to be asked to sac- rifice their freedom from taxation, but persons possessing less than $7,500 or $12,500. according to the decision or Parliament when it deals with the subject, are to be exempt from the levy. An estimate of $250,000,000 as the cost of the change published Saturday is generally accepted as reliable. The proposal of a general levy is re- garded as making the German army increase quite as much a national sacrifice as is the French extension of active service in rho army from two to three years. Other taxation is contemplated in order to cover the regular annual. charges brought about by the increase et the forces. Emperor William is reported as fav- ering both tin general 1.vy and 'tlie taxation of the princes, Austria's Preparation. rIhNN.1 March 3.-A sensation has been caused by a statement in Mu Zeit;that the annual levy of -to- enails- wilt be increased by 30,000, which would add 300,000 in all to C., effective tear strength. It understood that in view "of the increase in the German and _French. armies, the Austrian war office sound- ed the Austrian and Hungartan Gov- ernments on the subject, but encoun- tered opposition, for financial and political reasons. Wooa's Phospluniiao The Great English, RemetLm Tones anti invigorates the whole nervous .s stein, 'makes new Blood in olid V gins 'awes Nero. olt33 Debility, Mental °Ad Brain Worry, Des- pondeney, Sexual Wcokssts, E,nissiotes, Seer viutorrhuea, and Effects of Abuse or l a;oeasec. Price $i per box, six for $5. One war ple4se six Will ours. 301d.sttyg alt druggists or mailed plain pkg. on'teeelp:, of prme. Naw 7panuphlet ihci(erlfree. rhe "Maud Medicine 0.o, tro+.mzt,ly Wtwiaw") ToraAtti,1#l•a or title Hing, nes 00)11000 me go lira the vaudeville stage in America in more order to tarn enough y to save los• estates, on which stands the historic etistlu•of Loehbuie. The estate's, which were inherited by hien four years ago, are heavily encumbered. 11e purposes, if suceeee- Id) in Itis variety sketches in the mu- sic Italia; to du some drawing-rouni entertainment in New York. alis contracts are pi wtically a.r- ra nged, and only the details romutn to be settled. He has had a little ex- Tolls Constitutes a Breach of Treaty -Arbitration In Order. WASIII VGTON, . Itlarch' 3, -Great Britain's final word to the ,Taft ad - Ministration, on the Panama Canal tolls dispute, made public yesterday, insisted that a case for settlement under the Hay-Pauncefote treaty had arisen, but suggested in effect that there would not be is ne to discuss the et Meet further before the U. S. Gov- ernment changed hands., Secretary of State Knox' acknowl- edged receipt of this communication without committing the State Depart- ment to an answer, reserving to his successor the decision of the question of whether it is proper to make such answer at all, or to await another communication from the British Gov- ernmentcontinuing the argument. This latest British note, which was submitted to Secretary Knox on Fri- day, instead of being a communica- tion from Sir Edward Grey, the For- eign Minister, was a set of "observa- tions" by Ambassador Bryce. The ambassador explained his reasons for submitting at this stage an objection to the contention in the last Ameri- can note that Sir Edward "Grey was urging a hypothetical case and that there was no reason for his protest in advance of the actual collection of tolls from British ship, while'Ameri- can ships were allowed to pass free. The note says in part: "His Majesty's Government an un- able before the administration leaves office to reply fully to the arguments contained in your despatch of the seventetuth ultimo to the United States charge d'affaires at London re- garding the difference 00 opinion tilat has arisen between . our two Govern- ments overnments as to the interpretation of tile. flay-Pauneefnte treaty, but they de- sire sirumrinthemearL meantime to cit the fo11cwien obeervetious with roeard to the ar:;ume nt that no case has yet arisen calling for any submission to arbitration of the vents in difference between His Mnh'sty s Government and tilat of the ITnited States on the interpretation of the Has- Pauncefote trusty. becau-' na t etu 1a injury has aR yet resulted to an•. British interest and all that has been n clone so fat ilas h; ,'n to pass an net of Congress under r v.11,11 action held by His Majesty's (;,,vernm ; t 1-, be h,rejndicial to Lett- ish rntcr,`rt tits fit be taken." Thy note u,:; an to say that Lri• titin has the rieht to object to an ahtal=atinu of the treaty by the pass• in- nr Um bill stunt, irrt ptxetive tit wit tltrr or nit the act has been aetu- 1tll it'rci„ed. Britain doers not de- sire t are nn in the present note that its v°ew is the only correct one, but merely tit slut.' that a rase for arhi-' hrtion salt, 11: a result of the pass- ing of the re: est ,Ilscrimi11atorytoll. schedule- 11. should be settled, rnot•e- oVer, before titonenjutt of Lhw canal,. beeanse the anttltment should precede rather than 1 0l"ty any actual damage. "When vetele begin to pets' through the: great, ttaLer tv;ly in whose con- struction onstruction all the world has been inter- ested." the note says in conclusion, "there should be left subsisting no cause of difference which could pre- vent revent any other nation from joining without reserve in the satisfaction the people of the U. S. will feel at the completion of a work of such grandeur and utility," peric'nce on the stage in England, but up to now has hidden his purpose from all but his most intimate irieuds. HOODING•,. LEFT 4 NASTY C JG°a Doctors Could Do Do Good. Mrs. A. Mainwright, St. Mary's, Ont., Writes: -"I net it my duty to write and tell you the good your Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup slid for my little boy. Se had whooping cough, which left him with a nasty, dry hard cough. I took ]rim to several doctors, but they did him no good, and I could see my little lad failing day by day. 1 was advised to take him toanother doctor., which I did, and he told me he was going into a decline. 1 was telling a neighbour about it, and shetold me to get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and give it to him regularly. She then got to tell me how much good it did her children, so I got a bottle, and gave it to my little boy, and was so pleased with the result that I bought another one, and by the time he had finished it he had no cough. He is now fat end strong, and I would not be without, a .bottle in the house on any account." Whooping cough generally begins as a" common cold accompanied with cough- ing and a eligt discharge from the nose. Itis, as a rule, more of a child's trouble but also affects adults, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is -a sure preventative is taken in time, and is also a positivecure for any of the after effects. 'Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark; price 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. In order that every reader of the New Era who may not have heard of this wonderful "Home Treat- ment" may .have an opportunity to test this celebrated medicine, is the 'now famous ecientr t. Dr.James W. Kidd, offers to give absolutely People who suffer from Rheuma- tism,' Kidney Trouble. Stomach Trouble, Liver or Bowel Disorders, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Chronic Coughs, Week 'Lungs;Lum-. ba o Piles,Urinar Disorders Fe - m le Weanesses of any kind, the free a full size $1.00 package to five weak, worn out, broken-down and hundred readers of this paper, to, despondent will be delighted at the prove the wonderful claims which effect of few doses. This wonder - have been made for it. In makinful treatment creates 'afine ap- this offer the scientist said: "I petite and helps'the digestive know that there are many people organs to carry on their functions who have been suffering for years as they should, ,It strengthens the with some chronic disease and .kidneys, too, and drives rheuma many of them have spent large tism poisons from the blood asif sums of money seeking a cure. 1 ;by magic. That is'why ;people who know that these people hesitate try it become so enthusiastic. about investing money in medicine Any reader of the New Era who because they - have despaired of 'will try this extraordinary medi- ever getting well. Thousands have eine that has created so much ex told me that story and many thou- citement by its cures can obtain sands of the same people have told absolutely free a full $1.00 treat - me afterwards that my treatment ment by simply filling in the cou- had cured them after doctors and pon below or writing a.letter de everything else had failed. I want • scribing their case in their own to prove to a limited number -no words, if they prefer, and mailing matter what the disease, no matter it today to James W. Kidd, Toronto, how long they may have suffered, Canada. No money need be sent no matter how blue and discoura- and no charge of any kind will be aged -that my treatment really and made. actually ' does accomplish the As this offer is limited, you should wonderful results that have been write at once, in order to be sure: to reported." receive your free treatment, TWISTED ITS TAIL. Intrepid Hunter Caught Northern Lion In a Noose. MO.NTROSE, Col., March 3. -An immerse mountain lion, the largest, ever captured in this ; part of ' the country, was caught in a most sensa- tional manner by Uri Hotchkiss, the. famous hunter and trapper of Colons; six miles cast of that place on Wed- nesday moping. Hotchkiss olintbed a tree, in which the• lion was crouching, -unarmed ex- cept tot' a rope.' 0 he'lion chased hirn down the tree several tithes, but final- ly Hotchkiss got within about three feet from hip;, and threw a rope o the around his neck. The men n to the rope a,tton )ted • end of1 other pull the lion out of the tree, but were unable; to do s_e. llotchl its, worked around .behind the Lon, and twisted his tail until they jarred him loose. After getting the lion down. they threw another rope around his leg. H placed Hotchkiss then pled him' on the laddie, fastening hid feet and hear) to tete horn, climbed on behind, and brought trim into Colons. STRIKE IN PROSPECT. A Huge Railway Walk -Out Is Brewing In England. LONDON, March 3. -England is again threatened with a uat:ional strike of railwaymen. The trouble ]las arisen over tbe dismissal of e guard named Richardson by the Mid. land Railway Co. for refusing to obey oral instructions of the foreman to add more wagons to Ms train. Richard - son's defence and the attitude of the then is that he refused in accordance with printed instructions forbidding him to add niore wagons to the train' than he had brake potver to control. Several mass meetings of raihvay men were held yesterday. A resolu- tion was passed demanding the im- mediate and unconditional reinstate- ment of Richardson, otherwise a gen- eral strike will be declared. Respons- ible leaders of the railwaymen's union. in the course or speeches declared that• unless the dismissed guard received justice there would be a national ston- e c of all the railway v ttrkers. GOING INTO VAUDEVILLE. "The Maclean" of Lochbuie, 'Needs Money to Save His. Estates, LONDON, .March 3. --Maclean of Lochtiuie, owner of 35,000 acres of the Isle of Mull, Scotland, godson of Lee Duke of Argyll, who 1,. an orcin Coupon CR -1116 FOR FREE i)OLL.tli, TREATMENT Dr. Jas. W. Nidi. Toronto, Canada, Please send me full $1 Course of treatment for my case, free and postage paid, just as you promise. Naive ' Post Office Province Street and number Age How long afflicted Make a cross (xi before diseases you the one from which you suffer most. Diarrhoea -----Ray Fever Tndigestion - Rheumatism Hot Flashes Nervousness .-_-_Leucorrhoea Weak Lungs Constipation Torpid Liver Impure Blood Piles -_Obesity Malaria Asthma .,_Catarrh Eczema Pimples Anaemia Dizziness Lumbago Neuraleia Headae`jie Chronic Cough Give any ' other symptoms on a separate sheet, Correspondence in all languages. have.. Two. crosses ()Ex). before Heart Trouble -:..-Worub Trouble -.._Painful Periods Kidney Trouble Ovarian Trouble Poor Circulation Stomach trouble Bladder Trouble Female Weakness Bearing Down Pains inseeessamenermrszestiommeentra 11211.222,1222, 210215 1._n 1.121. •• (.'.l'.1 incla,d 111,. 1 ecrlpts 1n the ROBBERS GET $3,000. ' evening in a safe. The C.T.IL left the returns in the wooden 51116 lucked and with a detective and nightwatch- ntert not far away. Despite this precaution the robbers got into the offices, forced the tills and removed the: money- They also snapped the. steel hicks on the cash- ier's cage of the C.P.R. An Gild screw driver and a glove were the only clues which the detec- tives were able to find. The theory is that wax impressinus were taken of the keys on the office doors and this method used to get in. These two doors showed .narks where a bar had been pressed against thein, but the locks remained intact. The same gang is thought to have committed the three crimes. The loss may be greater than $3,000. BRIEFS FS FROM TEE YrV.RES. Senator Ross is reported to be im- proving in health at London. Saskatoon will have Sunday cars. The bylaw passed by a vets of 41.0 for, to 150 against. Fire destroyed the Spanish Leather Co.'s tannery and ctpholstering lackey 'at Waterloo. Loss $1,500. The executive of the Canadian Cav- alry Association has decided to held the next annual meeting in \Vinnipe-i banes Turner of Fingal, aged S0, died suddenly of heart trouble induc- ed by excitement thruueli hes chim- ney catching fire. An extensive swindle of Alberta banks 05 expected to be revealed by an investigation of alleged ft t.ierics 0! tines to larva trans.. 0 ln, •1 They Made s Mysterio'r, Entrance into Toronto Ticket Offices. TORONTO, March 3.-I3y gaining an entrance rn " such a mysterious manner that even the ci'- detectives are completely battled, burglars_ :tole nearly 43.000 from the tickat office of the Grand Trunk Railway at the Un- ion Station early Sunda; 'morning. They also broke into the C-P.R, ofliee, but were unable" to open tlr_ safe. While the burglary was being execut- ed an armed railway: detective stood on guard in another 1. -rt of the building. The ticket offices are situated on the eastern side of the building, just to the left of t..e main entrance, They bomprise six small compartments. The three to the south aro occupied, by the Grand Trunk while the other three' are rented by the O.P.R. A door from the C.P.R. office opens on to a.lane at the eastern side of the station. The door to the Grand Trunk office opens into the main corridor of the station: Both these hoofs were double locked and had not. been forced. Between the C.P.R. cashier's cage and that of the G.T.R. there 15 a' board partition. Several feet cif this were eut out With a chisel. In this way the burglars had access to both offices without being seen from the outside. -Miss Allison, clerk in the telegraph office, Inas been robbed twice during the past .few months. 7'n view of this fact the railway took particttler care to nrntect Jul office on Sa12t av niebt�. 5 :,r 1 r%///%%z///1i'�/%f/ %/ SPARKLING WATER, cool and sweet, refreshes the farmer who builds a !-- Concrete Well or Tank 4.HE FARMER, above all others, appreciates good water. He drinks m.nore water than the city man. The city -dweller is dependent upon the public water -supply for the purity of his water, while the . farmer can have his own private source of water, and thus be sure that it is pure and healthful: keep But in order to eand stored. AN hasn't found a better drink than cool water, properly collected water fresh and pure, a tank or well casing that will keep out every possible impurity must be used. CONCRETE IS THE IDEAL MATERIAL FOR TANKS AND WELL -CASINGS. absolutely water -tight, protecting your water from seepage of all HERE are scores of other uses for concrete on your farm -on every farm. If IT is y rot or crumble. It is easily cleaned inside.. Time THERE would like to know of them, write for our book, what the Farmer Can kinds. 1t cannot n Y 4and water, Boiead of causing itto decay, actually make it stronger. Do With Concrete:" The book is absolutely free, Address Publicity Manager OUR Farmers'. Information..De- partment will help you to -decide how to build anything, from aporch- step to a silo. The service i9 free— ,. you don't even have to promise to build, When iadoubt ask the lnform- " atior, Department. i/ Canada Cement Company Limited 506 HERALD BLDG., MONTREAL / •6,ITHENyou go tobuy cement be sure that this label is on every bag and Garret. Then you know,youare getting the cement that the farmers of Canada have found to be the Gest. 0 ,y,