HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-03-06, Page 2re
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Boils in themselves' are not a dangerous
trouble, but still, at the same time are
very painful.
They are caused entirely by bad blood,
and to get rid of them it is absolutely
accessary to: put the blood into good con-
For this purpose ,there is nothing to
equal that old and well known blood
medicine, Burdock Blood Bitters.
Mrs. James Mageean, Floral, Seek.;
writes: -"I was troubled for eight years
with boils on my faceand body, and I
tried everything I could think of. My
neighbors told me to drink water off of
sour corn meal, but I kept getting worse
until one day a woman in town asked me
why I didn't try Burdock Blood Bitters.
Myhusband got me two bottles, and
before one was gone my boils had all dis-
appeared, and I feel like a different
Woman. I can't tell you how thankful I
am for your medicine. I will recommend
it to all suffering women.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co.; Limited, Toronto, Ont.
44.4-.4,.÷.+.4.4..4.. 4 4+.÷. i.e.+
Ad•►d•44•+94'. '3 *+.•1.e+•444 •e .1+
Always, when pressing a skirt
iron it on the wrong side.
Cookies should be put into a
cloth -lined lair when hot if you
would keep them melting and
Clean white gloves with fullers
earth and alum.
Excited ��x President
M ss. � e o N
, ®
The family remedy for, Coughs and Colds.
Shiloh costs so little and does so much!"
When cleaning a grate, mix the
blacklead with a little turpentine.
Apples pared, cored and set into
a dish with sugar and water, to
bake until tender, but not broken,
are delicious served with custard
poured over them,
A glass of hot water with lemon
juice is excellent for the complex-
ion it taken just before going to
Electric Restorer for Merl
Pi]osphonol restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension; restores
vim and vitality.. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phospbonol will
make you a new man. Price 50 a box. or two for
Co,. t :Catharines. Ont. The f3coben Drily
Old corks are good to make a low
fire burn up, and pine needles -to
those who live in the country -
make one of the best kindlings.
A fine bit of emery board, such as
comes for manicuring, Snakes a
good substitute for an eraser when
you make an inlespot on paper.
Chamois mittens, worn while do-
ing housework, are a great saving
to the hand's.
Put a thimble on the curtain rod
When slipping it through the hear
of the curtain.
Children Cry
For salad dressing, three table-
spoonfuls of oil, one and ahalf of
vinegar. quarter of a teaspoon-
ful of salt, one-eigth of pepper.
When weighing treacle for cook-
ing purposes, if the scale is well
floured first, the treacle will run
off quite smoothly without leaving
and stickiness behind.
To keep a baby covered in his
crib, double a sheet or blanket, lay
it lengthwise in the crib under the
mattress, and then, after baby is in,
fold each end and tuck him in.
Alchol will take ink stains out of
light wool materials.
Excellent school sandwiches are
made of large ripe olives stoned
and chopping fine and spread on
bread and butter sandwiches with
Another good sandwich is bread
and butter with chopped dates.
To save shirtwaists that are worn
at the wrists and collar, cut the
-sleeves to three-quarter length
and make a V neck, finishing with
lingerie collar and cuffs.
White or graham animal crackers,
coated with white and colored ic-
ings, are very attractive for chil-
dren''s parties.
Apple cream is made of apple
sauce put through a sieve to cream
it, yind then beaten into a half
pint of cream, which has first been
till nearly stiff. A teaspoonful of
lemon juice will. improve.
Handy fixtures for a bathroom
are the enameled (steel medicine
closet with shelves and a mirror
and the sitz bath.
If you. have to pack bottles in a
trunk, tie in the corks and wrap
them in soft towels, garments, etc.,
and p lace in the middle of the
1a Pains in Her Liver
Doctors Oilly Relieved Her
For d 'MN.
When the liver is inactive everything
seems to go wrong, and a lazy, slow or
torpid liver is a terrible affliction, as its
influence permeatesthe whole system
and causes Biliousness, heartburn, Sick
Headache, Floating Specks before the
Eyes, Jaundice, Brown Blotches, Consti-
pation, Catarrh of the Stomach, etc.
lylilburn's Laxa-Liver Pills stimulate
the sluggish liver, glean away all waste
and poisonous matter from the system,
and prevent a$ well as cure' all sickness
arising from a disordered condition of the.
Mrs. Wesley Estabrooks, Midgic Sta-
tion, N.13., writes: -For several years
1 have been troubled with' pains in the
liver. I have had medicine from several
doctors, but was only relieved for a time
by them. I then tried Milburn a Laxa-
Liver Pill, and I have had no trouble
with my liver since. I can honestly re-
commend them to every person who has
liver trouble."
Priee, 25: cents per vial or 5 vials for
11.00. For sale at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Mexico City, Feb, 28. - General
Porfirio Diaz, the exiled ex -Presi-
dent bf Mexico, ito-{day sent the
followingmessage to
Huerta from Mania, Egypt ;-
"The consideration which you
have shown me in my divor•Cee
went from public life if of inesti-
mable satisfaction to me, and even
more so the delicate manner and.
the kindly words in which you have
been pleased to advise me of your
elevation to the Presidency ad in-
terim of Mexico.
"Accept this as an assurance of
my deepest gratitude and as a hope
that your self-effacement' and pat-
riotism may bring to the conscience
of the people the realization that
only in the shadow of 'peace call
country prosper and be happy
and respected:"
Drug Said to be Reaching Calgary by
of Brandon
Western authorities declare that
cocaine is being smuggled into Cal-
gary from Brandon, and illicitly sold.
Brandon is near the American border
and It is an easy matter for people
coming from the United States to con-
ceal the drug on their person and bring
it into Canada. The drug is mixed
with baking soda by the illicit dealers,
who sell the mixture to cocaine fienils
at exorbitant prices.
Huge Excavation
The earth and rock excavated from
the Panama canal, if it could be piled
into a column a yard square, would
reach two-thirds of the distance from
the earth to the moon.
To Prevent Accidents
A permanent exhibit of devices and
means to prevent accidents to work.
men has been started at Copenhagen,
Hours of Sunshine
in one year 4,472 hours of sunshine
are possible, but few places on the
globe experience the maximum.
Do Your
Part to
Build up
Now that the Municipal elect-
ions are over, and the men elect
ed to office, who are to manage
the town's business during 1913,
it devolves upon every citizen to
do something towards helping
Clinton to become larger.
If you own a store, employ
Clinton help. No need to go far
afield -the men, women and
young folks here, are just as
bright and capable as those in
larger towns. Give them a
chance to show their ability.
What ever you need for your-
self, or your house and your fam
ily, buy it in Clinton, Every
dollar you spend in this town
goes towards paying somebody's
salary -a good part of it does,
The more dollars spent here
the more ;salaries there will be
paid every " week -and higher
Salaries 'yours ineluded,
invite your neighboring friends
to come to Clinton' occasionally
to do their shopping -the little
they spend in railway fare, will
be more than saved -because
Clinton goods ate cofYtpaaratively
lower, and of better quality,
Let ,everybody be a BOOSTER,
First in Everything.
lwarrty �v.�
Moro Soidiei=e' `Needed
Q FBO'U'DARY rn at
IyfaJorGeneial Bethune; speak g
the opening of ; a new riding school
at Barbourne, Worcester, said' they
were told that the home' army, as con-
AG ' C
stituted at. Present, was sufficient to
Limits of Canada and Alaska Now
Shown After Years of Perilous
and Costly Work
After seven years work the bound-
ary survey between Canada and Alas-
ka is finished, and there is now up in
the left hand corner of the continent
a long, narrow fence -line that was
very hard to cut, and that cost a
lot of money.
Until this boundary was marked out
Canada and the. United States never
knew just where each other's land
in the far North began and ends
was very desirable, as between neigh-
bors, that this should be settled, and
seven years ago the two Governments
set about the finding out of the line:
protect` Britain from possible raids,
and the .only rent sing duty, to his
Mind, was to try and hake the force
as efficient as possible, and to 'keep
up the numbers. The trouble was
that enough men were not obtained,
The Territorial Forcewas now 60,000
short,and they could not hope to se-
cure the number until there was
greater sympathy with the movement
in the country. He -thought it was
a pity that officers, who called them-
selves "disgusted captains," should
writeto the newspapers and say that
the Territorial Force` was a fraud.
Which, in legal terms, had been agreed
Upon and defined by treaty. Both
Governments realized the bigness of
the job, and made liberal appropria-
tions for it and sent engineer experts
to the North with instructions to mark
out every foot of the boundary, wheth-
er it should be over lacier peaks or
through .widlerness swamps.
The job is done now and the long
hard fence -line has been drawn clear
to the Arctic. It is known now where
Canada ends and Alaska begins.
The first part of the boundary lo-
cated was that from Portland Canal,
the southernmost point, to Mount
Elias, and north of Mount Elias the
boundary follows the 141st meridian
In a bee -line to the Arctic, a distance
of about six hundred miles.
In general the marking of the line
was done in three ways: By the plac-
ing of monuments, by cutting out a
sky -line, and by ascertaining the exact
position of turning angles. The great-
est care was always taken that the
calcuations should be exact. Wher-
everthe line crossed r ries a
river or _a
trail, or where it came to the summit
of a ridge cr mountain spur, a monu-
ment was placed in the form of an
aluminum -bronze cone. These monu-
ments, which vary from fifty to nearly
three hundred p ends, were securely
set in rock or concrete beds, so they
shall be permanent marks of the boun-
When the surveyors came to a belt
of timber, they cut a sky -line through
it, clearing ten feet on each side of
the meridian, and so making an in-
ternational twenty feet
In addit:cn, accurate maps were
made, showing. the topography of the
country. Et ery year the survey par-
ties not only left their marks behind
them, but they have brought out with
them at the end of their season's work
a mass of data and technical informa-
tion that has an international impor-
The getting of all this data and the
location of the meridian frequently
made necessary the climbing of ugly
mountains, some of the peaks being
eight and ten thousand feet high.
Glaciers were scaled, and perilous
ascents made, all in order that the
boundary might be rightly determined,
Much of the country had never been
visited by man until the boundary -
hunters came, and found nature at it's
hardest and roughest.
Seat for Boats
A wire frame, partly covered with
canvas, the invention of a New Bruns.
wick man, forms a back rest for a
boat seat which can be snapped into
place in an instant.
Cheap Heating
Several churches in Switzerland are
heated by electricity, obtained from
nearby waterfalls.
Once Used by Sir Isaac Brock, Now
Over Two Centuries Did.
E. J. Corwin, of Niagara Falls, Ont.,
has in his possession an old-time rock-
ing chair which was presented to him
by an old lady friend. She claimed
at the time ofpresentation that the
at the time of presentation that the
General Sir Isaac Brock had rocked.
in it. Mr. Corwin prizes the chair
very highly as a relic. On making
some repairs and in removing the var
p g
nish he discovered the maker's stamp
plainly engraved on the inside of one
of the rockers, and the date 1712s so
this old chair has passed its two hun-
dredth anniversary.
Detroit Judge up in Arms Against
Gretna Green Methods
Judge Codd of Detroit who is de-
termined to put a stop to the easy man-
ner in which Windsor marriages are
dissolved made the announcement
from the Bench that hereafter the de-
cree in 'such cases will be held up
thirty days for investigation of the
marriage, and, unless it is found the
couple cannot live together again, the
decree will not be granted.
The Judge was moved to his declar-
ation against the "Windsor marriage
bureau" because of the large number
of complaints filed in the Detroit
Divorce Court, the principals in whicb
declared they had been wedded in
Windsor and thea parted after a fesv
Costly Wreck on G.T.R.
SARNIA, March 3. --Grano] Trunk
express No. 3, westbound, crashed in-
to the rear of a freight at Wanstead
y esterday.
The freight, which was to take the
siding, did not • clear the line before
the flyer arrived., The heavy mogul
plowed through the freight cars, while
s. veral passenger coaches ]eft the
rails and landed against a stock train
on the next track. No one was in-
jured, but the lass to rolling stock
will amount to several thousands of
Storm Takes Three Lives,
BUFFALO, March 3. --Three lives
were lost here yesterday as the result
of conditions accompanying the worst
storm of the winter. during winch tl:e
wind reached a velocity of Id wilt;
an hour and the teuiper•elum went
down to ten degrc s below zero..
crook's Cotton i0ot Compounfly
The great and Uterine
,Rwralatcronwhich women can
depend Sold in three degrees
of strength -No Y, 31; No. 2.
10 lege o :n stronger, .93; No. 3,
for IPrrnai enAos, per box,
Sold by all r. n Fi ats, or Fort
ppreps it on receipt of pica.
Free p'n,phlct. Acldre<5: Tsi
neat: MEI11018101,T000a70.L'a7- (for murevIVsys . •
n ,.. PTT
s o•
Yield to . Vinol.
The medical profession do not be -
neve that consumption is inherited,
but a person may inherit a weakness
or tendency to that disease. -
A prominent citizen of Evansville,`
Ind:, writes: "I was i11, for five
menthe with pulmonary trouble, and
had the best ofdootors; I had hemorr-
hages and was in a very bad way.
Through the advice of a friend I tried
Vinol, and I feel that it saved my
life. It is all you recommend' it to
be. I believe it is ,the greatest medi-
cine on earth." I have advised others
to try Vinol, and they babe had the
same results." (Name furnished on
Vinol soothes and heals the inflamed
surfaces and allays the cough. "Vinol
creates an appetite, strengthens the
digestive organs and gives the patient
strength to throw off incipient pulmo-
nary diseases.
Try a bottle of Vinol with the un-
''derstanding that your money will be
returned if it does not help you.
a doubt
find this out
in all
your travels
round about
the bread that's
best with any
.s just the on"
and only real
better bread
could not be
-that's what you'll
say when you have
tried this crispy,
Mother's Bread
Phone No. 1
and have itl
delivered to your
house every day.
Some March Specials
FRESH FISH -(Several kinds
Caldwell's Molasses Meal for stock at $2.00 per 100 Ibs.
Alfalfa, Clover Seed also Alsike and Teed Clover, Timothy Seed
etc,, I1erbaggeum-Dr; Hess' Stock food and poultry Panacea
Columbian Stbck Food- Zenoleum, and Instant Louse Killer
-and Sheep •• Dip.
Highest prices for iButter,Eggs, 'hallow, Lard etc.
o soR O
111 ES
Killed While Hunting Rabbits.
SHEDDIN, Ont., Mareh 3: -To have
part of his left leg blown off, causing
death in a couple of hours, was the
fate of Eugene McArthur Saturday
afternoon. The accident happened
while a number of boys were hunting
rabbits. One boy was passing the gun
to another when the trigger caught in
his clothing, causing the gun to ex-
plode. Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Law-
rence were in attendance, but could
not save his life.
sll Act Is Extended.
WASHINGTON, March 3. -The
House Saturday night passed a .reso-
lution extending for one year the pro-
visions of the Burton Act regulating
the development of electric power at
\ volution would
Niagara 1:1l5. The le.
amend the law to increase the amount
of Cu:,Ls ialtdeveloped 'power allowed
t, bu imported into the United States
.rr.ni 111)ut0 horsepower to 250,000
.1;,r5 ypoiver,
Two girls to learn the art of mil-
linery. Miss Cantelon & Co.
At the Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich, three
or four pupil nurses. Apply to
Superintendent, Goderich.
Auction Sale of Farni Stock
and Implements.
T o i 'elle
areae df 'the corn'
flolcUs oi'tlre 'United. States"' is near-
ly equao" the area of rranoe or
Money Wanted,
I have several inquiries for loans
of various amounts 'and will be
pleased to' find Investments for
funds on mortgages,
Mr. Wesley Marquis has instruct-
ed the undersigned to sell bypnb-
lie auction at Lot 29, Con. 5, Hullett
on Wednesday, March 12th, at 1.30
p.m., the following -1 heavy Clydes
dale Mare in foal to Spot; 1 work-
ing horse aged 5 ; 1 Clydesdale filly
rising 2, sired by „placic Band; 1
Clydesdale fiIy rising 1, sired by
Black Band; 1 roadster gelding,
sired by Missouri Chief, rising 3;
1 fat cow ; 1 milch cow to freshen
in August ; 1 coin to freshen in April
2 Holstein grade heifers supposed
to be in calf ; 1 shorthorn grade bei
fer supposed to be in calf ; 3 steers
rising 2years ; 1 shorthorn bull ris-
ing 2 years, registered; 30 Wyan-
dotte hens ; 2 Columbian Wyandott
cockerels ; 1 Massey -Harris binder
with sheaf carrier and 'truck, 6 ft,
cut, in good repair ; 1 Deering mow-
er ; 1 1h1assey-Harris 12 hoe seed
drill with grass seeder attachment
1 Massey -Harris steel rake 12 feet.
wide; 1 Massey -Harris cultivator ;
1 National gang plow nearly new;
1 set harrows, 4 sections, nearly
new; 1 set harrows, 3 sections ; 1
fanning mill ; 1 roller; 1 scuffler ; 1
pea harvester ; 1 pulper ; 1 buggy ;
1 wagon ; 1 Bain wagon box ; 1
road cart ; 1 set double harness ; 1
set plow harness ; 1 set single har-
ness; 1 sugar kettle; 1 new ladder;
1 grind stone; ropes, slings, car
and pulleys ;`Neckyoke and whiffle
trees; some hay; cattle chains, etc.
TERMS -$5 and under, cash; over
that amount, 7 months credit on
furnishing approved joint notes; 3
per cent straight off for cash. T.
Gundry, auctioneer; ;Wesley Mar-
quis, proprietor,
Yards Opposite G. T. R. Station
in at on hand -
Allk ds of to la d
Chestnut Solt Coal
Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Coal and Wood
Tile --2L, 3 and 4 -inch size-
1The Tiie is ot:the very best
Brick to Order.
Phone 52.
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,.
lit Eleetrfc` Light Plant.
„tet. -1116.
Logs Wanted
Highest prices paid for
Any wood bought,
W, Dolierfg Plano & Organ Co
For Sate
o ' n at a
eommodl >E brick slo ..e
] arggain. Furnace, electric lighting
bath room, hot and co'd water, also
a stable on the prem!ses. For in-
formation apply at
For Sate or to Let
A small farm of about 20 acres in
tho Township of Stanley, in county
of Huron, provim'-e of Ontario, ,be-
ing composed of Lot nuns her 35 in
the first concession of the said
township. For full peril culars
A. T. F
BYion, Ont.
P01 T0[S
New Brunswick
Snitable for seed or cnoking.
31 per bushel while they last,
Only a small quantity on hand.
Orders may be left with Beacom 8:,
Smyth, phone No- 45.
Ladies Wanted
Employment of:ered in Player
Pneumatic Department, Light
euitable work amid pleasant sur-
roundings. In New York or Chicago
this is considered employment for
the highest class cf lady operators.
Apply at the Office of
ORGAN CO., Limited. Clinton.
Farm For Sale
A first class farm, oonsistiag of
75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34,11u1 -
lett township, 3miles from Londes-
boro, and 5 miles from Blyth 11-2
miles from School. A bank barn 36
b7 56, another ,barn 36x52, drive
shed 243E40. A brick house, plenty
of water, about 'an( (acre of or -
,chard. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to
iBlwth, P. O.
Farm for Sale
W. BR3rn }..k J%p
Oonneyence, ;Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Huron St., Clinton..
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Betels.
I SURA•NCE:AGENT-Bepresonidng 14 Dire In
sornnee Companies..
Division Court Office.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate offer's for sale 50 acres -
East half of lot 28, ecn. 6, 'Hullett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. Alin the undersigned
offers for sale, lot 29i con. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately.
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and ail .Grains.
Ford & McLeod
_ E
P111 Os
3 See and here our finest E
i New Stylish designs of E
1, Doherty Pianos and ii
4 I. Organs, I.
A le
1 ,special values in Art '>►
9 Cases 1.
4 Pianos and organs rent ►.
1 ed, choice new 'Edison E.
4 phonographs, Music & t
i variety goods.
Music Emporium
C Hoare ►1
Ph3'6ieiaa, Surgeon,]oto •
snecial attention given to diseases of the
aye, Ear. Throat, and Nose,
Eyes carefully examined, andsuitable glasses
Office and. Residence.
Two doors west of the Commercial Het.!
:". Huron 6t,
Dr. W. Vann, E, R. C P„ L. B. C. d.. Edit
Lr. J. C. bundler. B.A. NIX.
` Offioe-Ontario Streit, Clinton,
Sight oalle atresidenoe, Eatten
bnr7 St,
or at hospital
rcnnrhenr, etc, office and reentrance on
tonbury St.; opposite W. Farran's residence,
Crown and Bridge Work a Specially.,
Graduate of 0.0,13.5.. Chicago, and. R.O,D.S
Rayaeld on Mondavi. Mai' 18040 Deeemb
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
Special care taken to make dental treat.
meet painless e o'
nt as yarn es a p 5arble.
Live stock and general Auction se-
Sal IL stosrr 55195 5 spooinlil, Oedeee at a.
Naw ERA ornce, rbntiy attended
to. Terms reasonable. Clinton,Fmarmers' sale note
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros,
General Banking Business
Drafts leaned. Interest allowed on
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured.
J.B,McLean, President, Seaforth.
S. Connolly, Vice -I -res., Goderle'h,
T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth.
Jae. Connelly, 'Hclmesville, John
Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, Ciinton; D.
F. McGregor, Seafortb ; J. Evans,
Beechwood; J. G. Grieve, 'Wi>Ltbrop
J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Me -
Ewan, ,Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his own district.
Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed.Hinch-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg-
mondville; J. W. Yeo, Rolmesvillei,
Payments may be ,made at The
Morrie& Clothing Co., Clinton or
R. H. Cult, Goderich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Isaac Street, next door to New
Grand Trunk Railway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North , Passenger
London, depart 8.30a m 4.50 p ire
Centralia 9,40 5.43
Exeter 9.53 5.54
Hensall 10.08 6.05
Kippen 10.16 6.11
Brucefleld 10.30 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesboro 11.18 6.52
Blyth 1L27 7.00
Be grave 11.40 7.13
Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart6.43 am 3.33 p;ne
Belgrave 6.54 3.44
Blyth 7.08 3.56
Londesboro7.16 4.04
Clinton 7.50 4.23
Brucefleld 8.12 4.39
Kippen 8,23 4.47
Hensall; 8.32 4.52
Exeter 8.48 5.05
Centralia 9.00 5,15
London, arrive 10 00 6.10
Buffalo and (nodes
Wes' Passenger
Stratford 10.00 12.20 5.25 10.20
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47
Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12
Clinton . 11,07 1.25 6.40 11.28
Holmes Mlle 11.16 1,33 646 11.38
Goderich11.35 1.50 7.05 11.55
East Passenger
am pm pm
Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.50
Holmesville 7.26 2.57 5.06
Clinton 7.35 3.07 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32
Mitchell 8.16 3.48 5.55
Stratford' 8.40 4,15 6.20
Dr. de Van's Female Pillai
A reliable Preach regulator; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful In regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imltatlons. Dr. de Pawl. are Bold at
$e'rSttiat.The obeiiDag 0o., .CetbarneOnt.