HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-02-20, Page 41Leatidy
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Pltol c 78
and •
IMICS Suits z PiCC
Only two Ladies Tweed Suits to clear. They
are, neatly tailored, satin lined, sizes 34 and 36. Now
is your chance to buy a good suit at half price, reg
$15 now only 7.50
Bargains in Fur Lined and
Our collared Gloats
Only three Ladies Fur Lined Coats left. ` These
are made of good Australian broadcloth, best quality
sable collar, best quality:, muskrat lining, 52 inches
long. These were extra good value at $55. As fur
lined coats are advancing in price, this is a good time
to buy, only39.00 each.
Onlytwo Fur Collared Coats left regular $25.00
Your chice Saturday only 417.00
Millinery Only -m ®0
e t over milliners back in two weeks
to prepare for our spring millinery, we want to clear
the balance of our winter hats, only eight left, Take
our choice Sa'.urday at
ea h $1,C0 •
Untrimmed hats 25c
See these in our
Ladles' and
Cloth Coats
Hall Price
All Fur Sets and
Single Piedes
25 per cent.
Millinery Apprentice p'l'anted
Personal Notes
44 .-I£ those bavinq relatives or friends *
.� visiting in town act
going away 4.
ki£ f tl f t sage we
Mro• (Dr.) Milne, of Blyth, was visit-
ing with friends in town last week.
Mrs. Smillie, of St. Thomas, is visit-
ing with her daughter, Mrs, A. J. Hardware men,
Gr]ge. Mr. John Harland is attending
the Hardware Men's, convention at
Miss Lena Walton, of Goderich, Hamilton this week.
visited with her sister, Mts. J. C. Mr. Lea Shepley of Toronto has
Armour a few days last week. taken a position at Rartliffs bakery
Co. Auditor Oantelon is at Goderieh
Miss A. Wallace left on Wednes-
thi� week auditing last year's ac- day afternoon to attend the funeral
counts. of Mr. John 'Wilton, a nephew by
marriage, who lived at Norwich,
Mrs, W. A. Cunningham. of Carlow, Conn, The deceased had been'
is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Nott in failing health for some time, He
Ontario street, for a week. rs survived by a wife and four chit -
Rey, Mr, Jenkins visited withfriends dren,
no 9 ua n lc.
would announce it in the NEW EISA,
• 44♦t4tit4t+1i1•t4'•it t4�400++++4+1444+4444+44+4+++4444 4;4+++4++4++44++$'+44+++4s f
Ontario'S Parliament
, .
•' o
: Tax Reform wave Big Question Last Week, But Government 'Vote, Down Amendment by 73 to 20, •
Prison ''Refprnt—Amending Election Act—Government House !Cost. i
•++41 4+++++++++N4+++++++++++++++++++++to•+r"r•++9•+++++++44+++++44+++4N+++++41+++++ 4
provided in the bill of Mr ]ilts (WetpNTp�lO iOttawa); th make a tno0 imp ve iiluction in the assessment of improve-
ments and business tax and permit
municipalities that desire to go far -' I . ' V
er local option to -do so. (
� A
THE Turning to other questions, Mt. ll��
Rowell said the problem of a min- —.—..m-.
Sim James Whitney and Mr. Rowell lmum wage was growing important. Majority in the Legislature Was
uta °gouniry of great 'wealth condi- Against an Amendment by Mr. .
on Tax Reform and Other 'tions should be such that the honest
Public Giuestiotis • toiler should be able to earn a wage ' J. G. Elliott
sufficient to maintain himself and his
, Sir .Tames Whitney and Mr N, TM family in respectabiity and decency. The most importast stage in the dc -
Rowell, leader of the 0 positicn, die- Attention heuld be given to providing bate in the Legislature during to past
tushed in the •Legislature east week ler sickness and old age pensions, and week was the vote on the' ams tdm?nt
the issues of the day as outlined infor the einfocced oris x playment of of J. C. Elliott, West Middlesexwhits
the speech from the throne, workers !'here ehculd be a mere et: took the four of an e}prestiion of''re
Sir James Whitney rective control. of corporate power so gret that the °Govm
ernent had not
as to safeguard the rights and inter- foreshadOwe'dMa the Speech from the.
The Premier spent sometime on the ests of the 'passes of the people. Mr, Throne taxi'teetotal legislation. The
question of tax reform. 'The time Rowell' mgr.' tttcd that nothing had amendment w defeated by a vote of
will never come," he declared, "when been said about the result of the ex- 73 to 20. During the progress of the
we will fail to keep sight of the da- periment to apply hydro power to the debate, whish was not concluded last
terest and advantage ,cf the people, farming- industry: The people were week, there was many 'an artillery
and never while We are In ufate will entitled to a statement Prem the gam duel in which cpposing motibors
we be deluded 'or seduced by the tam ernment on this point, and'an outline charged each other it's relentless 1:aelt-
tics of those of whom It has well of what ie contemplated for the to ion.
been said by John Bright- that 'they ture. So, •also, on the question of ] W. Protul1oot, Centre Huron, re,
begin their system by robbing some utilizing Hydro power for rural rail- Vetted that the Government had
body." Under the present act every- ways, this was almost a greater hen -failed to indicate its intention of in
thing that should be done, can ba et than the former, The reference to ;troducing lcgislalacu to c:rta]l the
without the alteration of a single - agriculture might better have indi- . liquor traffic tie oleo wanted to know
comma, 10 it is carried out thoroughly catecl measures designed to stop the if the Government vias behind Mr.
possibly no trouble will result. 1 ea el depopulation' of the rural. districts. Beck in his, (Melte to promote the Hy -
that if theeassessors could not be in- Tho housing problem in the cities was dro Electric ,,.dial cu..-, throughout
duced to conte up to this, it tion d lie a matter that could property •en,a;e the Province,
up to the govertunent to find a rein- the attention of a progressive admin- i J A. Ellis. Kest Ottawa, raid he was
not arguing for absolute single. tax,
but was in Myer of a reasonable meas-
ure of tax eefo •rn. t, ,digestion,"
he said, "wcend be in :: bill in favor of
a gradual reduction in the taxation c0
buildings, The , rievnemes should be
remedied by I, giaa•thrn. The view I
presented to the c:. neittee was that
in order to dineoureme land spccul: •
tion, buildings , •u t have lees, tax
than the land. that le Me view 1 par
forward now,"
Allah 2t'ittunoe, i.a-l. IIn ileen
proposed hie theorien vnan the rl.
ing girl wet c' 1t .e iowalk leen wht
again this present session. Dee-';' Socialists were not t.de, .-, and wh,
member in hits 1-Ionse wal have r, it was a shame ti 11' 0e.:y r a•in ha
chance to vote upon it in order to the courage to go 11, i o. en 2em,
show whether he favors it or cop c. ••• diseased dist.ic:u. '11;0 inosite Mn.
it. \\'il the government intro:nice its ernment did not 0p, ee uctt ,
bill and give the members cf th'-i to him to P :.=:1 his !nem,
of o
House a chance to vote upon it? if man's suffrege reed 1 i u i t
it is such a Hood thing, the sooner is paigns against Immorality. a,it, i11
be enacted the better, and I will prom- ease, but thud ttra t'-_ ^c the
ise the Prime Minister that we will at least one meetly r in the Gover•;
not oppose it. While we do not think it ment had P chit cd to nuepert t 1 t
is as effective as apparently the Prime tension -of -Vete. fcr-i\•nneen Lill, "n
Minister thinks it is, we are so anx still another to bade list lee in 11
sous to see anything that would curb measuro of an Mehl -hour day for wort:
the evils of the liqucr traffic, If the Hien.
government think it would bo beim- Thomas g'a shall, Monek, said peep e
Mal to introduce it we will render who had been leoldine for some G,o,
them every assistance to focilitate hi ernment auncuneetnent on the ten
passage." peranee le.' lied looked in vain. ill
did not like the: Government's tard -
ness on tax reform.
W. S. Brewster, Smith Brant wanted
to know whl, the Opposition were so
Both Parties Are Agreed on the, Inde -
movement," he • said, "has been
terminate Sentence. brought about by an agitation started
by newspaper clippings, which were
"As far as prison reform is con- mailed to various parts or the Proy-
cerned, nothing so important as this ; Ince. Let me say here that it well
one clause will be introduced in the require more than these clippings and
X.egislature this session,' said Horn. \' , this mode of propaganda to shake our
gathering at Alma College, St, Thomas
where she wad a former student.
The Bev. W. G. Howson, to merely
of Wesley Methodist Church, new of
Glencoe, received 0 most. unanim00u
invitation from his official board to
remain as pastor for another year.
which he accepted..
Mrs. J. C. Armour was called to
Goderieh on Monday owing to the
death of her uncle, Mr. John Philips
Mr. John Sutter, of the firm of
By'am & Sutter, is at Hamilton this
week attending the convention of
inWngham this week, I Miss, Mabel E. Cantelon sand -her
Mn Harry Hunt, of Galt, is renew' able assistant, Miss ,Mary Smith,
ing old friendships in town. , Went to Toronto on Monday to at-
spending a few tend the millinery openings and
Mr. Ross Forrester is s
p g purchase a new stock of millinery
weeks in town. goods.
Mrs. Uharlesworth and her son, Mr. 13. F, Streets of Helena, Mon.,
Robert, from Grand Forks, N. D , are was a guest at the home , of his
here visiting friends and relatives. 1 nephew, Mr. Calvin Streets, over
Mr. Thomas Bill, of Toronto, spent the week end: He came up from
of last week visiting Mr, and Mrs. O. Buffalo where he has been visiting
Baker, he being a cousin of the latter, his brothers and sister, to see his
• other brother, Mr. Harry Streets,
Mr. Fred Mason spent Sunday at his who he has not seen for fourteen
home in Blyth, ' years.
Miss Mary Darter, of Blyth, spent a Mrs, W. S. Downs is in Toronto
dew .days last week with Vinton this week, representing the local
-friends. council of Royal Tempters at the
Mr. Emrie, of Toronto, formerly annual Grand Council of the order,
with, the Clinton Motor Car Works which meets for tile first time in
Tem -
was a visitor town overSunday.their new headquarters, "The Tem -
Tierney, of 131 tic visit- file," Queen Street, West, A ban-
Miss Louisey yquet anti a grand diamond medal
ed with her grandmother in town cilli Elocution Contest are among the
ng the past reek. special features arranged for (lur-
MIs. (Dr.) Agnew and children, of ing the sessions, which began tin
Medicine Hat, left this week for Tor. Monclay.
onto where they will spend a few The New Era, in inquiring about)
weeks with relatives .and friends be- Mr, W. B, 'Hale, who is in Mexico,
fore returning to their home in the his brother, Mr. Chas, 13Hale, stat -
West. e ed that he had not heard from him
' miss Jennie Holmes returned home for some time, but as he was living
d' after a month's visit at Vera Cruz he was probably all
it Thursday right. No doubt Mr. Hale could
with relatives and old,-�friende, at g'
orris Walkerton and I.aisley. I tell some wonderful happenings' in
that country at ,rest,
• is at
lit e•
Mt -a, sbaldestnn,Rnttenbury Street 3 en
e,ep .'t visiting' with her sister in l '
Goderieh. areWesorry to hear'that CANADA.
,that her health has' not been at'. all 5000 FACTS ABOUT CAl 1
good hut her friends will with for a''
The public ttill'yelcortie.tlie;1013
eed change, `, I'. Edition but Ctinaela,"
speedy E on n000 Facts A o
Dr. and Mrs: 3.. A. Robertson,. Dr, compiled byFranit Yeigl,.the ac-
tobertsott, of Strattord, left' 'kn wv e authority t5 1 thin s
Lorne I � 0 1 dgedg ,
.Friday on a two months trip to the Canadian and the : anther of
Mediterranean, Their , many friends ttThrough, the , Heats, of (:.'shads:•
in town will join inwishing them , Ten thousand copies are new sold
,safe and delightful journey, • ;.annually, which find their way ell
Mr. 1 +. Ilollgininn;'0O Blyth,, visited over Canada and' the Empire, 'M-
in Clinton on Thursday -last. ' deed the world, "'.Glia"Facit's book -
edy, and the will find a remedy, bat lstratioi: The omt sten of any men -
this has been opt bakek by some 11 tion that legislation would be intro -
order that faddists and peculiar pea- duced to regulate the liquor .traffic,
ple might air their notions. \Vhy cit a- Mr. Rowell characterized as signiti-
not an assessor find thu value of the cant in suggesting that ths govern -
land as well as a proposed buyer! ment had abandoned its p!:r'.ition on
Amendments will make this clear, if anti -treating. In the speeches so far
it is not already clear, and straighten made apparently none of the govera-
the matter out. Some people sry that ment supporters had enough respect
his is not Single Tax, or Genrgisnt. I for the proposal to say a word in sep-
have the privilege of knots mg that port of it. Had the government in
the man who stuttered theee p anyh• gloriously backed down? '\;'e t'i'c
lets said it was the entering et the posed our resolution to the House nee
wedge." Net the preliminary. etei, by that policy we stand continued
but the ultimate nationalization o: 301'. Rowell, "IVe shall introduce It
land followed. This was the centre and
desire of Henry George. It was ad.
vanced Socialisrn. The abolition of in-
dividualism would rotten- that and the
next two steps were, and tl•e history
.of the world showed it, abolition of
home and of religion. This was the
outcome of history. "The farmir, 1
class have some rights in the country
regardless of the single taxer',' 11.0
said. "One fanner staled that his
farm cultivation was as much an im-
provement as buildings! After he has
drained and tilled his farm for years.
who will have the temerity to slant
up and tell hint that these are not im-
proveinents?" asked Sir James. I'1a
likened the opposition to one always
ready to piclt up a new-fangled mod'-
cine, where no diasase existed. He
then reviewed the situation in Great
Britain declaring that in every in-
stance single tax was discouraged.
Sir James intimated that the leader
of the Opposition and his followers
were impatient in the matter' of legis-
lation relating to the liquor traffic,
"In regard teithe anti -treating legis-
lation," said Sir James, "let the hon-
orable gentleman possess his soul in
patience. We have brought forward
every year some legislation on this
question and have steadily met the
requirements of, the situation. At the
proper time we will come forward
with Matters relating to the treating
evil as we have done with the other
evils, and as we will continue to do
in the future. The best indication of
the wisdom of our policy, 1 think,
Iles in ,our increased majority in this
House. Now, as to the question of
governmental aid in constructing
good roads throughout the Province,"
said Sir James, "It is possible that the had explained his bill the clause re -
of the Province have as yet epecting indiscriminate sentences was
hardly realized the magnitude and lin- passed. Mr. Hanna explained that the
portance of the work we have under legialetlon would affect only the s-'
consideration.".. Sir James intimated prisoners who violated the Ontar 0
that the government would likely am statutes This would mean that on:y
point a commission to inquire into the a small portion of those sent to Coe -
good roads policy practised in New tral Prison would benefit by it. He gar, this year it was tax reform.
York State. He paid the plan the hoped that the Dominion Government Hugh Munro, Glengarry, spoke el
government weSt'Considerir&g, was a would see fit to embody the principles the decrease in rural population 11
great one. "1 can'tell you,;and `f ant is their bill so that the legislation Ontario, and expressed the desire tee
giving you mv'pinion, ;tjhat this passed by Ontario would reach a far the Governemnt should do sometFii,
„scheme will requir' k good"$sal Wrote wider and bigger class than can be to divert the movement from tilt
than $6,000;000 to'carry it out." Pro- handled at present- country to the large centres of poria•
ceeding in an attempt to prove thatMr. Roswell believed that lndeter-
lation, Mr. Munro was a strong be
the leader of the opposition has side- urinate sentence would be a great .ad- Hever In tax reform: He had travel,i
stepped his banish -the -bar policy, Sir Vance in Ontario's system of penology. extensively in western Canada, , an
James ,said, that a few months ago He hoped that Ottawa would act and
had observed the marvellous grotv;l
there had been three bye -elections iu make the system general in, Ontario. there, Tho fact that the great in
the Province, but in none of these "Could not something be done so that fority of the west favored and had 1:
had the Liberal leader made his poi• a prisoner who " had a family vogue a system whereby a large per
icy an issue. He had run away from dependent upon him for support oentage of improvements upon t:_t
that policy as fast as he could. could work for the support of his load were exempt from taxaticn war
Mr. N. W. Rowell, wife and faintly? asked Mr: Rowell. 4 proof, he argued, that tax refer.:
the government to recon- "The question of diving compenea' ,should be a good thing for Ontario.
In urging tion to the prisoners for the benefit lir, A. Ferguson (South Sluice el
sider its attitude towards tax reform, of their dependents has been under I said the farmers 'OC Ontario were nes
Mr. Rowell pointed out that a system consideration; said Sir James Whlt• , redden and were rapidly tom•
of taxation ryas. much more than tit ney in reply. "We have also been , down t
considering the question of giving the in into thrill' own through the ace
method of collecting revenue, It tears g
a means oe raising money for a define earnings of wife -beaters and wife -de- i ealnnstratemn of the Deparpresent
its public purpose, but the.method ! me
Monitore by the present Govern•
a serious el/sect on theso- sorters to their families. ` But these i menti. He contended that condi' one
adopted had /matters cannot be covered in this bila, had greatly improved in Ontario in
tial and industrial welfare of the coma' but will have to be a dealt with by ,the matter of immigration.
munity. He quoted front the reportbf themselves,"
the British Housing Commission of Explaining hour: the Parole • Board ! �+ C ! ry pF J !� 1(1 C
1884 to eho'v the evil of lands being
aid its work, Mr. Hanna, said that no ENGLISI-�-FRENUH SCHOOLS
held idle in order that the owner_. •=push, pull. 'friends or even lawyers"
might profit by the growth oil the ever figured in freeing a prisoner. It Regulations Must he' Carried Out in
community. In a growing community was always. -a personal ,pork. between
. Local News
Y, mp wA**
A paih• rt glasses t'outid and are at
the New Ere etli)e. Owner may have
seine by proving evoperty and paying
for thio advertieenient,
The First rehe+trsal of the Temple of
Fame will 1•,ehtJilin the Ontario St,
Methodist Chureh School room on Fri•
d ty Evening at 7 34) sharp, A full at-
tendance is requested.
Jconfidence in and love for the Premier
J. Hanna, when the question of adcg
of this Province."
Ing a system of "indeterminate sen- William McDonald, Centre Bruce,
tences for prisoners who are sem t reiterated his plea for the granting
tenced 'to serve not less than tine, of the principle of local option In tax -
months and not more than two year,, ation to municipalties. Tli'e voters in
less one day," was under considered i,r the municipalities were best able to
In committee of the whole house: slot r ' judge whether a differential assess -
parties were quite agreed on the pro- ; went between improvements and land
y would work beneficially,
poral of the
provincial secretar • to ; ' John I. Hart, East Sfntcoe, charged
take another step toward the reform 1.- 1 'the leader of the ppositlon with in,
ilea of criminals. After Mr. Iiauuas ,consistency in the recent East Middle
sex campaign, claiming that Mr. Row
ell had forestalled the probable action
of the -temperance people by placing
a disgruntled Conservative in the
field. Only one question, he rad
could worry the Opposition at a time.
Last year it was the abolition of th
Mee. A \V: Sloan of Blytb, who has let, is stuffed as fell 00n -dolma ion
been seriously ill for: a long time, has as a sausage is ''of meat.", is tire'
.so far improved that she came to Olin :happy , and true way an English.
1 Journal pets it, and the new issue,
ton on Saturday a, few
where she in I o new features'
tends. to stay for a, few months with:which includes, many
her daughter, Mrs: W. Walker / ,it is' and. improvements, such as a. color -
to be hoed that when she returns she ed map of the Dominion, presents a
P l
willquite . be cite recoveced:
Mr. D. Prior *as a visitor in Exeter
last week.
Miss Mayfried Allin is, visiting with
relatives and friends at London and
Parkhill. Miss Aliin also attended a
Ex -Reeve Thomas Shearer, of
Howick, was stricken very sudden-
ly with paralysis at his home,. `and
is at present in a very serious con-
dition. Mrs. Shearer, in' addition
to the care ,of her husband, has all
,the children down with measles.
• A unique window dressing advt.
may be seen in the big window of
Morrish Co'sclothing' store. Every-
one knows they are advertising
the Lion Brand Clothes, made by
Jachson Clothing Co., 01' town, In
the window among the different
suits are two big life 'like llmts.
This delighted the small children.
Mr. W. H, Bailey. local agent for
the Prudential Insurance Company,
accompanied by itis wife. Rev. C. E.
Jeakins and Miss May Rance at-
tended the banquet of that In-
surance Company in Stratford last
week. Rev. Mr. Jenkins was one of
the principal speakers of the even-
ing and Miss Rance gave two read-
ings that everyone present enjoy-
ed. +
striking story of the wonderful ad-
vance of Canada in a single year•,.
We now talk in billions. The book-
let 'ie issued at 25 cents a'copy, by
the Canadian.,Facts Pub.: Co., 588
Huron Street oronto, and is sold
by all the -leading newsclealers.
where the annual charge on land 'vas the board and prisoner.,
low, under the present system an own. On Saturday the minister of odu
er could take his time and Bold his , Tobecco and Cigarettes cation met the six inspectors of Eng-
land for an increase in value that
far exceed the yearly tax, It ndas, dish -French schools, who had been
would he united counties of ' Dn
continued Mr, Row Stormont asci Glengarry are. anxious summoned to Toronto for the purpose
eti, I was taxed
ell, it would be forced into use because to grapple with the tobacco evil among of consultation. At the conclusion of
• it would be unprofitable to allow it to youths of the rural ,sections. The ' the meeting Dr. Pyne made the fol -
main idle. On the other hand, if; the County Connell has :presented a lowing statement: t
re petition to the Leg'islaturo, through 1 have unformed the inspectors of
borsch cm� ts-upo was Placed t'du upon p r
m nts-u on the, products Of• Hugh Munro, member for Glengarry, English-Prelich schools that at the
Improve e p
.and skill, the tendency was asking that, the Municipal Act be close of the school year, the. govern-
products of indus� amended leo allto'vuships to laccase meat will consider any suggestions
tri discourage the P in in shops of they desire to' make, with a view to
try. 'Tax reform was not, a ileacs and colitrol rice sell g
m' an .'more than wms the tobacco, cigarettes and cigars, Cities, ' improving the efficiency of, those
George theme, Y villages havethat right schools: The itispect,oxs_ have been
report of the British Dousing ; Com, ' 'towns and."t the regulations itOW in
now., but .thee° is apparently need of instructed the. t g
MatteredMile what.
might It ec lit .
a similar check upon the town line force aro to bo carried out in every
theory it b0 called, if it 't stores. respect."right, and touched the social. problems
of the day, they should be willing to
Cost of Government House,Amending Election Act
adopt it. Admitting that, the present 1
great advance r Bruce W. McDonald (Centre Bruce, has
assessment lawtwas a Mr- C. 111: Bowman t'es (North ) i of a bill to amend the
on the one it superseded, Mr. Rowell ;I was informed, in response to a goes given notice
Went on to indicate the methods that 'tion, that Chorley Park, the new Ontario Election Act, The purpose of
could be. adopted `to reform the existing Government House property,; had cost the bill is to give a man who attains
inequalities of the act.. (1) to makes x140,850,50, send $76;452.85 had been the full ,age of 21 years during the
e year, in which the voters'` list is, pre
1 cable to the whole vin • out the grounds. A
sacral` law atppir spent in laying g J
gthat ,buildings it of $280 000 will pared the right to' qualify for the
Piovitice, providing 1'= ...:further expenditure �
ins s and income. should' necessary to cpm tete the build ,franchise on appeal'tb the judge,
including boa s be Y P
be assessed on a lower' basis' than ;ing and the laying Mit of the grounds, This. will bring in those who attain
(2)make this pt•inoiple ap' :Bo far 196227,85 has been spent le their majority in the same 'year, but,
land, or S
1Blioable by means of local option ae' ithe emotion of the .house, after the lista have been prepared.
Every Respect
Following the declaration of a
medical expert in'Buffalo to the ef-
fect that infantile paralysis is
spread by stable flies, the St..
Catharines Poard of Health has de-
cided to rigidly enforce the new re-
gulation prohibiting not more than
two loads of manure in or 01(011t a
stable at one time, and rendering
necessary the keeping of any
manure in a'properly-covered re-
Arailway coach, filled 'with pic-
tures, mottoes, sanitary appliances
and model houses for sick folk, loft
the Union Station Toronto on'\Ved-
nesday for a three months' trip a-
round Ontario, as a public health
exhibit instituted by the Provincial
Board of ,Health. It (tv]il ' travel
from town to town, giving .every-
one an opportunity of seeing safe-
guards against chseaee- It will be
in Western Ontari•
Following are the officers re-
cently installed by District De-
puty Cudmore for Court Prosperity
A.Ck.F, :—
Chief Ranger, J.13, Reinhardt,
Sub, Chief, Gordon Howes,
Sr, Woodward, Alex Sloman,
Jr. Woodward, Wm. Sloman,
Sr, Beadle, Jas, Appleby,
Jr. Beadle, Walter Sw inliank,
Sec -Treasurer, A,F.Cudmot'e,
Organist, 3.1M Doherty,
Trustees, W, .frown, J. Appleby,
Theo. Fremlin,
The annual meeting of the Clin-
ton Branch of the Lord's Day Al-
liance was held in Wesley church
on Tuesday t evening - The at-
tendance was small. Rev, Mr:
Snyder, of Elora, addressed the
meeting on the work of the Al-
liance. The old officers were roe
lected, President—Rev. W. W,
Wylie; Vice President -Resident
Ministers ; Sec Treas.—Rev. J.
Greene; Representatives for the
various churches,' Willis Church—
Jas, Scott ; Ont. St. Chureh—D. Tip -
lady ; • St. Paul's -Mr. Bouck ; Bap-.
fist—D. Prior ; Wesley—W. A, Hetl-
yar. -.
1•4•1601.•:%4,114g ,s57121V
Did you get a Valentine last week.?
Dan Cupid was working overtime on
Friday last,
The ice harvest wasn't so bad after
A number of cases of la grippe are
An Orillia merchant paid $150 for a
page ed. for one week in eaoh of the
three local papers, and claims it was
the best inveettnent he ever made,
The last week. made the coat dimin-
ish rapidly.
Canadian express companies had a
net revenue of e2 per cent. in 1912.
This lucks like a good argument for
parcel post.
Again some correspondence budgets
wore delayed,
By the time he gets his Christmas
hill paid, a men must begin saving for
Edi • thin ..
v nt don
e inou
the line of
Plumbing, healing y
1ioisulutliiiig or
• Metallic ,, .. s
jCall and get oui-�;iprices. i
D D>
• j• obbing and Repairing�
clone Prom >tl
� l Y s
c Skates sharpened :,while
E you wait
Sanitary ,l'ltisnbers
Pholuo 7.
Call in and See Our
New Wail Papers
All the latest Designs
Cooper & Co'y
uzranuuar t
Mr, Castor, of the Hydro Commis-
sion was in town 'Thursday looking up
power users. He wilt return later.
The funeral of John Phillips, one
of the oldest residents ofMode-
rich, -t-as held Wednesday after-
noon to the Maitland River Ceme-
tory. lir :Phillips died vet's sud-
denly on Sunday. 'lie was a mem-
ber of the Anglican Churchand in
the absence of the vector, Rev. Mr:
Fotheringham, the .,iltc•tting
clergyman, 'vas the rector Rev. C.
E. Jenkins of the English Church in
Clinton, Mw Philips and his bro-
ther established the manufacture of
aerated drinks in the early '50's,
which is to -day known as the Gode-
rich Mineral Company. Mr. Philips
was very familiarity known on the
bass fishing grounds of the Mait-
land River, and was an ardent
angler of some repute. He was un-
m.u•t'io,d, lir. Philips was an uncle
of Mrs. J. C. Armour of town who
attended the funeral,
[Welland Telegraph] -Mrs, 0 J. 'Mc
Bride (nee Della C.ulil, held her post-
nuptial reception on Friday after-
noon at home, East Alain Street. Mrs.
McBride wore a maize colored satin
gown with Spanish lace trimmings,
with corsage bouquet of violets. She
was assisted by Mrs. T. D. Cowper,
who was wearing a dress of ,heauti-
fol mauve. The drawing room was
prettily decorated with daffodils.
smilex, hyaeinthes and violets. On
the centre table stood to large has
ket of daffodils 'and smilax. Miss
Regan presided over the tea room.
Mrs (Dr.) Binns poured tea, and
Mrs. John Steven, of Toronto poured
coffee. The ices were cut by hiss
Cora Cluff, of Clinton. The voting
Iacies assisting were Mies Eagina
Vaillenonnrt, Miss Fanny Best, hiss
Helen Beatty and Miss Kathleen
"How to he Beautiful", was the
subject of en address given by Mr's.
Watts, of Toranto,before the Women's
Institute, of Welland, in the Y.l81.C.A.
on Friday afternoon. The meeting,
for no mysterious reason, was the
most successful ever held by the local
institute, over fifty ladies being pre
sent: One of the chief things advised
by Mrs. Watts was that every woman
who wished to be beautiful should
take care of her health. This was
the first essential. Nine new mem
hers were taken into the Institute,
Mrs, Reilly and Miss Elletta Reilly
furnished the prneramine. After the
address of Mre, Watts luncheon was
served. .Mr's. Gainer. the presi±lent
occupied the char.
Wei clip from the Kincardine Re-
view the following account of the
presentation made by the Bernie
English church people to Rev. i41r.
anti Mrs, Dunbar, upon their re-
moval front that charge to Thorn-
dale:—The ladies of the Women's
Auxiliary of St, John's 'Church, Ler-
vie, gave an rlAt Home" in the base -
anent of the church ot.Tuesday
evening, Jan. 28th, in honor of
Rev. and Mrs. Dunbar before their
departure from Bernie, A good
programme was provided, after
which Rev. and Mrs.Dttatbar were
invited to the platform, where a
very kineily-worded address was
read to Mrs, Dunbar 0ncl she was
presented in behalf of the W. A,
with avery nice secretary or quart-
er oak. • Inmmecliately following
this an address was react to Rev.
Mr. Dunbar, and he was presented
in behalf of the choir with a
"gentleman's companion" in ebony
and silver. The reverend gentle-
man replied, in feeling terms thank-
ing the honors for the beaut'i'ful
gifts and expressing his and Mrs,
Dnnbar's appreciation of the same,
and regret at leaving Bervie. Then
the ladies served lunch .and. hot tea
in their usual liberal way.A,pleas-
ant. evening was spent but general
regret was expi•essecl at losing Re'',
and • Mrs. Dunbar, who have; en-
deaired themselves to the whole
congregation and have the good
will of all,
. A new cure for many diseases
consists of drawing the blood to
the surface of the body by vacum
cups, inside which are incandes-
cent lampsto stimulate by their
light and heat.