HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-02-13, Page 6ROYAL PURPLE
Stock, & Poultry Specifics
E will send absolutely free, for
FREEthe asking, postpaid, one of our
eemwww.leit•Iarge 64 -page books (with in.
Sett), on- the common diseases of stock and.
poultry. Tells howto feed all kinds of heavy
and •light horses, colts and mares, mileh cows,
calves and fattening steers, also how to keep.
and feed poultry so that they will lay as Well
in winter 00 in bummer. It contains 860-
recommends from all over Canada, from people
who have used our goods. No farmer should be
without it.
You can fatten cattle and hogs in month's.
lees time by using our Royal Purple Stock
Specific than you could possibly do without it,
thereby saving a month's feed and labor and
the cost to you will not be more than 71.50 for
six pigs or 71.00 for one steer. It will keep
your barna in show condition with ordinary
feed. If you have a poor, miserable -look-
ing animal on your place try it on this one
first and see the marvellous result which will
the milk flow Othree to d fiStock veecific lbs. per will
day, while being fed in the stable, A 50c
package will last a cow or horse 70 days. ,
will make your hens lay just 88 well in the
'winter as Inthe summer, and will keep them
free from disease. These goods are pure and
unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler
to different
fromake a any onlarge
the mar'ete
at'tipreent time.
Royal Purple -Stock Specific, 50e prkge,; four
50e pekes., in an air -tight tin, for $1.60.
Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and 50c
pokes.. and 71.50 air tight tins that -hold
four 50e pckga,
Royal Purple Lice Killer, 260 and 67e tins;
30e by mail,
Royal Purple. Gall Cure, 26c and 50c this; 30c
by mall.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment 60c bottle; 60e
by mail.
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin; 60e 132
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 26e and 50c this,
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25c tins; 30e by
Royal Purple Worm Powder. 260 tins; 30o by
Manufactured only by
TheW.A.Jenitins Mfg. Co.
London, Canada
Royal Prirpie Supplies and
Booklets may be had from
Ford & McLeod, , Flour and
Feed; W. S.1{, Holmes, Drugs
On Friday morning last, Messrs,
Geo. Faust, Alex Edgar and Wm.
Marsh commenced cutting wood in
Ed. Richard's bush on the 2nd con.
How•ick, and when night came:
after working eight and a half
hours; they had felled sawed, trim-
med; split and piled eleven and a
quarter cords.
is .
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0•6000NSISS•.•M!•••••••• •••!•li••Y•• s••!•*!! woman
hind them in this respect that the
late Government had, but if an ap-
peal should be taken to the elec-
torate, he had no doubt where the
Liberal party would stand. Re
thought ' an election possible in
Corn chowder is a delicious cold day
introduction to a luncheon for -those.
with healthy appetites. Oyster pie
is another delightful midday possibil-
ity and shonld have the contrast of a
tart cranberry relish. Coffee' whip is
a correct choice for dessert.
Tha following rakers were elected
for 1913 for Seafortu TitrfOluh:-Pres ,
D. T. Pinkney; Vice•Pres., F. Tiling;
Treas . W. O. T. Moraine Sec'y, M.
Broderick; .Direct ws, W. rovenlock,
G. E. Henderson, H. Colbert, W. (Jud•
more, Joh II Bell. This year promises
to; surpass, if possibm, any racing seas.
on of the past, hath in quantity and
quality, and in order to insure fur Sea -
berth the bestracieg possible, the asso-
elation are offering the following early
events for their June meeting 10, 11
and 12th: 2 30 Pace, purse 1000; 2.15
Pace, 1000; 211 Pace, $1000; 2-24 Trot.
puree $1000, besides tllass races to the
amount of $2000 will he offered to fill
out the three day meeting which they
propose to give.
Cook's Cotton Eliot Compound.
The great Uterine TonIo, and
?•01113 *sae oireetltal Monthly
depend. Sold in throedegrees
of strength No. 1. $11 h0. 2,
1U dogrc• o strsn,700 03; No. 3.
for epoutol. 00300, 85 per box,
Sold liy ell druggists, or sent
prenal1 On !ocelot of prim
Fray pamphlet,. -•tt`drd e• Ts
0OORM8010IkiC0„leoOaT6.06T, (hewer&Ilrinda
Corn Chowder.
One can of corn, four cupfuls ot po-
tatoes cut in quarter inch,sfices, one
and a half inch onhe, fat sett pork, one
sliced onion, •four cupfuls &melded
milk, eight common crackers, three
teblespoohtuls of butter,' salt and pep
per. Cat pork in smell pieces and try
out, Add onion and conk five ruin..
utes, stirring often that onion may not
Mien. S'trcin fat into a stew -pa».
Parboil potatoes five minutes in boil-
ing water to cover, drain and add po-
tatoes to fat: then add two cupfuls of-
uniting water; cook until potatoes are
soft, add corn and niiik, then heat to
boiling point. Beason with salt and
pepper and butter and crackers. split
and soaked 'in enongh cold milk to
m0ieten. Remove crackers, turn
chowder into a tureen and put crack
els on top.
Oyster Pie.
Line a deep dish with good pastry.
Roll milt upper meat and put On e
plate jilt the size or a pie dish. Set
op top of the dish and bake until Dear-
ly done. While he crust is baking
prepare the oysters. For one quart of
oysters take the yolks of three eggs,
boiled hard and grate tbem into strain-
ed oyster liquor, add to tablespouufres
ot butter, same of cracker crnnlh0,
season with salt and pepper, Let it
just Moil, then snip in the ousters and
boil rip once Pour into the pie dish
put the top crust on and return to the
oven for five minutes..
1 1,
• •
1 e
• by taking a practical course •
in one of SHAW'S SCHOOLS,i
• TORONTO, by attendance or •
• by mail, and by so doing 0
• quickly prepare to earn a •
• good salary. Hundreds of •
0u0 •
young people do this every O
year. Wh not you ? Free
• catalogue
Write 1.
• for it. Address, W. H. Shaw, •
President, Yonge St. Toronto 1
• •
Mead oar erQ i
a � V
FOR, -a
Walking and Riling Oliver
I.H.C. Gasoline Engines
McCormick Machinery Pumps
and Windmills.
Miller C Litt e
Corner of Princes and Albert
Central BusiiiessCollege
Stratford. Ont.
The Best Practical
School Training School in
Three Departments
All courses are thorough and
praeticagl. Teachers are ex-
perienced and graduates are
placed in positions. We give
individual attention, and stu-
duents may enter at any time
Write for Iiee catalogue at
once. , ih.II
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
three or four months.
Coffee Whip.
Three large taldespoonfu s of flour.
four tah'espunnfule sugar, one-half
teeepornfol pelt,' two cups coffee. nne-
ball te.l.poonful vanilla extract,
whites of two eggs. Mix dry ingred-
ients together thoroughly, moisten
with a little bit of the coffee. then add
rest of coffee slum iy mixing all smooth.
Cook all thick, stirring often. Remove
from stove, add flavoring anct heat un-
til spongy. Beast egg whites very
stiff and stir lightly into mixture. Set
away to cool.
Mrs. Pierre Lambert, Paquette-
ville, Que., says : "I read in the
papers of what Baby's Own Tablets
were doing for other children so
decided to try them for my baby
who was suffering from constipa-
tion and stomach trouble. They
worked like a charm and now I
always keep them in the house and
recommend them to all my friends,"
:Baby's Own Tablets cure constipa-
tion and indigestion ' they expel
worms, break up'cold's and allay
simple fever and make teething
easy. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
-New Map � Shows Bi Aided Area.
Drawing of Northern Part of On-
tario is Entirely New. --Agricul-
tural Possibilities of Patricia.
A new map of the Province of On-
tario with amendtuants to some of i he
boundaries decided upon by the goy
tennrent. and eh eying tba District of
Pctc icia, has just been issued by the
dente talent of apiculture, ' The mem
sees compiled by W. ft, lingers, topo-
grapher of thedepartmenr7 of land. fie --
este and mines and is most complete
one ever issued by the government.
Its purpose is primarily to show dis-
tinctly the agricultural possibilities
of Now Ontario, The older section of
the province is taken from the ran way
map, which was issued last year, hot
the drawing of the country to the
north is entirely new, and contains
much additional information shout
that undeveloped part of the province.
The new district of Patricia, which
borders on Hudson hay and stretches
over to the eastern houndary of '5fan
itobe, is shown to hewn immense Piece
of land, even practically as large as all
the other districts of New Ontario
° TI
Mgr. "PA171.-'BRITCHES",
Archbishop of Montreal,
The Pope received In p711' ate
audience the Most Rev. Paul Bru-
ehesi, Arehbishop of Montreal at
Rome last week.
It IS Most Common Among Chil-
dren of the Sehool Age
King Alfonso on Friday took a
half-hour's trip in the dirigible
balloon, Espana, during which it
made 11 circuit of the capital.
self and her speech was so badly
affected that we could scarcely
understand her. That twitching
and jerking of her limbs was piti-
At this
junctureneture we began
nixing her Dr. Williams, Pink Pills,
and to our great joy they
completely cured her, and she is
now as healthy a child as you can
find." •
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sea it
by all medicine dealers of sent by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $9,50 from The Dr. Williams"
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
S1R ALLEN AYLESWO.RT13 Byway of supplying information
Declaring that all the signs which
existed in June, 1711, pointing to
a general election were present
now, and 110 time was more oppor-
tune for testing the feeling of the
people on the naval question. Sir
Allen Aylesworth, in a vigorous•
and convincing address at Vie en-
ured meeting of the Centre York
Liberal Associatiol1 in the Labor`
Temple, Toronto on Saturday after-
noon, charged the l,orden Clovern-
nlent with vacillation, inconsisten-
cy and misrepresentation with re-
gard to naval defence. He was
not able to say that the present
Government had the same confi-
dence on the part of the people be -
If your child -whether boy or girl
-is fidgety, emotuional and await -
ward, you should watch it care-
fully as it may develop St, Vitus
dance. Frequently children cannot
keep still, they move with strange
actions, their limbs jerk and their
features twitch nervously. Speech
is confused and the whole muscular
system not under control. These
are among the symptoms of St.
Vitus dance, a trouble that afficts
growing girls and boys, most fre-
quently during the school age. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are such a
splendid nerve tonic that they
have cured the worse cases of St,
Vitus dance. They do this because
the new, rich blood they make
feeds and strengthens the starved
nerves, thus throwing off the dis-
ease. Here is an example. Mrs L.
L. Gifford, Westover, lOnt.. says :
t`For over two years my little girl,
Constance, was a sufferer from St.
Vitus dance. She was frightened
badly by a dog, which seemed to
bring on the trouble, and notwlth
standin all we did for her it seem-
ed to be growing woese. She grew.
so bad that she could not feed her -
{ S
has more than 900,000 par-
tially or wholly deaf residents?
One part of linseed oil to two of
eream make0 an excellent patent
leather polish?.
Shoes which enable a man to walk
upon water have been Invented by a
Bavarian soldier?
The demand for their hides in South
Africa is met by hatching alligators
in incubators?
An adjustable perpetual calendar
has been mounted on a penholder by
an Illinois inventor?
A new cap for .motorists has the
goggles enclosed in a piece of the
material from which it is made?
To bore the deepest hole in the
world, an opening in Silesia 7,350 feet
deep, it cost more than $10 a foot?
Brass castings can be cleaned by
heating them slightly and then dip-
ping them In a solution of, sal am-
Take a paper and pencil, follow the
child for several days, several weeks,
putting down every new word that is
uttered, And when the word "child"
Is used, it does not refer to a boy
or girl of seven or eight, but one of
An investigation recently made by
following a child at that age and not-
ing every word that was used showed
that it had memorized 1,771 different
words:They covered practically
everything with vrhich the eblld came
in contact, and were words the child
had never heard before.
Another investigation of words used
by children between 16 months, and
19 months old showed that the lowest
vocabulary that was reported included
the use of sixty words. The highest
was,282 words. From two years on the
vocabulary of a child Increases rapid-
ly, until at 3 years the average chip
has a voeabuiary of at least 1,000
words. --Answers.
It is the Beat Cure for "Nerves"
of Which so Many Busy
Women Complain
What is nervousness? s
Realty nervousness is not a dem-
ease says one of England's most
prominent physicians. It is a symp-
thatone or more Ofm
disorders, Or it may be merely a
symptom with no real disease back
of It. Briefly nervousness is a lack
of nerve -control.
Much of the nervousness in the
world is due to poor digestion, poisons
being taken into the system because
of stagnation of the digestive tract.
These poisons act on the nerves and
nerve centers and produce wbat is
. called "auto -Intoxication," which is
really "nervousness." A like effect
may be caused without any real cause
at all, allowing the brain to 0011001`11
itself too busily with its own functions
and those of the rest of the nervous
system. Either of these source, of
nervousness is likely to react and pro-
duce the other as a secondary canons.
Thus where there is nervousness re.
suiting from digestive diao^der there
is almost sure to be worry about
-nerves, and When one begins to worry
about his nerves there its almost sore
to be digestive disturbance. From
simple nervousness arise the special
1 nervous conditions-neuresthenia hy-
steria, insomnia, hypochondria, etc,
The curs of nervousness involves
Merely thecontrolof the nervous rys-
stem-something more easily talked
about than aca:omplished,
To secure this control relaxation is
essential, Nervousness' manifests It-
self largely in mental and physical
tension, so you strike at the roots of
the trouble when you are able to
• eliminate such tension.
1 Try letting yourself go. When you
rest, REST. Relax utterly. Let every
muscle sag till you lie like a bag 07
sand. Unhook your mind in a different
way, by giving it something to attend
to -namely concentration on the idea
of utter relaxation. Never think in
The principle of relaxation applies,
in a way, to the meeting of trouble-
some mental states. Don't fight them.
That t le, don't brace yourself to cast
them' out, for the oftener you cast
out these mental imps the more likely
they are to come back. The thing to
do is to meet them good naturedly,
With a relaxed and easy mind, and be
gin pulling them to pieces. By the
time you have got such an intruder
half analyzsed in your mind it has
lost its terrors,. And when it has lost
1 its terrors it ceases to come, for it
I has no interest in a woman it can't
1 The Improvement of digestion, of
course, implies a more rational mode
of living, more exercise, more fresh
air, more laxative food -all of which
• are beneficial to the nervous patient.
I Here's the whole matter in a nut-
shell!' Increase nervous control, but
do it without lighting for it.
Engineer's Fine Record
John Campbell, a locomotive engine -
man of the Pennsylvania lines west
of Pittsburg, retired from his position
after being in the service of the com-
pany continuously for forty-eight
years; and he retired with a clear
Campbell never was suspended or
censured, and never had an accident
which cost the company any money
Moreover, Campbell's engine not only
never killed a human being during his
forty-eight years or service, but it
never even injured any person sue
ficiently to draw blood.
White Plague in India
A wealthy native of Indira has con-
tributed a fund of $5,000 a year for
1t5 years to aid in, the suppression of
tuberculosis in Bombay.
Wireless Handwriting
Experimentally, at least, a young
Itailen inventor's wireless telegraph
apparatus transmits written messages
sketches, shorthand characters and all
sorts of designs;
New Composite Metal
Turbodium is the name given a new
alloy for propellers of turbine engine
steam Wessels which is said to resist
erosion about six times as long as
high tension bronze.
Operation for Piles failed.
and' at tlie saute time affording our
readers a test in spelling• and pro-
nounciation we take pleasure in
stating that the new political Cab-
inet in Norway consists of the fol-
lowing ;-
Premier and Minister of Agricul-
ture -Gunnar Knudsen.
Minister of Commerce -M. Kest -
Minister of Finance M, Omholt.
Minister of Justice -M. Amber-
Minister of Foreign Affairs - M.
Minister of National Defence -
General Keilhan.
Minister of Labor -M, Lrrbys.
Minister of Public Works -M,
than, and went to the Sacred heart
I Hospital in Spokane. There they
performed an operation and did all •
they could for me For ; a time:
I Was certainly better, but within tthin 12
months the
trouble started again
piles b
,anti the became e as painful as
Sec <
lever. I tried liniments, hot poulti-
ces, varlons 'pile cures,' and indeed
everything I could think would be
likely io do any .good, but still I
continued to suffer, and the shoot-
ing burning, stinging - pains. the
dull, aching and wretched 'worn-
out' feeling that the disease causes
I continued a6 bad as ever,
"One day I read about 1 Jam-Euk
and thought I world try it. The
first one or two boxes gave me
more ease than anything else Thad
tried, so Iwent on with the treat-
ment. In a short time I began to
feel altogether different and better,
and I sate that Zam-Buk Was going
to cute me. Well I went on using
it, and by the time "had used six
boxes I was delighted to find my-
self entirely cured. That was three
years ago, and from then to the
present time there has been 80 re-
turn of the trouble."
Zara -01A is a sure cure for piles,
eczema, ulcers, abscesses, cold
sores, chapped hands, varicose
sores, burns, scalds. bruises inflam-
ed patches; and all aloin injuries and
diseases• Druggists and stores
everywhere, 50c. box, or Zam-Buk
Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse
harmful substitutes.
`Zain-Buk Was Then Tried and
Worked A Cure.
Writing from Popular, B. C., Mrs,
C. Hanson, wife of the proprietor
of the Commercial Hotel, says : "I
suffered for years with dbleeding
piles. The pain was so bad at times
that 'I could hardly walk, and
ordinary remedies seemd utterly,
unable tq give me any ease. Final-
ly 1 decided to undergo an,o,pera-
Receipt For $12,000 Shown In Evi-
dence Against White Slavers.
NEW YORK, Feb. 10, -The exist-
en.e of a "white slave" gang that
sells girls for $25 or $30 each to own-
ers or keepers of disorderly resorts
in Chicago was described to Judge
Hand in the Federal Court Saturday
by U. S. Assistant District Attorney
Walker, who moved for heavy sen-
tences for Frank Eilasto, ovine mer-
chant, - and Joseph Ribuffo, a barber
of Paterson, N.J., convicted of forc-
ing a young: woman t5 enter a resort
in Paterson. "ententes were deferred
pending Judge Hand's decision on mo-
tions for a new trial.
Money order receipts showing that
"white slavers" operating in this city
have received: $12,000 in return for
girls sent to Chicago, are in the Gov-
ernment's hands.. Telegrams mention-
ing names of victims, prices paid for
them, and names of agents who ac-
companied il-er-1 west are also declar-
ed to have been obtained by the Fed-
eral authorities.
Arguing his motion for maximum
penalty for Filasto and Ribuffo, Mr.
Walker told the court that an alleged
member of the gang had been arrested
in Chicago andheld in $3,000 bail
there. The telegrams passed between
the Chicago man and Filasto, said
Mr. Walker, who mentioned a west
side druggist, a physician, and Joseph
Merino, now serving eight years as a
"white slaver" as other members of
the "ring." Filasto's wine shop in
Chinatown was declared by Mr. Walk-
er to be the gang's 'headquarters here.
priceless Pictures Destroyed.
LONDON, Feb. 10. --It isnow
known that many valuable pictures
andheirlooms were burned in Abbots-
bury Castle, the residence of the Dow-
ager Countess Ilchester, which was
destroyed by fire on Saturday, includ-
ing examples of Italian masters and
a greatly -treasured: portrait of Princess
Charlotte by Sir Thomas Lawrence.
Because He Took BIR PILLS
Winnipeg, Jan. 6th..
"I have been a sufferer from Lumbago
for some years past and .(luring Christmas
week had a very acute attack .which
confined me to the house. About the
latter part of April, T met your Mr. Hill
and mentioned' my complaint to hint..
Ile advised me to take GIN PILLS. I
have been taking them at intervals
during the early part of the present
winter, and up to date have had no
return of my old trouble -in fact, I feel
better than I have for years and think
that my old enemy has vanished for
good and all." II. A. JUKES.
GIN PILLS will protect your Kidneys
and Bladder against the ravages of
winter. No matter how much you may
dread gold weather, because you have
been subject to Rheumatism orLumbago,
you will be free of pain if you take.GIN
5oc. a box, 6 for $zero. Sample free if
you write National Drug and Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited, 'Toronto. 136
n+.r1u popular ueinunecrabluus. Ale wait
remain in the Windward Islands for
two weeks, proceeding to Trinidad
-with the other cadets on. Feb. 20.
It is one of the most prevalent troubles
of civilized life, and the noor dyspeptic
amulet even enjoy a meal;;without distress-'
ing aftereffects, tor nearly everything that
enters a weak dyspeptic stomach acts as
au irritant. Burdock Blood Bitters will
regulate the stomach, stimulate secre-
tion of the saliva, and gastric jutce to
facilitate digestion, remove acidity, and
tone up the entire system,
Mrs. Dennis Hebert, St. Boniface,
Man., writes; -"I have used Burdock
Blood hitters, with great success, for
dyspepsia, indigestion and sour stomach.
I was terribly troubled with my stomach
for months, and spent a lot of money
without getting any relief, until I bap-
pened to see about a woman using it,
and her trouble seemed the same as
aline. I tried one bottle, and was so
much relieved, I bought live more, and
now can eat any-
and i
ti •c .talon
h, t them,
1 wish"
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Prince Albert Pays Visit to St. Lucia
on Warship.
KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, B.W.I.,
Feb. 10. -The 'steed of St. Lucia was
brilliant'. with. bunting Saturday oft
aceountof the arrival there of Prince
Albert,, the second' son of. King George,
who is making a tour of the West
Indies on board the British armored
cruiser Cumberland, which is a train-
ing ship:for.the naval cadets of Great
The young prince landed Friday.
CHICAGO, Pob e. --erne snorts weri3y"+
stampeded in the grain markets this
morning, traders who had taken that
slide running to cover when the
bullish nature of the week -end neW*,
'became evident: Wheat closed 4-2a
higher on May, 6-8c on July, and ?.Seth
on Septemoer. Corn followed the lea
of wheat,' and wound Up 1-2c up a111t
round, while a similar advance wash,
scored in the oat pit. Provisions were
quiet and comparatively steady, tb
close leaving pork unchangid. to tic iib,
ribs up 5c all round, n3 lard any
where from 2c to 5c higher.
The Liverpool market onchanga(
to %d tower on wheat and id higher on.
corn. Buda Pest wheat closed ',7o lower..
Antwerp yse. higher, Berlin 40 lower,
Oben. High. Low. Close, clam
Rev. George W. Armen, 13.i1,. paster
of Knox Church, Guelph, flier after a
year's illness.
TheHamburg-American -litter lin-
Aerator, biggest steamship afloat, will
make her first trip from Hamburg on
May 28.
Just as fresh as if they were laid
yesterday a consignment of eggs were
received in Boston from Denver by
parcel post.
John E. Gow, district inspector of
inland revenue, has Keen appointed •
inspector of bonded manufactories for
the Dominion.
Two persons were killed and anoth-
er fatally injured by a Philadelphia &
Reading express train at Roelofs Sta-
tion, N.J., on Saturday.
Dr. Manuel E. Araujo, president of
the Republic of Salvador, who was
wounded by the bullets of an assassin
on Feb. 4, died yesterday.
The allied trades and labor associa-
tion of Ottawa has launched a cam-
paign against the employment of
white girls in Chinese restaurants.
Leo Gignae, a young switchman,
was fatally crushed between a car
and a shed door at Windsor, making
the fifth Windsor man killed this
It was announced at the apostolic
delegation in Ottawa yesterday that,a
new Roman Catholic diocese had been
created in Southern Alberta, with the
see at Calgary.
Magistrate Munson of Dauphin,
Man., remanded John Baran, mur-
derer of Chief of Police Rooke, to
stand trial at the Portage la Prairie
spring assizes Saturday,
Hon. George E. Foster has left for
Vancouver, from which place he will
sail on the 19th for Australia to at-
tend the meetings of the Imperial
Trade Commission in Australia and
New Zealand.
It is understood the Prince of Wales
has so greatly enjoyed his first term
at Oxford and benefited so much in
knowledge and experience that the ad-
visability of extending the one year's
residence to two is under discussion.
Dibrell Tucker, a negro, in whose
possession was found, a diamond ring,
said to have been the property of
Mrs. J. C. Williams, murdered, in
her home at Houston, Alias., Thurs-
day last, was lynched late Saturday
by a mob.
Express Derailed' Near London and
Twelve Hurt.
LONDON, Ont., Feb. 10:• -Twelve
passengers were injured, most of them
slightly, when the C.P.R. Chicago -
Montreal express No. IS was ditched
at Newbury, 40 miles west of London,
at 3.15 yesterday morning. The en-
gine and entiretrainof twelve coaches
Jumped the rails, and the factthat no
one was killed was miraculous:,
The most seriously hurt was Ex-
press Messenger M. P. Barry. of To-
ronto, and Henry Huggitt of Bala,
Muskoka, who were removed 'to St.
Joseph Hospital suffering from many
cats' and bruises. Barry was hurt in-
ternally, being thrown against the side
of the car. The large number of pas-
sengers were badly shaken up.
Cayuga Teacher Drowns.
CAYUGA, Ont., Feb. 10, -The body
of the teacher at Gypsum \Mines.
School was recovered from the Grand
River at 11 a.m. Saturday, after an
ail -night search in almost zero wea-
ther, led by an almost distracted .par-
Miss Belle Gardiner left her school
at four o'clock Friday afternoon to
cross the Grand River to her fathers
home, which is about two miles from
Cayuga and a mile and a half, from
'the school. The wind was blowing a
terrific gale, accompanied by a snow
May .. 8851 8891 .06Vyy 8831,0- S611a'�
July .:. 59;1 593;1 85iy 89%b 89
y 3617 303,1 361/4 36%b 36%
Wheat, new, bushel $0 95 to 70' 97
Wheat,' goose, bushel0 9400
Barley, bushel- 0 68 0 70
Peas, bushel ,.
' BueOats, w'buesate
, bushel
el 0 40 .:��,,
Rye,, buohel. 00 0563.' ...,
Futter, separator, dairy.. 0 28 0 30
Butter, creamery, lb;rolls '0 32 0 Si
Butter, creamery, solids,' 0 30 ....
Butter, store lots....',...... 0 24
Eggs, new -laid 0 27. 0 28
Eggs, cold storage, dor,, 0 18 0 22
Cheese, new, lb - 0 14 015
Roney, extracted, lb 0 12% . 1►•
Floneycombs, dozen 2 75 2.00
MONTREAL, Feb. '7. -There was di
good demand from foreign buyers for
Manitoba spring" wh°eat, there being or-
ders 1n the market forover500,000 bush-
els; but, as the prices bid were unchanged
to led lowor, with Winnipeg'stronger,
few of the orders were accepted. The
foreign demand for oats was also good,
)•ni cat... - 1• ---• r al -. ,.._,q,,• of
146, and no further sales were made. e
local market,, : t0) +, • costeetae un„ grainsissteady_ contlnDe-
mend for flour is fair. Millfeed 15 quiet'
nod easy. Demand for butter limited.
Receipts for week, 1551 'packages, : as
against 452 a year ago, The tone of the
market for cheese is stronger, lnsympa-
thy with the firmer adMees from abroad,
but the volume of business doing Is small•
A firm feeling prevails in the egg market,
with a fair amount of business doing. Re-,
ceipts tor week, 2894 cases, as against 695
ayear 6.20.
:nonce . wheat, 367,415; corn, 22.309;
oats, 1,503,497; barley, 49,507; buckwheat,
10,741; flax, 47,794; flour, 174,826, - -
Oats -Canadian western, No. 2, "411,Ge to.
42c; do., No. 3, 40%o to 41c; extra 14d.
1 feed, 41c to 41%c; No. 2 local white.
3Se; No. 3 local white, 270; No. 4 local
white, 36a,
Barley-atanitoba feed, 63c to 54c7
malting, 76c to SOc.
Buckwheat -No... n
55c to 66c.
Flour -Manitoba, spring wheat patentd,�
firsts, $5,40; seconds,74,60; strongbak-,
ers' $4,70; winter patents, .choice, 76.33•'
straight rollers, $4.85 to $4,90; straight
rollers, bags, 82.29 to $2.30,
' Rolled oats -Barrels, $4-50; bags, 90
lbs., 72.12%.
Millfeed-Bran, 720; shorts, 722; ox d•i
dltngs, m,nil'
Flay-N727;o. 2, per
outon,e,730 esu• to lots735., $13.50 70
Cheese -Fist , 1
easterns- 1237nec to 12%c.westerns
Butter -Choicest creamery, 28%3c;o tofinest 280;
seconds, 24o to 26c.
Eggs -Fresh. 35c to 370; selected, 23e
to 25c; No. 1 stock, N. 2
sock, 0
Potato15ees-Per16ba, car210 lotsto , 65c22c; No
o 750.
Dressed htoogs-Abgattoir killed. $13 .to
713,25; country, 711.75 to $12.75.
Pork -.Heavy Canada short cut mess,
barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, 728.50; Canada
short cut backs, barrels. 45 to 56 pieces,
Lard -Compound, tierces. 376 lbs., ;3,28'
wood palls, 20 lbs-, net, $9.75; pure,tie ->-
176 lbs.. 714.60; pure, wood pans, 20 ib
net, 715.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 7.-Wheat--Spo
easy; No. 1 Manitoba. Is 9d; No.
Manitoba, 7s 6d; No. 3 Manitoba, 7a 31,84
Futures firm; March 7s 6d, May Te 3'lird
July ?s-Spo3 pods
t quiet; American mixe
new, 5s; American mixed, old, 68, nom
nal; American mixed, via Galveston,
76. Futures steady; February, La Pia
5s- 3d; February, American mixed, 48 14
Flour -Winter patents, 29s 6d.
Hops --In London ,(Pacific Coast), 15
to E5 155.
Rams -Short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 65s.
Bacon -Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs
63s 66; short ribs, 16 to 28 lbs, 665; c
bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 648; long clear mi
dies, light, 2s to 34 lbs., 66s; long el"
middles, heavy'
'36 to 40 lbs., 66s 66; 8h
clear backs, 16 tc 20 lbs., 695 6d; she.
ers, square, 11 to 13 lbs., 67s 6d.
Cheese -Canadian finest white, 6
colored, 65s.
Lard -Prime western, in tierces, .535
American refined, 54s 63.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 7.-Close-Wh
-May, 883%; July. 9040; Septembe
89%e to 89%c; No. 1 hard, 88%c; No.
northern, 870 to 87%c; No. 2 do,, 850-,
Corn -No. 3 yellow, 44%e to 4540.
Oats --No. 3 white, 31%c to 31%c.
Urals -919.60.
ltye-No, 2. 66c to 68c.
DULUTH, Feb. 7. -Wheat -No. 1 ha
87%c; No. 1 northern, 86%e; No, 2 do
54%c; euly, 90%c to 90%c asked; Ilia
88%c bid. -
CHICAGO, .Feb. 7.-Cattle-Iteedlp
1500; market steady. Beeves, 76.50
78.90; Texas steers, 74.90.00. 75.70; st
ers and feeders, 74.76 to $7.60; cows t
heifers, $3 to $7,48; calves, 76.50 to 710..,
Hogs -Receipts, 2060; market stro
light, 77,75 to Ines; mixed, 77.70 to 78.
heavy, 77.56 to 78; rough, 77.65 to 7i.7
Pigs, 76.50 to 77.80; bulk of sales, 77.8
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 6000;
ket strong; native, 74.85 to 76.16; year
t`o gs .76.50 to $7.50; 19suba, native, SG.
Fall From. Hay Fatal.
B1IO0KVILLE, Feb. 19.-Baip
Bishop, a farmer residing in El
bethtown, was fatally injured here
Saturday while delivering a load
hay. The wagon upset and Bish
fell from the top of the load, sust
ing a fracture of the skull and brok
arm. He passed away yesterday
the General Hospital without reg
ing consciousness. He was 40 y
old, and married.
Embargo Off To -day.
TORONTO, Feb. 10. -The emb
on coal and non-perishable fre
coming in over the Grand Trunk
Black Rock and Fort Erie will be.
moved to -day. If the work of fifty
gines and crews, un all about 300 m
could accomplish it, the eonges
existing was removed yesterday.
Wood 13 Phosppo
The Great English R
Times and invigoratesthew
nervous system, makes
Blood in old veins. C,irea
aur Debility, 1lfen±e and Ht a+at T•Por r y,
pdndeneil, ,sexual'reakness, Eorris.,•i0as, S
matsrrlatea,and Ettrcet5ofAbuse or 1:.r'ce-
Prion S1 per box, sister 85. One will p.0a0e
V66. much Sold uyalt druggists,or Inaneplain pkgg, ou 1eoei11t et rice. r 'e " pana
ntaileol free. .rho wood Medicine
taMmaerlu 7P,ae,Lsr•4