HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-02-13, Page 5qO TO HILLYAR' THE JEWELER 1401? FL RELIABLE WAT No one would go on a long journey without a reliable watch. The HalWali Hamar lc will render e c service r goo through the longest of JGthneys- A LIFE TIME WO 11. 1111LVAR �$'rtric London Road Mr. and Mrs. Harrison • Wiltse, of Clinton, are. visiting. friends on the London Road this week. The League meets next Tuesday; night r. Arthur 1Viltse. M. . and Mrs.M Wm. Hardy take the topic. About 40 Epwoech Leaguers and friends met at the home of Mr. W}l- liam Hardy on Tuesday night and held Miele social evening there. There was a goon program given consisting of readings, recitations and music. Mr. L. Peacock with his mouth organ and banjo and James Mann with violin furnished the musie. After the pro- gram, the President, Mr. Henry Liver - store asked Mrs. Challenger to stand while he read the following address Dear Mrse Challenger: - We your brothers, and sisters of the who had his place there has returned to Clinton. Mr. Copeland, our stage driver, has built a small stablenear the station for convenience while waiting for trains. Miss Cooper, of Clinton, visited last week at the home of her cousin6 Mrs, H. JGatle.' Miss Sarah McDougal,of Milwaukee, was last week the guest of Mrs. Wm, Sco W..Uaskey, of Portage La Prairie, was last week the guest of the Aiken head Bros. ' Mrs, Grey, of Hamilton, is the guest of B. R. Biggins, James Aikenhead, of Tuckersmith, has gone to New York to reside. George Turner, of Drayton, is visit- ing at his home in the village. London Road League, are taking this Godericl► Township Mr. George Cooper has been laid up with a sore foot, having spilt some hocate' w ton t of a dish on his foot. Mr. Wilfred Thompson returned to the West, where he has a homestead. Me. Robert Anderson and wife are visiting friends in and around Clinton before returning to the West. The oyster supper at Middleton's Church was all that one could desire. The cold weather kept many home, but the young people realized a pretty good amount; Mr. Percy Cole is busy moving his household eftects to the Junor place near Clinton on the hayfield Road. Mr. James Steep and J, Miller have taken the contract of cutting wood at George Middleton's. The men employed by J. R,ansford, who have been cutting tushes, on the Rath el 'a w tfarm have e Ruta hed and Ul e y now intend t nd to stint tt on a I)IOCK of Lim- b< r lln-b<r on Win. Jewett's farm, Afr. Jacob Metshall delivered some cattle to Wen, Johnston on the Huron Fuad. Mr. Johnston sold a pair of cattle to Me. T, Mason, of Clinton, at 6c per pound. Mr. P. Oole sold a horse a few days ago to Greer Bros, of Stanley. They intend taking 0 ltd to the West about the middle of the month, Mr. Ed. Wise returned from bury leg his sister, Mr's. McCullough, a Cleveland, Ohio. The representatives of Cole's and Sharon 'sappoiutments met in Bay- field oi.,Tuesday afternoon and made cacisf,tctory returns to the minister. Miss Idabel Rithwell was visiting her parents in town last week. Owing to the teacher being sick in S, S. No 11) the school was closed for 0 couple of days last week, Mr. Beu R'tthwell has a young linglishutan hired for the Winter mouths. Mr. George Shepherd intends having a sale of his effects in the near future us lir. Shephiid has sold his faun to Mr, Clark of the Bayfield Line, Mr. Clark gets possession about the first or Match. Last Friday Frank Trick bad his leg broken at the ankle, He waif using insect powder on some cattle and they trampled cn 1rint, Isis friends will he sorry to hear of this accident, which will lay him up for sometime. Death of James •Lindsay -It is with deep regret that The New Era records the death of James Lindsay an old and highly respected resi- dent of the Huron Road, Cioclerich Township. Mr, Lindsay had been in poor health abort three months last summer, but for some time past was, to all appearance, in his usual health. On Saturday morn- ing his son Charles found him dead in bed. The deceased was horn in Dundee, Scotland, over 76 years ago and at the age of 6 years came to Canada with his parents, They came from ;Hamilton by boat to Goderich and then into the bush, and took up land on the !1Turcn Road, He was married to his now bereft life partner, Annie Churchill, over 46 years ago, and a family of opportunity of expressing our apprecia tion of the services you have .from time to time willingly rendered. 'You have endeavored by your kindly words of cheer and your readiness to obey our Master's command of"Bear ye one anothers burdens," to fulfill the Ep. worth League motto, "Look up, Lift up". We regret your Lemovat front. our circle, and, to your,new home, our best wishes forour future health, y 1 wealth,and and happiness go with you and • Mr. Challenger. In separating we wish you to accept this silver fern dish as a tangible token of regard and 1 esteem and a reminder of pleasant times spent with the London Road League. Signed on behalf of League Henry Livermore, President George Layton, Secretary Mrs, George Hanley Made the pres- entation afterii tvt cit Mrs. Challenger JEWELER and OPTICIAN made a suitable a reP1V and thanked the EYES TESTED TFrl1L>F a ague for their kiuduess and would Leer think of them when she was tar taway in the Wee t. Coffee and ea lee ■ieomooloosoe1■e► 'was served by the hoseess and enjoy- able time was spent. A February Wedding: -A. very Notice to Contractors, I will receive marked tenders up to noon on the lith day of March, next, for a two-storey cement build ing, 22x35 feet, to be erected at the gaol in the Town of Goderich: Ten- ders for whole work or for separate trades will be considered. A mark- ed cheque for ten per cent. of ten- dered price must accompany ten- ' der. No tender' necessarily accept- ed. Plans and specifications can be seen in the county clerk's office, B. C. M'INNINGS, Chairman of Com. Dated, Goderich, Feb. 10. 1013. pretty wedding was solemnized hist Wednesday at the home of Me. and Mrs. Wnr. J. Reedy, of the .London Roacl, when Miss Edna L„ only daugh ter of the home was married to Me. James E. Challenger. of Edgerton, AI- ] herta. At high noon the • ceremony was performed by the Rev, S. J. Allis, Pastor of Ontario Street Church in the j presence of a large nuinber of -relatives and friends, i'he bride who entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her fether, was daintily gowned in white silk with trimmings of fringe and pearls and carried a hognet of bridal rotes and ferns. The bridal couple stood udder an arch of evergreen dec- orated with white wedding hells and tinsel. They were unattended. After the ceremony and -when the uewly wedded pair had received the congra- tulations of the friends who were pre. sent, all sat down to a rich and bount- iful feast.. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful gold watch aud chain which the bride wore. The pre- sents were numerous and costly, among others was a handsome gift from ber girl friends of the Philatbea class of Ontario Street Ml:ethodist Sun- day School, of which the bride was a member. Mr. and Mrs. Challenger left on the three train from Clinton on a short honeymoon trip to Toronto arm Hespeler and other points. The bride's going away costume was brown velvet with which else wore a hand- some black hat and about Match will •leave for their, home in the West, Guests were present from C Teton, Goderich, Mariposa, Lindsay, L'seowei and Mount Forests. Auction Saler • Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 9, con. 14, Gode- rich Township, on Friday, Feb. 21st. Everything advertised must be sold as the proprietor has sold his faun, Albert Runball, 'proprietor, George Elliott, auctioneer, ii'0(t(! Wanted. 15 cords of green Maple Wood, all body wood, 22 inches long. Tenders will be received up to the 20th of February. S. KEMP, Chairman of Property 0001,, • Model School, Clinton Money Wanted, I have several, inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find :investments for funds on mortgages. W. 1;RYDONE Musical! instrut'i;lon Miss Fernlee Allis will give vocal lessons to a limited number of pupils at her hone, Ontario Street .Methodist Parsonage. 6 �•. :DANCING �.3a4 111 • Every ly t a , t1} E.ili 1, all rBrlll7•f Ua�,la Instruction given 7 -to 9, Open to all after nine. for a rinses. Parties welcome. Terms upon ap- plication, Under management of MISS 117'R• cc iExe axt€ai'1ti° Sale at Farm HBi'ope rt,('s The r executors o f the estatee of Thomas Beacom will offer. inc salt' at public auction at 'h the Commercial Rotel, Clinton on Saturday the 1st day of March at 2 o'clock `P. IVL Lot Number 30 in the J?syfield' Conces- sion of the Township of Goderich containing 76 acres ofldli or -loss. The . It property is well located and would make a good grazing farm. Terms of sale 15 per cent. on the date of sale and the balance 30 days t thereafter, For further parti- culars and conditions of sale: ap- ply to -the undersigned. John T. Harland., Elizabeth Beacom, Executors, W, lirydone, Solicitor for the Executors. Dated the 5t11 -day of February 1313. Ruilett Alfred Lawrence, forme•ly of Wel- land was tha guest of his brother-in- law, Marshall Braithwaite a Lew days bat week, Miss Maggie Adams spent this week with her cousin, Miss Elsie Batton, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs.MoLeod and daughter of Clinton were guests of }ter father, Thus. Rankings one /ley last week, Miss Alice and Henry Youngblut spent Sunday with their cousin, Rob- ert Youn b}ut. Miss Lizzie Maines, of Londeshorn,is the guest of her friend, Mts. Harry Little for a few months. Mrs. John Philips returned house from o n visit}n gher eistere at Belleville , and Brampton on Saturday after spending two months there, Wnr. Henry, who has sold his farm has is 1OSi part at is household hnlc effects to Clinton where he will likely retire. The Quarterly Official Board at its regular meeting on Friday last in a highly complimentary resolution ex tended an unanimous invitation to the Pastor v rite R' 3 McCormick mlc k to remain another year coupling with it an in crease in salary, of $100 making it now $1000,, Pie service for Yuennd by the men `. on Sunday evening was largely at tended and there w11s . au excellent` meeting. A chorus 0'27 men led the singing. The speci'al services aro being continued all the week. Wesley McCormick a tbitd year, student at the London Medical college visited at his brothers at the Parson age over Sunday. The Old Boy's Reunion for Goderich Township has been successfully launch ed. It will take place onTaesday,July 1st, and will be held as near 'Holmes villeus possible so as to make it con venient for those coming, by train. The officers leers elected are :Hon Chau man, John Cox, a former warden of Abe county; Ron Vice Chairman, Ed ward Atcheson, Goderich ; Chairman, Nelson W. Trewartha • Secretary Thos Walters ; Treasurer W A Lobb, Goderich Township with headquarters at I o Imesville will welcome back her 01d Boys and Gide and will bo dressed in the gaiest uniform regalled with Bags and streamers and the days pro• gram will he such as shall be worthy a visit from all who have gone from our borders, The demonstration will take the form of a monster Field day in eluding a base ball tournament, races of all kinds for children and adults, competitions for fancy turnouts own ed in the township. . A program of exceptional merit consisting of songs by the -children of the township, Ad dresses hy of Parliament dis tinguished hed ofd boys and besides an attempt will (be made Ito secure some men of eminent standing in Canadian public life. The day will probably close with- a pyrotechnical display and a popular concert. Meetings 'will be .held, regular'y to make full preparations for !chis great event. Due notice will be given from time to time. Anyone t in the township is cordially wel- comed to these committee meetings Invitations by the hundreds will be sent to olcl boys. The committee is desirous of snaking this the biggest event ever held in the township, and have it go clown in its annals as a very memorable day. Let ev- eryone bear in mind to keel) July 1 open for the Goderich Township Old Boys' Reunion. free sons and one daughter sur- fvire,-Thomas J„ Base Line, Jlul- lett; Charles, at home; Dr. J, C., of London; and Miss.Elizabeth Lind- say, nurse, Toronto. Deceased is also survived by one brother, John B. Lindsay of Clinton, and three sis- ters, Mrs. J, Robertson of Terherne Man, ; Mrs, 'SV, H. Owen of llowbells, N,D,; and Mrs, 14T, McMurchie, in Washingtonton State. 'Ever since there was a Presbyterian Church, Mr. Lindsay was a member, and since 1888 has been an elder. The funeral tool: place on Monday and was largely attended services be- pastor ted b - Rev. g he S D.K. Grant, pastor of Willis church, and the allbearers were members of the ession J'as. Scott, J Wall.] nshaly lV V. Taylor, o' , 7, Cunnin h � am D. 've0 and W, C,, Smyth, 'J.`�he old ettlers are fast passing away, and re believe Itir. Fred Tebbutt is now he only one (I eft who came in bout the time the Lindsay da family ul 3 Y loved to • this township, the widow oil a ' nd f.•tin' tl dee sympathy 1 y 8th p Y I Y is expressed nessed thelvtt 1 by Wide circle of friends, I5rucelield ' S 1 i "` AI ss lintel Meisel; who Steamed fru m Toronto on account of an attack E of roeasles is recovering. s Misses. Mary 5turliie, .Elizabeth u Scott and Ernnla Higgins, music t f 1' n_ tIt • , • s.Los pupils S ter Var .L n took an a ,'x,n 1m •i a,t nn in instrumental eut,l mus. . is in 1 ut.n n rLhl asst week iD lCN YOt l el La has n OVe7 his hits Ams. Walker's house in the village. Tile ,act :trent of the Lord's s supnar was held in the Peeebyttruul church on. Sabbath lost, Mrs. Homier t.. t 1 , hLslntue•ned from visit- ing her father, 157, trclleek, of .Dirk• sr t, Maty Township. - Mies Rose 11i-uOeatl hos returned front attending the laments]. of her uncle, Mr. Wm, Spe,tre, al Dent County. • Rural Mail Delivery is now • being advocated in oar neighborhood, It t1 expected a route- will soon be started, M. Edgar Pattfscn, G T, 1•b., agent lads returned troras,pend'iug his vaca• tier'. at Arkansas. lie reports toning spent 15 leasant time, Mr, 1!orrester r Aim==To Please BRINGS CUSTOMERS BACK Furniture buyers at this store, invariablycome back when they want' more, and bring their friendwith them. To 'i18e1O11r Furniture is tz prove that it is asood as it looks, and that is saying a whole lot. g Substantial Furniture can be bought here at rnoney'- saving rates. Why not secure whatyou need now while prices are so favorable. Atkinson & D•unford Fttrstilvure Dealers aied Funeral D-irectors-Phone 104 NIGHT AND SL'ND•1Y CALLS -Phone No. 127 or Phone 1Gmereossemememosomemerommonossommoonommimuft Holmesviile Council mel; in pursuant to adjourn. 1 went . nl t t tJl members being present. The t&udilors report wa,l, presented by Messrs (would and Acheson and Was adopted, and the usual number of copies ordered printed, The Goderich 1tai'c tender of 5.5 for the Township's printing was incepted, A. motion tenderieg a hearty rote of thanks text appeeciatlon to the Clinton Towneoun ed. lot the,offur of their Council Cliam ber for Goderich Township Council meetings was passed and the Reeve' and Clerk were appointed to convey sante to the Chilton Town Clerk, The IolloWing changes were made in the list of PathwaLster's: -David Easom in- stead of henry Oakes, Fred Pickard iusreatdtof 3ohu Gardiner and Edward Welsh for Road Division No. :31, The following accounts were passed: NV. ti L+iliiott Refund Statute Labor $ 5.00 Auditors each 5.00,, Joseph E. Whitely, Postage and stationery 5.50 John 14, Holmes, two meetings of Judge's Court of Revision 10.10 Adjourned to meet 1st Monday in Marren at I:30 pant, N. W. Trewartha 7 Clerk Mr. Brown, of Montreal, spent Sun day wt N W Trewartha, Mc W McCormick, of Trowbridge, spent Sunday at the parsonage. Mrs (i8ev) McCormick who has had a severe attack' of quinsy we are glad to say is better again. l)vangelistieal services are being held here the last couple of weeks. The mens choir ably assisted on Sun day evening,, Mrs. Wm. Mulholland spent lues day in Goderich, Bayfield Mrs Archie Armstrong, of Stanley, entertained St Andrews choir on Fri- day evening lase when a very pleasant tirne was realized by the visitors. The ice harvest is now on and a gen- eral Tonic prevails on the river as all parties concerned anticipate an early break up. A westing of the rate payers was called on Saturday last for the purpose of appointing a Board of Teade for the benefit of our town when the follow- ing citizens were appointed. Dr, Woods, John Pollock, De Smith, 3 Thomsou,S Moore, R, Bailey and lets, Mustard. These are men who are anxious to have the town advance all being heavy ratepayers so let us hope that our village will become a city as soon as possible, The London Free Press on Monday }lad the following obituary notice of the mother of Richard Smith of this place] -The death of Mrs Susan Smith, one of London's pioneers, took place Saturday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs E Lawrence, West London. Mrs Smith was born in the Parish of Tinlilin, County 00 Kildare, Ireland. in 1.520, coming to London with her parents in 1833, when London was in its infancy. She attendee ser- vice in old St Paul's the morning be. fore it was burnt to the ground. She was married by the late Bishop Oronyn to the late Abram Smith in 1340, settling on a fairs- in McGillivray in pioneer days when wolves were snore plentiful than houses. Her bus. band predeceased her some 36 years ago.survived Sheis t ntvi •ell l t y three sons, and two daughters Thomas, of Miss. ion City,. B. C). ; Richard of B'tyfield ; John, of London, and Mrs, Neil D. Munro, of Weston' toter Township. Mrs Smith was 0 member of Talbot Street Baptist Chetah. The funeral was held on Monday incl was of a private nature,' Services will be u r,. ndo¢ d tet bythe Re l- Rev. 1. H. Brigham. t h. m, g In ttv� � tau1 tat Mount b, � Pleasant 11 s nt Oer e tory. LollsdeSlboi'o MsJohn , Tt.11 u T,s,mb u and. Mrs Dr y Medd, of Goderich left I tnda yfor Leamington to attendid the 'iner al of belt sister, sL-1 111- ' it tdied Mrs A Ainslie, who , i)ehruary Oth, Last St:n'lay the pulpits of Burns and Knox churches were supplied by Rey Mr, Patterson, of Toronto. Next Sunday they will probably be supplied by Rev. 1 `41e 11focre. of 13rat int curl Afr Ceckerlinc of Pilot Mound, Man- itoba is a visitor with his aunt, Airs. Gen Brodgen this week. hogs were shipped on Wrodneeclny' and Thursday the price was $8.50. Eggs are soaring in price teeing now 26 cents a dozen. 5 5 No, S will have a lively day on Saturday voting on a new site for their school. J D Melville has been on 0 visit to ]Morris friends for a week, Albert Brunsdou left last Friday to go near Edmonton to take a position wttu• the O 1' R where his brother Arthur is. Miss Jean McPhee honor graduate of Household Science McDonald Tin statute Guelph and expert denronstra tor win demonstrate hrea,d and pastry making to the Ladies of Londesboro in Forester's Hall on February 15 showing how easy it is to make the 'nicest and lightest bread in four hours also showing easy methods of pastry making. Miss McPhee comes here highly recommended from all parts' of Canada, and is a pleasing demonstrator of the highest. Every lady in the village and surrounding country should take advantage of this demon 9tration and hear some of the latest and most approved methods of • cook ery, Meeting tet open at 2:30 P. M. sharp under the auspices of the Wo men's Institute. . Members and non members heartily welcome, Ad. mission 10c. DEATHS. AIt SLIE-J,n Leamington at the 'resi- dence of her brother-in�law, J „'D Ainslie, Mrs 0 A Ainslie, (formerly Susie Hiles), formerly of Londes boro, L'■lasses-Perfect for near and far , 'fha enconvenlence of separate'glasues for'. 1st avoided ed dtataoco 1s avoided by our double vision perfect. which sight afford perfect and for 'near worn' and fn r seeing sfor: 74• J. r "Jeweler and Opticians, Issuer of Marriage License; .lcensey Tewn and Country W. J, Elliott, of Ingersoll, Weil es to coreeet the table of '`grants.to hospi- tals printerl in the Oouuty press two weeks ago. He says: "I notice that Oxford 0onnty is credited. wish riving only $1500 to hospitals, $1)00.00 to Woodstock hospital and 8500.00 to In- gersoll hos ttal. The fact is Oxford u t Oo n gives < ., 0 5 00 .0 to PD hospitals, ]tats 81000.00 each tot the above named hos- pitals Permit the to add that Inger soll's cor orattio ,p n grant to her hospital is 551,000 per year. • Tames Dickson,.cieputy county reg- istear, has joined the ranks of inven- tors. Ile has had patented at Wash• ington, D, C., an i.nproved garden rake, the novel feature of which:is a wire attached to the ends of the tines of the rake in such manlier as to shat- ter the earth through which the rake is drawn without otherwise disrurhing It. Briefly, it is a cross between arake and a hoe. The attachment seems simple enough, but 08 in the rase of most inventions eoniehmdy had to think of it first, and in this case AA; Dickson got the original. idea. He is applying for a patent at Ottawa also, and the device has already created eousiderenleinterest, Ales Leckie, ',vile of Reeve Leckie, 13ru„sels, had the misfortune to fall on Satt:rd;ty, while skating, breaking her arm between the wriet and elbow, The medical prnc:f.iee of the late Dr. A. McKelvey Brussels, who passed a• way so unexpectely on Dee,einhee 281.0 last, has been sold to Dr. 1''red 13ryea,s son of I.dward Iiryans of Grey town ship, Brussels debenture debt, outside of the school building, is $27.200 anti there is in the Sinking Fudd $2e200 leaving only :52,000 to he provided to wipe it out, The school loan was for 'emelt) but there are 11 years vet to run before debentures mature and by (1158. time the necessary sinking fund will be in hand. Few towns are in as good shape financially as Brussels, Hector C. McAlister, son of Rev, and. Mrs. McAllister, of Exeter hall a nnrrow escape on Saturday afternoon he was working at an , experiment which required hist, siphoning in a tube a certain '' amount of nitric acid, and to do ' this he drew the poison into the � tube by sucking at one end of the tube. Something distracted his at - 1 6.50 .:Mifflies This is only a sample of thegreat man.. saving al, ties.many b v we are offering for the' balance ofJ anuar . 'Never before have such sacrifice prices been offered ongood`: seasonable goods as may be found here, Prices in some -cases almost cut in half. Look over this list, or better still, come in and let us show you, as- we have dozens and dozens of lines that we cannot list here: - Ladies adies Mantles, new styles, reg e6.50'for3,95 .' meg 8,50 for....., ,............. 4 95 „ reg 12,00 for 7.05`, Children's Serge Dresses, nicely trimmed, reg $4,50 for • • 2.75<, reg $6.00 for . 3.75 Mens Stiff and Soft Felt Hots. this season's new geode, English Fur Felts, reg $2,50 and $3 for 1.69'' Men's Sweater and Sweater Coats, reg $1. for ' Ma Women end Children's House Slippers, reg 25c and 85e tor.. .... a 19c Men's Fur Collar Overcoat, reg $510 for 12.50 Also several clearing lines of Men's Women's and Children's Boots at Wonderfully low prices Balance of our Furs at wholesale prices and less Special prices on. Men's and, Buy's Suits and.Overcoate, ,, Underwear, Fancy Shirts, and Neckwear Come i n and See What we are 011'caiaag, ononnostroomosanmsemnsonen Pluirritsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS MORE BIJSINLS7 tent -on with rther 9ll' e tit thatthe he a' got under o- n er the submerged submer ed end o the tube and suddenly forced the nitric acid into the young student' mouth anc'1 throat, the airmen taken being according to his ory statement about 10 centimetres Ilere A'tcAlister exhibited extra- ordinary presence of mind and nerve. Instead of dropping to the floor, choking, gasping and burn- ing in the throat, as he was, he rushed to the re -agents. First he swallowed a quantity of ammonia then a quantity of potassium, hy- drate (caustic potash) and then some sodium cholorate. This, how- ever, he thought, was not enough to save his lite, and so he rushed 1 into another room in the lab;tea- tory and then swallowed over pint, he says, of potassium hydrate. enough to hill a horse. After swsliowing the re -agents he went in search of an emetic but a doctor happened along and applied the stomach pump. While suffering from shock and burns be is pro- gressing favorably. During the past year 8250.000 was paid the farmers of Mensal! sec- tion for cream, and the dairying business is just in its infaney. R. A, Currie has purchased the furniture and undertaking business Of the late S. Gracey, at SS ingham, The reclaiming of the big swamp in Hay township, is now engaging the minds of the district boosters, There are 7,000 acres of the swamp in Ray owned principally by the Canada Company which if claimer) would add much to the revenue of township in taxes. sir. .ss.toe:osonsozrase. u Indian lister !with fire -water, and f 'were fined 25 each et $ orsojourn fc" u lakeside thin t ria s Y at the t la es Y n tde castle 5 nt " God r' e ref 1. t T. W. Scott, has sold his residence n on Westmoreland street, Blyth, to Mr. R. A. Thomas. C. P. It.agent. Mr. Dodds McGowan, of Blvth, who is assistant at the C. P. ft., was working at the gasoline engine used to pump water into the tants, on Thursday morning, when an- other of the employees of the C. P. , R. lit a match near the machine, with the result that the gas ignited throwing a stream of fire irtto Dodd's face burning it quite se- verely necessitating Mini laying elf work for some time but no doubt it would have been far more ser- ious only that he shut his eyes in time or he might have lost his eye- sight. Mr. Thomas Jl otheringhan, of Ar- mour, S. D. has been visiting his parents near Brucefield, for some time, and was renewing old ac- quaintances last week, Mr,Fother- Ingham is Mayor of Armour, and like many other Huron boys, is do- ing welt in his western home, Stephezi township Council re- fused to grant, the request or a goodly number of - 1tepayers to ' reduce the liquor licenses, Mr. John 'Wylie has soli] his fine farm on the 6th con, of Turnbcrry, containing 120 acres, to Mr. Her- bert Henning fur the sum of 58,030, IYir, Wylie has bought AIr, Dobb's adjoining Gorrie containing 100 acres for ;18.000, Two of SVinghan townsmen in wrongly -directed sympathy and mistaken kindness furnished an Auction Sale or Farm The undersigned will offer for sale on Saturday, the first day of March, 1513, at 3 o'clock pen.. at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, Lot No, 23, Bnyfield eoncessio'n, ''Gode- rich township, containing 63 acres of land, more or ,less, There are satisfactory buildings on the pre- mises and, alto a Bowing spring, which makes the farm desirable for grazing. For terns apply to the undersigned. WM, TURNER, D. WATSON, Londesboro, Auctioneer 00.000000•••••0•••0e••o•••i•eo••oesoo se000030000000sooess••ID•••••B•••••••••o• •••••••00•••••••4b•••o•aeo41•••00.0800000.00.0.11000o•e009010000000000000000100.n •o 00 •a e o* •g o V ! II • • • II a �•r�tii' •o i gto • 0 .....1. :..� • •.ata...�� :syr...!._..,_` ., 2 ; o 0 •• :d l •a •0 1 �'-ten 's' 0• 0 • 0 II 1. 1� o 9 . .k t • 0 •. hl ®®:. . ror.,ta s �.�. • 44 _ x. o tA f is �. ,,, "- tr. 0 8 e4 • • I lthl > ,L rem"' ' i wif'irui'ru■ • n to •ee nen~ti�}t ■ a, , t: ■,,+t) • ®®I 1 I �' 1. .4---,, y i , :.. `I. ,• • h... �e r • - t ,ar • ,0.� - <t-, '' , C � 1 • to 1! i t} r ' ;i' t1 tap° o o • II t ) . - ^F.41 , is a lie ' , 1�a( •�.� ,tri �. • 0 0 .Yw 4 " Xe00e 0®b • ss•• i fa p. t +ra l 1 f i9 AO 1 8 1 it' ■ T J:' f, l • o¢oed .• ! S, I• :mom; cs ••W s�+.� • ai eaOtt t t d + _ 4 • ®Cb a ria , t 1 l .,t ,a S C9 .0 r-: Arte ot f .call 11 ltt A'.�"JiAAi I,�`;. �! o • e o0• < i • • BD 0• e6tl•S:, 00 00 00. o 0O SO Are now easily' Accessible to every Piano Owner Qe •0 T 0o VISIT OUR PL2 YER DEPARTMENT 00 o• 0• 0▪ 0 aan1�,see how we would snake your present Silent o4 0 to •• Piano, a PERFECT PLAYER, regardless of size, e00 ,,• o• o make or scale, The total cost far Upright Player's 0000 O o o®. o'0 SPECIAL PRICE POR GRAND PLAYERS ••` 0o •If ' •• e,�ty Piano Organ Co •,• ®� • • Limited • • o so 00 • • Clinton, Cana •• •• 1y I•aa •o0 ••.••0•t♦Ot!•••••.•.•4•t#•••S! •••••••.•••••••0••••0•o•N•0!0•••r100•••••!••••• . ve•••••••••••••••e••MN• o••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3••••••••••••••••e• e• of