HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-02-13, Page 21'ae;r{t1"1'
should have rich, red blood
and sturdy, • healthy bodies to
withstand cold rains, changing
seasons and winter storms,'
If your child is weary when
rising -lacks energy and am-
bition -has no appetite or
possibly sallow skin ora pinched
fade -it is for want of vital body-
nourishment; this growing,
period demands special, con-
centrated, easily digested food
for body -development -mental
strain -physical changes.
Scott's Emulsion is the
greatest body-builder known -it
is nature's wholesome strength -
maker -without alcohol or
stimulant -makes rosy cheeks,
active blood, &tardy frames and
sound bodies.
But yore newt have SCOTT'S.
Scott & Bourne. Toronto, Ontario 12-62
++ r '*,+++"1'+++fir+****24
A fine specimen of robust man-
hood passed off the stage of action
last week when Hon. James Young
a well known resident of Galt, an-
swered the roil call to which none
can say Nay l He served his day
and generation in the journalistic,
political business and religious
spheres and did it with the "Weil
done' of his fellowmen. Floe, Mr,
Young was well up towards 80 years
of age.
In the good old Icounty of Ox-
ford it took 62 ballots to elect
Reeve Denton, of Tillsonburg, as
Warden for 1913. The Co. Council-
lors must surely have plenty of
time to throw away when they
wase so much of it in such nonsen-
sical exhibitions. Huron Co. can
give them pointers on such elect-
ions, Oxford Co. Council needs
somebody to revise their rules.
Home Rule received the expected
black eye from the Lords last week
when the measure was turned down
by 329 to 09. The Parliament Act,
after May 1914, will see a change
come over the spirit of their dreams
when for the first time the Lords
will have their wings clipped on
more than this issue. Those who
know say the old ,(time bitterness
between Home rulers and those op-
posed is not nearly so apparent as
in the years gone by,
Some •of the speecirn.fying try 21.
P.'s at Ottawa on,the emending
and improving of te banking Act
would be more luminous and less
voluminous if they would consult
some practical authority on the
subject. Itis not the quantfty of
lst or 2nd class samples of the
English language poured forth that
- • counts as much as a clear, 'terse
and not too radical changes that
• ruins out, A good tight collar worn
by the long winded debaters might
bring relief to the reading public.
The New Era thinks it will be
safe guessing to expect the next U.
S. Congress to do things that will
make people sit up and take notice
With such a practical turned gentle
man as President Wilson, who ab-
hors flummery and has independ-
ence enough to do some thinking
for himself, assisted by Wm. Jen-
nings Bryan as Secretary of State
and other well known men who be-
lieve in clean political records the
next 4 years should be a period of
twined. .Smashing windows 'des-
troying letters in 'mail boxes .rend
asarlting M. P.'s might be a ceueed
if the work of children or expected
it the law breakers were gangs of
drunken rowdies but for leaders in
a movement Booking for largee.
liberties, many of whom possess
brains enough to evolve a -policy
coupling wisdom With lady -like de-
uieanor, the suffragettes are a long
piece off the track and are heaping
up barriers that 'will call for;erdu-
ous work to remove in the time to
Duty Is Placed on ,the Crown
Lands' Output.
Just In Time to Check the Reported
`Despatch' of Big Consignments of
Four Canadian Firms, the Presi-
dent Issues an Order Denying
Free Entry to Paper and Pulp
From Quebec Crown Lands,
WASHINGTON, Feb..10.-President
Taft Saturday denied the right of free
entry from Canada into the United
States of wood pulp and paper made
from the timber of certain Crown
lands in Quebec, on which that pro-
vince recently announced it had re-
moved export restrictions. The
President sustained the decision of
Secretary MacVeagh of the Treasury
Department, that -Quebec's action was
not sufficient to entitle these products
to free importation under the only
operative clause of the Canadian re-
ciprocity agreement, which abolished
the duty on wood pulp and paper
provided Canada did not restrict
their •exportation in any manner.
This action forestalls the reported
plan of four big paper manufacturers
of Canada to send a large shipment
of paper to this country.
Secretary MacVeagh found, after
an extensive investigation, that Que-
bec had not actually removed the re-
strictions on the ' exportation of the
timber grown on the lands involved.
It developed that the four companies
leasing the lands would certainly not
export the wood, but would convert
it into paper before sending it
to the United States. Quebec, it is
declared, refused to remove the export
restrictions from other crown lands
held by companies which would ex-
port timber,
The primary purpose of the law, the
Secretary held, and the President
agreed, was to induce Canada to re-
move export restrictions, so that wood
could be freely imported into this
country for manufacture into paper.
He consequently challenged the suf-
ficiency of Quebec's action. Treasury
officials deny that Quebec's case par-
allels the situation in British Colum-
bia, which is given free entry. In
that province only one company ex-
ports paper to this country, and no
restriction is placed upon either tim-
ber, wood pulp or paper.
Four Robbers Take 2500 In Raid on
Broadway In New York,
NEW YORK, Feb. 10, -Four men
drove up in a taxicab late Saturday
night to the store of W, L. Douglas
Shoe Co. at Broadway and Four-
teenth streets, a busy and brightly -
lighted corner, and entered the store
just as the four clerics were prepar-
ing to leave. With drawn revolvers
the bandits ordered' the employes to
throw up their hands. While three
of the four kept the clerks covered
the other man emptied the cash regis-
ter of its contents, between 2400 and
2500. The quartette then ran to the
street, jumped in the taxicab and
drove south on Broadway.
Hundreds of persons were passing
the corner at the time. The police
hurried to the scene, but were unable
to find any clues other than a poor
description of the four men.
New York Burglars Had a Cardboard
Shield For Operations.
NEW YORK, Feb. 10.-A safe of
painted cardboard, to the eye an exact
great growth and development. reproduction of a real safe they plan -
Announcement of Cabinet will bei ned to ride, was prepared by burglars,
made this month, ' who Friday night broke into a First
avenue saloon. The real safe stood
beneath an electric light kept burning
all night and in full view of the. street.
It is said "Prevention is better
than cure" and on this principle the
W.C. T. tr. of Guelph has called the
attentionaof inpatents to the folk, es -
of restraining the. ,young folk, es-
' pecially girls, from assembling and
loitering about the railway depots
and platforms in the evenings, At
some stations there is difficulty in
gettingon or .off trains owingto A SHA
the congregated people who are
killing time and blocking the way
of the travelling public. No good dAll People Thought She Had
comes of the practice and the an- p $
e'er is that' evil may follow, There,
16'an education needed to be car-
ried on at the home, and commenc-
ed inood time,this
deal' with t is
gad about habiand a kind discip-
linary course impressed when a
reluctance to obey is manifested.
..ee, :rc„ rw .
Mrs. Wm. Martin, Lower Ship Harbor
East, N,S., writes: -"I am sending you a
testimonial of my cure by Dr. Wood's
One of the Torontonians who is Norway Pine Syrup. Last May I took'
interested in childhood and no a cold, and it settled on my lungs. I got
doubt believes that "cleanliness is so bad I could not�rest at ni ht. I had
next to Godliness is asking for the g
installing of hot and cold water two doctors to treat me but got no relief,
baths for the use of pupils at the "All of my people thought I had
schools and the appointment of per- Consumption. I bad fallen away to, a
sons to take the oversight of these shadow. I had given up all hes of
ablutions. While residents of
smaller places might fail to s,ee the ever gettiop
ng again until my daugh-
necessity or propriety of such ter went to a store one day and bought
things the probabilities are this me a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
disciple of Eseupaling is propos- Syrup. After taking half of it I felt
ing areal good, especially as it re-
lates to members of homes who better, so 1 got two more, and thanks to,
know littlef
o cleanliness, guard- them I
e , gun d am well to -day, and able to do
ianship.of health or method of pre- my house work. I cannot say too much
vention in case of infectious des- in its praise, and I shall alwa a keepit in
eases. The object lesson' would ho y
doubt prove of: real service and the the house,"
soap and water would do no harm. Dr. Wood's. Norway; Pine Syrup con-
-o-- I tainsall the lung healing virtues of the
Where is there Moses who will famous Norway Pine tree which makes it
volunteer to lead the English par- the very best, preparation for Coughs,
Bh .
Bement suffragette
along a safe path mfg t Colds and all Throat and Lung
the sutiragette tangle, 'He might Troubles.
require to wear a coat of mail if- See that you get "Dr. Wood's" when
some of the dear sisters chanced to you Wk for it. There are many mita-
meet him or perhaps live outside tions on thennarket.
of London and . make his trips'by Price 25 and45(ieeni>i
aeroplane. If more peaceful and I'
womanly tactics 'were on the pro- ' Sere that the 'Name, The T. M lbnm
gram the probabilities are woman Co.;Limited,.Mon the yellow wrapper.
suffrage Would be all the sooner at- ,-,- . -
lace 0rpis'ts: Flap ooncezvea tie mere'.
intended to substitute the cardboard,
strong box for the steel one; and then''
to blow the real 'safe unmolested in
a ;dark eorner of the saloon. Some-
thing frightened them away, however,
before they accomplished their per-`'
pose, for the proprietor on Saturday
found that after breaking in the
thieves fled, leaving their ;dummy be-
hind them.
Ontario People Lucky.
CHICAGO, Feb. 10. -Preliminary
report of the administrator of the es
tate of David S. Wilson, an Oregon,
Ill., farmer, who, died recently, leav-
ing more than $1,000,000 in securities
in a safe deposit box in Chicago, is
to the effect that all heirs to the es-
tate have been located, - The report
was made public yesterday to halt the
steady flow of letters and telegrams
from persons who believe themselves
entitled to a share in the property.
Miss Rhoda Lee of Ontario, an aunt, .I
and descendants of David Nelson
Brown, an uncle, are said to be the
only heirs,
He Gave Them a Chance.
EDINBURGH, Feb. 10. -Suffra-
gettes gave James Keir Hardie, the.
Socialist and independent, labor
member for Merthyr -Tydfil, a warm
reception at a meeting here SatuT-
day night. Although he assured
them of the labor party's support in
having the nest bill made a Govern-
ment , measure, the women rose, one
after another, and denounced him.
He ordered the police to let' them
speak, but after one of them had
talked for half an hour the chairman
had her removed forcibly. This
created a great tumult.
Remington Cartridge Factory To Be
Built in Canada.
WINDSOR, Feb. 10. -On a tract of
land 100„ acres in extent, which has
been secured near the southerly limits
of Windsor, the Remington Arms Un-
ion Metallic Cartridge Co. of New
York is shortly to establish a big
plant which will enable the company
to enter the Canadian field bn a very
extensive scale. The site purchased
includes property on the south side
of Tecumseh road extending along
Hower devenue from the tracks of the
O.P.R. The deal was closed within
the last day or two, and formal an-
nouncement was made Saturday by
Secretary A. W. Jackson, o3 the Wind-
sor Board of Trade.
Immediately following the closing
of the deal the company awarded
contracts for its first buildings to
Windsor contractors. Construtcion
work will be started at once, and it
is expected that one building in
which at least fifty men will be given
employment will be ready in April.
Future plans for the factory have not
yet been completed by the company.
It has been decided, however, to con-
fine the operations to the manufac-
ture of cartridges for the present, and
a plant requiring several hundred em-
ployes will be completed in the near
The "Spahish Prisoner" Swindlers Are
Now In the Toils.
LONDON, Feb. 10, -According to
The Daily News' Madrid correspon-
dent, the police succeeded in discover-
ing a gang of swindlers responsible
for the "Spanish prisoner" fraud
gang, which, admirably organized, be-
gan operations eight years ago. The
chief of the gang, Eustebio Rico, pro-
prietor of the house, 19 Lucheno
street, was assisted principally by his
brother, father-in-law, and a private
secretary, Guillermo San Juan. Rico's
house was specially built for the per -
pose, and was provided with false
doors, secret rooms, and so on, in
order to baffle the police. Daily
teniereos et lily& 1 fore ueSpatc1)eei
to 'the; fdur coipers.''ol the earth, err.
'eating',' foolish .`foreigners to lift the
treasure hidden 'somewhere liy a
bankrupt prisoner "in Madrid,
After several weeks'' hard. work,
Police Sergeant Latone,.;saceeeded fn
arresting Ortega, at the very moment
when he was receiving in an obscure
street nine telegrams from e messen-
ger. On his way to the police station
the prisoner tried to bribe the , ser-
geant, but the messenger bey made a
Conclusive Evidence is Given. To the
French Academy.
PARIS, Feb, ;10 -The ;French Acad-
emy of Science received proof positive
last week of the curative value of
radium in cases of cancerous vascular
turners, classed as deep angiomas.
Evidence. was submitted to Dr. Do-
minic' in describing researches made
by himself and his collaborators, Drs.
Henri Cheron and Rubens Duval. Not
only did Dr. Dominici supply the
learned gathering with photographs
taken before and afterthe cures, to.
gether with anatomical specimens,
showing the resolution of cancerous
tissues under the influence of radium,
but in an adjoining room were four
patients who had undergone the radi-
um treatment and were subjected to
an exhaustive examination by the
members of the academy.
Mozambique Natives Massacre Portu-
guese Settlers.
LISBON, Feb. I0. -Advices from
Mozambique, Africa, say that the no-
torious native chief, Napana, recently
raided the Nampula district of Mo-
zambique, massacring a . large num-
ber of European settlers.
The governor immediately despatch.
ed a punitive expedition of 1,000 men.
After a march of nearly 400 miles in
the broiling sun the expedition came
upon the chief and his band and com-
pletely routed them after five hours'
fighting, killing 200 and wounding 500.
The Portuguese lost four men killed
and 22 wounded.
The victory is considered very im-
portant because a new regime will be
opened for Portuguese development.
Apples at Half Price.
CHICAGO, Feb. 10. -Chicago club
women Saturday continued their bar-
gain .sale of apples to the public at
about half the regular market prices.
The apples were furnished by twenty
commission dealers, and were on sale
at 3,000 groceries in different parts of
the city.
Officers of the Chicago Clean Food
Club declared that more apples were
sold Saturday, the opening day of the
sale, than any other day in the city's
history. Fifteen thousand apples were
distributed among pupils of ten pub-
lic seb ofs,
Pound His Wife Dead.
CORNWALL, Feb. 10. -Jeremiah
Blair, a i'.rsrnith, who is employed by
the firm of Hermiston & Currie here,
made the discovery -when he returned
home from his dliy's work on Satur-
day eight that Mrs. Blair Lad dropped
dead in her bedroom (hiring his ab-
sence. Mrs. Blair was in her 23rd year
and had been subject to weakness of
heart for some time. Her eighteen=
months -old daughter was in the room
with her dead mother when the father
arrived home.
Arrested In Halifax.
HINSDALE, N.H., Fob, 10. -The ar-
rest of John Wren in Halifax., N.S.,
late Friday night on a charge of mur-
dering James 5, Hamilton, a railroad
construction foreman, near Hinsdale,
Last Wednesday, was reported here on
kiuxsdaY%,'F¢larri'ir y 1 i,.`';� ,
Got Strong and Well Again at.
Small Cost,
M1ss Alta Abel, of West Baden, Ind,,
says: "I was a complete wreck, al-
ways tired worneut and nervous. I
he'd to spend about one-third of my
time in bed and my life was not worth
living. Vivol, your delicious cod liver
and iron tonic, was recommended, and
it has done me more good than all the
medicine I ever took in me Iife, That
nervous and tired feeling is all gone.
I have gained in health, freshand,
strength, until I feel like another per-
son." •
Vinol is the most efficient strength -
creator' for such women. It is the
medicinal elements of the cods' livers
contained in Vinol, aided by the blood -
making and strengthening properties
of tonic iron, which makes it so far
superior to all other tonics to build
up. health 'and strength for weak,
tired, ailing women. It contains no
oil and has a delicious taste.
We give back your money if Vinol
does not do all that < we claim.
Town and Country
3-1•4•44 •4• • •++4-1••bi••P•P4• •4• •-FH•3 ••r
It is announced the Alberta Legis-
lature will meet for the transac-
tion of heftiness; February 13th,
and that after a brief session Pre-,
mier Sifton will prorogue the
House and appeal to the country.
Don't call on your sweetheart too
often. ,Once a day and twice on
Sunday is sufficient.
Don't give her a box of facepowder
for a present.' You are supposed.
not to know she uses the stuff,
even if it does come off on the
shoulders of your hest coat.
Under the new U. S, parcels post
law, a fat'mer residing on a rural
route desiring a steak for dinner
can order it by telephone from a
dealer in' the city or town in which
his 'post office is located and have
it delivered for five cents. Or he
can get it from any point Within
fifty miles for eight cents. No
wonder the new law is looked upon
favorably. It is bound at no dis-
tant day to tax the facilities of the
postal services to the limit.
The Fort William Board of Health
is considering it proposition to have
a health week early in the summer.
This would combine the annual
clean up with a considerable
amount of educational work giving
the people information as to the
means of preventing and treating,
in their incipient stages, vario as
Piercing 'the Northern Barrier is
the title of a story by E. J. Fraser,
which occupies the premier posi-
tion in the February issue of Rod
And Gun, published by' \V. J. Taylor,
Limited, Woodstock, Ont, This
story, which is appropriately illus-
trated, describes graphically the
clangers of a voyage through the
ice floes encountered en route
from Sydney to Ft. Churchill, on
Saturday. Wren, according to a tele -fel Hudson Bay. Two Pioneer Trips
gram from Halifax, admitted his Iden- `1Through a Playground of To-
tity, but declared he was innocent of morrow (Jasper Park, Canadian
the charge brought against him`,, Rockies), comes next and Prank
Houghton contributes another
'Western • tale, The Kid's Luck. Of
special interest to followers of the
a doubt
find this out
in all
round about
the bread that's
best_with any'
meal -
is just the oh '.
and only real
Mothe- r'SI
better bread
could not be
-that's what you'll
say when you have
tried this crispy,
Mother's Bread -
Phone No. 1.
and have it'
delivered to your
house every day"a
We ore well .'Prepared to
Supply Your Wants
We thank all our customers of 1912 and solicit a continu-
ance of your favors.
We are constantly receiving, new goods,
To those who have not patronized us yet we would
" dask youto tryus this 1 his year.
P.S.-A Supply of a Coal for Sale. '
trap line is the first of a series of
articles on Small Furbears and How
to Take Them. The Diary of a
Canoe Trip in 1854 from ,Orillia,
Ont., to Ottawa, is of more than
passing interest while A Week's
Moose Rent in New Brunswick,
Winter Duck Shooting in theOkan-
agan, 'Hunting and 'Fishing in Brit-
ishColumbia, 'A Qualifying Climb
on Storm Mountain, The Vanishing
Wild Turkey and other stories
maek up an interesting mid -winter
number. '
All•the bishops of the Anglican
Church in Canada, together with
Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station
All kinds 01 Coal on hand-
Cllestn it Solt Coal
� a
Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Coal and Wood
Tile --2L, 3 a,d0'4-Mich size -
The Tile is ot°the very best
Brick to Order.
.=Phone 52.e1.
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of. Coal, get
our prices. 'The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
'lowest possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
ar Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
At Electric Light Plant.
' th;e mt. l it m'
o inept ' -
oleoutof50 thof e'l)ominioson;1 al! rnerriberrs
of the board of management,of,the
missionary ;society ofthe Church,
will mt si Ottawa on Aprfl 3 tr(-)
discuss peelans for the ,Societyy,' A
rangements `for the a'eoeptioe of
delegates to the conference have
been made by the Anglican rectors\,
of the capital,
W.v,. -,nom...,.:,
Logs Wanted
Highest prices paid for
Any wood bought,
W. Doffed! Plana & Organ Co
Servant Wanted
Appiy to
For Salo.
A commodtolt= brick noar;e at a
1 argain. Furnare, electric lighting
bath room; hot and cold water, also
s !stable tat the prem'see. For in-
formation apply at
For Sale or to Let
A small farm of about 20 acres in
the Township of Stanley, in county
of Huron, provin.e of Ontario, be-
ing composed of Lot number 35 in
the first concession of the said
township. For full p•erficulars.
A. T. FL' JTT,
.Byron, Ont.
Ncw Brunswick
Suitable for seed or cooking.
Bbl per bushel while they last.
Only a small quantity on band.
Orders may be lef t with Beacom de
`Smyth, phone No. .4e. -
Ladies Wanted
Employment offered in Player
Pneumatic Department. Light
suitable work amid pleasant sur-
iundings, In New Y&' k or Chicago
this is considered employment for
the highest class cf lady operators.
Apply at the Office, of
ORGAN CO.; Limited. Clinton.
Farm For Sale
A first class farm, consisting of
75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34, Hul-
lett township, Smiles from, Londes-
boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2
miles from School. A batik barn 36
by 56, another barn 36x52, drlive
shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty
of water, about am (acre of or-
chard. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to
LB1'yth, P. GO.
FWD' for Sale
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate offeir's for sale 60 acres -
East half of lot 28, con. 6, 'Hullett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. Also the undersigned
ofMerd for sale, lot 29; con. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may: be
bought together or separately.
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Stan deed.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed. Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all Grains.
Ford & McLeod
4 p.
444 ►
Music Emporium
See and here our finest C
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
Oy gans,
special valves In Art .
pianos and organs rent r
ed, Choice is
o e new Edison'
phonographs, Music & E
variety goods.
C Hoare
, Dr. de Van's Female Pills
regulator; never Mils, These.
ill eedi 1
1P. .limYIDDN'Id,
B'3, 11Bf0TER 6OLTCI11OI1,I n()TAR•
Oonneyance, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.".
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St., Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate.
INSURANCE7AGENT-0opreseuting iA Fixe In
surance Companies..
Division Court office.
Physician, Surgeon, Etc
anotia] attention given to diseases of the
Dye, Ear. Throat, and Noee.
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable pluses
Mae and Residence.
Two doors west of the : Commercial Uafi!
Moron at.
Dr. W. tannin, L. II, e, P.. L. R. O. B.. iidla
l►r• .D: C. 4aodier. n.A. M,n,
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Sight calls at residence, Rattanbarr. Bt.
or at hospital
Da. J. W. SHAW.
eenuebeur, etc., office and residence on
enbury St„ opposite W. Farran's residence,
Crown and Brldge M''erk a SpleclaltyC
Graduate of-C.0,D,8.., Chicago, and RA,D,S
Bayfield on -Mondays, May 1st toDecemtn
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
Special care taken to make dental treat -
merit as painless as possible.
Live stork and general Auction aeo•
at Stole: sales a speolait f. Utaets If at
NEW Ere office, Clinton, pruo ns,y abtenaad
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale nota
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros.
e, General Banking Business
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eoa
Farm and Isolated Town props
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforith,
,T.. Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godes'ich, '
T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafoaith.
Jas, Connelly, Hclmesv.tlle, John
Watt,'Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D.
F. McGregor, Seafortb , J. Evans,
Beechwood; J. G. Grieve, 'Winthssop
J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Me -
Ewan, ,Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector o1
losses im hie own district.
Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed.l3inch-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Ege
momlville; J. W. Yeo, Hoimesville,
Paymeemts may be„made at.The
Morris10 Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cult, Goderieh.
Fire, Life and Accident
Read estate bought Ana sold
. /Roney to loan
Office Iesac Street, next dear to New
Grand Trunk Railway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart
Clinton .............. 11.00
Londesboro 11.18
Belgrave 11.40
Wingham, arrive11.50
8,30am 4.50pm
9.40 5.413
9.53 5.54
10.08 8.05
10.16 6.11
10.30 6:10
South Passenger
Wingham, depart.. 6.43 a m 3.33 p`m
Belgrave 6.54 3.44
Blyth 7.08 3.56
Londesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton 7,50 4,23
Brucefield 8.12 4.39
Kippen 8.23 4.47
Hensall! ' 8.32 4,52
Exeter 8.48 5.05
Centralia, 9.00 5.15
London, arrive 10 00 6.10
Buffalo and (lode,;.
Wee` PasDI senger
it to Stratford 10.00 12,20 5, 25 10,20
Mitchell 10.22 12.455.55 10.47
Seaforth.. 10.45 1.10 6:18 11.12
Clinton 11.07 1.25 ' 6.40 1L28
Holmeseille 11.16 1,38 646 I1,38
Goderich....... ,11-35 ' 1.50 7.05 11,55
- East 1 essenger
Goderich 7.10 2.40 m 4.50
Holmesville 7.26 2.57 5,06
Clinton7.35' 3,07 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32
Mitchell.... .
8.16 5
.1 3,45 55
Strathern 8.40 4.15 6.20
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