HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-02-06, Page 8timattest fall ie .^4 -,sit , tx,'Nn
nn ,aha' {+ e te'; Atir f
tt)1 i ?rr ut i is a ,z
1p fit,. • rte 117 G{'
e : .4 -•F 1'ni
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11‘-1,t. is
Winter 'oafs
15 only LadiesWinter Coats, sizes 34 to 40, in
$10 to $20. January clearing sale price ....
Fancy Tweed, Black Beaver, etc., regular
gess Goods
zoo yards Dress Goods in black, brown, green, navy, red, grey and Scotch tweedlmixtures,
regular 75c and Si. We have given two good bargains this month in Dress Goods. This
will be the last and best. January clearing price 50c
�rpets and Ruqs
We offer for the balance of this, month only, 25 per cent. off all piece Carpets and Rugs for
'cash only. This we do so that our inventory of stock be low as possible. DO IT ' NOW.
Buy a Carpet or Rug and lay it aside until housecleaning: in the spring. It will pay you well.
For the balance of thie month we will give a.discount of 20 per cent. off ail classes of Furs for
- cash only, Mink, Persian Lamb, Marmot, Squirrel, Sable, Coon, Astrachan, Etfi.
• This is the Place and NOW is the Time to Sof—Everything Guaranteed
UP Y 1+`V F"V Y V 111i'p Y ►l't��r` `..'
Hogs $8.2$, l' it !.`4 it'll
Butter -20-21, ~,
W heat -88=925,
IB i1ey-4E=55,
A„goodly, number of the members
of.the three -links were present
:last Friday'night'at the ;Oddfelto.ws
hall when a successfulsmoker and
euchre,pa7rty was held._ Mr. George,
Davids was the lucky Winner';'
while Mr. Jno. Wiseman was low•
man. Refreshments were Served-
at the close. ,
Owing to our sp ace being taken
up by users of advertising space
we have been unable to use a lot of
copy sent in by our friends Among
the number is a letter from Ivry.M
Mezzo, of Berlin, an old Clinton' boy;
who still , has a warm spot in his
heart . for the old town, and ewe
will give it front page space, next
,week. We guarantee the fetter;
will recall old times to agreat
many of our readers.
The Statiffer Coutts -,Bain Scot-
tish Concert Company captivated
the 'audience gathered in the town
hall on Tuesday night, Mr. Stauf-
fer in his character selections and
imitations of Harry Lauder were
well received. Mme. Coutts -Bain
, delighted 7' the audience - in her.
Scotch readings and solos. Mr.'
Howard Russell, is no stranger to
Clinton and sustained his reputa-
tion as a soloist. Miss McKay gave
several piano solos and was the
accompanist. This company went
to Goderich from here
Mr. Abraham Knechtel, inspector
of Dominion forests reserves, will
give a lecture in the town hall on
the evening of Feb. 12th, on forest
Aubjeets which will be illustrated
by lantern views taken in different
countries of Europe and the Con-
tinent, where he has travelled ex-
tensively in the interests of the
Forestry Department. The lecture,
will be free and as it will contain
much valuable information there
should be a good attendance. The
farmers in the vicinity should be
especiallly interested in these
subjects. .As Mr. Knechtel is an
oldHuron boy an especial interest
attaches to his position and person.
t 'aryl.{,.ay � J I tai
An actual necessity is the home
paper, in order to keep in touch
• with what is going on around you,
The New Era fills the bill. $1,00 a
year is not much for the 52 weekly
visits of this bright newsy local
paper, We club with all the lead-
ing papers. With rural mail de-
veloping, get a Daily also.
MORE or i` is asked for every
day iar homes where quelity is
the, !i•rk drgtrl,n 1.
If Xod.Want the Best
`disc, Llonner':s Bread
Baker and Confectioner
Sea o x a, ay
The Women's Institute made a
Comforterand left it at the Hospi-
, al, where no doubt it can be put to
good use,
I DOFIIiIRTY- 5, C. 0, l: -4.
A close and exciting game of Hockey
was nlayed in the "arena" on Friday
evening !set hetweeu the Doherty and
the 0.C I. A scattered but enthus-
1 iastie crow
d cheered on thea respec-
tive teams The ice was hard and the
game was fast. A little rough work
1 mixed in, made the game exciting for
(the p'ayers and interesting for the
spectators. The teams were about
evenly matched and the Collegiate's
defeat may be attributed to the excel]
..,work of Ted Cook in goal. Dunford
as Rover played a steller game for the
factorv, while Beacom and Torrance,
starred for the school.
IThe line up were as follows :
Collegiate Doherty -
i. R. Forrester goal T. Cook
E. Torrence point N. Oluff
L. Cr ok c p F. Churchill
0, Kitty rover E. Dunford
IR. Forrester R wing M. Draper
E. Beacom L wing 13. Furniss
Y. Wheatley centre E. Kerr '
Referee -L, Greig who gavesatisfac-
tion to both sides, .
I Whynot
the 1 acro School, Bank-
ere and Pastime Club ,get together
and form a Town League for 1913.
It is a well known fact that all metal markets have advanced
considerably lately, which has effected the prices in nearly
every line in hdledware.. Stoves have advanced 5 per cent fur{;;,.,
paces 10 per cent, so you can readily see the Isenef}b of this sale
if you need the goods, even if not until later, ib will pay you Eo r••
buy now, Our stock being heavy in some lines we wish to re
c fit, hltnce the cut on .old prices-. , , ,,
1 KOiy !filo] er;Washing 'M•achine/Meg-17.ona& 1 S..! fl00,4:10
'n0� ;lei
toy 7 e = leg 7,50 for tr • . t 504 t:
Ve ''.i". A...
,.on �onor-'ba11•bearin re 10. for" ...:.. i 00 ...•,i:
I, onlp'Pilgbtning reg..18650for 9150
1 only Motor reg 13.50 for... .,11,50
2 only Clothes Wringer, solid rubber roller reg 5.50 for 4.75
Axes re 1.00
;.,.. �.f,,..":1'..".`...). ............. •1:,10. ,.
Axes, regi;''„5'for
Axes, reg 85c for .. , . ,, t,', 055
Cross Out Saws,reg4 UO for
A good Java Whin,
reg 35c for ,25
Agood : ttwh de from butt to ti reg 50c fpr R
q1a . 1i, 4il,Cans re :'2 00 Por - .: ` 1 125 ;l '
A few 4 all li�Ii!um gj
100 pour sa 'k ;i�'1tca,Grit ar Oy'el1er;Sbell ;,- 100 ,',
l 0 ,
Now is tlfe ti4ne'to tits Dr. kledg- tock Pood'and Panacea -to
. make hens lay
Wellave 2 or 3 Pandora and -Happy Thought Ranges
' to go at old prices .until sold. '
Scissors and Razors at BigReductions
Stoves, Hardware and Novelties
The New Era, is well-equipped, with
an excellent assortment of the best
type. Our work is neatly and cor-
rectly aune, 'Promptness is insisted
on. Try New Era for your next order,
Eleatic power: prices reasonable. The
New bra Office.
Some days ago a burglary occurred
tra can' dry goodstore eta a in
tele, and when certain clues had been
followed up the notice arrested a man
narnad Edward Burley, who had been
living up that way but is now a resi-
dent of Goderich, He was brought
before P- lie'Rtlly'yesterday and for a
time denied the job, but as part of the
goods were found in his possession he
at last made rt frill confession and was
sent up to ea higher court. Another
arrest in the case is expected soon,-
Goderich Star.
' Preparations are being made by
the Post .Office Department at the
present time for this year's es-
tablishment and extension of new
rural mail routes throughout Can-
ada, During the past year some
450'new routes' were started and
about •500 morewill be inaugurated
thisar. Most of them
e are in On-
tario The work is being steadily
pushed forward, but no faster than
effic,legney,and good business print
ciples, win admit During• tile, past
•Year;rtie ,lA, umk?.ei •, o>;xowtes was
about-c'toti'bled, so that todaythere
are going on athousand • routes
with ovei 25,00 boxes, which in-
clu,des the: best parts of'Huron
County. The p ran of placing: the
services' '''•under' a separate' branch'
has allowed • `More attention t0 be'
given to the development of the
rural routes. The couriers also are
now allowed to sell postage stamps
and take applications and accept
money orders and postal notes, so.
that to all intents and .purposes
they are, now practically post-'
masterzs l. 'A'
'Che country officers of the law have
a peculiar case on their hands. An
Exeter women who is somewhat of a
character was entertaining some
friends' one evening recently, and one
of her guests -a young man from the
e as exlrr rain g, 2 -„SPI) biU whic
was rare enough' to be regarded`as a
curiosity. The hostess professed espe-
cial interestin it and the youngman
silo ed her to take it in bet hands to
pxgmin ekt zt d Sbe,, handeitit bate to
"biro as!` •a s'q posed, but w he can%
toiook'trrtititvfterveards liind:stove:6d
at was i* a two dollar bill he ,bad..
When the youngrattan a}t;tempte'd to
recover his 'fifty" the "lady" had
flown. She was found later at an
hotel in Clinton, but the hill, it was
Said, had passed Dist of her hands. ..An•
attempt was made to arrest her, but
she went to7,bed ;in het'�room in the ho.'
'tel,`$nd`°the constable. a mere man,
Was thwarted., ;Then someone drove
her by night buck' to her horse at•Ex-
eter, where at,last accounts she was
still ho'ding out against the officers of
„the law by the simple expedient of re -
'Maiming in bed and defying any man
to touch her.
Don't forget thet the Girl's
Club of Willis Church intend hold-
ing a Valentine Tea at the home
of Mrs. James McCrae, Isaac St,
on Friday, Feb, 14th.
If an old legendcounts for any-
thing, Clinton has six weeks of stiff
winter weather Sather
yet to coe Sun-
day was :Candlemas
Dzy, when, ac-
cording to legend, the bear crawls
out of his winter quarters. Then
if he can see his shadow be crawls
back again and winter lasts six
weeks. If he can't see his shadow
he stays out, experiencing an early
spring. The bear must have seen
his shadow Sunday for it was .i
bright day, just the kind that the
legend says means alate spring.
The much -abused coal man rubbed
his hands together and chuckled.
The head of the household, who
has to foot the coal bills, could see
no sense in going to church, 'when
he could ease?' ,,his feelings much
better b td a
Y sermg. The hocky
players still rad' hope that their
schedules 'rir
r hf..e
b finished. And
at the thought of have
ing to postpne the purchase of an
Easter bonnet, The Grizzly Bear
salomed out to see the Sunshine
Rag and. then in sweet contentment
he Turkey -Trotted back to hie
little bunk,
Good Health for
Ail' -the
You can secure Good Health for
all 1 bylettingus '
install one of our
Sainitapy , hete;
ical (loset -
Easily Installed
Come and look. at our Closet at
R. ,Rowland's Hardware Store be-
fore buying.
Thos .Hawkins
Plumbing and Heating
(Phone 53)
The Bervie correspondent of
the Kincardine Review had the
following item which refers to
former Clintonians :-Rev, Mr,
Dunbar preached his farewell ser-
mon here last Sunday evening and
will move this week to Thorndale..
The English Church loses a good
preacher, his last sermon as well as
all sermons before were appreciat-
ed by all. .Owing to the long driv-
ing on this parish he was not able
to continue the work here. He
leaves here beloved by all. What
is Bervie's loss Will be Thornciale's
Last week wort] was received of
the sudden death of Jaynes Thomp-
son at his home in :Buffalo. De-
ceased had been in the real estate
business in that city for about 15
years, and on ,January 25th was
taken sick and died on Sunday at
the age „,of 60 years, Mr. Thorny -
ton was born in Goderich township
and in later years taught school at
Holmesville and Porter's Hill. Over
25 y
ea s ego he married ried Mar aret
Cole, sister of Mr. Peter Cole, of the
Bayfield line, For a number of
years he was in the grocery busi-
ness under the name of Thompson
& Switzer.. Mr. Thompson was a
prominent member of the old
Rattenbury St. Church and for
many years Was superintendent of
the Sunday School, The funeral
was held on Tuesday Dec. 28th to
Melvin, Besides his widow and
two sons and two daughters, de-
ceased is survived by a brother,
Robert and one sister, Mrs. Pollock
who lives near Kincardine. The
sympathy of the family's old friends
intown go out to the widow and
- Following are the prize winners
from 'Clinton and. vicinity, who
were at the (Huron Co. Poultry
Shull, at Goderich recently..
Black Langshans-Cockerel Tend°
2 ; lst pullet, H. A, Hovey, Clinton. ,
A. O. V. Dorkings-1 hen •- 1
cockerel, Wm. Carter, Constance.
Barred Rocks -1 hen, 1 pullet, '2
hen, 2 cock, 3'codkerel, 3Millet. 'H.
A. Hovey.
R.C. Brown Leghorns-2 cock. 3
cockerels'ISA. Ho ae3 .
Golden Spangled Hamburgs-1st
cock; lsthen, 2nd hen, 1st cockerel,
2nd cockerel, 1st pullet, Wm,;Cai'ter
Silver Spangled Hamburgs-let
cock, 2nd cock, 1st leen, and hen, 1st
cockerel, 2nd cockerel, let pullet,
2nd, pullet, Writ 'Carter -
Golden Pencilled Hainburga-1st
cock,.:lst hen, 2nd4hen, :Wm• Carter;
Silver Pencilled Hamburgs-=let;
hen, let pullet,: ' 2iid pullet, Wm.
Black Ham burgs --21st cock. l.st
hen, 2nd hen, 1st cockerel. and
cockerel', 1st pullet, Wm. Carter,
Campine -2 cock 3 pullet. 11. Ai
Hovey, '
A 0, :eV: Game -1 pulle:t„.. 2 coclter-
el m
W ..Carter. • •
• Black Red- Bantams `lst eock,, 1e V
hen, lit cockerel, gat pullet A'. J �.
'Grigg; Clinton, •
DucktV.ng` Bant.am c
''s"-2 oel.•J 2
` `
hen 3.coclter e1,` 3 Pullet; =A J Grfgg,
Pile Bantams 3 hen, A. J. Gregg;
Bir'cheYi Bantams -1 pullet,' A. J
Golden Seabrights-1 hen -2 cock,
2 pullet, Wei 'Carter. '
R. C. Slack 'Bantams -2 cockerel
3 •pullet, $, A, Hovey,
' White Cochin ` Bantams -2 cock, 2
hen, H. A. Hovey.
Aylesbury Ducks -1st duck (old),
let duck,; (young), 2nd duck (young),
• Wm. Carter.
Mayor, Refd's cup for best col -
1 je,
'.b i
,'rlce`'at the Counter 20c and by mai), roc ex-'
tra, , showing a correct and h complete yarlexy of
•:styles•for.every article in, a:wOman's watdr.,obe.
' With tt we 'Will 'give' you any Standard Pattern
You may select'
I �r res
' Buy the book, for'20c choose from it at your
leisure any, pattern, cut out the certificate
found on ,page 5 bring it to us and you get the
pattern without,further cost.
heictl.'D. Fair @o. '
I"'Often the. cheapest -Always the Best
•On Monday night at the S. A. Hall
major Frank Morris, of London,
gave an address on Pioneer Worir
in the Klondike, which was very
interesting- to those present.
The '•householder with a corner
lot and no small boys to shovel the
snow, no doubt thinks this is a
great 'winter.
The annual convention of the
Ontario' •Branch of the Dominion
Alliance will be held in 'Massey
Hall Toronto on 'Wednesday and
Thursday Feb, 26th and 27th 1913.
The Central Information Office
of the 'Canadian Liberal party at
Ottawa are prepared to send a
picture of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, size
17x22 to any address in Canada
on receipt of 15 cents,
Mr• Farmer if you have any stray-
ed cattle let The New Era locate
them for you, The law provides
that they should be advertised for
three times in the local newspaper
before advertising them in the
Canadian Gazette,
In these days 'when newspaper
advertisements are considered in a
certain sense a of the news,
of his business every week in the
advertising columns of a first-class
local newspaper has an immense
advantage over others.
Every lover of Nature should re-
serve Wednesday evening, Feb.
12, to enjoy the beautiful Forest
scene pictures by use of lantern
shidee in the town hall. Lecture
delivered by,A, Knechtel, Inspec-
tor of Dominion Forest preserves..
e Moccasins
This is the season of the year to enjoy the
pleasures of cross-country tramps on Show ,Shoes.
There is nothing that will give you more pleasure
or a more healthy exercise than :now shoeing.
We carry a full line of Moccasins for men,
women and children. if you intend to go snow
shoeing come and see our display,
In one and two buckle styles.
Heavy Rubbers
Of all kinds—both buckle and lace.
Will Either Sell the Store or Rent.
Jas. Twitchell &Son
M ..e �"yv9
M/viH�1/tMMA Pea,AJ 'i.Y. 7...
4•II'+++4++++++4.+44.4.4 44.4i44I+AA,
;4 lF i "Nota medicine 1'• -"?But a 'man's.. dalfs'kin'
4.QQl7 (��le,b{�t)t o keen y.Qv i9 mood lieaith—
_. u -!ti A>:a , : ,n F'.-!, �. . •,b� .: ,, :..-,.d>;....J.yrc .,v: a,n,.
free from colds and rheumatism. A mans '
Shne..which will keep,you,warm and dry
, . through all .kinds or winter weather. .
+ e ,
♦ '
4. ''
(.]lection -+poultry, and variety, Wm. 4.' �������
Carter, Constance. 1'4'44+@$**+. e'
This shoe is <not ''an 'experiment: ' We
have been selling it far q,•ten years, and
know from ex err sir e w�1at it will do. It
Get a Pair Now.
n �