HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-02-06, Page 4401 !i. JISI can 101' Dress ll/aping 11nd • MUliuery' ..Only 11 Black Coats' leftinstock, All new thisr` season, We would ,like to clear 'these out before the new spring: coats arrive, so put then'i on sale, Saturday at exactlyhalf price. ;l. L 1 -nee; 44111 • $20 Coats for ..io,00'. $18 900 $16 &,00 815 7,5o $12 6.00 Colne Early' and Get Best Choice Only a few Misses and Children's Coats left. Your choice Saturday IaIf Price .Fur Lined eoats Only four left. .These are • made of Australian broadcloth, sable collar, lined with Canadian muskrat sizes 34, 36, 38, regular $56, for 1 $39�'rQ All Fur Sets and s'ngle pieces 25 per cent. off reg prices. I Nlillinery $1.00 Qnlyeleven Trimmed Hats to c:ear. These sold as hioh,as $6 and S7, choice $10.00 Untr,'',mmed Hats 33e •••h ai•a•Tr1r'•• •icv wa16 "a . •00•••• •,WITH••Ta•'CHURCHRS. • •• •e•s•••••u 4011••••••••. The EJ'irtlies Ard`of Ontario Street Ohtiieh'lfe d their meeting at the home of Mr. J. Corinst{,•iBeee'Line, on Wed. nesdayt ik nn ti A very pleasant eneeting4iielighteol Rev.' IV.6Vpiie and Rev, J, E. Ford exeleenge. Jaalpits next Sunday morning-- Th1a ,13iPt5r8, r011016' of Boys of the On t••,l5ltklollli'tlietil:df"P jrive a date Social on ., '*iirsday, Feb, 13, Don't forget theif;ite, r4 Sunday in Ontario Street chust1h will be Missionary. day. The Pa"'r$ will preach Missionary set- inotinespeaking in Hie evening. on ".Davlll L,ivingstone." T•,fie',Methodist church at Brussels hns,;e(tended a unanimous invitation to Rai. D. Wren, Mi A., of Ethel, to hectjrtse their pastor for the next term corxedenciirg ar ith July, Rev, Mr WrOillhas signified Lis acceptance sub - Jet, ate he Conference authotrty Rev; 1Yr. Oaten, the, present pastor, in ends lievoting himself to the Evaoge• listrp'field at the close of this Confer- epee year. He has spent the past 3 years at Brussels. Willis church' held their anr,ual congregational meeting last Wednes- duyo evening. The trertsurer•'s rep art s1auti'ed that. the congregation wel•e in ilotirisbiug condition and a balance of #`39EI, on hand. The church bad heavy expenses curing the past year, but at no time in the history o6 th cherelehad the envelope and loose col - , lection been so large . as this year. The various' societies r onnected with the :-church' showed excellent results, The.ret tig trustees, Messrs. INT, Glen W. Graham and G. D. McTaggart -were reelected. the League meeting on Mind y evening proved to be quiteintevestrng Miss SGsie Powell occupied the chair; Various reports frour different coni mitteee'of the League were given. Mrs. A. T. Cooper and Miss Beatrice Green sang a dilett, A very in str flrs lYlarYReid entitled'Go c "•tiveand helpful reading given �y- from wlruh different points could be taken, which would help anyone in then every day life. . �Ji'. lib g i 9 141a1'tlalgvS c� Deaths elliwith such force as •to break one of his -thighs and badly sprain his left wrist, besides receiving some cuts on his face.. Be was removed to the hospital, but with his advanced years and generally feeble condition his re- covery is a matter of grave doubt, Mrs. N..T. Treleaven of Dun- gannon received the sad intelli- gence on Tuesday of the death' of her brother W, Wilson of Napanee, from a traino was s while `going toKings-, ton 'to attend a hocky match Mon- day evening. 1 Hensall Wins :-J W. Ortwein took 16 first prices and 5 seconds at the Poultry Show at Goderich, F. G. Smallacombe took 9 prises, and Fred' Bengough the sweepstake for the best bird at the show, with his Wyandotte rooster. He purch- ased this bird from Fred Smalla- Combe last spring. T. tired this Hyea McCallum froof the officerr of Treas. of the C. 0 1 an office which lie has. filled continually for the last 20 odest Bmembers llum of thesone local coulit and has always taken a great in- terest in the • weifar of the order being seldom absent from his place at lodge meetings. • Mr, Fred Keir of?r•editon, was high gun at the Pi eon shoot in C'hatizani on -Jan. 24th. tLr. P, 13 I+aayst.tt, , of Som•is, Man, .Who left•'' ••RowiClc when a young. man 40' years ago :was at Gorrie: last, week looking over, the scenes of his youth. The, only' e- sidents left that he could r`esnem"er were e e 111• r.J James Leech i' a.Grorric n Mrs. Jo -e ih-'.. end Hunt I of the 6th con- cession, Ho wick. On Tuc..i'y night Mt'. James dward met with a very severe ac- cident at Gerrie. He was working at the station loading cars and. was in the act of taking the brake off ode of the cars when he was thrown from the top of the car to the ground receiving' severe nun 1 es, Wroxeter Rural Telephone Co. Limited has 283 phones installed at present with more to follow. Rev. 'W 11, McTavish, Metholist minister of Port Stanley, formerly of Goreie, Was seriously hurt Mon- ey by being thrown out of his car- tage. Mr. McTavish was drivi'rig o Dexter to officiate at a funeral MARRIAGES. • C1IALLt a C.IGDR--HARDY-Ufa Wed nesday, February 5th, at the resi deface of the bride, London Road, Miss lhi naL, daughter of Mr. and FArs, Williew li.nrdyd, to •fames E. Challenger, of Egerton, Alberta, and formerly of Goderich. T9.wu and Country Enemies of the dogs are at it again, and several valuable and much -prized i dogs have been b t poisoned Goderich h lately at Ingham, Atdori c on Tuesday last While walking along Waterloo St. a�Ir, John Brophey slipped on the when his horse became frightened and ran away. The injured roan was found lying unconscious on the roadside. The minicipalities interested in the guarantee of bonds of the Ont. 'Vest Shore :Railway are now; in possession of the report' of B. W. Middlemis't, C,13., on matters in connection with the railway, and an interestingdocument, it as, Briefly. it to the effect (1) that the cost of the railway so far con- structed,: together with material on hand, and allowing fifteen pee cent, on construction for profit, is $305,200, or less than half the amount which J.'W.lvtoyes, pre- sident of the West Shore Company, says has actually been spent; and (2) that it would cost the tidy sum of $797,536' to complete the road e'ween Goderich and Kincardine." The' Westf tel d School e i Sc of re- opened after being disinfected, owing • to scarlet fever in the locality, 1 i S AJ L% ARES, '17naitanalsomemmusamona STATIONERY,/ CHINAWARE Little e Thin gs at Big Reductians. IT WILL, • PAY Valentine s Day, . Feta Shield Brand 3(85 PIM -A pin for each day in the yeer;former price 5e, a parer : sale price two papers, Or 780pi) s, fol. 5c Orkney Safety FIns-.Solid brass with guarded.cuil ; sizes 0 ), 0, 1, 2, and 3, also asorted on a card ; regular price 10:•. -sale price rine clued for 5e Pound Hair Pins, Shield Brand - Ex tra large sizes ; not light eveight ; for nrerly:.•uld at 2c, a paper ; sale price-, six papers for • 5c . Orkney Boxed Hair Pins 200 pins ; sizes ' '2l, 3, and Si inch ; something new ; for Mer pi ice Iic; sale price 5c Hat' Pills Extra large heads ; six pias to stylish lax, 10 inches ; black and white ; former price 10c. , sale price Be Dorcas Hook and liar-B'ack and white; any size ; former price 5e. per card ; sale prise two cards for 5c Needles. Shield Brand -List qu ility ; all sizes : lo:n,er puce 5s. ; this needle is guaranteed ; sale pt ice 2 papers far., 5c Toilet Pins -Black headed 72 pins gradu eyed on 0 sheet ; first quality ; fernier price 5c. per sheet ; sale price two sheets 5c Battenburg Lace Centres ' ` 13 inch Lace Centres, choice designs with plain. embroidered and drawn work centres. Very Special Each 25c Lace Pius, Gilt -Assorted shapes ; two dozen in hook form ; former price 15c • sale price for two dozen pine 10e AN® WALL PA SER Big Things -at Little Prices I� CONSULT TI -I 1 P IC A FIN' STK OF VALENTINES Ir.It, 25 per cent. off. As the new 1.913 papers are almost all in the store room, ready for opening. We must clear out last year's stock to make'niore room. Our Loss is Your Gain. This will be a splendid opportunity to get a few rooms papered at a small cost. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE Collar Buttons -Gilt ; T dozen assorted sbaps on card ; formerly sold at 15e, a dozen ; sale price 10e Tooth Brushes -No. 10 special ; pure brig tles ; bone handles for boys or girls ; spacial price 5c Tooth Bushes -No. 2 spacial ; assorted shapes : rest value ever offered; former ly sold at'2 lc, ; sale price 10c ''both Brushes -No. 4 special ; {assorted shapes; extra good titian ey ; former price 25c ; sale price 15e : 6llali• Brushes -No. 1.21) ; pure ail black bris- ties ; ted or black backs ; highly polished; • good value ;sale price 15e flair Brushes -No 210 ; pure, extra long bristles ' ebonv andfox finished backs : • special side price c� 25e BBair Brushes. Soli Back, ^]'tare White bristles -Assorted twelve nov.- elty shapes ; fox and ebony finish ; some thing new ; formerly sold at 75c to $1.00; ..: sale price 50c Dome Fasteners, Shield grand -Wash able, silver plated white or black ; sizes , 0, 1, 2 ; former• price 5c. per dozen ; sale pace 2 dozen for 5c • Bair Nets -.Silk ; correct shape ; each ona in en envelope; formerly 5c. for one ; sale price, 2 for... .......... Sc • !lair Nets -Silk ; "Red Cross" ; large size : Baelz ane in a sanitary eellutoip cylinder; all over, with hair pins and draw string; formerly sold at 10c. ; saterice5 P e • ''Dress Shields, "Shield Brand" - Size 2, washable : former price 150 a pair; sate ' 10e Dress,Shields "Shield Brand" -Size 8, washable ; former price 20c per pair ; Sale price .... 15e Dressing Tombs _Unbreakable ; extra. heavy ; 8'inchec long ; black or whitel, fot'rner price 15c. ; Sale price....... 9e• ,' 'Dinner Sets, Tea Sets and !,• l4 a ifilttor Piney Chinaware - ,a`t1t•e selling at reduced prices during , Ifent•uary Sale. Note Paper and Envelopes -A fancy • containing 24 sheets of Paper and Envel. open, Unruled, linen finish, Regular, 25c, Sale price 15e • Side Colllbs -No. B2() ; extra long and heavy'; shell ;'former price 15c ; sale `p,tice10c a, Blick Combs -Plain crack ; extra, heavy large srze ; e ill match any of the above mentioned side combs' shell: ; sale price • ' . ,•. , lbs. F►kirtBelting - it inch "Duplex" shaped extra hue quality ; black, •.whine, grey ; formerly sold sit 5 0. a yard : sale price yards for. 54 B'at'e Rubber Combs -Assorted,, six - st yles ; extra good crudity : former price 150. ; sale price "Record' Coinl, .- 9 inches : extra heavy ; gold stamp ; sale price 23e Tape, Average India -Long lengths ; any size ; olack or white ; formerly sold 2 bunches for 5c, ; sale price, 0 bunches for 5e Pearl Buttons --2 or 4 hole ; 16, 13, 20, and 22 line ; good, pure white' button ; sale price for any size • 5c French Pearl buttons -Best quality ; 10 to 13 Ise full ball, self shanks ; former price from 10c. to 15e ; sale price, 3 dos. for 25e Thimbles -Gold and Silver ; two thimbles put up in individual boxes ; former price 5c. per thimble ; sale price one box of two thimbles for 5c R'OO1 Mending -Best quality ; all colors ; each card with a darning 'needle ; for• merit/ sold 2 cards for Se. ; sale price 4 cards for ... 5 Half Ounce ball ,lllemling Black only: formerly 5c. ;''three:for•, IUc a4 a." • Liners Thread -0100 yards , Falitc"k, white or grey ; former price 9c'1 guaranteed goal- Stamped LinenCentres -18 ineh,Conven- tional and floratidesign's .Bnittitble 'for. Coronation Btaldildi• Eihbi'oid'ery: Reg War 25a and 35cc1+r Spe'eial pace,. ; 19e ! ,� is •u ,� a::, Rattenburg Lace Centres Isfinch lace Ventres. choice ,design:. ivith;plaiu, em broidered, .and dr'aw,n jwark:cenires. Very special. luaoh ,.,... ..e,.,. 2.,e Taylor's Preauier SoapUho pe Toilet Soap in large cakes -lank and ijream col ora delightful:Toilet Soap Per rake 5e Baby's Own Soap -Small neat cakes of tbegenuine •-Baby's Own So'a'p worth regularly IOc.. Our sale now:.3 cakes 10c for 5e, • ity ; sale pricei ane apoo for , , 5e urrDan orm-avacrtviralocannacirom T;alcnass Powder-Gib/lore's'V'enetian • Tal Cum Powder (Borated,) A. perfect Pow der for men tend women of refined taste. Extra large size. boxes. SalePrice.,l5e Shoe Laces -373 inch Cotton laces, suitable for Unildreirs and 'lee's shoes, Sate Price pee dozen pairs 10e 45 Inch Cotton Shoe Laces -.Pine qua' lay, a splendid lace tor Ladies shoes, Peedozen laces , 10e Writing Pads -Good quality of paper, Nsize ; ruled or unrule3 ; Regular 10c each, Oar Sale days, is each or 4 1'ootea 25e Writing Pads -Good quality of paper, rul ea or nnruled ; letter size ; regular 25c. On sale days ......, . 15e ort for 25e Envelopes -Oblong or square envelopes, . 25 in package ; odd lines. :Per Pack• age 5e A Rook bargain -A list of popular books regular 61.00, $.125, 51.50 line clearing on Sate clays. Each 50e Berlin Wools -Some odd lines of Beriin Wool, 2, 4. and S fold. 7c per oz or 4 DUUCCs l'or 25c Stamper Linen Centres 1S incl' Conventional and Floral de- signs, suitable for coronation braid or embroidery, Regular 250 and 35c. Special Price y 19e Tape Lines -00 inch Tape Lines marked both sides, Regular 5c, Sale Days....2 for. 5c Clip and Saucer Special -Japanese Cup and Saucer, nicely decorated, thin china, open shape, regular 25c each. On Sale Bargain Days, 10e each per dozen 51.29 Coat hangers -Wire Coat Hangers with extension, bright copper wire, regular 10c. •.Our bargain, days, Each. 50 Limoges Cake Plates -One of the bigg. est' bargains you have ever seen in Chitin. a large plate of french china, with , beautiful Rose pattern, worth easily 75c Special Price 19e Eiderdown tiTOo1•-In black, white, red • 'brown, grey and. Navy. Regular 15e per skein. Clearing at per skein toe Illlrrors-Size SxlO, a good kitchen mirror, with wood frame. Special 19c Paper.and Envelopes Boxes containing from 2 to 4 quires of paper with envelopes to match. Reg ular Prices from 750 to X1,25• Clearing at 50e PER & �O. eLINTON� Mr, Adam' 11'. Strong, an old •Ford'-• with bey, for five years muaJager of the • Nortliway store, will leave Ingersoll. in:IWo or three Weeks; lie has . been notified that lie is tp be transferred to Brantford where hee1 will assume control of. a 1 as ge garment ,store that the N'or'thttay Co., are lust opening. Local News ME PROW/LOGICAL RIOPOR'1: 16011 JANUARY 1913. 1be;highest maximum temperature leas 48'0 on 17th The lowest, mini, mum teuaperrture was 30 on 14th. Toe higest range was 250 cn 15th, the lowest r atige was 5 a on 2811.1. The means i;he rn On th were no eximnin 32 51 aninimutu 19.26= and range 13.29 0.. The month was a• mild wet one The rain and melted snow was 1,51 inches and the snowfall '7.5 Mello-. 'Hain foil on eight days of the month. Heavy rains on 3rd, 0th and 17th. Good sleighing from Gin to 10th For Jaimery 1012, the higest maximum tenaperatufe rvas3S0 on let. The low est lnieimnni temperature Wes 210 an 12th. The means were maximum 17,10 minimuin 4 52 0 and range 12,08 The rainfall was 73 Sand snowfall 33 Inches, The therm ,meter Raab below zero on eight mornings. JULY 12T41 TO BE CELEBRATED IN HENSALL. t r h • The annual County Lodge meet- °•. ng of the Liberal Orange Lodge of South "Huron 'was held in Exeter on Tuesday and Was atteudecl by he largest delegation that has een present for a number of years. Woe. County Master W. Kenny of The occupied c ed the chair.r. T e usual routine of business was car= led and reports show the order to e in-a.flourishing conch tion -with a::,• spleoi'lid financial standing en everything veer,' hermoniou among the brether n The bre thorn of this district will , gels brate thei 2 h- fJulyr con to I t o g r Hensel'. The o I « n f lc f l o i g. officer were duly elected and installed b Pest Master W. Coueeey of Lucan Wor'. Master, W. Kenny, of Walton Deputy M., Walter Ilodgins, Liman Rec. -Secretary; Peter Cantloon Clinton; Financial' Secretary, W. Flynn, Crediton; Treasurer Adam Cantelon, Goderich; Chaplain, W, 3. Sproule, Lucan ; Lecturers, J .y McMurray, Bayfield, J, Artinage 6C cl merely as a visible sign of an ie- i a U. y s ward regard and affection which - is hard to express, but none tale, -, less and lasting. To you u -Why, av : � ren the comrades and help- s n h eba 1 zs of onegeneration lid ho r - s e a anno y •ed example for the next we wish • all happiness and peace.- Wingham Advance, AAAAAAAAlat6tteleekaretaoataG1606py1r4M > ANOTHER PRESENTATION, - Mr. anti' Mrs. Robt. Maxwell who are moving to Clinton, were waited upon by their friends on Thursday •evening, • and ' assured, of the ties of friendship by an address Mr. Robt. Maxwell received a gold - headed cane, and Mrs. Maxwell, a gold bro.ocla. Bluevale :Road, Thursday, Jan. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Maxwell. Dear Old Friends :-A few of us who have been life-long friends of yours have wanted to give you a special farewell before you start on a new journey in life. To have lived in one neighborhood for fifty- eight years is, in itself, remarkable: butit is not that alone that has hound us together. You were both among the real founders Of the settlement and Mr. Maxwell with his „own hands• built the walls of many.. a home that sheltered the early life of the coniiiunity, and; although you have lived amongst us all these years, we want to tell yotl to -night that no one has been, as a friend' and neighbor, what yon. both have been, ' can stay in place too 1 ng In presenting you, clear Mrs. Maxwell, with this brooch and you, dear' Mr.Maxweli, with this ‘cane, we want you to look on them Healthy if °me fi Is Guaranteed where a j 1 I'arkyte Sanitary Chen:deal Closet is used Itis the only perfect appliance 2 a, which can be used in country 4 horses, or in any public h.iilding' which need not be 'connected g with water or sewage pipes ? C C - C ft is perfectly ;odorless, easily fitted and so inexpensive that it may be Metalled in the humblest homestead C SOLD ONLY. BY Byam &Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. mAssiotAAAAAWAAAAAAAMAAAA 7 7 Our New Story which started last week. This scene is in chapter 2. THE ,PORTER -FELL ON ONE KNEE' AND GOT TO WORK. 1 1 s1