The Clinton New Era, 1913-02-06, Page 2e• eet 1lowere 'talneseiY ears Use ; ;o,f,pure .white or 'de1igate' tI'zjts, ' Without green leaves. Take. so d.. „�i paraffin ;of-thebest ,gnal:ty, a•td, melt' et in a.tin cup, set in hot 'water: .t Which wee'. kept •boiling` around at °So at{ to keep the p araft- le en aligpad state for use. Intq this thin and transparent masa dip each' bloorri orb' u leapidiy, '' eein ita ' r sh it that 'will geeing Very trti coato cover every portion of the ''.petals:'- This forms a casing that entirely excludes the air, and prevents them withering: Itis invisib e . n' 1 > and, therefore. allows theeflower' : to retain its natural appearance. To preserve green leaves coag thein with green waste. ,or with paraffin prepared With the addition of chrome green. In, this mac er • all the vases in,the house may be perpetually filled �lz.at71 to fel • natural elo vere which' do not need .replacing, PRETT'Y. FIREPLACE RF,FL ACE SCREENS. A most attract 'rev s screen can be made 'atasmall cost of /abet and money. Two lathe from avid Venetian blind' provide the sides of the frafeeevork, and 'two "more ere fixed: on the back to strengthen it, whilst' yet anothergg is fixed.'asa hinged sppport. All these ere se-: cured firmly by means of seiews, and then,'' are stained and Varnish- ed fn brown or dark green, - Small slabs of beaten stopper are placed on the corners as ornaments, and at the . bottom of these a. painted brass , hook ' is screlved. On to these hooka is suspended a screen - of thick canvas embroidered in Mike or, failing this, a piece . 'of fanpy . printed linen or India silk would do, WHAT A REAL TONIC WILL Du Strikes at the Root of Disease and Gives Newell ealth. If you look in your dictionary ydu will find the word "tonic" dee fined as a medicine that increases the strength and vigor of the sys- tem," That tells why Dr. Wil- liams' .Pink Pills are a real tonie. Thousands .01 ;men. and, 'women are ailing to -day, not sick .in bed,` but without, - ,strength and ambition, ••utterly tired out after a day's work. No one organ seems, 'to 'be at fault, yet the whole system is lacking in health, They do not sleep well and are ahyays tired and'ervous many have' dn backaches and stomach trouble. All these people need the tonic -help P of Dr. Williams'I l Pink Pills. The beneficial influence of this! medicine ,reaches the whole system Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do more i than relieve the symptoms, they ,actually remove the cause anise ` 'tereuble. The • case of Mrs, ,7,'H• , Sharpe, London, ,Ont., is one in !. M s. Sharoof peie says -e I was tomentsso run down, and Weak that life was a - burden. The least exertion would ; exhaust me so greatly that Soothe hardly breathe. If going up stairs.! Iwonld have to rest several minute .ee when Ireached the top• My f heart would palpitate until Ifelt as i ifitwonld choke me. Iwas ex-, tremely nervous, in fact a complete wreck, and would sometimes have to remain in bed' for a couple of days' or more at a time. I found no help frons medicine until I began ' using Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills, and my experience with them was that they made a complete cure, Igain- ed in -weight and my friends telt me nook' younger than I did ten years ago -I know I certainly feel y onager, I feel sure, that what Dr Williams' Pink Pills have done for me they will do to other women if given a fair chance?' 11 you are at all unwell do not fain, to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and you will find new health and strength, Sold by medicine deal- ees or by mail at 50 cents a box or i six. boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' ivtedicine Co., Brockville, l t It FIVE MORE SHIPS t I 1 •,S j , KILLED IN. A PANIC Two Women Meet Death in a Picture` Show Stampede. .• SMALL BOX CRIi:D t'FIRE" Crowds Fought and Struggled at the • Small Exits and Eleven Injured and. e - Two Dead Are Found in the i Narrow Passage -Audience Piled i • 1n Heaps on ,Sidewalk After ; Escaping From the Theatre. NEW *YORK, Feb. 33.-A boy's cry of "fire" and the smoke from an ex- ploded reel of a moving picture ma- chilie=in an East Side theatre last night resulted in a panic among the audience of four hundred persons and• a rush for the exist, in which .two women were killed and eleven other persons were so badly injured that they had to be sent.. to the Hospitals, The panic occurred in - one of the, most densely populated sections of the east side, and the thousands who poured .in East Houston street, in front of -.the theatre and rushed to the doors, added to the -confusion and to the number of injured. The two wo- men, who have not been identified, were trampled to death in the. crush of the crowd to reach the doors. The operator of the machine soon extin- guished.the burning film, and the flames did not spread beyond the fire- proof cage in which lie worked. Ct ttll tete u;ccelition of one rear exit deer; the only means of escape from the theatre wore through the main vestibule, and it was here in: a narrow space. Ihat most of the injured were found. The tern women wlto were killed were picked up in the mair,t section of the theatre. where they' had been trampled underfoot. Steep steps lead` from the sidewalk to the theatre entrance, and down these bemireds fell while these behind piled on top. Children became -sep- arated from their` parents, and frantic searchers for friends or relatives nin'led with tete panic-stricken audience. It Pres mere than an hour after the theatre had been cleared that he police were able definitely to say hat only two hod met loath. In the pane° teethes were torn from ho hacks of their wearers, and the :,;lies gathered 101 n 'great pile of hats, <uet., shue:, rteelaeses end even oekctboil s. A few nage and watches 'era aumng the salvage taken to a ct station for identification. :It theant ' tl y the panne started full hundred persons were waiting in to theatre, and as the doors burst len from within these people were aught in the rush to reach the street. Fire Commissioner Johnson arrived t the theatre soon after it had been eared. In a statement that there ere eight 'hundred similar theatres Grealler New York where condi ons were equally perilous. Ile said, svever, that the theatre owners had mplied with every ordinance gov- ning such places. In.addition to the nal Sunday night throng, the meati., ement had advertised an added ectacular attraction, which caused unusual large crowd to gather. MENACED 1N COURT. kite Slavers Threatened. Woman Who Convicted Them. NEW YORTI, Feb, 3, :Frank Fil- necial ta ofne the D partment ochantesaid f Justice be connected with tile-Camorra in ly, was convicted of "white sieve by a 'jury in the federal court' urday. Joseph Ribuffo, a barber, Paterson, N.J., indicted with him, s also convicted. U, S. Judge d renl,anded the men for sentence complimented the jury, declaring aey hal re clered a service to so wt i ne Govetni oat's leadin?' jtngss' Annie e Greece, who testi fie tfie Britain's Naval Program Scows Total p • • Cost of $403.000,013, LONDON, Feb. 3. --Crena iiriiaitt's -constant etft i tt to len intuit] her till- a premaeg at ca is evidenced by the le feet that twenty -1N i battleship aud 0 battle cruisers for her Levy. all of e the most modern design, will be tin. der construction iu British shipyards , a during' the present year. Further- el marc ,the First Lord of the Admiralty, w ``Virirtstoui Churchill. has practically in promised to ass; Parliament for money lap ti for five more iarge ships, and it is ho possible that this number will be in- ce creased to six, on account of the sittta er tion in the :Mediterranean. and the us action of Austria•Riungary end Italy ag in efierensin; their naval programs, sp Then there Me the three battleships an which Premier Purden of Canada has asked" the Dominion Parliament tp present to the Mother Country, and the vessel far which the federated j W Malay "States have voted the money, and which, 'like those from Canada, will be a Modern battleship, British shipyards are also building este six moon large ruoclern warships for fee foreign Governments. The 'total new to clic !!acct Ita 1 pent ender stay amounts to 650,000 leap• anti the test will run cry very hear etelee00,000 Sat To cutup ego }ll st .hips with the ee w 10 i aey iipecd will require very Flan edinl» i orgaOn; tiati. ii!read y recent pall British tee sibs are in aTears, and likelyely tie be "s Tee 11 Iaay_a ti met with this record in war -hip censtrub 1 7 tion. IIeretoferetl>,e Aci)nirl�Ity has 'efylculated an two Veers for the com was was elle Pae pletion of a battleship. but it is prob- able that they will now have to revise eh le estimfl be ad a Wtak Heart' Doctored For Three Years Without Any Benefit. Through one cause or another a large majority of people are troubled, more or less; with some form of heart trouble. Little attention is paid to the slight weakness, but when it starts to •beat. irregularly, and every once in a while, pain seemsto shoot through it, then it causes great anxiety and alarm, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will hosprompt suff riin fr om a y weakness of the heart or nerves. Mrs. M, Shea, 193 Holland Ave.; Ottawa, Ont., writes:-" I write you these lines to let you know that I have used 11Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. After doctoring for the last three pare with all kind of medicines and pills for weak heart, I heard of your Heart and Nerve Pills, so thinking Y had never used any- thing that did me so much good, I kept on using' them, and I had only used four boxes, when I was perfectly cured." Price, 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. threatened "with the knife's if did not obey the commands of ,fief ed nth to ewer a resort in etg8 He elle was on the stand' she was told in sign language b the' defendants friends int -court, the al dared, that she would be killed If her testimony convected 'the fee`s. A large force of Government detectives attended the trial as a precautionary' measurenese ..,- _... ., DESPERADO SLAIN. s. Twenty -Two -Year -Old Chicago High. wayman Shot Through Head. CHICAGO, Feb. 3. -James Higgins, a 22•year-old highwayman, was killed, here early yesterday in a fight with, the police. Wrn, Cantwell, a eompan was -clubbed into submission: Higgins and Oaritwell' had'held up ono saloon andweregoing through the saloon, when detectives ts t city, tim patrons tianother, in. Higgins dropped a revolver at the detectives' order, but was drawing a second when Detective Herman Otten shot him through the head. ' West Wants Lower Duty. WINNIPEG, N PD G Fe meat hi the form of .-By a move. started at the bead of thelakes,n an other attempt is being made to induce. the Dominion Government to permaai. ently reduce the duty on cement, from , 581.2 cenfe a, barrel to 26 cents e barrel,' • The petition, which is said tobear. are entirely ntlrely 3fiferent from ,, others both in their composte' tion and, their effect-oomplefe ,`evacuation Withoutgi ur ' p ng or t`' djscomfort. 25c. a box ato r g y u ,drug ist s. HATIONAL,DCuo AND. CHEMICAL. CO. OF CANADA. LIMITED. a large number 'or ylgnaaluaes :lop oontraotors and. consumers through.) out the Canadian prairie west is es.. pected to be presented to the Govern menu in the early spring. Naval Cadet Examinations. OTTAWA, Feb, 3. --Naval 'owlet ex- areinatione .will be held on May 15 at Toronto and other Canadian eities. Applications must be filed with the,. Civil Service. Commission at Ottawa cee or before April 15. James Welsh Deed. PORT ARTHUR, Feb. 3. -James V. Welsh . senior partner of Welsh Bros„ railroad' contractors, died here Battu. t day., of pneumonia, ". IS;PENSiNG1USTl.CL 8Y U,`; i . 'nettled' Theo£dispensing +justice In the Ottoman Empire lies resniteo' to a 'crop of stories bels , 'told ks ad's $ aY , re writer' in the Yorkshire •eekl' A. go%l one relates•to a poor Turk, Mit slater in -Constantinople, who, be lug at work upon the roof of house,, Rost his footing and fell,.into the Aar -- row street upon a ' man. The ,"pedes- trian was killed, ;while the , slater es- caped without material injury. A; soh of the deceased caused. •the: slater 'to• be arrested. The ,cadi-listened` atten lively; and ' in the, ,end, asked' the plater what he had to pee in his leave. . t' de - "D spenser of Justic ,° answered_ the, accused, "it is eyes as this man says; but Allah, forbid that there "Should be e-rll 10 .my heart. I am a poor man, and know not how td make amends." The son of the sap who had' been killed, however, demanded that • the plater be 'punished, -..The cadi medita- ted for; a few moments and finally said: "It 'shall be so." • Then, to the slater he said: "Thou phalt stand in the street ;where the ether of this young man stood when" hon didst fall on him." And to the 1 curer,. he added: TThou shalt, if t please thee, gp;up on` the roof and all upon the culprit, ' even as he; fell DU thy father. Allah he praised!" M To ' The ,Public, ■ O 0 We are. Agents for Parisian Sage, And we Know the Guarantee Is Genuine, PARISIAN Sage, the quick -act- ing hair restorer, is guaranteed - To stop falling hair. To cure dandruff, To cure itching of the scalp, To make harsh hair soft and luxuriant, . To make hair grow, or money back, • It is the most delightful' hair dressing . made, and ' is a great favorite with ladies who desire beautiful and luxuriant hair. Large bottle only 50 cents, The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Port Erie, Ont,, Canadian makers, W. S, R. Rolmes. AFTER HUGE DiAMOND According to Theory it Should Weigh Many Tons There is nor: In active operation what is probably the most wonde:'fgl mining venture ever recorded. The object .01 the quest is an enormous meteor which struck the earth ages ago, and Is belfeved to be tactically a solid diamond worth untold millions of pounds. The scene of this amazing mining operation is Meteor M nn'^'-• in the heart of the Arizona desert The top of the mountain Is hollowed out into a huge bowl -shaped depres- sion about 000 feet deep and perhaps a toile across, 1011011 Bite a voleauie crater, and there exists a telief that thls crater Marks the place where a giant meteorite, as large as the cir- cumference or the howl would indi- cate, struck the earth many thousands of years ago and buried itself deep. la the earth. The theory that the main body of the. meteor may prove to be one huge diamond is based bath upon the finding • of epi ' gems m scattered to er fragments and. on the opiniou of Sir t William Crooks that the bottomless i bares,• known as "diamond pipes," in which these gems are usually found ; aae•the PasItPfleiu o falling meteors. THE DUCHESS OF HOHENBERO morganatic .wife of. Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria. The birth of a. son, to Archduke Charles, y conger brother of Francis Ferdinand removes any hope the Duchess. may have enter- tained that her children would be raised to royal rank. ROYAL BABY'S NAMES Heir to Austrian Throne at Oapttcm of Future Solecessor Seventeen narles were 1lastoivcd lap• all the baby son of the P rchduko Charles of Austria at the cbrrrtentng recently, including Charles au Fr- eis tto, the Ii et tie ee Joseph O o!' which are the names of itis i'atlirt-, hrtr- glarommin without a doubt you'll find this out in all ypultravels round about the bread that's best et Wltll any • mead - is just the on': and only real Mother's Bread better bread could not be made -that's;;what you'll say when you have; tried this crispy, crusty! Mother's Bread Ne Dari1itf Phone No. 1 and have delivered to your house every day. amossmatmammemmtoutswomaimmirmiiimumwormm We are: well Prepared to Supply Your Wants We thank all our eustomere of 1912 and solicit a contiitii • ince of your favors, We are constantly receiving newg o - ods Tot those who have not patronized us yet we would' kindly ask you to try us this year. • PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. P.S -A Supply of Coal for Sale, I ''�j� � C 'EMI?pRUll'l ��it�w� LONU 1ES80RO i B JNC8ITIS SVFFE Takes Drtiggist'S Advice ' V4 Splendid Result, , If<,, o an e : houI' .� ,y n. s d ',know the ...:gine worth of a. dtcine it is the retail druggist Whb 'sells '•it over his 'counter every day hi the week, and is in a position to know what remedy gives the best satisfaction, ms, Frani M H. U1i ne ,ofVj'estSand t.ake,'N 1".'m says: "For a number, of years', I, Was a great csufferer from bronchitis, Last July I had'an, attack Which was more severe than airy, and nit- !Benda thought I could not recover from It. Then I was gdvised'.by my druggist to try Vitae, ` which I did, with Wonderful results. My ',cough has left me; I have gained '1» weight'' and, .appetite,. and I am as strong as aver I was, I advise all who have bronchitis, chronic coughs, or who are rundown to try Vinol." It le the Combined.: action of the inedicinal curative eleni.entsof the cod's,diver, without the greasy oil, aided by the,blood-making and strength-creatinproperties of :tonic iron that makes Vinci so efficient. Remember, we guarantee Vinol to do just what we say --- we pay back your money if it does, not. W. S. R. BOLM l,S, DRUGGIST CLINTON, .ONT, h` p-resunt`pttve 4;o the Imperial throne:- The hrone,The - christening- took place in a small chapel attached to the royal villa'" rt Pechnau, near Vienna. ° The child was held in the arms of leis uncle, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne, whom the baby will iu all probability' succeed some day. The 'Archduke Francis Ferdinand married morganatically, and there- fore, bis, children are not in the line of succession. • DECLINES TO SUICIDE Late Mikado's Physician Does Not Like the Old Fashion The doctor who attended the Em• peror of Japan in his last illness is finding himself in difficulties because he will not- satisfy the demands of that circle in Tokio which still clings to old ideas. These persons, who were. much impressed by General Nogi's suicide, demand that the doc- tor also shall kill himself, but he de- clines to do so. It has been explained to him that he will be held in dis- honor if he does not follow the ex- ample of iOigi, but all the persuasion and Indignation leave him unmoved. It was not his fault, he . says, if the emperor died. He declares that he was unable to attend the Mikado as he .should, have done owing to the court etiquette, aud added that i1' the emperor had followed his advice and abstained from alcoholic drinks he would still lie alive, es ii. tT. • .x .- . Killed While Fencing While fencing with a fellow play- mate at lThifield Grammar School, Tames. Crichton, aged 14, of Bush hill Park, was accidentally killed, Crichton was playing with foils with another boy named Howard in the School gymnasium, Howard, during the combat, retreated before a lunge made by Crichton, and by a mischance Howard's weapon struck Crichton just ander the eyebrow, entering the brain. The boys were not Wearing masks. ese /..pt Pert and J. as It takes a genius to save money or write good poetry. • A girl may toss her head even ff she can't throw a stone, She is a smart girl who can trans form a yarn into 'a smile. The weather man is frequently re minded that the unexpected hap- pens. • Sometimes an olcl man doesn't,}ise glasses ; lie _drinks from a bottle: A two faced person make a spec ialty of manufacturing bare faced lies, Health is wealth --except for the doctor. CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. 'T.If. Station ILLI kinds of Coat on hand - Chestnut Q,iie stnrit Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith En rime e . Caere Kennel Coat and Wood Tile -21, 3 aild14-mch size- ,'The Tile is of:the very best quality. . Brick to Order. Pi. Fp =Phone 92. 1 tet Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get ourrice p s. The very hest goods carried in stoek and sold alt the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland''s Hardware store, or with W. J. Stevenson, At Elactirle Light Plant.mums ." ucn lylli eome sent in 'the wash tlze,;divorce beq}trt," Stine men try ,- ;to z,eaiize on their opportunities before theyat-rive. ` . ;Beauty is only, • skin cis ' thee but woman many a om tin fs deeper' than she looks. Logs Wanted rV C' . Highest prices paid for ELM BASSWOOD, MAPLE Any two.od bought, w,' . Doheny Plano 6 Organ CO Unified CLINTON- - ONTARIO. 111,11101121111, eill..611.61.•111014.11111MMMISIMM.....1.01C Servant Wanted Apply to MRS. MALCOLM McTA':,GART For Sale 1 argaIn mFurns e, elects cal ghatitng bath room, hot and co.`d water, also s stable on the premJses. Por in- formation apply at Till PEW ERA For Sale or to Let A small farm of about 20 awes in the, Township of Stanley, in county of Huron, provim'-e of Ontario, ,be- ing`composed of Lot number 35 in` the first Concession of the said township. For full per: oculars write, A. T. F BTT, Beton, Ont. PO17EOES New ItrunsVviek • Suitable for seed or cooking. 51 per bushel while they last, Only a small quantity on band. • STEEP &. COMPANY Orders' may beleft with Beacom & Smyth, phone No. 4t, Ladies Wanted Employment of:ered in Player Preumatic Department. Light ruitable work amid pleasant sur- ^oundinge, In New Ya;' k or Chicago this is considered employment for tine Highest class of lady operators. Apply at the Office of W. DO HERTY PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Limited. Clinton. Faris For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 05 acres, on con, 12, part lot 34, Hal- lett township, 3 miles frons Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank ,barn 36 by 66, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick k hause plenty t p y of w iter ab opt out 'ani .63cro of or- rhard, Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, IBl'ytlt, P.60, Faris toe Sale The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres --- East half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett, A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also. the undersigned of!ere for sale, lot 29, con. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately, JAMES SOUTHCOMISE, Clinton. Ford & McLeod We're noiv eelling Timothy Seed (Government Standard,). We also have an hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and' Bei? Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn -gyp. Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and pill .Grains. Ford 0, McLeod AAAA aA„a® eeitniaA►eA.LsA d R 1 ' PidliOS t A W C •� i 4 See and here our finest , rtida'yvte eealy•°6io t• Tat tl BR:YDQNI,. � 11AR1tt$T R.. a .e zzazxoa ROTARY PUBLIC, 'ETO cr+I xm ,e H$R LB$ ia,' rtgLl? 4, tonne anc e ,• ;Notary Pubkie, ommtssloner, etc REAL ESTATE AND 1NSU&'AN` • .. OE Issuer of,Marriage Lieenees, Huron St, Clinton. H. T. RANO Notess' Public, Conveyancer, e, dR Real Estate., INSURANOE-AGENT-Reeresenttn 19 i s .. d Fre In mance Companies... DivisionCourt *��`` Office.M edk,al. • AR', f%. W. TwoolpSON Physician, Surgeon, Eta aeeoial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, aid Nose, Eyes carefully examined, .and suitable glasses, prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial !Iota! HuronSt. DItS. GUNN and GANDIE7t Dr. W. Gunn, LE. C. P„ To It. C.8,. Etna Dr, Jr. C. Handler. B,A, Aria, OSOOe-Ontario Street, Clinton, Night calls at residence, Battenbnri St.. or at hostile! DR. J. Wa SHAW. PHYSICIIAN, SURGEON. eoonehenr, etc., oaice and residence on tenbnry St,. oe eoeite W. F'erran's residence, DR. 11'. 11. AXON HENTIST; Crown mad Bridge Work a Specialty.; Graduate of C.C,D,S,.a Chicago, and D,O,D, , Toronto. Hayfield on-Hondays, May let to becemb D.R. H. FOWLER, • DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental treat. anent as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction •e•• GODERIOH ONT 1,,msto:8 Bales a apeman j. bidets et Al NEWTerme orece, Clin n nia,mot,y edena.5 discounted. rmers' sale note G. D. McTaggart ' M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ' ST , CLINTON :r. General Banking I3naineiss transacted NOTES DISOOUNT.ED Drafte famed. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop tdllltaat Fire Insurance Co. Reran and Isolated Torten Props. arty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth. T, Connoily, Vice -Pres., Goderich. T. E. Rays, Sec. -'Teas„ Seafoaith. DIRECTORS. .las, Connelly, Hclmesville, John Watt, Hari oetc; G. Dale, Clinton; D. 1.McGregor, Sea n f rtil J. > Evans, Beechwood 9 • J G, lleve, Winthrop Me - 1,' '- J 13enuewefs, Brodhagen; M. Me- llwany C1i •__ Each Direetoe' is Inspector of losses in his own district. .AGENTS, Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed.Iiinch- Iey, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, llolmesville. Payments may be,made at The Morrish' Clothing Co,, Cantata., or R. H. Cutt, Goderich. JA008 TAYLOR • eL1NTON Fire, Life and Accident •Insurance; Real estate bought, ane sold .Money to loan Office Issue Street, next deor to New Era. Grand It;t id«;t y System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce, North Passenger London, depart..... 8,30a, m 4.50 p nl Centralia 9.40 5,48 Exeter 9,63 5,54 Hensel! 10.08 6.05 Iif en , 6.11 Brucefeid 19.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6,35 Lo nd es bo ro I1 .18 Blyth 11,27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 7.13 Ingham, arrive11.50 7.35 New Stylish designs of , Doherty Pianos and e Oi,gans, .. ,special value iB S hi Art ®, d 5- Pianos and organs rent ;5. ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music & 't variety goods. `.. 4 Mum Ellmporium, C.' Hoare: South Passenger Wingbam, depart•.. 0.43 a m 3.33 p -m Belgrave 6.5<i, 3.44 Blyth 7,08 3,56 Londesboro 7.16 404 ()Baton 7,50 423 I3minefield 8,12 4.39 Itppen 8.23 4.47 Heneelt,, ........, 8.32 452 Exeter 8.48 5.05 Centralia 9,00 5.15 London, arrive 10 00 6.10" Builalo and (,lode; Wet' Passenger ' Stratforda in pm Mitchell 10.00' 12,20 5.25 10,20 Seaforth 10.45 11,10 6,18 11,12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6;40 11.23 Ilolenes yule 11.16 1.33 6 40 11.38 Goderich 11.35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East 1 essenger Goderich '7.10 2. m 0 p m 50 Fl esville.0 808 Clinton 7.26 3.57 . 5.15 7135 8,07 5.12 .Seaforth ,.7.52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell 8.16 3.48 5.55 110 ' Stratford..,........,8.40 4.15 6.20 Dr,. de Van's Female Pills> 1 A reliable French regulator• Hoyer fails. Therm puts aro exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system.' Refuse 8' 85Cheap box'ornthree for 515.r Mailed to any addre e.t VVVVYYYVyVrirtet 1h '/yyyy ' tTh■ I8'oobeU,Drda Co., 8t. Va1Lwritsea, Ont.