HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-02-06, Page 11:i1O-.141shasta,,StS '11111n1.1111-„,31117. - •• 77 Established 1865, Vol. 47, Na. 32 CUNtON ONTARIOTHURSDAYFEBRUARYc,,1918 W. 1-1, Kerr, &, Son, .EditQrs and Publishers You11 Akppreciate*Genuine Bargains Always, Read the Advertisements in The New Era Re Fr a !floret', at St ThomaPL Gail's Eight Votes. Sprmg Show April Srd. HE • OF.. OANAI;.???` "• Head Ofiice Montreal Capital Authorized.. . . .. .......$26,000,000 caPitat 11 500 000 Rilaserre and landloided r�fit. .. 12500,000 ToT*L ASSETS 175,000;000 325 BRANCHES With world wide connection). Interest allowed on Deposits snieheral Shrialoing ,busiineas !Wan's- acteal. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH L AXACOLD A laxative cure for LaGrippe Coughe, Colds, Headaches, and Neuralgia. Acte quickly and is tasteless LAXACOLD will often cure a cold in a day and a night. Try it once then the inext time you will be sore to re- member how quickly Lana - cold cured you. 31 Disp'1-V1Ele ensing 'Chemist. 110. StoJohres :Ward, 'but •when Mr. n out. .3 Aeliti011 'night it was give that',:ide. Fred iJankifoir vita,48 stotes in McMathmade his. returns to the toWn'Clerkl M. Jackson had received only 40 Voter,. Since the Least Option Scrutiny has taken place considerable' talk bas taken plies and on Saturday Mr. McMath stated to Ex -Councillor Jackson that there was an error in making the return. However !dr. Jackson is still two votes lower than Councillor A J. Morrish and does not alter the present Council. Gel Tile Best II Pays ELLIOTT TORONTO, oNT. Is a Commercial School of the Highest Grade. None better in OCanada. Graduates Sn strong de- mand. Enter now. Catalogue -Free. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years 19064911 •1906 CAPITAL . . , . 7 $3,000,000.00 RESERVE .. 3,000,000.00 DE PO 'ITS . ''. . 23,677,730.00 LOANS AND I N VESTMENTS . 27,157,090.00 "'OPAL ASSETS . . , , . 38,090,192.00 1911 $4,000,000,00 4,600,000,00 35,042,311.00 38,854,801,00 48,237,274.00 Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal "'ties in the World. A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSA.CTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch. C E. DOWDING. Manager IMI10111.01111/ON •••444/44044040. •••••4•••0•• 440 0•0 00 4,00 00.44040000044. 0 • • 4. 4 4 4• • • • • • • • . • • . I • k Taking • • :,.i • 4,p: • • • •, • SdIC Stock taking is the next thing on the program $ here and that means that it is again time for our annual Sale. The annual meeting of the Huron County Stock Show, better known as Clinton Spring 'Fair, was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday last, •Jatruary, 30th at 3 -o'clock. A large 'and enthusiastic represen- tation of the Directorate attending, The :officers elected for the com- ing year were anfollbws,-- President, jas. Snell, Vice President Geo. Hoare Sectetary, C. E. Dowding, Treasurer, A. J, McMurray, Auditor, Dr. Shaw, Executive Compaittee, ,.Oliver Johnston; John Shannahan, T. Colin:tarn There were also six names added to the Directorate as follows.-We.Nott ; John Shan- nahan ; Lorne Tyndall ; W.11. Lobb ; W. D. Connell; Geo, Carbert. As has been the custom since the inception of the enterprize the date of the Fair always being the first • Thursday in April. It ' will fall this year. on April • 3rd, and plans are being made to make it one of the best yet held. • PRESENTATION IADE, DY MEMDEDS;i. OF:4Kr ANGELS;CliURCH ON TUESDAY‘NIGHT: • 71• (St. Thomas Journal) A large number of the member` of the 'Holy Angels Churgh gather- ed in the auditorium of the chureW on Tuesday night to honor the cid 7 i parting curate; Rev. Paes Hogan, who has been beloved and looked up to by,the whole panish sinee his coming'here five years ago, before his departure ,for Clinton, where he will act as"parish priest. The chair was taken ,by Mr. A. P. Conley, who introduced a short program, including 'solos by Miss Margaret Hickey, the possessor of a soprano voice of rare excellence and range, and Mr. Frank Knopper, who sang in a fine baritone several selections which won him immedi- ate favor with the audirrece. Mrs. McManus played the accompani- ments in her usual faultless manner. Miss Pearl Arlein read an address from the Sodality of the Holy An- gels Church, which accompanied a beautiful silver tea service, the presentation • being made by Miss Kate Connoy. The address was `Nish4ahischstiahtisshisistahah+4,74 full of the feeling of regret which 4* • • h„ , is general in the parish at the de - 4+ Personal Notes sC-• de- parture of Father. Hogan. ' easi• iAt• Several Presentations. 44. 15 those having relatives or friends gf. 4, visiting in town, or going away 44. The gentlemen of the local parish 'ZIfiiI117igfeM'efif tn 44• were also thankful for the words 4. of kindness and good cheer, and the helpful exampTe which Father • • " Mogan has given tb them during Mr. Cal, Streets was in Goderich his residence here, and expressed this week. it in tangible manner, when they - made a presentation of iipurse of Miss Grace Cluff was at Wing- gold, which in the words of the ham last week, spokesman Mr. A. P. Conley, was Miss Mary Blake of Hullett "a bouquet' picked from the garden is visiting in town. of love and tied with the bonds of Mrs: 11 B. Combe entertained the friendship." 500 Club last Thursday. The Order 1 the Sacred -Heart, Customs officer Neelin of Sea- through <Chairman Conley, also forth was in town this week. showed the regret in,which they held the departing priest by the Miss Shanahan attended the presentation to him of a cheque for Wingham Assembly last week. a handsome amount. Mr. Hiram Hill was on the sick In introducing the speakers of list with an attack) of la grippe. the evening, Chairman Conley Mr, John Ransford Made a busi- mentioned the high esteem in mess trip to Toronto this week. which Father Hoganis is held by the Mrs. W.R. Counter entertained people of other denominations in on Monday evening of this Week. the city and the respect which has Dr. and Mrs. Axon attended the been shown him as hpriest of the Wingham ball last Friday evening. Reeve „ Govenlock, of McKillop tonhwsip, was in to-Wn on Tuesciay. Mr. Sproat, a well-known resident of Belgrave, was in town on Tues- day. • Misses Belle and Pearl O'Neil gave a party to their friends re- cently, Miss M. Shanahan spent a few• days in town this week visiting friends. Miss H, Sutherland, of Hensel' was the guest of Mrs. MeGarva this week, Mr. Clarence Paisley has taken the position as junior in the Royal Bank here. Mrs, John Wiseman was hostees to a 500 party on Tuesday evening of this week, Mr. Fred Mason, of Blyth, has takho a position at Lawson's barber shop. Mrs. 11. E,. Rorke was At Horne to a number of her lady friends on Monday night. License Inspector Oliver John- • ston paid a visit to Brussels Tues- • day of this week. • • Miss Agnes Thompson is spend- • ing a couple of weeks visiting • friends at Leaminton. sa Miss Nettie Brown, who has been • visiting her sister Mrs, Leslie Kerr, '4.. returned to Brussels last Saturday: a. 4 E. J, Morris of Goderich D.D.G.M. of the Alk.V.W. attended the • dis- trict meeting held here on Tuesday afternoon. • Everybody that is acquainted with this store . $ knows full well what that means and appreciates the • fact that, when We run a sale it stands for something. $ • We always reduce stock as low as possible before in- ventory. There's no money in carrying goods from one season to the next. • • • • • • • • • • • $IO.00 llgen's Overcoat Sale price • 12,00 Every Overcoat Must Go Regardless of Cost • • 5.00 * • 22.00 - as • 2 5 00 • • '1 14 4.4 45 41 44 Miss Ella Lindsay left Toronto Tuesday morning for Regina where she has charge of a large millinery store their. Z On Monday evening of this week t Mrs. Ken. Chowen and Miss Hus- Z band • entertained their friends at • .the former's home. 11.90 ; 16,90 • 19.90 • $2,50 Boy's Overcoat Sale price 4,00 .++ , • • , 14 It • 5.00 $ 6.75 " . t 7,75 •Yorith's 5' i • : It Will pay anyirnari or boy well to buy an Over— i • , coat at'. the Salejeven if you don't require oneuntil 1 . ' next season. Come early and get your choice. i • + • $1 90 ,4; 2.90 3.90 ..... . .... 4,911• • 5.110 • Catholic • Church, even by non- Catholics. • Rev, Father West, head of the local parish, spoke in the highest' terms possible Of Fe ther Hogan anti eulogised him as being a faith- ful Vs kers in all . brooches ,of the. work and teachings of the ehurch. He also 'spoke of him as holdiog the position ofassistant priest 'In the city of St. Thomas for a longer period than any other ,curate since the ,founclation of the church here and took the large .attendance at the farewell tendered to him as be- ing a sign of his popularity. Father West asked for the prayers of all the congregation to go with Father 13ogap in his new 'field, and spoke of Clinton as being a splendid parish for a splendid priest. • Rev. Father Ihtoodwin expressed his good -will and friendship for Father Hogan in a.suitable manner, drawing out his many fine points by means of apt illnetrations. Father Horan's Reply Father Hogan, In a neat and feel- ing reply said: "I would wish t� thank you all for the handsome way in which you have remernber- ed and I am deeply and heartily grateful. On my birthday I was remembered, and throughout my ptay here. I have been helped by the good feeling existing between the people and their priests. I have tried to interest myself in the heart and shut of .each member of the parish' and to do good privately and publicly." Father Hogan thither spoke of the honor and respect which bad been shown him by the non-catho- lies of this city and expressed his appreciation for the feeling shown to him by citizens outside of his own people, for whom he promised to Pray and asked that God ' would be with them in life, death and the hereafter. Ladies' Provided Lunch The ladies of the church provided a splendid lunch at the close of the program, to which all sat &min and enjoyed before bidding .adieu to the guest of the evening. In the afternoon Rev. Father Ho- gan was kindly remembered by his young friends, •the children of Holy Angels school, who presented bim with a beautiful silver tray and knives, forks and spoons. The presentations were made by Jack Laird and Cecelia Gant. Father Hogan made an appropriate reply. Rev. Father Hogan of Raleigh, a brother of the departing priest was present at the evening function. Scrutiny Proves Local Option Defeated FAILS BY 231/ VOTES ACCORDING TO SCRUTINY OF JUDGE HOLT ON MONDAY. The adjourned sittingof the the evidence, he would do so. Ile scrutiny being. conducted by Judge said that he did not want to think Holt; of 4odench, was ,beld in the that any one could be guilty of so Council chamber on Monday, I serious a crime, involving as it COUNCIL MEETING The February meeting of the Town Conlon was 'held on Monday nigh.1 MinuteekVere read,and confirmed. A lea9r from Mn. Chas'. (4arrowii Solicitcir of Mr. Hs Hill re • Thresher, Corrip,any. :Another letter from Mi. • Ektardene, town ,Stilicitor inregards to 111O. ,13111's Oaten and others. Reeve ihantelen, Councillors F,orel: and ThornsIng discussed the; question' of settling,with, air. Hill. Another letter has; reed from Mr., J, ChMeMettio-Having been appoint- ed by. Your ollonetatile body to the positamiof IDeputy -Returning Officer, of St: John's 'Ward for the Municipal: eleetion-held on Januar0 6th and hav- ing served yea in that capacity to the best of my ability I want to make a statement to you regarding the re-, turns as given to the Clerk on the night of the election. I state emphat- ically thetas far as 1 know every caution was taken to conduct the poll according to law and the returns given the Clerk, viz.. 84 for the Local Option and 51 against, was according to the ballots which were taken out of the box and counted and agreed to by the Scrutineers and.Candidates for Council, who were present, also that there were no ballots passed through our hands which were marked both ways, as there now appears in the box. You had sufficient confidence in me to place me in the position of Deputy Returing Officer and as I have served you fairly and honestly. I wish the continued confidence of the Council by reserving the protection from you that an officer might expect under such circumstances. Nothing short of the fullest investigation will satisfy me and freely place myself in your hands in an effort to clear up the scandal on the good nature of St. John's Ward the town and myself. This letter was Ivied till Judge settles the matter. Mr. Brydone appeared and address- ed the Council re Hill claim on Thresh- 1 er Oo'g plant. On motion of Reeve Cantelon and Councillor Ford that they settle for 55Phein Hthylldorfo his iscslatiiniai. By-Law was rend the third time and passed.. Bylaw for the appointing the town paiduoreffri,clals were as follows. D. L. Macpherson- Clerk and Trees - Jos. Wheatley -Chief Constable. R. Welsh -Night Constable, T. Cottle -Assessor 0. ("rich -Cemetery Superintendent la, Mennel-Pound keepee Dr. Shaw -Medical Health Officer 0. Johnson -Engineer The fire brigacle for 1913 are as fol lows: - H. Hartliff - Chief J, Kerr --Criptain Jaa-.Finch - Lieutenant H. Glazier -Secretary Harvey Mc:Brien, Win. McRae, Wm, Wheatley, Norman Kennedy, Luke Lawson, H. Murray Mc Ewan, Win. Coats, Bert, Frendin, Carl Draper, J. E, Johnson, Wm. Kennedy, Bylaw No, 4. 1013 for making exten sions in the Waterworks plant was read and passed. The Street Committee recommend • ERYBODY IS TAKIINtJ ,IT Its just great for lingering coughs, and run down sys- tems, lack of energy and ap- petite, get a bottle of Rexall Wine of .Cod Liver Extract It Will niute YOU, Fed Fine YOU CAN GET IT AT TUI REXALL STORE W.q:R. Holmes burglary, ; that 10 cords of stone be procured for about 30 ballots were reserved for is a remarkable occurrence and dif- repairing and building macadam roads At the last session of the court argument, one having been, mark- ficult to account for, said the judge where Oduncil may consider necets ed with ink, three had not the ' it Might be carelessness on the ary. Price $8 75 per cord. Report deputy. returning officer's initials, ' part of the deputy returning rind- was adopted. Water Committee reports one had two crosses and one had a cer, or else some evil disposed peah Fire and son bad tampered with the bal- that an inventory of the fire and water he had authority for allowing al' of I he hoped the guilty party or part - lots, and if the latter is the case, equipments as follows: - 1700 feet of hose double cross, The judge held that • • and f • 11: these, which he did. 5 nosel be punished severely. There were also 15 blank ballots I•ies "T"I'd In the meantime he would ad- 3 hydrant wrenches 5 lanterns should no • e counted in the re- -His Honor states that in his opin- 8 extinguishers tilled, 1 out of repair and the • tudgi)e held that. these journ the court until February 17, turns. • 1 ion the town officials tn whose 2h .. , NO CHANGE IN THREE WAR:DS. , keeping the ballot boxes were from hepott was auopted, In three wards it was. shown that i January Srai had done all that The Property Committee had a big there were no changes in the re- ., could reasonably be expected, and report which is as follows. sults as reported by the deputies, ' that no blame could be attached 1. We have concluded to alter the the ballots in reserve, having all , to them. Council Chamber by removing the been allowed as rood ballots. I . Chamber and the small room to the partition now between the Council St, John's .tvard, where the de -1 whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh puty bad West, the cost of this not to exceed reported 84 for the by- l fifty dollars, ballots, the scrutiny shows that Local News the then lerger room at a cost not to 2. We would then psherand decorate law and 51 against, also five blank ' only 69 ballots are now In the box marked for the by-law, while ' - there are 64 against,' Hve blank ballots and three marked both •+++++++++++++++++++++++,f ways. So that if this scrutiny . is PURCHASED PROPERTY, not • appealed again a e Misses Mildred Barry -and Loretta higher court, the vote will stand Flynn spent the week end with.' 316 for the by-law and 227•against, the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. and the•by-law will be short of the D. Barry of St. Columban. • required three-fifths. • Rev Mr and Mrs. Dunbar, W. Proudfoot, K.C., for the op - 1 ornaerly of this town are spending tionists, said he wished to call a few days here prior to moving to evidence to show that ballots in St. Thorndale where Mr. Dunbar be- Johnh ward had been tampered comas the new Rector. The many friends of Mr. Joho' Joynt, of foreknow, will be sorry to learn that he has 'been seriously ill, but the last report stated that he was on a fair way to recovery. Mr. Fred Rumba'', who has been in the Royal Bank here for some- back it would be easy 'for any lane time has been removed to London. scrupulous person to tamper with Fred's rushy friends In town will them. Geo. McLennan has purchased the comfortable cottage of Miss !Taylor on corner of Kirk and ITownsend streets. TEMPLE OF FAME The Ladies Aid of Ontario St. Church are going to give the" Tem- ple of Firms' under their auspices a - with since the election, that the out March thh. Fuller particulars deputy 'returning officer made his report to the town clerk, and after- will be given later. wards the ballots were placed in a WHERE CLINTON SHINES. the poll , box and locked with , locked either from the front or the hall, and as the building was not it moist he a "dark star" with the Bor. very inferior lock in a cell at the Clinton shines in many things bus %Lagos. pdreonp?i°avt tbronsm forenS ' the np ubl Mondayicl in Western Ontario were brought down and Clinton received the enor- mous sum of -well we could not see it mentioned in any 01 11)0 papers. Sea - forth gets $7,000 and Mitchell. $8.000. in,„rivers and Harbors Hayfield gets $2.000 for repairs to piers and Godes- ich $200.000 for harbor improvements. wish him prosperity wherever his lot may be cast. Mrs. George 4. Mitchell, who has been visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. J. Mitchell, Albert St. leaves to visit in Brampton this week and will return to her home in Craven in Saskatchewan next week. Miss Edna Rodaway left here on Saturday last to visit relatives in London and St. Thomas, leaving there on Tuesday morning foe' were correct and that the returns Chicago where she expects entera as DOW shown. were „riot according ing St. Luke's Hospital as nurse to the will of the people in that in. -training. • ward. 1V1r. Wm. Robb, of Clinton, Is ho Charles Grow, of Goderieh, act - spent many years in Logan, and Sis ing for the hotelkeepers, stated well known to many of our citizens, that there was not the slightest has passed his eighty-fifth birth- ground for the • objections of Mr. ao wheaby orfi cl ah acgl he at env co whichrne d ygivestb at sytoaur t as day. He is years younger mentally Proudfoot, and on behalf of the ripple and 'logically than his age, the hotelkeepers repudiated absolutely chance to brush' away a tear. Its a resul of sane and clean living and that there had been any attempt treat to the theatrical going •pablie : inheritance irons a line ef clean liv- to tamaper with the ballots and who have been burdened with trashy plays. Clinton Opera Flouse Monday ARGUES FOR EVIDENCE. He argued that the judge should allow him to produce evidence•tts show that some of the papers which were now in the box were • ti the twereottobibne daoignogod place at ,. when the deputy made his hetur He also wished. to submit to the a ter w tc g . court a ffidahits sworn 'to lsy the • deputy, poll , clerk and scrutineer, NEXT MONDAY. certifying that the original returns Tire play"The Girl and the Drum- mei," Fred Byers newest and bright- est offering, with Floy Mann and Fred Byers, himselt playing the title roles, becomes interesting from the start., Is does not lag or bore you, never tire- some, for every pathetic scene is fon. • • 411111111.14146. The Morrish CLothing C49. FURNISHERS " To Ilea Who Care." ' ing ancestors. -Mitchell Advocate. quote authority to show. that the FON 10 ?Aces 25e, 85c, 59c. This _oh_ 'de ce was -not.perroissible. company comes athoesly from the i on Sahuraht Eelh 8th. ' Doughts, C. 0. F., Tuesday night, in • The indge..tx said.' that neitAing 'naatter hps and Al it could be 'Shown: 7 -Ethel li -can now boast of a Cana-. him, o , , " 'ea • dahnehat was given bh•Chrirt: iviA4)? TAKE EVIDENCE.... •.. ' Crreard-Theatr'e London PlaYinkot117iT honor- bf John Burgess -the oreteram should • ibe donclo. 0 7- 1, Tonarship Clerh and a highly oe hhhoheohhhhh".44„.........hhhhhhiph...,,ohoh0000hohnossoho sPected reeident of 13luev ale. that he had the right, to takes- sdiansChtb s • ' • s , • . ' •• .• Rise Have you tried it for Frying, Shortening and Cake Baking The newest, up-to-date short ening on the market to -day Makes the lightest cakes. There can be no possible fail- ure where !CRISCO is used, and it is equally successful fpr pastry, bread and biscuits. We have just received our first consignment of Seville (bitter) ,Oranges - for Marmalade. W.T.O'NEI THE.BUB GROCEk Phone 48 FREE LECTURE. Don't forget the free lecture by Abraham Knechtel of the Forestry Department, Ottaw,a in the Town Hall, Feb. 12th at 8 o'clock. The Lecture will be illustrated by lantern slides, It is well spoken of throughout the Province as Mr. Knechtel has made foresty special study, Clinton Makes An • Offer To Heusall During the past week Councillor D. S. ()tuff and Reeve Ortwein, of Hensel', have had some communica- tions about the fire engine of this town. It seems that Hensel' has prac- tically nu fire protection and during the past few years the Observer and. citizens have been talking the matter up. Following is a letter sent the Hensall Council by the town Clerk on Monday: - Clinton, Onto Feb, 3, 1913 Mr, J. W. Ortwein, Reeve of Hensel', Hensel', Ont, DEAR SIR: -Mr. D,, S. Oluff, a exceed sixty dollars. These we con chairman of the Property Committee Bider of great importance and hope of the town of Clinton has notified that our conclusion in regard to this me of a telephone conversation which improvement may meet with yew un ' he had with your goodself with refer- ence to your purchase of our steam tiro engine. This engine was purchased by the town of Clinton in the,year 1878 trent the Ronald Fire Engine Co., or Brussels, Ontario, costing $2900.00. In 1905 we had this engine thoroughly refitted, cylinders rebored, and in feet everything done to it that was necess- ary to make it as good as new. This transaction cost us $950.00. It is now fully twe years or better since we have had any use for this engine, so you will readily see that slime 1905 when it was repaired it has bad very little to do and is today prac- tically as good as when it was first mNadoel:withstanding that this engine cost us originally $2900.00 and that we have spent 0950 00 in putting it in first, class shape we will offer you this eugine as it stands today prantically bearing the manufacturer's guarantee installation of a lavatory, tO be placed ufearntyhebesimisavls1 sttihmatof ris00.2.ginaaVetsacast- in some location convenient to the good as the clay it originally left the Council Chamber the cost of this im factory, and we are satisfied that provement to be 030.00. We trust tnere is no such value to be gotten. that as a Couto-al you may sanction imywhere in Canada. ammous approval. 3. in regard to the Fire Engine we conclude that it would be much better to sell this and use the proceeds to im prove the torch hall' by seating it with opera chairs etc. On this also we are anxious to have your approval, 4. A recording gunge should be in- stalled in the Clerk's office to ascer- tain the amount of water in the stand pipe. This fa very urgently requested by the Underwriters. This guage has been quoted at 023,40 at Cleveland which with duty and express ad ed would bring it about 531,00 d and this would nob °cost more than about 035.00 installed. " 5. In the matter of wiring houses for Electric Light purposes we have instructed the present 'Electric Light Co, to do this work, using the wire now on hand, as per inventory Laken of same and they are to report to us the amount of wire used at each place. 6 We also strongly recommend the the above, I therefore move the adoption to this report. -D. S. Cluff, Chairman. The Finance Committee read their report which was adopted. Councillor Cluff spoke of the work of the special Committee, in regards to the " P. R.. coining to Clinton. Seeing.that you neighbors of ours we certainly would prefer closing this deal with your goodsel.ves as we would. like to see you have the benefit of the bargain that we offer. We would suggest that a deputation from your worthy Council wait upon us and investigate this matter ' The Cirildren's Aid Society was thoroughly. As we are not far distant granted$ • Council then adjourned, MINOR LOCALS. Hoye you got the grippe? If not, why not? The lenten season commenced on Wednesday. No trouble about the ice crop during the past few days. Get Come neatly printed calling herds at The New Era Office. m froyour goodselves and the e. pense will not be great we will be very pleas ed indeed to have you notify us when it will be convenient for you to wait upc)fl 08 Hoping that you may see your why • clear to take advantage of this 'bar- gain, and that we may soon have the pleasure of entertaining tour depots, tion here, I beg to remain on behalf of the Council. Yours Truly DL. MACPHERSON