The Clinton New Era, 1913-01-09, Page 2T TO RESTS .y' r i the Y$nn5 1V'an1a � iu.AUla la 1?t•C:e Via,. y Oo., the Ciambri�,a;Steel Oo; and La, belle Iron Works, the Do ii nl on t,ee 1 Corporation'and the SteelOoti an of Canada: iia er n There is, no doubt whatever. about the offer to Mr. Plummer, but it is also said that ho- declines : to recelrl- mend •a;sale, ronic Coughs grid , Colds, YlgF treA•tl" 0 sus men . and women w5" ardly ever catch gold, "`it's only when fie' system is run clown and vitality D ncoughsget ' W that colds. and a foot- sad.; (l1 4QW isn't It reasonable that the ri$ht`wey to cure a'cough is to build ,.un your strength again? • Mrs, •Olivia:' Parham, of East Dor- man N,' O., says: "I took Vinol for a xshronfo (lough which had lasted two 'year's,, and the (lough not only disap 'Reared, .but it built up my, strength wen."' ' Thereeson Vino). is $o efficacious in sixth; eases isbecause` it contains in a delicious . concentrated form all the 'medicinal curative elements of cod liver bil, with tonic,.'` blood -building it on added. Oronic .Coughs and colds yield to Vivol "'because it builds up the weak- toned;!'run-down system. Yol eau get your moneyback any time it Vinol" does not do all we say. ISP.' S B. 'ff,OLhi 'S E , DRUGGIST r CLINTON. ONT. DIES CAMPBELLS West Toronto Liberal Passes Away at Age of 68. IN COMMONS 23 YEARS After an Illness" of Three Weeks •Widely -Known Milling and Mame eacturing Man Succumbs at Hos- pital First Represented Kent County and Later West York .. -Six Years In the Senate. ' TORONTO, Jan. G. -Senator Archi- bald Campbell, Liberal member in the Dominion House of Commons for twenty-three years, and West York's representative in the Senate' for the last six years, died in Weslesley Hos- pital last night- after an illness of three weeks. Senator Campbell was 68• years old, but he looked much younger: ' He was robust of physique and his death comes as a shock to m in ps-litical circles as -W _ 5o his host of personal friends. nen-a"' Ridgetown, Ont., was the birthplace of the dead Senator. He was of Scotch descent, his parents, Neil Campbell and Flora Johnson, coming from Argyleehire in 1830. He attended the Chatham Collegiate Institute, and af- ter graduating gave his energies to the task .of building up a. milling busi- ness. Forty-two years ago he 'married • Mirette Burke of Coloma, California, who survives him with six children. senator, Campbell was taken ill in t)ttawa f ree weeTcs ag"o, and immesl . A els et trned to his 115r at at West oronto,to'te:t p He had always had perfect health, and for forty-two years of married life bad never re- quired the services of a doctor, Senator Campbell had lived in West Toronto for twenty-one years, and be- fore that resided in, Chatham, where he has a married daughter, Ilirs, Spencer Stone: For twenty-three years he was a member of the House of Commons, representing tient County from 1S87 to 1900 and West York ;rorn 1901 to 1907. While representing . Kent County in the House of Com- mons he was chairman of the banking and commerce committee and when he at for West York was chairman of the railway and transportationeom- mittee. In 1907 he was called to the Senate where he represented •West York until his death. In business Senator Campbell was just as successful as in politics. While in Chatham be owned large flour mills, and on corning to Toronto, . he built the large Queen City Flour Mills. At the time of his death he was president of the Campbell Milling Co. of • Canada, but three years ago was relieved from responsibility of the company by his three sons. He was also president of the Central . ` Railway and of the Grand Construc- tion Co. ' HAD BOILS. ON FACE AND BODY WAS TROUBLED FOR 8 TEARS. Boils in themselves are not a dangerous trouble,•but still, at the same time are very painful. • - .• They are caused entirely by had blood, arid; to get .rid of then, it is absolutely 4eeessary to put the blood into good con- dition. For this purpose there is nothing to equal that old and well known blood medieine, Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs. James Magecan, Floral Seek.; writes: -"I was troubled for eight years with boils on my face and body, and 1 tried everything I could think of. My neighbors told me to drink' avatar off of sour corn areal, but I kept getting worse until one day a woman in town asked me why I didn't try Burdock Bled Bitters. iyIy husband got me two bottles,' and. before one was gone my boils had all (ilea appeared, and I feel like a different woman, I can't -tell you how thankful I am for your medicine: I will recommend it to ail sufferitg woven:'' Manufactured only by The T. 'Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. - AFf-ER STEEL COikOM-i,fl. U;. S. Syndicate W.an'is Both Canadian aadian Companies, ."'tONPRE.IL, Jan 3. -'-An American eynchette, backed by a billion dollars and headed by 0, H. Schwab, is after: lien Om/adieu Steel Cnmpinlce It is known that lirflueutial capital - feta have. been approached in the mat- ter . and that a handsome once has- been mads to 1. H. Pltnnmer for con- trol of the Doniiiiion -Steel Corpora- tion. Tao ,prodpoocrl cambi tetiv;F cum pr:ecs the Bethlehem Steel 'Co.. the FOUliTEtli. PERIS Six More Are Rescued ,From III - Fated Schooner. THE TRAiL OF THE STORM eN ,Collision of the Steamer Indrakuala and the Schooner Luckenbach Now Known to Have Cost Fourteen'. -Lives—Niagara_Falls Was Iso- lated—Three' Deaths Reported In New York. After Gale. `NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Jas. Six members of the crew of the ' schooner Julia Luckenbach; which was out in two and sunk by the Brit- ish stea--'er Indrakuala early Friday morning in Chesapeake Bay, were res- efied by the Indrakuala, according to a wireless message received here yes- terday 'from the revenue cutter Apache, which went from Baltimore to the Indrakuala's assistance. It was reported by eight survivors who were landed here 'Saturday by the steamer Pennsylvania that 20 per- sons lost their lives in the sinking of the Luckenbach, but news of the res- cue of six others reduces the number to 14. One man of the Luckonbach's crew died on board the Indrakuala. The names of the five rescued men were not given by the Apache. The Indrakuala was reported by the Apache to be badly damaged forward and considerable water has entered the vessel's hold. The officers and crew of the Indrakuala, the Apache commander .says, are deeply grieved over the loss of life as a result of the collision. The Apache reported she would stand by the Indrakuala until the weather cleared, and then would at- tempt to tow the vessel here, where repairs can be made. Heavy Gales on Coast. ST. JOHN, N.R., Jan. 6,—The gale which swept this province Saturday, wa.s the worst experience here in many years. the wind reaching a velocity of nearly 100 miles an hour. All the small craft in the harbor kept well within the shelter of the port, only the liners venturing out. Lasamaght word rerached the city that the Airie'rican three-mag"i'e71-sbh5oher, Wm. T. Donnell, was a total wreck in Mace's Bay, about twenty miles below St. John. The crew was saved, but the vessel went to pieces and the men had a narrow escape. The ninety -ton •schooner;' Eskimo, is also reported ashore at Musquash, with crew safe. She is owned by the 0. T. White Lumber Go., of Apple River, N.S.xr ,ru: ..s'r..•^"e`^tom- a?S:a>ie,d•-• ,ri„ a,*- Schooner Apparently Lost. WILMINGTON, N.C., Jan. 6.—The schooner Savannah from Jacksonville to Portland, Me., lumber. laden, which went ashore on Frying -'Pan Shoals. Dec, 27, has entirely disappeared. It is believed the vessel was broken up or blown out to sea during Saturday's gale. Efforts will be wade to locate the derelict. Three Killed In New York. NEIV YORK;, Jan G.—At least three deaths and approximately $500,000 l,rnparty damage resulted' from Fri- day night's 80 -mile gale which swept New York and vicinity. Saturday morning at nine o'clock the wind had dropped to G0 miles an hour, but the mercury had crawled down to 32, and pedestrians suffered keenly. The deaths reported were: Mrs. Mary Kline, Brooklyn, died of injur- ies after having been blown under a street car. Robert Walker, a painter, fatally injured in a fall from a scaffold in Brooklyn. Unidentified man blown into New- ark Bay from a Central Railroad of New Jersey train, Y KEEP ON 'COUG$II G ? Here lsARemedy That Will $t0 R i� Do you Tealize the danger ina ue 'lected cough? getridof it? don't yon ggwhy Theny -. shake it ff even though Yes, you can ha , , t, g it has stuck to you for long; time, if you go about it right. heep out in the fresh air as much as you can, build up your strength with plenty of wholesome food, and take Na-Dru-Co Syrup of I4nseed,,Licorice aide Chlorodyne. This reliable household remedy has broken up thousands of hacking, per- sistent coughs, which were just as trouble;;oine as yours, :and what it has done for so many others itwill do for yott. Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and t1iiorodyue contains absolutely no harmful drugs, and so can be given safely to children, as well as adults. Your physician or druggist can confirm this statement, for we are ready to send them on request a complete list of all .the ingredients. _ Put rip in 25a and soc. bottles bythe National Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, 317 1unl.eer wodas ,,ear All,LUL ;ata,. day. Their team ran tin ay, ' c is r n its. the" father under tis 1 t,—ti:;. at liar ; • he was killed. The logs became loose and ,ro;lttl off, carrying the san.tu the b iuuuil where he was crushed and ,o._ut•touely injured that ho died yesterday mei-fl- ing. Both men were farmers and lumber jobbers. WENT OFF TOO 15)0111, Niagara isolated Three Days. NIAGARAFALLS, Ont., Jan. 6.— After having been practically isolated since Friday afternoon, the twin ci- ties of Niagara Falls are again in telegraphic communication. The se- vere storm of Friday wrecked tele- phone and telegraph lines and tele- graph companies were unable to han- dle' regular business until yesterday. Press despatches left the Falls' We - graph offices last night for the first time since the great storm, which was the worst in a decade, when the power line went down near Lockport, re- sulting in the blowing out of the ma- chines at the Ontario Power Co,'s tr511srormina elation Marian Eausinga loss of about $20,000. TWICE THREATENED. Foreman of Jury In Dynamite Cases Gets Ominous Letters. NEWCASTLE, Ind., Jan. G.—A se- cond threat against the life of Frank Dare; foreman of the federal jury, which convicted the ironworkers in the dynamite' eonapiracy trial at In- dianapolis, was received Saturday-. The letter, which was mailed in Chi- cago and signed "State Street," SS in the salve handwriting as the one of a few clays ago, which said he would be anter Lhe sod within three months.. The letter received Saturday -reads: "Keep :out of the newspapers with the letters you receive or else every friend. of union labor . in the country will' know your address, and don't forget thi sense of my last lettea: to 1%ori," Both letters have beeu placed in the hardly cf federal authorities. Father and Son killed. NOPAH BAY, Jan. 6—James Apple- -gate was instantly kilted and his eon, luhnJamea Applegate, aged 18, fatal - la injured, while drawing logs in the 19 nc "- meta Great English •Relate&/. Tones and invigorates the whole makes- noevonn. system, alre5 new s. �,k3looriln old Veins, Otai'caNeri 6%1' Dthll tt( illtatet and, :Brain llrovey,'.Des 5 mt[Zr re/, Se t,cat iced r cis, .1irues9io7n4, Sec4- lorr,<ce anal+JI'etaef4biunaor Xt'xcessq:. rev bn . ,,erne $5, One will pleatge 511 a 111.. Pre, Snld w all rugglets,.• nmoiled ir. F in n}g, on r p� f n.,•o, M1rto21amplsZns' r [ Z'a,tr•ee ritr'-'Jt'oc i9 ri0toiae Cao, San tart,[Wttil,c•°.l' lonesentfi,.P,n2,, Premature Blast Killed Three Men In Construction Camp. PERTH, Ont., Jan. 6.—Murdook's construction camp, ' on the new C.P.R. lake line from Ottawa to Belleville, near Christie's Lake, was the scene of an accident which resulted in the death of three a; orkmen. It occurred about two o.el ck in the morning. They were in the act of loading a hole when it exploded, killing an Eng- lishman rained Court instantly, and seriously injured three others, two of whom died after the doctors arrived. They were both Sectchnten, one Alex. McTavish, whese only relative is a sister in Auckland, New Zealand, while the other, Ale.. Morrison, lived in Forrester's Falls, One, and leaves a wife and fancily. The fourth was still living, although be had a serious in. jury to his spine. An inquest is to he held to -day: Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Horan Pioneers Mrs. John McMillan ardMrs. Knechtel Dead at Seaforth, l iondvflIe yin3 Inaeved 1sn ria liar' i'tuslra'nd,<:,I ,o Brmasei ls n iaa Per • cae death ,oilier 1rshand in. ,ad6 ane moved to Seaforth where alre r�leided tno``tlnvq oilier death Kedevnuntiltel 'alias Un mottled o'f eleven enildreo, tight •of w! ora su- Vive her; eisof1912 The most, immar Cant event of the yc er, jucigt•d from i s pl s,eiblo;' world-ayicle consequences uas been '.he war between the Balkan States and Turkey 'Floc tittles were coni , me.iceil early in October Montene- gro onteregco taking the ini,iative It vas at one time !eared that the great powers would ',e ed ;n the quarrel. but the• year is pas?ins; with the declaration of an arrnis- tiee and the holding of a conference in33,o'ndon, of plenipotentiaries or: , the powers i'nterestad-to'larmulate coudition o'f pe' a, October wit ncased the denlaration of mace be- tween .Italy and Turkey, the war :between the two e antritis having been carried over from the Mei,- lova year, Theenost awful disaster that has marked the eisrroy of Atlantic eteam aaat'agatir,,n occurre.l Apiil 11 The 'White Star liner Tatar le (miss' maideln voyage to Now York collid- ed with an iceberg and -1,6`41 of hex passengers and crew wean ,dlcwited' The steamer Cern'thia, summolncd :b- wirel ess, arrived on'tho s^ene in time to save 7:19 people In Asia te passing of ;las Men- • chudynasty was the 'moan not e- worthy event. The Preeidn-tial election in thio United States resaltecl in ft sweep- ing vi ..orq for Governor Woodrow 'Wilsoln, the Dcr.'neratic clad.date, who easily defeated his opponents, Colonel Roosevelt and President Taft, By procl'imaiion President , Taft fixed .the rate of telt, to bo charged 'for pas age through the Panama Ca exemptin15 iam'-ri-. :an vessels from the raaement of tolls whoa on 05 ristavi ,4 sera'ice. Great Bsiaaln, through leer Am - bane dor, 'foiin') y asa •irotest against the dieci•imii'al inn as n ' violati',n of the !lav-Ps.'necfute treaty. dl'n Cnnada 'the tunic which has to a great extent lnonopollizscl liuiclie •merest has been the question of the Dominion's contribution to the Ie: Aerial navy. Premier not den's liroposition istovote $,3.,000,0'0 :or the ibuilding a4 three super -circa 1- nbaghts to be presented to Eng- lend, but to be manned aer1 meal - Mined by the mother country Sir Wilfred Laurier's tounfer-propesi- tian hitohave a Canadiar mantled �.ud maintained navy as one non- ribution to the imperial dere-nee aehenao The ..t,'ade of, the Domin- ion showed a remarkable Kapansion during the year In April a trade agreement between, the 'West indica. was sighted at:Ottawa, which itis hope3 will canine benefits upon both the contras ing partn.s The obitut'ry list contains many great es General Booth of tl eS t. election 1 Army' the Emneror or Japnn; Henry Labouchere editor of Lon- ' dour Truth • Wm T. Stead ; the Hon Edward Blake • J astin McCarthy, the (novelist and historian; (hair - man Mabee of the Dominion Rail- way Commission , Samuel Nord- heimer ofToro ntc, II P. Dwight, Fresirlautt of the G N,'W. Tcle- 1 graph Aon,pany Andrew Lang, .he. 'famous author • Sir Richard Cal t- Wright ; Sir Ch trir s Musa, Cksie'f Jnt;tiee or the :'o'u't of Appeal; , Whitelaw Reld, United States Ani- 'bassador to Great Britain; Chas M. Hays, President of the Cr 7. R.. who vent down with the Titanic, and. General Neg'oiJltp aft Sir Richard Cartonig.iNs death ems followed by the f'lblicettion or: his memoirs and reniiniscencrs, de- voted to a'frank criticism of the Seaforth, Dec'.2"",—Two o'the, old- est residents int' is vicinity eased away early Stanley snorniu g, Jonn McMillan end Mrs. John le , Kr etch - tel. Mrs.McMillatt a, tie the ssuet0'f the late John McMillan, M. F. for South Huron for a member of years and had suffered a6trolceof paraly- SiS some months agowine,, bad partially disabled her, but a aeeere slrcke about a week ago ewanple- etr'olce about aweex ago complete- ly paralyzed her tend caused her death. She vas a native of Ayr- shire, Scotland, and was 90 years of age 0n Aug. -11 last, Mrs Knetehtel vas a sister oil Mr. Jas,MeMicnael, '•WeeBor,'lls, and was barn in Thurso. Scotland, June .5 1829, cowing to Canada v'ith her parents 101841 and sat:tili:tg in Mc- Killop Township, She was married in 1845 to John N.Fnechtel of"f:g- 0 ..• au o d tin hes q e the stops eousi s, c eo c 1 sr n a s the throat and 1pi6e. iP.6 cents,. p olitical leader his time as well 9'of-p ubite ;natters in spite cif` strenuous oi°ip i'tiolt f' Qitt the IiloiomfL, the Irsh:`slioine rale .bill Ices passeecl t' I '' cern- mons ; The fi3ritisll Gavel r meet has also: succeeded in pasty ng curing the year many : eutedial d't;ai,eetic n ensures of great itnporra0te to. "the masses Without a doubt you'll r find this out in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any .meal— is just the:one and:,only real • Mother's 1 raVs are better bread could not be made — that's;,what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread flhsi e. No. 1. and have it delivered' to your.. house every day, , sugar n e; rS':¢ .Us ,niteeXa ishi. ig You a Bright and Prosperous New Year Children' Or FOR FLETGHER5S ATQR9A Servant WWak'i,ted Apply to MRS. MALCOLMYI McTAkiGART Public Notice The anneal. meeting of the sub- scribers of the CI e3nit: h Township Telephone System will behold inn Holmes' Hall, Irol.iiesv 1 , o day, January 1011t, at 1.10 p. M. Ito receive thta report of the , contmis- isiolners and to transact such busi- ness as may .be brcught before them C). W. POTTER, 'Secretar'y Boarders Wanted - Accommodation for three or four ••boarders. Apply to NEW ERA. Anneal Meeting The annual meeting of the• Holm esville Cheese and Butter Co., will be held in 'Holmesville Hall I'D Sat- urday, Jan. 11i11, at 1.30 p melte -ransact business and elect oliiccrs 'for ensuing year. All stook-hold,ers are requested to'be pieteny as a dividend on paid ep stork will be declared and pain aL tiva meeting. GEO..1'. GOUT D, Secretary. A Bargain There is money in this 'for y ou 160 acres all breakable. 3 anti a half miles ,from a good town 20 miles from city of. Moose Jaw Sask Price $ta per acre, $100 cash 1 at•"nee 9 years interm! i 6 per c off Goocl Title This is at girth a.'0 per acre Apply to Fra' k O 4eii, Clinton, Outario' Wood Wanted X00 cord. of First Class Wood i4in it in 13in,long A FORBLS Cnal Vat els Auction Sale 01 farm atoek and implements and howseholrlfurniture at • Nelson Yeo, Bay'fielcl Roacl, an Jan •1.•1 '•3E0 I'LLTC I T Auctiene,er Electric Needle Specialist Electric! Needle Specialist will be nere next week Private enea- e- lecu's made ifor peranenr r'soovai n( moles. tuperfl.lous pial ole, Pupils taken (Write at once ' or information M. MAZIDNIEN, 26 Dal;, Aoe'cue, Steacfe• a Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fu e Insurance Company will he held in the Town Hall Senfarthon Friday January the 17th 1013 at cne o'clock, p, m. business to receive the financial Statement and twditote report the electing of three Directoie and other business for the good and welfare of the Cunt pany the retiring Directors are John G. Grieve. Winthrop; James Evans, Beechwood and John Benneweis, Broadhagan, who are eligable for reelection. J. B. SIcLEAN, THOS. E. HAYS, President Secretary Clinton Telegraph school I ani Starting a Teleg/ aPie S^pool parties wishing tolearn will please tall . oln ane atnay alour and feed arore, A.E MAT Elf?eaiN For ,'sale A brown 51111er=for !infix earning 6 Years old, sound ;and. in good con- dition. 'quiet eVerar way and not efraid of.; autoee, threshing machi- nes, ,bicy'cles 'etc. Will be sold cheap. 'Apply, to A. 0, Pettersoar, Victoria S.t. CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. la R, Siation l It kinds 01 Coat on hand— Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith' Furnace ` Coke 1CCnttel Coal and Wood Tile -2T, 3 and q. -inch size— The Tile is of the very best quality. Brick to llrtlere s t55,152g '€u Ttit3?•Si',1'.+.":?S:= .".a" au..:F..�... mmm, Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Jural, get our prates. The very best goads <' carried in stock and sold, at the ;? lowest poseible price. Orders may bo left at Davis 8t Iyowland's 13'ard ware store, or with W 5 8 'SOS 131itimesr.lc ilalg0at Mete For: Sale A commodloal ;brick home at a l;argsia..Rl'udnace, electric lighting ath room, hot and co: d. water, oleo tr stable On tha premises, •Por in.- for'mation aphis at Rl,'E PEW' ERA ^ For Sale or to Lel A small farm -of about 20 acres in tiro Township of Stanley, in county of Huron, peovin'-e of Ontario, be- ing composed of Lol nem! iter 35 in the first toneeseion of the said township. For Lull per ticalare write, A•T,E IJJTT, Byron, Ont. POTIffOES New. Brunswick Suitable for seed or cooking. 31 per bushel while they last, Only a small quantity on hand. • STEEP & COMPANY Orders may be left with Beacom & Smyth, phone No. 46, Ladies Wanted Employment offered in Player Pneumatic Depnrtmant. Light suitable work amid pleasant sur- roundings. In New York or Chicago this is considered employment for the highest class c f lady operators. Apply at the Office of W. DOHERTY PIANO AND ORGAN CO., r•imited. Clinton. Reduced Prices on Buggies, Wagons Cutters 1 Rebuilt Buggy ..... "$25.00 2 Rebuilt Buggies ............ 35,00 1 Heavy Democrat 25.00 One-horse Heavy Wagon„ 25.00 1 Rebuilt Cutter ..... ....... 4.00 1 'Rebuilt Cutter .- .. 700 i Rebuilt Cutter ..... ......... 12.00 Estate John Leslie Clinton, Ont. Farm For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 775 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34,'Hul- lett township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and Smiles from Blythe 11-2 Miles from School. A bank barn 36 b7 56, another .barn 36302, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about an Lucre of or- ehard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, !Myth, P. ,-D. Farm for Sale. The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres — East half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. A first-class farm, web watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offer for sale, lot 291 con. 6, ull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOltl E. Clinton. Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand —Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and .all Grains, Ford & McLeod eAAlteekeli tAAAm6.AAAAAker adadtai t at a e 4 U 4 -e n0 -.1 4 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Atl',} 1<ftt 141➢_si ts'awG'W['.'-',�' IiIlI iCeg Pianos andorga11s rent ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music variety goods. Mum Emporium 0 If W. lB1typoX/0. BARRISTER' SOLIOI%'OR BIOTAR UB ' P Ia!0 ET OLINTON 347 171 fie•. w Le - to (5 p�► i► 8' t;4aaRI.ES 8.' name (Jon e y na - n ee, Notary Public,: Coni;niesioner, etc t REAL ESTA7.E AND 1NSIJI%t1:N0kx Issuer o f o AT arriage Licenses, Huron St., 0linton,j; H. T. RANOEI. Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estates INSURANCE`,ADMIT.-.ltepr'oseutipg 11 Vire r e In enrnnee Osnlpaniee,,, IDivisiioll Court Office. Medial. DR, 41. W. TUO167P$°.Jlti !,clan, Surgeon, Etc amnia] attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose. Eves carefully examined, and suitable; Prescribed., Office and Residence.. Two doors weer, of the Couunercaal hotel Mixon St. DIES. GUNN and GANDIliJt Dr. W. Gunn, LE. 5, Y L. 1E, E. 0.. Edirn lSr J (t (Sandier. 1f 5 I 1.1 r , Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls et residence, Rattenburr. St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSIC/ AN, SURGEON, ceoucheur, eta, office and residence on tenbury 50,, onnosite W, Farran's residence, DR. F. A.AXON DENTIST. Crown and Itrldae 'Work a Specialty.: Graduate of C.O.D.S.. :Chicago, end. R.O ,D.B Toronto. naylleld 00 llond,tya, May 1st. to Decemb DE,. II. IF$ 'LER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E store, Spacial oars taken to make dental treat., errant se painless es passible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction see GODERIOH ONT B atm ?tune sales a spacmlt j, Ot ext s at aa. Ni w ERA office, Clinton, prt.mnt.y attendeC- to, Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note discounted G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON,' General Banking Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Props' erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J.13. McLean President, Seaforth, J. Connolly, Vice-Iras., Godes'ich. T.E. Hays, Sec. -Tress„ Seafosrith. DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hclmesville, John 'Watt, Hariock ; G. Dale, Ciiaton ; D. f'. McGroaroa, Seaforth; J. Evans) Icechwood ; J. G. Grieve, 'Winthrop • J Benueweis, Brodhagen ; M. Me - Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses in his own district. -AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; 'Ed.Hinoh- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg• - inondvillo; J. W. Yeo, Hoimesville, Payments may be ,made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clintolny or it. H. Cult, Go.derich. JACOB TAYLOR* eLINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next door to New - Era Grand Trunk -Railway Systeln• Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger Loudon, depart 5,80 a m 4.50 p re- Cr.,ntralia - 9.40 5,4i3; Exeter 9.53 5.51 Hensall 10.08 0,05 Kipper 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 10.30 6.19 Clinton' 11.00 6,35 Londesboro 11.18 6,52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 '7.13 'Wingharn, arrive11.50 7.35 South Passenger Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p m Bolgrave 6,51 3.44 Blyth '7.08 8.56 Londoeboro7.113 4,04 Clinton 7.50 4.28 Brucefield 8.12 4.89 Kippen 8,28 4,47 Hensen 8.32 4,52 Exeter 8.45 5.05 Centralia 9,00 5.15 London, arrive ,. , 10 00 6.10 Buffalo and al -ode Wee' • f assenget am pm pm p m Stratford 10.00 12,20 5.25 .10.20' Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10,47 Seaforth.-.. , ,, 10.45 1,10 6.18 11.12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28 Uolnteseille 11.16 1,83 6 46 11.38 Goderich... , 11.35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East 1 eesenger AM pm pm Goderieh 7.10 2.40 1,80 I3almesville, 7 26 2.57 55,06 Cli.nton,..... .7.35 3,07 5.15 Seatorth, ... . 7.52 3.25 5,82 Mitchell.. ...... .... . 8.16 3.48 5.55 Stratford 5:40 4.15 6.20 Dr. de Vans Female Pills A reliable. French regulator ; never fails, These pills are exceedingly'powerf,ul in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de 'Sand arosold at 85 a box, or three for,010. Mailed to any address. YlaVVVVVVIF The Seeheli Drug So.. 8t. Catiutrinee, Ont,,