HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-12-25, Page 6ounlous noirniEs.
An Th1 Gentian BUM MOdeld 0
• Houses With Lirinp Sugar.
• Nearly every one has some lcind
of hobby -something that am or
he can turn to for enjoyment in
leisure moments, but, as a rule,
most hobbies take a very ordinary
form, •such tie starap-colleobing,
photography, orbanting butterflies.
Occasionally, however, people have
strange ideas of what constitutes
amusement, as the following cases
will Eillow :—A short time ago
there died in Germany an old
man of 78. lt was noticed that dur-
ing his lifetime, whenever he went
to a cafe he always helped himself
to a quantity of lump surmr, which
'he put in his pocket and -Cook home.
No one could understand why he
did this until his death, when in'
his room were discovered numerous
models of houses and railway sta-
tions; all naade out of lumps of
sugar. Modelling in sugar was
the old man's sole hobby, and it
was estimated that in making his
little htiuses he had utiaized no
ewer than 10,000 lumps of sitgar:
here is, in. Ainefica, a married
ouple named Vernon, whose hob-
by is going through the mtirriage
ceremony. They have been mar-
ried to each other eleven times, and
each time in a different country.
Their first wedding took place in
Oolumlaus, Ohio, 'in 1909, and•einee
then they have been wed in Can-
ada, England, Scotland, Wales;
France Germany, Belgium, Russia,
Australia and Mexico. They have
kept the marriage certificates as
souvenirs, and when Mr. Vernon
was asked the reason for his
strange behavior, he replied that
"it was a sorb of hobby" with him-
self and his wife.
Ma Sounding Machine llas Saved
Many Lives.
"No „wonder that we sailors bless
the name of Lord Kelvin." Such
is the ooneluding sentence in a let-
ter written by Admiral Kennedy to
the London • Tines, pitying tribute
to the inventive powers of that
great scientist for the good that
has resulted from their application
to maritime needs. The sounding
machine devised by Sir William
Thomson (as he then was) is the
subject of Alnairal Kennedy's par-
ticular appreciation. This can
readily be understood when the
narrow escapes from destruction
for which the machine WW1 respon-
sible are considered. On one oc-
casion a. naval vessel reached the
harbor of St. John's, Newfound-
land, in safety purely by •means of
soundings taken by the machine
very half hour in fog, gale, and
incling snowstorm, On ' another
cosion the navigating officer felt
ured of ealety when the chart
rked 100 fathoms no • bottom.
:ow .Thoinson overboard," was
uperior officer's' insbructiont.
mson" Was accordingly heav-
er and marked--fifeeen fath-
"lied we oontinued on our
we should have been ashore
aylighb," writes the ad -
on of the Knight Motor
• Stearns Oompany of
ems to • have boon
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And There Is Nothing Bettor Than
Br. 'Williams' Pink Pills for
Toning Up the Blood,
It is said that woman's work is
never done, and it is a fact that
Whether in society or in the home
her life is filled with more cares
and more worries than falls to the
lot of man, For this reason women
are compelled regretfully to waLeh
the growing •pallor of their cheeks,
the coming of wrinkles and the
thinness that becomes more dis-
tressing every day. Every woinan
knows that 11i-hea1th and svorry is
a, fatal enemy to beauty, and that
good health giSres the plaineet face
an enduring attractiveness,.
What women fail to recognize is
the fact that if the blood eupply-is
kept rich and pure,' the day of the
owning of wrinkles ,and pallor, dull
eyes and sharp headaches is im-
measurably postponed. Dr. 'Wil-
liams' Pink Pills are literally worth
their weight in :gold to growing
girls and women of mature year.
They fill the 'veins with the rich,
red blood that brings brightness to
the eye, the glow Of health to jai -
low cheeks, and oharnis away the
headaches and backwohes that ren-
der the lives of so many women
constantly miserable. •
• Mrs, William Jones, Crow Lake,
Ont., 5aYe: "I feel that Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills saved my life. I
was so badly run clown that I could
hardly drag myself around. I was
so bloodless that I was as pale as
a sheet, and you could almoet see
through my hands. In fact the doe -
tor told me my blood had all turned
bo water, I was taking medicine
constantly, but without benefit. My
mother had so mu& faith in Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills that she
bought me two boxes and urged me
to take them. How thankful I am
that I followed her advice. Before
these were gone I began to feel
better, and I continued using the
Pills until I had taken flve more
boxes, when I was again enjoying
the blessing of perfect health, with
a good color in my face, a good
appetite, and I feel euro a new
lease of life, I will always, you
may be sure, be a warm friend of
Dr. •Williama' Pink Pills."
If you are weak or ailing, begin
bo Cure yourself to -day with the rich
red -blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
actually make. If you 40 not find
tho Pills at your dealer's, send 50
cents for a box or $2.50 for six
boxes to the Dr, 'Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont., and they
will be sent you by mail, post paid,
A Traveller's Experience VVIth A New
Mexlmin Indian.
To the natives of Central America
time is Of very small importance, The
Word manana—to-morrow—is the key-
note of their existence; nothing need
be done to.day. A little of this spirit
was in a good-humored New Mexican
Indian that Mr. Charles F. Saunders
tells about in his book, "The Indians
of the Terraced Houses." He had
picked up the Quakerish name of Ed -
ward Hunt, and enough American
ways to`make him think that his little
store at the fool of the Ancoma cliffs
would be a profitable vehicle in which
to make tho journey of life.
To him, says the author, we un-
folded our plan of spending a few
days up in the pueblo village, and we
asked him if he could help us to rent
a house. No, he thought no one had
any, and smiled genially. Then, gee -
lug our disappointment, he added:
"Well, you eat your lunch, and I
guess I have to go with you peoples
pretty soon up the mesa, and look
around. You wait awhile. Pretty
soon I come again." With that he
disappeared into the recesses of his
little abode dwelling.
We at our luncheon in leisurely
fashion, tb.en had a bit of siege, and
finally went to look for Edward.
Through the door of his bongo he was
discovered in the midst of his family,
changing his shirt, He (Hailed at lid
benignantly, aud remarked: "You wait,
Pretty soon I come."
• We watted—twenty-nye minutes by
the watch, At the end of that time
he came out and glanced round the
store, picked up a large gray somb-
rero adorned 'With a magnificent hat.
band, set it carefully on his raven
locks, viewed himself in a square
inch or two of mirror that hung be-
hind the door, took one more last slow
look about, went into the next room,
patted one of the children on the head,
and then, stepping forth into the sun-
light, observed, ari if we had been
keeping him waiting:
"You ready? Let's go,"
Ideal Protection Against •
Inroads of Catarrh
Airs° Quick Cure For Colds.
. No medicine brings such prompt re-
lief, exerts such an invigorating influ-
ence, or so thoroughly and ,Speedlly
cures throat troubles as "Catarrh,
ozone." Doctors, hospitals, sanitari-
ums, all sak that for those who suffer
from changeable weather, for those
wins are predisposed to 'catarrh, lung
tronble, deafness, ,or bronchitis, no
treatment 'is so indispensable as "Ca-
tarrhozon e." ,
I contracted a severe cold while fol.
lowing my occupation of fUrniture tra-
velling, and eventually It developed
Into Catarrh. The desultory mode of
life I was following gave me very lit-
tle chance to attend to the Catarrh
condition, and at last 1 beoame' a vic-
tim of Chronic Oatereh. I bought a
large package of Catarrhozorte, used it
as per directions, end have never been
bothered since. I will be only too grid
to. give any Information I possess to
any person suffering from the disease
that was the bane of my life ,two
A. H. SWARTZ,13roekville Ont.
Two months' treatment guaranteed,
price $1.00, smaller size 60c.: at all
druggists, or the Catarrhozone Com -
puny, Kingston, Ont., and Duffale, N.Y.,
A word to the vvife is sufficient:—
to start something,
Tilif RIO
Water Sometimes Rises With Ex-
traordinary Rapidity.
The Rio Grande is such a capri-
cious river that it has been neces-
sary a number of times to -appoint
commissioners on the part of the
United •States and Mexico to settle
boundary questions it has set afoot,
says Youth's Companion. In illus-
tration of its vagaries, this story of
the experience of a mining man in
New Mexico is told:
ilo was taking a derrick into the
mines, loaded. upon four wagon
wheels drawn byfour mules. Ile
had twe helpers, one of whom for-
tunately wag familiar with the
country. The party came to the
Kio Grande an hour before sun-
down. A wide river bed was sto be
seen, but there was no svater—only
dry sand, from one bank to another.
The waiter was there, but it was
flowing' through the sand beneath
the' surface. , .
The miner, being a "tenderfoot,"
was for camping on the, nearer
bank,where the grass was good;
but his helper told him that would
never do, unless he was willing to
take his chances of staying there
a week or so. A god deal Of wa-
ter sometimes came down in the
channel suddenly, and it would be
well to get across while they oould.
Accordingly, they darted over the
dry sands, when of a sudden the
two lead mules were'flounderingia
a quicksand, and the whole outfit
came near being drawn in.
They got the two leaders clear of
the harness, and the •other two
mules drew first one and then the
other out of the quicksand. The'
beasts were safely hitched again,
and by making a long circuit gob
past the quicksand to the other
bank. By that time it was almost
ten o'clock, and. the moon had
risen. .
The mules had just began • to
climb the bank when a roaring noise
was heard up the ohannel. It came
from a wall of water that stretched
from bank to bank, and was travel-
ing -rapidly toward the party, In the
moonlight it looked at least four
feet high, and there was still higher
-water behind it.
There was no need to urge the
mules on. They heard the water
coming, and scrambled up the bank
like oats. The ,party got out, der-
rick and all, but they had not rimeh
time to opera. Before supper was
finished the river bed was full,
bank -high, With a rapid and Imis-
terouli current. There was not a
cloud In the sky or a siga of rain
anywhere. The fiqed may have
come froma cloudburst in Colora-
do, two hundred ..miles away; but
it very nearly engulfed that little
Very Doctor
110117 Aid Was Secured
The Experience Not Uncommon.
• The person who suffers from a
stomach ailment, if far from a doctor
or drag store, is bound to be extreme-
ly miserable. Such was the cage with
Mr. Johnson E. Eheins, a well known
farmer living near Edmonton, who
writes: "My stomach got upset I think
owing to bad water. I found .great
pain after eating. There was swelling
and much gas in my stomach and no
person could have been more miser-
able. Away out in the country it is
not easy to get medical attention ex-
cept at great cost, and I had to do
without: A neighbor who heard of
my condition sent me a partly filled
bottle of 'Nerviline.' The first dose
eased the pain in my stomach, How
good that relief was I will never be
able to tell. Nerviline cured me. • To-
day our homa. is supplied with many
bottles of Nerviline. No farruer should
be without it, because if it's cramps,
diarrhoea or internal pain, Nerviline
is a dead sure cure."
Sold by every storekeeper and drug-
gist. Family size 50o,, trial size 28c.,
prepared by The Catarrhozone Co.,
Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A. •
Truth and Wisdom.
If a woman dies of a broken
heart she generallY does it before
she is sixteen.
• The fellow who is riding his hob-
by expects all the world to get out
of his way. :
Some people seem to think they
can't be bright without casting re-
• The diffetence between pride and
vanity depends upon whether we
have it or it is possessed by some-
one else.
Faint heart's great fun for fair
lady. ,
Some people will even dodge
pleasure in their 'eagerness to run
and meet trouble,
SuPerstitien us what proxnpts
'some people to believe a horseshoe
over the door has more value than
a lock and ke.y.
About the only calling some peo-
ple clo is to call bluffs.
Knowledge is power, but at the
same time many a girl is single be-
cause She knows too much.
Don't carry your head too
The giraffe gets many a bump. •
Only a fool would give e, receipt
for a debt paid in compliments.
It's a doubtful compliment to tell
a fat.iirl she is all wool and a yard
• In the combination of life-pre-
set:vets we must take into consider-
ation both cork a.rici corkscrews.
Virtue is its own reward, aid
truth is one of the':''virtues. ,
When asgirl'calWa fellow a muff,
does tithe want him to hold her
hands 4
Standing on yoar .dagnity won t
help you to see over the heads of
the crowd.
Just because a man is wedded to
hie:art is no reason why he should
feel that he e.an neglect her.
It's hard to grasp all opportunity
without feeling that some other fel-
low has hold of the, other end.
Minard's Liniment tituree Garnet In Cowe
The preeent generation might be
termed the automobile race„
The itching, burning, suffering and
loss of sleep caused by eczemas,
rashes and irritations of the skin
and scalp are 'a.t knee relieved and,
permanent skin health restored in
tnost cases by warm baths with
Cuticura Soap followed by gentle
applications of Cuticura Ointment.
C410111980110 awl Ointment are sold tbrouebout
tbo world. A Ilbirat sample of eaoh, sidth kapese
booklet on Um care and tmetmont of 550 skin and
eosin. aro t nono-froo. Address Potter Drug 4, Charge
Cori:L.0mA. 121t, Bonbon, Ili O. a.
PRODUCERS --By shipping your
to GUNN, LANGLOIS •& 00.,
secure the BEST RESULTS.
One trial shipment recommended.
National Route to the Wheat Fields
of the North-West.
Hudson Bay, the Mediterranean
of :Oanada, le one of the most etrik-
ing geographical features of North'
America. It is halt as large as the
Mediterranean Sea; it drains a
vast territory three million square
miles in area; vast rivers flow into
it from .the south, east and west,
flowing from places as distantsas
the plains of 'Minnesota and Dako-
ta; in its waters :fish and (41 -bear-
ing mammals live undisturbed.
Along its shores are:fine: harbors;
in the country surrounding it are
rich mineral deposits and fine farm-
ing lands • but it is a region desti-
tute of human habitations though
white whales, walruses big as ele-
phants, and fur -bearing scale dis-
port themselves undisturbed in the
On the land there is wealth, with
no one to take it away. Meese Bay
is in a latitude farther south than
London, anel the more northern
portion of Hudson Bay is at about
the same latitude as the North of
Scotland. The climate also com-
pares very favorably with that of
the same latitude in some other
portions of the globe. The Bay
does not freeze across in winter,
the winter conditions there being
similar to those of the Gulf of Sp.
Lawrence, and navigation is pos-
sible during four or possibly five
months of the year. The Hudson
Bay route would bring the great
North-West as near to Europe as
is the city of Quebee. It offers per-
haps the best route to the Yukon
district, and is the national ronte
to the great wheat fields of the
North-West. Gold is there, speci-
al:MDR of gold -bearing quartz hav-
ing been brought into the Hudson
Bay stations, pyrites containing
gold have been found by the Geo-
logical Survey party, and alluvial
gold has been found in the yalleys.
Gypsum; iron, copper, silver and
lead are abundantly indicated in
many places.
When a Woman Suffers
With Chronic Backache
• There Is Trouble Ahead.
Constantly on their feet, 'attending
to the wants of a large and exacting
temily, women often break down
with nervons exhaustion.
In the stores, factories, and on a
farm are weak ailing women, dragged
down with torturing backache ansi.
bearing down pains.
Such suffering isn't natUral but it's
dangerous, because doe to diseased
The dizziness, insomnia, deranged
menses and other symptoms of Kidney
complaint can't cure themselves, they
require the assistance of "Dr.' Ham11-
ton's Pills which go direct to the seat
of the trouble.
To give vitality and power to the
.kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and
liver, to free the blood of poisons,
probably there is no remedy so suc-
cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For
all womanly irregularities their merit
is well known.
Because of their mild, soothing,'and
healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
safe, and are recommended tor ghee
and women of all ages s 25 cents per
box at all dealers. Refuse any, sub-
stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man-
drake' and Butternut."
, .77
Your umbrella will lamb longer if
you don't roll it or lend it.
•minertre Liniment Cures oeida So
The married man who hesitates
Is 'bossed.
i'LIQUID SULPHUR purifies the blood.
It isn't neeeisary for a man tia
have money in order to keep the
pot boiling.
Britain fleeing Another Period of
Trial With lbw Asiatic Colony., ,
, The unrest, or, rather, the symp-
toms ofunrest, which are now be -
coining increasingly manifold in In-
dies weites a correspondent of the
London Telegraph, are being
watohed by the Geyerninent of In-
dia with -the greatest care, Little
doubt is felt by those who are well
informed that devellipments are
quite possible at any moment, the
1001,0 so since math of the agitation
svhieh is it cra' being carried on with
regard to 'quite a variety of pro-
blems is being•mosb carefully "en-
gineered." This is particularly the
case with respect to the agitation
against the treatment of Indians in
South Africa, a very real grievance,
which has long been felt with in
'creasing bitterness, and which, as
it aPpeals to Hindus and Moslems
alike, lends itself admirably to pro,
paganda, purposes.
Coupled with this'which is for
the monsent to take the main place
in the popular expression of India's
grievances, there is, of course, the
agitation over'the operation of the •
Press Law, which throws the onus
of establishing the isontrary 00
editors of papers ohargedAvith.„sedi-
tion ; there is the somewhat excited
Opinion amongthe Moslems foster-
ed {luring the Turkish troubles, and•
exploited by the riots at Oawnpore
over the alleged demolition for
purpcisis of a portion of a
mosque; there are, finally, a num-
ber of mina' political demands now
being put forward by Hindus Or by
Moslems, or by both, The situation,
in short, is such that those influenc-
ing opinion in India may at any mo-
ment deemib useful to force mat-
ters to extremes. •. .
Nor has ib escaped general notice
that there is.still a steady number
of •minor criminal outragen of a po-
litical nature. The record of po-
litical murders grows weekly, while
the syetem of sending explosive let-
ters is apparently on the increase:
M may be, very well questioned
whether, apart from the South Af-
rican issue, the Indians of any race
or religion :have any serious griev-
ance, but there is so much irre-
sponsibility among sections of the
leaders, so strong a desire to ex-
ploit .opportunities, that even those
who know India well are nob too
reassured as to the likely course of
immediate happenings. Ib is, at
any rate, certain that the agitation
in India is going to be carried a
good deal further, and it is always
possible that some of those cham-
pioningit may have no objection—
If it is worthwhile—to securing the
glory of some sort of martyrdom. In
a situation litich as the present
more depends upon a knowledge of
the Indian Government than upon
the policyolthe India Office.
Won't interest the man vito Is nnreng
o bmtch of sore corns. Givo lam a bottle
ot Putnant'e Cora Itlxtractor. It is pain -
lees, Sakes out the corn, enrce in one day.
Beware of substitutce for "Butittun's," 15c.
at 01 dealers.
The Best Books.
• Itead the best books. It -will be
time enough to read the third or
to books when you have
mastered all the first-rate, Read
above you. We should choose our
books as we clo our lovers—not so
far above las as to be beyond our
reach, but far enough to inspire
and elevate use. Why should we
read the poetasters and neglect the
poets? ,Why fill our time with the
shallow compilers, and let go the
great chroniclers of great events'?
Why be .compelled to remain in ig-
norance of the immortal • classics,
teller of the clay 1 We need to
dynamic energy may pass into our
'blood. Ephemeral things may be
beert.lise we hivi:Lasted.. our pre-
cious moments on the silly story -
know what De Quincey finely calls
the "literature of yaower"—wheee
spiritual being like iron iirto the
lightly touched on, passed by.
Try Murine Eye Remedy
11 yon have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Sniart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c.
Marine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tithes*,
25c, 50c, Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Eye Toole Good tor 01155.. thot.Nond Cnro
Iritinitle Eye Remedy Co,. Chicago
Business a ey. ' •
Customer-7-WhY, this suit doesn't
Et me. The pants are too small
al.1Tclalfor—Oh, they will stretch 1
,Custemer—But .the coat is to,o
big. .
Tailor—It will be all right after
it shrinks.
your druggist sells LIQUID SULPHUR.
Little Girl--"G-randpawhat
makes a man always' give o woman
a CligICODC1 engagement ring?"
Grandpa—"The woman."
,Minardls Liniment Cures Distemper,
ftyoiliii g 1)11554)1)0111 titian -IS.
All of us have mere disappoiet-
ments than we need to have, If we
would learn to look upon life as an
a fold in g story o f VW' ied incident
and ceaseless change, rising to its
glorMUS clmniox, lime ups en d .d<swn s
of it would seem less crucial to us.
It harts to be jolted out of our
ruts ; it is hard to bear losses,' and.
soMeinlq.s..11attlet. to sustain wiselS1
the inflowing "of abathelance.: It
wears uponus to toil for a great
and to come far short of it.
Yet there should he no real dieap-
poiament, in all this for wo have
Po- prdmise. of immull'Air :fretu
change or from failure be obtain our
desires. If we expect to be undis-
turbed in a complacent walk we
shall be disappointed. If we:expect
interruptions we shall have fewer
nsonly call disappointments,
of those ,.....ex‘:1ritinc_es that, NVI1 bona -
.11tInard's.,Lintreset cures Meanies's.
A nourishing, tasty,
economical' meal,
A tittle and money
(A strength producer.
Pork Et
• Beans
?ARMS FOR 'm.o.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strati%
Fruit, SOO, Grain. or Dairy Porn,
write Damson, Bramotom Or 11111
Colborne 136,, Toronto,
IC W. DAWSON, Colborne St, Toronto.
nrivenhuret. Proprietor tieing 10
firoffirint, is unable to eve the printing
°Moo the attention neeessery, and eget'
It for sale at a siteriftoo. No duliellitior
One of the beet newepaper opening.;
the ProvInee for a practical miss. Alibi
Wilson Publishing Company, 'Invent&
r ITV UNINSURED max. mama;
1-1 and Fisher. W. D. Batas, RidgetoWni
dry ANOER. TUMORS. LUMPS. /40_::
V internal and external. mired
out pain by our home treatment, Write
us before too bete. Dr. Reitman Medical
Lholtod, rollinewood, Ont,
el ALL STONES, Krabrar AND BUD -
VW der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel.
LUCtliftg0 and kindred ailments posttively
eured with the new German rem%
"Sanol." price 91.50. Another new rem
for Diabetes•Mellitus, end_ sties oweli
08anol's Anti-Eihtbetee.' Price 113.00. from
druggists or direot. The Sandi Mauritius.
taring Company of Canada. Limited.
Winingete, Man.
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
OTTO 11 tiGEL"
Piano ActioiN
Wit# we pay, more for yoar
We are the eildsitt FIAW FUR HOUSE
15 Weil se s largest osliectors of
That means larger experience, larger
machete and a 5.5100611 00)0! to yeti.
Ship direct to us. Returns made samo
day tura era received.
Shirtfronts hold separate on reolfeat,
Pall pries list new ready. write for 05.
494 St. eata 31.
Mail Dept. "0" Montreal.
Yet your best horse is just as
liable to develop a Spavin,Isingbone,
splint, Curb orlameness as your poorest!
1ms saved many thonsailds of dollars in horse
flesh by entirely curing these ailments,
Carnet, Out.,11eb. .1,5111, 1011
"Ihaveosed Kendall's Spavin Clue to kit1
several jacks, and removed a handl of long
standing, caused V a kink," Sus. 01.1.11tAlt.
Dant take chances with your horses, Keep a
bottle of Kendoli's betide, 01-13for Ourbook
i'Ereatise on the 1.10rSei free at druggists or
Pr. D. J. KENDALL CO., Enosburg Fails, Vt. 935
No Answer Begnired.
"Did you tell your eiger 1 Wad
here 1"
"And what did she say "
"She didn't say 'anything. She
went out.",
w,aciiLINIMcured of Itheumotie Goat by XIZT,
wae eure,d of Acute Bronchitis by BIN.
7Prrag\et to T• t!natI
Lailefleld. Que., Oct. '9, 1907.
Some men try 10 console thein
selves with the theuglit that they
'could be 'better if they tried.
Your neighbor uses LIQUID SULPHUR.
A man may fail in a dozen differ-
ent lines of activity and then suc-
ceed brilliantly in a phase wherein
he was unconscious of any ability.
The world's greatest and best 10e11
were failures in some lines, failures
many times, before failure was
crowned with success.
ED. 4.