HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-12-25, Page 4,
GOderkch Holresville
Wlile'•sufferbiig front 'typhoid fever
,mud supposodly`.not accountable -fez
his actLionS .Richard RQ21) left the
hospital about -Tour o'aloek ono :mor-,
Hing reoently and walker in his 'bare
feet and with nothing qa but ' his
night ''clothes to his „me two miles
distant • R• i n found be was rest-
ing !ttietly ;at his home and w a'- ap-
parently unharmed by 'his adventure.
Mrs C. ',Beck of Toronto was •.here
e. t
for • the funeral of
lire la e "gig. Mor-
Mt. 1°'PrestonStran6 is 'home I'or
• the C;h-istinas' vacation, having 'sec-
eessiiulIy passed the jurior exam. in
the Ontario College o: Pharmacy.
Goderich ,Boy Scoots came fourth
in : the recent provirgial contests,
scoring• rd09 out of a po.fable 600
Cooper & Co
Clinton News Record'
Deeen+ller 25th, 1'91.5
Rev. W.. J. Eco eaten of Granton.
will have charge of ° lite service in
St.; Jo: tis 'churchtcn'Sunday aFter-
noon, hm abed sill a he ee
•tion of the holy .communion.
Mullienand is • spending
&lis.' Wm, ,
the' $ctlday'''season In. Detroit:
Christnias'services were held inthe.
M,ethodlst'cliurch • on ;Sunday, ,,tite,pas-
for preach rig appropttaLe sermons
and- the choir rendering, speoiahy pre=
pared nntsfei. the Methodist
Cn lVtonday',evening.
Sunda){ school bad th it Christmas
tree' 'enter 'te nment,:_, There !,it as a
very:. • ,00J:turnout and Fain
the pro ly,
given*by' the c
Was. yeti n
d the
' w 1
•r"i s e
c •ed:
tilLc t ar
ly" s,end t
laden irce .was sireiliped of I,ts^ varied
fruits and many little hearts were:
matte g'ad. by gifts orf , just stick
th•ngs as they had longed for.. The
aF."air went off very pleasantly.
A pleasant event lo•rk• place• at our
Public school the other day when the
pupils presented 'their, teacher Miss
L, Robinswith a beautiful Set of
seven pieces o. Limoges china. The.
work orf Miss Robin on is greatly P
prec:atecl and the spirit and with
which prompted the preti.ntnt'on is
regarded by the tee:het even More
highly than 'the, lovely gift.
Slanleg TQvvnshtp
Mr. Wilmer Pcclt;:ha; tai,urnd•,hiolne 0
i'>om roved Montreal and 'has i np
much its
Miss •Mabel, McKtiv ey is spending
her'vaaatioa al. hottie.
ob4n^on is 'sprucing ng a' 1VIt W. O. 1't
foal n'ght' at home.
A change chanhag taken , piece' ' in' tire,
management of the Sterling. Bank,,;
Mr. Wm.: Beatty; whe, has efficiently
managed this branch lot :•one bititp,
laving been transferred to another
dfse. It is wtih., u b ve aot that
we part with Mr 3eatty as he was
one or our Most'. popular .citizens—
1)uri'•annon Alert's '
.Report of S. •S. No 1 titnnley for
DecCtnbetr: Jr, 5th Ross Taylor.
Sr. l{li,—Frank Mr(regor, Spence
Jackson, Kcnnath Stewart, Clifford
Stewart, James McFarlane.
.dth Winnitired Jervis, Agnes
Crlenn, A,bbie Stewart. • '
Sr.' 3rd,—•Zetta'Jacitsnn, Edna Al-
• Jr. '3rd ,—Clara Porter,' Margaret
McC1regor, Aur, McFarlane,' Clarence
Sr. 1'•'u. 2nd,—Mary Stewart, Mar -
on. McEwen, John McGregor.
Sr. Pt .lst,—Malcolm McFat lane,
Betty Stewart; `
C. Sturdy, Teacher.
The pupils ot S. S.No. ,1; present-
ed their tea .her, 'Miss. Sturdy, . who
is leaving this Chtistniay, with a
beautiful fountain liar and: a neat ad-
Goderich` Township
A 'Very pleasant gra Ii ring took'
place at the .hotnc of 'Mr. George
Cantc'•on .on Monday week, when a
number of the members and adher-
ents 'of Sharon church met as a Lit
ale surprise party. The 'object of the
gathering; was. to express to Mr. Cant
elon the appreciation et the commun-
ity tor his care, 0'' the church for sev-
eral years past' and to c`fe'r to Rini
at the festive scatoa a sn:'a;l to: en
an 'CC nau-
of ththeirfriendsh p with a o P
in few words of appreciation, Af-
ter the presentation the evening wag
pleasantly, spent with gasses, etc.,
and the eit'oyaunt. o' an oyster stip-
pec. Following is the addrCP's :
bc a
:—We, the Dear
the adherents of Sharon Methodist
church have assembled at your home
this evening to let you see how ap-
preciate your services in looking af-
ter' our church for the past seven
years. Your kind and genial way,
along with your care and respect Tor
the church, have wen our hearts. We
sincerely trust that as you read the
pages of Divine Truth and song that
they may guide you to that Heaven-
ly Church "whose congregations nc'er
break up and Sabha' lis never end."
Signed, Geo.Miller. ,tI. H. Cantelon,
Capt. and Mrs: Baxter of Chicago
have been visiting the old home town
for tle holiday season,
Miss Elizabeth Cox of Kelso N. D.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex.
®mmev *Cilark.
range of
gents' and
COUCH & Beautiful
iauge of
ladies' and
CO. uushrellas
New Years.
Phone i 8.
iiiriT*r New
more accep-
table or
more prtic-
tical as a
New Year's
gift than a
iutuds o m e.
fur. O a r
stock offers
many si,g.
that wI11
plense both
the giver
and the re-
cipient. We
the largest
and hest
stock of fors
in the
Each pair nicely boxed with seas
on's greeting' card enclosed ,Excep-
tional values and most attractive 1111•
es prettily put tip .for New Years'trade.
The following shades : Pink, b r u e,
ye110w,' mauve, black a n d white.
Price $1.50 per pain. '
Nett Waists for Gifts.'
Just opened this week ladies
white and cream nett waits sill- lin-.
ed, neatly -made, very special .f;0 r
New Years gifts at $3.O0 each.
Satin Underskirts for
Pretty satin skirts in Paddy green
and cerise, good quality satin, would
make a very suitable New.Yearsif1.
Thescitre very special for New Years
trade:at $1.150. each.
Ladies' and Plisses'• Win-
ter Coats.
We have put on sale three
dozen coats, all new this season, very
stnart styles in all the new cloths.
Most all shades, 0.11 sizes, $5.00 to 117,00
less than the regular price,
Come Early for Best
Baufieid. Parcel Post Will Have
Twenty -Mile Mile Zones
y n
ov:,:'Thoriias ; Johnson of Rugby,
North Daltota,''who 18 now on a Vise
it here' \vitt 00.6:11)5., the pulpit of„'the
NTglhodist church' next; 'Sunday ,oven -
Nlrst, ;J, F,er •arson is sipendin
holidays' With friends at ,Belgrave,,”
Mr, Alex: McLeod, medical student
at •Montreal, -!is •homcfor the •holt
•Mr, and MrS:: Wigle • spent • a.' "few
dthast vwith` the r's
pareaysnts; Mr, andteclt Mrs, James•latteStiix
Sur nnerhill
The ' service in 5t; Peter's church
on Sunday evening next will be tak-
en by Rev, W. J, Eccleston of Gran-
ton, when holy commimion will be
*Miss Ploy Lclwards' <and. Master
Frank Erwin are spenditi'g 'their 01010.
days .. is t Berlin
with friends a
Miss Annie s • n b r Brueefield is
the guess s df her ,brother, Mt Will-
iam MUstad.ds
Mid; i inliia'ier;.principal of F'irblic
school,' is'. spending her .:holidays at
her 'home in Colborne.
Rev. Mr •MCFarlatie left on Monday
to spend the li'olidays ',with hissister
al Baatks,
Mrlis preen.. b it on Saturday .tot
Debora' to.;spent[ ibe wfntea months
with Tier daughters, Mrs. Carter ' and
Miss Tidvthe.
.' Mr, E. A: Featherston . of Spalding,
Sask. who lids been visiting at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Parker
of their. village • has returned to his
former home in Hamilton.
Misses Clara and Maggie Parker
have returned hone after spending
the' summer ^ in ,London.,;.
Mrs, Alexsncler Boyd of '1'hcssa'on
is making an extended viol with her
daughter, Ms's. J. 11, R. Elliott.
• n .
t were
5 C i e
Mr: and
Mrs. nn 1
here from Florencertice
week art
the funeral of the lady's mother,
the late Mrs. T. Code.
Miss Jessie Thompson of Clinton
has been visiting her sisters, Mos.
0. E, McTaggart ani Mesdames
I iernay.
Luxton Bill has disposed of his
saw mill to Mr, Vanstonc o[ Wink
ham, - who will begin shortly lo oper-
ate ib.
Councillor Bell was in 'Toronto last
week on business.
Mrs. hlcGill of 'Toonto is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) flambly,
Mr. Ed. Corbett has gone to For-
est where he has accepted a posi-
Mr. \Vin Fessant, who has been
very ill, is recovering nicely and it
is hoped he will soon be quite bin-
self again,
Mr, John S. Piing:0 has returned
to his home in Saskatchewan atter
visiting his mother, for a few weeks
His two little daughters, who accom-
panied rum cast, will remain here for
tine winter..
The .lad ti'I•o was, 'convicted o
s Lea1
ing goods from a couple of local bus-
iness places was handed over to the
Children's Aid to be provided for.
Mr, Walter F. Iiaines of the Dom-
inion Bank stall, Seaforth, visited
Il}s parents in town for a few days
Members of the C Ideons' were in
town on Sunday week assisting in the
different churches and explaining just
what the Association is endeavoring
to do.
Messrs. Walker and Clegg sent a
cheque for fifty dollars to the fire-
men in recognition of their good
work in confection with the recent
fire which destroyed part of the
firm's plant.
' OL awe )e,. g1e at deal pi
interest attaches to the matter ` ot'.
parcel post .thr0ul hoist the country,
as ,the details';of the system ofdis
tribuiion to be adopted have not yet
been 'made, pub',tic. It is understood,`
however„ on good amho'ity that the
distrl'bution wilt be. 'nosed' on a sys
tetn'ol' '20 -thele zones similar to that
of the Unites States, Tite charges
in the inter zone will be so small,
that=:: there :will he a tendency to
benefit rho, siunll villages and towns
sbxycd .. ' cptal mail `'delrvi r ' .r, AO
the;ii t. stances' increase the char,.
ger :will . increase in greater or
rather cumulative proportion.• in the
cities it .is alio intention to distrib-
ute ,by 'wagon, 'such as fa the system
by 'the•,express companies. 'rhe .col=
lectipns' will' be from sub stations..
A question .in mection. whis
subject is alma . ofeotremtmerat',oaeals •tto
pe given to .the couriers who . serve
Aral, mail.delitery. •Ihtt couriers,
owing to 'theeprospectite ineacale of,
the parcels 'they, „will have to 'carry
will be compelled to use 80:110 form
of _eoyered,"conveyance, and already
the question of giving thrive" proper
remuneration, for thus wenic has it is
,understood, been considerecC 1t will
inall probability take ih fora: of
an, Increase per mile of int :0 fl
and will undoubtedly le ],his:acro y
to all concerned,
Goderich. Hydro Gives Seaforth
Another Cut in Price.
Rev. W. 11,'iVigltion preached at the ;
On - Jan_arc 1st 'Lhe new rates
Mr. John p'.:\ndrews, a well known chargeable to consumers of the hy-
stoclnnan, died at his home here on dro electric power in Seaforth come
Saturday week. He had been ailing into effect and will' give a subslan-
for some time but hes disease took tial reduction in cost Loth as to light -
a violent turn, only a few weeks be- ing and power.
r sent talc tor dwelling hous-
The c
his c A wife and two p
fore - live cents per kilopatt. The new
chilhildeath. dren survive. ' es is
Mrs, D. Buchanan was presented by rate will be four cents per kilowatt,
the W. M. S. of Victoria 'street cluurch while the "floor space rate remains the
the other evening with a life mein- same. For commercial purposes the
bership certificate in the W. M. s.' of present' rate is 10 cents per kilowatt
the Methodist church. It Was the ISP 'lo 10 Ici'owatts ; over that con -
f er'
is five cents .0 Lion the rate e e p
5 Inv
l'her birthday
d her
occasion o b ai
lowwprkera took this opportunity of kilowatt. The new tate will be
showing their appreciation of her, Ia- eight cents per kilowatt for the 'first
hors in behalf of the auxiliary. LO kilowatts and four cents per kit -
The inquest into the result of the owatt over that amount. This is a
terrible storm of November Otis was reduction of about 20 per cent. The
closed last week and the finding- of present power useeduiront
the jury was to UM effect tlsa,t wire- 'l.0 cents to d,.3 cents,is forr theced feas
less ttiaglst hate served to save some 50 hours' use from 3.3 Co 2.9 cents
of the ships which went clown. They for the second 50 Itours' use. •The'
also recommended that Closieticb her- new rates are likewise subject to the
bot he greatly improved as it was former discount of 10 percent. if paid
at present in such a condition that before the 10th of each month.
a boat could not enter it in stormy
Baptist church on Sunday.
Al a recent meeting of the Ladles'
Aid .ole the lvengelical church Miss
L..ydiri Faust, who was recently elect-
ed president for the fourth time, was
presented by the members with a
handsome cocoa set as a little token of
appreciation of her services in behalf
of the society,
Mr. Wns. Rochrig has returned from
the west.
Miss Peart Wurt' has returned from.
a visit in Wingham with 'friends.
Mrs, Julius. Thiel has been visiting
icer parents in Kincardine...
Mr. Talton Schnell of Saginaw,
Mich;,, is spending a few weeks at
the home of his parents, . Mr. and Mrs.
J. Schnell, ..Ir.
Mr, Wm, Denomy, who recently sold
his faros in Stanley, will probably
purchase another farm in the section,
isaving come to the dponeluslon that.
there is nothing to heat old Huron
after all'.
St. Helen's
Mr. '"Turner” of Fordyce is suffering
from inflammation of one of les eyes,
The affliction is both painful and
troublesome and it is hoped he will
soarsbe about, again.
Many of the farmers from about,
"here attended' the Big Stock Show at
tGtuelph:. .,
1Vlr. James Purdon lost a iaivable
cow recently.
:Mr. John McGuire' has returned
frosn the west looking like his usual
self,hale and :hearty.,
weather and that it should be made
easy of access so that it might I eyelosb cheque for my subscrip-I
serve as a harbor . of refuge during tion to The Sun. I think it is one
rough weather. of the best edited and most indepcn-
Janses Pierce, the tramp who was dent papers in Canada.—Jno. John -
arrested and taken to the county jail ston, Brant County.
for begging and was found to have There is not any testimonials of
nine hundred dollars on his person expressions of appreciation that
was allowed to go by Magistrate Kel- counts as does those that are accom-
parried by cash, their sincerity can-
' not be questioned.
I would not be without The Week-
ly Sun, it helps me to make farming
I pay by giving the correct ntttrlcet
THE CHRISTMAS DINNER. ; price—Jno. G Eitel, Norfolk, just
• there is no other paper, t
1t I t p p l
the word
T rte f the fact that it
In spite o "„ like The Sun. It is peerless in the ad -
dyspepsia ad cook.
dt will in means literally ss hvoeac} of right i
]t will net be Fair for many to lay g and justice,, condemn -
the blame on the cook if they begin ing unscrupulous methods wherever
the C'hristnsas dinner with little ap- found. May its influence ever in-
crease.—R, S. tlfcLean, Huron Coun-
The above is but a sample of the
of solicited ex res -
•- t
mint hundredsunsolicited o P
dt S
k c ooh The disease
sac f ti
i C
r d rs. You
civ from Sur,tac
Sions received o
1 stomach,
'i indicates a rad
e sa
is a. weak stomach, rather than a , slsould subscribe for The Weekly Sun,
bad cook, and for a weak stomach I the farmer's business paper, You
there is noth'ng else equal to Hood's ( will find it profitable reading.
Sarsaparila, It gives the t05'ach
vigor and toile Curds dyspepsia, psia, cre-
ates appetite, and makes eating the
ly hut warned to beg no more din-
vers unless he wanted several. f
ones at the county castle.
petite and enol it with distress or
nausea. It may not be fair for any
to do that—let us hope so for the
The funeral of Miss Della MaIlough,
who died . suddenly at her home ' in
Toronto, took :+place to 'Dungannon
cemetery on Wednesday of fast week.`'
The deceased young lady was a na-
ive of Dungannon, the family having
only removed to Toronto a' couple of
years ago. IIer mother;' one brother,
Everitt and theee sisters, Mrs, J.
Glover of `Paisley, Miss Eva and Miss
Pearl of -Toronto, survive. Mucls
sympathy is felt for the family in
their • bereavement,
pleasure it should be.
The News -Record to
for $1.00.
end of
We Wish one and all of our Many Patrons
A Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year.
Phone 7 and 6
Free Auto Delivery.
Blyth Undertaking
Prof. Dorenwend
of Toronto
"IS COMING" to the
Rattenbury House, Clinton
Thursday, Jan. 8
to replace hair on the heads of LADIES and GENTLEMEN, who
have lost theft hair, ' By his BEAUTIFUL, natural HAIR' CON-
STRUCTIONS, which are known all over the WORLD. EVERY
WOMAN AND MAN;•can be made to look YOUNGER and have
the natural' protection to the head, which means HEALTH, CONI-
do not miss this OPPORTUNITY. See•his TRANSFORMATIONS,
"The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee"
GENTLEMEN (who a i' e
• bald) protect and adorn
your bald head with hum-
an hair. In order to have
a conception ot the won-
achievement in the art
of hair constructing, every 1,t
bald man should' call and
`.. '" see the large sample stock of "HAIR
TOUPEES and FULL WIGS'' which Prof, Derenwend will be showing. , These
wonderful coverings are so natural in appearance that detection is impossible.
They are adjusted so securely to the head, thati hey cannot come off, except at
the wearer's wish. They will give a young and softening expression to the face;
your friends to—
The Rattenbary House, CI.ihton,'Thursday, Jan. 8th,
i "I'IO
Papers 011 Prohibition;
Prohibitionists "!.
_ to ask P hibitioni ',dais
We have ,r. question ',..lz of ro sls
week—which will reqvery require their' : best intellect"'to
They 'c'aim an attempt (at the' best only tan
t to stopthe drinkingcif` alcoholic beverages
attemp) g
by a law t . is at least more effectual than a well:ad-.
ministered license law.rt
Will they please therefore. tell us how it,.is, that
both in •:the United. States ;and Canada; ;'1J5'ere
Prohibitionists have been striving with all their. Ow-
er for many years to -bring liquor-dri'niting into dis-'
favor, where they are year by year increasing the
area, in which prohibitory legislatiJn holds 'sway
that year by'year the production and consurrip-
tio'n of alcoholic beverages increase.
Whereas -in Europe generally, wherethere:is
little or .no prohibitory legislation, they. Are.
rise elyreducing,the nationai consumption.: -of
intoxicants_ year by year.
These are. facts—(not opinions; -Solid; iree-
futable, dry, governmental returns.
One more question I . Why cannot our oppOneT]t5
act like men ? We concede, willingly, they have, act-
ed hitherto in all sincerity, to the best of their infor-•
ma'tfon and belief. At least the bulk of them have.
Now that experience has shown their efforts `tie
have been futile and misguided, why not,.aokno•w-
ledge their error manfully ? Join in with' •us; "and
let us administer to the best of our united abil-
ity the wisest license law. that can be framed,
Respectfully,. •
John Ransford, President. Wm, Jackson, Secretary.
1 8,
llelpYoU De� d�,LotDS
iYou may be at a loss to know what to choose as
• Christmas Gitt for father, mother, brother or sister. •
If so read over this list of useful and acceptable gifts,
n •
i eor better still, come in. a
it mayhelpyou to decd d
see our great assortment of the season's neveeste navel
Z ties.
Men's and boys' ties nice-
ly boxed 25e, 35c and 50c
Men's braces i n fancy
boxes 35e and 50c
Men's garters :mei arm
bands in fames boxes 25c
Handkerchiefs, mufflers, fancy
hose, glover, mitts,
Ladies' fancy collars
some nicely boxed at
25e, 35e, 50c and 75e
Handkerchiefs in fancy
boxes at..15c. 20c, 25c and'50c
Silk scurfs. wool mufflers, furs,
gloves, fancy linens, sille %v lists,
Sweater Coats, etc ,
Also a lull assortment of men's, women's 'and
children's house shoes and hockey boots., •
Frorn Top
To Bottom.
;.Our big store, the basement beneath and the
flat over head are all crowded with what is
probably the best stock ot'furniture'eyer seen
in Clinton,. We invite you,, to come and see it. •
You will not be asked to buy finless' yon feet
that the goods and prices ate snob that it will
pay you to pnrehase,
The Store
of Quality;'
Phone 28
W. Waiker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker