HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-12-18, Page 8FURS Men's fur coats, caps and gauntlets at special' prices during the Christmas week, If you intend buying a fur, coat this year it will pay you well to come to this store.. Clinton dew etord USEFUL PRESENTS eceniber 4th, 1913 'MEN S . OVERCOATS. Men's overcoats lin all the :new effects, made of all wool', heavy tweeds, several nifty styles. to choose from, priced from $10.00 up. IT is now evident that this is to be a season of useful is ,' More moneybeing eing spent and more useful gifts are being selected than ever before. Our stock is .; g'• com- plete and full of good sensible gifts that add comfort and warmth to mother, father, brother or sister. Come it as often as you please and see the many pretty gifts which we are . showing. ' DEIZWEAR,' E'fC. TOWELS AND TOWELING. LARGE SIZE EMBROIDERED TOWELS HEMSTITCHED ENDS AT: 50e to ,2.00 LARGE SIZE FANCY HUCK TOWELS AT - 50c to $1,00 FANCY DAMASK GUEST TOWELS HEiMSTETHED ENDS AT 35e and 50c GUEST TOWELING FANCY DAMASK BORDERS AT.... 35e a yd FANCY HUCK TOWELING WIDE WIDTH AT....25e to 50e a yd CHRISTtlAS HANDKERCHIEFS WE ARE SHOWING. THOUSANDS OF FANCY XMAS HAND- ANDS SILKS, HIEFS,B BOTH PLAIN AND INITIAL. N MERCERIZED COTTON.' PHEMSTITCH- ED, •SCOLLOPED AND EMBROIDERED EDGES, AT FROM 5c kip to $2.00 SENSIBLE GIFT GIVING IDERDO WN BED COMFORTERS MADE OF GOOD QUALITY SATEEN AND SATIN TOPS, AT $2.00 up ALL WOOL BLANKETS PINK AND BLUE BORDERS FROM $3.00 up TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS RUGS ALL SIZES FROM ,$7.50 up AXMINSTER FLOUR MATS FROM $2 75 up -LINENS, • HANDKERCHIEFS, • GLOVES, HOSIERY, SWEATERS" Perrins Gloves as Gifts Every pair guaranteed in all colors. Gloves nev- er go amiss in a ladies wardrobe. Sizes changed af- ter Xmas if necessary, Prices from $1.00 to $2.50. Ribbons for Xmas- All the new Christinas ribbons are now in stock, wide fancy ribbons for fancy work down to the nar- • r•ow ribbon for -tying up Xmas boxes, from 21cup to 75c. Umbrellas as Gifts A great variety.of nobby handles with sterling silver and rolled gold mountings, suitable bands for engraving, excellent quality tops. sad covers from $2,CO uP i .... Sweater Coats..for Men and Boys. Boys' and men's sweater coats in all the popular, color combination with collar and pockets, in all siz- es. These make a very useful and handsome gift, priced from $1 to $5, ` Plen's Silk Scarfs. Men's and boys' silk seaifs, especially bought 'for the Christmas trade, in all the new colorings, flow- ing ends, four -in -band, bows, tecks, etc, priced from 25c to $1.00. Fibre Silk Scarfs as Gifts Beautilul fibre silk evening scarfs for women in reat variety of colors and designs in plain and dresden, specially priced at $1:00, $1.25, $1.50 up. Fancy Collars as Gifts We are showing a complete range of Christmas fancy collars and belts -done up in fancy boxes, that make a very acceptable gift. priced from 25c up to $2.00. infants' Wool Jackets. Made from beau(iful soft wool yarns, white trimmed with pale blue, pink, mauve and -hello priced at 50c to $2,00. Fancy Braces. Boys' and men's fancy braces, wide and narrow Webbs: in light and dark colors, • in pretty separate boxes, make a sensible gift, priced at 23c, 50c and 75e. Men's and Boys' Mufflers. Men's fibre silk mufflers in all the new tones, wide width, thirty-six to forty-five inches long, fringed ends, priced at 50c to $2.00. . Fancy Sox as Gifts, Fancy sox in all colors and sizes, boxed separate- ly. These make a very useful present at 25c and 50e. PLAIN HEMSTITCHED LINENS. GUEST TOWELS AT FULL-SIZE TOWELS AT, TRAY CLOTHS AT STAND COVERS AT DRESSER SCARFS AT PILLOW OASES AT CENTRE PIECES AT. UIV 25c an 35c • 25e to 50c 25e to 50e 25e to 50c 25e to 50e 25e to 35c . 15c up 2ac to $1.00 EMBOIDERED PILLOW CASES, EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES WITH HEMSTITCHED ENDS GOOD LARGE SIZE. SPECIAL, ALL -LINEN EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES AT PER 98e. • PAIR -$1,50, $2.00 and 52,50 TABLE CLOTH AND NAPKINS MATCHED • SETS. DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH, EVER' PATTERN NEW THIS 'SEASON, ESPCIALLY IMPORTED FOR OUR XMAS TRADE FROM $3.00 to $5.00 THESE -MAKE A VERY HANDSOME GIET. GLOVES AS 'GIFTS, ' We are showing a complete range of men s and boys gloves, hi wool, kid, moka and fur lined, in all sizes; done up in fancy Xmas boxes, priced from 50c to $300. HANDKERCHIEFS Silk and ihandkerchiefs, itialed, in 'plain piainure white and colors, priced from 5c to $1.00cotton, each. Men's and Boys' Hats. Fadora,Itelescope, Christies and caps, in all the newest shapes for men and boys, prices 25c to $3, Umbrellas as Gifts. Men's umbrellas in a great vai lety of handles, engraving plates of sterling. silver and rolled gold, silk and wool cases, priced from $1,50 to $5,00. l 1 Underwear. Men's and boys' all wool underwear, Standelds, Pennant's, Woolsey and all the best snakes in stock, in all sizes at $100 up, Novelties. Ann bands, garters, collar buttons, coif links, tie pies, cult holders. A complete stock to choose from. See Our Holiday Footwear. and you are sure to buy many of your Christmas Gifts here. The styles are so attractive, the qualities so good and the prices so reasonable that no one who sees them will think: any other gift quite so good. FRED. JACKSON FURNI- Don't fail to call on BALL • & ATKINSON when looking for any> thing in Furniture as we carry a complete and up.to- date stock of all kinds, comprising many beautiful and useful articles for the Xn•Ias trade which w able pr e are offering at most, reason- ,. TUREI BALL `Sc. ATKINSON- FURNITURE TKINSON •FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and. Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110 J. D. ATKINSON Phone 180, 1 will pay a sub to The News -Record to end of 1914. Xmas Gifts that are. Appropriate �p �r and Desirable at Prices that are Right and Reasonable W. D. FAIR CQ. Often Cheapest - Always the Best otfiwii ! WHIM nunmulmuy11 Mr. 1'. Jackson, Jr., is in Toronto this week. Mr. John A. Sutter was. in Strat- ford the latter part of the week. Mrs, A. Archibald returned last week after a fortnight's visit with God- erieh friends, Miss Tessie Crooks, who has been in Barrie for ilia past few months, is home 1 or the holiday season. Mr. .II.13. Combe was in Toronto last week, and while there secured additional help for the knitting fact- ory. Mr. Tommy Leppington'has .-joined one of the Hydro gangs and likes the ply, the ,association and the work; Mr;Stewart G. Jackson, eldest son of Mr. T. Jackson Jr:, who for the past three years has been on the 1 Vaudeville stage, is, in Toronto all this week, his company putting on two engagements daily at ' Sheas. Stewart was formerly a clerk in the5Ioldbns Bank and was trans- ferred Brom the local branch ' to Toronto,, leaving, there three years ago to take up vaudeville. His ab,- ility as a soloist is well known among his G'1'intotu friends but that he has abilities in another line - is ,evidenced by the fact that he is now filling, a sixty-two weeks contract ata high salary, About People You Know Mr. Dick Noble 'has returned Iron Manitoba where lie spent severe. months. Miss ID. J. Spark of Seaforth wa the guest of Miss Jean Ross ove the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barr of Van couver arc the guests of the lady' sister, Mrs; H. B. Combe, Mr. Fred Forrester was in Blyth last week supplying at the G.T.R. de- pot in the absence of 'Agent Mc Taggart, Mrs. J. L. Kyle of Wilke, Sask., is spending the Christmas holiday time the guest of her parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Turner of Regina Sask., arrived last week to spend the Christmas season at the lady's Parental borne, that of Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Allen of Ontario street parsonage. Mrs. T. W. Hawkins' grandmother, Mrs. Miller, Norwich, who for ninety-three years of age en;oyed remarkably good health recently in a fall sustained a fracture of the skull from which it is feared site cannot recover. Mr.. John Cantalon, son .of Mr. and Mrs Peter Cantelon, who hasbeen in the West for the past year for a time in Winnipeg_ but lately in Lethridgo• in connection with the Molsons Bank, is expected home this week for a few week's vaca- tion. Mr. Albert Kilty of Chicago and Miss Sophia Kitty of Calumet, Mich., were in town for a few hours one day last week, being on their way to Mensal' to see thrix mother wife was considered to be in a serious condition Mrs. Kitty has sine rallied somewhat. Mr. W.'S. Hale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Bale of Mullett, returned last wont from Liberty, ,Sask., where lie :mint •5'rrral in .allis, and will remain at home for the win- ter. While not exactly in love with the prairie country he thinks his prospects out there ought to be fairly good so will go back in the spring to homestead. Mr. W. T. Dockrill, Toronto, travel- ' ling passenger agent of the Canad- ian Pacific Railway, was in town on Friday last on business and for a wee bit chat with his old ond.bosom friend,. Mr., W. Jackson. The inti- macy betweem them is • of Jong standing and semis to become Closer as the years roll on. A more genial and companionable pair, it would he hard to find. Mr. ;and Mrs. Albert Mcl3rien returu- en last week front Kindersley, Sask., after. an ahsenee of fix years and, almost needless to say, have beenvery cordially 'welco0ed back for a more worthy and pop-.' elan; couple ft would' be hard. to find. They notice 'nano n'hanges, more in people than inplace tar- e par- ticularly among the young folks some of whom have , grown "al- most out of sight." i Miss Agnes Chidley had returned from I1 Indian Head, Sask., where she has been for the past year and a half. e Mr. Dodds Holloway of the Sturgeon r Falls branch of the Royal Hanle is home for the Christmas vacation. - Mr. Harold Cantelon has been ap- s pointed teacher of No. 4, Colborne, to conmien'ce his duties after the vacation. Mrs. Cunningham of 'Toronto is Spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hess- ian. Mrs. Acheson, after visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. S. Cooper, for a fortnight, returned to her home at St. Paul's yesterday. Mrs. D. B. Kennedy returned last week from a visit of over a inontit's duration with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kennedy, Detroit. Mrs. John Layton returned last week. front a month's visit in, Berlin and . left this morning to spend Christmas with her sons, John, Jas. and Robert ;=1'illen in Detr:ti�, Mr, Cranston is expected down I'tom Port Arthur this week to spend Christmas with his wife who has been the guest for some weeks of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John 'Torrance. bIt. G'. .J. Wallis 'returned Tuesday front the west, where he ;hent the past few weeks.. Ile says that.. things aro looking up out there but there is not even yet any great flow of money. Mr. R. R. Eames 'of Kenilworth, New Jersey, a former and much esteem- ed resident of Clinton, who has been in town the past week, leav- es on Friday for home, sixteen utiles distant from New York City. Mfrs. Wni.. Cook and Mrs. P. Cantel, on were) in I3ensall on Monday, having gone down to see Mrs. Kit- ty, whb is thought to be n#aring her end. 11 happened to be the lady's birthday, she being, that day eighty-six years of age, and she was bright, chatty and glad to sce her old friends. 55r•. Chas. F. Libby, manager of the Knitting Complus, leaves Friday' morning for Toronto to meet Mrs Libby and their grandson, Master 'Emmerson Libby, who ar rive there Saturday a.m. from city of Lowell, Mass. Mr. and Mrs Lib- by will take up their abode in bit. S. S. Cooper's brick, residence on Orange street. Hullett Township Mr• George Mann had. ,a successful wood bee on last Wednesdy afternoon after widen he gave a large dance in the evening. Richard 'Sabsy and C. East furnished the niusic and all re-, ported a good time, Mr, 'and Mrs. R. Fisher t sher sp ent rues - day evening at Mr. G. Mann's. Mr, George Carbert sold a ' horse last week, to Mr. Allis of Seaforth. The News From . Londesboro l On Friday evening about forty of the friends of'5Miss Rachel Young gathered at her hgnie and presented her with a kitchen shower. After the "shower" the evening was very pleasantly spent in games and mus - 10, being brought to a close by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." To say that Rachel is popular anti held in high . esteem by her many friends is needless in the face of such a gathering and stick a collection of useful household articles. Miss J. Mains left on Saturday for London where she has accepted . a position. The .Foresters had a. good turnout at their oyster supper on Friday ev- ening. A good program was ren- dered after the supper, local talent taking part, Mr. Win. Tamhlyn is spending a few days at home owing to an at- tack of chicken pox. The Sunday school of &uox church intend having their annual Christtmas tree and entertainment 'on Monday evening next. The program will be furnished, by the pupils and it is ex- pected: it will he an interesting one. The tree will, of course, prove to be a source of great en;oyntent to the younger members and an altogether .pleasant evening is anticipated. 1 Successor to Twitchell hell &` Son Mr, John Brunsdon and Miss Lil- lie returned on Saturday from a vis- it with Woodstock, 'Eastwood and' Ingersoll friends. Miss J. Mains left on Saturday for London whelre she has acepted a pos- 111' Miss J. Shobbrook spent a few days last week with her mother, Dirs. Webb of Seaforth. Mr. • n. cl Mrs,R. Daer of Goderic'h� are visiting at the hone of Mr, A. Radford, Hullett Township T. McMichael & Son can win prize• stoney anywhere they exhibit their stock, no matter how big and pre tentions the company. At Guelph, last week they won 3,51 and 3rd on two-year-old ' fillies, 4th on brood mate, the sante oir foal and ditto on Lord Ronald.: They also won the County of Huron prize for the best two-year-old. Six prizes at Can- ada's big Winter Fair is going some. N'early $12,000 was handed in to Collector Moon ons Monday, the last day, for receiving taxes. Mi. and Mrs. Jos. Rienitardt and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Morrison. Christmas Footwear Talineiteganftll Young and Old alike, the giver Or the recipient, find a lasting pleasure in footwear, as an acceptable and useful Christmas gift. Our' Stock is most complete and it St ck p will astonish you to see the very extensive range of new styles and novelties we have for your inspection. Corse and see for yourself. it will be a pleasure to show you what we have, Travelling bags Skating shoes Plain and colored Felt slippers Leather slippers Winter Footwear. 4saiimasalowsimY S. CHAPMAN PHONE 70