HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-12-18, Page 5w t 31 .01 -S 04 111 04 S hn .g le 51 ri -11 n •13 F 0 451 .13 -c :1 ec(iaber 18th, 1913 ' Clinton News-Recor ' ' broken , . ... . . „ ..._ . ,. - . . . . ,,,..,.. • Auburn ,, oritLiftat'-t.e'r' sOn.2 ' '''''''. ' ' . : ' ' . . , . . . ..„ A.,,6tt,S,' wedding was . , toleintii§ed " t, the110Me. of • M4. a.r.0 1Yri:8, ' . "Wm.. ' 'zitteeqn' of Hilllett: on' ''Wed, nedaY i ast ' week,. ' when,' ' their: „seeoral , ER,ra.gc,htlaat4noceit..v..0„,e" boexe.cipReetli. e .'r..111_,e,•1 aster of ,tli9-, tA.E1444. --Vt,1137tPr- Lk .clitirclf„.1 perferineci, the cereel9q.. The bride'S dress •. 4'0:j:figured . silk: inpal akai-oie., carried, bouquet ' , •.'t , 1309' brista4. r°.!es,•:.....;.,'7.,'•:,..- '• ',, '•,' A:t,4 the'bereminny;,14ht; gilegits-inim- ' b ' id ShetY.• •',sat .4074.k ,,to ., -'a irrptibilkivao...;,T6c..,indec ..cd is "eirenineWas .spetit . • in '''''denc,ing,, .hiah lasted.. -natfir - "Ole, wee num! Tile bride's -going away suit' . was , . aVy blue' with hat to match," ' The , voung• r 6.006 ik,erethe iecipi.. its of Many .uSef al and "Pretty pier • ' • • • ' • - ' ints, ,among them' being a ,couCh and ig -;frountheir. schoolmates.. :, .., • • - • • • .• ........_. • , .. .. ,, •• hill. '. The 'Christmas' 'serViee'..inr eeenectien with .8.t, vetoes church wilt be held ' und' ' • ' ' •net' • • ' ' ' Mts .• MyrtleBeaeorn 'idlialidaYi-114 under the 'parental- roar.. • . '' ' .,,,, ,,.:, , ' '".- - '-'''..' . . , ''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,,Summerhill .. • ,.; , 1)111:,''',nci... :•iviri...s.'ci;.'s.:L;)vel.,t...',0 Clinton visited at ' Mr. H• NeBrien ' ' ' ' WANTES-i•PIANO :,. •PLAYER ''', -AT, Prineess Theatre fc:M' et/vain:0,6111y/, -Appy at th. e ,' Theatre.... :".„:. '-‘12• " • ' .. ' ' ' . TEA121-1.Elt ;WANTED' FOR. S.'S, .NO. 1, abakiley.. ' Experience:4 teacher .' ,", Duties to .comm, .e.bee. ;after ' ChrletT nia8 . vava:40.1t. State salary • ftee: . ' , '.giANTA-pRiEig AP)PIES„ i3UT-," , ter, 'Pigs, etc.' Highest price ,p.aid, • : -:•,,d.ittte, lon,,,BrO§..' ,"' ' „ .., , ,.,.,,,,,,,.', ' , 703:' , . " „.' . ' ,' : : ,. ,,, .. , • . , . , , • 44,irrp,,,,I,f,..• AO 111 • • '' ''..*.'' ' • ' '• . , , . -ir • opts , • • . " . ' ' , s a .',1* , : n - • - ',": ' ' , •••• ••, chi ,-:' .• ';;,...' '.,111, ' '', - .' • ,Ol 0 a ' • ' - 41 t - - .. . . • Mr, .arid Mrs:. ',I, -.Freeman of Clin-,' ton'spent :Sunday the 'guests' Of MtS. J . Johnston." - . ' .' . * ' Mr , Chas ,•Clifion:- ipent , .iiriclay, ' at his home . near ' ;prosperity. . , ' ' . . • • STOVE -‘b.R.SAY.E,....--A-HOT,:ilLAST. • , 'hea,ter, '' will bete',.either''beal* 'et ' ' Wood, r' 'Apply--41ros., ileisianiFlur•'.', o. on,Vtreet,. .. • .. :. '. -124 • .' ', ' - ' ' ,• . : • '. ."- ' , . • ualifications -Only • O • :111,1410- ' Et0e,':.See• Th:.,#•!: ;1.9....,.5.!.* ahn Orb ',FOWL -Ont *40173 , . '. -1: • ": , "1. "'-.: .. • '- . 77"-'""':-7—", -• , • ,. , . . 'WANTED .-, ALL ', ;KINDS, " dressed . on live,..;„ •:1)eliVered,".anY•day ' in the week, , .Higiteip..pricerpaia,-., :0 • ' •, , • „.., - ,.. :, , , . ' ., , ... ...., 4 • , . '.: '.:.."!!';'; ..„: ..,- : .... ,•. . F..- .:,, , . • .• . , . •, , . , , ,: • ys '' •, • , ,, , : .„ • :. • i! . ' ' "---''.77, ,..,..` ., ''' '' Digl, ' . . , '... '• ' ' "- .,..•". ' '. ' ''' ''''' ,1 ' f' ": • itoy,,, ,and,, mrs:-.','Isurno::,.. witei,taitiqd• th6 embers :* Of ;the -managing :beard: Of 'the, Presbytbriati•' Church„ at ' ' 'the inVise• one 4 eYP°311g 'r,..ecenit 11' - • ,"•":Mr ,•"--.Rebt,•11err • of bridgePort,'"'-,N•Y": has •been,visiting lielitives •-in .1313.4b, and, -vienaty. , . .. ,.... ,rooms ' Mr rhos Healy oE,.. Morris ':',„.'"he'A gone to ag•iaa.w., mich,-,i-wheie.. he intends spending the winter with his sea • •• • ' ' . . , messrs, . Ed.... ,MeMillan, and Win; Watson .were in Toronto last week. . WA.. G..E.'McTaggart is in Toronto, attending a Aueeting...vol, the , chairmen ,,,. d' ' ' d' • t I- th G- T of.....the tiler:ant , istric .s. 0 - e .. . R . operatorS„. ,.(ine M the • matters which. the.,cotarnittee will settle ' 'is tho diy,iSital of the $200.,00.0 increase i'n, wages granted by the -Company. Mr. T. C.. Johnston of . Dadeware , . was in ..Hlyth and Hallett, on .busi- ness last week. • ' Mrs, Jos. Stothers attended the funeral of, the. late Miss Della .. Mal- ' tl lough at Dungannon on We nesday . of last week. , , Mr. N. 4., Naylor has returned from Campbellford where he has been; for: several months past. • • • Mr: Michael Kelly of Morris who- seriously injured by ,a fall from his wagon this fall, is recover- ing, his friends Will be pleased to hear, though just not quite himself yet.- ' Mr, Wm. Manning of Manitoba' vis- ited his niece, Mrs, B. .11/11ason, last week.. . ' . , . . - ,... , , . -, ... • ,' ' FOR SALE. -GOOD '). FIT-TIll" PINE ; lumber .at1-$29.1Per' thousand ',feet .•,-' T' E. IVE"oni.'the.''PestipMe6 Stc)re', , , ' , /. . ,., , .,:.,„ , , , , ', . ,... ,.. 1 .. , 11-2•.,.., ,.,, ,. • ,. , .,,,, ., ,, ,.,.., .„,. ' 0,.. - ...: •,,.., ..,'"-,' ".- :„ ,,:-.."":.` , r ' .' :1 ' . ... ',- • . _ . i; '... ' • ' • . ''' , . , '': ' ... ... ''''',.' 7, ,,, „ . ,,-..‘, , ..,..,•,, ..' , . - , hi- .. . , ii,.., . .. ; ',' COX'--PATTERSGN-4 ...the home, 01 '''..-,tbe-,:bijde'"'S -Parents' 'Mi.:, 'Mullett, ... :De b • 10th "'"b Rev. Mr. .....,, Lang; Auburn,- Olife',- seeouil• dau-. ghter` of ' Mr: '' and ,MrS.. Wm.' ' '• ''''').§' OTI.t.;""E-Alt ' OUTST,ANDING cheques M' the, 'Helme§y' ille "Cheese Factory must be presented, at blank : • for. payment by "Dec•-'31A,qr ', they ' • ' 'wilt Uot,'.46 •-fioxiotud; ',":,'„gy:.' 6tdes•••••"6/•.... ' '. d'reetors -Geo ' 13' - "G•tipld , ':Seee- ' ,;: tary. .. , . :•• .-..... -11.--A. '', .. , . , , . . , . ,. , ' ' ' Apply to ' iv.' J. .PalS16?. '," ' '''...,--3,1,. , : ' ' ,' -,.' '' ''' ..'' ••'.', , ; ,' '' - ' :: i:. ,, . ...',.,' ,, . - ..„....„. z .- ..:.,. . . .,,...., ,..,. „....,...., :., - - .:Sdni4.:04431. Will ar. •e olloic:p i.A.sT.01*: ,FARIVI.,', 'FOR , -.,e rive iii44,0,1iiitni);:.N10114374 ..... . • • . • .. ' , „ . .. ' '' ,- -: • -,, .--1,. HOUSE 'Vim, sA.1,E. - sTop,x Amp.. .....iia.,,,, 'limo:6 house oi...:41.uheu.etteot,, • .6 . • towa - • 'd ' 'ft' water ' ' ..A...Aerii, Of. land'"witli,alannber ' ,j,..of ' ' 'apple plant" and pear trees • A* stab - .. le- and good Sized. chicken'. Ileac. For furth r particulars apply- on premi§e§ or ,addrettS-Mr.s.. Albert Turner Chnton, Ont. ... -11 , .. ' ' . .. ,.. - ' 1 • • ..' Sale :•,-.Lot ...21,,:r0otidession,.,5,„•Staa-:' :"'s• , Diceijdb•64 22nd -''. and will . ' - dt,.,. t, . n ,77 .. „ . , .. make 1u ji.oadcit,th,thit .a.6.. .,., ,,tivatio,nt, ,40... aaeS 111 ,pasture , ,atiii`:- t,..• .,., .• , „ ... . ' 10. r acres :in. goed -htiAli ; caeksisthig: ei• 10J,aiNtii4. groc:faty, StOre.:44., 4 ; . ' 3,,.!hlett;',ihs9,1:10-gOokoid-bfre:etTlhp,-.407b12,..:r..'1171)414:,. ,,,,,'.: ..,.',1,.11.2 -... would,. like to h' -1,' '• • nave, all the ehildre' n :in • ' cQ4dar .1°i house. Those wis, ing . p.,,s . '• • ' • . ' • Purchase a goo4 . pasture farfn with:- •. Clinton aiiid...,,siityotindiog • oppor•tunity for light agricaltittre 1' 1." ' ' • • - ' '1_,• , ' 1 • COUIltrS7. visit .11ina ear,,ty • • win do well in interesthig them"- • • • • ' • ' ' - „.... ..., . ... . , • mthe afternoons of.Men- • selves in this property as river , . - . . , • • -. .. ' 'through• ' i:,, Di.5c., ...2nd., rr:tlesdly., . J. Patterson, 'to Clarence pox, - Of C' lb rile ' ' . . • • ST.:EEP,-' ALAIR-A, t, the' hOme. oi, fh b ''d 's P 'rents Kippen. on f)b7.,e ihtha. F. muil. a ' you'hgest ..„ ecena, er , ...,, .,,,- .. , .. • . . • . . ... . '. SH CREAM CAN BE HAD AT' „Bartliff's and IVIcL,entiab's.'rest,attr,- ants • • . -1800 , ,, : , ' . . . , . a u ft r f Mr and. Mrs Geo. . • • ' Alair, to Adam :Steep..of •Gode- 1 t 1 nshi ' ' • '' ' '. • ' MARS3-1-1VIA.:NNING- A t ,A.tilaara, on .,ned..1.0th, Bertha ,'• Manning ...,, to William Marsh. ': ' ' COUSINS-DRENNAN--1a- .,Coderich, Dee.' 3th, Jacob 'dottsiriA of Cod- . erieli and Mary Anne .Drennan of , ; A§hfield. . , . CASSADY-MONROE-in Evetev, on Dec. 10th, Mrs,' Margaret Monroe to George Warren Cassaily of Charles, (ity, Iowa. • . • . . .. . Births ' •' . . WHEATLEY-In Clinton, Dec. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Wheatley, a son. DELANEV-In McKillop, on Decent.- ber 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. John DelaneY, a, sem , . , . , . FOR MAYOR - ' ' , T 'id • Fl t rs f Clinton '- ' „,..,..o tc .. ec o.. o . ' ' ' Having been asked by a number di citizens to acepe.t the nornination for 1Vlayon for . 1914, I have consented to do so and in this public way solicit the vote and influence of all elec- tors. . My record as a Councilor for four droars, Ind as a lifelong citizen, and a .ausiness inan for the last .twenty-five years, is before • you and • I assure you that if elected I will serve the town to the best of my ability. Wishing you all a very Mercy Christmas,. I am yours truly, ' A. T. COOPER. • . .. . - '• I, • ' - foR' SALE.' -HOUSE, ,AND ' LOT ' (NO' 463) on 'Albert- street - ...A.; • - Scotchmere, .proitrietor. S e v e n ' kooms, cellar, Own waterworks. (rails • . ,,,,fa.,m,..aTha, wpod,s,_ :. thia. .day, afford excellent shelter, and grass 0 . Dec. 23rd and Wednea.. .. ., is,, alwayb . the •best. --A 1 to. J. • • ' ': , ' , . • • • PP. Y ta daji,'1)pc. 24th; when he. 4 J. Richardson Varna. - ,- • • . - . . , , . . . , • will, be, pleased to renew • ' ,,.,,,,' ,,,- Manning ' ''''''''''"',.,. A, pretty . wedding • took place b the home of Mrs.''Modridge om ednesday afternoon , of last -, week hen her sister, Misi Bertha Manning, . . as united in marriage to Mr. Wm, , arsh, a prosperous young farmer o • was le coaretunkity. The ceremony . 3rfortned by ReV.. W. W. Wylie " or. linton. After a brief honeymoon tent in • visiting ,eastern points ' Mr.. ie Mrs. Marsh will take up ., re0i- nice . here. Their .. friends, extehd eon- .:atuiations. ' . — The concert held under the a:Bp-ices : Knox church 'choir, was a 6E:cid/Id, 100055.• . ' Mr. E. Munro returned' loin° last aturday, after an abseils:0 of scleral tars. ' A number of the yoUng people took liarold JarVis concert at 'estfield, ' . able ar- acre garden with st . p , tieulars apply to -A, E. Matheson, Cli On Oat ' ' . - jo --',-• i - • • „. ' • ' . • . • acquaintances, welcome.: FARM FOR SALE ---LOT 40 AND • all' his friends and' take • , . . Lot '9 .9' .• G ' r'e • • part of 3 , Con. „ ode 1 h • orders. . . • townshiP consisting of le. acres ' • • ,.. - • 0 ' ,. . . • I WANT LIVE FOWL .--I AM HAND- ling fat lien.s, chickens, . turkeys, ducks and geese and paying .the. • highest prices going. . Poultry ,tak- en every day in the week except Sunday. -W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone 14 on. 166. •,-91. all cleared and good tillable land • . • , with the exception of five "acres of • ' • • ' • • • , bush and ten acres of orchard ' ei,n- • . W.• T. 0 NEIL . . taining aliples, •plums and cherries. • ' . , Farm in good condition being of 6 .- • "The' Hub Grocery." .• ' 0, good clay 1 11. fenced .and • - " ' ' ' ' • loam we• . • having - an 'abundance 'of etaellent ••••••••••••••••••• •• • - water.• On the premises are two • barns, 58x30 25410, one with shed. .. . all stone foundation. The • HOUSE FOR SALE. - NINE rooms, 1 story, frame dwelling on Ontario street, in good repair,, good "stone cellar. Lot and a half with garden, and fruit trees. -Mrs. „ M. J. Boles. 70°'phonet" • - on oth- er barn 'is 5Ux30 with shed 47x30 • and i 1 h Situated a.so a grave G . use . one mile from school' --i nide, from. English church, 1 mile from Meth-VVA odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 mileh from Hayfield. Rural Tele - connec ion. Also par c :ia 't f I t LIIE pouaii 36, Telephone' Road, containing 50 , , GOLDING-In Seaforth, on Dec. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Golding, a dau- To the Electors of Clinton :- gh ter. • • . Ladies and Gentlemen, -At the Deaths solicitation of a largo number of Dec.ratepayers I have decided to offer WALKER -At Stapleton, on umySMIl as a candidate Or the posi- 17th, Thomas Walker, in his 87th tion -of Mayon for 1914' I hope to yean have the pleasure at a later date of FIUKER-At Fort Wayne,India- • • ' _ , expressing my views on mumeipal na on December 1.ttlt, 1t as 61-q es ions in a o ' - exander, second son of Mr. and ft tgeneraland Is of Mrs. Wm. Fluker of Clinton, aged meeting as many of the electors as 1 y a e e ote po ingday. 20 years and 2 months. may bebl tob f • 11" In the meantime I pledge myself, if KEYS -In New" Dundee on Dec. 10t1 -- 1 elected, to give my best service to Levina F. Johr.ston, wife of Mr, th , r 's ff-tirs for ec nomical F d A K s f r e 1 of Stan- ' s °ws a ' an ° ` 1 re ' ey , G. In r y administra.tion consistent with offic- ey township. iency and progress, and I ask the COCI-IRANE-On the toWn line , ele.ctors fo such support at the3090 ' Hay, on Dec. 12th, Mrs. John . Cochrane Jr. , , polls as will ensure my election. 1)ORRANCE-Tn McKillop, on Dec. Yours sincerely, 9th, Samuel Dorrance, aged 54 years and 11 months. FRED. JACKSON.poultry GRIEVE -In Tuckersmith, on Dec. • ' Wingham • - , Mrs. J.W. Pattison of Port El . • „ • • gio has been, visiting her mother, Mrs. Richard Potter, who has been very • 11 1 . !.. ME. Chas. Barber was in Godericl I last week serving on the jury • • Mrs. W. B. Elliott has beea visit- ing her parents in Markdale during the past week. ' . 1Vlr. Peter Campbell has returned from the west, where he spent the pas% few months'. Mr. Harry Wakefield ha t s gone o spend the winter in England. Mrs. Attridge 'and children are ' in Toronto for a few days prior to leav- ing for their home at Rapid City, mans _ ,, ' Mn and Mrs, John Glenn od Lis- towel are spending the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Geo.. Spotton. The W.F.M.S. of St. • Andrew's church presented Mrs. John Linklater with a 'Limoges tea set prior to ber departure, from town. - At a recent meeting of the Ladies' Aid of St. .Andreiv's church the fol- lowing officers were'elected: president Mrs. H. Campbell; Vice, Mrs. James Cummings.;' secretary Mrs. J. J. El:- • hott ; treasurer, Mrs. Alex. Camp- bell ; organist, Mrs. Clouse. Mr. and Mrs. 7,. Pander were in Knntaka last week attending a fuller- al, Miss Louise E. Blanchard and Mr. Arthur T. Dovey were quietly . mar- ried on Saturday week and after ' a short honeymoon Have taken up their residence in town. - Miss May Fry has 1),1.2ri 1:1 euring the past week. • Mrs. John T. Lennox and little daughter are visiting in Guelph. A. K. Copeland was a successful candidate in the recent civic service exams. , Wingham Orangemen elected their officers as follows at a recent meet- in : Master, John ' IP. Groves ; de- puty, Rev. E. II. Choly ; rec..secret- ary-, W. B. Elliott ; • chaplain, Rev. J. W. Ribbed ; fin, -secretary -Allen Franck ; treasurer, J. IV. McKibbon; lecturer, W. Guest; D. of C., J. GueSt; committee, Roy Stephenson, Robert Deyell, J. W. McLaughlin, E. Prow- right and H. E. Tzard. For some weeks Mr, Willis of Willis & Co's boot and shoe store here, , has been missing goods. Last Friday he placed the matter in: the hands of. Provineial Constable Phippen, who next day ran the theives to earth in the person, of .a young boy of 14 years and another town boy. The .officer got out four, search war- rants and found a pair of leggings at the home of one of the boys and in ' the -other Tome two pairs . of: mubbeM boots and other articles, .ineluding shoes, etc. ; also goods , belonging to W•Campbell's ; dry goods store and t onde locked • ap . .. . and this afternoon . will be brought . . before. Police Magistrate-. ,Mortork. Some of the stolen goods were round upon ...a man working nea.r the town and another ;warrant ' will. be .issued today' for his apprehension. • ' ' . ' - TELEGRAPH SCHOOL.- I HAVE started a night telegraph school and will start -a day school as soon as I can sell my flour and feed store or exchange it for town or farm prop- t acres adjoining school and 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are . — no buildings but containing a small 2500 CHICKENS, 1090 HENS 1000 swamp making it an excellent pas- IA NOW DUCKS EACH WEEK FRO lure farm. For further particulars . NT. apply on the premises, or address-i UNI'IL JANUARY.., • , . Constance Win Landstilk.land Mr. ...John, . . , . . ., . ilson of Bothwell. attended the fun- 'al of the late Samuel Dorrancit. of :eKillop last week. . All roads lead to Coiritanee en iOnday evening, the date of the unday school cantata and ChriSt- as tree. Come along and have a iod time. Mr. Curfie of Brussels was a cal-- r M our burg last week. Mr. Campbell Sutherland ilas ar- ved home from • near Sarnia to end the Christmas' vacation with s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7). Suth- land. Mr. Harold Rogerson of Alberta is. siting friends around here, er y.- . A E.Matheson.05 Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on, 155. -71. .To finish your ' own poultry, • --/ , we have wheat, oats, and buck - TO RENT -28 ACRES VERY BEST clay land, 4 miles from Goderich, ' small house, good barn, old or- chard, very suitable for market wheat specially , ground for FARM FOR SALE --THE UNDER- fattening purposes at very rea- signed offers for sale his rine farm sonable prices. of about 130 acres adjoining the garden, poultry, milk etc. Pobses, 'sion immediately. -Oliver Johnson, Clinthn. 02. , ClintonThef " town of. arm is in dozen strictly new laid - : a good state of cultivation and --- - . , has , good buildings -brick house, . eg:rs wanted each week daring th; winter mouths. To pro - bank barn, driving house, pig pen, „ WANTED. -EXPERIENCED GIRLS , and girls to learn ' knitting and looping. Will pay $5.00 per week etc -all comparatively new. A first duce these eggs we have alull- foodsto k * line of cep class young orchard containing all your layers in the pink of kinds of fruit, also small fruits. _0 . The farm is well fenced and well c ndltion. . — • llth, Hugh Grieve. , CFIARTERS-In Tuckersmith, on Dec PRINCESS THEATRE 4th Robert Charters, aged 75. , ' . yea,ts. . E ARMSTRONG -In Zealandia, Saskat- Open Ellery vening. cheWan, on November 2nd, Ann , _. Jane Armstrong formerly of Var- SHOIIING GOOD, BRIGHT, Filuli - na, aged 63 years, 11 months. CLASS MOVING PICTURES. MALLOUGH-Suddenly in Toronto, while , learr:ing. Steady empleY- meat, pleasant position. Apply now. -Clinton Knitting Co. -33 drained and is a very desirable • A' full stock, of BRAN, SHORTS, home. For further particulars FEEDS FLOUR, OATCHOP, BAR - apply on premises or address John , Torrance, Clinton P. 0. -63 LEYCI-TOP etc. etc. always on heath ,--- Goderich The Misses Hutchinson have gone to wir winter hotrie in Montreal. Rev, Geo., E. Ross was in Toronto m a few days last week attending a , „ :eating' orit' ineCial-Assembly Com- ittee. By the will of the late Mrs. E. Mc- .enizie the Missionary Society, the uperannuation Fund, and the ducational Fund, :of the Meth- list Church', and the W. C. . .U.', of Ontario each will , receive 1,000 ; North Street Church, Goder- - h, Alexandira Hospital, Goderich, to W.C.T.U. for use in the. lumber imps, and the Children's Aid, Socie- r. in 'Ontario, each $500," and the unday School of North street lurch $100. . • H. M.., Arnold, manager of- the Bank 2 Montreal at 'Plam Coulee, Man., ad formerly connected with the' God- nch branch, was shot dead by a :asked bandit who finally got away ith. packages of money estimated to 3 ;worth' $h0,000. Rev. Dr. Dougall of St. Thomas aimer pastor of the congregation, anducted the Sunday school services t North street church on Sunday eek, 'Mrs. David Hyslop • and children :ft last week for Cleveland, Ohio. *r. R. W. Henry is home from Ed- tonton for a short licit during the ...`hristmas season. .• , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rumb,all left 1st week for Chicago • and the west. 3 is probable that they 'will- decide to mate somewhere in the west. Mi. James L. Hughes of Toronto :ctured in Victoria school last week a "The Modern Tendencies of Ed..• 2ation". , . Mr. Hilton Holmes of Fort William as been Visiting at his parental home t :town, that of County Treasurer rut TVIrs. 'I-loltnes. • . : Give us a call. BELLEVIEW F A R M DAIRY. - From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you t 'th thebest f 'lk wise daily wi o mi and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -E. B. Hill, Phone . -80. ' , THE CORNED STO11 — Live and Let Live r POULTRY TAKEN ANY D21..Y OF . L . L'ACI-1 WEEK. ' GUNN, LANGLOIS CO t The Up=to-date Firm , on Dec. 6th, Isabel .3. (Dell), Saturda.vs and Admission 5 cents. . youngest daughter of Mrs. Mal- lough, formerly of Dungannon. holidays 10 cents. Children ac- CUMMING.S-In West Wawanosh, on companied by their par- „ Dec. 8th, Thomas Cummings, ents 5 cents. 65 aged, years, CAMPBELL -In Morris, on Dec. 3rd, COME AND SPEND A HAPPY Duncan Campbell, aged 59 years, HOUR. • , ROOMS and BOARD.. CLINTON. ii•enkini- N. W. treavartha, Wm, . The of the Spirit_ . WILI, EVERYONE Tr-1AT WILL FITRNISH SUCH •I,CCOMMODA- TION FOR ANY YOUNG- LAD- ,i. • .- . „ Holiday Season .. tpi_ . iNig • ' - IS IN THE AIR AND THERE ' t• a, t. .:',.9( IS ONLY A si-i.owL"rimE ..,4,. ris,-)t •,,,;11.•• • " • 14.! - Si17. " • ,,, 40> ••„,:o 110 .,4111i 4,,.. '• ---- , --41:: 11 • l'itlIVI Ho I Ibill i i, • ' --- - . ' Oh. 4-174 ''' I 1. ' 1" 1110 iiI� ' . ' , • .• ' ',..„ ....i, Ir'tili _-'..'i, ''''''' ' .,- . , '''-'•'' ti ,. . . , • .-.. . ,- •-•••••. ,,:i.. . r lq-., / -."',AN.: " •.• ' „../. - - '' , ..,,,,,?•,,,, , ..,1,‘,.1 -.•-• • ' ,,,,--,N.\ . . -40 '' ' tft.:4 • . . . , , ' .. .. ........94 • „.....41••••07, ----T— • ( - - • . ; . : •::,; 111': • fi ' ....*:, , -AW. .. , -'I', •:" -- ,..-,.... • -- 1 . . \ k\ . ' ' ' . ''••&" .-1-207.. tsar . ..., ' . a TES THAT WE MAY BRING TO 1:1-14 TOWN. FOR ADDITIONAL HELP • IN OUR FACTORY, PLEASE REGISTER THEIR NA1VIES WITH US AND CON- FER A GREAT FAVOR. • ',..P111/'0,1•1.111," , LEFT TO PItEPARE FOR .. , THE YOT,RTIDE FESTIVIT- \ , • NI TES. \ ...' • '\4011/11b- ' Fruits are at their Best %v.... t' 10"...i - ..... 01•- ' ' • t'"1:". ' '' .'• / - '4.' ''''-':i / __--. . . Chu on Knitting ' t 'tting Co. AND WE ARE PREPARED - ,.. t .. 41_Cri:C.:. -t-'' . WITH CURRANTS, VALEN CIA RAISINS, SEEDED RATS- r'" a - s, , . , • • Sewing Machines and • . Supplies. • , If you need a new Sewing Mac- hine let me know about it for I can supply you with any make you ,desire. I also keep on hand a fu 11 stock of supplies, needles, oil, etc. If Mw machine you have . needs repairing _bring it . to ' me .. and I will put it to rightl. , . ' A general Insurance business also • carried on. , ' ' . . p . , A HOO ER ' . . .- -..' . , „.- Store Next :Wiltse's:Grobery. INS, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BANAN- AS, :GRAPE FRUI'r, CRANBER, WHEN Y01.1 LOOK BACK RIES, ALMERIA GRAPES. ' to the days of your Grandinother an think Of the heavy Wooden tubs, the water she -carried 'and the trou- . ble of heating it for Laundry par- . , , Cl ina Diner. d then conteniplate Special Prices on 1poses an Sets and Toilet Sets. ' OUR MODERN PLUMBING ' . for the Laundry, Bath and Kitplien . — you realize how fortunate the house - . A CALL SOLICITED, wives . of this generation. are. . . . If you have not .already installed • -- our modern Plumbing. -in, your home, al; our estimates . to -day...' • • • E E HUNN1FORD •–• • . . , • . 3' .-- TH0c. HAWKIN -..--,:-; .., ' • LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. - • ,. . . , • . . , . „ •.• • . .. Phone 53:' --,---.--- IEATING AND PLUMBING. IN . " . , ' . , ' - • ' • • ' OtTR'stoCk was 00341 115075 complete and. includes a , wide Variety of , new•goiida and no'velties that make popular and Useful gifts,• and ' . ' well worthy 01 yourtnspeetititi. - ' • • . • • • ' ...' , ' , ..• i ' . .-..- ,.- . .. • • • , .-- , , . . ALL ITS BRANCHES. -., . • ' ...., • . ' ' . , ., . . ---- , . ,. • . . FANCY COOD SWEET 95 A B ANY $3., 07c, , • , 1E . . • • . O'RANGES ' SIZES . T I ' 'RING ' EL C ' R c w . ' Elee i6 Bells Tele hones ' . .. . ' Slabs . ' 1r , . , . - For.rSale. ' etc. done on s , ' ' ' ' ' hort notiee. , , . , . .. , . . , . . , .. ••., Write. - for ' • prices of electric ... • supplies of oVery description*: . , „ , , „ .. . .. • — ' •, - HARDWOOD SLABS, 11. ., .-Tungsten and Carbon Lamps- . „ -.. ,.. , ---Flashlight .Battedes- , ,.. , INCHES • LONG. IDEAL '. -Hot point Heating "Goods. ' : , ... ' . - - ' - - • . - ..-.• A-Pattia 1 L.ist - Hensel" . • Mrs. Colin Hudson has been. quite . , . ._ ... 1 but • is recovering. Mrs. D. ShirraY has returned from stay 'with friends in the city. ' Mr. and Mrs. Seeds.. are expected eine from , the„„west. very . shortly,.Carvers Ir. Seeds, having disposed of li/S:btl...si, ess. there. . , . Mrs.: q., F, Scott .• retailed ,. last :reek to het home at 13eecliville, after ' visit in -towa with her -sister, Mrs. .iwtheriana. ..„ ' Mi. Geo. McEwan, wile has ' been patient in the Clinton hospital for . otrie weeks, is now improving nieelya ind ,i1 is hoped he•will eMntintie• to mend. ' . - . .'• :", .••• Airs.. Consitt,and Misd tAnnat -Imaie elitrned from Boston. . Mits Nellie .Zu'efile .has ,' gone 10 Mil-:, Ord, Gaik; t� reside with her broth- e '':, ' - . ' . . ' ' ,, . . . . „.. , • . The little dairgliter of 'Mr,. and.. Mrs Prank Marshall" IS in a 'critical ' eon- • !Wen at . tinie of . ,writing, owing so having gotten badly burned playing' . vlth niateses. . Thm. Ladies' Aid, of the. Methediet :Minh held a very successful bazaar ;r1,..Veilnesday of last week._ ' ' kr. 'Perey, ',Clark had his''wrist recently cranking' up a car. Beira unaware • of the seriousness of be indary he afterwards went ,to 31inton' 'and attended ',an entertain.- ., „ • net before having *the injured Mem- ier• dresSed, • '• - • 7 - • ' ' . ., ,.. . • , , • ' ,'. - ' . . - ' •Nickel plated 'teapots, . ' .• " .. _coffee pots ' ' . ... " tea tt•ays ' ' " • ' email) trays ' • 't bread trays " ' berry spoope, ,.. ,, . , .,.,,. , ... „..... . " cake forks Meakiiettke.a....... al,: '.. Tea spoons . . . riesseit'spoinls%.- ' ',.'",.- ' ' , . Table spoons - - - '' ' ' ' • • -, tt- Nut bowls , . ' .. • , - , • '' • mut cracker sets , . , . '. ''' 'Safety .- ' - -' r,zors , ••••• .,, • •• ,„ ,.., -Cigar lighters ., „. ',, • . , , ,, . ' ; ''' - - ' • „ • • ' - . , .. . . '' ' • ." • . ' Fancy imported graniteware . , Boys' tool sets.- . • ,',. ' - in eases •• • ' - ' " , . sassore in eases .• ' . ' Pocket and Pen. knives • . • - ' • „ • '. . lianging lamps , , .• :Electric lamps • , - ' ' • • .-.• . -Wablelamps :' • ' ' , • Oil' heaters .. . .., .-',..*-: ' . Carpet sweepers ..! :, ,;-, ...-... Bath rooin fixtuies r ,, ‘ -.. . -Hand sleighs Mitts an g oyes , , , • • Household scales '.'' ' • ,' .Allumipoinware.:. : ' ' ' . 'Rifles and guns, , , ,,-„:, ..... ,-, ...•.: .. •'• - -; • ''':' ' • — . . _ , .. BEST KIND OF BANANAS 20e. • A- . FOR SUMMER' tJSE. .", : • --Shades-and Fixtures -ALSO 12 INCH. BODY '• , ,---- AUCTION SAL,IiI OF ?ARM STOCK The undasigned • has, received , in-. - struetions . from Mr. Edward, Mar- shall to sell bY Public ..auction at • Lot 10, Hayfield 'cork; ' ' ''064'erich townshiP on Tueslay, Dec. 53rd, the following : 1 driver risifig.::.', 4 yrs, old 1 aged driver 1. mare ris- mg , 7 •yrsin foal, 1. , jersey co* ' due to calve ni, April, 4 ''eciwat•-• due , . to ' calve in April,.'4, cows , due , to • calve in Kay, 1.:Spring callEeSr- 4 aigs 3 months :•" old ' 6D• heti§ 10 , gcese, ,15 turkeys .' A quaatitY...1-- of •:potateee, a quantity of hard 'Wood ' 1 fanning millwith b r -.1 • cut , . , g .,aggn , ,. - ter ., nearly new,- .:d . buggy..? nearly ter nearly new,;1: bliggy- 'nearly': new, • ' • • . . 1 set • single harness nearly'new •a quantity of household Molter& Sale , . at 1 . o'clock. sharp, Terms :',.':-.All sums of $10 and - under .055114: on . . . . . , over that amount- 10 irio,riths Credit on approved' joint notes, A discount of 5 cents -on' the $ Will be allow- ed lot, cash oft ereditrareminte• -pigs, 'fowl ' and wood, cash., : All 1:9411 be •sold ivithout reser:ye as the, proprietor has sold -his farm. Ed-• , , • Ward Marshall, Proprietor, Geo. H. , „Elliott, Auctioneer. - r. • , , ., . - DOZEN. • ., . _......_ • ., ' • LEMONS '$4 AND '$5 A. i§oX' . . , .,_,E • . , , ., • • , ' " ' * .- ._,;.__. • - : ' - ' MALAGA GR,ApES 20m Ig.' - - ' __:..._,..... ' . - , , ' ,, Work will be done at a ' very ,... WOO , , . . . , . reasonable : price. Distance , , , . . • . • , not -.considered in contract. . , - , , ,. , - -.:...., --- • . ' ' Staple' ' ' r • , ' . ., • - ' ton Saw N111), W...3..HUDDA.RT',... Getderieh, • . -- - On t SWEET ORANGES 25d., 30C.,' 10e;,, . • AND 60c. DOSEN: . • • ' ' ' . .. • ..,-,-, _ „ . , . 1111=1,11M•111110111111111111.111.41111111111.1 PINEAPPLES Axr) . , . . CHESTNU'I'S' ... .... , - .-..r.-,..gi w...b- ••••Patrons is ling our and' „.. . „ ,,.._,..., , „ 0 C LLEGE 1 ALL KINDS OF BISCUITS. , . - '. -oriends • . A-...11 r A A •111 kr DI LW ', . • ' .:, . • , . • .. , , i ..... . -. .:•••;" .*:,.. ' '.- ,' ' . \ '' ,'. - • • • ' . • ' • \ ' ' '. ' .-'..• ' ' . We have a, full stOck Of the celebrated autoirtobile and' cycle skii,t8,', . . tit •tp6 We- ' " ' ' ' 1 : , .7 r skate in4anada, See our stock of r ehly cut glass • t , e ?PIN' bl P ,* s, "Golden Rod vacuum' cleaners= best 10 nem', A. ' a teasGna - good assortment of Pandora an appy Thought, Ranges .. . . - . • • • • - .,., . . , : .. •• ' - ' ' . . , , . '. • '...1-----..... EVERYTHING' IN TgE :ONE. . OF .. ' •'' : 'FRUITS. ' " - ''' • . . , . . , . ' 4 .. •-•,--.--• ' • • •,.. ';,_ ALL' ICINDS- GP 'W.I.'S, --:' ' ' .AND 3.0o. DozEN. , ' ' ' ' ' ", .' ' -.- ' ' . ' . ' - '" ' • - • ' - '• ' : .. .4' IV Metry Xrnas ,, , ,. ...., - . . , . . - ' l','•" "'''' ' ' .- . ..' : ' ' g , J. i, • . , Thonsanfis of Eitnhitionelontig people • ore fast prewing in their owh boom.. b kk rs ' ' told re hers - .24.itesreer'innU, in'efla"Ot Ovory tare BOSiness Activities You may finish di' Colrekel.if_you,so wfsb. Positions entry - anteee. Enter college mita instruction. Knott teachers. LEMONS aoo. , ' .• - ' ci , ., . , ,.• . Thiro, years'experionee.LatgeSt train ipanatht. ,Sevon colleges.. Special,,, ' . ' 1 CANDIES 'TOBACCOS AND. ' • • - CIGARS. • . . . . • '. -,--. • • . . • 'PURE 'IMPORTED OLIVE OIL. _ • _ CA - • JOS RUSO ' . • . ' r ' . , ew ear. ' . . appy.. • , • . . . • ___....,..__. • - . course for teaehets.. Affiliated with. commercial aduca, ' tortnessociation of Clanada„ Surnmnf sthoui at fanious Section BUSiR088 Collect°. London. • I CLINTON BUSINESS r COLLEGE . GIRO. Sr "President. ' • Principtd. , . , . . ' • t ..._. -...- ar . • ' . STOVES, HARDWAR . - ...' ,, . . , - an , ' . — , E . . . . . ,. ' '' ' ._ : • . ,•-. • • . , . ros. . • . AND NOVELTIES ,, , , ., , . , . . NEXT •IRWIN & •TYNDALL'S • , , • BYAM & SUITTER ,Niammimpiiimmuinispom , • - ' • ' , STORE, OpPOSITE !TOWN _ ' • HALL.' , 't• ' ".''', , ' '''.-- • • ,, , , , , Sanitary ?lumbers . Phone 'L . , , , Tho News -Record to. end of 1914 for $1,60. ' • . '.. - 1 4 4 1 .4 4 • ;, ' 4 4 4 : 4 4