HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-12-18, Page 4Clinton Nevre-Record Decesnber:'I8th, 1 3 Ata regulee ,nieetleg S.; O S r ileo, 1,035 elected its,'offn.tirs lot the en- suing Year. as, ,t9110,v , • • W. glister . John ijatl'twell Deputy, Albert. Robertson Chapla'p,,• Carl Deihl, flee; -Secretary, Ben Ratltwell, P'in:-Sooetary Nelson' Reid, Tkeeeitter, '.Fianlr Weeks ''t, tutcr, 0:iee Beatty. '+ During the 'last fe & days you may look for spec- ial reductions on many lines of Christmas Goods. CHINA ll. 'of C Isaac Pathyyall Coolmittce,;' J W. Reid,John Johnsen, Wm I'oan, Gee. "Danby, •Aubert Elliott Aitee, ihelp'e,%ply elected otfi:eers Wore ,duly. installed by Jltstrtct 1VIa5, ter McMurray of Bayfield, ' lunch Wes served by Bro. Beatty ,and great- ly enoyed by; all present. Several oi" the mdinbers attended a meeting of the Royal Scarlet Chapter in Bayfield on•Surlday last, four of them being initiated in the, Royal Scarlet Degree. - Mrs. S. C, Rethweli 'of • Lue' now was here over;the week -end, 'having come down to be present at the fun,. oral 'or the late .Mrs. F. A. Keys. Mrs. Padtcr of Chiselhurst is spend - Iqt h rice will be a fes-` 143-(e- `Sp ia1- Nr"� eciteib= •les of splendid values Xmas P..petries Containing, splendid note paper and envelopes. Special lines at 950. Others up to $1.50 a box. Very choice boxes. C1hristmas Cards Booklets, Calendars. Splendid assortment 5c to 50c. Bibles and Hymn Books A l w a y s make suitable presents. 'We have them fur all churches. Leather. Goods Consisting of ladies' bags purses, music rolls, etc. TOYLAND On second floor—the best of everything for Christmas. COOPER & CO. CLINTON, ONTARIO I ing a few days with friends in' the village. Rev. T. J. and Mist; Effie Snowden' were' in London, 'on Thursday' last. Messrs. J. Pilgrim and Albert Johns - havq returned from the west Mrs. W. Armstrong visited" friends in Varna on Monday-, ' The •Mo+hddT is 'arc busy preparing fo? •tubal Christmas tree enterta'n• meat on Tuesday evening next, when an en;oyahle time is expected. A cantata •"The Monte -made Santa," Will form part of the program. Mrs. Thompson, has returned after spending a year in the west. The funeral of the late Mrs. I+'red 'A. Keys, who passed away at her house at New Dundee on Wednesday.' took place from . the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert R(her Loon of the Front Road, on Satur- day afternoon: The deceased lady, who was Miss I avil:a S. Johnston before her !m,arriage, was a native of Huron township, Bruce County but spent her girlhood days about a mire south of Bayfield. She was, in• her forty-second year and besides her husband leaves one child to mourn her early taking off. Her father, Mr. Win. Johnston, five brothers, Robert and Cowan of Michigan, Jol n of Saskatchewan, James of Attica, N. Y., and Chas. of Stanley and three sisters, Mrs. (Rev.) Searle of China, Mrs. Robert - cion and Miss 'Hattie. Johnston also survive, Her pastor aecompenied her husband and the other friends from New Dundee and conducted the funer- al services assisted by Rev. T. J. Snowden and Rev. J. Johnston of Varna. The deceased lady was a consistent Christian and bore her long illness with great patience. Interment was made in• Bayfield cemetery, the pallbearers being her three broth'ers,, Chas., Cowan and Ro- bert Johnston, and three• brothers- in-law, Rev. Mr. Searle, Frank Eeys and Albert Robertson. HolmesvlHe St; Joha'schurch will bays, .their Chresemas service on Sunday .,after- noon 'next, Court ,Selword',C. O,' F' held their' annual .oyster- supper,,at thi .home of , hlr; and Mrs.' William Mnlliolland on b ridgy esonng last When about. nine ty of the : psemhoCs' their' wives, sweethearts" and friend:' gathered,' to en oy a '.'social holur, to ethos. The os4." ening; was' one; of rase onoyment The'• oysters ''and i alai the ,other' good things provided Were, first class in quality and.abundantein yuantit'y and were Well;setued ;life' dining ;;toet>} Was' ''decorated' in `all alio co ors• of the 'rainbow "and presented a'liright and cheerful appearanee,,and every- body' voted Mr. and Mrs: 'Mulholland excellent hosts and the supper a huge success, • Becinl iful ladies', range'of gents' and children's. kid gloves gifts. � Furs for Christnias. a.® £011011 & CO. Beautiful range of ladies' and gents' suitcase umbrellas for Ch eistiiuuv. THERE is nothing more accep- table or more prac- tical as a Christ m a s gift than a hands ohs e fur 0 u r stock offer's many sug- gestions that will please both' tr h e -giver and the re- cipient. We areshowing the largest . and best stock of furs the county. SILK HOSE FOR GIFTS, Each pair nicely boxed with seas - cm's greeting card, enclosed, ` ]dxcep. tiona� valueses and most attractive lin- { es prettily put up for Christmas trade.' The following shades .. Pink, b I u e, yellow, mauve, black a u d white. Price 51.50per 'pair. Nett Waist s for Gifts. i1 Just opened this week ladies' s white and cream kelt waists, silk lin, ed,, neatly suede,' very special f o r Christmas:giftsat' $3.90 each, Satin .Underskirts for Gifts. Pretty, satin skirts.in P..,adcly green and cerise, good quality satin, would make every suitable Xmas gift. These are yery,, special foil, Xmas trade :at. $1.50 each. Ladies' and Hisses'- Win- ter Coats We put on sale Saturday three. dozen coats, all new this season, very,. :smart styles in all the, new cloths. Most all shades, all sizes', $5.00 to $7.00 less than the regular price, • Come Early for Best. Choice. STORE OPEN EVENINGS., The C, 0, C. F. will meet on Mon- day' next to elect oftncers anfl .-tran- sect other business, ' The chief wants you-' to attend if you 'are a mem- , Goderich Township A quiet wedding took place at; the' home of tike"Jrtae's parents on Wed- newdaj! of last week when Miss Em- inn, youngest daughter of 'Sr. and Mrs:'George Alair, Kippen, 2nd, con,, Stanley, was married to 'Jr. Adam Steep of • this township. The cere- mony was performed' by the Rev. 'P. J, .Snowden •oh, Varnain- the pre Bence of only the immediate . fancily. Mr. and Mrs. Steep have taken up housekeeping on their farm on the Bayfield Line and have the best wish- es of all their friends fora happy married life. Mr, and Mrs. Francis E, • Perdue returned .on Tuesday frolic their hon- eymoon trip. Huron Couatp. ,BuStr, '.meas • en,'$ Ass; n.. "Articles on'P'rohihitit on, a pE r No.; ?, In our "last .paper we gave seme,ot 0.0 viewg s a ain9t'prohibition, from what we_,ca4ted a selfish int standpo; because ..they were our objeetll tn'•so far as prohibition • affected our, ;pars tonal 1lpotty THis, weal., wo will endeavor to show some of the harm" thatptohibitton •p educes n lhu, frac place,:' prohibition pro' duces a 'coibtempt•-for lhiu. ' I4 man,' worthy ' df .the name of Adan, will permit an,assoeiation composed ' of• what he considersignorant,'•misguid ail, .fanatical i people, 4,:s' diotate to him '-what he is .to eat or drink, ! Humaie nature is naturally averse to it. And you cannot change human nature, to.'fit' in with. auy simiptuaty law you may wish to place on the statute book, The :late, Dcari Farrar; 'a man .greatly be'o ed and admired by all who knew him, was: a total abstainer, as an a •amnia. to his' weaker brothel:. "• list lin never world 'Support prohibitory .legislation of any kind, because es h,' put it, there is , something,.an indefinable something, in human nature-, that the forbiddin; of a that 'may, and very frequently does, produce an ap- petite for the very filing forbidden, that may , have: never • before • existed! I We purpose to Write somewhat ter- sely, and confide ourselves to dtate-. menu of facts, so we. will not ela- borate on this point. Argument may be met with argument, and sup- position with suppdsition, but facts are incontrovertible. And we sub- mit that this feature of prohibition is an incontrovertible fact. ' , to prohibition, b cause e object Weo it lowers • the standard of character where men come into contact with it. As we quoted previously from Sir Richard Cartwright, who wrote deliberately, that "not a few of the greatest' scoundrels 'I have known, and mfr experience has been exten- sive, have been very ardent temper- ance. advocates". Why this should be, is not hard to seek. Prohibition of alcoholic beverages. is unnatural, unseriptural and therefore its influ- ence cannot be good. It turns men into sneaks, hypocrites, liars and even perjurers. Many would be sur- prised if they were told it even acts injuriously on the purity of the life. We will furnish OLatistics, at a lat- er date, to prove this. Excess in drinking is not the only sin ;men and women commit, although to listen to some sermons, one would be tempt- ed to think so. We object to prohibition, of the kind the Scott Act would introduce in the County of Huron, because it is so manifestly unfair. Why should we lave a law that affects the poor man, and does not affect the rich, nor even the moderately well-to-do ? This injustice alone should cause ev- ery poor man to vote against it ; one would think. Why should Smith, because by accident, he has money er+ough to buy a case of whisky, have all he wants to drink, and Jones because he by accident can only afford to buy a glass at a c itDoes the time, be deprived ed of ? t c possessionof the means render Smith a person more worthy of trust than Jones, does .t res ler nmrth less likely to abuse the use of whiskey than Jones, or does the possesg:on of money render him one whose wishes must be considered ? We state a fact when we brand the Scott Act in this regard, as an infamy ; and an insult to all those, who do not happen to possess a certain amount of money. If it is wrong for Jones to ,buy a glass, it is 14 times More wrong for'Smith to buy a bottle ; on the assumption that one bottle equals 14 drinks. We object to prohibition under the guise of Scott Act, because it delv- es drinking alcoholic beverages out of the hotel into the home, There's no getting out of .it. This again is an incontrobertible fact. It removes drinking from the hotel to the home. One would think that all those dear people who are shouting "Save the boy" would shrink with horror from the bare idea of doing anything that would introduce, ` in any degree, "�'��" drinking ice the home, where tiro Boys and tiro girls are supposed to live I uC �nAer A man can, go into .a hotel and 1 11�. I�INiU�� Bs ch wlo nesee fe or or t, But how long'' will it be, before both boys and girls will know he driolr's it in the house, and possibly saniiple' it for themselves if it "be kept • in Stanley Township �! To p Mr. Win. Reid and bride of Win- nipeg, son of the ex -Treasurer of Stanley, who have been Visiting un- der the parental roof and other fri- ends in this vicinity for a short time left for their Bone in "The Peg" on Wednesday last, The boxes on the Rural Route No. 1, are increasing. Quite a number of the ratepayers have had them. er- ected at their gates. Miss Selina Durand of Drysidale spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. Wilson Armstrong on the Goshen Line. Mr. Fred Davidson of Bayfield vis- ited" at the home of his cousin, Mr. Jas. liicClinchey, on Sunday last. • Kippen A C hristmas service will he held in St. James church on Sunday next and the Christmas concert !n connec- tion with the Sunday school will take place on Monday evening. This 'will be a nice service and there will tie a silver collection. The A.Y.P.A. of St. James' church had a social evening on Tuesday when a very enoyable time was ..pent by the young people. There was a guessing contest followed by games of various kinds and after refreshments were served a shortmusical program was given. The social committee are to be congratulated upon the udccess of the affair, - The first meeting of the A.Y.P.A. in the new year will be held on Jan. Otb and will be addressed by Dr. Hill, director Institutes of Public ( Health, London. by a portion of the'.comnsiinity, by' another vortices! One cannot eonneive a. more grotesque' absurdity in legisla-' tion, If !we all,.er the very large majority, think 'alcgholie!'beverages, are bad—then, •stop the manufacture; stop the importation, stop the sada in every . way. Do as the Chinese have dobe to opium.,is not act as But ito let its act rationny t !1 .let foolS,, but as wise men, One more ipcontroyettible laot; in - the, words of one far abler— "Reglul'ation of appetite is beyond . statute law. The , appetites have -their place and, function. but „ their regulation thust be • determined by the ' inner sense 'of moral ret3,tonsibil- try,'" Respectfully John Ransfoed, President. r 1r u o"rata . .Jac so SSi Wm .. Y "'Wedding Bells—On' Wedndsday even- ing the 10th inst at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Alier, their youngest daughter Emma was. quietly married to Mr. Adam Steep of ' Goderich Township. Only the immediate friends were present. The numerous friends of the happy cou- ple wish, them a prosperous voyage over the sea of life, "On Friday the 12th inst. Mrs. Jno, Cochrane, Jun., of the town line in Hay departed this life after ,a long and painful illness. Her funeral on Monday to Baird'$ cemetery was largely attended; The sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquain- tenances is extended to her husband and her father and mother's family, h. c Mr, and Mrs. Alex< M Beat London Road Miss McMichael of I-Iullett ,is vis- iting with her sister; Mrs. Milton Wil tse Miss Mackay spent the week -end at her home at Kippen. Mr Harvey Johns acted as jury man at , the assizes at the county town last week and also attended the Big Fair at Guelph. ' The League held its annual oyster Mr. and Mrs. at the home of supper Will Falconer on Tuesday evening with an. attendance of about seventy- five. The oysters were very good and much enjoyed, as also was the pro- gram which consisted of solos, pear- tettes, recitations, dia'ogues, etc, etc.- The gathering had a splendid extended time and ere it dispersed e 1ed a very cordial vote of thanks to the host and hostess of the evening. J. FROM— GRIGG Jeweler and Optician. \VE carry one of the largest and best assorted stocks of Watches, Clocks,and Jewelery in the county. Hullett Township Mr. Herb Glauzier spent Sunday on the 2nd concession of Hallett. Mr. and Mrs. R. Crawford and the former's mother, Mrs. E. Crawford, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Free- man's, Zurich Miss Luella Wurin returned last week after a• stay of Several months in .Detroit. Wingham Black Knight Preceptory also el- ected their. officers, as follows : Mas- ter, A. Bridges ;, deputy, W. Guest, Chaplain, Rev. E. H. Croly ; treasur- er, John F. Groves; lecturers, W., Thornton, J A .McDonald cat's., A. M. Fraliek , W': 'Deyell , lit SA., I: Bridges, 2nd S,B„ J.' T. Bridges, pers., Robt. Baird ; committee, A. Bridges, J.'W,' 1VIcKibboii, • George Spottone W. J. Greer, Joseph Ruddy, W. H. Brandon and Robert Owens.. Dungannon Miss Haines of Hotyrood was the guest of her brother, Mr. P. 0+. Hames for a few days recently. Rev., J. W. Robinson of ` London, 'formerly of Dungannon, -visited old friends about here, having' conducted anniversary services in the Methodist church Sunday week. Mr, Chas, Caesar' is very 'ill at time of writing. His friends are hoping that he may soon take a turn for 'the better. Rev. S.V.R. Penatland of Watford was in the village last week, having come to' be present at the !iteral of his mother, ' Choice Groceries and Confectionary New Valencia Raisins 3 lbs for 25c New. Currants 3 lbs tor 25c Choice Rolled Oats 8 lbs for 25e Best Granulated Sugar 20 lbe for $1.00 New Peels 'ORANGE LEMON AND OETRON A full line of tobacco and cigars. Chocolates in• fancy boxes from 10e to $2 00. See our Christrnas'Post Cards. We yell "Prairie Rose, 'Snowd'rift`, ^and'Five Roses Flour,' G. E. Greenslade BAYFEILD. Watches Ladies' and gent's gold tilled eases, stem wind, with a good reliable movernent, fully guar- anteed $10.00 Othersfrom..$32 00 to 40 00 Boys' watches 1 00 Bracelet watches—52 52 50 up Howard watches .,535 00 up Clocks Clocks of all descriptions from 51 00 to $25 00 Special Values for Xmas Umbrellas with gold, silver and gun metal handles. EBONY GOODS. BRASS GOODS. line home '7 And kept it will, be as sureas the sun shines.. For,, one more" incontrovertible'fact, asprohib-' itoey legislation increases, so does the manufacture 'and naturally :the consumption of Joirituous drink in- crease. • We object to prohibition on the ground of the 'absolute -folly of. at- tempting to ,'"'prohibit the . use of what the law sanctions. the menu facture, sale and importation of. ':',If one pauses to, deliberate upon :•this phase of the Scott Act, it is almost inconceivable. Hero is an cuticle, perfectly'harmless, perfectly, geed, the 'u3.,. of, , which is ,actually einjoin eel in,, Holy• Scripture 'which' for practically , al;l'. t 1 ce ha '" beau 'tided by the good of _every clime, the man- ufacture, the' : sale,- the' importation -and the use of which, is still sanc- tioned by the laws of this country; and it is proposed to ,forbid its use Gold Rings' A ring makes a very accept- able gift tor either lady or gen- tleman. S e t with• diamonds, pearls, rubies, emeralds, opals, saphir es. Signet rings..$1 75 to $10 00 A special line of single pearl, 14k rings $3 00 to $5 00 WEDDING RINGS. GENTS' SHAVING' AND SMOKING SETS. Broaches Broaches of all descriptions and prices. We carry a beauti• ful line of pearl 14k gold broaches at $4 00 to $20 00 Lockets Necklets Bracelets Chains Cuff Links Scarf Pins, SILVERWARE Is always popular for presents, It is artistic and,useful. We put all articles of jewelery in nice boxes and engrave initials free of charge. ' Our prices are right and goods are just as we represent them. W e will he pleosed to have you compare our prices with Jewelery House catalogues. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. (No witnesses required.) Ai q ♦�♦♦♦♦O♦♦♦N♦>p♦♦♦♦♦ N♦ •♦♦♦♦♦l►♦♦♦N♦♦•'♦N♦♦♦•41i • • i • • • Ar=tistic. Furniture for Xmas Presents.; These Goods are Useful as well as Ornamental. Music Cabinets, Hall Mirrors, Pedestials, Jardine,' Stands Fiency• Rockers, Morris Chairs, Desks, Parlor Tables, Floor, Matts,j,Childreti'ar Chairs and Sleeighs, Pictures, Wall Pockets, etc. We carry -a select line of Musical instruments Stainer Violins. flutes, Mouth organs, Metrodi mos. Musics books, bugs, bows and strings AU Goods marked at quick s she price. Phone 7 and 8 J, H, CHELLEW Estate Furniture Free Auto Delivery, Blah _ Undertaking �S Let.eo�d e• foudelp • • You may be ata ]o.s to know what to choose as Christmas Gift, for lather, mother, brother or sister. 44 If so read over this list of useful and acceptable gifts, • it may help you to decide, or bettor still, come in and i see our great assortment of the season's newest novel - cies, ♦4 Men's and boys' ties nice- ly boxed 25c, Mc and 500 Men's braces i n fancy boxes 35c and 50c Men's gartri, and arm bands iu i"ncy boxes Mc flandkerchii-f.,, mufflers,' fancy hose, gloves, mitts. Ladies' fancy collars ♦+♦ some nicely boxed at 25e, 35c, 50e and 75e • • Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes at..15c, 20c, 25c and 50c Silk scarfs. wool mufflers, furs, • gloves, fancy linens, silk waists, • sweater coats, etc. • ♦ • - Also a full assortment of men's, women's and Z children's house shoes and hockey boots. • 0 PROFITSSSSMALLPLUMSTEEL MORE i BROS. BUSINESS ♦ ••••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••* From Top To Salto Our big store, thebasement beneath and the flat over head are all crowded 'with what as probably the best. stock of furniture ever seen in Clinton, `We invite you to come and see it. You, will not be asked to buy unles''s`you feel that the goods and prices are such that it will' pay you to purchase.• TheStore .. , of Quality, Phone 28 �a.ni DT, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence' Phone 140