HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-12-11, Page 7cember IIth, 1913 Clinton Newrs-Record A Wealth of Beautiful Neckwear. Now ready to meet the de- mands of discriminating buyers. Every man is glad to get' ties for Xmas. No matter how many he hes, be alwa'ys welcomes another one. If you wanta gift for a dis- cerning man, lei, us Help you select a brand for him, and you'll make no mistake. .25 to 1.25 neatly boxed. bii rFLE1IS A netlrscarf 'makes a useful,. neat and:desirable present for any one, It will be a gift that is fully appreciated by any member of the family. We have an immense assortment and you are sure to find just what you n'ant. .50 to 2.50 5.4. House Coats. House coats make an excellent present. Every man likes one, but few men will buy one for themselves They make a man enjoy his evenings at home. Business cares slip from his shoulders when the house coat .slips on. We are showing a variety of different colors at $5.00 to $10.00 A Cap Makes a Fine Gift. 1Hn57eAN;64 pleasure 1n r<', You won't hay cap here. • An especially fine lot of cape to pick from, Makes the selection o f one for a gift, a to pay much for a good .25 to 1.50 THIS store now presents a fascinating exhibition of those things which men and boys would buy for themselves and associate with the spirit of Christmas.. Every department is full to bursting with merchandise de- lightfully suggestive of the Christmas spirit and gift -giving. Carefully selected goods embodying all the newest and best ideas that make for the comforts and pleasure -of men and little men vie with each other in thisi. store for your' attention. We advise chopping early, when free, intelligent advice on gift selec- tions will be given by our salesmen, if desired. The Best Gift of All Is a Fine Suit or Overcoat. A new suit or overcoat for a Olu'istntas present is sure of already welcome. Our big stock offers a com- prehensive showing of all the newest and best to choose from and you can surely find just she garment you want at the price you wish to pay. Exchanges, cheerfully made after Ohristmas for any reason whatever. 8.50 to 25.00 No other store like this to buy • Overcoats. Nifty Slip-on Raincoats. that are so much in vogue this season, would be sure of a glad welcome from every man. 'Handiest coat I avec haul," is the universal verdict of every man who owns one, 7.50 to 20.00 For theaMan Who Travels We Suggest a Suit of P'y'jalmas. • The man with pyjama preference can find splendid suits here. The man who has never worn them has been missing a 4reat deal of comfort. 1.50 to 3.50 Ni.GHT ROBlS-Our sleeping garmel t . are cot fall and roomy in ordea to make them comfortable. . .50 to 1.50 tlen Like to Get Shirts. Shirts -o n e. or t w o shirts from the new lot which we have just receiv- ed will make him smile .on Christmas morning. A man likes to have a good supply of shirts. .75 to 2.50 Another practical gift is good hosiery. He thinks of you mornings wh'n he puts them on and nights when he takes them oft, and you will be sum of his everlasting grat- itude if they are a pair of orirguru•anteed hose. .25 to .75 • Fancy Waist Coats. A necessary adjunct to every man's wardrobe. They Make. delightful present. A big variety of patterns to selectfrout. 5.5.0 to 5.00. A Big Snap 25 Boys' Fancy Suits at Half Price. Boys' $6.00 Fancy Suits $3.00 " 5.00 2.50 " 4.00 " 2.00 Give Him a Hat. Look in his old one and find his size. We'll • help you select the right style for him when you describe his size, build and figure. If it don't please him he can exchange it after Xmas. .75 to 4.00 Stylish Gloves. Of unusual merit at moderate prices are here in many shades. Get his size and let us show. you what a dandy pair we •can -sell you. Prac- tically every kind at every price is here, soyou will be sure to find a suitable pair. .50 to 3.50 Two or more suits of good warm underwear would make adandypresent for father' or the boys. An exceptional assortment in union and V two-piece garments. .50 to 3.50 Bath Robes. Bath robes are a mighty handy article of wearing apparel. They are becoming. greater favorites each Yuletide season. This year we are offering a splendid selection of patterns. If you desire any particular col- or we will order it for you. $5.00 to $10.00 Combination Sets Another Good Suggestion. Suspenders. garters and arm bands to match, .50 to .75 Always a Welcome Gift. Good handkerchiefs always make a welcome gift. As a modest remem- brance there is no happier suggestion to be offered. You can get them singly or in half -dozens to the box. Boxes .10 to 1.50 Early buyers will get the best choice. A Good Sweater Makes. a Fine Gift. Your Christmas list should include one of these warm sweater coats for the boys and father, It is one of the most practical and useful gifts possible to select Just the thing to slip on for a long ride, cross country tramp or 1.0' skating: We show such an extensive assortment that it ..: easy to find just what you want. There are several lltt1. details: of workmanship in the making of our sweaters that will make you recognize their superior merit at onpe, The Best Gifts for Boys' are Suits and Overcoats. Boyd clothing purchato.1 here is sure to give universal satisfaction. Built for bard wear and !guaranteed throughout, it is hard co think of .any- thing that would, please the boy so much as to findone of our. suits or over coats awaiting him Xmas mornings 1.50 to 10.00 f"The College" LION BRAND • 0 Other goodgifts for boys are caps, gloves, sweaters, shirts, suspenders toques, hats, etc. We will be glad to e care of all early purchases and keep them for you until wanted. You are sure to enjoy Christmas shopping here. Assortments are large, styles authentic, qualities dependable• and prices attractive, He gives wisely 'who gives substantial Christmas ;presents, Early shopping means easy shopping. All goods purchased here will be put up"in handsome holiday boxes which will make the gift doubly attractive, A Square Deal For Every Man." 9